International Club of Estepona The ‘ICE’ Club A Social and Cultural Club for all English Speaking People
International Club of Estepona The ‘ICE’ Club Magazine Contents Page 5 6-8 9 11 12-17 19 20-23 27 31
Page 33 34 36 36 37 37 38 43
President's Letter Annual General Meeting Notices Puzzles Past Events Future Events Social Calendar Butterflies Covid 19 - The Worst Plague Ever?
Classified Ad Solutions Committee Members Club Organisers Activity Organisers Advertising Rates Club Information Essential Telephone Nos
Betty Fooks - Editor Email:
Lots of great photos and reports of activities that have taken place over the Christmas period in this issue and some really interesting trips and events coming up in the next few months. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed. Ed. President: Sheila Fox Email: Editor: Betty Fooks Email: Disclaimer: - The committee wishes to declare that ICE does not accept responsibility for the contents of articles nor the claims made by advertisers. The magazine is published on the website on or before the first day of each month. Email: Tel: 952 802 549 ICE CLUBHOUSE ; Urb Bahia Dorada, Entrada 5, at Km 149, A7, Estepona 29693
President’s Letter Happy New Year everyone. Last weekend we had our first event for 2 years where we were allowed to have dancing and live music. It was a great success and felt like we were getting back to some sort of normality at ICE. We did however have to wear our masks, even when dancing! Whether or not we agree with this rule, we must abide by it in case the police check on us. If they walk in and we aren’t following the rules, they can fine us heavily and I mean tens of thousands of euros. The club certainly can’t afford to pay that. Coming up on 26th February we will have another themed supper evening, including music for dancing. We are also planning a day trip to Miramar and Mijas. In March we will have our AGM on 10th. As members, you should try to attend this to see how the club is run and to have your say. All the details of the AGM and agenda are in this issue. If you would like to join the committee and help shape the way the club is run as well as organise events, please talk to me or any committee member. Also in March we are running our first away trip since lockdown. This time to Granada for 5 days. This looks like being a very successful event. Hope you have booked. Membership is still low compared with pre-pandemic years, but we have also had quite a few new members join us, some of these are volunteering for various jobs within the club. Please speak to a committee member if you would like to volunteer, it’s not just in the bar and kitchen, although these are essential too. The club is run entirely by volunteers, so we need you to keep us going. Your membership is now due for renewal. Please see Sally on a Thursday morning at the club or you can send your subscription by bank transfer. Please note if you pay in pounds sterling you will need to add 18€ to cover the bank charges. See the social calendars in the middle of this edition for more details of what is happening in the coming months. Looking forward to seeing lots of members returning soon from their home countries. Let's look forward to a happy, safe and successful 2022.
Sheila Fox, President 5
THE INTERNATIONAL CLUB OF ESTEPONA (I.C.E.) SIBERME THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING POSTAL VOTING The Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 10th March 2022 As agreed previously, Members who are unable to attend may vote by Postal Vote. (See below) May I draw your attention to Article 8 in the Club Statutes? Article 8 Subject to the provisions of Article 9, all resolutions proposed at a General Meeting will be approved only if a favourable vote is forthcoming from a majority of the Members present or represented. Each Member shall be entitled to one vote only. Any Member unable to attend may personally apply to the Secretary for a postal vote for the published agenda. It will be issued specifically for that Member. Such postal vote will be valid only and exclusively for the meeting specified to which it relates and only for the nominated item or items indicated on the Agenda and verified on the postal voting form, which shall be submitted to the Secretary not less than 24 hours prior to the time of the first call for such meeting. The President may direct that a sealed ballot is taken for the vote on any resolution which, in his or her opinion, is likely to be particularly contentious. You can apply to the Secretary for a postal vote in person, by letter, by telephone, by e-mail anytime from now until the Sunday before the meeting (Sunday 6th March). Please apply as early as possible to allow our Secretary time to record your request and obviously if you are applying for a Postal Vote by post and would like to receive your voting papers by post then allow sufficient time. Our Secretary’s details are:-
