October 2018 Edition

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Terry’s Walking Treasure Hunt Puerto de la Duquesa Saturday October 6th Start 10.30 - 11.30am from Dolphin Bar Price 5€ DOLPHIN BAR

OVERNIGHT TRIP TO SEVILLE TUESDAY OCTOBER 23rd Price 95€ p.p double 120€ single Incl. buffet breakfast & coach





www.siberme.com Email: clubsiberme@hotmail.com Telephone 952 802 549


ICE Magazine Contents Page





This Month’s Events



President’s Letter


20 & 21

Social Calendar



Photography Group


Future Events



Garden Club


22 & 23 7,11,142 5 & 26



Lottery Winners AUGUST



New Feature !!! HOROSCOPES






Committee Information



Activities at ICE



Advertising Rates



Golf Society



Activity Organisers



Classified Advertisiments



General Information



New Members



Essential Telephone Numbers

Members’ Articles

President: Sue Potter Editor: Sheila Fox Advertising: Richard Wood Disclaimer: - The committee wishes to declare that ICE does not accept responsibility for the contents of articles nor the claims made by advertisers. Printed by Digiprint, Avda Litoral, Edificio Visamar, Blq 2 Local 9, 29680 Estepona Visit Our New Improved Club Website: www.siberme.com Free Wi-Fi for members at the clubhouse. The magazine is published on the website on or before the first day of each month.

PLEASE MENTION ICE CLUB & MAGAZINE WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS. Editorial: Many members are returning from their summer break, so the club is getting busier again. Lots of things happening this month and next and building towards the Festive Season. Check the social calendar pages and keep an eye on the notice board in the clubhouse. A new feature in this month’s magazine, from Stella, our mysterious star-gazer! Please continue to send me any items you think may be of interest to other members. Sheila Fox - Magazine Editor Email:safoxuk@gmail.com Telephone: 951 890 51 Mobile: 671 232 906 PLEASE NOTE When going on trips by coach, unfortunately, we are only able to pickup and drop off at the designated pickup points, which are bus stops. We cannot stop at any other places to drop off. PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR I.C.E. club is managed and run entirely by volunteers, including catering and bar staff, event organisers and your voted committee. All those who have volunteered say ‘It is a great way to make new friends’. Why not get involved? FACT: Without volunteers, the club could not exist. REQUIRED URGENTLY: KITCHEN AND BAR STAFF 3

Our “Tax Reference Guide for Spain” is available on ICE Website http://www.siberme.com/


President’s Letter No sooner have all the tourist left then the rain arrived,

did you see the videos of the storm in Ronda, at time of writing we've had nothing like that just steady rain. I can't believe we're in the final quarter of the year already which means of course that plenty of events are being organised. Please check calendar in magazine or website or even better, come to the Thursday meeting. Last month we held the Welcome Back Party which sold out quite quickly, so remember to come in on Thursday's before 12.45 to buy your tickets. Terry is holding the usual treasure hunt event, this time around Duquesa Port. We are off to Salon Varieties in Fuengirola to walk the yellow brick road. I hope you're dusting your red shoes off!! Joan is organising, by request, an overnight trip to Seville. Let's hope it's a full coach. Sunday 14th is our Open Day. Please invite as many friends as you can to make this day as successful as last year. Flyers are available to put in your Urbanisation post room or local shops. Next month of course we are celebrating 30 years. I hope all past Presidents and as many members as possible will be able to come. It's a lovely venue and the Club is subsidising ticket prices. There will be the usual cava raffle and restaurant vouchers, and dancing to Mandy. Whatever you choose to attend I hope to see you. Keep well and keep safe. Sue Potter -- President.

English is a crazy language! There is no egg in eggplant, nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat. We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig. And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth, beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese? One index, 2 indices? Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it? If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell? How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which, an alarm goes off by going on. English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all. That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible. P.S. — Why doesn't 'Buick' rhyme with 'quick'. 5

A cut Above The Friendly British Hair Salon Unisex Peluqueria For Every Day & Those Special Occasions 952 805 485 Ask For THERESA We are offering a promotion on Blow-dries, Shampoo and Sets for 12 Euros. Tuesday to Friday OAP days are Tuesday to Friday We are closed on Mondays Estepona Port Opposite Club Nautico Poster found in a church in France (translated) When you enter this church it may be possible that you hear “the call of God” However, it is unlikely that He will call you on your mobile. Thank you for turning off your phones. If you want to talk to God, enter, choose a quiet place and talk to Him. If you want to see Him, send Him a text while driving” The missus asked what I was doing on the computer. I said I was looking for cheap flights… She got all excited, which is strange as she’s never shown any interest in Darts before!

Workshop open making jewellery, repairs and commissions all at better prices. Home visits for private viewings jewellery, valuations, commissions. Call 647 154 077 chirine@ayoubijewellery.com


MEMBER’S ARTICLE THE STORY OF FLAX – PART ll In Part 1, we left the story of flax (Linus usitatissimum) with all the fine fibres processed until they produced the finest quality of linen. Early in that process the coarse tough fibres of the stems and roots were separated, as were the seeds. So what can be done with these? Fairly obviously, the seeds may be used to grow more flax in the following year. Alternatively, the seeds may be crushed to produce oil – linseed oil. This has been used for many years as a medium for oil paints, making the pigment paste more fluid, transparent and glossy. Mixed with powdered chalk, linseed oil makes traditional putty for glazing windows, and in various forms, is used as a wood finish because it soaks slowly into the wood, showing off the grain of the wood, and hardening to avoid stickiness, this being very important with cricket bats, snooker cues, gun stocks, modern wooden surfboards and the fret boards of violins, guitars and mandolins. Garden furniture treated with linseed oil, however, is very susceptible to mildew in damp weather conditions. Boiled linseed oil is used as a sizing in gilding, to adhere gold sheet to the surface of parchment and canvas, and clay in tile decoration. Due to its high Omega-3 fatty acid content, food-grade flaxseed oil is said to have a hearty taste and is marketed as a traditional European ethnic food. Perhaps the oil is best known as when oxidised and mixed with wood or cork dust, as the basis for the floor covering, linóleum. Invented in the mid 19th C, it followed the use of the oil as a preservative of sailcloth – oil cloth, and the creation of Lincrusta and later Anaglypta wall coverings, but when as a means of speeding up the oxidation process, it was poured onto cheap, strong fabrics to form a waterproof and highly wear-resistant surface that could be decorated or embossed. Initial production in Staines, England, exported floor coverings to Europe and America, and as techniques of production were developed, more factories were opened, particularly in Scotland, at Kirkcaldy in Fife. The opening of more factories in the USA led to greater use and application. US Navy ships were designed with linóleum covered steel floors, instead of wood, in enclosed locations instead, but following the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, linóleum was considered too high a flammability risk. The Royal Navy followed in principle, but specified a less flammable product using a different wooddust filler. The use of PVC has more or less removed lino from the market, it being cheaper and safer, although inclined to give off dioxins if burned. In the early 20th C, artists adapted their print-making techniques using linóleum instead of wood. Both Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse created lino-cut images. In 1962 Picasso created a linocut apparently depicting his new (second) wife, ‘Jacqueline in a Straw Hat’. Prints, from the block 64cm x 53cm, are exhibited in the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. (Copy in Acrylics by author) And now on the market, a new product made from the left-overs of all the other prime uses. The stalks, tough fibres and stems have been found a use. Chopped into small lengths, and mixed with a water-based solution, the new product takes the form of a building material – a brick with high insulation properties that can eliminate the need of cavity-wall construction, strong in compression and capable of being poured ‘on-site’ into a mould that may be raised to the next level as a construction is raised. Flax is also used for reinforcement of concrete, being called ‘flaxcrete’, and for door panels, roof insulation and other interior fittings to assist heat and acoustic proofing. Government-supported research is going on apace – in China! Submitted by Geoff Morgan 7

