Читай и говори по английски выпуск 1

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с. д. лыско




4И (Англ.) В22


по развитию разговорных навыков для изучающих английский язык

Вахмистров В. В., Лыско С. Д. В22

Читай и говори по-английски. Выпуск 1. М., Военное издательство 1967. 172 с. с илл. 50 000 экз. 45 к. «Читай и говори по-английски» — сборник интересных и весе­ лых рассказов, шуток, пословиц и поговорок на английском языке, написанных живым разговорным языком и снабженных упражне­ ниями для развития разговорных навыков. В сборнике имеются комментарии и словарь, включающий все слова и выражения тек­ стов и упражнений. В книге имеется много интересных и веселых картинок, кросс­ вордов и ребусов, которые также помогут в занятиях англий­ ским языком. Сборник предназначается для широкого круга читателей, знаю­ щих или изучающих английский язык.


УЧИТЕСЬ ЧИТАТЬ И ГОВОРИТЬ ПО-АНГЛИЙСКИ Эта небольшая книга по­ может вам научиться читать и говорить по-английски. В ней вы найдете веселые и грустные рассказы, анекдо­ ты и шутки, пословицы и поговорки, а любители ум­ ственной гимнастики най­ дут кроссворды, ребусы и загадки. После каждого рассказа помещены упражнения, ко­ торые помогут вам запом­ нить слова и выражения, необходимые для беседы на английском языке. В книге много интересных и весе­ лых картинок, которые так­ же помогут вам в ваших занятиях английским язы­ ком. Так как эта книга предназначается не только для тех, кто продолжает заниматься английским языком, но и для тех, кто еще только приступил к его изучению, многие рассказы построены на простых грамматических формах, а некоторые — адаптированы. От чтения более легких рассказов, которыми начинается книга, вы по­ степенно сможете перейти к более сложным. После каждого рассказа имеются пояснения наибо­ лее трудных для понимания и перевода слов и слово­ сочетаний. В конце книги помещен англо-русский сло-

Варь, содержащий все слова и выражения, встречаю­ щиеся в рассказах и упражнениях. Эта книга — первый выпуск из серии книг для чте­ ния “Read and Speak.” Второй выпуск выйдет в III квар­ тале 1967 года. Ваши отзывы и пожелания по содержанию и офор­ млению книги просим направлять по адресу: Москва, К-160, Военное издательство.

WHAT THEY WANTED One warm summer morning before breakfast a rich gentleman was walking in the park near his house. Suddenly he saw a man, who was sitting under a tree. The rich gentleman never met this man before. The man was rather pale and poorly dressed. When the rich gentleman approached him, the man rose and said: “Good morning, sir, a fine day, you came out rather early.” “Yes, I did,” answered the rich gentleman. “I came out to see if I get an appetite 1 for my breakfast. But what are you doing here at such an early hour?” “You see, sir,” said the poor man, “I came out to see if I get a breakfast2 for my appetite.” 1 if I get an appetite — не нагуляю ли я аппетит 2 if I get a breakfast — не добуду ли я завтрак

Упражнения 1.

Скажите по-английски:

а) Он гулял перед завтраком. Он гулял в парке перед завтраком. Он гулял в парке недалеко от своего дома перед завтраком. б) Он увидел человека. Вдруг он увидел человека. Вдруг он увидел человека, сидящего под деревом. в) Он вышел утром. Он вышел рано утром. Он вышел рано утром, чтобы добыть себе завтрак. 5

II. Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “What They Wanted”:

1. Who was walking in the park before breakfast? 2. Whom did the rich gentleman suddenly see? 3. Was he surprised when he saw the man? 4. Where was the man sitting? 5. How did the man look like? 6. What did he do when the rich gentleman appro­ ached him? 7. What did he say to the rich gentleman? 8. What did the rich gentleman answer? 9. What for did he come out so early? 10. Why did the poor man come out so early? III. А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “What They Wan­ ted.’’ Используйте вопросы упражнения II как план. IV. Прочтите диалог и, если он вам понравится, выучите его:

Ann: Good evening! Come in, come in! I’m so glad you could come. We were waiting for you. Take off your coats. Let’s go into the dining-room and have a talk over a cup of tea L Dick: How are you, Jane? How are you, Victor? Vktor:} Fi” ' tha"k У«“Ann: Sit down here on my left, Jane, and you, Victor, will sit in front of Dick. Do you like strong or weak tea, Jane? Jane: Middling, please. Dick: Just a moment2! I think we’ll have a drink be­ fore tea. May I help you to 3 this wine? To you4, dear guests! Victor: And now let’s drink to you, Ann and Dick! Ann: Help yourself to 5 sweets, Jane, and you, Victor, to the sandwiches. How much sugar? Jane: Two lumps. Victor: No sugar for me, thank you. 1 over a cup of tea — за чашкой чая 2 Just a moment! — Один момент! (Подождите минутку!) 3 May I help you to — Позвольте предложить вам 4 To you — За ваше здоровье 8 Help yourself t o — Возьмите, пожалуйста (Угощайтесь),


V. Расскажите по-английски, куда пришли Джейн и Виктор, где они пили чай, что они ели, за чье здоровье пили вино. VI. Прочтите анекдот и постарайтесь его запомнить:

One man bought a very clever parrot and sent it home to his wife as a birthday present. On the same day his wife went to a shop and ordered a chicken. She told the cook: “A bird will be brought for to-night’s dinner, cook it.” The parrot arrived first, and was cooked. At 6 o’clock the husband came for dinner. ‘‘What is this?” he asked when he saw the bird on the table. His wife explained the cook’s mistake. ‘‘This is awful,” said the husband, “the bird was very expensive, it could speak five languages!” “Then why didn’t it say something?” asked his wife. VII. Отгадайте загадку:

What is that which you can keep after giving it to someone else? (pjoM jnojO VIII.

А теперь шутки:

It’s clear without any words.


A young man, who got married some months ago: “I tell my wife everything I am doing, or thinking.” A man, who got married some ye,ars ago: ‘'I don’t need t o '. My wife knows all I’m thinking and the neighhours tell her what I’m doing.” 1 I don’t need to. — Мне не приходится.

IT ISN’T THE FIRST TIME Kate’s father was going along the corridor. When he was passing by the bath-room he heard that his daughter was speaking in a kind voice • to somebody. The father was surprised and looked in. He saw his daughter hol­ ding a cat in her arms and cleaning its teeth with his tooth-brush. Kate didn’t see her father and continued her work. Kate’s father called his wife and asked her to see what the matter w as'. Kate’s mother came up and let the cat go. But the little girl said: “Why? I’m sure Daddy needn’t make such a fu ss*12345678910 about it, because it isn’t the first time I cleaned the cat’s teeth with that tooth-brush.” 1 what the matter was — в чем дело 2 needn’t make such a fuss — не нужно было устраивать столько шума

Упражнения 1. Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “ It Isn’t the First Time”:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 8

Where was Kate’s father gojng? What did he hear passing by the bath-room? Who was speaking in the bath-room? Why did Kate’s father look in? What did he see? What was his daughter holding in her arms? What was she doing? Whom did Kate’s father call? What did Kate’s mother do? What did the little girl say?


Составьте предложения из следующих слов и словосочетаний, н у вас получится краткое содержание рассказа "It Isn’t the First Time’’:

1. the corridor, Kate’s father, along, was going 2. he, his daughter, heard that, to somebody, in the bath-room, was speaking 3. when, looked in, he, the father, saw, holding a cat, his daughter 4. she, its teeth, was cleaning, with his tooth-brush 5. Kate’s father, arid called, was angry, his wife 6. When, let the cat go, Kate’s mo­ ther, the girl said: “I am sure, needn’t make such a fuss, Daddy, about it, be­ cause, often, I, cleaned, with that tooth­ brush, the cat’s teeth” III. Перескажите рассказ “ It Isn’t the First Time.” Используйте сле­ дующие ключевые словосочетания:

along the corridor, passing by the bath-room, speaking in a kind voice, holding a cat, cleaning its teeth, what the matter was, let the cat go, needn’t make such a fuss, it isn’t the first time, with that tooth-brush IV. Выучите диалог наизусть:

John: I had a letter from my sister this morning. She is coming to Moscow on Wednesday. Peter: Are you going to meet her at the station? John: Certainly. Peter: How long is she going to stay in Moscow? John: About a month, I think. Peter: That’s fine. I’ll be very glad if you come and see me one evening. And don’t forget to bring your sister with you. John: Thank you. That’s very kind of you. I am sure my sister will be glad to meet you. V. Прочтите анекдот и перескажите его по-английски:

Mother: Where is that book from? Son: It’s a prize, mother. Mother: What for? 9

Son: Teacher asked me how many legs an ostrich has. Mother: And what did you answer? Son: I answered that an ostrich h^s three legs. Mother: But it has only two. Son: That’s right! I know that now, but ajl the pupils said four. So my answer was the best. VI. А вот еще анекдот:

Teacher: Tom, what are the effects of heat and cold? Tom: Heat expands and cold contracts. Teacher: Right you are! Now give me an example, please. Tom: In summer the days are long, and in winter — very short. VII. Решите кроссворд, используя английские эквиваленты следую­ щих сл ов :*

Across: 1. зуб; 2. видеть; 3. использовать; 4. лошадь Down: 1. зубы; 5. один; 6. дом

A WAY OUT» A French student decided to go to London during his summer vacation. He thought: “I know English a little and people will understand me.” Once he spent a morning in the British Museum and felt tired and hungry. He aecided to have a cup of tea and some eggs in the nearest restaurant. He went in and*1 *' Решение всех кроссвордов см. на стр. 145 1 A way out — Выход из положения


sat down at a table. The waitress came up to him and asked him what he wanted. The student could not order what he wanted because he did not know the English word for eggs *. What to do? He looked around him, but nobody was eating eggs. Then he noticed a French illustrated magazine on the neighbouring table. There was a picture of a cock on its cover. He showed the picture to the waitress. “How do you call this?” he asked. “A rooster, sir,” answered the waitress. “And what do you call a rooster’s wife?” was the next question. “A hen, sir.” “And what do you call a hen’s children?” “Chickens, sir.” “And what do you call chickens before they are bom?” “Eggs, sir.” “Very well. Now bring me three eggs and a cup of tea, please,” said the student. 1 the English word for eggs — как по-английски яйца

Упражнения I.

Прочтите предложения, заполняя словами:

пропуски приведенными ниже

1. What is the English for “входить?” — The English for it is ... . 2. Tell me the English for “подходить,” please.— The English for “подходить” is .... 3. I do not know the English for “заказывать.” — The English for “заказывать” is .... 4. I do not know what you call the woman, who ser­ ves you at a restaurant. — We call her . . . . 5. What do you call the man who serves you at a re­ staurant? — We call him . . . f to come in, to come up, to order, a waitress, a waiter И. Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “A Way Out”:

1. vacation?

Where did the French student decide to spend his U

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. III.

When did he want to go there? Did he know English well?What museum did he visit,in London? Was he tired after visiting it? Why did he go to a restaurant? What did he want to take for breakfast? Why could he not order his breakfast? What was his first question? What helped him to order breakfast?

А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “A Way Out.” Используйте вопросы упражнения II как план.

IV. Прочтите диалог и разучите его с товарищем:

Peter: Oh, John, glad to see you! How are you? John: I am well, thank you. And what about you? Peter: I am all right! Yesterday I passed my last exa­ mination and now I am free. Are you also on leave? John: Of course, I am. My vacation began two days ago. In a couple of days I am going home. And now I want to visit some of the Moscow museums. Peter: Fine! If you want to do it today, I shall join you. Where shall we go? John: What do you call the museum on the Revolution Square? Peter: Oh, it is the Lenin Museum. But let us have dinner first. By my watch it is two o’clock and I am already hungry. John: Well, there is a small restaurant not far from here. It is seldom full of people and the waiter will help us to order a good dinner. Peter: Let’s go there.V .I V. Расскажите по-английски, что вы узнали из диалога о Питере, о Джоне и об их намерениях. VI. Выучите наизусть анекдот и расскажите его друзьям:

Once a man was having breakfast at a small restau­ rant.-The waiter served him a cup of coffee without' a spoon. The man noticed that and said: “This coffee is rather hot, I cannot stir it with a finger.” , 12

The waiter left the room and in some minutes came back with another cup of coffee. “May be this coffee is not so hot, sir,” he said. VII. Отгадайте загадку и постарайтесь ее запомнить:

What goes without moving from its place? ( p o p у) VIII. Вспомните, как будут следующие слова по-английски, и ре­ шите кроссворд:

Down: 1. Слово, противоположное по значению слову «короче». 2. Слово, Противоположное по значению слову «города». 3. Последний месяц года. 4. День, когда вы родились. 5. Птица, которую можно научить говорить. Across: 6. Мать вашего отца.

IX. Расшифруйте английскую поговорку. (К аж дая цифра обозна­ чает порядковый номер буквы в английском алфавите. Напри­ мер: 1-А, 2-В, 3-С и т. д.):

9, 20 9,19 14,5,22,5,18 20,15,15 12,1,20,5 20, 15 12, 5, 1. 18, 14! (jUJBOJ о ; OJBJ 0 0 ) лэлэи SI ) l ) AN EXPENSIVE BREAKFAST It happened many years ago, when there were still kings in some countries of Europe. Once a king of a small country was travelling through Holland. He stopped at an inn in a little village to have breakfast. He ordered some boiled eggs, coffee, bread and butter for breakfast. 13

The king ate two eggs with bread and butter, took a cup of coffee and asked the innkeeper: “How much must I pay for my breakfast?” The innkeeper answered: “A hundred florins.” The king was very much surprised *1I. and said: “What? A hundred florins for a little bread and but­ ter, a cup of coffee and two eggs? It is very expensive! Eggs must be very scarce in your village.” “Oh, no, sir,” answered the innkeeper, “there are many eggs in our village, but kings are very scarce nowadays.” 1 was very much surprised — был очень удивлен

Упражнения I. Найдите в рассказе “An Expensive Breakfast” дующих предложений:

эквиваленты сле­

1. Он заказал на завтрак вареные яйца, кофе и хлеб с маслом. 2. Сколько я должен (заплатить) за завтрак? 3. (Он) был очень удивлен. 4VЭто очень дорого. 5. В вашей деревне наверно очень мало яиц. 6. В наше время очень мало королей. II. Скажите по-английски:

1. Это произошло в 1941 году. 2. Мои друзья путешествовали по стране много лет тому назад. 3. Он остановился в деревенской гостинице. 4. Хозяин гостиницы принес кофе и хлеб с маслом на завтрак. 5. Они заказали мясо и рыбу на обед. III. Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “An Expensive Breakfast”:

1. ago? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 14

Who was travelling through Holland many years Where did the king stop? What for did he stop there? What did he order for breakfast? How much did his breakfast cost? Was the breakfast expensive?

1. 8. 9. 10.

Who was very much surprised? What did the king say to the innkeeper? Did the innkeeper agree with him? What did the innkeeper answer the king?

IV. А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “An Expensive Breakfast/' Используйте вопросы упражнения III как план. V. Прочтите диалог:

At a Restaurant Tom: Where shall we sit? Ann: I want to sit near the dance-floor. Tom: Here is a nice place. And now let’s see what they have. What about an omelette and then a nice piece of beefsteak? Ann: I don’t want meat, I’m not hungry. I would rather have 1 some fish. Tom: Waiter, omelette' for two, fish for one and beef­ steak for one, please. Shall we have anything to drink? Ann: Oh, wine is very expensive here, let’s have some beer. Tom: And what shall we have for dessert? Ann: I’ll have a cup of black coffee. Tom: Make it two, waiter, please. That’ll be all, I think.I.V * 1 I would rather have — Я бы взяла VI. Расскажите, куда пришли Том и Энн, что они заказали на обед, что взяли на третье. VII. Выучите анекдот и обязательно расскажите его по-английски друзьям:

Once a young Englishman invited his girl to a French restaurant. The menu was written in French, and he did not know that language. As he did not want to look igno­ rant before the girl, he pointed to some lines in the menu and said to the waiter: “I think, we shall have some of that.” The waiter looked where the man was pointing and said: “I’m sorry, sir, but that’s what the band is playing.” 15

VIII. Отгадайте загадку и постарайтесь ее запомнить*.

Why do we all go to bed? (sn 0} эшоэ }ou 1[ш poq aqj osneoag) IX. Решите кроссворд, используя английские эквиваленты следую­ щих слов:

Down: 2. сквозь, через; 6. долженствование; 7. лето; 10. Past Indefinite Tense от глагола «дуть»; 11. полдень; 12. или; 13. соль; 14. гнездо; 16. роза Across: 1. футбол; 3. шестьдесят минут; 4. зеленый; 5. солнце; 6. мужчины; 8. луна; 9. больше; 13. звезда; 15. мне

X. Расшифруйте английскую поговорку. (К аж дая цифра обозначает порядковый номер буквы в английском алфавите. Например: 1-А, 2-В, 3-С и т. д.):

6,9,18,19,20 20,8,9,14,11 20,8,5,14 19,16,5,1,11! (i>|B9ds ищ) 1у\и\щ js j ij ) НЕ KNEW THE NAME The name of Enrico Caruso, the famous Italian singer, is well known all over the world. He sang almost in all countries of Europe. He sang in Russia, in France, in Germany, in Spain and in many other countries. People 16

liked his singing and the concert-halls where he sang were always full. Though Caruso was very famous he often said: “No man is so well known as he thinks he is.” One day, when he came to the United States to give some concerts, he was driving to New York. His car broke down just when he was passing a farm. Caruso did not know how to repair the car, so he asked the farmer to do it. The farmer agreed. While the farmer was repairing the car, Carusojentered the farmer’s house to rest there. Soon the farmer finished his work and entered the house too. “Your car is ready, sir,” he said, “now you can drive on.” Caruso paid the farmer for his work and presented him his photograph with his name on it. The farmer read the name on the photograph and cried out: “Oh, what a luck 4 You are Robinson Cruso! I’ve never dreamed 2 to receive the greatest traveller in the world in my poor house!”*I. 1 what a luck — какая удача 2 I’ve never dreamed — Я никогда и не мечтал

Упражнения I. Найдите в рассказе “ Не Knew the Name” эквиваленты следую­ щих словосочетаний:

во в-сем мире; во всех странах мира; исправить авто­ машину; такой человек; всегда полный; какая удача II. Прочтите предложения, подставляя вместо русских слов англий­ ские слова в нужной форме из колонки справа:

1. Enrico Caruso was (величай­ ший) Italian singer. 2. His name (известно) all over the world. 3. He (давал) concerts in many countries of the world. 4. People liked his (пение) very much. 2—31

great to be famous to give singing 17

5. Once Caruso (был пригла­ шен) to the United States of Ame­ rica. 6. While (пребывания) there he worked very hard. 7. He (дарил) his photographs to many people. III.

to be invited to stay to present


по всему городу — all over the town по всей стране — all over the country по всему миру — all over the world IV.

Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “ Не Knew the Name”:

1. Whose name is well-known all over the world? 2. What is Enrico Caruso famous for? 3. Did he sing in many countries of the world? 4. In what countries did he sing? 5. Did people like his singing? 6. To what country was Caruso invited once? 7. What for was he invited to the United States? 8. What happened when Caruso was driving to New York? 9. Who agreed to repair the car? 10. What did Caruso present to the farmer? 11. What did the farmer say after reading Caruso’s name on the photograph? V. А

теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “ Не Knew the Name.” Используйте вопросы упражнения IV как план.

VI. Выучите наизусть английски:





друзьям по-

An Irishman was once serving in a regiment in In­ dia. He did not like the climate there and decided to think out a trick by which he could get home. He went to the doctor and said to him: “My eyesight is very bad, can you help me?” The doctor looked at him for a while and then asked: “How can you prove to me that your eyesight is bad?” The Irishman looked about the room and at last said: “Well, doctor, can you see that nail upon the wall?” 18

“Yes,” replied the doctor. “Well then,” said the Irishman, “and I can’t!” VII.

Отгадайте загадку:

What is it that we all like to have, but never want to keep? (ajipddB pooS у) VIII. Выучите пословицу:

Better to do well than to say well. (Лучше сделать хорошо, чем сказать хорошо.) IX. А теперь шутки:

Over the doctor’s telephone came a call from one man. The man said: “My little son swallowed my fountain-pen.” The doctor said: “I’ll come at once. And what are you doing in the meantime?” “I’m using my pencil,” the man answered. They bought their son a bicycle and were watching proudly as he rode around and around the block. On his first round he shouted: “Look Mom, no hands!” The second time around: “Look, Mom, no feet!” At the third time: “Look, Mom, no teeth!”



ECONOMY WASTED A tourist was staying in Norway for a couple of weeks and spent all his money.He could only pay his passage back to England. He thought: “It is only a two days’ journey, and I can go to England without food.” So he went on board a ship and bought a ticket. He closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell and when dinner time came he did not go to the saloon: “I do not feel well,” he said. The next morning he did not have breakfast pretending to oversleep himself, and at lunch time he again stayed in his cabin. At dinner time he was so hungry that he said: “I’m going to eat even if they throw me overboard afterwards.” At dinner table he ate everything put in front of him. Then he asked for the bill and waited for the coming row. “The bill, sir?” asked the steward. “Yes,” answered the tourist. “There isn’t any bill,” was the answer. “On this ship meals are included in the passage money.” Упражнения I. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

for a couple of weeks (to) pay the. passage back a two. days’ journey (to) go on board a shipI.

at dinner time the dinner .table (to) pretend to oversleep (to) be hungry

II. Прочтите предложения, подставляя вместо русских слов приве­ денные ниже слова в нужной форме:

1. A couple of months ago we decided (провести) our leave (на борту) a comfortable ship. 2. We went to the booking-office and paid our (про­ езд) to Gorki. 3. In Gorki we (сели на пароход). 4. It was a fine 10 days’ (поездка) down the Volga. 5. There was a good (ресторан) on board the ship. 6. Most of the time we (находились) out of our cabin. 7. We were glad (услышать) the sound of the lunch bell. 8. Nobody paid for his (еду), because the meals were included in the (стоимость билета). 20

(to) spend, passage, on board, journey, (to) go on board a ship, (to) stay, saloon, meal, (to) hear, passage money III. Расскажите, что вы узнали о нашем путешествии на пароходе. IV. Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “Economy Wasted":

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Where was a tourist staying? How long did he stay there? Had he much money? Where did he decide to go? Did he buy a ticket on board a ship? How often did he go to the saloon? When did the tourist go there? Why did he go there? Did he eat much at dinner? Why didn’t he pay for his dinner?

V. А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “ Economy Wasted.*1 Используйте вопросы упражнения IV как план. VI. Прочтите диалог:

— It is very nice of you to come to see me off, Ann. — I wanted to wish you a pleasant journey \ Jane. — Thank you. I hope to have a good time on board this ship. — How many passengers will there be in your cabin? — I think, four. And where is your cabin? — Qn “A” deck. — Is there a swimming-pool on board the ship? — Yes, there is. It’s a comfortable ship. — When does the ship start? — At 11 o’clock sharp according to the time-table. What ports will the ship call at? — I don’t know yet. Well, it is time to say good-bye, Ann. — Good luck and a pleasant journey to you, Jane. VII. Прочтите анекдот и расскажите его своим друзьям по-англий­ ски:

One American staying in London took his children to the Zoo. The children liked the Zoo very much. So appro­ 1 a pleasant journey — приятного путешествия


aching one of the keepers, the Yankee said: “Say, man, take me along to 1 your boss. I want to talk business with him.” The keeper asked suspiciously: “What business do you want to discuss?” “Well,” explained the American, ‘Tve taken fancy to this little exhibit2, and I want to buy your Zoo for my kids.” “Nothing doing3,” answered the keeper, “but I’ll tell you that we m ight4 buy your kids for our Zoo.” 1 take me along to — отведите меня к 2 I’ve taken fancy to this little exhibit — мне понравилась эта не­ большая выставка 3 Nothing doing — Не выйдет 4 we might — мы могли бы VIII. Выучите пословицу:

Travel makes a wise man better but a fool worse. (Путешествие делает умного лучше, а глупого — хуже.) IX. Отгадайте загадки:

What has no head, no arms, no legs, and still goes from place to place? (diqs у) If a blue stone falls in the Black Sea, what will happen? (•jam aq цш auojs эцд,) X. А теперь шутка:

It’s mean of you! I’m looking for you in all the bars of the town, and you are at home! 22


After Jerome K. Jerome One day, when George, Harris and I were talking, George remembered a very funny thing that had hap­ pened 1 to his father when he was young. His father was travelling with another young man through Wales, and, one night, they stopped at a little inn. There were some other young men there and Geor­ ge’s father and his friend joined them and spent the eve­ ning with them. They had a very pleasant evening, and sat up late2. When time came to go to bed they (George’s father and his friend) were a bit tipsy3. They were to sleep 4 in the same room, but in different beds. They took a candle with them, and went upstairs. Unfortunately the candle went out when they entered the room, and they had to undress and to find their way to the beds in the dark. It so happened that they both climbed into the same bed, but from different sides, and were lying one with his head, and the other with his feet on the pillow. There was a silence for a moment, and then George’s father said: “Joel” “What’s the m atter5, Tom?” asked Joe from the other end of the bed. “Why, there’s a man in my bed,” said George’s father. “His feet are on my pillow.” “Well, it’s very strange, Tom,” answered the other, “but there is a man in my bed, too!” “What are you going to do with him?” asked Geor­ ge’s father. “Well, I’m going to kick him out,” answered Joe. “So am I,” said George’s father. There was a short struggle and then a heavy bump, as if two bodies fell down on the floor. Then one voice said: “I say, Tom! 6” “Yes!” “How are you getting on 7?” “Well, to tell you the truth, my man kicked me out.” 23

“So did mine! I say, Torn, I don’t like this inn, do you?” 1 that had happened — которая произошла 2 sat up late — засиделись допоздна 3 were a bit tipsy — были слегка навеселе 4 were to sleep — должны были спать 6 What’s the matter — Что случилось 6 I say, Tom! — Послушай, Том! 7 How are you getting on? — Как твои дела?

Упражнения I.