Margaret Whittley, ICE Club Secretary, C/o The ICE Club, Urbanization Bahia Dorada, Entrance 5, Km. 149, A7, Estepona 29680, Málaga. Tel:- 951972577 or 603846698 e-mail: Margaret will need to know your membership number, your name, your address, your contact telephone number and your e-mail address, if you have one. She also needs to know how you want the Postal Voting Form sending to you i.e. by hand, by post or by e-mail. The Agenda will be known 20 days before the meeting and the form will be sent to you as soon as is possible after this date. It will be your responsibility to see that the form is returned to the Secretary not less than 24hours before the A.G.M. (i.e. before 10.00am on Wednesday 9th March.)** ** To facilitate both last minute personal requests for a Postal Vote and the return of Postal Voting papers, Margaret will be in the Clubhouse (normal opening hours) on both Sunday, March 6th, and, for returning Postal Voting papers only, on Tuesday, March 8th. 6
THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Information and Advice for Members The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Thursday 10th March 2022 Entry strictly by top floor door only. First call 10.00am, second call 10.30am. All Members have the right to participate in any AGM and to vote on all resolutions put forward. Any Member may introduce a proposal at the AGM but must submit the proposal in writing to the Club Secretary not less than twenty days before the Meeting. The document has to be signed by the Proposer and countersigned by a Member seconding and supporting the proposal. Any proposal concerning the Statutes cannot be accepted. Statutes can only be changed at an E.G.M. convened for that purpose. The Agenda for the Meeting will be published in the Club Magazine and on the Club Website and Notice Board on the Club Premises not less than twenty days before the date of the Meeting. Any Member unable to attend the Meeting may apply personally by telephone, in writing, by e-mail, via the website, or in person to the Secretary for a Postal Vote for the published agenda. The application may be at any time and should indicate the method of delivery of same. No Member may apply for a Postal Vote for any other Member. The Postal Vote will be issued specifically to the applying Member. Such Postal Vote must be returned to the Secretary not less than 24 hours prior to the time of the first call for the Meeting. In "Any Other Business" any item concerning The Club may be discussed. Proposals may be made and voted upon provided that: They do not involve Changes to the Statutes (see the rule above). They do not involve changes to The Rules. Any proposition concerning The Rules must appear on The Agenda so that the Members will have due notice of same. To comply with Club Statutes Article 19: Unless opposed the following committee members are willing to continue their current positions: Ted Lunniss as Treasurer, Margaret Whittley as Secretary. Julie Wood as Committee Member. The following committee positions will be vacant at the time of the AGM and elections will take place during this AGM: Vice President, Catering Manager and 2 committee positions. Nominations from any member willing to be considered to undertake any of the above positions must apply to the club secretary for the nomination form to be completed and returned not less than 20 days before AGM (Friday 18th February). Club Statutes Article 19: Any other Member seeking election to the Committee, whether as one of the Principal Officers or otherwise, shall submit written notice of his or her intention to the Secretary, countersigned by ten other Club Members supporting such nomination, not less than twenty days prior to the next General Meeting. The first member to sign the nomination form needs to be aware and willing to stand up and introduce the prospective committee member and say why they would be eligible for the position for the good of the club. Please note members wishing to apply for the posts of President or Vice President must have been a member for at least 2 years. Closing date for nominations being Friday 18th February. A secret vote will then take place at the AGM for positions stated. 7
