Saturday 24th January 7.30 for 8.00pm WELCOME THE NEW YEAR Live Music - Dancing Supper - Enjoyment
INTERNATIONAL CLUB OF ESTEPONA FOR ALL ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLE of San Pedro - Estepona - Casares Manilva - Sotogrande & Beyond
JANUARY 2015 Edition Email:
ICE Magazine Contents Page 23 Has This Happened To You (Member’s Article) Page 25 Golf Society News + Bowling Group News + Recipe For A New Year Page 27 Grey Nomading in Australia Continued (Article) Page 29 Computer Tips + Scam of the Month Page 31 Leisure Page Page 32 General Information Page 33 Committee and Advert Info Page 34 Just for a Smile
Page 5 President’s Letter - New Club Event Page 6/7 AGM News & Details Page 8 Bulletin Board + Nigel’s Classified Ads Page 9 Cudillero & Pampering (member’s articles) Page 10 Christmas Poem + Hero’s Poem (members articles) Page 11 Past Events Page 12 January Events + Events For Your Diary Page 14 Blevins Franks Article Page 19/20 January Calendar
Thanks to all those who have contributed items for your magazine, please keep them coming.
President Doug Mitchell Editor Terry Smith Advertising Jackie Simmonds Disclaimer: - The committee wishes to declare that ICE does not accept responsibility for the contents of articles nor the claims made by advertisers. Printed by Digiprint, Avda Litoral, Edificio Visamar, Blq 2 Local 9, 29680 Estepona Visit Our New Improved Club Website: Free Wi-Fi for members at the clubhouse. Now upgraded to 8Mb The magazine is published on the website on or before the first day of each month. PLEASE MENTION ICE CLUB & MAGAZINE WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS.
EDITORIAL: It seems to fly by, New Year here again, Best Wishes to all members from Pat and myself. On a serious note the club needs various volunteers to enable the club to function. Without these volunteers events and running of club operations could suffer. The foundation of the I.C.E. club is based on the support of members, we cannot continue to rely on just the few. This is your I.C.E. club, please make a New Year resolution to be willing to come forward and get involved for both your’s and other’s future enjoyment. It is one of the best, and a great way, of meeting and making new friends. Looking forward to a great year at the club, lots of events planned. Terry Smith Editor Terry Smith Email: Phone 951 276 690 Mobile 677 656 319
DO YOU LIKE PREPARING DESERTS??? To assist the hard working catering teams our catering manager Brenda Taylor is seeking ladies or gents to make deserts of 12 portions at home or the club that can be then frozen or delivered on a Thursday morning. You will have your costs reimbursed. Please contact Brenda 952 805 739 / 654 579 492
YOUR CLUB NEEDS YOU - MORE VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED Your club is run by volunteers, without them we cannot function. Help is required for the following: Bar staff, training will be given, see Mac McIntyre Bar Manager. Help required by catering teams for preparation and serving to members, Thursday mornings, no cooking, no clearing up. See Catering Manager Brenda Taylor. Meeters and greeters to man the front door for just an hour on a Thursday club morning, see Maureen Baldwin-Winckle.
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PRESIDENT’S NEW YEAR MESSAGE 2015 I hope you all had a good Christmas and I wish you a very Happy New Year. Ninety four members and friends sat down to an excellent Christmas Lunch in the clubhouse on the 4 th of December. Thanks to Brenda, Bob and Terry and all helpers who made this such a successful event. Looking forward to March, the AGM is planned for the 12 th and on this occasion, access will only be granted from the upstairs front entrance, and I will be reminding you all of this in later messages. There are vacancies on the committee, so if you feel you could make the commitment to help in the running of the club, please approach any committee member before the AGM. I hope that you enjoyed the events and trips that were arranged during 2014 and will continue to come up with ideas and suggestions for the coming year. Two trips are already planned, to Galicia and Italy, following the successful trip to Barcelona last Autumn. Once again, I’m asking for volunteers to help, especially bar staff. Working behind the bar is an excellent way to get to know members and make friends. Full training will be given, just ask Mac. Just a reminder, membership for 2015 is now due, so if you haven’t already renewed you membership, Tracy is looking forward to seeing you. Very best wishes to you all. Doug PLEASE NOTE: Your 2015 membership fee is now due for payment. ***NEW CLUB PROJECT*** COME TO THE NEW I.C.E. WRITING GROUP Meet Peter Brookes at the launch of the Club’s new fortnightly ‘Writing Group’. ‘Writing your Memoirs’ is one of Peter’s intriguing proposals which will link well with Dave Hackett’s Genealogy project. Other writing might include work on your first novel – or that story you never finished. Listen to Peter’s ideas but do bring your own thoughts to the clubhouse at 11am on Tuesday 3 rd February. Peter’s experience in the UK and Spain includes work as an author, bookseller, journalist, ghost-writer, and publisher. He is a member of the Costa del Sol Press Club here and for seven years an aficionado of Californian screen-writing guru Robert Mckee. Peter helped launch several bookshops in London and three in Spain. He also works with other authors in his Work in Progress project here and liaises with Rudling House Publishing Ltd the UK Company he launched six years ago. Peter looks forward to meeting you at the opening session on Tuesday 3 rd Feb 2015 at 11:00 am. Contact Peter on email tel: 619609536 A SECRET RENDEZVOUS Twenty one I.C.E. members made a secret rendezvous to Pappadello Italian establishment in Estepona Port on the evening of Monday 8th December. It was a surprise 86th Birthday Party for one of our long standing members Peter Galloway, who sadly lost his wife recently. He thought he was meeting only with Joan Thompson; but with her reputation for organisation he should have known better! Some members had known Peter since 1988 and of course some of us are more recent members, but with the aim of the I.C.E. Club firmly endorsed: namely friendship and companionship. It was a very happy occasion with boss Angelo pulling out all the stops, including a rich dessert for the Food For Thought Birthday Boy with the obligatory lighted candle. Submitted by Rosemary Ferguson Thank you Joan for making it a happy occasion ‘Open a book and you’re a pilgrim at the gates which could have been a sad and lonely one for of a new city.’ BBC Culture Show 2010 Peter. Submitted by Diane Brice 5
POSTAL VOTING The Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 12th March 2015. As agreed previously, Members who are unable to attend may vote by Postal Vote. (See below) May I draw your attention to Article 8 in the Club Statutes? Article 8
Subject to the provisions of Article 9, all resolutions proposed at a General Meeting will be
approved only if a favorable vote is forthcoming from a majority of the Members present or represented. Each Member shall be entitled to one vote only. Any Member unable to attend may personally apply to the Secretary for a postal vote for the published agenda. It will be issued specifically for that Member. Such postal vote will be valid only and exclusively for the meeting specified to which it relates and only for the nominated item or items indicated on the Agenda and verified on the postal voting form, which shall be submitted to the Secretary not less than 24 hours prior to the time of first call for such meeting. The President may direct that a sealed ballot is taken for the vote on any resolution which, in his or her opinion, is likely to be particularly contentious. You can apply to the Secretary for a postal vote in person, by letter, by telephone, by e-mail or on-line via the club web site, ( any time from now until the Sunday before the meeting ( 8th March).** Please apply as early as possible to allow our Secretary time to record your request and obviously if you are applying for a Postal Vote by post and would like to receive your voting papers by post then allow sufficient time. Our Secretary’s details are:Joan Thompson, ICE Club Secretary, C/o The ICE Club, Urbanization Bahia Dorada, Entrance 5, Km. 149, A7, Estepona 29680, Målaga. Tel:- 952 804 799 or 653 488 030 e-mail: Joan will need to know your membership number, your name, your address, your contact telephone number and your e-mail address, if you have one. She also needs to know how you want the Postal Voting Form sending to you i.e. by hand, by post or by e-mail.