Скажите по-английски, используя слова и сочетания:

(to) happen — случаться, происходить 1. Там что-то случилось. 2. Что случилось? 3. Вчера здесь произошла очень интересная вещь. (to) have a good time — хорошо проводить время 1. В прошлое воскресенье мы очень хорошо провели время. 2. Вы хорошо проводите время за городом? 3. Я уверен, вы там хорошо проведете время. the same — тот же самый 1. Мы пришли в кино в одно и то же время. 2. Они будут отдыхать в том же самом месте. 3. Это тот же фильм, который мы видели вчера.I. II. Прочтите предложения, подставляя вместо русских слов англий­ ские слова в нужной форме из колонки справа:

George (помнит) a very funny thing that happened to his father (однажды). His father and his friend stopped at (маленькой гостинице). They were to sleep in (одной и той же) room. As the candle (погасла) they had to find their beds in the (темноте). Soon George’s father said: “There’s a man in my bed. His (ноги) are on my pillow.“ 24

to remember once a little inn the same to go out dark feet

And his friend answered: “There’s a man in my bed too. I (собираюсь) to be going to kick him out.” After a short (борьбы) both Ge­ struggle orge’s father and his friend (упали) to fall on to the floor. It happened that in the dark they (забрались) in the same bed but to climb from (разных) sides. different III. Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “In a Country Inn”:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. in the 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

What did George remember? To whom did a very funny thing happen? Where was George’s father travelling? Was he travelling alone? Did they stop in a little inn? Why did they sit up late? Were they to sleep in the same room? What did they take with them when they went up? Why did they have to undress and find their beds dark? Did they climb into the same bed? What did George’s father say? What did his friend answer? What did they do? What was the result of a short struggle?

IV. А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “In a Country Inn.” Используйте вопросы упражнения III как план. V. Прочтите анекдот и расскажите его своим друзьям:

In Stratford during one of the Shakespeare’s jubilees an American tourist came up to an old villager and said: — Who is this chap Shakespeare? ■ — Well, he was a writer. — Oh, but there are many writers. Why do you make such a fuss 1 over this one? Wherever I go I see Shakes­ peare hotels, Shakespeare cakes, Shakespeare shoes. What the deuce12 did he write — stories, attacks on the govern­ ment, novels? 1 make such a fuss — поднимаете такую шумиху 2 What the deuce— Что за чертовщину


— No, sir, oh, no, sir, — answered the old man. — I understand he wrote for the Bible, sir. VI.

Отгадайте загадку:

What is it that lives on paper, but dies on water? (3JIJ) VII.

А теперь шутки:

Teacher: What is the shape of the earth? Pupil: It’s round. Teacher: How do you know it is round? Pupil: All right, it’s square then. I don’t want to start an argument about it.

“I’m warning you for the last time, no hitting below the belt!” THE LETTER-BOX KEY Once an Englishman went to the seashore for his sum­ mer holidays. He asked his housekeeper to post him all letters that she would receive 1 during his absence. She promised him to do that. The Englishman rested very well. A month passed but he received no letters. He thought it strange and he rang up his housekeeper: “Why didn’t you post me my letters?” “Because you didn’t leave me the key of the letter­ box,” was the reply. 26

The Englishman apologized and promised to send her the key. In some days he put the key into an envelope, wrote down his address on it and posted the letter. Another month was passing but still he did not re­ ceive any letters. When at the end of the month he returned home he spoke angrily with his housekeeper.

“But what could I do?” asked the poor woman. “The key which you posted was in the locked letter-box too.’*1* 1 that she would receive — которые она получит

Упражнения I. Поставьте несколько вопросов к каждому предложению:

1. In July I went to the seashore for my summer holi­ days. 2. I asked my friend to post all letters in my name К 3. One day he took a large envelope and put all the letters into it. 4. Next day he bought a stamp and stuck it on the envelope. 5. Then he wrote down my address on the envelope. 6. On Sunday he put the envelope into his pocket and went out. 27

7. He came up to the letter-box opposite his house. 8. He took the envelope out of his pocket and dropped it into the letter-box. 9. 1 received all my letters at the end of the month. 1 in my name — на мое имя II. Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “The Letter-Box Key”:

1. Who once went to the seashore for his summer holidays? 2. Whom did the Englishman ask to post him his letters? 3. Did the housekeeper promise him to do that? 4. How did the Englishman rest? 5. Did he receive any letters during the first month? 6. What did the Englishman do then? 7. What did he ask the housekeeper? 8. What did she answer? 9. When did the Englishman post her the letter-box key? 10. How did he do that? 11. Did he receive any letters after that? 12. When did he return home? 13. How did he speak to his housekeeper? 14. What was the reply? iI.V III. А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “The Letter-Box Key.” Используйте вопросы упражнения II как план. IV. Прочтите диалог и постарайтесь его запомнить:

— Where is the nearest post-office? — It’s jitst round the corner. What do you want to go there for? — I want to send a letter by air mail. Then I’d like to buy some envelopes and stamps. I think I’ll find some nice picture postcards there too. — Let’s go there together. I want to send a telegram. — Do you know what stamps must I buy to post an air-mail letter? — Sorry, but I don’t. You’ll ask the clerk at the postoffice, and he will tell you how much an air-mail, a re­ gistered or an ordinary letter is. 28

V. Отгадайте загадки:

I have cities without houses, forests without trees, ri­ vers without water. What am I? (deui у) What goes through a door, but never goes in or comes out? (3 |o q -X 9 > j у )

VI. А теперь прочтите шутки и расскажите их по-английски своим друзьям:

A very stout lady addressed a bus-inspector at a busstop: “I want to report the conductor 1 of that bus,” she said, “he was rude!”

“How?” asked the bus-inspector. “Why,” continued the lady, “he was telling people: ‘the bus is full up,’ and when I got off he said: “room for three inside.” 1 I want to report the conductor — Я хочу пожаловаться на кон­ дуктора


Little Tom, in a crowded bus, is sitting on his father’s knees. An old lady enters the bus, and the boy at once jumps down, and says: “May I offer you my seat?” LUGGAGE QUESTION

After Jerome K. Jerome When you decide to go on leave, the usual luggage question arises. The best way 1 is to make a list of things before packing. I taught my friends how to make that list; I learned it myself many years ago from my Uncle Podger. “Always before you begin to pack,” my Uncle usually said, “make a list.” He was a methodical man. “Take a piece of paper,” he always said, “put down on it everything you want to have with you; then read it. Imagine yourself in bed: what do you wear? Very well, put it down, together with a change. Then you get up: what do you do? — Wash yourself. What do you wash yourself with? — Soap; put down soap. Go on 12 till you finish. Then take your clothes. Begin at your feet: what do you wear on your feet? — Boots, shoes, socks; put them down. Go on till you get to your head. What else do you want besides clothes? — A little brandy; put it down. A corkscrew; put it down. Put down everything, then you don’t forget anything." That is the plan he always followed himself. When the list was made, he usually looked it through carefully, to see that he did not forget anything. Then he looked it through again, and stroke out everything he could do without3. Then he usually lost the list.

1 The best way — Лучший способ 2 Go on — Продолжай. 9 he could do without — без чего он мог обойтись


Упражнения I.

Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “Luggage Question”:

1. When does the luggage question arise? 2. What is the best way to settle this question? 3. From whom did Jerome K. Jerome learn how to make that list? 4. What kind of man was his Uncle Podger? 5. What must be put down on the list? 6. With what did he advise to begin that list? 7. What did he do when the list was made? 8. How many times did he look the list through? 9. What did he strike out? 10. What did he usually do with the list after looking it through?.IV II. А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “Luggage Question.” Используйте вопросы упражнения I как план. III. Расскажите по-английски, как вы готовитесь к отъезду в отпуск. IV. Прочтите диалог:

Husband: Is the list of things which we want to have with us ready? Wife: Not yet. I don’t want to leave anything behind. Husband: Hurry up К Begin packing, the earlier we start the better2. Wife: Now it’s ready, you may look it through! Husband: What for do you take so many things? I think you can do without half of them. Wife: All right, strike them out; but if it gets cold what would you do? 31

Husband: We are going by our own car, so don’t be afraid of bad weather. 1 Hurry up — Торопись 2 the earlier we start the better — чем раньше мы выедем, тем лучше V. Прочтите этот смешной рассказ и перескажите его товарищу:

As you know, Balzac, the famous French writer, was a man of great talent. But he had a strange habit: he liked to tell a person’s character by his or her hand­ writing. He was very proud of this ability and often boasted of it among his friends. One day his woman-friend 1 brought him an exercisebook of a young, man and said: “My dear friend, I want to know what you think of this boy’s character. Don’t be afraid to tell me the truth, he is not my son.” Balzac was very glad to demonstrate his ability again and began studying the handwriting. After some minutes of hard work he said: “All right, I’ll tell you the truth. The boy is a bad and lazy fellow.” “It is very strange,” said the woman smiling. “This is a page from your own exercise-book, which you used when you were a boy.”*V I. 1 woman-friend — приятельница VI. Отгадайте загадку, запомните ее и загадайте ее товарищу:

What table has no legs? (э!ЯВ}-эшп V) VII. А теперь шутки:

“Where are you going? Don’t you know the hunting season is closed?” “Shh... My wife doesn’t know, yet.”


your dinner.” HENRY HUDSON About three hundred years ago a brave sailor, Henry Hudson by name, set out from England in a small ship, with a small crew, to sail across the Arctic Ocean. Three times they returned home with wonderful stories of diffi­ culties which they had to go through К The fourth time Hudson set out from England in a boat called “The Dis­ covery.” He explored Hudson Strait and Hudson B ay12 and named them after himself, as the first man to disco­ ver them. Then troubles began. Winter came in. Ice began to cover the bay and they could not escape from it. There was little food, many sailors were ill. And the crew re­ belled. They tied Hudson, his little son, and a few others, placed them in an open boat and left them in an icy sea, far from help, without food and water. Nobody heard about the little boat and its starving crew, and Hudson, this brave explorer died tragically in the waters of the bay which he himself discovered. 1 they had to go through — через которые они вынуждены были пройти 2 Не explored Hudson Strait and Hudson Bay — Он исследовал Гудзонов пролив и Гудзонов залив


Упражнения 1.

Вспомните: 1) с какими существительными употреблены в рас­ сказе “Henry Hudson” слова:

without; far from; to discover; to explore; to place; to go through; to tie; to leave 2) с какими прилагательными употреблены в рассказе “ Henry Hud­ son” слова:

crew, stories, ship, food, son, boat, sea, explorer II.

Скажите по-английски:

1. Генри Гудзон был отважным исследователем. 2. Около трехсот лет назад он отправился из Англии на небольшом корабле, чтобы переплыть Северный Ле­ довитый океан. 3. У него была небольшая команда. 4. Им пришлось преодолеть большие трудности. 5. Наступила зима, было мало продовольствия. 6. Корабль не мог вырваться из льдов залива. 7. Команда взбунтовалась. 8. Моряки посадили Генри Гудзона и его сына в от­ крытую лодку. 9. Они оставили их в море без пищи и воды и без помощи. 10. Генри Гудзон погиб в заливе, который сам от­ крыл.I. III. Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “ Henry Hudson”:

1. When did Henry Hudson set out from England? 2. Was the crew of his ship large? 3. Where did Hudson want to sail? 4. How many times did his ship return home? 5. In what ship did Hudson set out from England the fourth time? 6. What did Hudson explore and name after himself? 7. Why could his ship not escape from Hudson Bay? 8. Had the crew much food at that time? 9. What did the sailors do with Hudson and his son? 10. Where did Hudson die? 34

IV. Расскажите: 1) что вы узнали из рассказа о Генри Гудзоне; 2) что произошло во время 4-го путешествия; 3) как погиб Генри Гудзон? V. А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “Henry Используйте вопросы упражнения III как план.


VI. Прочтите анекдот и постарайтесь пересказать его по-английски:

A sailor came to his native village from sea. His pa­ rents and neighbours gathered around him to listen to his adventures. And the sailor began to boast: “1 was in many countries and saw a lot of strange things. Once our ship got to a sea of milk, in the middle of which there was a mountain of sugar and an island of cheese. And when we were in the Pacific Ocean we saw a flying fish К These flying fishes can fly for a long time when the enemies are after them 2.” Then his mother said: “I can believe that there are seas of milk and islands of cheese, but I cannot believe in flying fish, son.” 1 flying fishes — летающие рыбы 2 the enemies are after them — их преследуют враги VII. Решите кроссворд:

Down: 1. You go by it from place to place in the town. 2. What your father’s sister is to you. 3. It is in the middle of your face. Across: 1. You go by it from city to city. 4. A measure of length. 35

VIII. Попробуйте составить как можно больше слов из следующих букв:

catchaireaddressportthisit IX. А теперь шутки:

‘‘I will not wash my face!” said little Dolly. “Oh, you are a naughty girl,” said her grandmother. “When I was a little girl I always washed my face.” “Yes,” said Dolly, “and now look at it!” A teacher asked her class: “Is the sentence The ox and the cow is in the field’ correct?” Most of the children said: “Yes, it is all right.” And only one little boy said: “No, it is not correct. The lady must be mentioned first.” WHY WAS SHE ANGRY? A young man was in love with 1 a beautiful girl. One day when they were walking in the park near the girl’s house she said to him: “To-morrow is my birthday, will you come to have dinner with me?” “Of course, I shall,” said the young man, “and I’ll send you red roses, one rose for each year of your life.” The same evening the young man went to a florist’s 12. As the girl was twenty years old, he paid for twenty ro­ ses and asked the florist to send them to the girl’s house the next day. He left her address and a letter full of love. The florist knew the young man very well because he often bought flowers in his shop. The florist thought: “The young man is a good custo­ mer, my price for the roses was too high, I’ll sent thirty roses instead of twenty.” And he did so. The next morning he sent thirty red roses to the girl. In the afternoon when the young man came to see her, she did not want to speak to him. He was very unhappy and went back home. But he never knew why she was so angry with him. Why? 1 was in love with — был влюблен в 2 a florist’s — цветочный магазин


Упражнения I. Составьте предложения, используя следующие из рассказа “Why Was She Angry”:


(to) be angry with; one day; my birthday; the same evening; the next day; (to) be in love with; (to) buy flo­ wers; the price is too high; instead of; (to) be unhappy II.

Прочтите предложения, подставляя вместо рус'ских слов англий­ ские слова в нужной форме из колонки справа:

1. A young man (был влюблен) a beautiful girl. 2. Не often sent her (цветы). 3. The girl asked him to come to have dinner with her (в день ее рождения). 4. Не decided to buy her 20 (роз), one rose for each year of her life. 5. At the florist’s he (заплатил) for 20 roses and asked the florist to send them to the girl’s house. 6. The florist liked the young man and sent the girl thirty roses (вместо) twenty. 7. The next day the young man (пришел к ней), but the girl didn’t want to speak to him. 8. The young man (был очень несчастен).

(to) be in love with a flower a birthday a rose (to) pay

instead of (to) come to see her (to) be very unhappy

HI. Скажите по-английски, используя сочетания:

(te) be in love (with) — быть влюбленным (в кого-л.) 1. Он влюблен в мою сестру. 2. Вы влюблены? 3. Она не была влюблена в этого молодого человека, instead of — вместо 1. Они пойдут домой в пять часов вместо трех. 2. Он купил журнал вместо газеты. 3. Кто сделал это вместо вас? 37

IV. Ответьте на вопросы, а затем составьте рассказ. вопросы как план:


1. Who was in love with a beautiful girl? 2. When were they walking in the park? 3. Did the girl ask him to come to have dinner with her on her birthday? 4. What did the young man answer? 5. How many roses did he want to send her? 6. Why did he want to send her twenty roses? 7. What did the young man ask the florist to do? ■ *8. Did the florist know him very well? 9. Was the young man a good customer? 10. How many roses did the florist send to the girl? 11. Why didn’t the girl want to speak to the young man on her birthday? 12. Did the young man know why she was so angry with him? V. Прочтите анекдот и перескажите его друзьям:

A lady with her son and daughter came to the railway booking-office. She asked for two and a half tickets. “For whom is the half ticket?” asked the clerk. “For my son, of course,” answered the lady. “But he can’t travel with a half ticket because he is wearing long trousers,” the clerk said. “Oh, is that how you judge 1?” the lady asked quietly. “Yes, it is,” the clerk answered. The lady decided to teach him a lesson 12 and said: “Then I shall tell you, young man, that I can use the half ticket, and my daughter can travel free.” After this the clerk gave out the tickets. 1 is that how you judge — вот как вы решаете вопрос 2 to teach him a lesson — проучить его VI. Отгадайте загадки:

On what day of the year do you talk least of all? (•леэХ эф jo Хер jsajjoqs aqj si q asneoaq ‘jaqtuaoaQ jo pugg эф uo) What stands in the middle of the world? („Н., 38

эщ )

V II. А т е п е р ь ш у т к а :

“Well, you promised you’d carry me in your arms, didn’t you?” ONLY A FISH BONE I have a good old friend who lives in a small house on the seashore near the town and port of B. When I get my leave I sometimes go to see him and stay with him for a few days. We usually get up early, take his old boat and go fi­ shing L Very often we boat far into the sea, and stay there till dinner time. My friend knows a lot of fish stories and I like to listen to them as they are very interesting. Here is 2 one of them. Many years ago a young Englishman fell in love w ith3 a pretty girl and wanted to marry her. About two months before their marriage the young man who served in London was sent to New York on very important bu­ siness 4. He wanted to come back in two weeks and promised his sweetheart to write to her. Time passed quickly and it took him about two months to do his work. At last he was free and was going home. Before leaving for London he bought a beautiful diamond ring for his sweetheart. On his way to London he was looking through a newspaper and saw an announcement of his 39

sweetheart’s marriage with another. He got very angry 5 and threw the diamond ring overboard. In some days he was having dinner at a restaurant. While he was eating fish, he bit on something hard. “What do you think it was?” asked me my friend. “Of course, the diamond ring,” I cried. “No,” said he, “it was a fish bone.”12345 1 go fishing — рыбачить, удить рыбу 2 Here is — Вот... 3 fell in love with — влюбился в 4 on ... business — no ... делу 5 He got very angry — Он очень рассердился

Упражнения I. Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “Only a Fish Bone”:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. home? 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

When did a young Englishman fall in love? With whom did he fall in love? Where did he serve? What for was he sent to New York? How long did he want to stay there? How long did it take him to finish his work? What did he buy before leaving for London? What did he read in the newspaper on his way Did he throw the newspaper overboard? Where was he having dinner in some days? Was he having meat for dinner? What did he bite on while eating fish? Was it a diamond ring? What was it?

II. А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “Only a Fish Bone”. Используйте вопросы упражнения I как план. III. Прочтите рассказ, заполняя пропуски приведенными ниже сло­ вами в нужной форме:

One of my old . . . » Jack by name, lives in a small . . . , on the . . . of the Black . . . . I like . . . with my friend during my summer . . . . I am fond of . . . . So is my friend. Sometimes we . . . from the ... , and . . . we go . . . into the sea. We come . . . only at dinner . . . . Of course, we have fish . . . dinner as we bring it . . . 40

the sea. We have a . . . time at . . . as my friend . . . me a lot of . . . fish stories. friend, house, shore, Sea, to stay, leave, fishing, to fish, shore, sometimes, far, home, time, for, from, good, dinner, to tell, interesting IV. Расскажите по-английски, что вы узнали из упражнения 111 о Джеке и об отдыхе друзей. V. Прочтите анекдот и перескажите его товарищам:

During the war a swimming-pool was built behind the British positions. It was reserved 1 for officers only. An old sergeant major was to look after i t 2. Soon the Tommies3 got to know 4 of the swimmingpool and began using it. The colonel sent for the sergeant major and asked him: “Do you know that the Tommies use the swimmingpool?” “Yes, sir,” the sergeant major replied. “Then, how is that? 5 Didn’t I tell you to keep the pool reserved for officers?” asked the colonel. “Yes, sir,” repeated the sergeant major. “Then why do you let the Tommies use it?” asked the colonel angrily. 41

“Well, sir, it’s like this, how do I know6 a private from an officer when they all run down naked?” — said the poor sergeant major. 1 was reserved — предназначался 2 was to look after it — должен был смотреть за ним 3 Tommy — р а зг английский солдат 4 got to know — разузнали 5 Then, how is that? — Как же это так? e how do I know — как я могу отличить VI. Расшифруйте английскую поговорку. (Каждая цифра обозна­ чает порядковый номер буквы в английском алфавите. Напри­ мер: 1-А, 2-В, 3-С и т. д.):

1,19 25, 15,21 13, 1, 11,5 25, 15, 21,18 2 , 5,4 19,15 25, 15,21 12, 9 ,5 15, 14 9 , 20 ! (jji uo щ\ поА os ‘paq лпоЛ щъш поА sy) VII. Отгадайте ребусы:

lOnis (SIUU3})




(puB)SJdpun i)

А теперь шутки:

Mr. Brown was sitting all day long fishing from the bank of a river. A man was sitting behind him all that time watching him. “Why don’t you try yourself to do some fishing?” asked him Mr. Brown late in the afternoon. “I have no patience for it,” answered the man. Drunk: “Say, officer, where am I?” Policeman: “Picadilly, corner of Haymarket.” Drunk: “Never mind 1 the street, just tell me the name of the town.” 1 Never mind — неважно, не имеет значения


IX. Р а с с к а ж и т е , что вы в и д и т е н а р и с у н к а х :

THE ISLAND OF IONA Iona is a small island in the North Sea, not far from the coast of Scotland. The people who live there are fishermen and farmers. “Elizabeth” — that’s the name of the ship which brings goods for them. Sometimes this ship brings visitors too as there is a very old Abbey on the 43

island, which was built many centuries ago. People come to Iona from different parts of the country to have a look at the Abbey. The painters like to paint pictures on the island, be­ cause Iona is so beautiful. The best season on the island is summer — the sun shines and it is very warm. But autumn and winter are very cold there — the sea is rough, the weather is stormy, the wind blows and it often rains. Life on the island is quite different from that in England and Scotland. There are no big houses and large stores there— only some small farms, one fishermen’s village and one shop. There is only one motor-car on the whole island, but almost every family there has a boat. There is neither electricity nor gas on the island — the islanders use candles or oil lamps to light their houses. There is even no running water *11there, so the people have to take water from wells. The fishermen living on the island sell their fish in the towns and cities of Scotland. 1 running water — водопровод

Упражнения I. Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “The Island Of Iona”:

1. Where is the island of Iona situated? 2. What are the people who live on the island? 3. What is the ship which brings them goods called? 4. What Abbey is there on the island? 5. Who comes to have a look at that Abbey? 6. Where do they come from? 7. Why do painters like to paint their pictures on the island? 8. What is the weather like in summer there? 9. Is it warm in winter on the island? 10. Are there big houses and large stores there? 11. How many motor-cars are there on the island? 12. Do many of the islanders have boats? 13. Is there electricity there? 14. What do the islanders use instead of it? 15. Where do they take water from? 44

16. In what places do the people from Iona island sell their fish? II. А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “The Island Of Iona”. Используйте вопросы упражнения I как план III. Прочтите диалог:

— Where do you usually rest in summer? — We have a small cottage near Moscow and we stay there because of our children. — How many rooms are there in your cottage? — Two communicating rooms and a kitchen. * — Have you running water in your cottage? — No, we pump water from a well near the house. — And if the weather is bad can you heat your rooms? — Of course, we have a hot-water heating system 1 there. 1 a hot-waier heating system — водяное отопление IV. Прочтите анекдот и перескажите его:

A politician was staying overnight at a small country hotel. When he came into the dining-roorri for breakfast in the morning, one of the guests rose from his seat. “Sit down, sit down,” said the great man. 45

“Why?” asked the other man. “Can’t I take the salt cellar from the next table?” V. Ответьте на вопросы по картинке на стр. 45:

1. How many tables do you see in the* hall? 2. What hall is it? 3. Are there any guests there? 4. How many guests are there in the restaurant? 5. Who is coming into the hall? 6. What is one of the guests taking from the other table? 7. Why did he stand up? 8. Did he want to greet the politician? VI. Решите кроссворд, используя английские эквиваленты следую­ щих слов:

Across: 7 повторять; 8. тридцать; 9. его (о неоду­ шевленном предмете)-, 10. под; 11. море; 14. писать; 15. белый; 16. кататься на коньках; 18. спать; 22. ел; 23. хлеб; 24. новый; 27. перед, до; 28. карман

Down: 1. письмо; 2. чай; 3. стоять; 4. другой; 5. боль­ шой; 6. улица; 12. государство; 13. .полка; 17. котенок; 19. одиннадцать; 20. зеленый; 21. счастливый; 25. жар­ кий; 26. лед. 46

VII. Отгадайте загадку:

What is that which has a mouth, but never speaks, and has a bed, and never sleeps in it? (лэли у) VIII. А теперь шутка:

— What is experience? - - The name we give to our mistakes. A GOOD FINDER One day two friends went for a walk. One of them had a dog. “See here *, John,” one of the men said. “I am going to put this coin here in the ground. I know my dog will find it.” He put the coin in the ground on the road. Then the two friends went on. In half an hour the man took out the coins he had in his pocket and said to his dog: “I lost a coin, Rex. Go and look for it, quick!” The dog ran back along the road and the two friends went on. At that time a traveller drove along the road. His horse kicked the coin from the ground and the traveller picked it up. The dog scented out the coin in the pocket of the traveller’s trousers and ran after him. Soon they came to an inn. The traveller thought: ‘Poor dog. It lost its master.’ As he liked the dog very much he took it to his room and gave it a good supper. Then the traveller took off his clothes. He put on his pyjamas and his night cap and was ready to go to bed. The dog stood at the door. The man thought: “The dog wants to go out,” and he opened the door. The dog snatched the man’s trousers and ran out of the room. The man ran after it with his night cap on. The dog ran to its master’s house. The man ran after it. He was very angry. “Sir,” said the dog’s master, “my dog is very clever; and if he ran away with your trousers, it is because you have in them money which is not yours.” 47

The traveller became still more angry. “I am sorry12I.,” said the other, “but I know there is in your trousers pocket a coin which you picked up on the road. It’s my coin. That’s why my dog brought me your trousers.”

The traveller was amused. He laughed together with the dog’s master. Then he took out the coin and gave it to him. He took his trousers and went to his inn. 1 See here — Послушай 2 I am sorry — Простите

Упражнения I. Скажите, какие значения имеют глаголы (to) run — бегать; (to) go — ходить, ездить; (to) take — брать в сочетаниях, встре­ чающихся в р а с с к а зе “A Good Finder’’:

(to) (to) (to) (to)

run run run run

away after out along

(to) (to) (to) (to)

go out go on take out take off

II. Скажите по-английски, используя сочетания:

(to) be angry (with) — сердиться (на) 1. Я сержусь на него. 2. Она не сердится на нас. 3. Вы сердитесь на меня? 4. Почему вы сердитесь? 48

(to) laugh (at) — смеяться (над) 1. Он часто смеется. 2. Почему вы смеетесь? 3. Не смейтесь над ним! 4. Я много смеялся над этим вчера. III.

Подберите английские слова с противоположным значением:

(to) ask; (to) say; (to) find; (to) give; (to) put on IV.

Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “A Good Finder”:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. sers? 13. 14. 15. 16. V.