INTERNATIONAL CLUB OF ESTEPONA AGENDA FOR THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING To be held in the Clubhouse, Bahia Dorada, Estepona on Thursday 10th March 2022 First Call 10.00am; Second Call 10.30am ENTRY STRICTLY BY TOP FLOOR DOOR ONLY President’s Welcome Minutes of the last AGM Matters Arising from Minutes President’s Report Auditor’s Report Financial Report Bar Report Catering Report Maintenance Report House Manager’s Report Membership Fee for 2023 Elections Nomination committee positions: Vice President, Catering Manager and 2 committee positions Proposals to date A vote will be held on changes to the production of the Magazine 1. No Magazine 2. Bi-monthly production 3. Revert to Monthly production Any Other Business (None to date) Committee members relinquishing their positions: Wilma Keeley as Catering Manager Alan Lucas as Member
NOTICES Lottery Winners : November December 1st Peter Galloway 2nd Dyana Coe 3rd Dyana Coe Club
€64 €24 €12 €36
1st Sally Holloway 2nd Margaret Loughran 3rd Lynne Danby Club
€32 €16 €8 €24
‘Peter said to me at the August draw could he stir the tickets as he had not won any draw for years, and he won 3rd prize. In September I jokingly said to him would you like to stir them again, and he won 1st prize. In October he didn't win anything but he did win a draw at the Birthday party after stirring the tickets. This draw he again stirred the tickets, and he won 1st prize again. At no time did he draw out his own ticket. I am thinking for the next draw, for an extra euro they can have a stir—Just joking.’ Dave Hackett
Welcome to our new members
Anne & Neil Smith Deborah Russ Petra & Philip Vunderink
Stephanie Monahan
Óptica Machin English Optician Óptica Machin has established itself over the years as a highly recommended practice where eye care and exceptional service are the priorities. We welcome all patients, whatever your visual requirements for fashion, sports, style, UV protection and budget may be. The practice is very easy to find, located on the Avenida Litoral approach road into Estepona and has ample free parking.
Tel 952 80 68 13
Like puzzles— There’s a new one every day on the ICE website! CODEWORDS (Answers Page 34) Codewords are like crossword puzzles - but have no clues! Instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number! To start you off, we reveal the codes for two or three letters. With these letters filled in throughout the puzzle, you'll have enough clues to start guessing words and discovering other letters. SUDOKU (Answers Page 34) Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers from 1 to 9. 11
PAST EVENTS CLUB CHRISTMAS LUNCH Lovely Christmas lunch at the Club in December. Congratulations to the raffle winners, Sheila Defries Margaret Whittley and Stephanie Monahan and also to Wilma for winning the tin of chocolates and generously shared with all. Thank you to Brenda, Wilma, Bob, Corinne, Elizabeth and Isobella for all the hard work in the kitchen. Thank you to Ian, Dee & John for serving drinks and being trolley dollies. Thank you to all the people who made this a special lunch. Before lunch, after a very quick meeting, we had the Canto Libre choir come and sing us some carols, to put us in the Christmas mood. Submitted by Sue Potter
At last, a party with live music and dancing! There were over fifty of us attending and ready to get back to the Good Old Days BC (Before Covid). We had an excellent supper of either quiches, jacket potato and various salads or chilli con carne followed by a choice of pineapple cheesecake, chocolate cake, fresh fruit salad or cheese plate. Wilma was our chef assisted by three new (ish) members, Corrie, Christine and Debbie who all worked hard to provide a very tasty spread.
We had music by Rocking Johnny and there were plenty of participants who couldn´t wait to hit the dance floor. Unfortunately masks had to be worn whilst dancing and Sheila and Ian checked all vaccine certificates on entering to ensure rules were adhered to. Sheila organised a raffle and Rob and Sue did a sterling job on the bar – and thanks go to Sue who was the Organiser. Thank you to everyone involved, including those who had helped set up the tables in the morning with their bright pink and white polka dot coverings to cheer us up. A very enjoyable evening. Submitted by Maggie Whittley
PAST EVENTS CHRISTMAS QUIZ Another very successful quiz and just to make sure the questions were Christmassy, Santa sent along two of his special reindeer!
CHRISTMAS DAY A good turnout on Christmas Day with a lovely selection of nibbles to help soak up the Cava. Enjoyed by all. Thanks to Fran and Ian for all their hard work!