The Agenda will be known 20 days before the meeting and the form will be sent to you as soon as is possible after this date. It will be your responsibility to see that the form is returned to the Secretary not less than 24hours before the A.G.M. (i.e. before 10.00am on Wednesday 11th March.)** ** To facilitate both last minute personal requests for a Postal Vote and the return of Postal Voting papers, Joan will be in the Clubhouse (normal opening hours) on both Sunday March 7th, and, for returning Postal Voting papers only, on Tuesday March 10th.
THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Information and advice for Members The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Thursday 12th March 2015. Entry strictly by top floor door only. First call 10.30am, second call 11.00am. All Members have the right to participate in any AGM and to vote on all resolutions put forward. Any Member may introduce a proposal at the AGM but must submit the proposal in writing to the Club Secretary not less than twenty days before the Meeting. The document has to be signed by the Proposer and countersigned by a Member seconding and supporting the proposal. Any proposal concerning the Statutes cannot be accepted. Statutes can only be changed at an E.G.M. convened for that purpose. The Agenda for the Meeting will be published in the Club Magazine and on the Club Website and Notice Board on the Club Premises not less than fourteen days before the date of the Meeting. Any Member unable to attend the Meeting may apply personally by telephone, in writing, by e-mail, via web site, or in person to the Secretary for a Postal Vote for the published agenda. Application may be at any time and should indicate the method of delivery of same. No Member may apply for a Postal Vote for any other Member. The Postal Vote will be issued specifically to the applying Member. Such Postal Vote must be returned to the Secretary not less than 24 hours prior to the time of the first call for the Meeting. In "Any Other Business" any item concerning The Club may be discussed. Proposals may be made and voted upon provided that: They do not involve Changes to the Statutes (see the rule above). They do not involve changes to The Rules. Any proposition concerning The Rules must appear on The Agenda so that the Members will have due notice of same.
The following committee positions will be vacant at time of AGM and elections will take place during this AGM: President, Vice President, Secretary and 3 committee positions. Doug Mitchell will resign his position as President at AGM. Anna Tandy resigned her position during November 2014. Sue Potter and Joan Thompson are stepping down from their current positions. The following is a total of 6 committee positions available for nomination and voting at time of AGM. President, Vice President, Secretary and 3 committee positions. The following members are willing to undertake the following positions: Sue Potter President, Joan Thompson Vice President, Margaret Whittley Secretary, 3 Committee Member Positions. Nominations from any member willing to be considered to undertake any of the above positions must apply to the club secretary for nomination form to be completed and returned not less than 20 days before AGM To comply with Club Statutes Article 19: Unless opposed the following committee members are willing to continue their current positions: Ted Lunniss treasurer, Terry Smith magazine editor, Julie Wood member. Club Statutes Article 19: Any other Member seeking election to the Committee, whether as one of the Principal Officers or otherwise, shall submit written notice of his or her intention to the Secretary, countersigned by ten other Club Members supporting such nomination, not less than twenty days prior to the next General Meeting. The first member to sign nomination form needs to be aware and willing to stand up and introduce the prospective committee member and why they would be eligible for the position for the good of the club. Please note members wishing to apply for the posts of President or Vice President must have been a member for at least 2 years. Closing date for nominations being 20th February. A secret vote will then take place at the AGM for positions stated. 7
Lottery Winners November 1st Brian Woodward 2nd Pauline Scott 3rd Diane Beetson Club
68€ 34€ 17€ 51€
BOOK LIBRARY: CAN MEMBERS PLEASE NOT SUBMIT HARDBACK BOOKS TO THE LIBRARY, PAPERBACKS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED. Returned books should be placed at the foot of the first half of the alphabet as designated - the librarian will then sort. DVD/VIDEO Library: Can members please ensure they sign for all borrowed films and add membership number, Please return films as soon as possible and sign as returned. Jigsaw Puzzles: There is a selection of jigsaw puzzles available stored under the video library. They are mostly 500 pieces, some 1,000. Glasses, cups etc: Please return to the bar before leaving the club. Please place used unbroken bottles carefully in bin provided, which is positioned under the dartboard. Return plates and cutlery to the kitchen. Terrace Doors: Those people who open terrace doors are responsible for closing same. TRIP CANCELLATIONS MUST BE REFERRED IN FIRST INSTANCE TO THE ORGANISER IMPORTANT: TELL THE BAR STAFF OF ANY BROKEN GLASS AND THEY WILL DISPOSE OF IT.
