March 2020 Edition

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MONDAY 2nd MARCH 2020 TICKETS: MEMBERS 30€ GUESTS 33€ Organiser: Diane Hackett Tel: 626 080 829




AGM 2020 Thursday 12th March 10.00am Members Only.

MARCH 2020 Edition email: Telephone 952 802 549


ICE Magazine Contents Page




20 & 21

Social Calendar March



President’s Letter



Future Events



AGM Info & Agenda



Puzzles Solutions



Past Events



Activities at ICE






Committee Members





Advertising Rates



Lottery Winners JANUARY Notices



Activity Organisers



Golf Society



General Information



This Month’s Events



Essential Telephone Numbers

President: Sue Potter Editor: Sheila Fox Advertising: Richard Wood Disclaimer: - The committee wishes to declare that ICE does not accept responsibility for the contents of articles nor the claims made by advertisers. Printed by Digiprint, Avda Litoral, Edificio Visamar, Blq 2 Local 9, 29680 Estepona Visit Our New Improved Club Website: Free Wi-Fi for members at the clubhouse. The magazine is published on the website on or before the first day of each month.

PLEASE MENTION ICE CLUB & MAGAZINE WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS. Editorial: We do not currently have anyone to produce your magazine following my retirement from the position of editor at the AGM on 12th March. I have agreed to also produce the April edition., so I will say my goodbyes then. I have been doing the job since December 2016 when I took over from Terry Smith, who had done it for nine years! I will remain on the Committee taking up one of the vacant positions. If you think you’d like to become editor, please feel free to talk to me or send me an email. If you plan to attend the AGM you must remember to bring your current 2020 membership card with you to gain access. Sheila Fox - Editor Email: Telephone: 951 900 745 Mobile: 671 232 906 PLEASE REMEMBER Your I.C.E. club is managed and run entirely by volunteers, including catering and bar staff, event organisers and your voted committee. All those who have volunteered say it is a great way to make new friends. Why not get involved? Without volunteers, the club could not exist. REQUIRED URGENTLY: KITCHEN AND BAR STAFF



President’s Letter March already - where does the time go? An important month for the Club as we hold our AGM on 12th. Please remember, you have to be a member to attend and entry will be by the top door only. More info further into the magazine. I am very pleased to say Jacqui Parrick has agreed to become VP this year and is willing to stand as President next year. I hope you will all support her. We are desperate for a magazine editor as Sheila stands down. If you think you can do this job please let us know. Some of our members appeared on ITV news in February. If you missed it there is a recording of it on our Facebook page. This month we are off to Granada, a lovely trip, I'm sure you will all enjoy it. Hopefully there will be snow when you go up to the ski resort. Diane is taking a trip to a Jerez Bodega on 2nd, so buy your tickets soon, Tapas lunch is included in the ticket price. Please remember to have all your documentation in order before 31st December, including Residencia, driving licences and that your passport has more than 6 months left before you travel. We are hoping to arrange for the British Consul to come and talk to us and clarify details. Whatever you do, enjoy.

Sue Potter, President

Police were summoned to a day-care centre where a three-year-old was resisting a rest. 5



The Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 12th March 2020. As agreed previously, Members who are unable to attend may vote by Postal Vote. (See below) May I draw your attention to Article 8 in the Club Statutes? Article 8

Subject to the provisions of Article 9, all resolutions proposed at a General Meeting will be

approved only if a favourable vote is forthcoming from a majority of the Members present or represented. Each Member shall be entitled to one vote only. Any Member unable to attend may personally apply to the Secretary for a postal vote for the published agenda. It will be issued specifically for that Member. Such postal vote will be valid only and exclusively for the meeting

specified to which it relates and only for the nominated item or items indicated on the Agenda and verified on the postal voting form, which shall be submitted to the Secretary not less than 24 hours prior to the time of the first call for such meeting. The President may direct that a sealed ballot is taken for the vote on any resolution which, in his or her opinion, is likely to be particularly contentious. You can apply to the Secretary for a postal vote in person, by letter, by telephone, by e-mail anytime from now until the Sunday before the meeting (Sunday 8th March). Please apply as early as possible to allow our Secretary time to record your request and obviously if you are applying for a Postal Vote by post and would like to receive your voting papers by post then allow sufficient time. Our Secretary’s details are:-

Margaret Whittley ICE Club Secretary, C/o The ICE Club, Urbanization Bahia Dorada, Entrance 5, Km. 149, A7, Estepona 29680, MĂĄlaga. Tel:- 951972577 or 603846698 e-mail:

Margaret will need to know your membership number, your name, your address, your contact telephone number and your e-mail address, if you have one. She also needs to know how you want the Postal Voting Form sending to you i.e. by hand, by post or by e-mail. The Agenda will be known 20 days before the meeting and the form will be sent to you as soon as is possible after this date. It will be your responsibility to see that the form is returned to the Secretary not less than 24hours before the A.G.M. (i.e. before 10.00am on Wednesday 11th March.)** ** To facilitate both last minute personal requests for a Postal Vote and the return of Postal Voting papers, Margaret will be in the Clubhouse (normal opening hours) on both Sunday, March 8th, and, for returning Postal Voting papers only, on Tuesday, March 10th.


THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Information and Advice for Members The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Thursday 12th March 2020 Entry strictly by top floor door only. First call 10.00am, second call 10.30am. All Members have the right to participate in any AGM and to vote on all resolutions put forward. Any Member may introduce a proposal at the AGM but must submit the proposal in writing to the Club Secretary not less than twenty days before the Meeting. The document has to be signed by the Proposer and countersigned by a Member seconding and supporting the proposal. Any proposal concerning the Statutes cannot be accepted. Statutes can only be changed at an E.G.M. convened for that purpose. The Agenda for the Meeting will be published in the Club Magazine and on the Club Website and Notice Board on the Club Premises not less than twenty days before the date of the Meeting. Any Member unable to attend the Meeting may apply personally by telephone, in writing, by email, via the website, or in person to the Secretary for a Postal Vote for the published agenda. The application may be at any time and should indicate the method of delivery of same. No Member may apply for a Postal Vote for any other Member. The Postal Vote will be issued specifically to the applying Member. Such Postal Vote must be returned to the Secretary not less than 24 hours prior to the time of the first call for the Meeting. In "Any Other Business" any item concerning The Club may be discussed. Proposals may be made and voted upon provided that: They do not involve Changes to the Statutes (see the rule above). They do not involve changes to The Rules. Any proposition concerning The Rules must appear on The Agenda so that the Members will have due notice of same. The following committee positions will be vacant at the time of the AGM - Vice President, Magazine Editor, Bar Manager and 2 committee positions. Nominations have been received for Vice President, Bar Manager and 1 committee member and therefore elections for these posts will take place during this AGM. Nominations from any member willing to be considered to undertake any of the above positions must apply to the club secretary for the nomination form to be completed and returned not less than 20 days before AGM (Friday 21st February). To comply with Club Statutes Article 19: Unless opposed the following committee members are willing to continue their current positions: Diane Hackett, Wilma Keeley. Although Sheila Fox is relinquishing her position as Magazine Editor, she is willing to fill the vacant Committee Member position. Any other Member seeking election to the Committee, whether as one of the Principal Officers or otherwise, shall submit written notice of his or her intention to the Secretary, countersigned by ten other Club Members supporting such nomination, not less than twenty days prior to the next General Meeting. The first member to sign the nomination form needs to be aware and willing to stand up and introduce the prospective committee member and say why they would be eligible for the position for the good of the club. Please note members wishing to apply for the posts of President or Vice President must have been a member for at least 2 years. Closing date for nominations being Friday 21st February. A secret vote will then take place at the AGM for positions stated. 7

INTERNATIONAL CLUB OF ESTEPONA AGENDA FOR THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING To be held in the Clubhouse, Bahia Dorada, Estepona on Thursday 12th March 2020 First Call 10.00am; Second Call 10.30am ENTRY STRICTLY BY TOP FLOOR DOOR ONLY President’s Welcome Minutes of the last AGM Matters Arising from Minutes President’s Report Auditor’s Report Financial Report Bar Report Catering Report Maintenance Report House Manager’s Report Membership Fee for 2021 Elections Nominations received from the following: Jacqueline Parrick - Vice President - 2018008 Ian Horwood - Bar Manager - 2019039 Phil O’Brien - Committee Member - 2018023

Magazine Editor committee position available Proposals to date (None to date) Any Other Business (None to date) Committee members relinquishing their positions: Joan Thompson as Vice President Sheila Fox as Magazine Editor Michael Dowling - Member Fran Horwood - Member 8


This was a change from the Valentine´s Parties of the past at the Club. It was purely an eating, drinking and socializing event without music which made a nice change in that we were able to chat to people and hear each other and we did indeed dine by candlelight. The tables were laid in black and red and pretty much everyone wore black and red. The French themed food was prepared by Brenda and her Team and offered a choice of French Onion Soup or Prawn Vol-au-Vent for starters, Beef Bourguignon or Cod Veronique for the main course and French Apple Tart or Cherry Clafoutis for dessert – all very delicious. Thanks go to everyone involved for all their hard work. Submitted by Margaret Whittley

GARDEN CLUB: The first Garden Club Meeting this year will be in a Garden Club Member's

attractive garden on Tuesday April 14th at the usual time of 11.30am. We shall meander around the terraces and take in all the wonderful plants, cacti, shrubs etc. and discuss any problems members may be having with their greenery, pick up some helpful advice, decide where we would like to hold future meetings and maybe swap cuttings, plants etc. As the ICE Club has quite a few new members, I would like to point out that if you enjoy gardening, come and join the Garden Club. We meet the second Tuesday of every month at 11.30am at various destinations. Please see me - I am in the Club most Thursdays (or my mobile number is in the Magazine) and look for posters on the ICE Notice Boards for future dates and places. We might meet at a member’s house, or at a Garden Centre, view Botanical Gardens, visit Parks - or for the May meeting on Tuesday May 12th we are off to Torremolinos to the Beautiful Molina de Inca Gardens. Everyone is welcome. This will be a coach trip combination with all other ICE members joining us. Submitted by Sandy Avis 9

Anglican Church of Costa del Sol West SAN PEDRO at 10-00am Every Sunday we hold an Anglican Service of Holy Communion in the Hall adjoining the Parroquia Virgen del Rocio (near McDonalds). SOTOGRANDE at 12-00pm Every 2nd and 4th Sunday we hold an Anglican Service of Holy Communion in La Iglesia la Merced, the ‘Big Church’. 1st and 3rd Sundays are Methodist Worship services. You will receive a very warm welcome at our Churches, and children are particularly encouraged to join in the Sunday school fun activities. We hold a Messy Church at Marlow’s Fish and Chip restaurant at the Eroski roundabout in Duquesa on the first Saturday of each month, between 11-00am and 1-00pm. This is well attended by children, who enjoy the various activities, and also parents and adults who come along to give their support. We conduct Wedding Blessings, Baptisms, Funeral services, and undertake pastoral care visits to the sick or needy. Coffee Morning each Tuesday in Sabinillas from 11-00am, at the Café American Bistro at the eastern end of the Paseo near the children’s play area. Our Chaplain is Adrian Low, so do come and meet him together with his wife Joanna at any of these events. For further details about us, please contact Adrian on 952 808 605 or, Church Wardens: San Pedro Church - Patricia Gommersall (an ICE Member) 620 149 215 Sotogrande Church - Debbie Geater 637 986 516 Visit our website for even more information: - 10


