February - March 2023 Edition

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International Club of Estepona The ‘ICE’ Club

A Social and Cultural Club for all English Speaking People

February —

March 2023 Edition


International ClubofEstepona The ICE ClubMagazine

Betty Fooks - Editor

Email: editor@theiceclub.es

WhatagloriousstarttotheNewYearandplentytoenjoyinthe nextfewmonthswiththeeventsandtripsthatareplanned. Iamsureyouallrecognisedthebeautifulphotoof thePlazain Seville—readyforourtripinMay. Ed.

President: Sheila Fox Email: info@theiceclub.es Editor: Betty Fooks Email: editor@theicelub.es

Disclaimer: - The committee wishes to declare that ICE does not accept responsibility for the contents of articles nor the claims made by advertisers. The magazine is published on the website bi-monthly

Email: info@theiceclub.es Check out our Facebook page - The Ice Club - for up-to-date information Tel: 952 802 549 ICE CLUBHOUSE ; Urb Bahia Dorada, Entrada 5, at Km 149, A7, Estepona 29693 Page 5 President's Letter 6-8 Annual General Meeting 9 Notices 10 New EU Entry-Exit System 12 Puzzles 13-14 Past Events 18 ICE Golf Club 20-21 Future Events 22-25 Social Calendar Page 28 Clean Electric or Dirty FossilFuelled Cars 32 Classified Ads 34 Solutions 36 Club Organisers 37 Activity Organisers 37 Advertising Rates 38 Club Information 39 Essential Telephone Nos
on or before the first day of the month. www.theiceclub.es

President’s Letter

Welcometothefirstmagazineof2023and HappyNewYeartoeveryone. Onasadnote,wehavehadtosayourfinal farewelltoKeithRumsey,along-standing member,whodiedrecentlyfollowingastroke. OurthoughtsarewithHelenandthefamilyat thistime.

Wehavealsoheardthat2formermembersof ICErecentlypassedaway.TheyareKathyKemp andJoHanson, andwewouldliketoofferourcondolencestotheirfamilyand friends.

It'snowtimewhenyourmembershipshouldhavebeenrenewed.PleasemayI remindyoualloftherulesconcerningguestsandmembership.Peopleare entitledto3visitstotheClubbeforeweexpectyoutojoin,thisisinalifetime andnoteveryyear.Onceyouhavebecomemembers,unlessyouhavereturned toUKandareonlyvisitingfor1or2weeks,youcannotthenattendeventsasa guest,visitCluborborrowDVDsorbooksunlessyoure-join.Thisofcourse doesnotapplytofamilyorfriendswhovisitmembersfor1or2weeks.MayI alsoremindyouthatif1partnerjoins,theotherpartnercannotcomeasa guest.IhopeyouallagreethatwhetheryouareinSpainfor3,6or12months €40isvalueformoney,lessthan€7permonthevenifyouareonlyherefor6 months.

Youwillneedtoshowyourmembershipcardfor2023ifyouattendtheAGMon Thursday9thMarch.SuePotterisstandingdownasVicePresident,andTed LunnisisretiringfromhispositionasTreasurer,sotherearevacanciesfor thesepositionsaswellas3committeemembersposts.PaulParrickwillbe standingforelectionasTreasurer,soIhopeyouwillsupporthiminthisvery importantrolewithintheclub.

Wearesadlyinneedofmorevolunteerstohelpwiththerunningoftheclub. Pleaseremembertheclubisrunentirelybyvolunteerswithoutwhichtheclub wouldnotexist

Wehavemoreeventsplannedduringthenextcoupleofmonthsandlooking forwardtoMay,wehavea4daytriptoSeville,stayingatthe3*HotelDonPaco for3nights.A€50depositwillsecureyourplaceonthistrip,Thefullpriceis €450p.p.,butifwehavesufficientnumbers,thepricecouldbereduced.





The Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 9th March 2023. As agreed previously, Members who are unable to attend may vote by Postal Vote. (See below) May I draw your attention to Article 8 in the Club Statutes?

Article 8 Subject to the provisions of Article 9, all resolutions proposed at a General Meeting will be approved only if a favourable vote is forthcoming from a majority of the Members present or represented. Each Member shall be entitled to one vote only. Any Member unable to attend may personally apply to the Secretary for a postal vote for the published agenda. It will be issued specifically for that Member. Such postal vote will be valid only and exclusively for the meeting specified to which it relates and only for the nominated item or items indicated on the Agenda and verified on the postal voting form, which shall be submitted to the Secretary not less than 24 hours prior to the time of the first call for such meeting. The President may direct that a sealed ballot is taken for the vote on any resolution which, in his or her opinion, is likely to be particularly contentious. You can apply to the Secretary for a postal vote in person, by letter, by telephone, by e-mail anytime from now until the Sunday before the meeting (Sunday 5th March). Please apply as early as possible to allow our Secretary time to record your request and obviously if you are applying for a Postal Vote by post and would like to receive your voting papers by post then allow sufficient time.