Did John put the coin in the ground? Who did it? Did he put the coin on the hill? What did he say to his dog? Where did the dog run? Was the coin in the ground? Who drove along the road at that time? Why didNthe dog run after the traveller? What did the traveller think about the dog? Did he give the dog a good supper? What did the traveller do then? When did the dog snatch the traveller’s trou­ Where did the dog run from the inn? Who ran after the dog? What did the dog’s master say? What .did the traveller do?

Поставьте глаголы, заключенные в скобки, в нужной форме и перескажите рассказ:

One day two friends (to go) for a walk. The dog’s master (to say): “I (to be) going (to put) the coin in the ground. The dog (to find) the coin.” Then the dog’s master (to take) out the coins and (to say) to his dog: “I (to lose) a coin; (to look) for it, and (to find) it. At that time a traveller (to drive) along the road. The horse (to kick) the coin from the ground and the traveller 3—31


(to pick) it up. The dog (to scent) out the coin and (to run) after the traveller. The traveller (to think): ‘The dog (to lose) its master.’ The traveller (to like) the dog very much and (to give) it a good supper. At an inn the traveller (to want) to go to bed. He (to take) off his clothes. Then he (to put) on his pyjamas and his night cap. Then the dog (to snatch) the man’s trousers and (to run) to his master. The traveller (to run) after him. He (to be) very angry. The dog’s master (to say): “My dog (to be) very clever. He (to take) your trousers, because you (to have) my money in them. I (to know) you (to have) my coin in your trousers pocket. The traveller (to jaugh), (to take) out the coin and (to give) it to the dog’s master. Then he (to put) on his trousers and (to go) to his inn. VI. Прочтите анекдот и расскажите его друзьям:

The professor was delivering the final lecture of the term. He spoke about students’ work and asked them to prepare for the final examination well. He said: — The examination papers are now in the hands of the printer. Are there any questions? There was silence. But suddenly a voice from the rear inquired: <— Who is the printer? VII. Отгадайте загадки:

What is it that doesn’t ask questions, but you always answer it? (auoqdaiaj y) What is it that you must keep after you’ve given it to somebody else? (рлом jno.\) VIII. А теперь шутки:

Teacher: If your brother has five apples and you take two from him, what will be the result? Tom: He will beat me. 50

Tom: My father and I know everything in the world. John: Then tell me, where Asia is? Tom: Well, that is one of the questions my father knows. ON “DO’S AND DON’TS” 1 IN GREETINGS AND IN ADDRESSING PEOPLE When visiting Great Britain for the first time it is necessary to know most of the “do’s and don’ts.” Here we are going to speak about the forms of greetings. The very formal “How do you do?” is not a question, that’s why it doesn’t require any other answer than “How do you do?” This form of greeting is used when you are introduced to someone or if you meet someone for the first time. If you often meet someone you usually say “How are you?” The answer to such a greeting must be short, for example: “Very well, thank you, and how are you?” But that is not all. You can, of course, say “Good morning” on entering or leaving, for example, a shop or an office in the morning. You can say it till noon (till about 12 o’clock in the afternoon). Till about 6 o’clock in the evening you say “Good afternoon,” and from that time on “Good evening.” But all these are rather formal greetings. If you meet a friend of yours2 you may just say “Hallo, Sergei” or “Hallo, Mary.” The manner of addressing people in Britain is quite different from ours. First of all never use the words “sir” or “madam” while speaking with equals. A usual form of addressing people is “Mr. Smith,” “Mrs. Smith.” But you must re­ member that “Mrs.” is the form of addressing a married woman, while “Miss” is used for not married woman. The next rule to be remembered is about shaking hands. British people avoid shaking hands as much as possible. They shake hands with you when they meet you for the first time or when they leave you for long 3. And 3*


remember that it is always the visitor who offers his hand first, even if the person visited is a woman. 1 On “do‘s and don’ts” — О том, htq 2 a friend of yours ■=- ваш приятель 8 for long — надолго

можно и что


Упражнения I. Подберите английские слова с противоположным значением:

does; answer; first; short; to enter; morning; How do you do?; different; to remember; to come II. Скажите по-английски, используя образцы:

a) They want to leave Moscow for long. Они хотят уехать из Москвы надолго. 1. Я собираюсь поехать на Дальний Восток надолго. 2. Моя сестра уехала из Москвы не надолго. 3. Вы надолго поедете на юг? b) It is necessary to remember this rule. Необходимо помнить это правило. 1. Необходимо читать по-английски каждый день. 2. Нужно ли употреблять формальное приветствие при встрече с друзьями? 3. Я думаю, что нужно пожимать руки друзьям. III.

Переведите предложения, используя слова и словосочетания из колонки справа:

1. Впервые я встретил его на стадионе.. 2. Он был занят, вот почему он не пришел. 3. Время от времени мы ходим в театр. 4. Их работа требует много вре­ мени. 5. Разрешите мне представить вам своих друзей. 6. Этот ваш друг учится в уни­ верситете или в институте? 7. Эту форму приветствия сле­ дует запомнить. 8. Этот человек пожал мне руку. 52

For the first time that’s why From time to time requires introduce friend of yours must be remembe­ red shook hands with me

IV. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Is the greeting “How do you do?" a question? 2. What’ ariswer does it require? 3. When is this form of greeting used? 4. Whom do you say “How are you?” 5. What is the answer to such a greeting? 6. When and where can you say “Good morning?” 7. What formal greetings do you know? 8. What may you say if you meet a friend of yours? 9. What is the usual form of addressing people in England? 10. Do the English like to shake hands? 11. When do they shake hands? 12. Who offers the hand first? V. Расскажите, что вы узнали об английских приветствиях и обра­ щениях. Используйте вопросы упражнения IV как план. VI. Прочтите диалог:

— Hallo, Tom! Glad to see you! How are you? — Very well, thank you. And you? — A am fine, thanks. — 1 want to introduce you my friends, Miss Brown and Mr. Dikson. They are my guests, they arrived in Moscow from London only a few days ago. — How do you do? Glad to meet you! — How do you do? (They shake hands). — Where are you going to? —. We want to see the centre of the city. Will you join us? — What a pity 4 A am busy now and I can’t accom­ pany you.*V I. 1 What a pity! — Как жалко! VII. Прочтите анекдот, запомните его и расскажите своим товари­ щам:

“Doctor,” a lady said loudly, entering the room, “tell me frankly what’s wrong with me.” He looked at her and said: “Madam, I have three things to tell you: First, your weight wants reducing by nearly fifty pounds, 53

Second, your beauty will be improved if you use about one tenth as much rouge and lipstick. And third, I am an artist — the -doctor lives on the next floor.” VIII.

Отгадайте загадку и загадайте ее друзьям:

When am I?

eat, 1 live; but when I drink, I die. What (3JU)

A BROKEN VASE This is an old story about a poor young man who was in love with a rich beautiful girl. They both lived in London. The girl’s house, a big comfortable house, was situated in a quiet street near an old park. The young man lived on the outskirts of the city in an old wooden hut near the docks. One day the girl invited the young man to come to dinner on her birthday. The young man wanted to make 54

her a present. He wanted to buy something beautiful for her, but he did not know how to do it, as he had little money. The next morning he went to a shop. There were many fine things there: rings, watches and what not. But all of them were very expensive. Then he saw a vase, it was so beautiful that he could not take his eyes off к That was a good present for his sweetheart, but it was also rather expensive. As he was looking at the vase for about half an hour, the manager of the shop had noticed him 12. The young man looked so pale, sad and unhappy that the manager understood every­ thing and decided to help him. He showed the young man another vase broken into many pieces and said: “I shall order my servant to pack it and take it to your sweetheart. When he enters the house he will fall down and drop it. The girl will think that the servant broke the vase.” On the birthday the servant came to the girl’s house and fell down as soon as he entered the room full of people. There was horror on the faces of the guests, the girl began to cry. But when she unpacked the vase everybody saw that each piece was packed separately. And that was the end of the young man’s love. 1 could not take his eyes off — не мог отвести глаз 2 had noticed him — заметил его

Упражнения I. Найдите в рассказе “A Broken Vase” эквиваленты следующих сло­ восочетаний:

1. был влюблен в; 2. большой уютный дом; 3. старая деревянная лачуга; 4. тихая улица; 5. прийти на обед в день ее рождения; 6. сделать ей подарок; 7. у него было очень мало денег; 8. кольца, часы и чего только не 55

было; 9. очень дорого; 10. не мог отвести глаз; 11. вы­ глядел бледным, грустным и несчастным; 12. разбитая на много кусков; 13. я прикажу запаковать ее; 14. он упадет и уронит ее; 15. каждая часть была завернута отдельно II.

Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “A Broken Vase”:

1. With what girl was the young man in love? 2. Was he rich? 3. In what city did they live? 4. Where was the girl's house situated? 5. Did the young man also live in that part of the city? 6. When did the girl invite the young man to come to dinner? 7. What did he want to buy for her? 8. Could he buy an expensive present for her? 9. What did he see in a shop? 10. Why could he not buy the vase? 11. Who decided to help him? 12. What did the manager show the young man? 13. What did he promise the young man to do? 14. Why did the girl begin to cry? 15. What did the guests see when the girl unpacked the vase? HI. А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “A Broken Vase.” Используйте вопросы упражнения II как план.IV . IV. Расскажите, что вы узнали из рассказа “A Broken Vase” о де­ вушке и молодом человеке. V. Выучите диалог:

Jim: Oh, Pete! What are you doing here? Pete: I’m going to buy a present. Jim: For whom? Pete: For a young girl. Jim: Are you in love with her? Pete: Yes, I love her. It is for my sister. Today is her birthday. Jim: 1 see! How old is she? Pete: Twenty. Jim: A good age! Is she married? 56

Pete: Not yet. Do you know where to get some roses? Jim: Yes, I do. Near the park. I can see you off there. Pete: It is very kind of you к Jim. You see, I was right, here are your roses. And now I must leave you. I wish your sister many happy returns of the day12. Pete: Thank you. Good-bye. Jim: So long, have a nice time! 3 1 It is very kind of you.— Очень любезно с вашей стороны. 2 many happy returns of the day — с днем рождения ( поздрав« ление\

3 So long, have a nice time! — Пока, желаю хорошо провести время! VI. Расскажите по-английски, что вы узнали из диалога нении V о Петре и его сестре.



VII. Прочтите анекдот и постарайтесь пересказать его:

One afternoon going to the field a farmer saw his neighbour, Thomas, who was sitting in the kitchen garden not far from his house and eating his dinner alone. The farmer approached him and asked: “What are you doing here? Why are you having your dinner here, alone and not at home?” “Well,” answered Thomas after a short pause, “the chimney smokes.” “That’s too bad,” said the farmer, “let’s have a look at it k I shall help you to repair it.” And the farmer went to enter the house. But as soon as he opened the door, a broom fell on his head and a wo­ man’s voice cried: “Oh, you old rascal, go away, or I’ll kill you...I” The farmer left the house at once2 and came up to Thomas. He put his hand on his neighbour’s shoulder and said to him smiling: “Never m ind3, my chimney smokes sometimes too.” 1 let’s have a look at it — давай посмотрим его 2 at once — сразу, немедленно 3 Never mind — He обращай внимания, ничего VIII. Отгадайте загадку:

What is it that is black and white and yet read [red] all over? (jadedsAvau v) 57

IX. Р е ш и т е к р о с с в о р д :

The ‘House’ Crossword

Across: 2. A country house. 4. This house is . . . large as that one. 5. You enter a house through it. 6. A part of a house where you live. 8. The guns opened . . . . Down: 1. It burns with a blue flame. 2. You sleep in it. 3. A place where fruit, flowers and vegetables grow. 6. The top of a house. 7. Unit of length in England. X. А теперь шутки:

Visitor: Why is your dog watching me so closely while I eat? Host: May be it’s because you are eating out of his plate. A woman is as old as she looks at breakfast time. FAMOUS NEGRO SINGER One day about thirty years ago, in a forest near Hel­ sinki, Marian Anderson sang some songs for Jean Sibe­ liu s— his own songs — and when she finished, he threw out his arms around her 1 and cried: “My roof is too low for you!” Then he called to his wife: “No coffee, but cham­ pagne!” 58

Marian Anderson was born in a poor Negro family in South Philadelphia. At the age of eight she made her first public appearance, singing a solo hymn in a Bap­ tist church. Of this performance she says modestly: “It was not such a great event.” She was the first Negro singer permitted to #sing in the Metropolitan Opera House, America’s greatest opera house where only foremost singers, invited from all parts of the world, perform. “I was not pleased with my first perfomance there,” says Marian Anderson. When “the Daughters of the American Revolution” (America’s most conservative organization of women) refused to let her give a concert in Constitution Hall be­ cause she was a Negro, she was invited to sing at the national monument of Abraham Lincoln who fought all his life for the emancipation of the Negroes. Many thousands of people came there to hear her, and on the platform behind her were cabinet members12, and many senators and representatives. That was called the greatest event in the slow march of the American Negroes to full equality as citizens, and Marian Anderson was its protagonist. The fame of Marian Anderson is securely established, not only in America, but throughout most of the world, as a remarkable artist, and extraordinary personality, and a woman of great dignity and character. 1 he threw out his arms around her — он обнял ее 2 cabinet members — члены правительства

Упражнения I. Скажите по-английски, используя выражения:

at the age of — в возрасте 1. Мой брат пошел в школу в возрасте 7 лет. 2. В возрасте 30 лет Д. Лондон был уже известным писателем. 3. В каком возрасте вы начали петь? a great event — большое событие 1. Приезд этого певца в наш город будет большим событием. 2. Его доклад не был большим ' событием в нашем институте. 59

3. Была ли демонстрация негров в Нью-Йорке боль­ шим событием дня? to be (not) pleased with — быть (не)довольным (чем-л.) 1. Я был очень доволен этой работой. 2. Она была недовольна своим первым выступле­ нием. 3. Ваш друг доволен своим отдыхом на юге? II. Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “Famous Negro Singer”:

1. Where was Marian Anderson born? 2. In what family was she born? 3. At what age did she make her first public appearance? 4. Where did she sing? 5. In what opera house of America did Marian An­ derson sing? 6. Did she like her first performance there? 7. What America’s organization refused her to give a concert in Constitution Hall? 8. Where was she invited to sing then? 9. Who was present at this concert? 10. What was this concert called? 11. Is Marian Anderson well-known only in America? 12. Is she famous throughout the world? III. Составьте предложения из следующих слов и перескажите рас­ сказ:1

1. this, a story, is, a famous, about, Negro singer 2. name, her, Marian Anderson, is 3. was, she, born, a poor family, in, South Philadel­ phia, in 4. she, when, began, to sing, she, a little, girl, was 5. was, she, of eight, at the age, she, a solo hymn, sang, a church, in, when 6. she, the first Negro singer, was, who, in, sang, the Metropolitan Opera House 7. when, was singing, she, the monument to Abraham Lincoln, at, many thousands of, came there, people, her, to hear 8. Marian Anderson, famous, is, the world, throughout, most of 60

9. She, remarkable artist, is, a woman, and, of great character 10. fights, she, for the rights, the Negroes, of IV. Прочтите анекдот и постарайтесь его запомнить:

The well-known American composer Igor Stravinski was invited to Hollywood to compose the music for a new film. He was offered 4.000 dollars for his work. “Oh,” said Stravinski, “it is not enough.” “It’s what we paid your predecessor,” replied the pro­ ducer of the film. “Maybe, maybe, but he had talent and I have not. So for me the work is more difficult,” said Stravinski. V. Решите кроссворд:

The 'Auto’ Crossword

Down: 3. You wear it on your head. 5. A synonym to ‘begin’. 8. Past Indefinite Tense of the verb “to win.” 9. Each and all. 13. Past Participle of the verb “to do.” 14. The upper part of a thing. 15. You stick it on the envelope of your letter. 18. To make an attempt. 20. Do you work . . . study? 21. Tom is . . . of my friends. 23. Not old. 24. Short form for ‘post meridiem’ (after­ noon). 25. I go . . . the cinema on Sunday. 61

Across: 1. Another world for ‘car*.. 2. You drive in It. 4. Did you take .. . in this work? 5. You do so in sum­ mer when there’s a river or a lake nearby. 6. My son . . . I like swimming. 7. You live in it irj summer very often, especially when you are in camp. 10. Your answer was * . . good. 11. If you are 15 years old and your brother is 12, you say that he is your . . . brother. 12. The oppo­ site of ‘begin’. 16. Artillery is an . . . of the service. 17. You cook food in it. 19. I know that you live in Kiev; in what street do . . . live? 22. No one. VI. Найдите в каждом из предложений название одного из следую щих животных:

1. dog; 2. lion; 3. fox; 4. panda; 5. goat; 6. ape 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Everyone must do good. Well, I only asked him about it. Here is a picture of Oxford. He stood up and asked a question. I must go at once. Give him a penny.

VII. А теперь шутка:

“He wants to stop and see how it begins to eat.” $ 62

ONE IS DROWNED Once twelve men went out fishing. Some of them were fishing from the bank of the river and some of them from a boat in the middle of the river. When the day was over and evening came, they all gathered on the bank to go home. “Twelve of us went out fishing this morning,” said one of the fishermen, “and I think there are twelve of us to go home.” “We shall count and see,” said another man. He counted his friends but he forgot to count himself and there were only eleven fishermen. “Let me count,” said the third fisherman. So he began to count the fishermen and again did not count himself. Then each man counted and made the same mistake. “One of us is drowned! Let us go back to the river!” they cried. At that moment a man was passing by. He heard the cries and asked: “What is the m atter]? Why are you crying?” “Twelve of us went out fishing this morning and one of us is drowned, there are only eleven of us now,” said one of them. “What will you give me if 1 find your twelfth man?” asked the man. The fishermen took all the money they had and put them into a bag. “See,” they said, “you will have all this if you find our twelfth friend.” “Now,” he said, “come round me and 1 shall find your twelfth man.” They came round him and he began to count: “Onetwo-three-four-five-six-seven-eight-nine-ten-eleven- twelve! Here is your tweltfh man!” “Thank you very much,” cried the fishermen, “you found our friend for us!” And they gave him the bag of money. The man took it, with a laugh and went away. The fishermen looked at each other and asked: “Why did he laugh?” They could not understand.1 1 What is the matter? — В чем дело? (Что случилось?)


Упражнения I. Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “One Is Drowned”:

1. How many fishermen went but fishing? 2. Were they all fishing from the bank of the river? 3. When and where did they gather to go home? 4. What did they decide to do? 5. How many fishermen did each of them count? 6. Where did they decide to go? 7. Who was passing by at that time? 8. What did the man ask when he came up to the fishermen? 9. Did he count them? 10. What did they give him for his help? 11. Why did he laugh? 12. Did the fishermen understand why he was laughing? II. А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “One Is Drowned.” Используйте вопросы упражнения I как план. III. Прочтите текст, составьте к нему 10 вопросов:

Fishing is a sport and many people go in for it both in summer and 1 in winter. Fishermen go to rivers, lakes and ponds and start fi­ shing. They do it from banks, or from boats when it is warm — in spring, summer or autumn. But in winter when it is cold and the water is frozen they make holes in the ice and sit beside them for hours waiting for the fish to b ite2. Sometimes they catch fish, but very often they don’t.*IV . 1 both ... and — как ... так и 2 waiting foF the fish to bite — ожидая, когда клюнет рыба IV. Расскажите по-английски, что вы узнали из текста в упражне­ нии III о рыболовном спорте. V. Прочтите и перескажите анекдот:

Aesop 1 lived many hundred years ago in Greece. He was a very clever man. He wrote stories and fables which are well-known2 all over the w orld3. He liked to say jokes and people liked Aesop for them. One day, when he was walking along the road, he met a traveller. The tra­ veller greeted Aesop and asked him: 64

“Kind man, please, tell me, how soon shall I get to town?” “Walk,” Aesop answered. “I know that I must walk,” protested the traveller, “but I want to know how soon I shall get to town.” “Walk,” Aesop said again angrily. “The man is mad,” thought the traveller and went on *. In some moments Aesop shouted after him 5. “You will get to town in two hours.” The traveller turned round and asked: “Why didn’t you tell that before?” “Because I did not know how fast you walk,” answered Aesop. 1 Aesop [i:sop]— Эзоп ( древнегреческий баснописец) are well-known — хорошо известны 3 all over the world — во всем мире 4 went on — продолжал путь 5 shouted after him — крикнул ему вслед 2

VI. Отгадайте загадку и постарайтесь ее запомнить:

What belongs only to you, but is used by others? (эшви лпо^) VII. Расшифруйте английскую поговорку. (Каждая цифра обозна­ чает порядковый номер буквы в английском алфавите. Напри­ мер: 1-А, 2-В, 3-С и т. д.):

1 6,18,9,5,14,4 9,14,4,5,5,4.




1 6,18,9,5,14,4

( рээрщ puauj в si рээи ш puauj у) VIII.

А теперь шутки:

Teacher: Tell me, please, how old is a person born in 1920? Student: Please, sir, lady or gentleman? A. Why did you divorce your wife? B. Because her parrot was saying all the time: “Kiss me, Harry!” A. That is not a reason for a divorce. B. Maybe, but my name is Sam, 65

IX. Ответьте на вопросы по серии рисунков художника Бидструпа, используя слова и выражения, приведенные ниже:1

1. to cry? 66

What was the father doing when the baby began

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Is he trying to lull the baby? Did the baby stop crying? What is the father thinking about? What did he decide to do? What did he buy at the chemist’s shop? Is he giving the baby a soother? It the baby soothed? Is his father happy? Who is entering the room? What are his wife and mother-in-law doing?

to cry — кричать; baby — младенец; to lull — качать, убаюкивать; chemist’s shop — аптека; to buy — покупать; soother — пустышка; to soothe — успокаивать; mother-inlaw — теща; to scold — ругать, бранить X.

А теперь расскажите, что вы видите на этой серии рисунков. Используйте вопросы упражнения IX как план.

ON CATS AND DOGS After Jerome K. Jerome How I suffered from them this morning nobody can tell! It began with Gustavus Adolphus... Gustavus Adol­ phus— they call him “Gusty” downstairs — is a very good dog when he is in the middle of a large field, but our

house is too small for him. He stands up — and two chairs fall on the floor; he just moves his tail — and all the things fall down from the table. At dinner-time he usually lies under the table. He lies there for some time and then stands up suddenly. The table moves: we all try to keep it in a horizontal po­ 67

sit ion; Gustavus Adolphus struggles, and at last 1 upsets the table with the dinner on it. This morning he came into «the room in his usual style — that of an American cyclone — and first of all upset my coffee cup. I rose from my chair and called him, but he ran to the door. At the door he met Eliza, who was coming in with eggs. Eliza said ‘‘Ugh!’’ and sat down on the floor. The eggs fell on the carpet and Gustavus Adol­ phus left the room. I went after him and told him to go downstairs. Then I came back and finished that what was left of my breakfast. When I looked into the passage ten minutes later, Gustavus Adolphus was sitting at the top of the stairs. 1 told him to go downstairs, but he only barked. Why didn’t he go down? I went to see. It was Tittums. She was sitting on the first step of the stair and the dog was afraid to pass her. Tittums is our little cat. She is very small, but dogs are afraid some­ times of even very small cats. I put Tittums into my pocket and went back into my room. I sat down to work and forgot about her for a mo­ ment. But when I looked up I found that she was sitting on my table and was trying to eat my pen. Then she put her leg into the ink-pot and upset it. I put her down on the floor, and there Tim began to quarrel with her. Tim is our two-year-old fox-terrier. Then Tittums’ mother came in and they began to quarrel all three. I was very glad to see them, but I wanted to con­ tinue my work. So I put them, all three, into the passage. Life with them is sometimes difficult but, in general2, I like cats and dogs very much. They are very good com­ panions. They are better friends than men. They do not quarrel with you. They never talk about stupid things. They never ask you stupid, questions. They never say any bad things to you. They never tell you of your mistakes. They never ask if you are rich or poor, stupid or clever, good or bad. They are always glad to see you. They are really good friends. Yes, it is good to love animals, but you must not go too far in this. I knew a family where the dog was the central figure of the house. They always spoke about what “dear Fido” did, does, can do, cannot do, must do, was doing, will do, will not do, and so on. The poor dog had not a free minute 68

for himself. Such a stupid love only spoils the good na­ ture of animals. 1 at last — в конце концов 2 in general — вообще говоря

У п р аж н ен и я I. Проверьте, правильно ли вы поняли содержание рассказа “On Cats and D ogs”:

1. Gustavus Adolphus is a small dog. Is it right? 2. Everything falls on the floor when he plays in the house. Is it right? 3. He lies under the table at dinner-time. Is it right? 4. He often upsets the table with the dinner on it. Is it right? 5. Eliza sat down on the floor when the dog ran to the door. Is it right? 6. Tittums is a small cat. You can put her into a pocket. Is it so? 7. Gusty was afraid of Tittums. Is it right? 8. Tim is a large bulldog which often quarreled with Tittums. Is it so? 9. It is good to love animals, but we must not spoil them. Is it right? II. Запомните:

— nobody Никто не знает его.— Nobody knows him. Никто не видел его.— Nobody saw him. Никто не встретит его.— Nobody will meet him. с е р е д и н а — middle в середине комнаты — in the middle of the room в середине месяца — in the middle of the month в середине рассказа — in the middle of the story никто


Переведите предложения, используя словосочетания:

(to) be afraid of (somebody) — бояться (кого-л.) 1. Я не боюсь собак. 2. Ты боишься их? 3. Та кошка боится нас. 69

(to) be afraid of (doing something) — бояться (нто-Л. сделать) I. Мой друг боится кататься на коньках. 2. Она всегда боится сделать ошибку. 3. Вы боитесь идти туда? IV.

Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “On Cats and D ogs”:

1. What was Gusty? 2. When is Gusty a good dog? 3. What falls on the floor when he gets up? 4. Where does he lie at dinner-time? 5. What happens if he gets up suddenly? 6. What happened in the morning? 7. Where did the dog run? 8. Why did the eggs fall on the carpet? 9. Did Gusty go downstairs? 10. Why was he afraid to go downstairs? II. Is Tittums a little cat? 12. What was Tittums doing on the writing-table? 13. Who began to quarrel with her on the floor? 14. What can you say about cats and dogs in general? 15. Are dogs sometimes the central figures of the houses? V.