ACTIVITIES AT ICE Photography Group Judging and critiquing photos-What’s it all about? The Festive (previously Autumn) Fayre is coming up, and with it, the photographic competition. Categories have been announced, and hopefully lots of members are preparing to participate in this fun competition with prizes awarded to the best photo in each category! So, let’s take a look at what this judging palaver is all about. First things first, remember that photography is a hobby for most, and an enjoyable way to preserve memories. The first and most important thing is: your photo is YOURS. It’s the way it is because that was your intention, and YOU like it. But then how to choose the ”best” photo? Photography is an art, like painting, drawing and other art forms. In other words, it’s a visual language: just like a sentence is a spoken or written one, it’s a means of communication. Just like reading a sentence, your viewer will read your photograph, so the elements that you want them to read need to be there. Tell the story, not in a sentence, but in your image. There are principles that will help you in putting together your visual story. Not rules! Rules can and will be broken, often to your advantage! Guidelines, such as composition, leading lines, rule of thirds, will guide you when deciding how to photograph the image you see. These basics form the “bones” of a photographic image, and anyone wishing to go over these guidelines again can pop into the monthly photo group meeting for a refresher visit to them. Often, a thing is greater than the sum of its parts, and this is where the photographer gets the opportunity to add the important emotional element to a photo, what part of the scene to capture, to describe that wonder, awe, or simple curiosity that lead you to take that photograph. Think of this as a process of layering, layering elements-light, angle, composition, design-with decisions, the correct focal length, the precise moment, which areas of the scene you wish to highlight. By doing this exercise, your image will be stronger, and convey more clearly the message you want your viewer to experience. A photograph can be technically perfect, the correct exposure, great composition, great light, and it can still be dull! Don’t, by all means, ignore the principles (rules) when taking a photo, but consider them as a part of the process, not the entirety. Judges, like all people, will respond to beauty, curiosity, wonder, cruelty. By giving your photo a visual language, you’re speaking to that judge in a language we all understand. This, more than anything, will produce a winning image. As photographers, it’s essential that we learn to read, and talk about, our photographs. This isn’t about noting the negatives, being critical, or dissecting our photos, it’s about understanding why we took that particular photo, and how it relates to us, and our intended viewers. Technical perfection is only part of the story, in some cases, where points are being awarded it makes up only 50% of the final score. That other 50%, your visual story, what you put into your photo of yourself, is what makes a good photo a great one. Debra Coleman Tel: 617432629 email: bordertramp@icloud.com



ACTIVITIES AT ICE Garden Club Tuesday 11th September. The Garden Club had a very enjoyable meeting in Alison Dolan's beautiful garden. Much to my amazement, as I had received so many 'apologies' this month, we had 16 members attend. The usual 'Flowers and their Meanings', 'Seed Bombs information', 'Dubai Miracle Garden photos' were laid out on the table for all to view. It was a nice cool morning and Alison took us all on a tour of her beautiful garden with its many interesting areas - even a 'secret garden'. What was so surprising was the fact that the garden is only 6 years old and yet looked so mature already, full of so many trees, plants and shrubs around a sweeping healthy lawn. Quiet corners, raised seating areas - even steps up to the high wall so her dogs can walk around or to laze on. Alison is certainly a very clever designer with an eye for various unusual furniture pieces, pottery animals, wind chimes, water feature and other bits to add to her layouts. Her husband told me he felt he was 'in paradise' and you can understand why............... living in a villa within these fabulous gardens with the view of the sea in the background. Alison's Mother Morfa lives with them and has her own garden - lucky lady. After a nice walk around, we all sat down for the meeting. I greeted everyone, especially Sheila Thompson who ran the Garden Club before me, and welcomed new members who were asked to add their email addresses to the Members List. I also thanked Alison for letting us see her garden and her husband for their hospitality. I informed the meeting that I had liaised with Sue (President) about the Paloma Park trip to Benalmádena . Sue thought it a good idea to open the meeting up to all ICE members as we can visit Paloma Park in the morning then go onto Benalmádena port for lunch or for some retail shopping. A coach will be provided - cost TBA and Tuesday May 14th will be the date unless otherwise advised. I also mentioned maybe going to Molino del Santo again. I took the Garden Club there about 3 years ago and it was a splendid trip. For those who hadn't been, I explained it is a hotel/restaurant/old mill house about 10 minutes from Ronda. Wonderful terraces to view alongside a mountain stream. A train runs from San Roque Railway Station to Benaoján (about 12 euros return). Each little station we stop at on the way is interesting to see with their hanging baskets, tubs of plants etc. When we get to Benaoján, there is about a 5 minute walk to Molino del Santo. The food is excellent - they have a good variety from reasonable to expensive. I passed around a newspaper cutting giving more details. It gained interest so we will discuss it more at the next meeting. Some cuttings were offered to members. The October 9th meeting will be cancelled as no interesting venues were offered and the weather can be wet. So the next Garden Club meeting will now be on Tuesday, March 12th 2019 at 11.30 - venue TBA. Lists giving all the meeting dates were given out. These are: Tuesdays - March 12th, April 9th, May 14th, June 11th, July 9th, August 13th, September 10th, October 8th. I opened up the meeting to anyone who has a problem, who needs advice or can offer some good ideas. Somebody had a treacle like goo on her lemon tree - what can be done? Various ideas Advice re. irrigation asked for and useful advice given. What is the best way to make mulch for the garden? Again advice offered. Alison offered the name of a very good feed she gives all her plants and lawn twice a year. And so like at all the Garden Club meetings - we all learned some interesting information. Alison supplied us all with nibbles and drinks and we all agreed a lovely time was had by all. A BIG thank you to Alison, her Husband and Morfa. ...Cont’d 10

Garden Club cont’d

Tip of the month. It has been a good year for lemons. Did you know they can make ideal planters? Hollow out halves of squeezed lemons. Fill them with soil and pierce a small hole at the bottom for drainage. When the seeds have sprouted, you can plant the seedling, lemon and all in the ground. As the lemon rots, it will provide valuable nutrients. Submitted by: Sandy Avis