February Wednesday,9th - Shopping Trip to Miramar Centre with lunch in Mijas. Details Page 30 Monday, 14th - Film Night – No Time to Die, 7.30 for 8.00 Organiser Sue Potter Sunday, 20th - Songs of Praise, 4.30 Tuesday, 22nd - Ladies´ Lunch - TBA Saturday, 26th - Black & Red Supper – 6.30 for 7.00 Organiser Sheila Fox Details Page 26
March Tuesday, 1st - Shrove Tuesday with Pancake Tossing around the pool tba Friday, 4th - Quiz Night – Quizmaster Doug Proctor – 8.00 for 8.30 Monday, 7th - Film Night - TBA Thursday, 10th -Annual General Meeting, 10.00 for 10.30 14th -18th - Trip to Granada – Details Pages 24 & 25 Thursday, 17th -St. Patrick´s Night tba
Future Events April
Saturday, 2nd -Table Top Sale Wednesday, 27th - Trip to Castellar Zoo with lunch out tba
REMINDER ICE MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS WERE DUE 1st JANUARY 2022 35 Euros Renewal can be done by bank transfer or at the Club at the Thursday meeting. Send to: Banco Sabadell, Sabinillas., IBAN:- ES98 0081 0535 8800 0131 1734 BIC CODE:- BSABESBB. Please advise TED LUNNISS, CLUB TREASURER by email Transfers from UK Banks are now charged at 18 Euros by our Spanish bank. Please include this amount if you need to send money to us from any UK bank. 19
2 3
Wed Thur
5 6
Sat Sun
12 13
Sat Sun
Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.30am Beg Spanish 11.45 Advanced 11.00am Mahjong 02.45 for 3.00pm Canasta Rambling 10.30-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm Lunch Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.15 Scrabble Rambling 12.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 12.00pm Mahjong 10.00-11.00am Bums & Tums Exercise 02.30pm Art Class 2.45 for 3.00pm Canasta Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.30am Beg Spanish 11.45 Advanced 11.00am Mahjong Rambling 10.30-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm Lunch Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.15 Scrabble Rambling 12.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 12.00pm Mahjong 10.00-11.00am Bums & Tums Exercise 02.30pm Art Class Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.30am Beg Spanish 11.45 Advanced 11.00am Mahjong 2.45 for 3.00pm Canasta Rambling
10.30 Krafty Club
8.00 for 8.30 Quiz
7.30 for 8.00 Film Night
10.30 Krafty Club 20
19 20
Sat Sun
23 24
Wed Thur
26 27
Sat Sun
10.30-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm Lunch Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.15 Scrabble Rambling 12.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 12.00pm Mahjong 10.00-11.00am Bums & Tums Exercise 02.30pm Art Class Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.30am Beg Spanish 11.45 Advanced 11.00am Mahjong 2.45 for 3.00pm Canasta Rambling 10.30-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm Lunch Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.15am Scrabble Rambling 12.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 12.00pm Mahjong 10.00-11.00am Bums & Tums Exercise 02.30pm Art Class
Trip to Miramar & Mijas 4.30 Songs of Praise
Ladies Lunch
Black & Red Dinner
Andalucia Day
MARCH 2022
Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am
2 3
Wed Thur
10.30am Beg Spanish 11.45 Advanced 11.00am Mahjong 02.45 for 3.00pm Canasta Rambling 10.30-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm Lunch Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.15 Scrabble Rambling 21
Pancake Race 10.30 Krafty Club
8.00 for 8.30 Quiz
MARCH 2022 6
12.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 12.00pm Mahjong 10.00-11.00am Bums & Tums Exercise
7.30 for 8.00 Film Night
02.30pm Art Class 2.45 for 3.00pm Canasta Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am
10.30am Beg Spanish 11.45 Advanced
11.00am Mahjong 9 10 11
Wed Thur Fri
Rambling 10.30-2.30pm Bar Open
10.00 For 10.30am AGM
1.00pm Lunch
Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.15 Scrabble
12.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 12.00pm Mahjong
10.00-11.00am Bums & Tums Exercise 02.30pm Art Class
Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am
10.30am Beg Spanish 11.45 Advanced
11.00am Mahjong 2.45 for 3.00pm Canasta 16
10.30 Krafty Club
10.30-2.30pm Bar Open 17
11.30am Weekly Meeting
St Patricks Day
1.00pm Lunch 18
Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.15 Scrabble
12.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 12.00pm Mahjong 22
4.30 Songs of Praise
23 24
Wed Thur
26 27
Sat Sun