ICE Ramblers Group
Contact Sue Potter Walk Co-ordinator 637 148 660 or 952 892 386 Ramblers Please Note: The club does not have any Insurance Policy in force in relation to its Rambling activities, and all members and their guests participate entirely at their own risk. Neither the club nor any walk leader will be responsible for any injury or loss suffered by any participant however caused. Those attending rambling events should be suitably attired with stout walking footwear and carry waterproofs in case of weather change. You should carry a packed lunch and adequate liquids for the duration of the ramble. NIGEL’S CLASSIFIED ADS, TO SUBMIT ADVERT: UNLESS REQUESTED ADVERTS WILL REMAIN IN MAGAZINE FOR 1 MONTH ONLY
FOR RENT 2 CAR GARAGE SPACE 9 METRES IN LENGTH Edificio Acuario (across from Estepona Port Lighthouse), price negotiable. Maureen Baldwin-Winckle 952 791 812
International Emergency 8
Cudillero Next time anyone is travelling to or from Santander in connection with the UK ferry service, we can strongly recommend a few nights’ relaxation in the delightful village of Cudillero on the Costa Verde coast of Asturias. The village is a comfortable driving distance from the ferry terminal and provides an ideal resting stop either before or after using the ferry service. And the coast road to get there is a wonderful drive through a succession of attractive sandy coves and fishing villages nestled beneath the Los Picos de Europa mountains. The delightful village of Cudillero offers outdoor cafes and excellent seafood restaurants crowded into a tiny plaza beside the port, all of which is squeezed into a narrow cove. Attractive white cottages are scattered over the steep hillsides behind the port. The restaurants all offer freshly caught fish and shellfish cooked to your liking. We gorged ourselves on wonderful prawns straight out of the sea caught the very same morning. Marvellous!!! Accommodation within the port itself is quite limited but we recommend a beautiful restored former Asturian country manor house located in El Pito. This is a quiet area a few minutes’ drive above the port and away from the noise and bustle of the central area. The Casona de La Paca Hotel has wonderful facilities and lovely relaxing gardens and lounges. The furnishings are all of high quality and the friendly staff provided an excellent breakfast buffet every morning. It was easy to see why TripAdvisor rate this hotel No.1 in Cudillero! If you have a little time to spare we suggest a short drive out to the spectacular cliffs and lighthouse of Cabo Vidio. Alternatively you might be lucky and find the nearby Selgas Palace Estate open to visitors. This magnificent late 19th century palace complex is surrounded by lovely gardens whilst the rooms house some interesting old tapestries and art work by masters such as Goya and El Greco. To summarise, Cudillero is well worth a visit when in this beautiful region of northern Spain. Submitted by David and Anna Tandy Ladies – do you fancy a bit of pampering?............... Then I recommend a trip to Gibraltar to Ocean Village and a stay on the Sunborn. This is the 5 star luxury ship/ hotel moored in Ocean Village. Having a special birthday, some friends from the UK joined me for the weekend on board. We arrived to a red carpeted sweeping entrance. Being a lover of Swarovski crystals, I was simply dazzled by the entrance hall. The whole back wall of the Reception was completely covered with them, plus a huge decorative ball above our heads. Unlike usual cruise ships, the corridors were twice as wide with thick wooden doors to our rooms which were really about 3 times bigger than usual cruise ship cabins. As soon as the cabin door opened the wall to wall curtains at the end of the room opened automatically revealing a wonderful view of the marina. We had bathrobes, slippers, lots of little toiletries. The beds were so comfortable, the TV was about 50 inches. A nice big bathroom with a good size shower. Ha! the toilet lid went down by itself. Breakfasts, lunches, dinners were top class. There was a good size gym plus spa with plenty of beauty treatments to indulge in. My only disappointments – the casino and shops were not ready yet (it only opened in March but cannot see why they are still not ready) and the infinity pool on the top deck is SO small – more like a plunge bath. So if you haven’t already tried the Sunborn – I recommend it as we all like a bit of luxury now and then don’t we? Submitted by Sandy Avis 9
T’was The Month After Christmas, A Christmas Poem by Author Unknown T’was the month after Christmas and all through the house Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse.
So-away with the last of the sour cream dip, Get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip.
The cookies I’d nibbled, the eggnog I’d Taste. All the holiday parties had gone to my waist.
Every last bit of food that I like must be banished Till all the additional ounces have vanished.
When I got on the scales there arose such a number! When I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber).
I wont have a cookie-not even a lick, I’ll want only to chew on a long celery stick.
I’d remember the marvellous meals I’d prepared: The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared.
I won’t have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie, I’ll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.
The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese And the way I’d never said “No thank you, please.”
I’m hungry, I’m lonesome, and life is a boreBut isn’t that what January is for?
And dressed myself in my husband’s old shirt And prepared once again to do battle with the dirt-
Unable to giggle, no longer a riot, Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet.
I said to myself, as only I can “You can’t spend a winter disguised as a man!”
T’was The Month After Christmas Submitted by Julie Wood
A War Hero's Courage: A poem written by Stephen Vause, in his own words, following terror that blew his world apart. A mortar attack in Iran left the rifleman wheelchair-bound and unable to talk or swallow. His courage in the face of adversity prompted Prince William, during a visit, to confess being ‘moved beyond belief’. The serviceman handed over the poem he had managed to write during his recovery. Rifleman Vause saw some of the fiercest fighting of the Iraq Campaign during 2007. He was not expected to survive his injuries and now requires 24-hour care. A specially-designed laptop allows the soldier to use his crippled hands to type words and phases in order to communicate. When I was just a little kid I liked to fool around I often played some footy I’d love to play a friendly match As yet I cannot start Cos when we fought the war on terror They blew my world apart I worry for my comrades As they are still out there I’d like them to come home to us But life just isn’t fair Sam she was my girlfriend So beautiful and bright But now we have parted I think it’s pretty unfair
My mum, she has a new dog Milo is his name I cannot bring him here with me And that’s a crying shame Sooooooooo……………. I’d really like to speak again To tell you how I feel I’d like to eat again To have a decent meal To help me mend with greater speed The hand of friendship is all I need To all my friends I love so much I’m glad that you all keep in touch Submitted by Ken Stevens 10
PAST EVENTS Friday 28th November - Trip to Nerja and Caves Despite the heavy rain 44 of us caught the coach for our trip to Nerja. Due to an accident we came off the A7 at San Pedro and went on the motorway and despite Ted's protestations he decided to blow some more money on the tolls and stay on it! The journey took 2.5 hours due to the rain and water on the roads. The coach dropped some of us near the centre of town where there was a tourist train waiting to take all but 4 into the centre, us 4 decided that we'd been sitting long enough! The coach took the rest of the party to the caves, where despite Becky's dream there was no power cut or flooding while they were down there and her torch wasn't necessary! The caves were quiet so everyone had plenty of time and space to view and all found them very interesting. More of the caves will be opened in the future. Meanwhile while 3 of us were in Pomodoro the heavens opened which meant that we had to spend more time in there! We all managed to find something to buy as did Aileena who came later, and being Black Friday there was an extra 10% discount, none of the others managed to find it as they were sitting in the bar! In fact 7 of them stayed there all day!!! We set off in the rain to find the next shop and so on until poor Bob Taylor had enough and suggested a drink in a tapas bar, surprisingly us 3 ladies didn't say no! 30 minutes later Rob bought some of the cave visi- View from Balcon De Europa tors down and we all went in our favourite restaurant Sevillano, 11 of us in total, where a lovely meal was had by all. A further 22 of the trippers enjoyed a good meal at a restaurant Marrisal overlooking the great view from Balcon De Europa once the rain mist had cleared. It was then time to return to the coach and of course by this time the rain had stopped, some returned via the train and the others walked, I wonder how much commission the coach driver got for dropping and picking us up there!!!! Sue Potter Thursday 4th December - Christmas Lunch at I.C.E. Club We would like to thank Brenda and her team and the folks that manned the bar plus anyone else involved for their hard work which without we would not have had such a wonderful afternoon. Thank you so much once again. Submitted by Bea and Ron Sykes What a successful Christmas lunch, a great atmosphere. Doug Thursday 11th December - Visit by the C.A.P. Choir Thanks go to Yvonne and the Choir for entertaining us after the club meeting with Christmas and other well known songs. A collection for charity was made the resulting total will be announced. "Here we are in a month named after the Roman god Janus, an appropriate personification of the start of the new year. This particular Roman god had two faces so that he could look ahead toward the future and back at the past at the same time. As we get rid of an old year and look forward to a new one, we all try to be a little like Janus. We know through experience what we did wrong and what we did right, and hope to do better this year. Some people make ambitious new year’s resolutions; others just take a deep breath and hope for the best.‌" 11