Nostalgia I remember the cheese of my childhood and the bread that we cut with a knife. When the children helped with the housework, and the men went to work, not the wife. The cheese never needed a fridge and the bread was so crusty and hot. The children were seldom unhappy and the wife was content with her lot. I remember the milk from the bottle, with the yummy cream on the top. Our dinner came hot from the oven, and not from the fridge in the shop. The kids were a lot more contented, they didn't need money for kicks. Just a game with their mates in the road and sometimes the Saturday flicks. I remember the shop on the corner, where a pen'orth of sweets was sold. Do you think I'm a bit too nostalgic? Or is it....I'm just getting old? I remember the 'loo' was the lavvy and the bogey man came in the night. It wasn't the least bit funny going "out back" with no light. Hung on a peg in that loo, were interesting items to view, from newspapers cut into squares. It took little to keep us amused. Dirty clothes were boiled in the copper, with plenty of rich foamy suds. But the ironing seemed never ending as Mum pressed everyone's 'duds'. I remember the slap on my backside and the taste of soap if I swore. Anorexia and diets weren't heard of and we hadn't much choice what we wore. Do you think that bruised our ego? or our initiative was destroyed? We ate what was put on the table and I think life was better enjoyed. But a huge fact not hereto mentioned in this mushy tale of nostalgic rejoice, is the reason we all "enjoyed" our lot. Was that we had NO BLOODY CHOICE Submitted by Terry Smith

Lottery Winners 1st


Helen Oldfield

2nd Keith Renshaw 3rd

John Murray

Listening to the wife is like reading the terms & conditions of a website. You understand nothing, but still you say “ I agree!”

36€ 18€ 9€




CODEWORDS No. 14 (Answers Page 28) Codewords are like crossword puzzles - but have no clues! Instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number! To start you off, we reveal the codes for two or three letters. With these letters filled in throughout the puzzle, you'll have enough clues to start guessing words and discovering other letters. SUDOKU No. 18 (Answers Page 28 ) Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers from 1 to 9. 13

MEMBER’S ARTICLE Back In Time - 50 Years Ago - October 1968- Remember These October – the M1 motorway completed when the final 35-mile section opened between Rotherham and Leeds. 2 October – a woman from Birmingham gives birth to the first recorded instance of live Sextuplets in the UK. 5 October – Police baton civil rights demonstrators in Derry, Northern Ireland, marking the beginning of The Troubles. 6 October – British racing drivers Jackie Stewart, Graham Hill and John Surtees take the first three places at the United States Grand Prix. 8 October – Enoch Powell warns that immigrants "may change the character" of England. 11 October - Apollo program: NASA launches Apollo 7, the first manned Apollo mission (Wally Schirra, Donn Eisele, Walter Cunningham). Mission goals include the first live television broadcast from orbit and testing the lunar module docking manoeuvre. 12–27 October – Great Britain and Northern Ireland compete at the Olympics in Mexico City and win 5 gold, 5 silver and 3 bronze medals. 18 October – National Giro opens for business through the General Post Office, with administrative headquarters at Bootle. October 20 – Former U.S. First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy marries Greek shipping tycoon Aristotle Onassis on the Greek island of Scorpios. October 25 – Led Zeppelin makes their first live performance, at Surrey University in England. Submitted by Terry Smith

WORD SQUARE No. 15 (Answers Page 28) NAME THAT TUNE No. 9 (Answers Page 28 ) How many words can you find in this square? Every word must be at least 3 letters in length, and a letter square can’t be used more than once in a given word. There is at least one word that uses every letter

Can you guess the song title and the artist from the lyrics?

TRIVIA QUIZ No. 7 (Answers page 28 )

A. What was the name of Al Pacino’s character in Scent of a Woman? B. Which country owns Hokkaido? C. Gordon and Irish are what kind of dogs? D. Igor I and Rurik ruled which nation? E. Huascaran is a mountain located in which nation?

NAME THAT FILM N0.6 (Answers page 28 ) Year: 2007, Comedy, Cast: Michael Cera, Jonah Hill, Christopher Mintz-Plasse 14


ACTIVITIES AT ICE BOWLING OUR WAY! We meet Monday mornings at Benavista Bowls Club. It is quite a sociable morning, why not come and join us? 9.45 for 10.15am start, 16 ends for just 8€ each, with a coffee break after 8 ends, price includes hire of woods if required. Dress code is predominately white but the critical factor is footwear, shoes must be smooth soled with no ’pimples or crinkles’. The Management at Benavista strictly applies this rule. Drinks and food available at the bar at very reasonable prices. Beginners, novices or your guests are always welcome. - Organisers Audrey Jinks 650 883 252 and Terry Smith 677 656 319

WHIST We have revived the Whist evenings on a Wednesday at the clubhouse at 6.30 for 7.00pm start. Beginners, by appointment at 6.00pm. Anyone interested in playing please contact Wilma Keeley at 679138952 or see her on a Thursday at the club.

SLIMMERS GROUP Slimmers are now meeting once a month, the second Friday of each month at 2pm.The aim of the group is to help and encourage each other to lose weight. There is no special produce to buy, just a diet that will surprise you with what you can eat. Come and join us. Next meeting 12th October 2.00pm - Organiser Sue Potter

FAMILY HISTORY If you have ever considered that you might like to trace your ancestors, please come along to one of our FAMILY HISTORY meetings, on the 2nd Friday of each month at 11.am,

and although I won’t promise the earth, I am sure we can get some information about your family that you didn’t know. - Organiser Dave Hackett

RAMBLERS meet between October and May on Wednesdays and Saturdays. We meet at various locations depending where the walk is starting from. We walk for about 5 hours but this includes a stop for coffee and lunch (bring your own) and we always end the walk with a drink at a bar!! Starts again 17th October meeting 11.30am at American cafe on Sabinillas - Organiser Sue Potter

CANASTA is a unique South American card game of melds and strategy, and a member of the Rummy card family. The ICE Canasta group meets every Tuesday at 7.30pm. - Organiser Nigel Nevshehir

ICE PETANCA GROUP Petanca is a form of boules where the goal is to toss or roll hollow steel balls as close as possible to

a small wooden ball called a cochonnet (literally "piglet") or jack, while standing inside a circle with both feet on the ground. The game is normally played on hard dirt or gravel. It can be played in public areas in parks, or in dedicated facilities called boulodromes.