10.00-11.00am Bums & Tums Exercise 02.30pm Art Class Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.30am Beg Spanish 11.45 Advanced 11.00am Mahjong 2.45 for 3.00pm Canasta Rambling 10.30-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm Lunch Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.15am Scrabble Rambling 12.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 12.00pm Mahjong 10.00-11.00am Bums & Tums Exercise 02.30pm Art Class Golf Casares Golf Club, 8.30 for 9.00am 10.30am Beg Spanish 11.45 Advanced 11.00am Mahjong 2.45 for 3.00pm Canasta Rambling 10.30-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm Lunch
Upcoming Spanish National Holidays
Andalusia Day: 28 February Maundy Thursday: 14 April, Good Friday: 15 April, Easter Sunday: 17 April Workers’ Day: 1 May My dear Friends, As I am returning to the UK on 4th. of February to be nearer to my family I wish to say Good Bye to you all. I have enjoyed my years at the club participating in trips, luncheons,, special occasions, playing games, the list goes on. I hope to return and visit sometimes, to drive out of Malaga Airport and see the Palm trees, the Sea and feel the warmth of the sun Ahhh. After the years one gets used to it but I shall keep it in good memory. Au Revoir my dear Friends, Wilma
BUTTERFLIES Our biggest local butterfly – the Monarch (Danaus plexippus)
I wonder how many of us are aware that here in our part of the Costa del Sol, we have large numbers of the well known Monarch butterfly, living and breeding and thriving. Along the shores of the Straight of Gibraltar and inland for some ten kilometers, there are several colonies from Tarifa to Manilva. Before about 1980, Spain’s only colony was in the Canaries, but sufficient individuals have been blown by the winds to set up a local colony on our doorstep. See: Castellar Sendero de la Mariposa Monarca on - and others. The Monarch is well known because of the vast flocks that live on both the east and west coasts of the USA, and migrate every year to the southern states and Mexico. In fact, their popularity is so great that, in the USA the butterflies have been reared artificially by individuals and by schools and other groups interested in monitoring the species. There is also a commercial aspect to artificial breeding. It has become more common for hundreds of monarchs to be released at weddings – instead of confetti, and at the memorial services of the 9/11 attack, captive-bred monarchs have been released in huge numbers. In addition, it is, so far, the only butterfly to have been taken into outer space, to the International Space Station for research purposes, and where it emerged successfully from its pupa, and also was the first type of butterfly to have its genome fully sequenced. While some biologists consider that rearing large numbers of Monarch by untrained people runs the risk of the development of parasites specific to the Monarch that may be detrimental to the species, so far, no widespread problems have been noted. Others have claimed that captive-reared Monarchs do not survive migration as well as naturally bred insects. But seeing the butterflies laying eggs that then turn into larvae (caterpillars) in a week or so, and onwards into pupae (chrysalis) and two weeks later, into an adult butterfly reaching sexual maturity in 4 or 5 days, and starting the process all over again, must be a great educational experience for young and old alike. 27
It is said that the Monarch was given its name at the time of William III, the monarch whose other title was Prince of Orange, the butterfly being predominantly orange in colour (with black veins and white spots on its wings). The wide range of variants of the Monarch live around the same basic food plant, the milkweed (or convolvulus) for much of their lives. The adults lay their eggs on the underside of the leaves of the milkweed, so that the caterpillars can feed immediately on the white sap of the plant. The adults live off other plants providing nectar, including Spanish Flag (Asclepias curassavica), and from late spring to early winter can be seen in domestic gardens. Once they have over-wintered, adults migrate in large numbers but more seem to be content to stay where the food is readily available, both in America and in Europe. Courtship occurs in flight and mating takes place on the ground, both male and female mating repeatedly, and the female producing hundreds of eggs throughout the warmer parts of the season. The eggs that survive predators reach the caterpillar stage; fewer still reach the larval stage. But the adult butterfly apparently doesn’t taste very nice, and has few predators. Some birds have developed the ability to take only the tasty parts and reject the rest. Environmentalists are keen to include the Monarch in nature’s life cycle, as part of the food chain. The numbers that survive suggest they have a point. Submitted by Geoff Morgan