А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “On Cats and D ogs”. Используйте вопросы упражнения IV как план. Прочтите анекдот и расскажите его по-английски:

A man in the pit at the theatre was annoyed by a con­ versation in the raw behind. “Excuse me,” he said, “but I can’t hear a word.” “Oh,” answered the man, sitting behind, “And is it any business of yours 1 what I’m telling my wife?”*V I. 1 is it any business of yours — какое ваше дело VII. Запомните поговорку:

Promise little, but do much. (Обещай мало, но делай много.) 70


Решите чайнворд, щих слов:


русские эквиваленты следую­

1. mill; 2. friend; 3. town; 4. house; 5. many; 6. dinner; 7. must; 8. no; 9. only; 10. father; 11. flower; 12. class; 13. sledge; 14. go; 15. have

7 II


12 13 3

14 115


An African Tale One day a city mouse met a country mouse in the field. The country mouse was eating grains and ground­ nuts. “Hallo, friend!” the city mouse said. “Hallo!” answered the country mouse. “Why do you eat such bad food?” asked the city mouse. “I always eat only good food and as much as I want “Do you work hard to get your food?” “No, I don’t work at a ll2.” The country mouse was surprised. “Is that so?3” she asked. “Surely. Come with me and see. You will like every­ thing in the city. You will never think of this field again and you will never want to come back.” The country mouse wanted very much to see the place where her friend lived. She went together with the city 71

mouse. They walked and walked. At last they came to the city. There were many big and small houses in the city and the friends went into one of them. “There is a room in the house,” "said the city mouse, “where the people keep bread and other food. Let’s g o 4 there.” There was a lot of food in the room. The country mouse was very glad. “So much food! I can’t believe my eyes!5 What shall we begin with?” she asked. “Come on!6 Let’s have dinner. You may take what you like,” the city mouse said. They started to eat. At this moment they heard the sound of people’s voices. “Run! Run away quick!” the city mouse cried in fear. And they both ran away very fast. When they stopped at last, the country mouse turned to her friend. “Oh, my heart was in my-mouth7,” she said, “I was very much afraid. I am going back to the field to eat the bad food without fear. I think it is better to be poor and happy than to be rich and live in fear.”*1 1 as much as I want — сколько захочу 2 at all — совсем 3 Is that so? — Неужели? 4 Let’s go — Пойдем 5 I can’t believe my eyes! — He могу поверить своим глазам! e Come on! — Пошли! 7 my heart was in my mouth — у меня душа ушла в пятки (я очень испугалась) У п р аж н ен и я I. Найдите в рассказе “The Country Mouse and the City Mouse0 предложения, содержащие словосочетания:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 72

take what you like — возьми, что хочешь without fear — без страха (не боясь) run away — беги to begin with — начать с turn to — повернуться к people’s voices — голоса людей at this moment — в этот момент keep bread and food — хранить хлеб и продукты want very much — очень хотеть to live in fear.— жить в страхе


Поставьте несколько вопросов к каждому предложению:

1. One day a city mouse met a country mouse. 2. The city mouse invited her friend to go with her to the city. 3. They soon came to the city. 4. The city mouse showed her friend a room full of food in a big house. 5. They began to have dinner, 6. At that moment they heard the sound of people’s voices. 7. They ran away. 8. The country mouse decided to eat bad food at home but without fear. HI. Переведите предложения, используя слова и словосочетания из колонки справа:

1. Н а к он ец

я вчера закончил свою

At last

работу. 2. У меня было м ного работы на прошлой неделе. 3. Сегодня я сов сем не работаю. 4. В воскресенье я работаю ск ол ь ­

a lot of at all as much as 1 like

ко хоч у.

5. Дети увидели собаку и в с т р а х е убежали. 6. Раньше они никого не б о я л и сь . 7. А теперь они очень и сп угал и сь маленькой собаки. 8. Моя дочь сказала мне: «У м еня д у ш а у ш л а в пятки». 9. П ош ли, мы купили

билеты в

in fear feared nobody were very much afraid of “My heart was in my mouth.” Come on

кино. Ты свободен?— К онечно. Surely И. Я свободен после обеда каж­ Is that so? дый день.— Н еу ж ел и ? 12. Т ак много книг в твоей биб­ So лиотеке! Н е м огу повери ть своим I can’t believe гл а за м ! my eyes! 10.

IV. Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу City Mouse’':

“The Country Mouse and the

1. Whom did a city mouse meet in the field? 2. What was the country mouse eating at that time? 3. What food did the city mouse always eat? 73

4. Did she work for it? 5. Where did the city mouse invite her friend to go with her? 6. Did the country mouse go to the city? 7. How long did they walk? 8. What did they see in the city? 9. What did they enter? 10. What was there in one of the rooms? 11. Was the country mouse glad to see so much food? 12. When did they hear the sound of people’s voices? 13. What did the city mouse cry? 14. What did they do? 15. What did the country mouse decide to do? V. А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “The Country Mouse and the City Mouse." Используйте вопросы упражнения IV как план. VI. Скажите по-английски, где и как жили и что ели: а) городская мышь; б) деревенская мышь. VII. Прочтите анекдот, запомните и обязательно расскажите его кому-нибудь:

Housewife: Look here \ my man, why do you always come to my house to beg? Tramp: Doctor’s orders, madam. Housewife: Doctor’s orders? Tramp: Yes, he told me: “When you find good food that agrees with you, stick to i t 2. And I do.” 1 Look here — Послушайте 2 stick to it — придерживайтесь ее VIII. А теперь шутки:

“Sorry, darling. I’m a bit late!”

U --74

A. That is the man who made my life happy. B. Did he run off with your wife? A. No, he married my mother-in-law. THE POLICEMAN AND THE THIEF In a small town, a man stole some money from a house. The police began to look for the thief. In two days they found him. They brought him to the police station and found some of the money in his coat. There was a new policeman at the police station, and they wanted to give him some work. “Take this thief to the city,” said one of them. “You must go there by train and it goes very soon. Don’t be late.” The policeman and the thief went to the station. On their way they came to a shop where bread was sold. “We have no food, and we must eat something in the train,” said the thief. “It’s a long way to the city and it will take us much time to get there. I’ll go into this shop and buy some bread. Then you and I can eat it in the train. Wait here for me.” The policeman was glad. “I’ll have some food in the train,” he thought. “Be quick,” he said to the thief. “We haven’t much time.”. The thief went into the shop, and the policeman waited in the street for a long time. He began to worry. He thought about the train, and at last he went into the shop. “Where’s that man who came in here to buy some bread?” asked the policeman. “Oh, he went out by the back door,” said the shop­ keeper. The policeman ran out but he could not see the thief. So he had to go back to the police station and tell the others about it. They were very angry with him, and he was very unhappy. All the police of the town began to look for the thief again, and they soon caught him. They brought him back to the police station and called the same police­ man. 75

“Now,” said one of them, “take him to the city, don’t lose him again.” The policeman and the thief went to the station, they came to the same shop. “Wait here,” said the thief. “I want to go into shop anti buy some bread.” “Oh, no,” said the policeman. “You did that once, you ran away. This time, I’ll go into the shop and the bread, and you must wait here for me.”

and and that and buy

Упражнения I.

Скажите по-английски, используя глаголы:

to bring — приносить; приводить 1. Примесите, пожалуйста, мне эту книгу завтра. 2. Мы рано привели детей домой, так как было хо­ лодно. 3. Когда вы приведете сюда своего друга? to take — брать; везти 1. Не берите с собой пальто, жарко. 2. Отвезите, пожалуйста, товарища Петрова в лагерь, он не знает дороги туда. 3. Я не брал этой' карты. to call — звать; называть 1. Как называется эта улица? 2. Мы позвали вас, чтобы сказать вам о собрании. 3. Мои друзья называют меня Боб, to look for — искать 1. Что вы ищите? 2. Вчера вес*> день мы искали эту книгу дома. 3. Не ищите ручки, я дам вам свою, to find — находить 1. Моя жена нашла книгу с красивыми картинками для сына. 2. Они не нашли этой улицы вчера. 3. Где я могу найти остановку автобуса? 76


Переведите предложения, используя слова и словосочетания из колонки справа:

1. П о д о р о г е на стадион я встре­ тил своего старого друга. 2. « О т с ю д а д а л е к о д о стадиона. Поедем на метро», сказал он.

On the way to

3. П о т р еб у ет ся м ного вр ем ен и , чтобы достать билеты. 4. П о д о ж д и меня здесь, я куплю

It will take a long time to Wait for

билеты в той кассе. 5. П отор оп и сь, у нас мало вре­ мени.

Be quick


Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу Thief":

It’s a long way to

“The Policeman and the

1. Where from did a man steal some money? 2. Who began to look for the thief? 3. Did they find him? 4. Where did they bring him? 5. What did they find in his coat? 6. Where did they send him? 7. With whom did they send him to the city? 8. When did the train start? 9. Where did the policeman and the thief come to on their way to the station? 10. What for did the thief go in tire shop? 11. What did the policeman say to him? 12. For how long did the policeman wait for the thief in the street? 13. What did the shopkeeper say to the policeman when he asked about the thief? 14. Could the policeman find him when he ran out of the shop? 15. Was he happy when he came to the police station? 16. Did they begin to look for the thief again? 17. Who was to take him to the town this time? 18. What did the thief want to do when he and the policeman came to the same shop? 19. What did the policeman tell him?IV . IV. А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “The Policeman and the Thief." Используйте вопросы упражнения III как план.


V. Прочтите анекдот и перескажите его кому-нибудь:

John became a policeman. His lieutenant said to him on the first day: “John, I shall give you an easy beat to start with ’, just from the station houee12 to that red light and back.”

John disappeared for two days. “Where the devil3 were you?” shouted the lieutenant when John came back. “Didn’t I tell you your beat was just from here to that red light?” “You did,” answered John, “but that red light was on the back of the car.” 1 to start with — для начала 2 station house — полицейский участок 3 the devil — черт возьми VI. Отгадайте загадку:

I am not an artist with pencil and pen, But 1 make portraits of women and men, Of all the people that I ever see. Come, tell me truly, What can 1 be? 78

( jojj;ui y )

V II. Р е ш и т е к р о с с в о р д :

The 'Bird’ Crossword

Across: 3. A bird has one on each side of its body. It moves them when flying. 4. This twinkles in the sky at night. 6. Every bird has one. Sometimes it is short, some­ tim es— long. 7. You may see some little eggs in this if the hen bird flies away for a while. Down: 1. This part of a blackbird’s head is yellow. It uses it to peck with. 2. These pet animals often chase birds and try to catch them. 4. A blackbird sings a tune­ ful one. 5. Small wild animal which looks rather like a mouse, but is much larger. It may steal the eggs from a bird’s nest. VIII. А теперь шутка:

He: May I kiss your hand? She: Why? Is anything wrong 1 with my lips? 1 Is anything wrong — Что-нибудь случилось

HOW LARRY HELPED HIS FRIEND “Larry,” said his friend one day. “I want to ask you to do me a big favour *. You see, I met a girl and fell in love with h er2. I want her to think3 that 1 am well-to-do. And you must help me.” 79

“How can I do it?” asked Larry. “It is very easy,” said his friend. “Tomorrow I shall invite her for lunch to a restaurant in our street. At 12 o’clock you will drop in. Of course, I’ll see you, in­ vite you to our table and introduce you to miss Fergu­ so n — that’s her name. I shall ask you to sit down at our table with us. Then I shall begin talking about myself. And every time I mention anything that belongs to me you will interrupt me and begin to swell me. That’s all. So you boost and boost until she believes that I am a millionaire. “All right,” said Larry. “Leave it to m e4.” Next afternoon Larry entered the restaurant. His friend was having lunch with a girl there. He called Larry and introduced him to miss Ferguson. Then he invited Larry to take a seat at their table. “I was telling miss Ferguson,” began Larry’s friend, “that last Sunday I was out at my little place in the country...” “Little place in the country — huh!” Larry broke in. “Listen to that, lady, he calls it a place in the country! It is an estate, that’s what it is!” • His friend smiled and went on. “No m atter5, old man, so I was out there at my shack...” “Shack, huh? It“s a palace, that’s what it is!” Larry broke in again. “Well,” continued his friend, “I was going to say that I called the maid...” “You called the maid — huh?” interrupted him Larry. “Why don’t you say that you called one of the maids? As far as I know, you have five or six maids and some but­ lers.” “All right, let it be one of the maids,” said his friend, “and 1 told her to bring me some hot water, sugar and a little whisky. You see, I got a cold—” 80

“Cold?” whooped Larry. “Listen, lady, do you hear this guy saying he got a cold? It is galloping consump­ tion6, that’s what it is!” 1 I want to ask you to do me a big favour — Я хочу, чтобы ты сделал мне большое одолжение 2 fell in love with her — влюбился в нее 3 I want her to think — Я хочу, чтобы она думала 4 Leave it to me — Предоставь это мне 5 No matter — Неважно 8 galloping consumption — скоротечная чахотка У п р аж н ен и я I. Найдите в рассказе “ How Larry Helped His Friend” эквиваленты предложений:

1. Я хочу попросить тебя сделать мне большое одол­ жение. 2. В 12 часов ты зайдешь туда. 3. Я хочу, чтобы она думала, что я богат. 4. Предоставь это мне. 5. Неважно, старина. 6. Насколько мне известно, у тебя пять или шесть горничных. II. Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “ How Larry Helped His Friend”:

1. Who asked Larry to do him a big favour? 2. With whom did Larry’s friend fall in love? 3. What did Larry’s friend want this girl to think about him? 4. Did Larry know how to help him? 5. Did his friend tell him how to do it? 6. With whom was Larry’s friend having lunch when Larry dropped into the restaurant? 7. Who invited Larry to sit down at the table? 8. What was Larry’s friend talking about? 9. What was Larry trying to do? 10. Did he help his friend? III. Составьте предложения из следующих слов и у вас получится краткое содержание рассказа:

1. had, a friend, Larry 2. in love, fell, his friend, with, a nice girl 3. was, miss Ferguson, name, her 4. the girl, Larry’s friend, wanted, to think, was, that, he, well-to-do 5. to help, he, Larry, asked, him 4—31


6. next, the girl, day, he, to a restaurant, invited 7. they, when, were, lunch, having, dropped in, Larry 8. friend, Larry’s, talking, about, was, himself 9. broke in, Larry, and, to boost, began 10. at last, his, when, friend, said: “I got a cold,” whooped, Larry: “he had galloping consumption.” IV. А теперь выучите анекдот и расскажите его по-английски:

Once a young officer came to his general and asked for leave to go home and to get married. The general did not believe in young married offi­ cers \ so he said: “You are very young, my boy, and you must not hurry. Think it over for a year. If you still love your girl, then you will get your leave.” At the end of the year the young officer came to the general again and asked for leave. “Do you still want to get married?” asked the general. “Yes, sir,” was the reply. “Very well, then, I think you deserve your leave for your constancy,” said the general. “Thank you, sir, but it is another girl.”1 1 did not believe in young married officers — не жаловал моло­ дых женатых офицеров V. А теперь шутка:

“We shall shorten the trousers a little, of course.”


VI. Ответьте на вопросы по серии рисунков художника Бидструпа, используя слова и выражения, приведенные на стр. 84:



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. face? 6. 7.

Whom Whom Whom Is the Whom

is the director reprimanding? is the department chief scolding? is the book-keeper shouting at? 1 typist shouting at the* director? is the office-cleaner giving a stamp in the

Is the yard-cleaner kicking the book-keeper? Whom is the dog biting?*V I.

director — директор; department chief — начальник отдела; book-keeper — бухгалтер; typist — машинистка; office-cleaner — уборщица; yard-cleaner — дворник; to give a stamp in the face — дать пощечину; to kick — тол­ кать ногой; to reprimand — делать выговор; to scold — распекать; to bite — кусать; to shout at — кричать (на кого-л.) VII. Расскажите по-английски, что вы видите на этой серии рисун­ ков. Используйте вопросы упражнения VI как план.


After N. Tikhonov The German airman was studying the movements of his prey: a narrow yellow strip marked the railway line that ran through a green wood, and the Soviet train was crawling slowly along between the trees. As the train left the cover of the woods, the aircraft dived. Two fountains of mud and earth rose into the air at the point where the train was some moments ago. As the German plane rose into the air, its pilot saw: the So­ viet train steamed hurriedly back into the forest again and did not advance into the open. The fascist pilot described another circle and thought: “Next time you will not get away from me so easily.” The train was already racing across the open field. The plane dived again. And yet the bombs missed the train. The German pilot took a good look at the countryside and carefully estimated the distance between him and the train. Once more he dived steeply from out of the clouds and almost touched the ground before he dropped his bombs. It seemed as if he must crash into the locomotive. At the last moment, however, he got the impression that somebody pulled the (rain away from him. The explosion 84.

of the bomb sounded loudly in his ears, but he felt in­ stinctively that he missed again. He gained height and looked dow n— sure enough the train was continuing its way forward. The German airman was mad with rage. He made more and more attacks on the train. At last he was sure of his mark, the locomotive driver made his first mistake,— he stopped in the open,— but he had no more bombs left. He flew the length of the long goods train and showered it with machine-gun bullets. The German leant back in his cockpit exhausted. The sky was clear, and a bright sun was shining. It was a.beautiful, mild autumn morning. He had no more am­ munition left. The duel was over. The Russian down below him won. The long goods train, loaded with munitions for the Soviet Army, continued its way to the front. Упражнения I. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. The German airman had a difficult task. 2. His prey was a Soviet train moving to the front. 3. The train was loaded with munitions. 4. The train was crawling through the wood. 5. The plane dived many times. 6. Each time the German pilot dropped some bombs. 7. He missed many times. 8. The Soviet train steamed back into the wood. 9. When the train was racing across the open field the pilot dived, almost touching the ground. 10. The train was continuing its way forward. 11. When the Soviet driver made his first mistake, the German pilot had no bombs. 12. The duel ended with the victory of the Soviet driver. II. Скажите по-английски:

1. немецкий летчик; 2. советский эшелон, двигавший­ ся к фронту; 3. появляться на открытой местности; 4. тщательно измерять расстояние; 5. сделать еще один круг; 6. спикировать еще раз; 7. сбрасывать бомбы; 8. промахнуться снова; 9. совершить налет на поезд 85

I I I . О т в е т ь т е н а в о п р о с ы по р а с с к а з у “ T h e D u e l” :

1. Who was studying the movements of his prey? 2. What was his prey? 3. With what was the Soviet train loaded? 4. When did the plane dive? 5. Did the bombs hit the train? 6. Why did not they hit the train? 7. What did the German pilot think? 8. Where was the train racing when the pilot dropped the bombs again? 9. Did his bombs miss again? 10. Did the German pilot dive before he dropped the bombs next time? 11. Was the train destroyed? 12. How many attacks did the pilot make on the train? 13. Had the pilot any bombs left when the Soviet driver made his first mistake and did not hide in the wood? 14. What did he do then? 15. Who won the duel?


IV. Перескажите содержание рассказа “The Duel.” Используйте вопросы упражнения III как план. Употребите следующие слова и словосочетания:

pilot; prey; a train, loaded with munitions; to dive; fountains of mud and earth; to rise into the air; to ad­ vance into the open; to drop bombs; to get away from; to estimate the distance; to touch the ground; to miss, to make an attack on; a driver; no more ammunition left; a duel V. Прочтите анекдот, запомните его и расскажите товарищу:

The sergeant presented Private Tompkins to the doc­ tor. He said: “You know, Doctor, this fellow Tompkins was walking all over the camp the last two days. He was picking up pieces of paper on the ground and in other places. Every time he took one of the papers he cried: This isn’t it! This isn’t it!’ ” At that time Private Tompkins suddenly rushed past the astonished doctor and began picking the doctor’s pa­ pers off his table, crying: “This isn’t it! This isn’t it!” 86

The doctor looked at him and said: “Come, come, my boy! 1 I don’t want to break your h e art12, but I think that you are seriously ill and we can’t have you in the army.”

And he began to write a discharge paper3 for the pri­ vate. On finishing his work he gave the paper to the sol­ dier. The private looked at it, grasped it and crying: “This is it! This is it!” ran away. 1 Come, come, my boy! — Успокойся, мой мальчик! 2 I don’t want to break your heart — Я не хочу огорчить тебя

3 a discharge paper — справка о непригодности к военной службе VI. Отгадайте загадку:

We are half a tram and half a bus; Will you come and ride in us? (sasnq-AanoJi) VII. А теперь шутка:

Husband: No dinner ready? I’m going to a restaurant then! W ife: Wait a few minutes, please. Husband: Will it be ready then? W ife: No, it will not. But I’ll be ready to go with you. 87


After Mark Twain There was a fellow, Jim Smiley by name. He was very fond of betting1. If there was a dog-fight, he bet on it; if there was a chicken-fight, he bet on it; if there were two birds sitting on a fence, he bet on them. One day he caught a frog and said: “I shall educate him.” He called his frog Daniel Webster, was very proud of him, kept him in a little box and carried him to the village for some bet. Daniel Webster was a gifted frog, and Smiley taught him to jump so high that he outjumped any other frog. But Jim was modest and natural. One day a stranger saw Smiley with his frog and asked him: “What have you in that box?” “It is only a frog,” Smiley answered. The fellow took Daniel, examined him carefully, turned him from one side and from the other and asked again: “What is he good for?” “Well,” Smiley answered, “he is good enough for one thing: he can outjump any other frog in the Calaveras county. And I’ll bet forty dollars,” he continued, “he will do it.” “I am a stranger here,” the fellow answered “and I have no frog; but if I had one, I could bet you.” “Well, it is very easy,” Smiley cried out; “if you hold my box a minute, I’ll go and get you a frog.” The stranger took the box, put his forty dollars upon those of Smiley and sat down to wait. While Smiley was away looking for a frog, the fellow got Daniel out of the box, opened the frog’s mouth, took a teaspoon and filled him with shot; then he put him down upon the floor. At last Smiley came back with another frog. “Now,” he said to the stranger, “if you are ready, put him near Daniel with their forefeet upon the same line and I’ll give the signal. One, two, three — advance!” They pinched the frogs from behind. The new frog jumped smartly, but Daniel only lifted up his shoulders and did not jump. The fellow took the money and went away. 88

Smiley was surprised. At last he took Daniel by the skin of the neck lifted him up and cried: “Why, he weighs five pounds!” He turned Daniel upside down, and there came out of the frog’s mouth a double handful of shot. Then he understood all. He set the frog down and ran after that fellow, but he never caught him. 1 заклад.

He was very fond of betting. — Он очень любил биться об

Упражнения I. Скажите по-английски, используя сочетания:

to be fond of — любить (кого-л., что-л.) 1. Он очень любит играть в шахматы. 2. Моя сестра не очень любит ходить в кино в воскресенье. 3. Вы лю­ бите ходить и» лыжах? to be proud (of) — гордиться (кем-л., чем-л.) 1. Они всегда тордятся своей работой. 2. Вы горди­ тесь своим сыном? 3. Он очень гордился своим го­ родом. II.

Найдите в рассказе “The дующих словосочетаний:

однажды быть одаренным незнакомец быть готовым III.

Jumping Frog”

эквиваленты сле­

тщательно осматривать поворачиваться из стороны в сторону очень просто быть удивленным

Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “The Jumping Frog”:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What was Smiley’s first name? What was he fond of? Did he bet on any fight he saw? Whom did he catch one day? What did he call his frog? What frog was Daniel Webster? What did Smiley teach him? What did a stranger ask Smiley? Did the stranger examine the frog? Could Daniel outjump any other frog? 89

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. turned 18.

How much did Smiley bet on his frog? Who went out to look for a frog? What did the stranger do with Daniel? Which frog jumped smartly? . Why couldn’t Daniel jump? Who took the money and went away? What came out of Daniel’s mouth when Smiley the frog upside down? Did Smiley run after the stranger?


А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “The Jumping Frog.” Используйте вопросы упражнения III как план.


Прочтите анекдот и перескажите его друзьям:

Once the well-known American writer, Mark Twain, arrived at a small town and decided to have a shave be­ fore his lecture. “Do you like our town?” asked him the barber. “Oh, yes, it is a fine place,” answered Mark Twain. “You chose a good time to come,” the barber went on, “Mark Twain is going to read a lecture to-night. You’ll, go, I suppose?” “I thing so,” answered the writer. “Could you get a ticket?” “Not yet.” “But all the tickets are sold out. You will have to stand h” “How very annoying2,” Mark Twain said with a sigh. “I always have to stand when that fellow lec­ tures.”*1 1 You will have to stand. — Вам придется стоять. 2 How very annoying— Какая досада VI. Решите чайнворд, используя щих слов:

английские эквиваленты следую­

1. хороший; 2. одеваться; 3. полка; 4. ноги; 5. также; 6. открывать; 7. новый; 8. хорошо; 9. смотреть; 10. знать; 11. слово; 12. дорогой; 13. комната; 14. много; 15. мо­ лодой 90

9 00 10




12 4 13


14 15


Отгадайте загадки:

What is that which you cannot see, but which is al­ ways before you? (ajnjnj лпо^) What is it that runs in and out of town all day and night? (peoj у) VIII.