Venue: Playa Ancha Casares Sundays 10.30am ALL ABILITIES WELCOME! Organiser - Jaqui Parrick Tel: 665 894 088 16


ACTIVITIES AT ICE ICE Club Golf Society As usual in July and August, the number of people at the weekly roll ups has been quite small. Many players were out of the country and the hot weather was too much for some. However, for the people who did play, we have seen a continued improvement with the Casares course. The management and ground staff have only to finish the work on the greens and then I am sure that we will all agree that the course has never been in better condition for us to enjoy our golf. Our first away day for some time was played at La Cala on the Asia course on the 12th of this month. Ten of us had an enjoyable round although it was a very early start! Barbara Sims won the day with an excellent 39 points and Joe Scanlon in second place with 34 points. Well done to both of you. As well as the increasing numbers at our twice weekly meetings, two major events take place in October. The first is the Autumn cup and lunch on the 2nd. The golf is at Estepona Golf and the lunch at La Choza restaurant. Anyone wishing to play can add their name to the list on the board in the club or contact Jan Blind. Anyone wishing to join us for the lunch should contact me, Peter Henry for tickets. Three courses and raffle for 16 â‚Ź. Open for players, non players and guests. The golf break at the end of October looks like being the best attended we have had with players and non players totalling around thirty. It is most players first golfing visit to Almeria. so we are all looking forward to sharing the experience. Finally, I am sure we are all rooting for a European win in the Ryder cup. It should be great viewing. Contacts: Peter Henry: 693105180, Jan Blind: 603670330, Stephen McMurtry: 608854505


THIS MONTH’S EVENTS OCTOBER Tuesday 2nd October - Golf Autumn Cup and Lunch at Venta La Choza Restaurant Lunch menu. Starters: Minestrone Soup. Fabada (White bean stew), Mixed Salad, Tuna Pâté Main Course: Chicken Crepes with Bechamel Sauce & Rice, Grilled Sole with Sautéed Potatoes, Oven-baked Hake with Tomato & Peppers, Beef Stew with Red Wine and Vegetables. Dessert: Chocolate Pie, Pudding, Fruit Salad, Ice Cream. 16 € incl. raffle and first drink.14.30 for 15.00.Contact Peter Henry for tickets. 693105180 or 951273949 Friday October 5th - Quiz Night - 8.00 for 8.30pm - Quizmaster Doug Proctor - Organiser Joan Thompson Saturday 6th October - Terry’s Walking Treasure Hunt in Puerto de la Duquesa FREE parking. Start at your own pace by picking up your questionnaire between10.30 & DOLPHIN BAR 11.30am. from Dolphin Bar Port front row. A leisurely walk around the Port area, mostly flat with some stairs, answer questions from clues as you go. You should get round in 1½ to 2 hours, depending on your coffee and comfort stops en route. ‘Easy’ to follow instructions and clues in chronological order as you walk. Tickets: 5€ per questionnaire (one per person or per couple) - Organiser Terry Smith Monday 12th November - Film Night 8.00pm - REX Megan Leavey (also known as Rex)[3] is a 2017 American biographical drama film directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaiteand written by Pamela Gray, Annie Mumolo, and Tim Lovestedt, based on the true events about a young female Marine named Megan Leavey and a combat dog named Rex. The film stars Kate Mara as the titular character, with Edie Falco, Common, Ramón Rodríguez, and Tom Felton in supporting roles. Sunday 14th October - NEW MEMBERS OPEN DAY 12.30 to 2.00pm. Tell your friends, neighbours and relations. Please take some club flyers to your favourite venues. Wednesday, 17th October Rambling will start - meeting 11.30am at American cafe on Sabinillas sea front or wall opposite! If you want a coffee before we start please make sure you are ready for the off at 11.30. We will be walking along the sea front to Tubalitis at La Paloma for lunch. As always our first ramble is more of a social gathering than a serious walk. Please remember sun cream and water, as it's usually quite warm on the return walk. - Organiser Sue Potter Saturday 20th October - Trip to Theatre in Fuengirola to see The Wizard of Oz. Coach will leave Sabinillas at 4.00pm to have time for shopping and eating. Price of tickets incl. coach Members 27€ and Guests 30€ - Organiser Joan Thompson Tuesday 23rd October - Overnight Trip to Seville the Hotel Derby is booked in the centre, near to the Setas and a Corte Ingles very close, and 12 minutes walk to the Cathedral and Alcázar. Price will be 95€ p.p. sharing double room, 120€ p.p. for single room. Price includes hot and cold buffet breakfast, and coach transfers. - Organiser Joan Thompson THE CLUB WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS Susan Hall Anita Andreasson Juan Herrera Agneta Schioler-Herrera Lesley-Ann Fabron Geoff Fabron 19

Just because I can’t sing, doesn’t mean I won’t sing!



REGULAR EVENTS 9.45am Bowling, Benavista Bowls Club 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class 11.00am - 1.30pm Bar Open 10.30am Beg Spanish Class 11.45am Adv Spanish Class 11.00am Mahjong 7.30 pm Canasta 6.30 for 7.00pm Whist 10.30am - 2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm Lunch 2.00pm Drama Rehearsals 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge 10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group

1 Oct


2 Oct


3 Oct


4 Oct


5 Oct


6 Oct


7 Oct


8 Oct


9 Oct


10 Oct


11 Oct


12 Oct


13 Oct


14 Oct


10.30am Petanca, Playa Ancha, Casares 12.30pm-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas Mahjong 12.30pm - 2.15pm

15 Oct


9.45am Bowling, Benavista Bowls Club 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class

10.30am Petanca, Playa Ancha, Casares 12.30pm-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas Mahjong 12.30pm - 2.15pm 9.45am Bowling, Benavista Bowls Club 2.30pm - 5.00pm Art Class 11.00am -1.30pm Bar Open 10.30am Beg Spanish Class 11.45am Adv Spanish Class 11.00am Mahjong 7.30 pm Canasta 6.30 for 7.00pm Whist 10.30am - 2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm Lunch 2.00pm Drama Rehearsals 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge PUBLIC HOLIDAY 10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group



Golf Autumn Cup and Lunch at Venta La Choza Restaurant 14.30 for 15.00pm

8.00 for 8.30pm Quiz Night Terry’s Walking Treasure Hunt Start 10.30 - 11.30am

8.00pm Film Night

2.00pm Committee Meeting

COLUMBUS DAY 11.00am Family History 2.00pm Slimmers Group 12.30 -2.00pm NEW MEMBERS OPEN DAY

16 Oct


17 Oct


18 Oct


19 Oct 20 Oct

Fri Sat

21 Oct


22 Oct


23 Oct


24 Oct


25 Oct


26 Oct 27 Oct

Fri Sat

28 Oct


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30 Oct


31 Oct


11.00am - 1.30pm Bar Open 10.30am Beg Spanish Class 11.45am Adv Spanish Class 11.00am Mahjong 7.30 pm Canasta Rambling 6.30 for 7.00pm Whist 10.30am - 2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm Lunch Talk by Osteostrong 2.00pm Drama Rehearsals 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge 10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group Rambling 10.30am Petanca, Playa Ancha, Casares 12.30pm-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas Mahjong 12.30pm - 2.15pm 9.45am Bowling, Benavista Bowls Club 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class 11.00am - 1.30pm Bar Open 10.30am Beg Spanish Class 11.45am Adv Spanish Class 11.00am Mahjong 7.30 pm Canasta Rambling 6.30 for 7.00pm Whist 10.30am - 2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting 1.00pm Lunch 2.00pm Drama Rehearsals 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge 10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group Rambling 10.30am Petanca, Playa Ancha, Casares 12.30pm-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas Mahjong 12.30pm - 2.15pm 9.45am Bowling, Benavista Bowls Club 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class 11.00am - 1.30pm Bar Open 10.30am Beg Spanish Class 11.45am Adv Spanish Class 11.00am Mahjong 7.30 pm Canasta Rambling 6.30 for 7.00pm Whist 21