Our Secretary’s details are:-

Margaret Whittley, ICE Club Secretary, C/o The ICE Club, Urbanization Bahia Dorada, Entrance 5, Km. 149, A7, Estepona 29680, Málaga. Tel:- 951972577 or 603846698 e-mail: mwhittley83@gmail.com

Margaret will need to know your membership number, your name, your address, your contact telephone number and your e-mail address, if you have one. She also needs to know how you want the Postal Voting Form sending to you i.e. by hand, by post or by e-mail. The Agenda will be known 20 days before the meeting and the form will be sent to you as soon as is possible after this date.

It will be your responsibility to see that the form is returned to the Secretary not less than 24hours before the A.G.M. (i.e. before 10.00am on Wednesday 8th March.)**

** To facilitate both last minute personal requests for a Postal Vote and the return of Postal Voting papers, Margaret will be in the Clubhouse (normal opening hours) on both Sunday, March 5th, and, for returning Postal Voting papers only, on Tuesday, March 7th.



Information and Advice for Members

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Thursday 9th March 2023 Entry strictly by top floor door only. First call 10.00am, second call 10.30am.

All Members have the right to participate in any AGM and to vote on all resolutions put forward. Any Member may introduce a proposal at the AGM but must submit the proposal in writing to the Club Secretary not less than twenty days before the Meeting. The document has to be signed by the Proposer and countersigned by a Member seconding and supporting the proposal.

Any proposal concerning the Statutes cannot be accepted. Statutes can only be changed at an E.G.M. convened for that purpose.

The Agenda for the Meeting will be published in the Club Magazine and on the Club Website and Notice Board on the Club Premises not less than twenty days before the date of the Meeting. Any Member unable to attend the Meeting may apply personally by telephone, in writing, by e-mail, via the website, or in person to the Secretary for a Postal Vote for the published agenda. The application may be at any time and should indicate the method of delivery of same. No Member may apply for a Postal Vote for any other Member. The Postal Vote will be issued specifically to the applying Member. Such Postal Vote must be returned to the Secretary not less than 24 hours prior to the time of the first call for the Meeting.

In "Any Other Business" any item concerning The Club may be discussed. Proposals may be made and voted upon provided that:

They do not involve Changes to the Statutes (see the rule above).

They do not involve changes to The Rules. Any proposition concerning The Rules must appear on The Agenda so that the Members will have due notice of same.

To comply with Club Statutes Article 19: Unless opposed the following committee members are willing to continue their current positions: Margaret Whittley as Secretary. Julie Wood as Committee Member, Diane Hackett as Committee Member, Ian Horwood as Bar Manager

The following committee positions will be vacant at the time of the AGM and elections will take place during this AGM: Vice President, Treasurer, Catering Manager and 3 committee positions. Nominations from any member willing to be considered to undertake any of the above positions must apply to the club secretary for the nomination form to be completed and returned not less than 20 days before AGM (Friday 17th February).

Club Statutes Article 19: Any other Member seeking election to the Committee, whether as one of the Principal Officers or otherwise, shall submit written notice of his or her intention to the Secretary, countersigned by ten other Club Members supporting such nomination, not less than twenty days prior to the next General Meeting. The first member to sign the nomination form needs to be aware and willing to stand up and introduce the prospective committee member and say why they would be eligible for the position for the good of the club.

Please note members wishing to apply for the posts of Vice President or Treasurer, must have been a member for at least 2 years.

Closing date for nominations being Friday 17th February. A secret vote will then take place at the AGM for positions stated.




To be held in the Clubhouse, Bahia Dorada, Estepona on Thursday 9th March 2023

First Call 10.00am; Second Call 10.30am


President’s Welcome

Minutes of the last AGM


Arising from Minutes

President’s Report

Auditor’s Report

Financial Report

Bar Report

Catering Report

Maintenance Report

House Manager’s Report

Membership Fee for 2024


Nomination committee positions:

Vice President, Treasurer, Catering Manager and 3 committee positions

Proposals to date

Any Other Business (None to date)

Committee members relinquishing their positions:

Susan Potter - Vice President, Ted Lunnis - Treasurer


Lottery November

1st AngieGodwinLear €44

2nd KenHolloway €22

3rd PeterGalloway €11


1st MichaelDowling €40

2nd JackieGordon €20

3rd CarolMurray €10 Club €33

Welcome to our new members

Douglas&JoLeavitt Deborah&KevinMcKenna


DianepresentedMichaelDowling with abottleofcavaandbirthday cardatThursday's meetingto celebratehisrecent80thBirthday.



We always need people to help in the kitchen as cooks or helpers and for the bar on a regular basis.

Catering Manager - Maintenance Manager - Magazine Advertising Manager are all positions which currently need to be filled. This work is being done by Committee Members who are already carrying out several roles.

The work for the club needs to be shared more evenly amongst the club members. If you are able to help, please talk to me or to any committee member for more information.