А теперь шутки:

— What is it? Do you study chemistry? — No, this is my wife’s dressing-table. — Is your wife as pretty as ever? — Oh, yes! Only it takes her half an hour longer. WHILE THE AUTO WAITS

After O. Henry The girl in grey came again to that quiet corner of the small park. She sat down upon a bench and began to read a book. Her dress was grey and simple. Her face was very beautiful. She came there at the same hour yesterday, and 91

the day before yesterday, and there was a young man who knew it. The young man came near. At that moment her book fell on the ground. The young man picked up the book, returned it to the girl, said a few words about the weather, and stood waiting. The girl looked at his simple coat, common face, and said: “Sit down, if you like', the light is too bad for reading, let’s ta lk 2.” “Do you know,” he said, “that you are very, very fine? I saw you yesterday.” “Don’t forget that I am a lady,” said the girl in an icy tone. “I beg your pardon3,” said the young man, “you know — there are girls in parks, you know,— that is, of course, you don’t know, but...” “Let’s change the subject. Of course, I know. Now tell me about these passing people. Where are they going? Why do they hurry so? Are they happy? I come here to sit because only here I am near the masses of people. I speak to you because I want to talk to a man not spoiled by money. Oh! You don’t know how tired I am of money, money, money! And of the men who surround me! I am tired of pleasure, of jewels, of travel.” “I always had an idea 4,” said the young man, “that money must b e 5 a very good thing.” “When you have so many millions! Drives, dinners, theatres, balls, suppers! I am tired of it,” said the young girl. - The young man looked at her with interest. “And I always liked,” he said, “to read and to hear about the life of rich people.” “Sometimes I think,” continued the girl, “that I should love6 only a simple man. What is your profession?” “I am a very simple man. Did you really mean i t 7 that you should love a simple man?” “I really did,” she said. “I work at a restaurant,” said he. The girl drew back8. “Not as a waiter?” she asked. “I am a cashier in the restaurant that you see on the opposite side of the street.” The girl looked at her watch and rose. “Why are you not at work?” she asked. 92

“I am on the night turn 12345*789,” said the young man, “my work begins in an hour. When shall I see you again?” “I don’t know. Now I must go. Oh, there is a dinner and a concert to-night. Did you notice a white automobile at the corner of the park when you came?” “Yes, I did,” said the young man. “I always come in it. The driver waits for me there. Good night.” 4 “But the park is full of rude men. May I accompany you 101to the car?” “You will remain on this bench for ten minutes.” And she went away n . The young man looked at her elegant figure while she was going to the entrance of the park. Then he rose and followed her. When the girl reached the park gate, she turned her head to look at the white car, then passed it, crossed the street and entered the re­ staurant. A red-haired 12 girl left the cashier’s desk and the girl in grey took her place. The young man walked slowly down the street, then stepped into the white automobile and said to the driver: “To the club, Henry.” 1 if you like — если хотите 2 let’s (let us) talk — давайте поговорим 3 I beg your pardon — Прошу извинить пеня 4 I always had an idea — Я всегда думал 5 must be — видимо, наверно ® I should love — я полюбила бы 7 Did you really mean it — Вы действительно хотели сказать 8 drew back — отодвинулась 9 on the night turn — в вечернюю смену 10 May I accompany you — Разрешите проводить вас 11 went away — ушла 12 red-haired — рыжеволосая У п р аж н ен и я I. Прочтите предложения, заполняя пропуски соответствующими предлогами: to, upon, at, on, up, in, of, by, with, down, into:

1. She came again . . . that small park. 2. She sat down . . . a bench. 3. She came there . . . the same hour yesterday, and . . . the day before yesterday. 4. . . . that moment the book fell . . . the ground. 5. The young man picked . . . the book, and returned it . . . the girl. 6. The girl looked . . . his common face. 7. “I am a lady,” said the girl . . . an icy tone. 8. “I came here . . . sit, because 93

only here I am near the masses . . . people.” 9. “I want . . . speak . . . a man not spoiled . . . money.” 10. “I am tired . . . money, . . . pleasure, . . . jewels.” 11. The young man looked . . . the girl . . . interest. 12. “I work . . . a restaurant . . . the opposite side . . . the street,” he said. 13. “Why are you not . . . work?” asked she. 14. “I am . . . the night turn,” he answered. 15. “Did you see a white automobile . . . the corner . . . the park? I came . . . it,” she said. 16. The young man walked . . , the street then stepped . . . the white automobile. II. Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “While the Auto W aits”:

1. Where did the beautiful girl come to? 2. How often did she come to the small park? 3. Who knew about her visits to the park? 4. Who came near when her book fell on the ground? 5. What did the young man do? 6. What did the young man look like? 7. Why did the girl invite him to sit down upon the bench? 8. About what did she ask him to tell her? 9. With what people did she want to talk? 10. Why did she want to talk to people not spoiled by money? 11. Was she tired of money? 12. What did the young man tell her about money and rich people? 13. What man would she love? 14. Did she ask him about his work? 15. What did he answer her? 16. Did she take the white car when leaving the park? 17. What building did she enter? 18. What was she? 19. What did the-young man do leaving the park? 20. Was he rich or poor? III. Расскажите: 1) о девушке; 2) о молодом человеке (опишите их внешность, одежду, тему их разговора); 3) кто они были на самом деле.IV . IV. А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “While the Auto Waits.” Используйте вопросы упражнения II как план. V. Прочтите диалог:

— I beg your pardon, may I ask you where you work? — At a plant. 94

— What are you? — An engineer. And what about you? — A am a cashier at a restaurant. — Do you ^always work in the day-time? — Not always. Sometimes I work in the evenings. And you? — I often work on the night turn too. But I don’t like it, it’s rather tiresome for me. — Do you really mean it? And I like to be free in the afternoon. I can go to a museum or to a quiet corner of a park and to read a book. VI. Прочтите и запомните текст. Постарайтесь рассказать его то­ варищам:

As you know, the great American writer Jack London was often in need of money at the beginning of his lite­ rary career. He worked very hard but it did not help him. Once he promised a New York magazine to write a story, but he was busy at that time and could not keep his promise L The editor of the magazine wrote letters to Jack London several times asking him to.send the story. At la s t12 he went to the hotel where Jack London stayed and sent him a note. “Dear Jack London, if I don’t get the story within twenty four hours, I’ll come up to your room and kick you downstairs, and I always keep my promise.” Jack London read the note and answered: “Dear Dick, if I could do my work with my feet I would keep my pro­ mise too3.” 1 keep his promise — сдержать свое обещание 2 At last — Наконец 3 I would keep my promise too — я бы тоже сдержал свое обе­ щание VII. Решите кроссворд:

Across: 1. I cannot write . . . a pen. 4. Land near the sea. 7. Where the days and dates are written. 9. It carries people from place to place in cities. 10. . . . you live in Moscow? 11. Indefinite article. 12. I get up at 7 every . . . . 14. The Spasskaya . . . is in the Kremlin. 15. It is green and grows on the ground. 95

Down: 1. Past Indefinite Tense of the verb “to be.” 3. The river on which London stands. 3. The house is not low, it is : . . . 4. He was walking on the left . . . of the street. 5. Land surrounded by water. 6. The beginning of the film was good, but the . . . was not. 7. In winter it is . . . 8. In winter there is much snow, in autumn there is much . . . . 9. I wanted to go to the cinema . . . I could not. 13. Are you a student? . . . , I am. VIII. А теперь шутка:

— My admiration of fair-haired women began in my boyhood; I was afraid of the dark. IX. Ответьте на вопросы по серии рисунков художника Бидструпа на стр. 97, используя слова и выражения, приведенные ниже:1234567890

1. Who is reading a magazine? 2. Who stopped behind the soldier? 3. What for did the general stop behind the soldier? 4. Did the general become interested in the maga­ zine? 5. Why did he take the magazine from the soldier? 6. What did he begin to do? 7. What is the soldier doing while the general is reading the magazine? 8. Did the general look at the.cover of the magazine? 9. What is this magazine called? 10. Why did he throw the magazine down? 11. Whom did he seize by the collar? 96

12. Where was the soldier put for reading the Soviet magazine? 13. What magazines w*ere there in the guardhouse? 14. Did the soldier read them?

an American soldier— американский солдат; a genepal— генерал; behind — позади, сзади; to become inte­ rested (in ) — заинтересоваться (чем-л.); to smoke — 97

курить; to take (from) — отнять (у); to throw down — бро­ сать (на пол)\ to seize by the collar — схватить за шиво­ рот; cover — обложка; hate — ненавидеть; to put under arrest — посадить под арест; to be called — называться; guardhouse — гауптвахта X. Расскажите по-английски, что вы видите на этой серии рисун­ ков. Используйте вопросы упражнения IX как план.


After V. Peskov There are seventeen different species of penguins, but in Mirny there are only “emperors.” These creatures do not resemble birds. They are very much like dolphins. But their black tail coat and white shirt, their gait and pose make them resemble human beings. Watching the “empe­ rors” is a great pleasure. I first saw the kingdom of penguins from the air. They were like black seeds which were moving. People say that these birds which fear nothing are afraid of planes and especially of helicopters. The penguins were hiding from the wind behind an old snow-covered iceberg about 5 kilometres from Mirny, and I went there. From a distance of two kilometres I heard sounds resembling a concert of swamp frogs. Later I got the impression of approaching a flock of geese. Sud­ denly I noticed two penguins standing almost chest to chest quite still. This was love. And like all lovers they did not notice the sound of my footsteps. The penguins can stand for one and even two hours quite still while life in the kingdom goes on according to its own laws. In summer time almost the entire adult population leaves for a resort not far from Mirny. There is an open sea there full of molluscs and fish. ■The sun shines brightly. Only the nurse-maids and the growing children remain in the kingdom. Children remain children — somebody must feed them and look after them. This is the way they feed them: the hungry child approaches the nurse-maid who bends down, the child puts his head into the open beak and rapidly begins swallowing a white mash. Of course, some five hundred nurse-maids cannot feed this 98

flock and they go to the resort to put on weight. They are replaced by rested and fattened penguins. The youngsters move slowly day by day closer to the sea, and the nurse-maids are all the time on the lookout for some foolish youngsters. The children have no coats, they wear a flannel garment, and only in the middle of December, which is summer there, finally get black coats. And the entire kingdom moves towards the sea. There the birds, dressed in their new garments, dive into the blue sea. This is the end of childhood. At the end of March, winter sets in and the snow­ storms begin. A month later the entire kingdom of pen­ guins moves to the island where they were born. And everything is repeated as it was for thousands of years: the groom selects his bride, she lays one egg. The frost is 50 degrees. The egg lies on the mother’s feet and is co­ vered by the folds of her skin. The egg is the size of a large potato, and it is rather difficult to move together with it, but the penguins do. If it is necessary to go for food the father takes over the egg. The penguin moves two kilometres an hour and it takes a day to reach the sea which draws far away in winter. In frosts the “emperors” hatch their only egg by standing over it. The egg may roll off, crack from the cold, or a neighbour, who lost her own egg, may seize it. The penguin is born in the coldest time of the year. It is quite bare and sits on its mother’s feet covered by the folds of her skin. Infantile mortality in the kingdom of “emperors” is very high. More than half of the chicks do not live to put on their black parade coats. You cannot find the penguins everywhere in the An­ tarctic. There are only three kingdoms of penguins on two thousand kilometres of the ice coast. And one of them is not far from Mirny. У п р аж н ен и я I. Найдите в рассказе “In the Kingdom of Penguins” предложения, содержащ ие следующие слова и словосочетания:1

1. 2. 3. 4.

to resemble — походить {на кого-л.) side by side (with) — рядом (с чем-л.) to fear nothing — ничего не бояться from a distance of — с расстояния 99

5. to get an impression (of) — получать впечатление (о чем-л.) 6. to look after — ухаживать 7. to set in — устанавливаться 8. for thousands of years — в течение тысячелетий 9. to take over — принимать у (кого-л,) 10. to draw far away — отодвигаться далеко II.

Переведите предложения, используя слова и словосочетания из колонки справа:

1. Он шел р я д о м с маши­ ной. 2. Этот человек п о х о ж на (н а п о м и н а е т ) писателя Куп­ рина. 3. Моя мать у х а ж и в а е т за моими детьми. 4. У стан ов и л ась холодная погода. 5. Я увидел их с р а с с т о я ­ ния 50 метров.I. III. Переведите справа:


side by side with resembles looks after set in from a distance of

и прочтите


них ответы из колонки

1. Где находится Мир­ In the Antarctic. ный? 2. Что находится недалеко The kingdom of penguins. от него? The “emperors.” 3. Какие там пингвины? 4. На каких птиц они по­ They do not resemble birds, they resemble people be­ хожи? cause of their black-andwhite coats. 5. Когда устанавливается In Desember. лето в Антарктике? 6. Куда уходят взрослые To a resort where there is an open sea full of fish пингвины в это время? and molluscs. 7. Кто остается в колонии Only nurse-maids. пингвинов с детьми? 100

8. Когда маленькие пин­ When they get a new gar­ гвины становятся взрос­ ment. лыми? 9. Когда пингвины возвра­ When winter sets in. щаются в свое «королев­ ство»? 10. Где пингвины добы­ In the sea free from ice. вают себе пищу? 11. Далеко ли пингвинам Yes, rather. It takes a day приходится ходить за пи­ or sometimes more to get щей? to the open sea which draws far away in winter. IV.

Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “ In the Kingdom of Penguins”:

1. What is the story about? 2. How many species of penguins are there in the Antarctic? 3. Whom do these birds resemble? 4. What penguins live near Mirny? 5. Are they afraid of planes? 6. What did the author hear when he was approa­ ching the kingdom of “emperors”? 7. For how long can the penguins stand quite still? 8. What does the adult population leave for in summer? 9. Who remains in the kingdom? 10. Who looks after the children? 11. When do the youngsters, get the black coats? 12. Where does the kingdom move then? 13. When does the kingdom of penguins move to the island where they were born? 14. How many eggs does a penguin lay? 15. Where does the egg lie? 16. What does the egg look like? 17. Do the penguins move together with them? 18. Who takes over the egg when the mother goes for food? 19. How many kilometres an hour does a penguin move? 20. How long does it take a penguin to get to, the sea for food? 21. When is the little penguin born? 10 1

22. Where does it sit? 23. Are the penguins found everywhere in the An­ tarctic? 24. How many kingdoms are there on. the ice coast? V. А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “ In the Kingdom of Penguins." Используйте вопросы упражнения IV как план. VI. Расскажите, что вы узнали из рассказа Penguins" о маленьких пингвинах.

“In the Kingdom of

VII. Прочтите анекдот и перескажите его друзьям по-английски:

The judge sighed when he recognized an old drunkard. “And what brought you here?” he asked. “Two policeman, Your Honour.” “Don’t be absurd \ I know that,” said the judge. “Drunk again, I presume?” “Yes, Your Honour,” answered the man, “both of them.”*V I.X 1 Don’t be absurd — He говорите глупостей VIII. Отгадайте загадку:

The field is white, Black is the seed, The man who sows it Is clever indeed. • (>jooq aqj щ aSed v) IX. Решите кроссворд:

The ‘Dog’ Crossword Down: 3. A flower. (It is very often red and has thorns). 5. Past Indefinite Tense of the verb “to go.” 6. The 100th part of a dollar. 8. The opposite of “finish.” 10. That’s what you are before you become a Komsomol. 11. An article. 12. Man’s best friend (pay attention to the title of this crossword). 16. Not anything. 18. Past Participle of the verb “to be.” 19. You drink it. 20. No life could be possible on our pla­ net without it. 22. Past Indefinite Tense of the verb “to hang.” 102

Across: 1. It grows in the ground and on trees, is very beautiful, and you like to gather it. 2. Past Indefinite Tense of the verb “to bend.” 3. Past Indefinite Tense of the verb “to send.” 6. You drive in it. 7. It has two legs, two wings and many feathers. 8. You like to bathe in it. 9. 6 +4 makes . . . . 13. This is an adverb which means “for one time only.” 14. To move or pass from place to place. 15. It is a tree (an evergreen tree, to be more exact). 17. You like to sing it or whistle it. 18. The oppo­ site of “take away.” 20. A season of the year (some think it the best one of all). 21. This is a negative prefix. X. А теперь шутка:

— What is flirtation? — I think it is attention without intention. THE STORY OF KEESH

After Jack London Keesh lived in the Far North with his father and mother. Keesh was thirteen years old when his father died. His mother was very poor because she had nobody to hunt for her. Keesh and his mother lived in a small dark hut and were often hungry. 103

One day Keesh said to his mother: “My father was a great hunter. Now I must begin hunting. I shall kill a polar bear, bring his meat home, and we shall not be hungry.” When his mother said about it to the people of the village, they laughed: “Your son is a silly boy,” they said. “He is only thir­ teen years old. How can he kill a polar bear?” Next day Keesh got up very early and left the village. Two days passed and Keesh did not come back. His mother cried and said to the women of the village, who tried to comfort her: “Don’t comfort me, I know that he will never come back.” But on the third day Keesh returned home. He carried the head of a young polar bear on his back. All the people of the village came to the small hut in which Keesh lived. They said: “It is very difficult to kill a polar bear, and Keesh is only thirteen years old. How did he do it? How could he do it?” But nobody could answer these questions. Some days passed and Keesh went hunting again. This time he killed an old polar bear. The people in the village could not understand that. They said: “He always hunts alone and never takes even a dog with him. It is magic. He can’t kill a polar bear without magic.” Keesh was not only strong and clever but he was kind. He killed many polar bears that winter and he gave their meat to the people of his village. And the people built for him and his mother a new hut. It was large and clean, and it was full of light. But once old Klosh Kwan, the head of the village, called Keesh to him and said: “People say, Keesh, that you use magic, that you kill the bears with the help of magic.” But Keesh only laughed and answered: “Is the meat not good? Do you not eat the meat of the bears which I kill?” And all the people laughed at Klosh Kwan. But he be­ came angry and next day said to the people: “Let us send spies after him, and we shall know how he kills the bears. You will see that he uses magic.” And when Keesh went again to hunt, three men fol­ lowed him. When they returned they said: “It is magic. 104

We saw how Keesh killed a bear. It was a very big bear. Keesh walked up to the bear and cried something. The bear got up from the ice and then Keesh turned and ran from the bear, and the bear ran after him. When Keesh was running from the bear he dropped little round balls on the ice. The bear stopped, smelt and then swallowed them. And Keesh ran and ran, and the bear ran after him and swallowed all the new balls which Keesh dropped. Then suddenly the bear stopped, cried and began to dance. When he got tired he walked slowly away. Keesh walked after the bear, and we walked after him. And for three days we walked after Keesh. At last the bear fell on the ice and Keesh killed him with his spear.” “It is magic,” said the people of the village. They came to the hut of Klosh Kwan. One man went to Keesh’s hut and said: “Come Keesh, to Klosh Kwan’s hut. The people want to listen how you kill bears. They say it is magic.” “I shall not go there,” said Keesh, “I am hungry and tired. If the people want to know how I kill bears, let them come here and I shall tell them.” And all the people came to Keesh’s hut as they wanted to listen to Keesh. “Tell us, Keesh, tell us,” said Klosh Kwan, “how you killed the last big bear. Was it magic?” Keesh laughed. “No, Klosh Kwan,” he said, “it was not magic. I am a boy and I know nothing of magic. But I know hpw to kill bears and I shall tell you about it. You must take a small bit of whale bone, the ends of which must be very sharp. Then you coil it and cover it with fat. Then you make a small ball and put it on the ice till it freezes. When the bear runs* after you, you must drop a ball on the snow. When the bear smells it, he swallows it. Then the fat melts in his stomach, the bone uncoils and the bear gets sick. And when the bear gets sick and can­ not fight, I kill him. It is very simple.” “Oh,” said the people to Keesh’s mother, “you have a very clever boy.” Keesh became a great hunter and the head of his vil­ lage. He lived a long life. There was always meat in his village, and his people were never hungry. 105


I. Скажите по-английски, используя слова и словосочетания:

to be angry (with) — сердиться 1. Она не сердилась на него. 2. Вы рассердитесь, если я не приду вечером? 3. Я всегда сержусь на моего друга, когда он опаз­ дывает в театр. to comfort — успокаивать 1. Не успокаивайте меня! 2. Они старались успокоить его мать. 3. Пойдите и успокойте детей. to get tired — уставать 1. Вы устаете после долгой прогулки? 2. Он не уставал после охоты. 3. Мой друг устал и медленно пошел домой. to follow — ходить, следовать (за кем-л.) 1. Они следовали за нами до деревни. 2. Вы последуете за ним, если он поедет на Север? 3. Не ходите за мной, пожалуйста. II. Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “The Story of Keesh”:

1. Where did Keesh live? 2. What was his father? 3. How old was he when his father died? 106

4. How did Keesh and his mother live after his fa­ ther’s death? 5. What did Keesh decide to do? 6. What did the people of the village say about Keesh? 7. How many days did Keesh not come back home? 8. What did he bring with him? 9. Were the people surprised? 10. What did they say about Keesh? 11. Did Keesh give meat to the people of his village? 12. What did his people do for him? 13. Who was the head of the village? 14. Why did he become angry with Keesh? 15. Whom did he send after Keesh when he went hunting? 16. What did the men tell the people when they came back? 17. Where did all the people come? 18. What did Keesh tell them about hunting? 19. Did they believe him? 20. What did Keesh become? III. А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “The Story of Keesh.’’ Используйте вопросы упражнения II как план. IV. Прочтите анекдот и перескажите его товарищам:

This funny story happened to the famous English writer Arthur Conan Doyle. As you know, the hero of his books is Sherlock Hol­ mes, the well-known detective, who solved the most diffi­ cult problems by analysing the smallest details. Once Arthur Conan Doyle came to Paris. He took a cab at the railway station and went to the hotel. When he paid for the cab, the cabman said to him: “Thank you, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle!” The writer was surprised and asked him: “How do you know my name? I see you for the first time in my life.” “You see, sir, it is like this,” answered the cabman, “some days ago I read in the newspapers about your arri­ val in Paris from the South. The train in which you came arrived from the South; your hat and the umbrella in your hands told me that you were an Englishman. That’s why 107

when I saw you, I said to myself: “This must be Sir Arttfur Conan Doyle.” “Clever work, very clever work,” said the writer, “you analysed correctly the few facts you had.” “And there is another fact, which helped me too, sir,” continued the cabman, “your name is written on your bags.” V. Решите кроссворд:

Down: 1. A polite form of address used in Englishspeaking countries in addressing a man to whom one wishes to show respect. 5. A little of something. 7. To move, to travel. 9. Past Indefinite Tense of the verb “to see.” 10. Frequently. 12. You are your father’s afid mother’s . . . 14. The opposite of “no.” 15. Past Indefi­ nite Tense of the verb “to fall.” Across: 2. A form of the verb “to be.” 3. A flower, which smells well. 4. Not many. 6. Numerous things. 7. Past Participle of the verb “to go.” 8. The streets . . , Moscow. 11. High. 13.' See me . . . to the station. 108

VI. Отгадайте загадку:

What are we all doing all the time? (лэр(о S uiavojq ) VII. А теперь шутка:

They took every bit of roof for TV aerials! THE SOURCES OF HEROISM

After Ilya Ehrenburg I want to tell you about a girl whose name is known only to few of her friends, but whose short life may serve an example for all our young people. Her name was Inna Konstantinova. She was friendly, pleasant and kind-hearted girl. She left a diary in four thick note-books. These four note-books show u's the sour­ ces of her heroism. The first note-book begins on the 18th of June, 1940, when Inna passed from the 8th to the 9th form. She was an ordinary Soviet girl with joys and sorrows like any­ body else. On her sixteenth birthday she wrote: 109

“Today one of my oldest dreams came true — I was given a watch!” Some days later she wrote in big letters: “I got my passport!” Inna’s diaries tell us of her first love: “It is a great word, love,” she wrote. Then she tells us of her happiness and excitement — the first time ‘he’ asked her to dance with him — and of her jealousy when he took another girl home. Inna read a lot. She read Leonid Andreyev’s story ‘The Seven Who Were Hanged’, and for the first time in her life thought about death: “What a horrible thing it is to feel that you must die soon. I tried to put myself in their places 1 but I could not. I do not know, but I think I should wait calmly2 for the end and not even think of it; sometimes I think I would beg and pray.” She wrote this on the 29th of June, 1940, and on the 4th of March, 1944, she stood face to face3 with the hangman. She wrote about life at a time when she had all her life before her: “I must not let life drag me along but must do my best4 to make life move. Only then I will have the right to call myself a member of the human race.” This is what a Russian girl, living in Kashino, thought and wrote. These are the ideas of a Young Com­ munist, and these words written in a still childish hand explain much of what happened later. In 1941 Inna joined a volunteer nursing squad. She nursed the wounded and she suffered with them. The events of those days will always be remembered. On the 16th of July Inna wrote: “If only I could go to the front and fight the fascists!” At last on the 4th of June, 1942, she was sent to a par­ tisan column. There she learnt the art of scouting. She was sent into towhs and villages where there were Ger­ man garrisons. She did not look like a partisan, she had such a sweet, girlish face that she could go anywhere without being noticed5. She came back and reported to the partisans the number of Germans in the garrisons, their defenses and the number of units sent to the front. Near Idritsa the Germans arrested Inna. “Are you a partisan? Answer me!” asked the German officer. The girl did not show any fear and the officer burned her hands with a lighted cigar. She spent a night in prison 110

and then escaped. She returned to the partisans with swollen hands. In November she crossed the front line with a group of scouts to bring information to a Soviet Army unit. One of the scouts was wounded and Inna stayed behind the front line with him. She had to carry him 6 and they could only travel at night. During the day they hid in the marshes. On the 4th of March, 1944, Inna and a group of parti­ sans were given an important mission. They were some eight kilometres from the front line when they were sur­ rounded by the Germans. Inna decided to cover the retreat of her comrades. She had a tommy-gun and conti­ nued firing until she was wounded, first in the leg and then in the shoulder. The Germans captured her alive and tortured her to death. She belonged to the people among whom she grew up with; if we look for the sources of her heroism, we see that we know them quite well: they are our society and our people.123456 1 to put myself in their places — поставить себя на их место 2 I should wait calmly — я бы спокойно ждала 3 face to face — лицом к лицу (перед) 4 I must do my best — Я должна сделать- все, что от меня за­ висит 5 without being noticed — не будучи замеченной 6 She had to carry him — Ей пришлось его нести

Упражнения I. Скажите по-английски, используя слова:

to 1. 2. 3. мне? to 1. 2. 3.

join — вступать, поступать, присоединяться Он вступил в Советскую Армию в 1961 году. Мой друг вступит в партию через год. Я иду на стадион, вы хотите присоединиться ко cross — переходить, пересекать, переправляться Партизаны перешли линию фронта в 1943 году. Мой брат не смог перейти улицу. Дети пересекли поле и вошли в лес. 111

to 1. 2. 3.

cover — прикрывать, покрывать Солдаты прикрывали наш отход. Мы покрыли это расстояние за два часа. Снег покрыл поля и леса.

II. Поставьте как можно больше вопросов к предложениям:

1. Inna Konstantinova joined a volunteer nursing squad in 1941. 2. On June 4, 1942, she was sent to a partisan column. 3. She reported to the partisans the number of Ger­ mans in the garrisons. 4. In November she crossed the front line with a group of scouts. 5. Inna stayed behind the front line with the wounded friend. 6. In March 1944 their group was surrounded by the Germans. 7. Inna was first wounded in the leg and then in the shoulder. 8. The Germans tortured her to death.I. III. Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “The Sources of Heroism":

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 112

What girl was Inna Konstantinova? What diary did she leave? When did she begin to write her diary? To what form did Inna pass at that time? What did she write on her sixteenth birthday? What did she tell about her first love? Did Inna read much? How did she want to live? When did Inna join a volunteer nursing squad? To what column did she go in 1942? What did she learn there? Where was she sent? What did she report when she came back? Where was Inna arrested? Did she escape? When did she cross the front line? Why did Inna stay behind the front line? What mission was Inna given in 1944?

19. Why did she decide to cover the retreat of her friends? 20. What happened to Inna? IV. А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “The Sources of He­ roism.” Используйте вопросы упражнения III как план. V. Решите кроссворд, щих слов:


английские эквиваленты следую­

Across: 1. неделя; 3. луна; 4. рассказывать; 6. брать; 7. но; 8. спрашивать; 10. открывать; 12. вниз; 14. двена­ дцать; 15. земля; 17. зеленый; 18. советский.

Down: 1. хотеть; 2. (бумажный) змей; 3. метро; 5. учить; 7. велосипед; 9. кухня; 11. кушать; 13. один; 16. иметь; 17. получать VI.

