9 minute read

President's Letter 23 24 A Tour of Big Ben

President’s Letter

We have had to say our final farewell to Anne Lamander & Michael Shelton. Our thoughts are with their family and friends at this very sad time. Well, here we are again in another lockdown and the Club is closed for the foreseeablefuture but the good news is the vaccine for over 70's has been brought forward from April to March here in Spain. You will see that we have put a calendar together as usual for February but , of course, this is very flexible depending on the regulations. Up to date informationis always posted on the website and FB so that you are aware of what's going on. We have moved the Welcome Back lunch to Sunday, 21st February which means the Cabaret Lunch has been postponed to April. Tuesday 16th February is Pancake Day, We will hopefully still be making pancakes but instead of the race round the pool, we will be tossing them in the Club. March, is, of course, the AGM. We are hoping to hold it on the 11th and I am delighted that Sheila Fox has agreed to put her name forward as President. I am sure you will all supporther. Alan Lucas and Danny Hackston are also putting their names forward as Committee members, Ted and Ian will be pleased that they have more male support. Alan and Danny are very enthusiastic and hard working members and have lots of ideas so I'm sure you will support them too. There is still a space left on the Committeeif you think you can give time and are willing to work -please see Maggie for a form. We are still looking for a Vice-President: you have to have been a member for 2 consecutive years to fulfil the criteria, Sheila will need support. I am also pleased to announce that Wilma is willing to take over the role as Catering Manager, but she will need more support from members by helping in the kitchen. May I remind you that if you have recently returned from the UK you are not allowed in the Club for 14 days. Also, if you do have a Covid test and it is positive, please let me know as soon as possible especially if you have been in the Club within the previous 14 days so that we can inform other members to be aware of any symptoms that they may show. Keep Well, Keep Safe Sue Potter, President


POSTAL VOTING The Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 11th March 2021. As agreed previously, Members who are unable to attend may vote by Postal Vote. (See below) May I draw your attention to Article 8 in the Club Statutes?

Article 8 Subject to the provisions of Article 9, all resolutions proposed at a General Meeting will be approved only if a favourable vote is forthcoming from a majority of the Members present or represented. Each Member shall be entitled to one vote only. Any Member unable to attend may personally apply to the Secretary for a postal vote for the published agenda. It will be issued specifically for that Member. Such postal vote will be valid only and exclusively for the meeting specified to which it relates and only for the nominated item or items indicated on the Agenda and verified on the postal voting form, which shall be submitted to the Secretary not less than 24 hours prior to the time of the first call for such meeting. The President may direct that a sealed ballot is taken for the vote on any resolution which, in his or her opinion, is likely to be particularly contentious. You can apply to the Secretary for a postal vote in person, by letter, by telephone, by e-mail anytime from now until the Sunday before the meeting (Sunday 7th March). Please apply as early as possible to allow our Secretary time to record your request and obviously if you are applying for a Postal Vote by post and would like to receive your voting papers by post then allow sufficient time.

Our Secretary’s details are:- Margaret Whittley, ICE Club Secretary, C/o The ICE Club, Urbanization Bahia Dorada, Entrance 5, Km. 149, A7, Estepona 29680, Málaga. Tel:- 951972577 or 603846698 e-mail: mwhittley83@gmail.com Margaret will need to know your membership number, your name, your address, your contact telephone number and your e-mail address, if you have one. She also needs to know how you want the Postal Voting Form sending to you i.e. by hand, by post or by e-mail. The Agenda will be known 20 days before the meeting and the form will be sent to you as soon as is possible after this date. It will be your responsibility to see that the form is returned to the Secretary not less than 24hours before the A.G.M. (i.e. before 10.00am on Wednesday 10th March.)** ** To facilitate both last minute personal requests for a Postal Vote and the return of Postal Voting papers, Margaret will be in the Clubhouse (normal opening hours) on both Sunday, March 7th, and, for returning Postal Voting papers only, on Tuesday, March 9th.

THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Information and Advice for Members The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Thursday 11th March 2021 Entry strictly by top floor door only. First call 10.00am, second call 10.30am.