From May 2023 UK holidaymakers will need to provide biometric data to visit much of Europe causing delays and confusion. Thanks to Nigel Nevshehir for this article which appeared on the Which UK website. Ed

Wait times at the border are likely to be even longer when the EU’s new entry-exit system is introduced in May next year. Extrapassportchecks-requiringnon-EUcitizenstoprovidephotographsand fingerprints-areexpectedtoincreaseprocessingtimesalmostseven-fold.The PortofDoverhasestimatedthatthetimeittakesforacarwithafamilyoffour togetthroughpassportcontrolcouldgoupfrom90secondsto10minutes. AveragewaittimesatFrenchbordercontrolarecurrentlyaround60to90 minutesduringpeakperiods.Butunderthenewrulestheycouldbeoversixand-a-halfhours.

What are the extra passport checks?

TheEU’snewsystemofbiometriccheckswillapplytoBritishpassport-holders travellingtoEurope’sSchengenAreaviaairports,portsorbordercheckpoints. Travellerswillberequiredtoprovideafacialimageandfourfingerprints.Only childrenunder12willbeexempt.

LastmonthDougBannister,thePortofDover’schiefexecutive,warnedthatthe entry-exitsystemcouldcause‘significantandcontinueddisruptionforavery longtime’.50,000passengersperdaytravelthroughtheUK’sbusiestport duringpeakweekendsinthesummer.

InJuly,tensofthousandsoffamiliesqueuedforupto11hoursatDoveratthe startoftheschoolsummerholidays.Theportsaidthetailbackswerecausedby alackofFrenchborderpolice,butothersblamedtheextrapassportchecks requiredsinceBrexit.UKtravellersnowneedtohavetheirpassportsstamped, whichincreasestheaveragecheckingtimeforeachcar.

TheEU’snewborderrulescouldalsocausedelaysattheEurotunneland EurostarterminalsatFolkestoneandStPancras,whereFrenchborderofficials alsoconductchecksonBritishsoil.

FromNovember2023,UKtravellerswillalsohavetoapplyforavisa-waiver, whichwillcost€7andbevalidforthreeyears.TheEuropeanTravel InformationandAuthorisationScheme(Etias)willallownon-EUtravellersto visittheSchengenAreawithoutafullvisa.Itwasduetobeintroducedatthe sametimeasthebiometricchecksattheborder,buttheEuropeanCommission haspostponeditbysixmonths.


Who will the EU’s tougher border rules apply to?

Theentry-exitsystemwillregistertravellersfrom‘thirdcountries’,which meanseverywhereoutsidetheEUandSchengenArea.TheUKhasbeen consideredathirdcountrysinceBrexit.ThenewrulesdonotapplytoEU citizens.

What will travellers need to do?

Non-EUtravellerswillhavetoprovidebiometricdata:afacialimageand fingerprints.They’llalsohavetoprovidepersonaldataincludingtheir nationality,firstnameandsurname,dateofbirthandsex.Childrenunderthe ageof12areexempt. WhentheEtiasvisa-waiverschemeisintroducedin November2023,theymustalsoapplyforanelectronictravelauthorisation document.

When will it start?

TheEU’sentry-exitsystemisduetobeintroducedinMay2023,butthe EuropeanCommissionhaspostponedthelaunchdatetwice.

Will I need to be fingerprinted when I travel to any EU country?

Theentry-exitsystemonlyappliestoEurope’sSchengenArea-atravelzone whereyoudon’tneedtoshowyourpassporttocrossborders.ItcoversmostEU countries,includingFrance,Spain,Italy,Portugal,GreeceandGermany,aswell asnon-SchengenmicrostatessuchasAndorraandMonaco.Irelandisnota Schengencountry. Yourfingerprintsandafacialbiometricwillbechecked everytimeyoucrossanexternalborder,andthedateandtimewillbe registered.

What will motorists need to do when the entry-exit system is introduced at Dover?

Wedon’tknowyet.LastmonththebossofDovertoldMPshehadnotbeen givenanydetailsofhowtheentry-exitsystemwillworkinpractice.Trialsofthe technologytookplacelastmonthinCalais.

DougBannister,chiefexecutiveoftheUK’sbusiestport,explainedthat travellersmightbeaskedtoregistertheirfingerprintsonatabletthatwillbe passedaroundthecar,butadded:‘Wehaven’ttrialledit.Whatifit’sadark stormynightandthelightingisinappropriate?Wehaven’ttestedallofthat.’ In2021,TimReardon,headofEUexitforthePortofDover,warnedthatthere maybesafetyissuesifferrypassengersneedtogetoutofthecartohavetheir fingerprintsandphotographtaken.Hesaid:‘That’stheonethingonoursite, whichcannothappen,becauseyou’reinthemiddleoflivetraffic.Itwouldbe theequivalenttoaskingpeopletogetoutoftheircaratamotorwaytollbooth. It’sfundamentallyunsafeanditcannothappen.’


Like puzzles There’s a new one every day on the ICE website!

CODEWORDS (Answers Page 34)

Codewords are like crossword puzzles - but have no clues! Instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number! To start you off, we reveal the codes for two or three letters. With these letters filled in throughout the puzzle, you'll have enough clues to start guessing words and discovering other letters.