COVID-19 – THE WORST PLAGUE EVER? Maybe one million people worldwide will have died of the virus – it must be the worst. Oh no. Read on…. The outbreak of Spanish Flu, back in 1918-1920 was so devastating that it was included with dramatic effect in the Downton Abbey saga on TV, as well as in other novels and plays. As most of us know, it was nothing to do with Spain, but occurred at the end of the Great War that Spain did not take part in. Nobody else who took part in the war would accept responsibility, so Spain was blamed. In fact a form of ‘flu was noted in early 1918, by US troops stationed in Kansas near a hog farm. They carried it to Europe, spread it to others in their camps, in transit, and eventually in the trenches. Within a month or so, another strain was identified in Aldershot, and a more extensive outbreak was noted at Etaples, in France, also near a piggery. At the time, the symptoms suggested that they were all the same flu, and similar to the variant that was noted in 1915, and governments around the world did not make much fuss about it. Fighting a world war was bad enough; morale would have been utterly destroyed if the populations were to find out that it really was a world-wide killer – and not until much later did the world find out just how dangerous it was. And probably nothing to do with the pigs! Looking at earlier pandemics, the outbreak in 1889-90 was called Russian Flu in Western Europe, while the Russians called all flus ‘Chinese catarrh’, the Germans called it the ‘Russian Pest’, the Italians called it the ‘German disease’. German soldiers called it ‘Flemish Fever’, in Senegal, it was ‘Brazilian flu’, in Brazil it was ‘German flu’, in India ‘Bombay flu’ and in Spain it was called French flu. Japan blamed their sumo wrestlers who came home with the infection from a match in Taiwan, where three top wrestlers died, and called it Sumo flu. Wartime censorship stifled the newspapers at the time, but as Spain was a non-combatant nation, and there were over 100,000 cases identified in Spain, poor old Spain got blamed. Spanish flu came in four waves (we now call them new variants) two in 1918, and one in 1919 and the last one in 1920, after which it was referred to a ‘seasonal flu’. In those days we did not know a germ from a virus, and had no idea how to treat the suffering soldiers. Electron microscopes were not invented until the 1930s, so there was no way of creating a cure. Even the new wonder-drug (aspirin) didn’t help. The flu eventually died out, but between 1918 and 1923, 31
across the world, some 500 million people – about one third of the world population - contracted the illness and perhaps as many as 50 or even 100 million people died of it. Record-keeping was not as we know it today! We now know that the ‘flu’ was an H1N1 variant of virus, similar to what we fondly call winter flu. It became a world-wide killer due to the sheer numbers of soldiers who caught it, and who gave it to their colleagues. The soldiers with ‘mild’ flu were ordered to remain in position in their trenches, where they helped to give each other some degree of herd-immunity. The bad cases were sent off to the field hospitals where the virus was passed on to already injured patients, or ordered home in packed trains and ships. Many died in transit from all the belligerent armies, with about 900,000 German soldiers, three quarters of the French army and about a half of the British soldiers being infected. On the front line, there was no quarantining. In individual nations, it was possible and effective in small territories such as American Samoa, New Caledonia and Australia where no deaths were recorded. After the war and the easing of quarantine rules, deaths did occur in each territory. 1918 Chicago newspaper headlines By comparison, Western Samoa had been occupied by New Zealand soldiers during the war and with no control over the disease, 90% of the population caught the flu, with 30% of the men, 22% of the women and 10% of the children dying. Specific living conditions also affected the mortality rates – some Alaskan villages were wiped out, others lost 40% of their populations. Iran, also suffering a severe famine, lost about 20% of its people and in Ireland at the worst phase of the pandemic, over 30% of deaths were attributed to the flu. As a further comparison, in the mid-14C – The Black Death, and in the early14thC – the Great Famine, mortality rates were only a little worse. Spanish flu was about four times more lethal than the Covid-19 by the currently available figures. But note! In the 1920s there was an outbreak of encephalitis lethargica that was linked to the flu virus; perhaps a guide to considering what ‘long covid’ will look like. Submitted by Geoff Morgan 32
With Eight chairs including two ex€800.00 tensions. Seats up to twelve peoO.N.O ple. Excellent condition.