CODEWORDS (Answers Page 28) Codewords are like crossword puzzles - but have no clues! Instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number! To start you off, we reveal the codes for two or three letters. With these letters filled in throughout the puzzle, you'll have enough clues to start guessing words and discovering other letters. SUDOKU (Answers Page 28) Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers from 1 to 9. 11





Ellen Marie Susan

Schjerven McDermott

















Paul Sandra

Brookes Brookes

Lottery Winners JANUARY 2020 1st Ken Holloway


2nd Freddie Thomas


3rd Michael Dowling


We have a new website address and a new club email address. We also have a new Facebook Group The ICE Club Join the group and keep up to date with what’s happening. Website: General email: For Photos or for Vic For Magazine or for Sheila: When fish are in schools, they sometimes take debate

LINK WORD Find the hidden word that will also join to the end of the first word and start the second word to make two new words. (Answers on Page 28)










PARKING AT THE ICE CLUB Parking is not allowed in any of the yellow marked areas and for good relations with our neighbours, please do not park in the bay next to the front door. There is always ample parking space in Entrance 4 of Bahia Dorada. Just continue past the front of the clubhouse and turn in at the next entrance. Then turn right and drive parallel to the main road. You can park near the top and walk along the pathway to the front door, or go further down and come into the club from back door. 12


Sue’s Vegetable Tagine


As served at Welcome Back Party in January Serves 4 4 carrots 4 small parsnips 3 red onions cut into wedges 2 red peppers Optional 1/2 Bag prepared butternut squash 1 tsp each ground cumin, paprika cinnamon and mild chilli powder 400g can chopped tomatoes Bag soft dried apricots 2 tsp honey Olive oil Any veg will do really but sweet one is best. • Heat oven 200C, can 180C, gas 6 • Cut vegetables into chunks and put onto baking tray, lightly drizzle with olive oil, season and then rub the oil over the veg so that they are all coated. • Roast for 30mins until tender and beginning to brown. • While the veg are cooking fry the spices in 1tbsp Olive oil, they should sizzle and start to smell aromatic. • Tip in the tomatoes, if you can't buy chopped use whole and chop as much as possible but only use 1/2 can water. • Add apricots, honey and water. Simmer until sauce has slightly reduced. Stir in veg. • Add more seasoning if required. • Serve with couscous or jacket potatoes. Enjoy. Submitted by Sue Potter

As we schmooze in to Spring spare a thought for the forthcoming array of pretty flowers with colours aplenty. Now give thought to the petite Fleur de Lis which is white (the combination of ALL basic colours) and its rich scent. Bathe your lips and tongue with this little number for a refreshing experience to greet the coming months. FLEUR DE LIS Ingredients 2 to 3 x ¼ inch slices of cucumbers ¼ ounce freshly squeezed lime juice ¼ ounce Elderflower Liqueur (St. Germain) 1 ¼ ounces Hendrick’s Gin (or other cucumber based gin 2 ¼ to 3 ounces Fever Tree tonic Ice Garnish - 1 Glazed Hibiscus Flower Directions In a shaker add the cucumber slices and use a muddler or wooden spoon handle to crush the cucumbers. Pour in the lime juice, elderflower liqueur, gin and ice. Shake for 30 seconds. Pour into a cocktail glass, top with the tonic. Add glazed Hibiscus flower. When the drink is finished, devour the Hibiscus flower with a smile. YUMMY! Submitted by Michael Dowling WORD SQUARE (Answers Page 28) How many words can you find in this square? Every word must be at least 3 letters in length, and a letter square can’t be used more than once in a given word. There is at least one word that uses every letter

LEXOPHILES A thief who stole a calendar got twelve months. When the smog lifts in Los Angeles U.C.L.A. The batteries were given out free of charge. A dentist and a manicurist married. They fought tooth and nail. A will is a dead giveaway.

The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine is now fully recovered. 14


ICE Club Golf Society

Hello to everyone and especially to our new ICE club members who have joined us for golf. The weekly roll ups are really well supported with twenty players turning up on some days. Any more than twenty and we will have to use shotgun starts with maybe two or three groups starting at the same time. It all makes for great competition with massive prize money from the one Euro entry fee! Our last away day was played in perfect weather at La Cala Golf on the very testing Asia Course. John Crowley was the winner by one point from Colin Hoy and two points from Mariska Turkenburg. All round it was a closely fought contest enjoyed by us all. As usual it was a well planned trip by Jan Blind. We have three events in the near future ONE IMPORTANT REMINDER is for anyone wishing to play in the Spring Cup at Estepona Golf on the 8th of April. You must add your name to the list on the Ice Club board. All golfers and non-golfers wishing to have lunch afterwards at the same venue should contact me for tickets and to make a menu choice. We also have another away day at Alcaidesa Links Golf Resort on the 26th of February followed a week later by the Martin O'Gorman Trophy contest and lunch at Casares Golf. It is a busy time for us and we welcome any support from any ICE members or friends. Looking forward to some great golf and continuing good weather. Peter Contacts: Peter Henry: 693105180 Jan Blind: 603670330, Stephen McMurtry: 608854505



Ă“ptica Machin English Optician Ă“ptica Machin has established itself over the years as a highly recommended practice where eye care and exceptional service are the priorities. We welcome all patients, whatever your visual requirements for fashion, sports, style, UV protection and budget may be. The practice is very easy to find, located on the Avenida Litoral approach road into Estepona and has ample free parking.