CANCELLED TICKETS MUST FIRST BE REFERRED TO EVENT ORGANISER Friday 9th January - Quiz Night 8.00 for 8.30pm - Quiz Master Tracy Bird Mon 12th Jan. - Members Film Night - 12 Years A Slave - In the years before the Civil War, Solomon Northup, free black man from upstate New York, is kidnapped and sold into slavery in the South. Keep Fit classes will be resuming in 2015 with the first class on Tuesday 13th January. Join us for these gentle sessions of stretching and strengthening with the added component of simple Tai-chi moves to relax both mind and body. A positive and healthy approach to beginning the New Year! Sue Jenkins-Better (Fitness Instructor) Wednesday 14th January - Ramblers Get Together and Lunch Organiser Sue Potter. Ramblers Christmas lunch will be held once again at Restaurante el Torre on Pedregales Poligino, on the Estepona to Casares Road at 2pm. Price €10 which includes 1 drink and tip. If you order any more drinks please pay at the time of ordering. Non ramblers are most welcome. If you are wanting to come please let me know, payment in advance. There will be a walk before the lunch. Saturday January 17th - Love and Marriage Fun Evening & Supper Based loosely on a well known UK TV show, 5€ members, 8€ guests. Supper will be a ‘ Posh Ploughman's’. Organisers Richard and Julie Wood Sunday 18th January - Songs of Praise - 4.30pm - Organiser Joan Thompson Thursday January 22nd - The Special New Years Bridge Drive, Start at 6 pm. Saturday 24th January - Welcome the New Year Party, Supper and Music 7.30 for 8.00pm 17€ members, 20€ guests, book early places for 70 only. Supper Menu: Butternut Squash Soup, Steak & Ale Pie or Cheese & Onion Pie with Roasties, Sweet from trolley, by Sue & Diane, music for dancing by Michael Anthony, organiser Sue Potter. Friday 30th January - Mystery Coach Trip - Organiser Julie Wood EVENT MAY CHANGE, ALWAYS CHECK CLUB HOUSE NOTICE BOARD, ORGANISER OR STOP PRESS ON WEB SITE
Should you have suggestions for any event or activity at your clubhouse, or for a trip whether for a day or longer period, please contact a member of the committee. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT EVENTS FOR YOUR DIARY Tuesday 3rd February - Writers Group Inaugural Meeting 11.00am Organiser Peter Brookes Thursday 5th February - Presentation By Manilva Solicitors - Inheritance & Wills Saturday 14th February - Valentines Party - Dinner By Caterers Del La Mar - Dance Music, Max 70 persons Tuesday 17th February - Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Races and Lunch Thursday 12th March - I.C.E. Annual General Meeting - See pages 6 & 7. Saturday 28th March - Evening Meal Full Of Eastern Promise - Lebanese Restaurant Oriental, Benamara Tuesday 21st April Golf Spring Cup - See page 25 April 24th, 25th & 26th - I.C.E. Players Presentation - Don’t Laugh, It’s A C omedy During May 6 Day 5 Night Trip to Galicia - Organisers Joan Thompson and Danny 100€ deposit each can now be paid to reserve your place. See page 20. Day 1: Costa del Sol to Galicia, Coach pick ups to Malaga for flight to Santiago de Compostela, transfer to Hotel Villa Juanita in O Grove. Day 2: Boats, Mussels, wine and more. Day 3: Vigo, Pontevedra and Combarro. Day 4: Albariño, Bodigo and wine Day 5: Day of leisure. Day 6: Santiago and return home. Full program will be printed in February magazine. Wednesday 10th to 17th June Trip to Lake Como, Italy - NOW FULLY BOOKED Saturday 31st October - Walking Treasure Hunt - Venue Manilva Town November 27th, 28th & 29th - I.C.E. Players Winter Presentation - Watch this space for details.
El Rincon Toscano Restaurant Pizzeria Wine Bar Calle Real 22-26, Estepona Telephone 952-795914 Roberto 648 263 369 or Yuri 610 336 547 A little taste of Italy Come and enjoy the excellent cuisine and service provided by Roberto and Yuri Opening hours Lunch every day 1.30 – 4pm Dinner 7pm – midnight Closed on Wednesdays 13
The UK Autumn Statement And Expatriates By Terry Wayne, Partner, Blevins Franks 952 799 752 Even if you are resident in Spain, British expatriates need to keep up to date with UK taxation as it may continue to affect you. Here is a summary of some of the key points of the December Autumn Statement. If you own property in the UK, then the capital gains tax charge on residential property owned by non-residents will be of particular interest. The government confirmed that the rate applicable will be 18% or 28% for individuals, 28% for trustees and 20% for companies, and that the annual exemption will be available to individuals and trustees (£11,000 and £5,500 respectively from 6th April). Only gains arising from 6th April 2015 will be taxed. You can rebase the value of your property to the value as at that date, or opt for the gain to be timeapportioned, or the whole gain to be taxed. You can only elect to use the Private Residence Relief if you spend at least 90 days in your UK property that year. This may impact your residence position so be careful. If you buy a UK property, the stamp duty charge rules changed from midnight on 3 rd December 2014. Under the new system, you will only pay the rate of tax on the part of the property price within each tax band, in a similar manner to income tax. The UK pension reforms are a key issue for British expatriates. We had been expecting the Chancellor to provide some clarity on the position of Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes (QROPS), but none was forthcoming. There was news on annuities though. The 55% death tax charge will be removed from 6 th April 2015, to bring them in line with income drawdown plans. From April, if you are aged 75 or over when you die, your beneficiaries will pay tax on the amount received at their marginal rate of income tax. Another proposed UK change we have been waiting for news on is the removal of the personal allowance from non-UK residents. The Autumn Statement confirmed that the allowance will increase from £10,000 to £10,600 from 6 th April 2015. However with regards non-residents’ entitlement, no decisions have been reached yet. The government still believes that there is a “strong rationale” for removing the allowance from nonresidents, but acknowledged it is a complex change for those affected. Consultation will continue on this matter. With regards inheritance tax, the government had previously announced plans to make just one nil rate band available for all trusts settled by an individual. This has now been dropped, though it intends to curtail the setting up of trusts on different days to obtain nil rate bands for each trust, and to introduce new rules on trust calculation. New rules will be announced next year. Seek personalised advice on how these changes affect you, and how they interact with Spanish taxation. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our understanding of current taxation laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; an individual is advised to seek personalised advice. To keep in touch with the latest developments in the offshore world, check out the latest news on our website 14
Contact Alison De Cotta today to book your initial free Consultation. t: +34 662 351 056 e:
January 2015 DATE 1 Jan 2 Jan 3 Jan 4 Jan 5 Jan
DAY Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon
6 Jan
7 Jan
8 Jan
9 Jan
10 Jan Sat 11 Jan Sun 12 Jan Mon 13 Jan
14 Jan Wed 15 Jan
16 Jan Fri 17 Jan Sat 18 Jan Sun 19 Jan Mon 20 Jan
21 Jan Wed 22 Jan
Public Holiday: Thursday 1st January New Years Day - Spain and Gibraltar
Rambling 12.30pm-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 11.00 am Mahjong 11.00-1.30pm Bar Open 7.30 pm Canasta Rambling 7.00 for 7.30pm Whist 10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting, 1.00pm Lunch 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge
Public Holiday: Tuesday 6th January Epiphany - Spain 2.30pm - 5.00pm Stitch and Bitch (Needlework etc.)