Прочтите диалог:

— Peter, did your father take part in the Great P at­ riotic War? — Yes, he did. In 1941 he commanded a platoon. Then in 1942 he was wounded in the shoulder and nursed by the partisans in Belorussia. — Did he fight together with the partisans? 113 1/.5—31

— Yes, he did. He stayed with them till 1943, He was a scout. — Did he cross the front line? — Of course, he did. He crossed it several times and got some important information about the enemy. — Was he surrounded by the Germans? — Yes, he was. Once he .was captured but escaped. — Is your father alive now? — Yes, he lives and works in Kiev. VII. Расскажите, что вы узнали из диалога об отце Петра. VIII. Прочтите анекдот, запомните его и расскажите товарищам поанглийски:

“On the field of battle,” said the major in a severe tone, “a brave soldier must always be where the bullets are thickest. Do you understand? Private Flanningam, where must you be then, in the battlefield?” “In the ammunition wagon, sir,” replied Flanningam. IX. Отгадайте загадку:

What comes twice a moment, once a minute and never in a hundred years?


X. А теперь шутка:

Let’s have a look at the new basket­ ball star!




An African Tale Part I The lion, who was the king of all the animals, once said: “We shall have a great race. Everybody can take part in it.” Many animals wanted to be in the race. The lion was very glad to hear it. But then a deer came: he also wanted to be in the race. The deer was the quickest of all the animals and the animals were afraid to race with him. For three days they asked him not to take part in the race: “We know without any races that you are the best runner of all. Now we want to see who is the quickest among us. If you run, everybody will laugh at us.” But the deer did not want to listen to them. He said: “I will take part in the race.” Then all the other animals said: “We do not want to be in the race together with the deer.” The king promised a good prize to the winner. But there were no other runners who wanted to take part in the race. “It is very easy for the deer to win the prize,” the ani­ mals said. The deer was glad to hear that. The king said to the animals: “Don’t le t1 the deer win the prize so easily. Run with him!” But the animals were silent. Then the king roared out: “If somebody races with the deer, I shall give him a prize too!” But the animals kept silence2. The king got angry 3. Suddenly the animals heard a thin low voice. They looked down and saw a turtle. He said: “I am going to race with the deer for the prize.” There was silence for a moment. Then the animals be­ gan to laugh. But the turtle did not say a word. He did not smile. He looked very serious. So the king wrote down his name. The animals waited for the day of the race. “The turtle wants to race with the deer," they said, “this is the greatest joke of our timel It is going to be very funny!” V«5*


The turtle called all the other turtles together and said: “I am going to race with the deer. You must help me. Then we shall win the race and get the first prize.” ' “The deer thinks that he will win. the first prize,” the turtle went on, “but I know how he runs: he stops and eats grass along the way, talks if he meets somebody, and even takes n ap s4. We must take advantage of all th is5. I shall tell you how to do it. “You know that we turtles look very much alike6. We shall run in the long valley. I shall hide near the end of the valley not far from the finish. Each of you will hide under the shrubs all along the w ay7. One of you will take his place with the deer at the start. I am sure that the deer will stop to eat grass, to talk with somebody or to take a nap. Each time the deer stops, one of you up ahead must quietly come out and move on. The turtle who is behind must hide till the race is over. I think the deer will take a nap near the finish. He always does so. And he will think that I am still far behind. The king and the animals will wait for a long time before I come to the fi­ nish to get the second prize. But the deer will not get the first prize, I shall be the first at the finish.” The turtles began dancing on the green grass where the meeting took place. To be continued1234567 1 Don’t let — He позволяйте 2 kept silence — молчали 3 got angry — рассердился 4 takes naps — дремлет 5 take advantage of all this — воспользоваться всем этим 6 look very much alike — очень похожи 7 all along the way — на всем пути

Упражнения I. Поставьте несколько вопросов к каждому предложению:

1. The animals were afraid to race with the deer be­ cause he was the quickest of all the animals. 2. For three days they asked the deer not to take part in the race. 3. Then the lion promised a second prize. 116

4. The turtle was going to race with the deer for this prize. 5. He called all the turtles to tell them how to help him to win the prize. II. Скажите по-русски:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

This race will be the greatest joke of our time. But it will be no joke for the deer. The deer will take part in the race with the turtle. He wants to make fun of the turtle. This competition will be very funny.

III. Переведите предложения, используя слова и словосочетания из колонки справа:

1. Через неделю у нас будет


a race

ст я за н и е в б еге.

2. Много офицеров будет у ч а ст ­ в этом состязании. 3. Мне тоже очень хочется бы ть

take part


to be in the race

уч астн ик ом со ст я за н и я .

4. Мой друг хорошо б ега ет; он runs runner лучший б егун в нашей группе. 5. Он вы играет это состязание и win winner будет п о б е д и т е л е м . 6. Я думаю, что он получит пер­ prize вую п рем и ю . 7. Кто будет со ст я за т ь ся с ним be in the race за первую премию? IV. Ответьте Race.’'123456789

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. not to 9.

на вопросы



части рассказа “The Great

Who was the king of all the animals? What did he say once? Who wanted to be in the race? Was the lion glad to hear it? Wfio was* the quickest of all the animals? Did the deer also want to be in the race? Were the animals glad to race with him? For how many days did the animals ask the deer take part in the race? Did the deer listen to them?



10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. J9. V.

What did all the animals say then? What prize did the king promise? Was it difficult for the deer to win the prize? Did the king promise a second prize too? Who agreed to race with the deer for the prize? Why did the animals laugh? What did they say? Whom did the turtle call? What did he tell the turtles to do? Why did the turtles dance?

Перескажите содержание первой части рассказа “The Great Race.” Используйте вопросы упражнения IV как план.


Прочтите анекдот, постарайтесь его запомнить и перескажите товарищам:

There were many people in the tram and no vacant seats. When a woman entered, an old man near the door attempted to rise, but she forced him back into his seat К “Thank you,” she said, “but please don’t do that. I am perfectly able to stand.” “But, madam, let me . . .,” began the man. “I ask you to keep your seat,” interrupted the woman with the hands on his shoulders. But the man tried to rise, saying: “Madam, will you kindly permit me 2 to . . .” “No, no,” said the woman and again forced him back. At last the man forced her aside3 and said: “Madam, you carried me three blocks beyond my house. 1 want to get off!” 1 she forced him back into his seat — она заставила его сесть обратно на свое место 2 will you kindly permit me — будьте любезны разрешить мне 3 forced her aside — оттолкнул ее VII.

Отгадайте загадку:

A person looked at a portrait and said: “Sisters and brothers have I none, but the man in the portrait is my father’s son.” (ЭШ s,}Bqx)


V III. З а п о м н и те пословицу:

Live and learn. (Век живи, век учись) IX.

А теперь шутка:

You, dirty boy \ can’t you eat properly? 1 X.

dirty boy — грязнуля

Ответьте на вопросы по серии рисунков художника Бидструпа на стр. 120, используя слова и выражения, приведенные ниже:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What are the owners of the cottage doing? Did they finish their work? Where are they resting? What is the owner of the cottage reading? Who is coming? What are the guests doing? Are they drinking wine and dancing? What did the guests break? What are they carrying with them? What did they leave at the cottage?

to water the flowers — поливать цветы; to rake up the leaves — сгребать листья; owner — владелец; a cotta­ g e — дача; a folding-chair — складное кресло; a ham­ mock— гамак; a guest — гость; to pick flowers — рвать цветы; to trample down the grass — топтать траву; to break — ломать l / 26*




An African Tate P a гt И At last the day of the race came. In the morning every turtle hid in his place. Only a few animals came to see the start. All the others went to the far end of the valley where the king was sitting. That was the finish, the place where the race ended. They came to laugh at the turtle, — animals like to laugh. The start took place early in the morning. The few ani­ mals who were there laughed when they saw that the turtle started bravely and looked happy. They laughed still louder when in a moment the deer was far ahead. He looked back at the turtle and laughed too. “Good-bye-ee,” he shouted. The animals did not stay to look at the slow turtle They left the place. Soon the deer was tired. He stopped to eat some green grass as he had no breakfast before the race. At that moment the first turtle hid under a shrub. The turtle who was ahead came out quietly onto the road. The deer did not see it. After a long time the deer came back to the race-way and ran fast along it. Suddenly he saw the turtle ahead of him. The turtle was moving slowly. He was surprised, but he laughed and passed the turtle. Then the turtle left the race-way. He moved into the shrub and lay still there. The deer stopped many times to eat grass or to talk to some animals. And each time he passed the turtle, he laughed. “Poor turtle! He will be so tired, when he comes to the finish,” the deer thought. When the deer was a mile away from the finish, he decided to take a nap. He wanted to sleep for a short time, but he slept for a long time. The turtles one after another had time to move from one hiding-place to ano­ ther. The last place was the place of the leader. He came out and moved to the finish. At that time the king and the animals were waiting for the deer. “Soon the deer will come,” they said to one 7__ 71


another and smiled. Suddenly instead of the deer they saw the turtle who was moving as fast as a turtle could move The animals began to laugh. “The deer wants to give us a good show12,” they said. “He let the turtle run ahead for fun3.' He wants to run up to the finish at the very last moment. He wants to laugh at the poor turtle.” But the turtle was moving nearer and nearer. At last he crossed the finish line before the eyes of everybody. When the king saw this, he was surprised. He opened his mouth and roared so loudly that the trees began to shake. The sleeping deer woke up. He said: “It’s time to get to the finish 4,” and ran along the valley. He thought: “The turtle is far behind me,” and smiled happily. He was still smiling as he crossed the line. But then he saw the turtle and understood the terrible truth. The deer fainted when the king handed the first prize to the turtle, and the second prize to the deer. Of course the deer was not happy. All the night the turtles were dancing happily on the green grass. It was a great holiday for the turtles. Since that time the deer never speaks proudly about himself and the turtle still carries his head high. 1 as fast as a turtle could move — так быстро, как только могла двигаться черепаха 2 a good show — хорошее зрелище 3 for fun — ради шутки 4 It’s time to get to the finish — Пора идти к финишу

Упражнения I. Скажите по-английски, используя слова и словосочетания:

to finish — заканчивать; finish — финиш; up to the finish— до конца 1. Черепахи закончили соревнование очень хорошо. 2. Они пришли к финишу первыми. 3. Они боролись за первое место до конца (до фи­ ниша). to end — заканчиваться; end — конец; at the end of — в конце 1. Соревнование закончилось поздно вечером. 122

2. Его окончание было очень интересным. 3. В конце соревнования все собрались у финиша. to look — выглядеть; to look at — смотреть (на); to look back — оглянуться 1. Черепаха выглядела очень счастливой в день со­ ревнования. 2. Она смело смотрела на оленя. 3. Когда олень оглянулся, он не увидел черепахи. to laugh — смеяться; to laugh at — смеяться (над кем-л.)\ to have a good laugh (at) — от души посмеять­ ся (над кем-л.) 1. Все звери смеялись, когда стартовала черепаха. 2. Они смеялись над ней, потому что она хотела со­ ревноваться в беге с оленем. 3. Они от души посмеялись над оленем, когда он по­ лучил 2-ю премию. II.

Ответьте на вопросы по второй части рассказа Race”:

“The Great

1. Where did every turtle hide on the day of the race? 2. How many animals came to see the start? 3. Where did all the others go? 4. Why did they go there? 5. When did the start take place? 6. How did the turtle look? 7. Where was the deer in a moment after the start? 8. Why did the deer stop? 9. What did the first turtle do at that moment? 10. When did the deer come back to the race-way? 11. How many times did he stop to eat? 12. When did the deer decide to take a nap? 13. For how long did he sleep? 14. Had the turtles time to move from one hidingplace to another? 15. Whose hiding place was the last? 16. Where did the leader of the turtles move? 17. What were the king and the animals doing at that time? 18. Whom did they see instead of the deer? 19. Whom did the deer see when he came to the fi­ nish? 20. What prizes did the turtle and the deer win? 7»


III. Перескажите содержание второй части рассказа “The Race.” Используйте вопросы упражнения II как план.


IV. Прочтите диалог:

— I say, Bob!: What was going on here? — Oh, don’t you know? We had a great race in the morning. — Who took part in it? — Half of the students of our institute did. — Who was the leader of the race? — Peter Orlov was. He is the best runner at the in­ stitute. — Is he the winner of the race? — No, he is not. He came to the finish after Sergeev and got the second prize. — What a pity! What was the matter with him? — He fell down near the finish. — Were you in the race too? — Don’t laugh at me! Do you think I could be in the race with Orlov for the first prize? — No, I don’t think so, but why not to try? — All right, next time you will try and I’ll see what the result will be. V. Прочтите анекдот, постарайтесь его запомнить друзьям:



A young man decided to buy nothing at a bazaar 1 which he attended. A charming young girl offered him a cigarette-case. He refused to buy, saying: “I don’t smoke.” She offered a fountain-pen. “No,” said he, “I don’t write.” Then she brought out a box of chocolates, but he said: “I don’t eat sweets.” Finally she offered him a cake of soap. He bought it. He couldn’t say: “I don’t wash.” 1

bazaar — благотворительный базар

VI. Запомните поговорку, повторяйте ее в беседе с друзьями:

Lost time is never found again. (Потерянного времени никогда не вернешь.), 124

VII. Отгадайте загадку:

I am asked to come, I am waited for; But I make them hide When I come. (шен) VIII. А теперь шутка:


After K. Simonov ...When General Mukhin received orders to launch an offensive, he called Divisional Engineer Sosnovkin to his headquarters and said: “You’ll have to provide a crossing for .our tanks, but...” Here the General paused for a few seconds. “First of all you must finish the bridge before we begin the offensive, and secondly you must build it without tne Ger­ mans knowing 1 we are going to start the attack. They must not see your bridge!” Sosnovkin asked twenty-four hours to find a solution to this problem. During these twenty-four hours Sosnov­ kin thought of many things, at last he found the solution. He came to General Mukhin and told him: “I found a solution. We’ll build a bridge, but there will be two pecu­ 125

liarities — it will not be an ordinary bridge but one with gaps in it and it will be under the water and not over it. The tanks will be able to cross it but infantry will not. It will be quite safe, because only Soviet sappers will know that it exists.” While the sappers were cutting logs and building the first bridge in the forest for the tanks to practise on, Engineer Sosnovkin studied the river. Like most Russian rivers, the left bank — held by our troops — was low, while the right bank — where the Germans were — was high and steep. The Germans could see everything that the Russians did, so, of course, they could see the bridge. The problem that Sosnovkin had to solve was how to get the logs in position2. After a lot of thought he solved it: the logs will be brought to their places along the Ger­ man side of the river. The Germans were high up and could see what the Russians were doing on the Russian side, but could not see the water immediately under their own bank. Some distance upstream there was a gully near a bend in the river where the sappers gathered the logs. From here they will push them into the river during the night and float them down to the place where the bridge will be built. The posts were cut ready and fitted together with bolts and screws. Notches were cut in them, and the sap­ pers knew how to fit them together in the darkness. On the third night the sappers began to build their bridge. It was already November, and there was a thin sheet of ice on the water. But the sappers had to work in it for rather a long time. The icy water cut like a knife. Every man had only one thought — to get his post in place as quickly as pos­ sible3 and return to the fire to get warm again. All haste was forbidden. The slightest noise, a splash of water, could spoil everything. Two men guided each post into position. Behind came others carrying heavy stones to hold the posts in place. On the third night, when they fixed the last three pairs of posts, the water was even colder. The ice was now thicker, and it cut thd’ men’s hands as they worked. The work lasted all night, «nd when they got back to the dug-outs in the morning, they were so cold that for many hours they could not get warm. 126

At last the order was received. At night Sosnovkin, accompanied by some of his heroic sappers, crept down to the river and put up sign-posts on both sides. It was now a regular road-way, and the tanks could cross easily. At dawn, when our tanks drove straight into the river and the ice did not break under their weight, the Germans were astonished: in front of the tanks the Germans saw a man w alk in g --it was Divisional Engineer Sosnovkin, inventor and builder of the underwater bridge. 1 without the Germans knowing — так, чтобы немцы не знали 2 how to get the logs in position — как переправить бревна на место постройки моста 3 as quickly as possible — как можно быстрее

Упражнения 1. Ответьте на вопросы ho рассказу “The Bridge under the Water”:

1. What orders did General Mukhin receive? 2. Whom did he call? 3. What mission did the General set to Engineer Sos­ novkin? 4. For what did the engineer ask twenty-four hours? 5. Did he find a solution to the problem? 6. How many peculiarities were there in this bridge? 7. Was that an ordinary bridge? 8. Was it over the water? 9. What did the sappers begin to do? 10. What was Engineer Sosnovkin doing at that time? 11. Was the left bank of the river held by our troops high or low? 12. Why could the Germans see what the Soviet troops were doing? 13. How did Sosnovkin decide to bring the logs to their places? 14. Could the Germans see the water under their own bank? 15. Where did the sappers gather their logs? 16. Could they float them down to the place of the newly built bridge? 17. When did the sappers begin to build the bridge? 18. In what month was it? 127

19. What was the weather like at that time? 20. Was the water in the river warm? 21. What was the task of the sappers in building the bridge? 22. What thought had each of them? 23. Why was haste or noise forbidden? 24. How many nights did the sappers work in the icy water of the river? 25. How did they feel when they came back to the dug-outs? 26. What did Engineer Sosnovkin and his heroic sap­ pers do when they received the order? 27. What did the astonished Germans see at dawn? 28. Whom did they see in front of the tanks? II. А теперь перескажите содержание рассказа “The'Bridge under the Water.” Используйте вопросы упражнения I как план. III. Расскажите по-английски:

1. Какова была обстановка, когда генерал Мухин по­ лучил приказ на наступление? 2. Какие затруднения были у инженера Сосновкина при строительстве моста? 3. Как и при каких условиях работали саперы, вы­ полняя боевую задачу? 4. Слышали ли вы когда-нибудь о таком подводном мосте и что именно? IV. Прочтите диалог:

— Did your father take part in the Great Patriotic War, Boris? — Yes, he did. — What was his rank? — At the beginning of the war he was a lieutenant. — Did he command any unit at that time? — An engineer squad. He was a sapper. — Oh, it’s a heroic service. Did your father tell you anything of his life at the front? — A lot. And I liked to listen to him. — What was the mission of his squad? — They received different orders: sometimes they pro­ vided crossings for our tanks and guns, built bridges and organized defences. 128

— Was it difficult? — Rather. As a rule they worked at nights, sometimes in cold water when the ice cut the men’s hands like a knife. Besides noise was always forbidden because the enemy was near and they could spoil everything. V. Расскажите, что вы узнали'из диалога об отце Бориса. VI. Прочтите и постарайтесь запомнить анекдот, чтобы рассказать друзьям:

Once a lady was going in a car to town from her cottage in the country. On her way there she saw many troops, tanks and guns. There were army manoeuvres at that time, but she did not know that. As her car approached the bridge, which she crossed twice a day from and to her home, she was stopped by a soldier. “You can’t drive across the bridge, lady,” he said. “But why?” asked the lady. “It was blown up two hours ago,” was the answer. The lady looked at the untouched bridge, then at the soldier and got out of the car. At that time an officer walked into view '. “Officer,” the lady stopped him, “tell me why I can’t drive my car over this bridge.” “Lady,” the officer answered soberly, “I can’t tell you anything at a ll12. I was killed three hours ago.” 1 an officer walked into view — появился офицер 2 anything at all — совершенно ничего VII. Решите кроссворд:

The ‘Summer’ Crossword Down: 2. We go into the house . . . the door. 6. You . . . study well. 7. The season which comes after spring. 10. Past Indefinite Tense of the verb “to blow.” 11. Twel­ ve o’clock. 12. Do you work . . . study? 13. You put it in your meals. 14. Birds live in it. 16. A flower which smells very well. Across: 1. A summer game. 3. 60 minutes. 4. The co­ lour of the grass. 5. It shines in the sky in the daytime. 129

6. The plural of “man”. 8. It is in the sky at night. 9. I read much, but he reads . . . than I do. 13. You can see it among many others in the sky at night. 15. I like this book, give it to . . . to read. VIII.

А теперь шутки:

Dantist: What’s the matter? 1 1 do not touch your

tooth. Patient: No, but you are standing on my corn.

A. This is the second day your wife has a toothache. Why don’t you do something about it? B. But I do! I put cotton wool in my ears. 1 What’s the matter? — В чем дело?



Balashyan arrived in New Orleans on Sunday mor­ ning on his way to Baltimore. A clerk at the bookingoffice told him: “There are some seats for the train going to Baltimore in half and hour.” Soon Balashyan was sitting by the window in the smoking compartment of a car. He began to look through the newspapers. But then he noticed a young woman sit­ ting at the window of the next compartment. She was beautiful with black hair. A book lay in front of her but she was not reading it. At a small station the train stopped and a group of young men in military uniform entered the car. One of them took a seat near Balashyan. “Are these today’s newspapers? Do you mind 1 if 1 read them?” he asked Balashyan in French. “Not at a ll2,” he answered. “Are you French?” “No, 1 am Armenian ,” said Balashyan. “Oh, is that so?” the young man cried out in surprise. “I’ve never met an Armenian.” Soon everybody knew about Balashyan and began asking him questions: “What kind of people are the Arme­ nians? Is your country far from New Orleans? Are the girls in Armenia beautiful?44 But suddenly the conversation was interrupted by a woman’s scream coming from the next compartment. They all jumped up and hurried to see what was hap­ pening there. This is what they saw: a tall officer was standing in front of the young woman and shouting at her: “I repeat my question: Are you a Negress? I repeat my question. Are you a Negress?” But the young woman said nothing. 4You are! I can recognize Niggers from a distance. Where are you going?” he shouted. “To Baltimore to see my husband. He is in the army too. He is leaving for France tomorrow.” “Why do you go in the car for white people?” asked the man. “But there was no train with a coloured car until eve­ ning, and I wouldn’t be able to see my husband before he 131

left. .1 am the wife of a soldier who’s going to the war together with you. How can you treat me this way?” and she began crying. But the officer only laughed. “Throw her out at the next station!” shouted one of his comrades. Here Balashyan broke in: “Look here, gentlemen. You are officers of the AmerL can army. You cannot leave the wife of an American sol­ dier in such a lonely place at this hour of the night.” But one of the men pushed him aside. The train stop­ ped suddenly. The officer pulled the woman to her feet, dragged her to the door and pushed her out of the car. Then Balashyan ran to the door, pushed the officer aside and jumped down too. The train started to move. The Americans were laughing at Balashyan. But the train moved faster and faster and soon is disappeared in the darkness. The poor young woman was crying bitterly.*I.23456789 1 Do you mind — Вы не возражаете 2 Not at all — Пожалуйста ( б у к в , совсем нет)

У п р аж н ен и я I. Ответьте на вопросы по рассказу “ Because Woman”:

She Was a Negro

1. When did Balashyan arrive in New Orleans? 2. There were no seats for the train going to Balti­ more. Is that right? 3. Did Balashyan take a seat by the window in the smoking compartment? 4. A young woman was sitting at the window in the same compartment. Is that right? 5. She was beautiful with black hair. Is that right? 6. A group of young men in military uniform en­ tered the car at a small station. Is that right? 7. In what language did one of them begin to speak with Balashyan? 8. Was their conversation interruped? 9. Some officers were standing in front of the young woman and shouting at her. It that right? 132

10. What was that young beautiful woman? 11. She was going to Baltimore to see her husband, who was in the army. Is that right? 12. For what did the American officer drag the young woman to the door and push her out of the car? II. Расскажите, что вы узнали из рассказа: а) о красивой молодой женщине; б) о ее муже; в) о Балашьяне. III. Составьте вопросы из следующих слов и задайте товарищу:



1. you, do, get, at the booking-office, tickets, railway 2. what, take, you, usually, seats, do 3. do, have dinner, you, in the dining-car 4. there, are, in all the trains, dining-cars 5. the trains, to the South, are, comfortable, going 6. it take, does, to get, long, you, by train, to the Black Sea IV. Прочтите диалог:

Michail: Oh, here you are! It’s half past nine. Nicholas: Well, I prefer to be ahead of time rather than behind ’. We have only half an hour to do everything. I’ll go and get tickets now. What seat do you prefer? Michail: If you can get seats facing the engine, and I’ll see to the suit-cases. The booking-office is near the waiting-room. Please, be quick. Our time is short. Nicholas: It will take me only some minutes to get tickets. Let’s better take our suit-cases and go to -the booking-office together. From there we may go to a re­ staurant to have breakfast. Michail: Oh, no! In twenty-five minutes the train starts. Let’s better have our breakfast in the dining-car.*V . 1 I prefer to be ahead of time rather than behind. — Я предпо­ читаю приходить раньше, чем позже. V. Прочтите анекдот и расскажите его своим друзьям:

A young lady took a seat in a compartment, in which a travelling salesman was sitting. The traveller looked at her and said politely: “Excuse me, miss, b u t—” 133

“If you speak to me, I’ll pull the train cord1,’* snapped the girl. Several times the traveller tried to speak to the girl but she threatened to stop the train. At la st12 the train stopped at a station and the travel­ ler rose to his feet.