Ladies Lunch

11.00am Photography Group Fuengirola Theatre Trip 4.30pm Songs of Praise

Trip to Seville

FUTURE EVENTS NOVEMBER Friday 2nd November - Quiz Night 8.00 for 8.30pm - Quizmaster Tony Winterton - Organiser Joan Thompson Saturday 3rd November - ICE 30TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS at Hotel Monasterio at St Martin. See page 23 for menu and details for this prestigious event. Coach will be available price 10€ See Sue Potter for coach tickets. - Organiser Sue Potter Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th November - I.C.E. Players will be commemorating the 100th anniversary of the end of the Great War, with their drama production. Monday 12th November - Film Night 8.00pm - Darkest Hour is a 2017 war drama film directed by Joe Wright and written by Anthony McCarten. A thrilling and inspiring true story begins at the precipice of World War II as, within days of becoming Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill (Academy Award nominee Gary Oldman) must face one of his most turbulent and defining trials. - Organiser Sue Potter Friday 16th November - Noughties Night - If your birthday ends with a zero this year, please join us for a celebratory dinner. Add your name and partner’s to the list on the notice board. Saturday 17th November - Festive Fair -11.00am to 2.00pm at the Clubhouse. Bring your relations, friends and neighbours. Something for everyone. Other activities will include: Christmas Stall with Christmas gifts and homemade cakes, Pickle Stall, Knitting Stall, Jewellery Stall, Handicrafts Stall, Cake Stall, Tombola, Photography Competition – 1€ per photo to enter Categories :1) Christmas 2) Graffiti 3) Characters. Darts, Quoits, Bar Skittles, Hoopla, Golf, Shove halfpenny, Quiz Table, Treasure Island, Yummy Bacon Sausage Butties, and much more. - Organiser Sue Potter Friday 30th November - Proposed Day Trip to Rute in the province of Córdoba. - Organiser Diane Hackett

DECEMBER Friday 7th December - Christmas Quiz Night 8.00 for 8.30pm - Quizmaster Ron Pegrum - Organiser Joan Thompson Sunday 9th December - Christmas Themed Concert - Carols, Poems, Readings. 7.30 for 8.00pm. A light hearted evening. Bring some Christmas finger food. - Organiser Anne Hardwick Monday 10th December - Film Night 8.00pm Victoria & Abdul is a 2017 British biographical drama film directed by Stephen Frearsand written by Lee Hall. The film is based on the book of the same name by Shrabani Basu, about the real-life relationship between Queen Victoria and her Indian Muslim servant Abdul Karim. It stars Judi Dench, Ali Fazal, Michael Gambon, Eddie Izzard, Tim Pigott-Smith and Adeel Akhtar. - Organiser Sue Potter Tuesday 11th December - Trip to Malaga Lights. - Organiser Diane Hackett Thursday 13th December - Christmas Lunch at the Clubhouse. Carol singing by El Paraiso Singers Monday 25th December - CHRISTMAS DAY Lunch Time at The Club House Sunday 31st December - New Year’s Eve Party at the Clubhouse. Music and Dancing until 12.30am

LOOKING FORWARD 2019 25th to 29th March 2019 - Proposed Trip to Valencia 22


At Monasterio de San Martin A Glass of Cava on Arrival Starters Tropical Salad with King Prawns, Pineapples, Kiwi and Marie Rose Sauce with Caramelized Red Onion Foie Terrine with Tomato Marmalade and Toast* Mains Beef Tournedo Slowly Cooked with Red Wine and Truffle Potato Gorgonzola chicken breast wrapped in Serrano Ham Fillet of Seabass, Pil-Pil Sauce and Vegetable Wok Desserts Hazelnut and Chocolate Praliné with Brownie Cherry and Pink Pepper Mousse with Passion Fruit and Basil Sponge Dancing to Mandy Ticket Price 40€ members & 45€ guests Coach extra, Prices per room incl. breakfast from 150€



MEMBER’S ARTICLE ON OUR TRAVELS AGAIN submitted by Pat and Terry Smith On this occasion we had reason for a trip into Portugal to meet up with old neighbours from Leicestershire who were staying in the Algarve region. We stayed not far over the border into Portugal in the small town of Monte Gordo at the Alba Hotel http://www.hotelalba.pt/ This is a quite modern hotel, very clean and comfortable, large outside pool area, just a short walk to the beach and town with many restaurants. Monte Gordo has been transformed from a minor fishing village into a modern and popular resort town. During the summer the town has a buzzing atmosphere, attracting a wide selection of nationalities, including many Portuguese and Spanish, who simply adore the region. We heard very few English voices. The beach of Monte Gordo is simply stunning, with miles of golden sands, which are lapped by clean and safe sea waters. In the town, there is a diverse selection of restaurants catering for every cuisine and taste, while the nightlife is relaxed and social, focused around late-night bars and restaurants. Monte Gordo’s calm ambience makes it ideal for relaxing and, as the town is primarily aimed for Portuguese tourists, it offers exceptional value for money. As an example our friends in the Algarve paid 6€ for a beer, a bar close to our hotel we paid 5.40€ for 2 beers, 1 wine and a can of Sprite!!! In the town 3 nights dinners with drinks for both of us came to about 80€!!! Some difference to being away from the Algarve main tourist area. Just a short train ride away is the historic town of Tavira, to the north are the castles of Castro Marim, and pretty Vila Real de Santo António opens out onto the Guadiana River and the Spanish border. We arranged to meet up with our friends in the village of Santa Luzia as this was about a halfway point from their accommodation. Time to spend catching up with news. Santa Luzia is a small fishing village which remains authentic and untouched by the influences of tourism and is famed for its octopus, which is caught using traditional methods by the fishing fleet and then served up in the family run restaurants that line the harbour front. The colourful fishing boats return early in the morning and this is the best time to visit the fish market, where the catch is displayed and sold. Santa Luzia overlooks the lagoons and waterways of the Ria Formosa Natural Park, which is a haven for migratory birds and small marine life. On the seaward side of Ria Formosa are some of the quietest beaches of the Algarve and these pristine beaches can only be reached by small ferries that depart from the harbour. The beach of Praia da Terra Estreita, is part of the Ilha de Tavira sandbar, which offers visitors an unspoilt, stunning shoreline and is regarded by some as the best beach in the region and is always quiet, even at the height of the summer season. For those seeking some nature, the village is positioned on the edge of the Ria Formosa Natural Park; a series of protected mudflats and lagoons designed for migratory birdlife. During the summer there are boat tours and bird watching tours around this area. So no more plans to take Suzy (the car) on any more trips at present, hope you have enjoyed our experiences and maybe given yourselves an idea for a trip. 25