11.00am Computer Meeting. Only by prior arrangement and for NOVICES ONLY! 8.30pm Quiz Night
10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group Rambling 12.30pm-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas
7.30 for 8.00pm Film Night 11.00 am Mahjong 11.00-1.30pm Bar Open Spanish Classes Beg 10.30 Adv 11.45 7.30 pm Canasta Rambling 7.00 for 7.30pm Whist
2.00pm Keep Fit 2.00pm Committee Meeting Ramblers Lunch
10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting and Open Forum 11.00am Computer Group Love & Marriage Fun Evening with Supper 4.30pm Songs of Praise
10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group Rambling 12.30pm-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 11.00 am Mahjong 11.00-1.30pm Bar Open Spanish Classes Beg 10.30 Adv 11.45 7.30 pm Canasta 10.30am Rambling 7.00 for 7.30pm Whist 10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting, 1.00pm Lunch
11.00am Ladies' Book Club 2.00pm Keep Fit 1.30pm Ladies Lunch 1.45pm Gents Lunch 6.00pm Special New Years Bridge Drive
23 Jan Fri 24 Jan Sat 25 Jan Sun 26 Jan Mon 27 Jan Tue 28 Jan Wed 29 Jan Thu 30 Jan Fri 31 Jan Sat
11.00 am Genealogy Group Welcome New Year Party
10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group Rambling 12.30pm-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 11.00 am Mahjong 11.00-1.30pm Bar Open Spanish Classes Beg 10.30 Adv 11.45 7.30 pm Canasta 10.30am Rambling 7.00 for 7.30pm Whist 10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting & Lottery 1.00pm Lunch 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge 10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group Rambling
2.00pm Keep Fit
Mystery Trip
Has this happened to you? Checking out at the store, the young cashier suggested to the much older woman, that she should bring her own grocery bags because plastic bags weren't good for the environment. The woman apologized and explained, "We didn't have this 'green thing' back in my earlier days." The young clerk responded, "That's our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future generations." She was right -- our generation didn't have the 'green thing' in our day. Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles, and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed, sterilized, and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled. But we didn't have the "green thing" back in our day. Grocery stores bagged our groceries in brown paper bags, that we reused for numerous things, most memorable, besides household garbage bags, was the use of brown paper bags as book covers for our schoolbooks. This was to ensure that public property (the books provided for our use by the school) was not defaced by our scribbling. Then we were able to personalize our books on the brown bag but we didn't do the "green thing" back then. We walked up stairs because we didn't have an escalator in every store and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn't climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks. But she was right. We didn't have the "green thing" in our day. Back then, we washed the baby's diapers because we didn't have the throwaway kind. We dried clothes on a line -- not in an energy-gobbling machine burning up 220 volts -- wind and solar power really did dry our clothes back in our early days. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing. But that young lady is right; we didn't have the "green thing" back in our day. Back then we had one TV, or radio, in the house -- not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?), not a screen the size of the state of Montana . In the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn't have electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used wadded up old newspapers to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic Bubble wrap. Back then we didn't fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn't need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity. But she's right; we didn't have the "green thing" back then. We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water. We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull. But we didn't have the "green thing" back then. Back then people took the bus and kids rode their bikes to school or walked instead of turning their mums into a 24-hour taxi service in the family's ÂŁ45,000 SUV or van, which cost what a whole house did before the "green thing." We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn't need a computerized Su Au bm gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 23,000 miles out in space in dr itte order to find the nearest burger joint. ey d Jin by But isn't it sad the current generation laments how wasteful we old folks were ks just because we didn't have the "green thing" back then? We don't like being old in the first place, so it doesn't take much to piss us off . . . Especially from a tattooed, multiple pierced smartass who can't make change without the cash register telling them how much. Stupid girl!!!!!! 23
'ICE Golf Society'. The Spring cup 2015 will be held on the 21st April at the fabulous Valle Romano Golf Resort, Estepona. The green fee will be about 67€ including shared buggy. The final figure is dependant upon final numbers. Buggies will be permitted on the fairways, except par 3's, subject only to adverse weather conditions at the time. This golf course has been used for the European Tour 'Qualifying School' and is, therefore, maintained at a very high international standard. We will be playing off of the Blue Tees, (5392 meters), for the Gents and the Red Tees, (4935 meters), for the Ladies. This compares to The Estepona Golf Club, used for this years Autumn Cup: Blue 5380m and Red 5073m. For this, and futures event, we will introduce a new prize for non-members. These guests must be invited by a member, will be subject to a two stroke cut in their Club/Federation handicap and, as in previous competitions, can not be awarded the trophies. Please ensure that your guests are aware of these conditions. The entry form will be on the club notice board before the end of the month so get your name down. The more there are the cheaper it will be! Casares Golf Club 'Roll-Up' We play a twice weekly 'Roll-Up' stableford competition on Tuesdays and Fridays at Casares Golf Club where our members benefit from discounted green fees. Tee off times vary a little throughout the year but if you are interested arrive around about 08.00. We often have 12 or more players and it's all very friendly, light hearted, (in other words 'cut throat')!! and open