Tel 952 80 68 13


THIS MONTH’S EVENTS MARCH Sunday 1st March 7.30 for 8.00pm 2nd night. ICE Players present their play “Getting Along”. It is a comedy about five friends who go to France for a holiday in a gite. Not quite what they expected on arrival Tickets 7€ members and 10€ guests Bar open from 7.00pm - Organiser Julie Wood Monday 2nd March Day Trip to Bodegas Real, Tesora and Valdespino, Jerez de la Frontera Leaving Benavista at 8.30am. Tickets Members 30€ Guests 33€ - Organiser Diane Hackett Friday 6th March 8.00 for 8.30om Quiz Night - Quiz Master - Tony Winterton - Organiser Joan Thompson Wednesday 4th March 10.30am Krafty Club – Come along and see if there are Krafty things you’d like to learn to do, or just find out how things are made. Twice a month on Wednesday mornings - Organisers Julie Wood & Bea Sykes Monday 9th March 8.00pm Film Night - Downton Abbey continues the storyline from the TV series, with much of the original cast returning. The film, set in 1927, depicts a visit by the King and Queen to the Crawley family's English country house in the Yorkshire countryside - Organiser Sue Potter Thursday 12th March AGM. 2020 First Call 10.00am; Second Call 10.30am Members Only. Entry strictly by top floor door only. Tuesday 17th March - St Patrick’s Night.- Live music from choir Canto Libre - also music by members for dancing and making merry. Jokes and Tales, Guinness and much more. You can bring a plate of nibbles ! Always a free and great night. - Organiser Fran Horwood Wednesday 18th March - 3.00pm History Group Meeting. Presentation by Geoff Fabron. Subject “Granada, The end of Islamic Spain” - See page 16 for more information about this. If you’re going on the Granada Trip on 22nd, you will get some insight about it. - Organiser Geoff Fabron 22nd to 25th March - Trip to Granada. 1st pickup at Sabinillas at 8.00am 3 Nights Half Board in Hotel Guadalupe, close to the Alhambra Palace. Other visits to the Science Park and Planetarium, 9€ (the biggest planetarium in Europe), evening trip to the Flamenco Gypsy Caves, time for sight-seeing in Granada and the snow in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Price is 245€ Final payments now due. Any questions please phone or email me - Tel: 953 804 799 or 653 488 030 - Organiser Joan Thompson Saturday Night 29th / Sunday Morning 30th March CLOCKS GO FORWARD ONE HOUR Sue Potter presented Brenda and Bob Taylor with a gift plant in celebration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary

Ice Rambling Group Sue Potter - Walk Co-ordinator Tel: 686 107 835 / 952 636 627 RAMBLERS PLEASE NOTE The Club does not have any insurance policy in force in relation to its Rambling activities and all members and guests participate entirely at their own risk. Neither the club nor any walk leader will be responsible for any injury or loss suffered by any participant however caused. Those attending rambling events should be suitably attires with stout walking footwear and carry waterproofs in case of weather change. You should carry a packed lunch and adequate liquids for the duration of the ramble. When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds. 19



2 Mar Mon

3 Mar


4 Mar Wed

5 Mar


6 Mar


7 Mar


8 Mar


9 Mar Mon

10 Mar Tue

11 Mar Wed

12 Mar Thu

13 Mar


REGULAR EVENTS 10.30 a.m. Petanca Playa Ancha, Casares 12.30 - 2.30 p.m. Bar Open & Tapas 12.30 - 2.15 p.m. Mahjong 9.45 am Bowling, Benavista Bowls Club 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class Golf Casares Golf Club, Ist tee off 9.00am 10.30am Beg Spanish Class 11.45am Advanced 11.00 am Mahjong 11.00 - 1.30pm Bar Open 6.45 for 7pm Canasta 10.30am Whist Rambling 6.30 - 8.30pm Dancercise 10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm LUNCH 2.00pm Drama Group Meeting 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge Golf Casares Golf Club, Ist tee off 9.00am 10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group 2.00pm - 4.00pm Yoga Rambling 10.30 a.m. Petanca Playa Ancha, Casares 12.30 - 2.30 p.m. Bar Open & Tapas 12.30 - 2.15 p.m. Mahjong 9.45 am Bowling, Benavista Bowls Club 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class Golf Casares Golf Club, Ist tee off 9.00am 10.30am Beg Spanish Class 11.45am Advanced 11.00 am Mahjong 11.00 - 1.30pm Bar Open 6.45 for 7pm Canasta 10.30am Whist Rambling 6.30 - 8.30pm Dancercise 10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm LUNCH 2.00pm Drama Group Meeting 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge Golf Casares Golf Club, Ist tee off 9.00am 10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group 2.00pm - 4.00pm Yoga 20

EXTRA EVENTS 7.30 for 8.00pm Drama “Getting Along” Day Trip to Jerez Bodegas

10.30am Krafty Club

8.00 for 8.30pm Quiz Night

8.00pm Film Night

2.00pm Committee Meeting

10.00 for 10.30am AGM Members Only

14 Mar


15 Mar


16 Mar


17 Mar


18 Mar


19 Mar


20 Mar


21 Mar


22 Mar


23 Mar


24 Mar


25 Mar


26 Mar


27 Mar


Rambling 10.30 a.m. Petanca Playa Ancha, Casares 12.30 - 2.30 p.m. Bar Open & Tapas 12.30 - 2.15 p.m. Mahjong 9.45 am Bowling, Benavista Bowls Club 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class Golf Casares Golf Club, Ist tee off 9.00am 10.30am Beg Spanish Class 11.45am Advanced 11.00 am Mahjong 11.00 - 1.30pm Bar Open 6.45 for 7pm Canasta 10.30am Whist Rambling 6.30 - 8.30pm Dancercise 10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm Lunch 2.00pm Drama Group Meeting 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge Golf Casares Golf Club, Ist tee off 9.00am 10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group 2.00pm - 4.00pm Yoga Rambling 10.30 a.m. Petanca Playa Ancha, Casares 12.30 - 2.30 p.m. Bar Open & Tapas 12.30 - 2.15 p.m. Mahjong 9.45 am Bowling, Benavista Bowls Club 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class Golf Casares Golf Club, Ist tee off 9.00am 10.30am Beg Spanish Class 11.45am Advanced 11.00 am Mahjong 11.00 - 1.30pm Bar Open 6.45 for 7pm Canasta 10.30am Whist Rambling 6.30 - 8.30pm Dancercise 10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm LUNCH 2.00pm Drama Group Meeting 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge Golf Casares Golf Club, Ist tee off 9.00am 10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group 2.00pm - 4.00pm Yoga 21