MEMBER’S ARTICLE How to sleep better and live longer - just by re-setting your body clock! - Part lll Body of a God: Anyone who does a lot of physical activity during the day knows it is relatively easy to fall asleep at night. To maintain a healthy circadian rhythm overall you should have at least 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise (or a combination of both), in the day. Avoid late-night exercise in a gym as it can increase cortisol (produced by the brain to get the body ready for activity), delaying the nightly rise of melatonin, leading to poor sleep. Intense exercise also raises your body temperature and heart rate. As a result, you may be resetting your clock by sending a signal that it’s earlier in the day, when you’d normally exercise. All of these factors interfere with your ability to go to sleep. TRY THIS: Exercise before breakfast: your muscles will expend more energy, use more fat as the energy source and melt away more body fat. RECALIBRATING YOUR SLEEP CLOCK Do you fall asleep within 20 minutes of turning off the lights? Do you wake up feeling refreshed? If not, you can do with resetting the biological clock in your brain. The brain contains the body’s master clock, located at the hypothalamus, the centre of its base, which also houses the command centres for hunger, satiety, sleep, fluid balance, the stress response and more. It’s also the link between light and timing; it receives information about light from the outside world, vital for turning on all of the brain’s functions, and shares it with the rest of the body. To reset the clock, adults should sleep for no fewer than seven hours every night. Sleep is the beginning of our biological day — not the end — so how you sleep is critical. Every day our body battles with lots of stressors that damage our cells. At night we aren’t just making necessary repairs to the body, the brain is also busy consolidating memories and sending out instructions. These activities are critical to how we feel the next day. When poor sleep becomes habitual, long-term consequences are more serious. As well as leading to anxiety and depression, it can also affect our hunger and satiety hormones: sleep-deprived brains crave excessive calories that they don’t need, resulting in weight gain. You also get sleep debt — the difference between the amount of sleep you should be getting and the amount you actually are. So, if you slept for six-and-a-half hours last night, you’re beginning the day with 30 minutes of sleep debt. When you go to sleep the following night, you first repay this debt from the previous night. That’s why we often sleep late on weekends — it’s the body’s way of repaying your entire weekly debt. TRY THIS: Take naps if you feel the need. Napping counts towards repaying your sleep debt. If you had a sleep debt from the week of two hours and you take a Saturday nap, it’s possible to repay that debt in one nap. Exposure to daylight also helps you sleep. You need at least one hour of daylight exposure every day. This will reduce sleepiness, synchronise your clock and perk up your mood. If the only time you can recall seeing the sky is when you’re driving to or from work, chances are you are not getting enough natural daylight. Dehydration is a cause of fragmented sleep because it wakes you up, so keep a glass of water by your bedside. Also, don’t sleep with a pet — they will disturb your sleep, making you more likely to wake even if you don’t realise it. Check your mattress. The body has to cool down to sleep, but foam mattresses are known to capture the heat and reflect it back to your body. Submitted by Nigel Nevshehir 26


SOLUTIONS CODEWORD No. 14 SOLUTION WORD SQUARE No. 15 SOLUTION ems, environment, environmental, environmentalism, eon, iron, Ism, lit, men, mental, neon, nor, notm, rival, roe, sit, tie, vat,vie, vital

NAME THAT TUNE No. 9 ANSWERS 1.Don’t let me be misunderstood / The Animals 2.Love is all around / Wet Wet Wet 3.Not Fade Away / The Rolling Stones 4.Eve of destruction / Barry McGuire













A.Frank Slade B.Japan C.Setters D.Russia E.Peru

Sixty might be the new forty but 9:00 is the new midnight.

My wife had her drivers test the other day She got 8 out of 10. The other 2 guys jumped clear.

WIFI went down for 5 minutes so I had to talk to my family. They seem like nice people.

Son: “Dad, I’ve got a part in the school play. I play a man who’s been married 25 years” Dad: “ Maybe next time you’ll get a speaking part” 28


Vic Loughran

October 2018

Peter Dowd

HTTPS Everywhere You are probably aware that web sites which begin https are safer than those which begin http. The former are encrypted and unlikely to be intercepted by hackers. This add-on for both Chrome and Firefox will automatically encrypt the connection and convert it to a secure https connection. In Chrome, Click on the three dots in the top right, click More Tools, Get More Extensions. In the search box type “https everywhere” and click Add to Chrome. In Firefox, Click on the three bars in the top right, click More Tools, Get More Extensions. In the search box type “https everywhere” and click Addons. Select See More Addons. In the search box type “https everywhere” and click Add to Firefox. Mail Store allows you to archive emails, thereby allowing them to be deleted in order to save space, yet still making them accessible. Download from www.mailstore.com. The latest version is version 11 and it’s free. To get the free version, select Mailstore Home from the search engine results. (As always it is best to download direct from the company’s website in order to avoid including any PUPs ( Potentially Unwanted Programs) with the download.) Some Phone Apps (both Android and iOS) that you might be interested in: Horizon Explorer. If you are in an unfamiliar landscape or city and you would like to know more about it, open the app, point your camera at the landmark and it will display the name, distance and altitude of the selected landmark.

WHExperience Take a virtual tour of the White House in Washington. Are you into Desktop Publishing? If so, the following free software might be of interest to you. SCRIBUS (available from www.sourceforge.net) After installing you might get a message stating that Ghostscript cannot be found. This is only an issue if you wish to use EPS (Encapsulated Postscript) import or print preview. Neither is essential the use of the software. If you have any questions or suggested topics for future editions, please email us

vicloughran@siberme.com or peterdowd@siberme.com



Make sure your financial planning is in good shape By David Bowern, Partner, Blevins Franks Good financial planning is about identifying steps you can take to protect and make the most of your income, assets and wealth. You can benefit most from reviewing your savings, investments, other assets, tax planning, pensions and estate planning together. Protecting your wealth Today’s economic and political climate presents many challenges to protecting and growing your capital. The prolonged period of low interest rates, for example, has made it harder to achieve decent returns on lower-risk investments, aggravated by creeping inflation. Brexit uncertainty is likely to continue generating fluctuations in the value of the pound and euro. At times like this, careful planning plays a particularly important role in securing your financial security over the long term, helping you weigh up which issues affect you most and establish how you can protect against them. Personalised, expert advice While some choose a DIY approach, most people will benefit from an independent and expert review of their finances. After all, it is difficult to take a step back and look at your broad financial situation from a truly objective perspective, or fully understand the complex tax implications and changing rules. For the best results, take professional advice from an experienced financial adviser. They should use the necessary tools to thoroughly understand your unique situation, needs and objectives, including how you want to shape your legacy. Investment planning While all investments – even bank accounts – carry risk, a suitably diversified portfolio can help manage risk within your comfort level. It is essential to establish a clear and objective view of your risk tolerance to determine the investment approach that will suit you. Your adviser is best placed to do this objectively through psychometric testing, for example, combined with their knowledge of your family’s situation in Spain and your financial goals. Understanding local taxation If you live here, all elements of your financial planning need to be set up for Spain, not the UK. Ideally, your adviser should be based locally and have in-depth understanding of the Spanish tax regime and how it interacts with UK rules. A local adviser can react quickly and help you make adjustments if your personal circumstances change, or if there are Brexit developments or tax reforms that may affect you. If you decide to return to the UK at any point, they can help you navigate the tax regimes and residency rules of both countries. The importance of regulation Make sure you only deal with an adviser that has suitable professional qualifications and is authorised by a reputable regulatory body, such as the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). They should also be authorised to give advice here in Spain. Remember: the sooner you review your financial planning and set up a strategic, long-term vision to protect your wealth, the sooner you can relax into a prosperous future in Spain. All advice received from Blevins Franks is personalised and provided in writing. This article, however, should not be construed as providing any personalised taxation or investment advice. Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page at www.blevinsfranks.com 31