“I don’t care whether you like it or n o t3,” said he, “but I want that torn bag of strawberries you’ve been sit­ ting on 4 for the last six miles.” 1 I’ll pull the train cord — я остановлю поезд (стоп-краном) 2 At last — Наконец 3 I don’t care whether you like it or not — Мне безразлично, нравится ли это вам или нет 4 you’ve been sitting on — на котором вы сидите VI. Решите кроссворд: *

Across: 1. Sick, unwell. 2. An interrogative pronoun» 6. What we do with our eyes. 7. The Present Indefinite Tense of the verb “to be.” 8. What we do when we are hungry. 11. What we do with bells. 13. Little boys and girls. 17. A numeral. 18. What hens give us (singular). 20. What we eat meat with. 21. A domestic animal. 22. The Past Indefinite Tense of the verb “to run.” 24. The Present Indefinite of the verb “to be” (plural). 25. A ne­ gative pronoun. 27. A preposition. 28. Antonym to “fal­ se.” 30. A colour. 32. Antonym to “silence.” 34. A nega­ tive pronoun. 35. Also. 36. Antonym to “kind.” 37. An ad­ verb of time. 134

Down: 1. Whal we skate on. 2. All right. 3. A personal pronoun. 4. Where people walk and buses run. 5. What a pupil puts his books in. 9. A person who takes part in performances. 10. An adverb of place. 12. The suffix of the Present Participle. 14. What we use when writing with a pen. 15. A spelling test. 16. The Past Participle of the

verb “to do.” 19. The Present Participle of the verb “to grow.” 20. Quickly. 23. The indefinite article used before vowels. 26. The Past Indefinite Tense of the verb “to go.” 29. The Past Indefinite Tense of the verb “to ring.” 30. Not strong. 31. The Past Indefinite Tense of the verb “to tear.” VII. Выучите пословицу:

There is no place like home. (В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.) VIII. А теперь шутка:

A traveller, on arriving at a small railway station, asked the station master: 135

“Can you tell me how many hotels you have here?” “We have two,” he answered. “Well, which of the two will you recommend?” “Frankly speaking1, whichever one you go to 2,-you’ll be sorry you didn’t go to the other,” \vas the answer. 1 Frankly speaking — Откровенно говоря 2 whichever one you go t o — в какую бы из них вы не пошли


After Mark Twain Parti

“Never ask for money which you did not earn,” I al­ ways said. Now I shall tell you a story which will show you how honest I was all my life. A few days ago I met General Miles at myfrien house. General Miles was a nice man and webecame great friends very quickly. “Did you live in Washington in 1887?” asked me the general. “Yes, I did,” I answered. “Why didn’t we meet then?” said General Miles. “General,” I said,“You forget that you were already a great general then, and I was a poor young writer whom nobody knew and whose books nobody read.” “You do not remember me,” I thought, “but we met once in Washington at that time.” I remember it very well. I was poor at that time and very often I did not have money even for my bread. I had a friend, who was a poor writer too. We lived together. We did everything together: worked, read books, went for our walks. And when we were hungry, we were both hungry. Once we needed three dollars. I don’t remember why we needed these three dollars, but I remember well that we needed the money by the evening. “We must get these three dollars,” said my friend. “I shall try to get the money, but you must also try to do it.” 136

I went out of our house, but I did not know where to go and how to get these three dollars. For an hour I was walking along the streets of Washington and was very tired. At last I came to a big hotel. ‘I shall go in and have a rest,’ I thought. I went into the hall of the hotel and sat down on a sofa. I was sitting there when a beautiful small dog ran into the hall. It was looking for somebody. The dog was very nice and I began to play with it. I was playing with the dog when a man came into the hall. He wore a beautiful uniform and I thought: ‘That is General Miles.’ I knew him by his pictures in the news­ papers. “What a beautiful dog!” he said. “Is it your dog?” I did not have time to answer him when he said: “Do you want to sell it?” When I heard these words I thought about my friend and the three dollars which I wanted to get. “Well, I... I think...” “That is good,” said the general, “how much do you want for it?” “Three dollars,” I answered at once. “Three dollars?” he asked, “but that is very little. I can give you fifty dollars for it.” “No, no, I want only three dollars.” “Well, it is your dog. If you want three dollars for it, I shall be glad to buy your dog.” General Miles paid me three dollars, took the dog and went to his room. To be continued Упражнения I.

Переведите следующие предложения, используя слова:

nobody — никто, никого О б р а з е ц : Nobody knew me at that time. Никто не знал меня в то время. 1. Никто не читал моих книг. 2. Никто не встретит их на вокзале. 3. Никто не видит его утром. 4. Никто не пойдет в кино утром. 137

О б р а з е ц : I saw nobody yesterday. Я никого не видел вчера. 1. Мы никого не встретили на аэродроме в прошлую пятницу. • 2. Они никого не. знают в этом городе. 3. Он никого не приглашает танцевать. 4.. Они никого не спросят об этом. need — нуждаться (в чем-либо) О б р а з е ц : We needed 3 dollars. Нам нужны были 3 доллара. 1. Мне нужна новая ручка. 2. Они поехали на юг, потому что детям нужен был морской воздух. 3. Ему нужно будет 2 часа, чтобы сделать это* 4. Если я вам нужен, позвоните мне. everything — все О б р а з е ц : We did everything together. Мы делали все вместе. 1. Я все узнал о нем. 2. Они прочли все об этом писателе. 3. Он расскажет вам все о своей работе. 4. Она все делает хорошо. II.

Ответьте на вопросы по первой части рассказа “A D og”:

1. Whom did Mark Twain meet at his friend’s house? 2. Did the general remember him? 3. When did they meet for the first time? 4. Was Mark Twain rich at that time? 5. With whom did he live together? 6. How much money did they need? 7. Did they know how and where to get them? 8. Why did Mark Twain decide to go into the hotel? 9. What did he see sitting there? 10. What was he doing when General Miles entered the room? 11. Did the general like the dog? 12. Did he want to buy it? 13. For how much did he want to buy it? 14. Did Mark Twain take the money? 15. How much did the general pay for the dog? 138

II). А теперь перескажите содержание первой части рассказа “A Dog.” Используйте вопросы упражнения II как план. Ска* жите, что нового вы узнали о жизни Марка Твена. ^ IV. Прочтите анекдот о Марке Твене и постарайтесь пересказать его друзьям:

Once Mark Twain was travelling in France by train. He was going to a small town near Paris. It was very late at night, he was very tired and wanted to sleep. He asked the conductor to wake him up when they got to that town and went to sleep. It was early morning when he woke up, the train was already in Paris. Mark Twain was very angry. He ran up to the con­ ductor and cried: “I asked you to wake me up. Why didn’t you do it? I am very angry with you.” The conductor looked at him for a moment and said: “You may be very angry, but not so angry as 1 the American whom I put off the train instead of you.” 1 not so angry as — не так сердиты, как V. Решите кроссворд:


Down: 1. Not far. 2. It falls in winter. 3. Ten time ten is a h . . . . 4. The man that teaches you. 8. People who w orl^in the field. 9. I get up at 7 o’clock in the . . . . 10. Apples are f. . . . 11. It grows on the ground in parks and fields. 16. You give them to questions. 17. Write to me, I’ll give you my . . . . 21. Not this, but . . . . 22. We enter the house through it. Across: 5. The cat is . . . the table. 6. Milk is w. *. . . 7. The house is covered with it. 9. I am free, I have . . . time. 12. Past Indefinite Tense of the verb “to wait.” 13. The Volga and the Oka are wide . . . . 14. A high hill. 15. We go there to see films. 17. A dog is an . . . . 18. You ski on them. 19. He studies well, he is a . . . stu­ dent. 20. I have a new watch, it is . . . . 22. A girl wears it. VI. А теперь шутки:

She: Is this really the first time you kissed a girl? He: Funny, you girls all ask the same question.

A student at the examination in history: “By the way, professor, in the 18th century the weaker sex 1 was esti­ mated much higher.” weaker sex — слабый пол



After Mark Twain P a r t II Ten minutes later an old man came into the hall. He looked round the hall. I saw he was looking for some­ thing. “Are you looking for a dog, sir?” I asked. “Oh, yes! Did you see it?” said the man. “Your dog was here a few minutes ago and I saw how it went away with a man,” I said. “If you want, I shall try to find it for you.” The man was very happy and asked me to help him. “I shall be glad to help you but it will take some of my time and...” “I am ready to pay you for your time,” cried the man. “How much do you want for it?” “Three dollars,” I answered. “Three dollars?” said the man. ‘JBut it is a very good dog. I shall pay you ten dollars if you find it for me.” “No, sir, I want only three dollars,” said I. Then I went up to General Miles’ room. The general was playing with his new dog. “I came here to take the dog back,” I said. “But it is not your dog now, I bought it. I paid you three dollars for it,” said the general. “I shall give you back your three dollars, but I must take the dog back,” I answered. “But you sold it to me, it is my dog now.” “I could not sell it to you, sir, because it was not my dog.” “Do you want to tell me that you took three dollars for a dog that was not yours?” cried the general. “I took the money but I never said: ‘It is my dog.’ ” “But you sold it to me for three dollars.” “How could I sell it to you when it was not my dog? You asked me: ‘How much do you want for the dog?’ and I said ‘I want three dollars.’ But I never told you that it was my dog.” General Miles was very angry. “Give me back my three dollars and take the dog away,” he shouted. 141

When t brought the dog back to its master, he was Very happy and paid me three dollars with joy. I was happy too because I had the money, and I felt that I earned it. Now you can see why I say that honesty is the best policy and that a man must never take anything that* he did not earn. У п р аж н ен и я I. Переведите вопросы и прочтите на них ответы из колонки справа:

1. Что вы ищите? 2. Это была хорошая со­ бака? 3. Где вы купили ее? 4. Сколько вы заплатили за нее? 5. Собака была старая? 6. Сколько лет ей было? 7. Мне помочь вам?

I am looking for my dog. Yes, it was a very good dog. I bought it in London. I paid 50 dollars for it. No, it was quite young. It was only one year old. Please, if you can.

II. Прочтите предложения, заполняя пропуски приведенными ниже словами:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Is it your . . . ? Can you . . . to me? How . . . do you want for the dog? Can you . . . another dog for me? Will you . . . me for my time? Why do you . . . the dog . . . ? Was he . . . to find the dog? Is honesty the best . . . ?*1

pay, sell, much, dog, find, take away, policy, happy 111. Ответьте на вопросы по второй части рассказа 44A D og”:

1. Who came into the hall 10 minutes later? 2. Was he looking for anything? 3. What did Mark Twain tell him? 4. Did the man ask him to help him? 5. How much did Mark Twain ask the man to pay him for his help? 6. What did the man answer him? 7. Where did Mark Twain go then? 142

8. What was the general doing when Mark Twain entered his room? 9. What did Mark Twain say when he entered his room? 10. Was the general angry? 11. What did he tell Mark Twain? 12. Was the dog’s master happy when Mark Twain brought him his dog? 13. How much did he pay Mark Twain? 14. Why was Mark Twain happy? IV. А теперь перескажите содержание первой части рассказа “A Dog.” Используйте вопросы упражнения III как план. V. А теперь шутка:

Не is abusing his position.


VI. Прочтите еще один анекдот о Марке Твене и перескажите его товарищам:

Mark Twain was well-known not only as a famous writer, but as a good humorist too. Once, when going home to breakfast after a walk jn the park, he met a friend. His friend invited him to have a drink 1 in a saloon which was on their way. Mark Twain refused the invitation. He said: “I have three reasons for it: first, I never take a drop of liquor in any form; second, I never drink before breakfast; third, I had already three drinks in the morning.” 1 to have a drink — выпить (вина) VII. Отгадайте загадку:

It’s true, I have both face and hands And move before your eyes; Yet when I go, my body stands, And when I stand, I lie. (цэ}ел\ у) VIII. Еще шутки:

A. When I was in hospital all my friends came to see me every visiting day. B. Oh, you have very nice friends. A. Yes, and I had a very nice nurse. C. My husband and I never quarrel. When he sees I am right he always gives in К D. And what about when he’s right? C. He never is 2. 1 gives in — уступает 2 He never is. — Он никогда не бывает прав.


Р Е Ш Е Н И Е КРОССВОРДОВ И ЧАЙНВОРДОВ Стр. 10. Стр. 13. Стр. 16.

Стр. 35. Стр. 46.

Стр. 58.

Стр. 61.

Стр. 71.

Стр. 79. Стр. 91.

Across: 1. tooth; 2. see; 3. use; 4. horse Down: 1. teeth; 5. one; 6. house Down: 1. longer; 2. villages; 3. December; 4. birthday; 5. parrot Across: 6. grandmother Down: 2. through; 6. must; 7. summer; 10. blew; 11. noon; 12. or; 13. salt; 14. nest; 16. rose Across: 1. football; 3. hour; 4. green; 5. sun; 6. men; 8. moon; 9. more; 13. star; 15. me Down: 1. tram; 2. aunt; 3. nose Across: 1. train; 4. metre Across: 7. repeat; 8. thirty; 9. its; 10. under; 11. sea; 14. write; 15. white; 16. skate; 18. sleep; 22. ate; 23. bread; 24. new; 27. before; 28. pocket Down: 1. letter; 2. tea; 3. stand; 4. other; 5. big; 6. street; 12. state; 13. shelf; 17. kitten; 19. eleven; 20. green; 21. happy; 25. hot; 26. ice Across: 2. bungalow; 4. as; 5. door; 6. room; 8. fire Down: 1. gas; 2. bed; 3. garden; 6. roof; 7. mile Down: 3. cap; 5. start; 8. won; 9. every; 13. done; 14. top; 15. stamp; 18. try; 20. or; 21. one; 23. young; 24. p. m.; 25. to Across: 1. auto; 2. car; 4. part; 5. swim; 6. and; 7. tent; 10. very; 11. younger; 12. stop; 16. arm; 17. pot; 19. you; 22. none 1. Завод; 2. друг; 3. город; 4. дом; 5. много; 6. обед; 7. должен; 8. нет; 9. только; 10. отец; 11. цветок; 12. класс; 13. сани; 14. идти; 15. иметь Across: 3. wing; 4. star; 6. tail; 7. nest Down: 1. bill; 2. cats; 4. song; 5. rat 1. good; 2. dress; 3. shelf; 4. feet; 5. too; 145

Стр. 95.

Стр. 102.

Стр’. 108.

Стр. 113.

Стр. 129.

Стр. 134.

Стр. 139.

5. open; 7. new; 8. well; 9. look; 10. know; 11. word; 12. dear; 13. room; 14. many; 15. young Across: 1. without; 4. seaside; 7. calendar; 9. bus; 10. do; 11. an; 12» day; 14. tower; 15. grass Down: 1. was; 2. Thames; 3. tall; 4. side; 5. island; 6. end; 7. cold; 8. rain; 9. but; 13. yes Down: 3. rose; 5. went; 6. cent; 8. start; 10. pioneer; 11. an; 12. dog; 16. nothing; 18. been; 19. water; 20. sun; 22. hung Across: 1. flower; 2. bent; 4. sent; 6. car; 7. bird; 8. sea; 9. ten; 13. once; 14. go; 15. pine; 17. tune; 18. bring; 20. summer; 21. un Down: 1. sir; 5. some; 7. go; 9. saw; 10. often; 12. son; 14. yes; 15. fell Across: 2. is; 3. rose; 4. few; 6. many; 7. gone; 8. of; 11. tall; 13. off Across: 1. week; 3. moon; 4. tell; 6. take; 7. but; 8. ask; 10. open; 12. down; 14. twelve; 15. earth; 17. green; 18. Soviet Down: 1. want; 2. kite; 3. metro; 5. learn; 7. bicycle; 9. kitchen; 11. eat; 13. one; 16. has; 17. get Down: 2. through; 6. must; 7. summer; 10. blew; 11. noon; 12. or; 13. salt; 14. nest; 16. rose Across: 1. football; 3. hour; 4. green; 5. sun; 6. men; 8. moon; 9. more; 13. star; 15. me Across: 1. ill; 2. whose; 6. see; 7. am; 8. eat; 11. ring; 13. children; 17. ten; 18. egg; 20. fork; 21. cat; 22. ran; 24. are; 25. none; 27. at; 28. true; 30. white; 32. noise; 34. no; 35. too; 36. angry; 37. ago Down: 1. ice; 2. well; 3. he; 4. street; 5. bag; 9. actor; 10. there; 12. ing; 14. ink; 15. dicta­ tion; 16. done; 19. growing; 20. fast; 23. an; 26. went; 29. rang; 30. weak; 31. tore Down: 1. near; 2. snow; 3. hundred; 4. teacher; 8. farmers; 9. morning; 10. fruit; 11. grass; 16. answers; 17. address; 21. that; 22. door Across: 5. under; 6. white; 7. roof; 9. much; 12. waited; 13. rivers; 14. mountain; 15. cinema; 17. animal;. 18. skis; 19. good; 20. right; 22. dress


А а [а] неопределенный артикль abbey ['aebi] аббатство, мона­

after ['a:fta] 1. после; 2. после

стырь ability [a'biliti] способность able ['eibl]: be а. мочь, быть в состоянии about [a'baut] о, об, по пово­ ду; около (п р и б л и з и т е л ь н о ) absence f'sebsans] отсутствие abuse [a'bju:z] злоупотреблять; обижать accompany [э'клтрэш] сопро­ вождать; провожать according (to) [a'koidip] со­ гласно ( ч е м у - л .) \ в соответ­ ствии ( с ч е м -л .) across [a'kros] через; по гори­ зонтали add [aed] добавлять; склады­ вать address [a'dres] 1. обращение; адрес; 2. обращаться ( к к о ­


м у .л .)

admiration Updma'reijn] восхи­

щение adult ['aedAlt] взрослый advance [ad'va:ns] наступать;

продвигаться*-вперед [ad'va:ntid3] преи­ мущество; take a. (o f) вос­ пользоваться ( ч е м - л .) . . adventure [ad'ventja] приключе­ ние adverb [aed'va:b] наречие aerial ['earial] антенна affection {a'fekjn] привязан­ ность, любовь afraid [a'freid]: be a. (of) бо­ яться ( к о г о -л ., ч е г о -л .) African ['aefri^an] африканский advantage

того, как ['a:fta'nu:n]

(в р е м я с 12 д о 6 ) \


in the а.

днем afterwards



затем [э'деш] опять, вновь, снова age [eid3] возраст; at the а. (of) в возрасте ago [э'дои] тому назад agree [a'gri:] соглашаться; быть полезным ahead [a'hed] впереди air [еэ] воздух aircraft ['eakrarft] самолет; авиация air-mail ['earned] авиапочта airman ['eaman] летчик alive [a'laiv] живой all [з:1] все, всё; A. right! Лад­ но! Хорошо! Все в порядке almost ['oilmoust] почти alone [a'loun] один, одинокий; сам along [a'lop] по, вдоль already [o:i'redr] уже also ['o:lsou] также, тоже alw ays ['o:lwaz] всегда am [aem, am] см. be American [a'merikan] 1. амери­ канец; 2. американский: ammunition [/aemju'mjn] 606« припасы; a. wagon : [-'waegan] зарядный ящик among [э'тлр] среди amused [ae'mju:zd]; be а, раз­ веселиться again


an [an] неопределенный артикль analyse ['aenolaiz] анализиро­ вать and [aend] и; c angrily ['aeogrili] сердито angry ['аеддп] сердитый, злой, взбешенный; be a. (with) сердиться (на) animal ['aenimal] животное announcement [a'naunsmont] объявление annoy [a'noi] надоедать; раз­ дражать another [э'плбэ] другой answer ['ainso] 1. ответ;. 2. от­ вечать Antarctic [,aent'a:ktik] Антарк­ тика anxiously ['aegkjasli] беспокой­ но, озабоченно any ['em] какой-нибудь, сколь­ ко-нибудь; любой, всякий anybody ['eni/bodi] кто-нибудь, кто-то anything ['eniOig] что-нибудь anywhere {'eniwea] где-нибудь, куда-нибудь ape [eip] (человекообразная) обезьяна apologize [a'polod3aiz] изви­ няться appear [a'pia] появляться appearance [a'piarans] появле­ ние; (внешний) вид appetite ['aepitait] аппетит apple ['aepl] яблоко approach [a'proutj] подходить, приближаться Arctic Ocean ['aiktik'oujn] Се­ верный Ледовитый океан are [а:] см. be argument ['a.gjumant] довод; спор arise [a'raiz] (arose, arisen) возникать arm [aim] рука; in one's arms в объятиях Armenian [a/miinjan] 1. армя­ нин; 2. армянский army Га:гш] армия arose [a'rouz] . arise around [a'raund] вокруг, кру­ гом c m


arrest [a'rest] арестовывать arrival [a'raival] прибытие arrive [a'raiv] прибывать, при­ езжать art [a:t] искусство artillery [ai'tilari] артиллерия artist f'aitist] художник as [aez] как; так как; как только Asia ['eijo] Азия ask [a:sk] просить; спрашивать astonish [as'tonij] удивлять astonished [os'tonijt] удивлен­ ный at [at] в, на, у ( о мест е); в ( о времени)

ate [eit] см. eat attack [o'taek] 1. нападение, ата­ ка, наступление; 2. атако­ вать, наступать, нападать attempt [o'tempt] 1. попытка; 2. пытаться attend [a'tend] посещать attention [a'tenjn] внимание aunt [a:nt] тетя autobiography [/Ditoubai'ografi] автобиография

automobile ['oitomabiil] автомо­ биль autumn ['oitam] осень; in a, осенью avoid [a'void] избегать awful ['oiful] ужасный В bachelor ['baetjala] холостяк back [baek] 1. спина; 2. обрат­ но, назад bad [baed} плохой badly ['baedli] плохо bag [baeg] чемодан; портфель; мешо^; кошелек baker’s (shop) ['beikaz] булоч­ ная ball [boil] шар, клубок; мяч; бал band [basnd] оркестр bank [baegk] берег (реки) bar [ba:] бар, пивная barber ['baiba] парикмахер bare [Ьеэ] голый; обнаженный bark [ba:k] лаять

bathe [bei0] купаться bath-room ['ba:0ru:m]


(комната) battle ['baetli бой battlefield ^baetlfi:Id] поле боя bay [bei] залив be [bi:] (is, are; was, were; been) быть; b. going собирать­ ся; b. sure быть уверенным; b. surprized удивляться beak [bi:k] клюв bear [Ьеэ] медведь beat [bi:t] (beat, beaten) бить,

ударять ['bju:taful] красивый, прекрасный became [bi'keim] . become because [bi'ko:z] потому что, так как; b. of из-за


c m

become [Ы'клт] (became, beco­ me) становиться bed [bed] кровать, постель; go to b. ложиться спать beefsteak ['bi:f'steik] бифштекс beer [bis] пиво before [bi'fo:] 1. перед, до; 2.

до того, как beg [beg] просить;

попрошай­ ничать began [bi'aam] см. begin begin [bi'gin] (began, begun) начинать beginning [bi'ginig] начало; at the b. вначале behind [bi'haind] за, позади, сзади believe [bi'lirv] верить bell [bel] колокол; звонок belong [bi'lon] принадлежать below [di'Iou] ниже, внизу belt [belt] пояс bench [bentj] скамья bend [bend] (bent) сгибать; b. down наклоняться bent [bent] . bend beside [bi'said] рядом; около besides [bi'saidz] кроме того best [best] самый лучший; луч­ ше всего bet [bet] (bet, betted) спорить, заключать пари better ['bets] лучше between [bi'twiin] между bible ['baibl] библия c m

bicycle ['baisikl] велосипед big [big] большой bill [bit] счет bird [bs:d] птица birthday ['bs:0dei] день рож де­

ния bit [bit] кусок, кусочек; a b.

немного bit [bit] c m . bite bite [bait] (bit,

bitten) ку­ сать (ся) bitterly ['bitsli] горько black [blaek] черный blackbird ['blaekbs:d] (черный) дрозд Black Sea ['blaek si:] Черное море blew [blu:] . blow block [blok] квартал ( д о м о в ) \ дом (м н о г о к в а р т и р н ы й ) blood [blAd] кровь blow [blou] удар blow [blou] (blew, blown) дуть; ударять; наносить удар; b. up взрывать, взлетать на воздух blue [blu:] синий, голубой board [bo:d] борт; on Ь. the ship на борту ( к о р а б л я ) boast [boust] хвастать (ся) boat [bout] 1. лодка, корабль; 2. плыть ( н а л о д к е ) body ['bodi] тело boiled [boild] вареный, отварной bolt [boult] болт bomb [bam] бомба bone [boun] кость book [buk] книга booking-office ['bukiQ/ofis] кас­ са ( ж е л е з н о д о р о ж н а я , в п а ­ c m

р о хо д ст в е )

[bu:st] рекламировать, расхваливать boot [bu:t] сапог born [b o:n]; be b. родиться boss [b^s] хозяин; начальник both [bou0] оба bottom ['botom] дно box [b oks] коробка; ящик boy [boi] мальчик boyhood ['boihud] детство brandy ['braendi] коньяк, бренди brave [breiv] отважный, храб­ рый boost


bravely t'breivli] храбрй bread [bred] хлеб break [breik] (broke, broken) ломать; b. down сломаться breakfast ['brekfost] завтрак; for b. на завтрак; have b.


bride [braid] невеста bridge [brid3] мост bright [brait] яркий bring [brig] (brought)

прино­ сить, приводить British ['britij] английский, бри­ танский broke [brouk] cm. break broken ['broukan] сломанный, разбитый broom [brum] метла brother ['Ьглбэ] брат build [bild] (built) строить built [bilt] cm. build bullet ['built] пуля bump [Ьлтр] глухой удар bungalow ['bAggalou] (одно­ этажная) дача burn [ba:n] гореть; жечь; сжи­ гать burnt [ba:nt] см. burn bus [bAs] автобус business ['bizms] дело; on b. no делу (в командировке) bus-inspector ['bAs in'spekta] ав­ тобусный контролер bus-stop ['bAs 'stop] остановка автобуса busy ['bizi] занятый; be b. быть занятым but [bAt] но, a butler ['bAtlo] лакей, камерди­ нер butter ['bAta] масло buy [bai] (bought) покупать by [bai] предлог творительного падежа С cab [kaeb] кэб cabin ['kaebin] каюта cabman ['kaebman] кэбмен, ку­

чер cake [keik} пирожное; c. of soap

кусок мыла


call [ko:l] 1. телефонный вызов; 2. звать; c. at останавливать­ ся ( г д е -л .)

calmly [7ka:mli] спокойно

саше [koim] см. come camp [kaemp] лагерь can [kan] (could) мочь candle ['kaendl] свеча cap [каер] картуз; фуражка capture f'kaeptja] захватывать

(в плен) саг [ka:] автомобиль;

(желез­ нодорожный) вагон career [кэ'пэ] карьера carefully ['keafali] тщательно carpet ['ka:pit] ковер carry ['каеп] нести; везти; но­ сить, приносить cashier [kae'Jia] кассир; c.’s desk касса cat [kaet] кошка catch [kaetj] (caught) ловить, схватывать caught [ko:t] cm. catch centre ['senta] центр century ['sentjuri] век, столетие certainly ['sa:tnli] конечно, не­

пременно chair [tjea] стул champagne [Jaem'pein] шампан­

ское change [tjeind3] 1. сдача, ме­

лочь; смена ( б е л ь я ) ; 2. ме­ нять chap [tjaep] парень character ['kaerikta] характер charming. t'tja:mig] очарова­ тельный chase [tjeis] преследовать, гнаться ( з а ч е м -л .) cheese [tji:z] сыр chemistry ['kemistri] химия chest [tjest] грудь chick [Uik] цыпленок; птенец chicken .['tjikin] цыпленок child [tjaild] (м ы . ч. children {'tjildran]) ребецок childhood ['tjaildhud] детство childish ['tjaildifl детский chimney ['tjimni] камин; дымо* ход chocolates ['tjokalits] шоколад­ ные конфеты



выбирать chose [tjouz] cigarette-case

(chose, chosen)

common ['котэп] обычный, про­

choose [/Siga'ret,keis]


стой cm.