4.30pm Songs of Praise 10.30am Committee Meeting Ladies Lunch St Patrick’s Night 10.30am Krafty Club 3.00pm History Group

11.00am Computer Group


28 Mar


29 Mar


30 Mar


31 Mar


Rambling 10.30 a.m. Petanca Playa Ancha, Casares 12.30 - 2.30 p.m. Bar Open & Tapas 12.30 - 2.15 p.m. Mahjong 9.45 am Bowling, Benavista Bowls Club 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class Golf Casares Golf Club, Ist tee off 9.00am 10.30am Beg Spanish Class 11.45am Advanced 11.00 am Mahjong 11.00 - 1.30pm Bar Open 6.45 for 7pm Canasta


FUTURE EVENTS APRIL Wednesday 1st April 10.30am - Krafty Club – Come along and see if there are Krafty things you’d like to learn to do, or just find out how things are made. Twice a month on Wednesday mornings. - Organisers Julie Wood & Bea Sykes Friday 3rd April 8.00 for 8.30pm Quiz Night. Quiz Mistress Sheila Fox - Organiser Joan Thompson Monday 13th April 8.00pm Film Night - The Time of Their Lives is a British road comedy film directed and written by Roger Goldby and starring Joan Collins as Helen Shelley and Pauline Collins as Priscilla. - Organiser Sue Potter Tuesday 14th April . 11.30am 1st Gardening Club Meeting at a member’s home. - Organiser Sandy Avis Monday 20th April - Trip to The Butterfly Farm and Birds. - Organiser Diane Hackett Thursday 23rd April - St George’s Day Lunch at the Club - Menu - Starters: Chicken Liver Pâté or Mushroom Vol au Vent, Mains: Roast Beef or Roast Lamb with Yorkshire pudding, or White Fish with Lobster sauce, roast potatoes, seasonal vegetables and Gravy. Desserts: Apple pie and custard or Trifle. Tickets will be on sale shortly 17€ members and 20€ guests. MAY Saturday 9th May - Caribbean Night. - Organiser Wilma Keeley Tuesday 12th May - Trip to Molino de Inca, Torremolinos Gardens with Garden Club. EVENTS MAY CHANGE. ALWAYS CHECK CLUB HOUSE NOTICE BOARD A. B. C. D. E.

TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 28) Born in Trinidad and Tobago as Onika Tanya Maraj this singer is known by which stage name? Which best friend of Hercule Poirot was introduced in the Agatha Christie novel “The Mysterious Affair at Styles”? “There’s No Place Like Home” is a famous movie quote from which film? The island of Malta was awarded which medal during WWII? Which comedian had “Look at the muck on here” as one of his many catchphrases? With her marriage, she got a new name and a dress.

When you've seen one shopping centre you've seen a mall. 22

Photography Group Oops! Some Little Mistakes When You Can’t Blame Your Camera You’re taking lots of photos, on holiday, at home, at a wedding, birthday or some special event. But when the day is over some aren’t quite as you thought. It’s very easy to overlook some very basic simple points that can make or break a photo. Before you take your frustration out on your camera, here are some mistakes we tend to make that you can’t blame your camera for. Poor Composition Nothing’s more frustrating than ending up with a photo of a loved one or friend with some essential body part missing. Are you cutting off your subject’s feet? Or the top of their head? Check and recheck your viewfinder to ensure everything you want in the photo actually IS in the photo. If not, zoom out, or move. Try checking several angles, move your position until you’re happy with what you see. Conversely, sometimes a photo has too much space above the subject’s head. Most of the time, excess space is just that, excess with little or no information that improves or adds to the photo. If your subject is a person, leave enough space for them to breathe, and to tell your intended story. Rushing Take your time, and you will be a better photographer. Relax, don’t snap off a bunch of shots, take a minute to really observe, then press the shutter. Though there will be times when that grabbed moment comes good, so in that case, celebrate your good fortune! Distracting backgrounds We all fall short occasionally with this one. In the excitement to get that great shot, we often concentrate only on our main subject, and don’t see what’s in the background until much later. A tree or telegraph pole emerging from someone’s head, a messy bit of litter, little things that can ruin a great photo. So, take a good look around, and either move your subject, if you can, or move around yourself to avoid any distractions. Alternately, if you can, zoom in to reduce the amount of background you see. Or, position your subject so there’s greater distance between them and the background, then adjust your focus until the background becomes nicely blurred. Not giving people enough direction Don’t be afraid to give a bit of instruction! Failing to relate to your subject With human subjects, provide a fun and relaxing atmosphere, smile, chat and generally connect with the subject. With pets and animals, have the owner(s) nearby, calling their name or holding a favourite toy. Always remember with animals that their and your safety is paramount, don’t try to force a behaviour, and note when they become tired or distracted. Relating also applies to objects and landscapes; try to express what attracted you. Think about why you’re photographing something, ask yourself why you’re drawn to the subject. It then becomes easier with practice to capture that feeling, and pass this feeling on. Being fearful If you’re attempting to photograph something dangerous, where there’s a degree of risk, fear is healthy and natural. Taking extra precautions is obviously a necessity. But generally speaking, one of the best things about digital photography is the ability to delete the images you don’t want. So try something different, practice, use an unusual angle or focal length. If you’re in a market, don’t be afraid to ask permission to photograph a stall holder, and if they agree, provide that essential bit of instruction and ask them to smile. When you see something you want to photograph, ask yourself why, then how you can do it. Don’t think why not and how not. Submitted by Debra Coleman 23