In walking distance of Eroski and Helicopter Sanitarios. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 terraces overlookGARDEN ing vineyard. Minutes walk to sea. APARTMENT Storeroom, garage space under FOR SALE - LOS with lift up. a/c. sea view Beautiful HIDALGOS urbanisation gardens with huge GOLF swimming pool. EVERYTHING INCLUDED in price, cutlery crockery, bedding etc. Perfect for moving straight in, or renting out.
offers in region 150,000 euros
Mobility aid - to help you put on SOCK-ASSIST socks or take them off. This gadget works really well
€ 14.00
Peter Henry Mob: 693 105 180 Email: peter.henry0@gmail .com
Sandy Avis Tel: 617 715 749
Lynne Danby Mob: 687 211 500
Location: Estepona within or close to the Local Bus Routes. 2 or more Bedrooms and Bathrooms. Open aspect with Terrace or Balcony. Preferably unfurnished but will consider furnished or part furnished. Garage or Parking Area required. 33
Peter Henry Mob: 693 105 180 NEGOTIAEmail: peBLE ter.henry0@gmail. com
FREE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS You can advertise here in the Magazine as well as our Website on the Internet for anything you have to sell or things you need. Full Details of the Particular Item Wanted or for sale is required together with Contact Details as well as Telephone Number/s & Email Address, if necessary. It’s FREE to ICE Club members! FOR SALE or WANTED PLEASE LET NIGEL KNOW WHEN YOU HAVE SOLD OR FOUND YOUR ITEM(S) Contact Nigel at the Clubhouse or phone him with the details, NOW! Tel: 689 457 410 or email him on:
Work Guaranteed Key Holding Service Fully Insured Specialists in Floor and Wall Tiling incl. Marble & Mosaic Property Maintenance All Types of Building Work Tel: +34 630 469 710
Sheila Fox
671 232 906
951 900 745
Margaret Whittley 603 846 698 Ted Lunniss 691 392 156
951 972 577
Ian Horwood 602 291 855 Diane Hackett 626 080 829 Julie Wood 639 542 387 Brenda Taylor 628 523 444 Daniel Hackston (+44) 7735 977308 NON COMMITTEE POSTS Nigel Nevshehir 689 457 410 Betty Fooks 663 572 492
Doug Mitchell
952 893 965 952 913 174 952 805 739
952 791 449
667 998 800
952 897 977
Sally Holloway 678 897 275 Maureen Winckle
952 808 992 952 791 812
Vic Loughran
(+44) 7867 751980 952 886 772
Sheila Fox
671 232 906
951 900 745
Sue Potter
686 107 835
952 636 627
Peter Galloway
Lift Controller
Terry Smith
677 656 319
951 276 690
Dave Hackett
636 326 599
952 893 965
Posters & tickets
Vic Loughran
Security Keys
Rob Potter
671 725 243
952 636 627
Ticket Sales
Maggie Whittley
603 846 698
951 972 577
Jackie Simmonds
652 798 107
952 797 921
Fran Horwood
602 291 855
(+44) 7703037357
Cindy Holmes
628 860 093
952 892 163
Wake Organiser
Julie Wood
639 542 387
952 913 174
952 794 270
952 886 772
ACTIVITY ORGANISERS Art Group Art Class Bridge Bums & Tums Canasta Drama Group Film Night Gardening Group Golf History Krafty Club Ladies Lunch Mahjong Petanca Quiz Night Rambling Songs of Praise Spanish Lessons
Steve Carter Ronnie Lilley Tim & Nine Taminiau Rachel Lucas Nigel Nevshehir
696 259 644 672 712 927 711 073 363 689 457 410
951 277 240 952 800 875 951 277 113 951 515 220 952 791 449
Sue Potter
686 107 835
952 636 627
Peter Henry Coen Noordendorp Geoff Fabron Julie Wood Julie Wood Lin Ingram
693 105 180
951 273 949 951 663 279 951 517 014 952 913 174 952 913 174
Sheila Fox Sue Potter Martin Holmes Martin Holmes
671 232 906 686 107 835 652 272 142 652 272 142
+44 7786244607 639 542 387 639 542 387 952 118 037
951 900 745 952 636 627 952 892 163 952 892 163