SUDOKU (Answers Page 34)

Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers from 1 to 9.





MALAGA LIGHTS—Monday 12th December

OnMonday12Decembertheclubsetoffwith54membersandguestshaving bookedtoseethefamouslightsinCalleLariosMalaga.

Thelightswereverydifferentthisyearasawholenewsetoflightswere installed.Theyprovedtobeveryspectacularandallintimetomusicatcertain timesthroughouttheevening.

Thelaserlightshowonthe Cathedralwallwasasightto behold.

Therewereplentyofshopsopen forthosewholikeretailtherapy andplentyofbarsand restaurantswheremanyofus hadexcellentmeals. Everyone wasbackontimeforourjourney backhomeandagoodevening washadbyall.





FantasticChristmasLunchat ICE.

ManythankstoBrendaandher teamofvolunteersfor producingareallyamazingmeal forusall.Thankstothebar volunteerswhoalsoprovideda greatservice (someas "Trolley Dollies")Lotsoffunandafew games.

Thewinnersoftherafflefor3ChristmasHamperswere1stPrize-TedLunniss, 2nd GordonPryor,and3rdAileenaMaffezzini.Thewinneroftinof chocolatesforcorrectlyguessingthenumberofchocolatesinthetinwas EricTilling.

Thanks to Melissa Vaughn for the photos.



BelatedChristmaswishesandaHappy NewYeartoall.TheICEClubGolf Societygoesfromstrengthtostrength withamanyas20golfersturningupto play.

Wehaveagoodmixofladiesand gentlemenplayerswiththehonours sharedprettyequally.

Wearecurrentlyworkinghardto establishavenueforourfirstmajor ‘SpringCup’.

Thegeneralpricingstructureis increasingabovewhatwewouldprefer topay,100+Euros.Obviously,whenwedecideallourmemberswillbenotified immediately.

ThescoringthisyearhasbeenofahigherstandardthanIcanremember,with theOrderofMeritTrophy(Best10roundsintheyear)beingcloselycontested, andwonbyDerekWilton.AlsointheNewYear,Marchtime,wehavetheMartin O’GormanTrophy,playedover18holesatCasaresGardensGolfclub,ourhome course.

Thecoursethisyearhasheldupwellwiththegreenshavingagoodcoveringof grass,survivingaveryhotsummer. Submitted by Jack Tait

Six Little Stories

The villagers decided to gather and prey for rain. On the day of the gathering only one boy brought an umbrella. THAT’S FAITH

When you throw a baby in the air, she laughs because she knows you will catch her. THAT’S TRUST

Every night we go to bed with no assurance we will be alive the next day, but still we set the alarm to wake up. THAT’S HOPE

We plan big things for tomorrow in spite of zero knowledge of the future. THAT’S CONFIDENCE

We see the world suffering but still we get married and have children. THAT’S LOVE

On an old man’s shirt was written a sentence – I am not 80 years old, I am sweet 16 with 64 years experience. THAT’S ATTITUDE. Have a happy day and live your life like these six stories.



Pancake Race—Tuesday 21st February - 12.00pm

Ourusualpancakeraceisthismonth. Justturnupandjoinin.Afew rulesoftheracestobearinmind1.Norunning,2.Nopushingorshoving, 3.Nocheatingorshortcuts.Pancakeswithvarioustoppingswillbe availabletobuyaftertheraceswhenwewillalsoawardthetrophiesto thewinners.

Silent Auction—Saturday 11th February—2.00pm

Julie&RichardWood,willbehostingASilentAuction.Takeyourtimeto browseandbidonthedonateditemsyouwouldliketobuy.Also youcan enjoyaploughman'slunchandmeetwithfriends.Whentheauction closesyoucanseeifyourbidisthewinner.

ICE CLUB AGM—Tuesday 9th March

Youwillneedtoshowyourmembershipcardfor2023tobeadmitted. Detailsofthisimportanteventareshownelsewhereinthismagazine.

Traditional Sunday Lunch—Sunday 19th March

WewillhaveaTraditionalSundayLunchpreparedbyBrendaandher team.Followedbyacoupleofhoursdancingtothecelebratedvocalist& guitaristStevenAnderton.

St Patrick’s Night—Friday 17th March

Livemusicbymembers-musicfordancingandmakingmerry.Jokesand Talesandmuchmore.FreeEntryandalwaysagreatnight.