A. B. C. D. E.

Nicki Minaj Arthur Hastings The Wizard of Oz George Cross Larry Grayson WORD SQUARE ANSWERS

bet, bets, bus, boss, emu, emus, met, muss, mussy, stem, sub, subs, subsystem, sum, system

Acupuncture is a jab well done. That's the point of it. LINK WORD ANSWERS











Ikea confesses that I phoned my wife their meatballs are earlier and asked made out of people if she wanted me that didn’t find the to pick up fish exit and chips on my way home from work, but she just grunted at me. I think she still regrets letting me name the twins. 28

Did you hear about the fellow whose entire left side was cut off? He's all right now. Those who get too big for their pants will be totally exposed in the end.

A cut Above The Friendly British Hair Salon Unisex Peluqueria For Every Day & Those Special Occasions 952 805 485 Ask For THERESA We are offering a promotion on Blow-dries, Shampoo and Sets for 12 Euros. Tuesday to Friday OAP days are Tuesday to Friday We are closed on Mondays Estepona Port Opposite Club Nautico

Janet, Michael and Chris Poole Poole rent-a-car

Workshop open making jewellery, repairs and commissions all at better prices. Home visits for private viewings jewellery, valuations, commissions. Call 647 154 077

Estepona Osteopathic Clinic


Bsc(Hons) Ost. Specialist treatment for back, neck and limb injuries, children and expectant mothers.

Fair fuel policy. Good rates. NO queues. We will meet you at Málaga or Gibraltar Airport. INDOOR parking at Málaga Airport 6€ a day / 4 weeks 110€ / 8 weeks 210€ / Full year 1,000€ (minimum charge 40€) Car Dent Removal Removed from bodywork at less than half the cost of normal repairs when the paint is not damaged. Ideal for dents caused by other car doors, golf balls, etc.

Mobile: 625 957 673 1D, First Floor, 124, Avenida de España, Estepona Located immediately opposite the underground car park entrance, facing the sea.

Tel/Fax: 952 88 55 89 Mobile: 619 44 66 88 Email: 29





The all-new most up to date hearing centre in the Costa now opened.

* * *

FREE DEMONSTRATION BEST DIGITAL HEARING AID PRICES ALL MODELS AVAILABLE Call for your appointment. Michael Briales AVENIDA Total dedication to your RAMÓN Y CAJAL Nº 3 hearing needs. GALERÍA SAN CRISTÓBAL LOCAL 16 Mobile 660 892 627 29600 MARBELLA TEL: 952859925



Work Guaranteed Key Holding Service Fully Insured Specialists in Floor and Wall Tiling incl. Marble & Mosaic Property Maintenance All Types of Building Work

Email: Tel: +34 630 469 710 32

ACTIVITIES AT ICE CANASTA is a unique South American card game of melds and strategy, and a

member of the Rummy card Family. The ICE Canasta Group meets every Tuesday at 6:45 for 7pm. Beginners by Appointment at 6:30pm. Anyone interested in playing, please contact the Organiser, Nigel Nevshehir Tel: 689 457 410 or see him on a Thursday at the Club.

QUIZ NIGHT is held on the first Friday of the month at 8.00 for 8.30pm. Teams are normally made

up of about 6 members or guests and if you’ve never been before, we will help you join a team and make you feel very welcome. The quiz masters are changed on rota basis. The winning team for each round receives a bottle of wine and the overall winning team receives 5 or 6 bottles of excellent wine. The bar is open before the quiz starts and again during the interval. There are normally snacks and chocolates to munch on to feed the brains. Next Quiz will be Friday 6th March 8.00 for 8.30pm Quiz Master - Tony Winterton - Organiser Joan Thompson


The family history group meetings. From October Dave will be doing the sessions on a one to one basis, on a day and time mutual to himself and the member. The sessions will take place upstairs in the club as before. Date and time will be arranged preferably by email to or telephone mobile 636 326 599 or house phone 952 893 965. Dave Hackett. BOWLING THE ICE CLUB WAY! We meet Monday mornings at Benavista Bowls Club. It is quite a sociable morning why not come and join us? 9.45 for 10.15am prompt start, 16 ends for just 10€ each, with a coffee break after 8 ends, price includes hire of woods if required. Dress code is predominately white but the critical factor is footwear, shoes must be smooth soled with no ’pimples or crinkles’. The Management at Benavista strictly applies this rule. Drinks and food available at the bar at very reasonable prices. Beginners, novices, old faces, or your guests are always welcome. Organisers Audrey Jinks and Terry Smith ICE Players, Drama Group We are a group of around twenty members. some are singers, some enjoy acting in plays and some simply enjoy helping with sound, lighting, scenery and makeup etc. We normally put on two performances a year - one in April and one in November. One is a play and the other a Musical or Pantomime. Each show has two or three performances covering Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The aim of the group is to entertain the audiences and enjoy ourselves and we make some money for the club. Everyone is welcome. If you would like to join us, or to know more about us, speak to Richard Wood or Margaret Hall. You are sure of a warm welcome. ICE PETANCA GROUP Petanca is a form of boules where the goal is to toss or roll hollow steel balls as close as possible to a small wooden ball called a cochonnet (literally "piglet") or jack, while standing inside a circle with both feet on the ground. The game is normally played on hard dirt or gravel. It can be played in public areas in parks, or in dedicated facilities called boulodromes. Venue: Playa Ancha Casares Sundays 10.30am ALL ABILITIES WELCOME! Organiser - Wilma Keeley 679 138 952 / 951 577 050 33