All Members have the right to participate in any AGM and to vote on all resolutions put forward. Any Member may introduce a proposal at the AGM but must submit the proposal in writing to the Club Secretary not less than twenty days before the Meeting. The document has to be signed by the Proposer and countersigned by a Member seconding and supporting the proposal. Any proposal concerning the Statutes cannot be accepted. Statutes can only be changed at an E.G.M. convened for that purpose. The Agenda for the Meeting will be published in the Club Magazine and on the Club Website and Notice Board on the Club Premises not less than twenty days before the date of the Meeting. Any Member unable to attend the Meeting may apply personally by telephone, in writing, by e-mail, via the website, or in person to the Secretary for a Postal Vote for the published agenda. The application may be at any time and should indicate the method of delivery of same. No Member may apply for a Postal Vote for any other Member. The Postal Vote will be issued specifically to the applying Member. Such Postal Vote must be returned to the Secretary not less than 24 hours prior to the time of the

first call for the Meeting.

In "Any Other Business" any item concerning The Club may be discussed. Proposals may be made and voted upon provided that: They do not involve Changes to the Statutes (see the rule above). They do not involve changes to The Rules. Any proposition concerning The Rules must appear on The Agenda so that the Members will have due notice of same.

To comply with Club Statutes Article 19: Unless opposed the following committee members are willing to continue their current positions: Margaret Whittley as Secretary. Julie Wood as Committee Member. Brenda Taylor is relinquishing her post as Catering Manager but is willing to stay on as a Committee Member. The following committee positions will be vacant at the time of the AGM and elections will take place during this AGM: President, Vice President, Catering Manager and 3 committee positions. Nominations from any member willing to be considered to undertake any of the above positions must apply to the club secretary for the nomination form to be completed and returned not less than 20 days before AGM (Friday 19th February).

Club Statutes Article 19: Any other Member seeking election to the Committee, whether as one of the Principal Officers or otherwise, shall submit written notice of his or her intention to the Secretary, countersigned by ten other Club Members supporting such nomination, not less than twenty days prior to the next General Meeting. The first member to sign the nomination form needs to be aware and willing to stand up and introduce the prospective committee member and say why they would be eligible for the position for the good of the club.

Please note members wishing to apply for the posts of President or Vice President must have been a member for at least 2 years. Closing date for nominations being Friday 19th February. A secret vote will then take place at the AGM for positions stated.



To be held in the Clubhouse, Bahia Dorada, Estepona on Thursday 11th March 2021

First Call 10.00am; Second Call 10.30am


President’s Welcome Minutes of the last AGM Matters Arising from Minutes President’s Report Auditor’s Report Financial Report Bar Report Catering Report Maintenance Report House Manager’s Report Membership Fee for 2022 Elections

Nomination committee positions: President - Sheila Fox - 2014074 Catering Manager - Wilma Keeley - 2013063

Committee Member - Alan Lucas - 2020011 Committee Member - Daniel Hackston - 2021006 Proposals to date (None to date) Any Other Business (None to date)

Committee members relinquishing their positions: Susan Potter as President Jacqui Parrick as Vice President Brenda Taylor as Catering Manager

Anglican Church of Costa del Sol West SAN PEDRO at 10-00am

Every Sunday we hold an Anglican Service of Holy Communion in the Hall adjoining the Parroquia Virgen del Rocio (near McDonalds). SOTOGRANDE at 12-00pm

Every 2nd and 4th Sunday we hold an Anglican Service of Holy Communion in La Iglesia Sra.de la Merced, the ‘Big Church’. 1st and 3rd Sundays are Methodist Worship services. You will receive a very warm welcome at our Churches, and children are particularly encouraged to join in the Sunday school fun activities. We hold a Messy Church at Marlow’s Fish and Chip restaurant at the Eroski roundabout in Duquesa on the first Saturday of each month, between 11-00am and 1-00pm. This is well attended by children, who enjoy the various activities, and also parents and adults who come along to give their support.

We conduct Wedding Blessings, Baptisms, Funeral services, and undertake pastoral care visits to the sick or needy. Coffee Morning each Tuesday in Sabinillas from 11-00am, at the Café American Bistro at the eastern end of the Paseo near the children’s play area. Our Chaplain is Adrian Low, so do come and meet him together with his wife Joanna at any of these events.

For further details about us, please contact Adrian on 952 808 605 or Church Wardens: San Pedro

Church - Patricia Gommersall (an ICE member) 620 149 215 patricia.g2515@hotmail.co.uk Sotogrande Church - Geoff Fabron (an ICE Member) +44 7786244607 geoff.fabron@hotmail.co.uk Visit our website for even more information: www.costachurct.com

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