Anglican Church of Costa del Sol West

SAN PEDRO at 10-00am Every Sunday we hold an Anglican Service of Holy Communion in the Hall adjoining the Parroquia Virgen del Rocio (near McDonalds). SOTOGRANDE at 12-00pm Every 2nd and 4th Sunday we hold an Anglican Service of Holy Communion in La Iglesia Sra.de la Merced, the ‘Big Church’. 1st and 3rd Sundays are Methodist Worship services. You will receive a very warm welcome at our Churches, and children are particularly encouraged to join in the Sunday school fun activities. We hold a Messy Church at Marlow’s Fish and Chip restaurant at the Eroski roundabout in Duquesa on the first Saturday of each month, between 11-00am and 1-00pm. This is well attended by children, who enjoy the various activities, and also parents and adults who come along to give their support. We conduct Wedding Blessings, Baptisms, Funeral services, and undertake pastoral care visits to the sick or needy. Coffee Morning each Tuesday in Sabinillas from 11-00am, at the Café American Bistro at the eastern end of the Paseo near the children’s play area. Our new Chaplain is Adrian Low, so do come and meet him together with his wife Joanna at any of these events For further details about us, please contact Adrian on 952 808 605 or, Church Wardens: San Pedro Church - Patricia Gommersall (an ICE Member) 951 965 762 / 620 149 215 patricia.g2515@hotmail.co.uk Sotogrande Church - Christine Sabin, 686 234 377 chrisabio@hotmail.com Visit our website for even more information: - www.costachurch.com

Estepona Osteopathic Clinic

Janet, Michael and Chris Poole Poole rent-a-car


Bsc(Hons) Ost. Specialist treatment for back, neck and limb injuries, children and expectant mothers.

Fair fuel policy. Good rates. NO queues. We will meet you at Málaga or Gibraltar Airport. INDOOR parking at Málaga Airport 6€ a day / 4 weeks 110€ / 8 weeks 210€ / Full year 1,000€ (minimum charge 40€) Car Dent Removal Removed from bodywork at less than half the cost of normal repairs when the paint is not damaged. Ideal for dents caused by other car doors, golf balls, etc.

Mobile: 625 957 673 1D, First Floor, 124, Avenida de España, Estepona Located immediately opposite the underground car park entrance, facing the sea.

Tel/Fax: 952 88 55 89 Mobile: 619 44 66 88 Email: poolerentacar@hotmail.com www.poolerentacar.com 32

HOROSCOPES WHAT THE STARS HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU - HOROSCOPES OCTOBER ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 19 LIBRA Sep 23 - Oct 22 Think about changing your daily routine Sharing thoughts, ideas and plans for the and watch for any chance to be more future could make for an interesting end to spontaneous. Lady Luck will be smiling the month. Accept spontaneous invitations down on you and you could be surprised. that take you out of the house and into TAURUS Apr 20 - May 20 Working in harmony with others won’t be difficult. Social events will be enjoyable and you may get to meet a VIP who will make a big impression on you.

SCORPIO Oct 23 - Nov 21 Money-making ideas that come to you now will be worth their weight in gold. You will continue to feel inspired as you come up with some big plans for your finances.

GEMINI May 21 - Jun 20 Problems in a close relationship have been preying on your mind. There has been a big misunderstanding and you will grasp any chance you get to put things right.

SAGITTARIUS Nov 22 - Dec 21 You might be called in to lend an experienced hand to someone who is struggling. A friend will value your advice on a matter that’s important to them.

CANCER Jun 21 - Jul 22 It will be easier now to communicate with those in your private world. That’s why you will want to focus on your closest relationships.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 19 If you’re looking for work you could be offered a job that will involve a lot of travel. This will appeal to your need for a change.

LEO Jul 23 - Aug 22 Travel and getting away from it all will help you relax but you can get easily distracted. So, switch off your mobile phone when you’re driving and respect speed cameras.

AQUARIOUS Jan 20 - Feb 18 Positive change in important areas of your life will boost your confidence. You may need to push yourself a little more and look for opportunities to move upwards in status.

VIRGO Aug 23 - Sep 22 You have no difficulty seeing projects through to fruition. A special scheme will be completed well ahead of the deadline set, thanks to your contribution. Don’t be modest about your accomplishments.

PISCES Feb 19 - Mar 20 You’re ready to announce your plans for the future. A decision you have made has been difficult, but you are certain it is the right one and you’ll soon be proved right.

LINK WORD No. 14 (Answers Page 28) Find the hidden word that will also join to the end of the first word and start the second word to make two new words. That moment when you spell a word so wrong that even auto-correct is like I’ve got nothing man! 33
















Ă“ptica Machin English Optician Ă“ptica Machin has established itself over the years as a highly recommended practice where eye care and exceptional service are the priorities. We welcome all patients, whatever your visual requirements for fashion, sports, style, UV protection and budget may be. The practice is very easy to find, located on the Avenida Litoral approach road into Estepona and has ample free parking.

www.opticamachin.com info@opticamachin.com

Tel 952 80 68 13



The all-new most up to date hearing centre in the Costa now opened.

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Total dedication to your hearing needs. Mobile 660 892 627

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Sue Potter Joan Thompson Margaret Whittley Ted Lunniss Sheila Fox Brenda Taylor Jaqui Parrick Diane Hackett Julie Wood Wilma Keeley Sally Holloway Michael Dowling NON COMMITTEE POSTS Nigel Nevshehir Rob Potter Mac McIntyre Doug Mitchell

686 107 835 653 488 030 603 846 698 691 392 156 671 232 906 628 523 444 665 894 088 626 080 829 639 542 387 679 138 952 678 897 275 608 873 217

952 636 627 952 804 799 951 972 577

689 457 410 671 725 243 610 047 228

952 791 449 952 636 627

667 998 800

952 897 977 952 886 772

671 232 906

951 890 251

Vic Loughran

ASST. MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Sheila Fox HOSTESS (Introduce new members) Maureen Winckle MAINTENANCE MANAGER Doug Mitchell

951 890 251 952 805 739 952 893 965 952 913 174 951 577 050 952 808 992

952 791 812 667 998 800

952 897 977


For adverts presented in desired layout, will have inclusion on our web site with links to your site. Classified Ads: Members Only, Free Black & White

Colour now available anywhere in the magazine. Advertising fees to be prepaid before the 15th of the month to:Richard Wood, Advertising Manager, Tel:639 542 387 or 952 913 174 Copy to be in before the 15th of any month, for inclusion in the following month’s issue. Copy can be e-mailed to me - Sheila Fox at safoxuk@gmail.com