Brexit begins: What UK expatriates in Spain need to know about the Withdrawal Agreement by Javid Rustam, Associate Partner, Blevins Franks Now that the UK has officially left the EU, the transition period is underway and set to run until 31 December 2020. During this time, very little changes for UK nationals living in Spain, who retain freedom of movement, the right to remain and access to broadly the same benefits as EU citizens. The good news is that anyone lawfully settled in Spain before the transition deadline can lock in today’s citizens’ rights under the UK/EU Withdrawal Agreement. These benefits are protected for as long you are resident here – but there are currently no protections for UK nationals arriving after 2020. Residence under the Withdrawal Agreement To be covered by the Agreement, you must be settled in Spain before 31 December 2020 and apply for updated residence documents before 30 June 2021. You will lose residence (and associated EU rights) if you are absent from Spain for five consecutive years. Healthcare under the Withdrawal Agreement Existing entitlements to healthcare will continue for settled residents. The S1 Form system will carry on providing free cover in Spain for British retirees. To qualify for permanent residency in Spain, you may be asked for evidence of comprehensive health cover. If you don’t hold form S1, you may need to join the local healthcare system or have private health insurance. Once you become a permanent resident (available after five years) you qualify for Spanish state healthcare. Pensions under the Withdrawal Agreement UK retirees settled in Spain will continue to receive yearly cost-of-living increases to their State Pension payments. Brexit should not affect how you withdraw or transfer other UK pensions. However, the UK currently applies a 25% ‘overseas transfer charge’ on pension transfers outside the EU/EEA. This could be easily extended once the UK is no longer bound by EU freedom of movement of capital. Acquiring residence after the transition period When the transition period expires in December 2020, automatic freedom of movement will end for UK nationals and a new residence application process will apply to live in the EU. We expect these processes to be less straightforward than today. Under current rules for non-EU/EEA nationals, each individual must be able to demonstrate a minimum income to qualify for residence in Spain. Brexit beyond 2020 Currently, 2021 offers three possible scenarios: 1) the UK has a new deal with the EU and the new relationship begins; 2) the transition period is extended as negotiations continue; or 3) the UK cuts trade ties with the EU (no-deal). The transition period offers a window of certainty if you act this year. By taking steps now to come under the protection of the Withdrawal Agreement, you can lock in a lifetime of rights in Spain, whatever the Brexit outcome. To ensure you are making the most of opportunities within this closing window – and that your financial arrangements are optimised for a post-Brexit world – take specialist, crossborder advice. Blevins Franks accepts no liability for any loss resulting from any action or inaction or omission as a result of reading this information, which is general in nature and not specific to your circumstances. Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page at 35


Sue Potter Joan Thompson Margaret Whittley Ted Lunniss Sheila Fox Brenda Taylor Brenda Taylor Diane Hackett Julie Wood Wilma Keeley


Fran Horwood Michael Dowling NON COMMITTEE POSTS LOCAL KEY HOLDER Nigel Nevshehir BAR MANAGER Rob Potter ASST. BAR MANAGER Mac McIntyre AUDITOR Doug Mitchell MAINTENANCE MANAGER Doug Mitchell ASST. TREASURER Vic Loughran MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Sally Holloway HOSTESS (Introduce new members) Maureen Winckle

686 107 835 653 488 030 603 846 698 691 392 156 671 232 906 628 523 444 628 523 444 626 080 829 639 542 387 679 138 952

952 636 627 952 804 799 951 972 577

602 291 855 608 873 217

+44 7703037357

689 457 410 671 725 243 610 047 228 667 998 800 667 998 800

952 791 449 952 636 627

678 897 275

951 900 745 952 805 739 952 805 739 952 893 965 952 913 174 951 577 050

952 897 977 952 897 977 952 886 772 952 808 992 952 791 812


For adverts presented in desired layout, will have inclusion on our web site with links to your site. Classified Ads: Members Only, Free Black & White

Colour now available anywhere in the magazine. Advertising fees to be prepaid before the 15th of the month to:Richard Wood, Advertising Manager, Tel:639 542 387 or 952 913 174 Copy to be in before the 15th of any month, for inclusion in the following month’s issue. Copy can be e-mailed to me - Sheila Fox at

Quarter page Half page Full page


7€ per edition 8€ per edition 13€ per edition 15€ per edition 26€ per edition 30€ per edition

Discounts:- 6 editions 10% 12 editions 20%. There will be 10 editions per calendar year August & September are combined as are December & January

ICE (Siberme) accepts no responsibility for contents of any advertisement appearing. INTERNATIONAL CLUB OF ESTEPONA (Siberme) I.C.E. Clubhouse, Urbanisation Bahia Dorada, Entrada 5, at Km. 149, A7, Estepona 29693 Málaga Clubhouse: Telephone 952 802 549 ICE Web Site: Email: PLEASE TELL ADVERTISERS YOU SAW THEIR ADVERT IN ICE MAGAZINE 36


Richard Wood

639 542 387

952 913 174

Art Group

Audrey Jinks

650 883 252

951 563 458

Art Group

Steve Carter

696 259 644

951 277 240

Art Class Mondays

Ronnie Lilley


Audrey Jinks

650 883 252

951 901 134


Terry Smith

677 656 319

951 276 690


Tim Taminiau


Nigel Nevshehir

689 457 410

952 791 449

Club Calendar Co-ordinator

Sue Potter

686 107 835

952 636 627

Posters & Tickets

Vic Loughran

Film Night

Sue Potter

686 107 835

952 636 627

Garden Club

Sandy Avis

617 715 749

952 897 309

Genealogy - Family History

Dave Hackett

636 326 599

952 893 965

Golf Organiser

Peter Henry

693 105 180

951 273 949

ICE Players (Drama Group)