to all levels. A sense of humour is well worth putting in the bag! Our annual 'Order of Merit' trophy is awarded to the player with the best ten cards from these 'Roll-Ups'. Keep your eye on the club magazine and web site for details of all activities. If you would like to become involved, contribute or comment please contact me. Alan Davis Golf Organiser. Tel: 952 897 670 Mob: 699 712 804 e-mail: BOWLING OUR WAY! We meet Monday mornings at Benavista Bowls Club no later than 10.00am for 10.15 start. Late arrivals cannot be guaranteed a game. We normally play 16 ends for just 8€ each, following for just 1€ we play an optional end to win bottle of wine. Dress code is predominately white but the critical factor is footwear, shoes must be smooth soled with no ’pimples or crinkles’. The Management at Benavista strictly apply this rule. Bowls Organiser Alan Whiteman ‘Growing old’ is mandatory, ‘growing up’ is optional !! AND AS THEY SAY IN THE CLASSICS … If you haven’t grown up by the time you are FIFTY then you damn well don’t have to!!!!!! Recipe for a Happy New Year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anonymous Take twelve fine, full-grown months; see that these are thoroughly free from old memories of bitterness, rancour and hate, cleanse them completely from every clinging spite; pick off all specks of pettiness and littleness; in short, see that these months are freed from all the past—have them fresh and clean as when they first came from the great storehouse of Time. Cut these months into thirty or thirty-one equal parts. Do not attempt to make up the whole batch at one time (so many persons spoil the entire lot this way) but prepare one day at a time. Into each day put equal parts of faith, patience, courage, work (some people omit this ingredient and so spoil the flavour of the rest), hope, fidelity, liberality, kindness, rest (leaving this out is like leaving the oil out of the salad dressing— don’t do it), prayer, meditation, and one well-selected resolution. Put in about one teaspoonful of good spirits, a dash of fun, a pinch of folly, a sprinkling of play, and a heaped cupful of good humour. 25
The all-new most up to date hearing centre in the Costa now opened.
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Call for your appointment. Michael Briales Total dedication to your hearing needs. Mobile 660 892 627
TEL: 952859925
Grey Nomading in Australia Continued, Diary of Louise and Grahams Travels. Many of the club members will have met Margaret and Vic’s daughter Louise and her husband Graham when they visited from Australia for the occasion of Margaret and Vic’s Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebrations. Lou and Graham are now taking a 2 year working tour, known as Grey Nomading in Australia, by caravan. "Grey Nomads:" many Aussie's travel around Australia when they retire. Our visit to Wynyard was great, we did loads of touristy things, visited a lovely rhododendron garden – never thought there were so many different colours, shapes and long Latin names in the world of rhododendron’s – about 45 acres of them, hard to pin point a favourite! Off to the next free camping stop through Cradle Mountain country to a remote stop at Gardiner Lake. We parked next to a babbling brook of crystal clear water, the only people there except a couple of fly fishermen catching trout on the lake, no one else just a platypus in the stream and a heap of birdlife. A really clod night so we built a big fire and just sat around having a drink or two. Headed off a couple of days later with two very tired dogs – Jethro the poodle discovered RABBITS!!!! He spent all day every day chasing them to the point of exhaustion and at one point chased one into a rabbit warren under a blackberry bush – Graham got the prickly job of retrieving him! The road out of this beautiful spot was a very, very, very steep mountainous road, hairpin turns everywhere all signed posted as 15k’s an hour – challenging but worth the drive to see Mt Roland where we also stopped for a couple of days watching the mountains change colour with the weather. Had a trip into Sheffield which we loved, small town with stunning mountain views and some very quirky shops including a marble making shop – had a ball playing with all the contraptions that where free to try and just loved being a kid again. Over 40 Murals on the walls of the old buildings in town. Visited a town called Railton known for its topiary, saw loads of wonderful animals, cars and quirky things made out of plants. To be honest that is all there is in Railton except a pub! Headed off to Mole Creek to visit the Marapooka Caves that are great, finally got to see glow worms which are awesome, we learnt that glow worms are not actually worms, they are larvae of a mosquito like insect and in order to live they eat their parents – was a little disappointed as I like the idea of little worms with glowing tails! The cave itself was stunning and the tour ends up in the Cathedral which is huge with some stunning formations. Our favourite was the “Cathedral Organ”. On occasion a local choir comes to sing in the cave as the acoustics are fantastic, shame they were not there that day, we could have joined in!! Found a really quirky caravan stop for a couple of nights run by a lovely English lady who encouraged recycling and we helped her eat home grown veggies and herbs. This is the first stop where you can catch up on your laundry in the fantastic laundry for free – brilliant. The camper’s kitchen was amazingly equipped with everything, including a three piece lounge setting at each end!! Views yet again were stunning. The South Esk River is full of trout and we have seen the resident platypus several times. Longford is a very pretty village with lots of heritage, the thing I liked best was the loop road used for racing cars and motorbikes from 1953 -1968. A man called Lex Davison once crashed his car into the pub, jumped out and headed straight to the bar, he had no money so was treated by the locals. Poor old driver Don Miller pulled into the pub for a celebratory beer, but unknown still had one lap to go in the race, he was leading by a mile!! We are having a ball. Every corner we turn there is a stunning place or view. One particular day Graham had the treat of his life - it snowed!! He just could not stop smiling as the snowflakes came fluttering down. It's the first time he has ever experienced snow. However It was the coldest and windiest night in the van to date!!! Lou and Graham
For all Property Maintenance Services and key holding, let me care for your property whilst you are away!