Tuesday,31st –LadiesLunch.DetailsPage15


Friday,3rd -QuizNight–GeoffFabron DetailsPage30

Thursday,9th - TalkbyAvalon

Saturday,11th -SilentAuctionwithPloughman´sLunch

Monday,13th -FilmNight–WhatWeDidOnOurHolidays

Tuesday,21th-PancakeDaywithracesaroundtheswimmingpool–Pancakes byBrenda

Thursday,23th-HistoryGroup–GeoffFabron–Rome,RepublictoEmpire. DetailsPage17

Friday,24th -TriptoGinDistillerynearSevilleTBA

Tuesday,28th -Ladies´LunchatCasaAndres,Estepona


Friday,3rd -Quiz–DougProctor.DetailsPage30

Thursday,9th -AGM

Monday,13th - FilmNight–NeverLetMeGo

Friday,17th -StPatrick´sNight.DetailsPage27

Sunday,19th - LunchandDancingtomusicbySteveAnderton. Foodby Brenda

Friday,24th -TriptoButterflyParkatBenalmadena


April,Sunday,9th -EasterLunchwithHatParade

April,Saturday,15th - GrandNationalRaceAfternoon

May,2nd-5th - TriptoSeville–450€pp/SingleSupplement144€.Details Page19


Andalusia Day: 28 February

Maundy Thursday: 14 April,

Good Friday: 15 April

Easter Sunday: 17 April

Labour Day: 1st May



1 Wed Rambling Krafty Club 10.30-2.30pm Bar Open 2 Thur 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm Lunch 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge 3 Fri Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.00-1.00 Art Group 8.00 for 8.30pm Quiz 4 Sat Rambling 11.00 am Petanca Playa Ancha, Casares 5 Sun 12.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 12.00pm Mahjong 10.00-11.00am Bums & Tums Exercise 6 Mon 9.30 for 10.00am Bowls, Benavista 02.30pm Art Class Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 7 Tue 10.30am Beg Spanish 11.45 Advanced 02.45 for 3.00 pm Canasta 8 Wed Rambling Games afternoon 10.30-2.30pm Bar Open 9 Thur 11.30am Weekly Meeting Talk by Avalon 1.00pm Lunch 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge 10 Fri Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.00-1.00 Art Group Silent Auction 2.00 pm 11 Sat Rambling 11.00 am Petanca Playa Ancha, Casares 12 Sun 12.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 12.00pm Mahjong 10.00-11.00am Bums & Tums Exercise 13 Mon 9.30 for 10.00am Bowls, Benavista 7.30 for 8.00 pm Film Night 02.30pm Art Class 02.45 for 3.00pm Canasta Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 14 Tue 10.30am Beg Spanish 11.45 Advanced 2.00 pm Committee Meeting 15 Wed Rambling Krafty Club
23 10.30-2.30pm Bar Open 16 Thur 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm Lunch 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge 17 Fri Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.00-1.00 Art Group 18 Sat Rambling 11.00 am Petanca Playa Ancha, Casares 19 Sun 12.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 12.00pm Mahjong 10.00-11.00am Bums & Tums Exercise 20 Mon 9.30 for 10.00am Bowls, Benavista 02.30pm Art Class Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 21 Tue 10.30am Beg Spanish 11.45 Advanced SHROVE TUESDAY 02.45 for 3.00pm Canasta Pancake Races 22 Wed Rambling Games afternoon 10.30-2.30pm Bar Open 23 Thur 11.30am Weekly Meeting Lottery 1.00pm Lunch 2.00 pm History Group 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge 24 Fri Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am Trip to 10.00-1.00 Art Group Gin Distillery 25 Sat Rambling 11.00 am Petanca Playa Ancha, Casares 26 Sun 12.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 12.00pm Mahjong 10.00-11.00am Bums & Tums Exercise 27 Mon 9.30 for 10.00am Bowls, Benavista 02.30pm Art Class Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 28 Tue 10.30am Beg Spanish 11.45 Advanced Ladies Lunch 02.45 for 3.00pm Canasta MARCH 2023 1 Wed Rambling Krafty Club
24 10.30-2.30pm Bar Open 2 Thur 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm Lunch 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge 3 Fri Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.00-1.00 Art Group 8.00 for 8.30pm Quiz 4 Sat Rambling 11.00 am Petanca Playa Ancha, Casares 5 Sun 12.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 12.00pm Mahjong 10.00-11.00am Bums & Tums Exercise 6 Mon 9.30 for 10.00am Bowls, Benavista 02.30pm Art Class 02.45 for 3.00 pm Canasta Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 2.00 COMMITTEE MEETING 7 Tue 10.30am Beg Spanish 11.45 Advanced 8 Wed Rambling Krafty Club 10.30-2.30pm Bar Open 9 Thur 11.30am Weekly Meeting AGM 1.00pm Lunch 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge 10 Fri Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.00-1.00 Art Group 11 Sat Rambling 11.00 am Petanca Playa Ancha, Casares 12 Sun 12.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 12.00pm Mahjong 10.00-11.00am Bums & Tums Exercise 13 Mon 9.30 for 10.00am Bowls, Benavista 7.30 for 8.00 pm Film Night 02.30pm Art Class 02.45 for 3.00pm Canasta Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 14 Tue 10.30am Beg Spanish 11.45 Advanced 2.00 pm Committee Meeting 15 Wed Rambling Games afternoon 10.30-2.30pm Bar Open 16 Thur 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm Lunch 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge
25 17 Fri Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.00-1.00 Art Group St Patrick's Night 18 Sat Rambling 11.00 am Petanca Playa Ancha, Casares 19 Sun 12.30pm Bar Open & Tapas Lunch & Dancing 12.00pm Mahjong 10.00-11.00am Bums & Tums Exercise 20 Mon 9.30 for 10.00am Bowls, Benavista 02.30pm Art Class Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 21 Tue 10.30am Beg Spanish 11.45 Advanced 02.45 for 3.00pm Canasta 22 Wed Rambling Krafty Club 10.30-2.30pm Bar Open 23 Thur 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm Lunch 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge 24 Fri Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am Trip to Butterfies 10.00-1.00 Art Group and Benalmadena 25 Sat Rambling 11.00 am Petanca Playa Ancha, Casares 26 Sun 12.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 12.00pm Mahjong 10.00-11.00am Bums & Tums Exercise 27 Mon 9.30 for 10.00am Bowls, Benavista 02.30pm Art Class Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 28 Tue 10.30am Beg Spanish 11.45 Advanced 02.45 for 3.00pm Canasta 29 Wed Rambling Games afternoon 10.30-2.30pm Bar Open 30 Thur 11.30am Weekly Meeting Lottery 1.00pm Lunch 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge 31 Fri Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.00-1.00 Art Group