Quarter page Half page Full page


7€ per edition 8€ per edition 13€ per edition 15€ per edition 26€ per edition 30€ per edition

Discounts:- 6 editions 10% 12 editions 20%. There will be 10 editions per calendar year August & September are combined as are December & January

ICE (Siberme) accepts no responsibility for contents of any advertisement appearing. INTERNATIONAL CLUB OF ESTEPONA (Siberme) I.C.E. Clubhouse, Urbanisation Bahia Dorada, Entrada 5, at Km. 149, A7, Estepona 29680 Málaga Clubhouse: Telephone 952 802 549 ICE Web Site: www.siberme.com Email: clubsiberme@hotmail.com PLEASE TELL ADVERTISERS YOU SAW THEIR ADVERT IN ICE MAGAZINE 36


Richard Wood

639 542 387

952 913 174

Art Group

Audrey Jinks

650 883 252

951 901 134

Art Group

Steve Carter

696 259 644

951 277 240

Art Class Mondays

Ronnie Lilley


Audrey Jinks

650 883 252

951 901 134


Terry Smith

677 656 319

951 276 690


Tim Taminiau


Nigel Nevshehir

689 457 410

952 791 449

Club Calendar Co-ordinator

Sue Potter

686 107 835

952 636 627

Posters & Tickets

Vic Loughran

Film Night

Sue Potter

686 107 835

952 636 627

Garden Club

Sandy Avis

617 715 749

952 897 309

Genealogy - Family History

Dave Hackett

636 326 599

952 893 965

Golf Organiser

Peter Henry

693 105 180

951 273 949

ICE Players (Drama Group)

Margaret Hall

634 273 194

Ladies’ Lunches

Julie Wood

639 542 387


Peter Galloway

Lift Controller

Terry Smith

677 656 319

951 276 690

Lottery Organiser

Dave Hackett

636 326 599

952 893 965


Jaqui Parrick

665 894 088

Quiz Night, Songs of Praise, Art Class

Joan Thompson

653 488 030

952 804 799

Rambling & Slimmers Group

Sue Potter

686 107 835

952 636 627

Spanish Lessons

Martin Holmes

652 272 142

952 892 163

Ticket Sales

Maggie Whittley

634 328 114

951 972 577

Ticket Sales

Jackie Simmonds

652 798 107

952 797 921

Ticket Sales

Aileena Maffezzini

617 450 636


Cindy Holmes

628 860 093

952 892 163

Wake Organiser

Julie Wood

639 542 387

952 913 174


Wilma Keeley

679 138 952

951 577 050

952 800 875

951 277 113

952 886 772

952 913 174 952 794 270


GENERAL INFORMATION See trip information for times. Please ensure that you sit in the seat numbered on your ticket. We regret that we cannot stop at any other point unless agreed with the organiser, to pick up or put down. The organiser reserves the right to refuse to include any member they feel is not sufficiently able-bodied to follow the itinerary. Members are responsible for their own travel insurance. BUYING YOUR TICKET Please produce your membership card together with the correct money. Have prepared your choice of the menu if applicable. Final ticket booking: All tickets must be booked and paid for on or before the last Thursday coffee morning before the event. Late phone bookings cannot be accepted. Members are advised to


WELFARE Members are requested to notify

our welfare officer, Wilma Keeley if they know of any member who is ill. Tel: 951 577 050 / 679 138 952 email: wilmakeeley2000@yahoo.co.uk

SMOKING The smoking of tobacco,

electronic cigarettes and any other substance is not be permitted anywhere in or on the premises of The International Club of Estepona, Bahia Dorada.

When visiting the club please park considerately between white lines and never on yellow lines. Please DO NOT PARK in the car parking space in front of next door's apartment. Although it is not officially for their sole use it attend the last Thursday before a trip in is better for peaceful relations that we don't case there are any last-minute alterations. park there. REFUNDS Cannot be given for either deposits or tickets, unless the MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL organiser is notified in time, and providing the Renewing your annual club membership can be trip is full and a replacement can be found done by bank transfer. Send to: Bank - Banco Sabadell, Sabinillas. from the waiting list. Tickets are not IBAN:- ES98 0081 0535 8800 0131 1734 transferable to other members without the BIC CODE:- BSABESBB authorisation of the organiser. Please advise TED LUNNISS the IMPORTANT: OF ANY BROKEN included in theTELL cost ofTHE coachBAR STAFF TIPS Are CLUB TREASURER by email ifGLASS you have sent a ANDbut THEY WILL DISPOSE OF IT. travel and restaurants, not for payment by bank transfer, stating your name and hotels. membership number if possible. DOGS Are not allowed inside the clubhouse. They are permitted on the lower terrace but only when they are under the owner’s control by being attached to a lead which is held by the owner or attached to one of the hooks on the wall which are provided for that purpose.


ted_lunniss@hotmail.co.uk TEL: 691 392 156


All drinks, Do not HELICOPTEROS SANITARIOS whether have an alcoholic or otherwise, to be consumed on answering machine. The phone will ring until the Club premises shall be purchased from someone picks up. If you hear a message in the Club bar. Spanish you have dialled the wrong number. CLUB DRINKS POLICY


ESSENTIAL TELEPHONE NUMBERS EMERGENCIES HOSPITALS AMBULANCE 061 Ambulance 951 222 222 GENERAL EMERGENCIES 112 Algeciras 956 026 500 NATIONAL POLICE 091 Costa Del Sol Hospital 951 976 669 LOCAL POLICE 092 La Linea Hospital 956 026 500 GUARDIA CIVIL 062 Málaga Carlos Haya 950 390 400 FIRE BRIGADE 080 AIRPORTS EMERGENCIES GIBRALTAR 199 Málaga Arrivals 952 048 845 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 016 Málaga Departures 952 048 804 HELICOPTERS SANITARIOS 952 811 818 Jerez 956 150 000 ELECTRIC EMERGENCY 900 850 840 Seville 954 449 000 GAS EMERGENCY 900 202 212 Gibraltar +35020073026 SEA RESCUE 900 202 202 Local Taxi (large with 951 775 777 wheelchair access) GIBRALTAR FRONTIER +35020042777 CONSULATES and EMBASSIES Belgium Málaga 952 219 004 Denmark Málaga 952 211 797 France Málaga 954 293 200 Germany Málaga 952 227 886 Holland Málaga 952 363 591 Ireland Fuengirola 952 475 108 Italy Málaga 912 106 910 Norway Málaga 952 667 955 Sweden Fuengirola 952 604 383 Switzerland Málaga 952 217 266 U.K. Málaga 952 352 300 U.S.A Fuengirola 952 474 891 MORE HELP TOURIST OFFICES Casares 952 894 056 Adana 952 113 467 Estepona 952 802 002 Age Concern 650 163 928 Alcoholics Anonymous 600 379 110 Citizens Advice Spain

952 797 821

Sabinillas San Roque

Diabetics Support Narcotics Support

952 464 184 902 114 147

Marbella Gibraltar 39

952 890 029 956 694 005 952 771 442 +350 200 749 50


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