Gas Service/Installation All plumbing requirements Tiling Home Refurbishments Painting, inside & out General repairs and maintenance to your home & garden or pools Anything from a complete bathroom to a curtain pole or a light fitting. No job too small and all at realistic rates. 35 Years experience. UK Corgi & ACOPS Reg. Telephone for a free, prompt and efficient service on: 650 884 147 or 952 891 619. e-mail:
Monday to Saturday 10.30 - 14.30 hrs. Tel; 952 80 22 21 Mob: 636 538 877 Calle Nuevo 8, Estepona 29680, Malaga
Anglican Church of Costa del Sol (West) Each Sunday we hold Services as follows: San Pedro at 10.15am In the hall adjoining Parroquial Virgen del Rocio (Near McDonalds)
Sotogrande at 11.45am In La Iglesia Sra. de la Merced, the "Big Church"
Coffee Morning each Tuesday in Sabinillas from 11am In La Vicente Square, behind the taxi rank
Home Groups take place every week Everyone is welcome For further details contact: Roger Richards (Church Warden) 952 891 765 Email: 28
Vic Loughran
Peter Dowd
Monthly Computer Tips – January 2015 This month we look at Price Comparison sites for booking flights. Some of the most popular flight comparison sites are Google Flights, Kayak, Momondo, Skyscanner and Travelsupermarket. The first thing to be aware of is that not every comparison site searches every source e.g. Google Flights includes most long haul flights as well as Easyjet and Ryanair but not many on-line travel agents. Skyscanner searches more than 1000 airlines and travel agents. The first piece of advice is therefore to search more than one flight comparison site, Sometimes it is cheaper to book directly with the airline, other occasions booking via a comparison site can be cheaper. Therefore you will need to do a lot of investigation in order to get the cheapest price. Another factor to consider is credit card fees. While using a credit card gives you the best protection, different cards will incur different fees. Kayak has a card fee calculator which allows you to search by payment method and shows how prices rise and fall based on the card you pay with. Once you have booked your flight you may also need to book a hotel. You may already have your favourite hotel booking site but we would always advise checking with This site compares prices of all the hotel booking sites and will indicate which offers the lowest deal for you chosen hotel. Remember the Computer Group meets at the Clubhouse on the third Friday of the month at 11.00am. No need to book – just turn up. We have WiFi broadband internet available, so why not bring your laptop / netbook / tablet etc. along. If you consider yourself a beginner, then on the first Friday of the month we offer one-to-one tuition. However you must book a place in advance by signing up on the list on the club notice boards If you have any questions or suggested topics for future please email us or NEXT NOVICES COMPUTER MEETING FRIDAY 9th JANUARY 11.00am NEXT COMPUTER GROUP MEETING FRIDAY 16th JANUARY 2015 11.00am Scam of the Month – January 2015 - Copycat Websites A copycat website is basically a website which purports to be official, e.g. to obtain a driving licence, but in fact charges an additional fee. The commonest ones are those offering to obtain passports, EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) and ESTA (The USA Electronic System for Travel Authorisations). If you search for one of these via a search engine such as Google, a copycat website is very likely to be near the top of the list. Our recommendation is that you should go the and type in your request e.g. Passport, EHIC or ESTA in the search box and then you will be directed to the official site which will not add additional charges. If you are travelling to other countries where visas are required, use the search facility and type in “Travel to [name of country] You will usually find a link to a genuine website for applying for the required visa. 29
Whatever your circumstances may be, Fast, Slow or even No Internet we have the solution for you.
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VPN If you are a Sky subscriber and have an Internet Connection (fast speed not necessary) then you can enjoy the benefits of On Demand. On Demand is available to all Sky Subscribers with a Sky HD Box in the UK, however to take advantage of this here in Spain you will need a VPN Router.
If you have poor or no internet then you can access BBC, ITV & Channel 4 with this system. Utilise your existing Sky Dish, which will need to be re-aligned to the new satellite, or have another smaller dish installed if you want to continue watching your remaining Sky channels.
For a friendly chat to see which UK TV Solution is best for you Call Hilary on 951 893481/680837169
Who’s the baby? Yes a club member! Photo taken September 1937. See editor for a free drink at the bar.
Word Grid: Find the 9 lettered word and see how many words of 4 letters and over you can make using the centre letter in all words and each letter only once. Answer at bottom of page 34
OPTICA MACHIN English Optometrist now available for consultation on the Costa del Sol.
Jane Staunton Machin BScMB Optom CNOO Av. Litoral – Ed. Vistamar Blq. 2 – Local 1 29680 ESTEPONA MALAGA Tel: 952 806 813 Full Eye Examinations: Glaucoma Screening: Designer & Non-Designer frames & lenses: Sunglasses: (prescription & non-prescription) Domiciliary Visits: (by appointment) Contact Lens Fitting.
1. Portuguese navigators discovered 'The river of January' on Jan 1st 1502. What is 'The river of January'? 2. The best selling record in the world in 1956 was recorded on New Years Day in Nashville. What was the name of the song? 3. On Jan 1st 1907 US President Theodore Roosevelt shook a record number of hands in one day. How many hands did he shake? 4. The Anglo Saxon name for January was which predatory creature? 5. Traditionally, what do the Dutch eat to usher in the New Year? 6. Which two European countries declared their independence on Jan 1st 1993? 7. Which man led the offensive against French troops in Indo China that began on Jan 1st 1950? 8. The US Congress prohibited the importation of what into the USA on Jan 1st 1808? 9. The first mobile phone call in Britain was made by which comedian on Jan 1st 1985? 10. On New Years Day 1925 Norway changed the name of its capital city to Oslo. What was the previous name? 11. Which 1972 film and mega box office success took place between New Years Eve and New Years Day? 12. What announcement did Emperor Hirohito of Japan make on Jan 1st 1946? 13. In which film did Helen Mirren appear with the word 'Year' in the title? 14. The European Economic Community (EEC) was first established on Jan 1st of which year? 15. In which film did Mickey Rourke appear with the word 'Year' in the title? 31
General Information Coach trips: See trip information for times. Please ensure that you sit in the seat numbered on your ticket. We regret that we cannot stop at any other point unless agreed with the organiser, to pick up or put down. The organiser reserves the right to refuse to include any member they feel is not sufficiently able-bodied to follow the itinerary. Members are responsible for own travel insurance. Buying your ticket: Please produce your membership card together with the correct money. Have prepared your choice of menu if applicable. Final ticket booking: All tickets must be booked and paid for on or before the last Thursday coffee morning before the event. Late phone bookings cannot be accepted. Members are advised to attend the last Thursday before a trip in case there are any last minute alterations. Refunds: Cannot be given for either deposits or tickets, unless the organiser is notified in time, always providing the trip is full and a replacement can be found from the waiting list. Tickets are not transferable to other members without authorisation of the organiser. Tips: Included in the cost of coach travel and restaurants, but not for hotels. Smoking: The smoking of tobacco and any other substance is not be permitted anywhere in or on the premises of The International Club of Estepona, Bahia Dorada. Dogs: Dogs are not allowed inside the clubhouse. They are permitted on the lower terrace but only when they are under the owner’s control by being attached to a lead which is held by the owner or attached to one of the hooks on the wall which are provided for that purpose. Club magazine by post: If you leave Spain for longer than a month, your magazine can be posted. Please hand stamped envelopes (correct stamps in Euros), to Terry Smith. On the reverse, please write the months you wish to receive, they will be posted to you as soon as they are issued.