Everyonewouldfavouracarthatdoesnotdestroytheenvironment,so‘electric’ istheobviousanswer.Yes? Readon.

Electricvehiclebatteriesaredependentonasmallamountoflithiumasa catalysttomakethemwork.Wearetalkingaboutsolidbatteries,notthosein yourcarwithleadplatesandacidsloshingaround.Goodastheyare,that methodofstoringenergyisnotsuitableforthesizeofbatteryneededtoruna carforafewhundredmilesbeforearechargebecomesnecessary. Thebattery inyourlaptopandmobilephonerepresentsthesortwearetalkingabout. Thesebatteriescontainverysmallamountsoflithium,about1%,andoneofthe seriousquestionsbeingaskedis,willthatsmallamountberecoveredas batteriesreachtheirend-of-life.Ifnot,bytheendofthedecade,therewillbea mountainofunwieldyvehiclebatterieswithnomeansofsafedisposal.

Sowhynotjustcarryonmining?Ifthere’senoughlithiumunderground,digit out,justaswehavedonewithcoal.Thereisnoworldshortageoflithium. There’slotsofitoutthere,inAustralia,Chile,Bolivia,Argentina,China,even someinBrazil,Zimbabwe,PortugalandtheUSA.Butit’sgoingtocostalotof moneyandcausehugeamountsofdamagetothelandscapeandriskstothe environmenttoextractit.

Inmuchthesamewaythatgoldisbothcostlyanddirty,lithiumbringswithit newproblems.Itcomesmainlyintwoforms:asanorecontainingabout6% lithium,requiringvastamountsoffossil-fuelledenergytocookandcrushit,and totreatitwithvastamountsofsulphuricacidbeforebeingshippedtoarefinery wheremoreenergywillbespenttorefineitintolithiumhydroxide,andthen somemoreenergytodisposeofthewasteproductsofrock,theusedacidand theunwantedminerals.That’swhathappensinAustraliawherethemainsupply currentlyismined.

TheSouthAmericansourceisdifferent.Thereitisfoundinthesiltatthebottom ofsaltlakes,mixedwithallsortsofotherminerals.Thesludgeispumpedout, washedanddriedinthesuntoformanorecontainingabout6%oflithium carbonate.Thisthenneedstobetransportedtoarefinerytoconvertitto lithiumhydroxide.



Butit’snotonlylithium.Electricvehiclebatteriesalsocontaincobalt.Again,ina smallamount,butessential.Andwheredoesthatstuffcomefrom? The DemocraticRepublicofCongo. Andthereitisevenmoredestructiveinits miningprocessthanlithium.Andinduecourse, recoveringitfromold batteriesisgoingtobeevenmoredifficultthanlithium.

Atpresent,thecostintermsofCO2 generatedinminingandrefiningthese materialsisenormous,asallstepsarefuelledbyoil.Andthereisno understandingyet,ofanysignificantimprovementstechnicallytochangethis, althoughworkongoldrefininghasbeenmakingprogressinCanadausing electricity. Buildingrefineriesclosetothesourcesoftherawmaterialswill helpavoidshipping(almostallgoingtoChina,atthemoment),butnotwithout theexpensesofbuildingthenewrefineries.

Intryingtosupporttheideaof‘savingtheplanet’,argumentsaremadethatas thecostofmininglithiumandcobaltcontinues,theminingofcoalandthe environmentalcostsofrefiningcrudeoildiminishes. Whilethatistrue,the prospectofslagheapsbeingreplacedwithmountainsofoldcarbatteriesand thefilthemittedfromoilrefineries’chimneysswoppedforacidspollutingour riversisnotespeciallyexciting.Andwhileitishighlyunlikelythatanyone wouldhavetodealwithalumpoflithium,weshouldbeawarethatitis corrosiveandnotsafetohandle,candamageskin,lungs,kidneysandthyroids, justasotheralkalinemetalslikesodiumandpotassium.