CLUB INFORMATION MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL Renewing your annual club membership can be done by bank transfer: Banco Sabadell IBAN ES98 0081 0535 8800 0131 1734 BIC CODE BSASESBB Please advise TED LUNNISS, the club Treasurer by email if you have sent a payment by bank transfer, stating your name and membership number if Tel: 691 392 156 IMPORTANT Transfers from UK banks are now charged at 18€ by our Spanish bank. Please include this extra amount if you need to send money to us from any UK bank. COACH TRIPS See trip information for times. Please ensure that you sit in the seat numbered on your ticket. We regret that we cannot stop at any other point unless agreed with the organiser, to pick up or put down. The organiser reserves the right to refuse to include any member they feel is not sufficiently ablebodied to follow the itinerary. Members are responsible for their own travel insurance. BUYING YOUR TICKET Please produce your membership card together with the correct money. Have prepared your choice of the menu if applicable. Final ticket booking: All tickets must be booked and paid for on or before the last Thursday coffee morning before the event. Late phone bookings cannot be accepted. Members are advised to attend the last Thursday before a trip in case there are any last-minute alterations. REFUNDS Cannot be given for tickets, unless the organiser is notified in time, and providing the trip is full and a replacement can be found from the waiting list. Tickets are not transferable to other members without the authorisation of the organiser. TIPS Are included in the cost of coach travel and restaurants, but not for hotels.
DRINKS POLICY All drinks, whether alcoholic or otherwise, to be consumed on the Club premises shall be purchased from the Club bar. WELFARE Members are requested to notify our welfare officer, Diane Hackett, if they know of any member who is ill. Tel 626 080 829/ 952 893 965 Email: ALL ORGANISERS PLEASE NOTE – BEFORE THE CLUB The clubhouse furniture must be IMPORTANT: TELL THE LEAVING BAR STAFF OF ANY BROKEN GLASS AND THEY WILL OFand IT.air conditioners, set building sanitized and left as set for a Thursday meeting, switchDISPOSE off lights, fans alarm and lock doors. When using the general fob for the alarm it is imperative to return it to the correct place. DOGS Are not allowed inside the clubhouse. They are permitted on the lower terrace but only when they are under the owner’s control by being attached to a lead which is held by the owner or attached to one of the hooks on the wall which are provided for that purpose. SMOKING The smoking of tobacco, electronic cigarettes or any other substance is not permitted anywhere in or on the Club premises. PARKING When visiting the club please park considerately between white lines and never on yellow lines. Please DO NOT PARK in the car parking space in front of next door’s apartment. Although it is not officially for their sole use it is better for peaceful relations not to park there. SAFETY NOTICES Members are asked to abide by the safety notices that are in place within the Club.
Alta Resolucion de
956 026 500
Costa Del Sol Hospital
951 976 669
La Linea Hospital
956 026 500
Málaga Carlos Haya
950 390 400
Málaga Arrivals
952 048 845
952 811 818
Málaga Departures
952 048 804
900 850 840
956 150 000
900 202 212
954 449 000
900 202 202
952 976 669
952 894 056
952 219 004
952 802 002
952 211 797
952 890 029
954 293 200
San Roque
956 694 005
952 227 886
952 771 442
952 363 591
+350 200 749 50
952 475 108
912 106 910
952 113 467
952 667 955
Age Concern
650 163 928
952 604 383
Alcoholics Anonymous
600 379 110
952 217 266
Citizens Advice Spain
952 797 821
952 352 300
Diabetics Support
952 464 184
952 474 891
Home Nurse
604 401 249
Narcotics Support
902 114 147
TRANSPORT Local Taxi (large with
951 775 777
wheelchair access) Renfe Railway info
Bus Station Estepona
952 796 658
Estepona Taxi
952 802 900
902 320 320