Parking: When visiting the club please park considerately between white lines and never on yellow lines. ACTIVITY ORGANISERS Art Group Regina Stall Books Peter Galloway Bowls Reg Astle Bridge…”Duplicate” Tim Taminiau Computer Group, Posters Vic Loughran Film Night Sue Potter Gardening Group Sandy Avis Genealogy Dave Hackett Golf Organiser Alan Davis ICE Players (Drama Group) Margaret Hall Keep Fit Sue Jenkins-Better Ladies’ Book Club Krista Carter Ladies’ Lunches Margaret Whittley Lottery Organiser Mavis Tolfree Quiz Night, Songs of Praise, Art Class Joan Thompson Rambling Sue Potter Spanish Lessons Martin Holmes Stitch & Bitch Nina Taminiau Ticket Sales Joanna Mitchell Ticket Sales, Advertising Manager Jackie Simmonds Ticket Sales Patricia Smith Videos Roger Richards Whist Ian & Lin Ingram Writing Group Peter Brookes
663 557 738 952 794 270
637 148 660 699 712 804 634 273 194 696 259 644 634 328 114 653 488 030 637 148 660 607 963 254 652 798 107 677 656 319 669 661 660 619 609 536
951 277 113 952 886 772 952 892 386 952 897 309 952 893 965 952 897 670 952 806 922 951 277 240 951 972 577 952 792 454 952 804 799 952 892 386 952 892 163 951 277 113 952 897 977 952 797 921 951 276 690 952 891 765 952 796 150
CLUB COMMITTEE Doug Mitchell 667 998 800 Sue Potter 637 148 660 Joan Thompson 653 488 030 Ted Lunniss 608 601 230 Terry Smith 677 656 319 Brenda Taylor 654 579 492 Margaret Whittley 634 328 114 Julie Wood 639 542 387 Diane Hackett 626 080 829 Keith H. Ranshaw NON COMMITTEE POSTS Nigel Nevshehir 689 457 410
952 897 977 952 892 386 952 804 799 952 923 892 951 276 690 952 805 739 951 972 577 952 913 174 952 893 965 951 977 223
LOCAL KEY HOLDER 952 791 449 (If available) MAINTENANCE MANAGER Rob Potter 671 725 243 952 892 386 MEMBERSHIP SECRETARIES Margaret Whittley 634 328 114 951 972 577 (Temporary) Tracy Bird BAR MANAGER Mac McIntyre 610 047 228 952 808 556 ASST BAR MANAGER VACANCY AUDITOR Ron Pegrum 680 718 990 952 891 175 ASST. TREASURER Vic Loughran 952 886 772 PUBLICITY VACANCY WELFARE: Members are requested to notify our welfare officer, Barbara Salisbury if they know of any member who is ill. 952 796 368, email HOSTESS : Introduce new members : - Maureen Baldwin-Winckle 952 791 812
MAGAZINE ADVERTISING RATES AS FROM 1ST JANUARY 2011 For adverts presented in desired layout, includes inclusion on our web site with links to your site if applicable. Classified Ads: Members Only, Free Quarter page - 6€ per month - colour 7€ per month Half page - 12€ per month- colour 14€ per month Full page - 24€ per month - colour 28€ per month (Discounts:- for 6 months 10%, and for the whole year 20%) PLEASE NOTE: Colour is only available to inside front and rear cover pages and rear cover, also adjacent to centre pages. Advertising fees to be prepaid before the 20th of the month to:Jackie Simmonds, Advertising Manager, Tel. 952 797 921 or 652 798 107 Copy to be in before the 15th of any month, for inclusion in the following month’s issue. Copy can be e-mailed to: - ICE (Siberme) accepts no responsibility for contents of any advertisement appearing.
INTERNATIONAL CLUB OF ESTEPONA (Siberme) I.C.E. Clubhouse, Urbanisation Bahia Dorada, Entrada 5, at Km. 149, A 7, Estepona 29680 Malaga
Clubhouse: Telephone 952 802 549 ICE Web Site: Email: 33
JUST FOR A SMILE AINT THIS THE TRUTH? THOSE WERE THE DAYS - REMEMBER THEM WELL. My mum used to cut chicken, chop eggs and spread butter on bread on the same cutting board with the same knife and no bleach, but we didn't seem to get food poisoning. Our school sandwiches were wrapped in wax paper in a brown paper bag, not in ice pack coolers, but I can't remember getting e. coli. Almost all of us would have rather gone swimming in the lake or at the beach instead of a pristine pool (talk about boring), no beach closures then. We all took PE and risked permanent injury with a pair of Dunlop sandshoes instead of having crosstraining athletic shoes with air cushion soles and built in light reflectors that cost as much as a small car. I can't recall any injuries but they must have happened because they tell us how much safer we are now. We got the cane for doing something wrong at school, they used to call it discipline yet we all grew up to accept the rules and to honour & respect those folk older than us. We had 60 kids in our class and we all learned to read and write, do maths and spell almost all the words needed to write a grammatically correct letter......., FUNNY THAT!! We all said prayers in school and sang the national anthem, and staying in detention after school caught all sorts of negative attention. I thought that I was supposed to accomplish something before I was allowed to be proud of myself. I just can't recall how bored we were without computers, Play Station, Nintendo, X-box or 270 digital TV cable stations. We weren't!! Oh yeah ........ and where was the Benadryl and sterilisation kit when I got that bee sting? I could have been killed! We played “King of the Hill� on piles of gravel left on vacant construction sites and when we got hurt, mum pulled out the 2/6p bottle of Mercurochrome (kids liked it better because it didn't sting like iodine did) and then we got our bum spanked. Now it's a trip to the emergency room, followed by a 10 day dose of antibiotics and then mum calls the lawyer to sue the contractor for leaving a horribly vicious pile of gravel where it was such a threat. To top it off, not a single person I knew had ever been told that they were from a dysfunctional family. We never needed to get into group therapy and/or anger management classes. We were obviously so duped by so many societal ills, that we didn't even notice that the entire country wasn't taking Prozac! How did we ever survive? AAAAh, those WERE the days!!!! QUIZ ANSWERS: 1. Rio de Janeiro 2. Heartbreak Hotel 3. 8,513 4. Wolf. 5. Oliebollen (donuts) 6. Czech Republic and Slovakia 7. Ho Chi Minh 8. Slaves 9. Ernie Wise 10. Christiania
11. The Poseidon Adventure 12. That he was not a god 13. 2010 (The Year We Make Contact) 14. 1958 15. The Year Of The Dragon
Word grid: 9-letter word GREGORIAN 34
Workshop open making jewellery, repairs and commissions all at better prices. Home visits for private viewings jewellery, valuations, commissions. Call 647 154 077
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