Thereisstillanawfullotofworktobedone.Don’texpectittobewithoutsome coststhatwehavenotyetbeenadvisedabout.Someone’sgottopayforit.I wonderwhothatwillbe!

ICE Rambling/Walking Groups

Ramblers/Walkers Please Note

The Club does not have any insurance policy in force in relation to its Rambling/ Walking activities and all members and guests participate entirely at their own risk. Neither the club nor any walk leader will be responsible for any injury or loss suffered by any participant, however caused. Those attending rambling/walking events should be suitably attired with stout walking footwear and carry waterproofs in case of weather changes. You should carry a packed lunch and adequate liquids for the duration of the ramble.

Sue Potter - Rambling Co-ordinator 686107835

Brian Hooper - Walkers Co-ordinator 662403543






HP Deskjet 3760 Printer with Computer Cable as well as power cable. In working order but incompatible with owners Computer







Offers invited, no reasonable offer refused.

Sally Holloway Mob: 678 897 275 Email: sallyholloway&gmail.com

With integral electric pump as above as above

Model No PE-PO(EU) with instruction manual as above as above

BLUESKY Electric Radiator 1500 W as above as above

TARUS Electric Radiator 2000 W as above as above

OMAS Electric Radiator 2000 W as above as above





A dyslexic man walks into a bra.

How do you make holy water? Boil the hell out of it.

What does a clock do when it’s hungry? It goes back four seconds.

I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me!

Broken pencils are pointless.

I tried to catch some fog. I mist. How does Moses make his tea? Hebrews it.

35 Email: versa-tile@hotmail.com Tel: +34 630 469 710 versa-tile WorkGuaranteed Key Holding Service Fully Insured Specialists in Floor and Wall Tiling incl.Marble & Mosaic Property Maintenance All Types of Building Work FREE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS You can advertise here in the Magazine as well as our Website on the Internet for anything you have to sell or things you need. Full Details of the Particular Item Wanted or for sale is required together with Contact Details as well as Telephone Number/s & Email Address, if necessary. It’s FREE to ICE Club members! FOR SALE or WANTED PLEASE LET NIGEL KNOW WHEN YOU HAVE SOLD OR FOUND YOUR ITEM(S) Contact Nigel at the Clubhouse or phone him with the details, NOW! Tel: 689 457 410 or email him on: nnevshehir@gmail.com


LOCAL KEY HOLDER Nigel Nevshehir 689 457 410 952 791 449 MAGAZINE EDITOR Betty Fooks 663 572 492 ASST. BAR MANAGER AUDITOR Doug Mitchell 667 998 800 952 897 977 MAINTENANCE MANAGER MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Sally Holloway 678 897 275 952 808 992 HOSTESS Introduce new members Maureen Winckle 952 791 812 ADVERTISEMENT MANAGER PRESS OFFICER WEBMASTER Vic Loughran (+44)7867 751980 952 886 772
PRESIDENT Sheila Fox 671 232 906 VICE-PRESIDENT Sue Potter 686 107 835 SECRETARY Margaret Whittley 603 846 698 951 972 577 TREASURER Ted Lunniss 691 392 156 CATERING MANAGER BAR MANAGER Ian Horwood 602 291 855 MEMBER WELFARE Diane Hackett 626 080 829 952 893 965 MEMBER (Estepona) Julie Wood 639 542 387 952 913 174 MEMBER HOUSEKEEPING Brenda Taylor 628 523 444 MEMBER ASST. TREASURER Paul Parrick 711 272 236 Club Calendar Sheila Fox 671 232 906 Facebook Sue Potter 686 107 835 Library Peter Galloway 952 794 270 Lottery Dave Hackett 636 326 599 952 893 965 Posters & tickets Vic Loughran 952 886 772 Security Keys Rob Potter 671 725 243 952 636 627 Ticket Sales Maggie Whittley 603 846 698 951 972 577 Fran Horwood 602 291 855 (+44) 7703037357 Videos Sue Potter 686 232 906 Wakes Organiser Diane Hackett 626 080 829 952 893 965
Art Group Steve Carter 951 277 240 Debra Coleman 617 432 629 (WhatsApp only) Art Class Ronnie Lilley 605 153 969 Bingo Ian Horwood 602 291 855 Bowls Terry Smith 677 656 319 951 276 690 Bridge Tim & Nina Taminiau 647 374 145 951 277 113 Bums & Tums Rachel Lucas 711 073 363 951 515 220 Canasta Nigel Nevshehir 689 457 410 952 791 449 Film Night Sue Potter 686 107 835 Golf Jack Tait +44 7970724434 Coen Noordendorp 951 663 279 History Geoff Fabron +44 7786244607 951 517 014 Krafty Club Julie Wood 639 542 387 952 913 174 Ladies Lunch Lynne Danby 687 211 500 Mahjong Lin Ingram 952 118 037 Petanca Sandy Avis 617 215 749 952 987 309 Quiz Night Margaret Whittley 603 846 698 951 972 577 Rambling Co-ord. Sue Potter 686 107 835 Spanish Lessons Martin Holmes 652 272 142 952 892 163 Walkers Co-ord. Brian Hooper 662 403 543


MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL Renewing your annual club membership can be done by bank transfer: Banco Sabadell IBAN ES98 0081 0535 8800 0131 1734 BIC CODE BSABESBB

Please advise TED LUNNISS, the club Treasurer by email if you have sent a payment by bank transfer, stating your name and membership number if possible.Ted_lunniss@hotmail.co.uk Tel: 691 392 156

IMPORTANT Transfers from UK banks are now charged at 18€ by our Spanish bank. Please include this extra amount if you need to send money to us from any UK bank.