Margaret Hall

634 273 194

Ladies’ Lunches

Julie Wood

639 542 387


Peter Galloway

Lift Controller

Terry Smith

677 656 319

951 276 690

Lottery Organiser

Dave Hackett

636 326 599

952 893 965


Wilma Keeley

679 138 952

951 577 050

Photography Group

Debra Coleman

Quiz Night, Songs of Praise, Art Class

Joan Thompson

653 488 030

952 804 799


Sue Potter

686 107 835

952 636 627

Spanish Lessons

Martin Holmes

652 272 142

952 892 163

Ticket Sales

Maggie Whittley

603 846 698

951 972 577

Ticket Sales

Jackie Simmonds

652 798 107

952 797 921

Ticket Sales

Fran Horwood

602 291 855

+44 7703 037 357


Cindy Holmes

628 860 093

952 892 163

Wake Organiser

Julie Wood

639 542 387

952 913 174


Polly Fouracres

952 800 875

951 277 113

952 886 772

952 913 174

952 794 270

+44 7778 365 006 37

GENERAL INFORMATION See trip information for times. Please ensure that you sit in the seat numbered on your ticket. We regret that we cannot stop at any other point unless agreed with the organiser, to pick up or put down. The organiser reserves the right to refuse to include any member they feel is not sufficiently able-bodied to follow the itinerary. Members are responsible for their own travel insurance. BUYING YOUR TICKET Please produce your membership card together with the correct money. Have prepared your choice of the menu if applicable. Final ticket booking: All tickets must be booked and paid for on or before the last Thursday coffee morning before the event. Late phone bookings cannot be accepted. Members are advised to


WELFARE Members are requested to notify

our welfare officer, Wilma Keeley if they know of any member who is ill. Tel: 951 577 050 / 679 138 952 email:

SMOKING The smoking of tobacco,

electronic cigarettes and any other substance is not be permitted anywhere in or on the premises of The International Club of Estepona, Bahia Dorada.

When visiting the club please park considerately between white lines and never on yellow lines. Please DO NOT PARK in the car parking space in front of next door's apartment. Although it is not officially for their sole use it attend the last Thursday before a trip in is better for peaceful relations that we don't case there are any last-minute alterations. park there. REFUNDS Cannot be given for tickets, unless the organiser is notified MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL in time, and providing the trip is full and a Renewing your annual club membership can be replacement can be found from the waiting done by bank transfer. Send to: Bank - Banco Sabadell, Sabinillas. list. Tickets are not transferable to other IBAN:- ES98 0081 0535 8800 0131 1734 members without the authorisation of the BIC CODE:- BSABESBB organiser. Please advise TED LUNNISS the IMPORTANT: OF ANY BROKEN included in theTELL cost ofTHE coachBAR STAFF TIPS Are CLUB TREASURER by email ifGLASS you have sent a ANDbut THEY WILL DISPOSE OF IT. travel and restaurants, not for payment by bank transfer, stating your name and hotels. membership number if possible. DOGS Are not allowed inside the clubhouse. They are permitted on the lower terrace but only when they are under the owner’s control by being attached to a lead which is held by the owner or attached to one of the hooks on the wall which are provided for that purpose.


All drinks, Do not HELICOPTEROS SANITARIOS whether have an alcoholic or otherwise, to be consumed on answering machine. The phone will ring until the Club premises shall be purchased from someone picks up. If you hear a message in the Club bar. Spanish you have dialled the wrong number. CLUB DRINKS POLICY


ESSENTIAL TELEPHONE NUMBERS EMERGENCIES HOSPITALS AMBULANCE 061 Ambulance 951 222 222 GENERAL EMERGENCIES 112 Algeciras 956 026 500 NATIONAL POLICE 091 Costa Del Sol Hospital 951 976 669 LOCAL POLICE 092 La Linea Hospital 956 026 500 GUARDIA CIVIL 062 Málaga Carlos Haya 950 390 400 FIRE BRIGADE 080 AIRPORTS EMERGENCIES GIBRALTAR 199 Málaga Arrivals 952 048 845 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 016 Málaga Departures 952 048 804 HELICOPTERS SANITARIOS 952 811 818 Jerez 956 150 000 ELECTRIC EMERGENCY 900 850 840 Seville 954 449 000 GAS EMERGENCY 900 202 212 Gibraltar +35020073026 SEA RESCUE 900 202 202 Local Taxi (large with 951 775 777 wheelchair access) GIBRALTAR FRONTIER +35020042777 CONSULATES and EMBASSIES Belgium Málaga 952 219 004 Denmark Málaga 952 211 797 France Málaga 954 293 200 Germany Málaga 952 227 886 Holland Málaga 952 363 591 Ireland Fuengirola 952 475 108 Italy Málaga 912 106 910 Norway Málaga 952 667 955 Sweden Fuengirola 952 604 383 Switzerland Málaga 952 217 266 U.K. Málaga 952 352 300 U.S.A Fuengirola 952 474 891 MORE HELP TOURIST OFFICES Casares 952 894 056 Adana 952 113 467 Estepona 952 802 002 Age Concern 650 163 928 Alcoholics Anonymous 600 379 110


952 890 029

Citizens Advice Spain

952 797 821

San Roque

956 694 005

Diabetics Support Narcotics Support

952 464 184 902 114 147

Marbella Gibraltar

952 771 442 +350 200 749 50



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