COACH TRIPS See trip information for times. Please ensure that you sit in the seat numbered on your ticket. We regret that we cannot stop at any other point unless agreed with the organiser, to pick up or put down. The organiser reserves the right to refuse to include any member they feel is not sufficiently ablebodied to follow the itinerary. Members are responsible for their own travel insurance.

BUYING YOUR TICKET Please produce your membership card together with the correct money. Have prepared your choice of the menu if applicable. Final ticket booking: All tickets must be booked and paid for on or before the last Thursday coffee morning before the event. Late phone bookings cannot be accepted. Members are advised to attend the last Thursday before a trip in case there are any last-minute alterations.

REFUNDS Cannot be given for tickets, unless the organiser is notified in time, and providing the trip is full and a replacement can be found from the waiting list. Tickets are not transferable to other members without the authorisation of the organiser.

TIPS Are included in the cost of coach travel and restaurants, but not for hotels.

DRINKS POLICY All drinks, whether alcoholic or otherwise, to be consumed on the Club premises shall be purchased from the Club bar.

WELFARE Members are requested to notify our welfare officer, Diane Hackett, if they know of any member who is ill. Tel 626 080 829/ 952 893 965 Email: dianehackett22@gmail.com

ALL ORGANISERS PLEASE NOTE – BEFORE LEAVING THE CLUB The clubhouse furniture must be sanitized and left as set for a Thursday meeting, switch off lights, fans and air conditioners, set building alarm and lock doors. When using the general fob for the alarm it is imperative to return it to the correct place.

DOGS Are not allowed inside the clubhouse. They are permitted on the lower terrace but only when they are under the owner’s control by being attached to a lead which is held by the owner or attached to one of the hooks on the wall which are provided for that purpose.

SMOKING The smoking of tobacco, electronic cigarettes or any other substance is not permitted anywhere in or on the Club premises.

PARKING When visiting the club please park considerately between white lines and never on yellow lines. Please DO NOT PARK in the car parking space in front of next door’s apartment. Although it is not officially for their sole use it is better for peaceful relations not to park there.

SAFETY NOTICES Members are asked to abide by the safety notices that are in place within the Club.

39 EMERGENCIES HOSPITALS AMBULANCE 061 Alta Resolucion de 952 976 669 GENERAL EMERGENCIES 112 Estepona NATIONAL POLICE 091 Algeciras 956 026 500 LOCAL POLICE 092 Costa Del Sol Hospital 951 976 669 GUARDIA CIVIL 062 La Linea Hospital 956 026 500 FIRE BRIGADE 080 Málaga Carlos Haya 950 390 400 EMERGENCIES GIBRALTAR 199 AIRPORTS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 016 Málaga Arrivals 952 048 845 HELICOPTEROS SANITARIOS 952 811 818 Málaga Departures 952 048 804 ELECTRIC EMERGENCY 900 850 840 Jerez 956 150 000 GAS EMERGENCY 900 202 212 Seville 954 449 000 SEA RESCUE 900 202 202 Gibraltar 35020073026 GIBRALTAR FRONTIER 35020042777 TOURIST OFFICES CONSULATES AND EMBASSIES Casares 952 894 056 Belgium…...Malaga 952 219 004 Estepona 952 802 002 Denmark….Málaga 952 211 797 Sabinillas 952 890 029 France..…...Málaga 954 293 200 San Roque 956 694 005 Germany….Malaga 952 227 886 Marbella 952 771 442 Holland…...Málaga 952 363 591 Gibraltar +350 200 749 50 Ireland…....Fuengirola 952 475 108 MORE HELP Italy…………...Málaga 912 106 910 Adana 952 113 467 Norway Málaga 952 667 955 Age Concern 650 163 928 Sweden Fuengirola 952 604 383 Alcoholics Anonymous 600 379 110 Switzerland..Málaga 952 217 266 Citizens Advice Spain 952 797 821 U.K Málaga 952 352 300 Diabetics Support 952 464 184 U.S.A Fuengirola 952 474 891 Home Nurse 604 401 249 Narcotics Support 902 114 147 TRANSPORT Local Taxi (large with 951 775 777 Bus Station Estepona 952 796 658 wheelchair access) Estepona Taxi 952 802 900 Renfe Railway info 902 320 320 USEFUL WEBSITES www.avanza.com, www.renfe.com, www.gov.uk, www.expatica.com

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