портсигар cinema ['sinima] кино circle ['sa:kl] круг citizen ['sitizn] гражданин city ['siti] (большой) город clean [kli:n] 1. чистить; 2. чис­



, смежный communist ['komjunist] комму­ нист; young с. комсомолец companion [kam'paenjan] ком­

паньон company ['клшраеш] рота compartment [kam'paitmant]

(железнодорожное) купе

clear [klio] ясный; it is с. ясно clerk [kla:k] канцелярский4 слу­

compose [kom'pouz] писать (со­

жащий, клерк clever ['klevo] умный; ловкий climb [klaim] влезать; залезать; взбираться close [klouz] 1. закрывать; [klous] 2 . закрытый; 3 . близко closely ['klousli] близко; при­ стально closer ['klouza] ближе clothes [klouQz] одежда cloud [klaud] облако club [klAb] клуб coast [koust] (морской) берег; побережье coat [kout] пальто cockpit ['kokpit] кабина летчика coffee ['kofi] кофе coil [koil] сгибать, завивать(ся) coin [koin] монета cold [kould] 1. холод; 2. холод­ ный; get а с. простудиться colder ['koulda] холоднее collect [ka'lekt] собирать colonel ['ka:nl] полковник colour ['кл1э] цвет coloured ['kAlad] цветной; c. car вагон для негров column [ЧЫэт] колонна come [клт] (came, come) при­ ходить; приезжать; c. along! пошли!; s. back возвращать­ ся; c. in входить; c. out вы­ ходить; с. up подходить ч comfort ['kAmfat] утешать comfortable ['kAmfatabl] уют­ ный; комфортабельный command [ka'mamd] 1. коман­ дование; 2. командовать commander [ka'mamda] коман­ дир

composer [кэш'роигэ] компози­

чинять) музыку тор comrade ['komnd] товарищ concert ['konsot] концерт; с. hall

концертный зал conductor [kon'dAkta] проводник (в а го н а )

congratulate [kan'graetjuleit] по­

здравлять conservative [kan'saivativ] кон­

сервативный constancy ['konstansi] постоян­

ство Hall [/konsti'tjujn ,ho:l] зал конституции continue [kan'tmju:] продол­ жать contract [kan'traekt] сокращать(ся); уменьшать(ся) conversation [/konva'seijn] бесе­ да, разговор cook [kuk] 1. кухарка; повар; 2. стряпать, приготовлять (пищу) cork-screw ['ko:kskru:] штопор corn [ko:n] мозоль corner ['ко:пэ] угол; round the с. за углом correct [ka'rekt] 1. исправлять; 2. правильный, верный correctly [ka'rektli] правильно corridor ['kondo:] коридор cost [kost] (cost) стоить cottage ['кэЫз] дача, загород» ный дом cotton wool ['kotn'wul] вата could [kud] см. can count [kaunt] считать country i'kAntn] страна; (сель­ ская) местность; деревня Constitution


countryside ['kAntn,said] окрест­

ность, сельская местность couple ['клр1] пара course [ko:s]; of с. конечно, ра­ зумеется cover ['kAva] 1. укрытие, при■крытие; обложка; 2. укры­ вать, прикрывать, покры­ ваться) cow [kau] корова crack [kraek] трескать (ся), ло­ паться crash [kraefl врезаться, уда­ ряться crawl [кгэ:1] ползти creature ['kri:tja] существо creep [kri:p] ползти crew [kru:] экипаж cross [kros] пересекать; пере­ плывать crossing ['krosig] переправа crowded ['kraudid] переполнен­ ный cry [krai] 1. крик, плач; 2. кри­ чать, плакать; с. out восклик­ нуть cup [клр] чашка customer ['kAstama] покупатель :ut [kAt] (cut) резать cyclone ['saikloun] циклон, ура­ ган D

dear [dia] дорогой (-ая, -ие) death [de0] смерть December [dVsemba] декабрь decide [di'said] решать ^deck [dek] палуба deed [di:d] дело, деяние deer [dia] олень defences [di'fensis] оборонитель­

ные сооружения degree [di'gri:] градус deliver [di'liva] произносить (р е ч ь )\


(л е к ц и ю )

demand [di'ma:nd] требовать demonstrate ['demanstreit] де­

монстрировать, показывать describe [dis'kraib] описывать description [dis'kripjn] описание deserve [di'za:v] заслуживать desperate ['despant] отчаянный dessert [di'za:t] десерт, слад­

кое блюдо detail [di'teil] деталь detective [di'tektiv] сыщик diamond ['daiamand] бриллиант diary ['daian] дневник did [did] C M . do die [dai] умирать different ['difarant] разный, раз­

личный difficult ['difikalt] трудный; it is d. трудно / difficulty ['difikalti] трудность dignity ['digniti] достоинство dining-car ['dainifl-ka:] вагон-

ресторан Daddy ['daedi] папочка dance [da:ns] танцевать, пля­

сать dance-floor ['da:ns,fb:] площад­

ка для танцев dantist ['daentist] зубной врач dark [da:k] 1. темнота; 2. тем­

ный darkness ['darknis] темнота darling ['da:lif)] дорогой, доро­


(о б р а щ е н и е )

date [deitj дата, число daughter ['do:ta] дочь dawn [do:n] рассвет; at d. на

рассвете day [dei] день; d. by d. день за

днем day-time ['deitaim] день; in the d. днем


dining-room ['daimgrum] столо­

вая dinner ['dina] обед; for d. на обед; have d. обедать director [di'rekta] директор dirty ['do:ti] грязный disappear [,disa'pia] исчезать discover [dis'kAva] открывать;

делать открытие discovery [dis'kAvan] открытие discuss [dis'kAs] обсуждать distance ['distans] расстояние dive [daiv] пикировать; нырять divorce [di'vo:s] разводиться do [du] (did, done) делать dock [dok] верфь, док doctor ['dokta] врач, доктор dog [dog] собака dollar ['dola] доллар

dolphin ['dolftn] дельфин door [do:] дверь double [dAbl] двойной down [daun] вниз; по


тикали downstairs



внизу [draeg] тянуть, тащить, волочить; d. along тащиться drank [draepk] cm. drink draw [dro:] (drew, drawn) та­ щить, тянуть; d. back ото­ двигаться dream [dri:m] 1. мечта; 2. меч­ тать dress [dres] 1. одежда, платье; - 2. одеваться dressing-table ['dresirj,teibl] туа­ летный стол drew [dru:] см. draw drink [dnrjk] напиток; стакан (в и н а )-, have a d. выпить; drink [dripk] (drank, drunk) пить, выпивать drive [draiv] (drove, driven) ехать; d. back прогонять driver ['draiva] шофер; маши­ нист ( п о е з д а ) drop [drop] 1. капля; 2. бросать, ронять, сбрасывать; d. in за­ ходить drove [drouv] см . drive drown [draun] тонуть, утонуть drowned утонувший drunk [drAgk] пьяный drunkard ['drAgkad] пьяница duel ['dju:al] дуэль, поединок dugout ['dAgaut] землянка during ['djuarig] в течение; во время drag


[i:tj] каждый; е. other друг друга ear [ia] ухо early {'a:li] рано earn [э:п] зарабатывать earth [э:0] земля; земной шар easily ['i:zili] легко easy ['i:zi] легкий; легко eat [i:t] (ate, eaten) есть (при­ нимать пищу) each

economy [i:'konami] экономия editor ['edita] редактор educate ['edju:keit] обучать effect [l'fekt] эффект, результат

[eg] яйцо

eight [eit] восемь electricity [llek'tnsiti] электри­

чество ['eligant] элегантный, изящный eleven [l'levn] одиннадцать else [els] еще, кроме emancipation [l/maensi'peijn] ос­ вобождение, эмансипация embrace [lm'breis] обнимать emperor ['empara] император end [end] конец; at the e. в конце enemy ['enimi] противник; враг engine ['end3in] паровоз; локо­ мотив engineer f/endji'nia] инженер England ['igglaend] Англия English ['lrjgliJ] английский (язык) Englishman ['lgglijrnan] англи­ чанин enough [i'iiAf] достаточно enter ['enta] входить entire [in'taia] весь, всё entrance ['entrans] вход etivelope ['enviloup] конверт equal ['i:kwal] равный equality [i:'kwoliti] равноправие escape [ls'keip] спасаться, убе­ гать (от к о г о -л .) especially [ls'pejali] особенно establish [ls'taeblij] устанавли­ вать, учреждать estate [ls'teit] поместье, имение estimate ['estimeit] оценивать, взвешивать Europe ['juarap] Европа even ['i:van] даже evening ['i:vmg] вечер; good e. добрый вечер; in the e. вече­ ром event [l'vent] событие evergreen ['evagrim] вечнозеле­ ное (ра ст е ни е ) every ['evri] каждый everybody ['evnbodi] все, каж­




everything ['evri0ifl] все, всё everywhere ['evriwea] везде, по­

всюду exact [lg'zaekt] точный examination [ig,zgemi'neijn] эк­

замен examine [lg'zaemin] осматривать,

изучать example [ig'za:mpl] пример; for e. например excitement [ik'saitmant] возбуж­

дение, волнение exclaim [iks'kieim] восклицать excuse [iks'kju:z] прощать, из­

винять exercise ['eksasaiz] упражнение; e.-book тетрадь exhausted [ig'zo:stid] обессилен­

ный exist [lg'zist] существовать expand [iks'paend] расширять-

(ся) expensive [iks'pensiv] дорогой,

дорогостоящий [iks'piamns] (жиз­ ненный) опыт explain [iks'plein] объяснять explore [iks'pio:] исследовать explosion [iks'plou3n] взрыв extraordinary [iks'tro:dnn] ис­ ключительный eye [ai] глаз experience

F fable [feibl] басня face [feis] 1. лицо; 2. выходить ( на,




(к )

fact [faekt] факт; in f. на самом

деле fair-haired ['fea'head] светлово­

лосый, блондин fall [fo:l] (fell, fallen) падать; f. down падать; f. in love (w ith) влюбляться fame [feim] слава famous ['feimas] известный,

знаменитый far [fa:] 1. далекий; 2. далеко farm [fa:m] ферма farmer ['fa:mo] фермер fascist ffaejist] 1. фашист; 2.



[fa:st] 1. быстрый; 2, быстро fat [faet] жир father f'faiQo] отец fattened • ['faetnd] тучный, раз­ жиревший fault [fo:lt] ошибка; вина favour f'feiva] любезность, одолжение fear [fio] 1. страх, боязнь; 2, бояться feather [Че9 э] перо fed [fed] см. feed feed [fi:d] (fed) кормить feel [fi:l] (felt) чувствовать fell [fel] . fall fellow ['felou] парень fellow-traveller ['felou 'traevala] попутчик felt [felt] . feel fence [fens] забор few [fju:] немного, мало ( п р о ­ т и в о п о л о ж н о е many); a few несколько field [fi:ld] поле; battle-f. поле боя fifty ['fifti] пятьдесят fight [fait] борьба; сражение fight [fait] (fought) бороться; сражаться figure ['figa] фигура; рисунок fill [fil] наполнять final ['fainal] последний, окон­ чательный finally ['fainali] наконец find [faind] (found) находить, обнаруживать finder ['fainda] искатель fine [fain] 1. прекрасный, хоро­ ший; 2. хорошо finger {'finga] палец finish ['fimj] 1. финиш; 2. кон­ чать, заканчивать fire [faia] 1. огонь; 2. стрелять, вести огонь first [fa:st] первый; for the f. time впервые fish [fij] 1. рыба; 2. удить рыбу fish bone ['fij boun] рыбья кость fisherman ['fijaman] рыбак fishing ['f iJ iq] рыбная ловля fit [fitj подгонять, * устанавли­ вать fast

c m

c m

five [faiv] пять flag [flaeg] флаг flame [fleim] пламя flannel ['flaenl] фланель, байка flat [flaet] квартира flew [flu:] cm. fly flirtation [flo/teijn] флирт float [flout] сплавлять flock [f1ok] стая floor [flo:r] этаж, пол florin ['florin] флорин ( д е н е ж ­ ный

газин flower ['flauo] цветок fly [flai] (flew , flown) летать fold [fould] складка follow ['folou] следовать ( з а к ем -л.)

fond [fond]; be f. (of) любить


(ч ем -л .)

food [fu:d] еда, пища fool [fu: 1] дурак foolish ['fu:IiJl глупый foot [fut] ( м н . ч. feet); нога footsteps ['futsteps] шаги for [for] 1. для; на; 2. в тече­


мерзать French [frentj] французский frequently ['fri:kwentli] часто friend [trend] друг friendly ['frendli] дружеский frog [frog] лягушка from [from] из, от, c; f. ... till front [frAnt] фронт; in f. of пе­

ред, впереди line ['frAnt/lain] линия фронта frost [frost] мороз froze [frouz] cm. freeze fruit [fruit] фрукты full [full полный; f. up перепол­ ненный funny [Члш]'1. смешной, забав­ ный; 2. смешно, забавно future ['fju-.tja] будущее


G gain [gem] достигать; g. height

forbidden [fo'bidn] запрещен forefeet ['fo:fi:t] передние ноги (у

платно freeze [fri:z] (froze, frozen) за­

c ... до


florist ['florist] продавец цветов florist's ['florists] цветочный ма­

(чт о-л.),

France [fra:ns] Франция free [fri:] 1. свободный; 2. бес­

ж ивот ного)

foremost ['fo:moust] выдающий­

ся; передовой forest ['forist] лес forever [fa'revo] навсегда forget [fa'get] (forgot, forgotten)

забывать forgot [fa'got] cm. forget fork [fo:k] вилка form [fo:m] форма; вид; класс (в ш коле)

formal ['fo:mol] официальный forward ['fo:wad] вперед; пере­

довой fought [fort] см . fight found [faund] cm. find fountain ['fauntin] фонтан; f. pen авторучка four fJFp:] четыре fox [foks] лиса fox-terrier ['foks'teno] фокс­


набирать высоту gait [geit] походка game [geim] игра gap [даер] разрыв garden ['ga:dn] сад garment ['gaimant] платье garrison ['gaerisn] гарнизон gas [gaes] газ gate [geit] ворота gather ['даеЭэ] собирать(ся)’ gave [geiv] см . give general ['с!зепэгэ1] генерал gentleman ['d3entlman] госпо­

дин; джентльмен ['639: man] 1. немец; немецкий язык; 2. немецкий Germany ['d39:m9ni] Германия get [get] (g o t) доставать; по­ лучать; g. away удирать, уходить; g. married женить­ ся; g. off выходить из (трам­ вая и т. <5.); g. to добирать­ ся; g. up вставать; g. warm согреваться German


gifted ['giftid] способный girl [дэ:1] девочка; девушка girlish ['да:lij] девичий give [giv] (gave, given) давать; g. in уступать glad [glaed] довольный; радост­ ный; be g. радоваться, быть

довольным glass [gla:s] стакан; стекло go [gou] (went, gone) ходить, ездить; g. to see навещать; g. in входить; g. in for за­


сти; становиться ['grouifl] растущий; подрастающий guard [ga:d] стеречь, охранять guest [gest] гость guide [gaid] направлять gully ['длЬ] глубокий овраг gun [длп] пушка, орудие guy [gai] парень


(ч е м -л .)

goat [gout] козел going ['gouir)]: be g. on проис­ ходить; be g. to собираться good [gud] хороший, добрый; be g. for годиться для (ч е г о -л .)

good-bye ['gud'bai] до свидания goods [gudz] товары; g. train

[-'trein] товарный поезд; эше­ лон goose [gu:s] (м н . ч. geese) гусь got Jgot] см. get government ['gAvnmant] 1. пра­ вительство; 2. правительст­ венный grain [grein] зерно; хлеб (на корню) Grandma ['graenma:] бабушка Grandmother ['graend/ГплЗз] ба­ бушка grasp [gra:sp] хватать grass [gra:s] трава great [greit] великий Great Britain {'greit 'britn] Ве­ ликобритания greatest ['greitist] величайший Great Patriotic War ['greit ,paetri'otik 'wo:] Великая Отече­ ственная война Greece [gri:s] Греция green [gri:n] зеленый greet [gri:t] приветствовать greeting ['gri:tiQ] приветствие grew [gru:] cm. grow grey [grei] серый groom [grum] жених ground [graund] земля ground-nut ['graundnAt] земля­ ной орех


group [gr-u:p] группа grow [grou] (grew, grown) ра­

Н habit {'haebit] привычка had [haed] см. have hair [hea] волосы half [ha:f] половина hall [ho:l] зал hallo [ha'lou] алло hand [haend] 1. рука; 2. вручать,

передавать handful [haendful] пригоршня handwriting ['haend, raitirj] по­

черк hang [haeg] (hung) висеть; ве­ шать, подвешивать; h. out

вывешивать hanged [haend] повешенный hangman ['haeflman] палач happen ['haepan] случаться;

происходить happiness ['haepinis] счастье happy ['haepi] счастливый hard [ha:d] 1. твердый; 2 . уси­

ленно, напряженно haste [heist] поспешность hat [haet] шляпа hatch [haetj] высиживать (пт ен­ ца)

; выводить

have [haev] (had) иметь; h. a drink выпить (вина); h. a good time хорошо проводить время; h. a talk беседовать; h. dinner обедать; h. to дол­

жен he [hi:] он head [hed]



вождь ['hed'kwo:tez) штаб hear [hia] (heard) слышать


heard [ha:d] см. hear heart [ha:t] сердце heat [hi:t] 1. тепло; 2. отапли­ вать, согревать heavy ['hevi] тяжелый height [halt] высота held [held] cm. hold helicopter ['helikopta] вертолет help [help] 1. помощь; 2. помо­ гать hen [hen] курица her [ha:] ей, ее here [hia] 1. здесь; 2. сюда hero ['hiarou] герой heroism ['herouizm] героизм hid [hid] cm. hide hide [haid] (hid, hidden) пря­ тать (ся), скрывать(ся) hiding-place ['haidigpleis] убе­ жище high [hai] высокий higher [haia] выше hill [hil] холм, высота him [him] его (р о д и т е л ь н ы й п а ­ деж от • м ест оим ения he — он); ему (д а т е л ьн ы й п а д е ж от м ест оим ения he — он) himself [him'self] он (сам) his [hiz] его, свой history ['histan] история hit [hit] (hit) ударять; попа­ дать hold [hould] (held) держать hole [houl] отверстие, дыра, лунка holiday ['holadi] праздник Holland ['haland] 1. Голландия; 2. голландский home [houmj дом; at h. дома; go h. идти домой; leave h. выходить из дома honest ['anist] честный honesty ['onisti] честность hope [houp] 1. надежда; 2. на­ деяться horizon [ha'raizn] горизонт horizontal [/hori'zontl] горизон­ тальный horrible ['horabl] ужасный, страшный horror ['hara] ужас horse [ho:s] лошадь host [houst] хозяин (дома) hot [hot] горячий; жаркий 8— 31

hotel [hou'tel] отель; гостиница hour ['aua] час house [haus] дом housewife ['hauswaif] домашняя хозяйка how [hau] как; H. are you? Как поживаете? H. do you do? Здравствуйте! h. long как долго, сколько времени; h. many сколько; h. much сколько; h. soon как скоро however [hau'eva] однако human being ['hju:man 'bi:ig] человек, человеческое суще­ ство human race ['hju:man 'reis] чело­ вечество, род человеческий humorist ['hjuimarist] юморист hundred ['hAndrad] сто, сотня hung [Ьлд] cm. hang hungry ['йлддп] голодный; beh. хотеть есть hunt [hAnt] охотиться hunter ['hAnta] охотник hunting season ['hAntig 'si:zn] охотничий сезон hurriedly ['hAndli] поспешно hurry ['hAri] торопиться, спе­ шить; be in a h. торопиться husband ['hAzband] муж hut [hAt] хижина, лачуга hymn [him] гимн

1 1 [ai] я ice [ais] лед iceberg ['aisba:g] айсберг ice-coast f'aiS/koust] ледовое по­ бережье icy ['aisi] ледяной idea [ai'dia] идея if [if] если ignorant ['ignarant] невежест­ венный, несведущий ill [il] больной imagine [i'maed3in] представ­ лять себе, воображать immediately [i'mi:djatli] немед­ ленно important [im'poitant] важный impression [im'prejn] впечатле­ ние


in [in] в ( п р е д л о г места и в р е ­ м е н и )', мени)


(п р е д л о г


include [m'kluid] включать indeed [in'di:d] в самом деле indefinite article [in'definit

'a:tikl] неопределенный ар­ тикль Indian ['indjan] индийский infantile ['infantail] детский infantry ['mfantri] пехота information [,infa'meijn] сведе­ ния; данные inhabitant [in'haebitant] житель, местный житель ink-pot ['lgkpot] чернильница inn [in] гостиница ( в с е л ь с к о й местности )

innkeeper ['ш/ккрэ] хозяин го­

стиницы inquire [in'kwaia] спрашивать inside ['m'said] внутри instead of [in'sted av] вместо instinctively [in'stigktivli] ин­

стинктивно intention [m'tenjn] намерение interest ['mtnst] интерес interesting ['intristig] интерес­

ный interrupt [/inta'rApt] перебивать;

прерывать into [inta] в ( внут рь) introduce [/intra'djuis] представ­

лять, знакомить inventor [in'venta] изобретатель invitation [/lnvi'teijn] приглаше­

ние invite [in'vait] приглашать is [ iz ] c m . be island ['ailand] остров islander ['ailanda] житель ост­

рова it [it] он, она, оно Italian fi'taeljan] итальянский

journey [^ зэ:т ] путешествие joy [6301] радость jubilee ['d3u:bili:] юбилей, чест­

вование judge [cl3Ad3] судья jump [бзлтр] прыгать; j. down

соскакивать just [d3Ast] только; только что

К [ki:p] (kept) держать; сдерживать ( о слове)-, сохра­ нять keeper ['ki:pa] смотритель, уп­ равляющий key [ki:] ключ key-hole ['ki :houl] замочная скважина kick [kik] толкать (н о г о й )', k. out выбрасывать kid [kid] ребенок kill [kil] убивать kind [kaind] 1. вид; сорт; 2 . добрый kindhearted ['kaind'haitid] доб­ рый, мягкосердечный king [kig] король kingdom ['kigdam] королевство kiss [kis] 1. поцелуй; 2. цело­ ваться kitchen ['kitjin] кухня; k. gar­ den [-'ga:dn] огород kite [kait] бумажный змей knee [ni:] колено knew [nju:] . know knife [naif] нож know [nou] (knew, known) знать; as far as I k. насколь­ ко мне известно known [noun] известный keep

c m


J jealousy ['dselasi] ревность jewel ['бзи:э1] бриллиант; дра­

гоценный камень job [d3ob] работа join [d3oin] присоединяться; вступать joke [бзоик] шутка


['leidi] дама [leid] . lay [leik] озеро [laend] 1. земля; 2. при­ земляться language ['laeggwid3] язык large [la:d3] большой

lady laid lake land

c m

[la:st] последний; прош­ лый; at last наконец late [leit] 1. поздний; 2. поздно later ['leito] позднее,, позже laugh [la:f] 1. смех; 2. смеяться launch [lointj] начинать law [I d :] закон lay [lei] (laid) класть lay [lei] . lie lazy ['leizi] ленивый leader ['1Ыэ] вождь; лидер last

c m

(с о р е в н о в а н и я )

lean [li:n] наклоняться; I. back

откидываться learn [1э:п] учить(ся); узнавать least [li:st] меньше всего leave [li:v] отпуск; be on I.

быть в отпуске leave [li:v] (left) уезжать, ос­ тавлять; 1. behind оставлять

позади lecture ['lektjb] лекция leg [leg] нога legend [Чебзэпб] легенда left [left] c m . leave left [left] левый length [1ер0] длина let [let] (let) позволять, разре­ шать; let’s давайте; let’s go

пойдемте letter ['leta] буква; письмо letter-box ['letaboks] почтовый

ящик lie [lai] лгать lie [lai] (lay, lain) лежать lieutenant [lef'tenant] лейтенант life [laif] жизнь lift [lift] подымать light [lait] 1. свет; 2. светлый lighted ['laitid] освещенный, го­

рящий lighting ['laitip] освещение like [laik] любить, нравиться; be I. походить, быть похо­

жим line [lain] линия; рубеж; строка lion ['laian] лев lip [lip] губа liquor ['lika] ликер; спиртной

напиток list [list] список listen ['lisn] слушать literary ['litaran] литературный 8*

little ['litl] 1. маленький; 2. ма­ ло; a I. немного live [liy] жить loaded ['loudid] груженный, на­

груженный local ['loukal] местный locate [lou'keit] располагать(ся) locked [lokt] запертый locomotive ['louka,moutiv] паро­

воз log [log] бревно, полено lonely ['lounh] одинокий;

пу­ стынный long [lop] 1. длинный; 2. долго look [luk] выглядеть; I. after ухаживать, смотреть за; I. at смотреть на; I. for искать; I. in заглядывать; 1. through просматривать lookout ['luk'aut] бдительность; on the I. настороже lose [lu:z] (lo st) терять lost [lost] . lose lot [lot]; a 1. of много louder ['laudo] громче loudly ['laudli] громко love [Iav] 1. любовь; be in 1. (w ith) влюбляться; 2. любить lover ['Iavo] влюбленный low [lou] низкий luck [1лк] счастье, удача lucky ['lAki] счастливый, удач­ ливый lu ggage ['lAgid3] багаж lump [1лтр] кусок ( с а х а р а ) lunch [1лпЦ] (второй) завтрак c m

M machine-gun [тэ'Л:пдлп] 1. пу­

лемет; 2. обстреливать из пу­ лемета mad [maed] сумасшедший made [meid] см. make m agazine [/maega'zim] журнал magic ['maed3ik] магия, колдов­ ство maid [meid] горничная major f'meid3o] майор make [meik] (m ade) делать man [maen] ( m h . h . men) муж­ чина; человек


['шаешёз] управлять; обходиться manager ['maenid3o] управляю­ щий; заведующий manner ['таепэ] манера; способ manoeuvre [тэ'тку э] маневр many ['теш] много т а р [таер] (географическая) карта mark [ma:k] 1. отметка, оценка; 2. отмечать marriage ['таеЫ з] женитьба; замужество married ['maerid]; get m. же­ ниться; выходить замуж marry ['таен] жениться; выхо­ дить замуж marsh [ma:J] болото, топь mash [maej] мешанина; жвачка mass [maes] масса master ['ma:sta] хозяин matter ['maeta] дело; What’s the m.? В чем дело? may [mei] (m ight) мочь maybe ['meibi:] может быть me [mi:] мне; меня meal [mi:l] пища, еда mean [mi:n] 1. подразумевать, иметь ввиду; 2. низкий, под­ лый meantime ['mi:n'taim]: in the m. тем временем measure ['теза] мера; измере­ ние meat [mi:t] мясо medical station ['medikal ,steijn] лазарет meet [mi:t] (m et) встречать meeting ['mi:tip] собрание melt [melt] таять mention ['menjn] упоминать menu ['menju:] меню met [met] . meet methodical [mi'0odikal] методи­ ческий metre ['mi.ta] метр middle [midi] середина middling ['midlip] средний (n o manage зд .

c m

ка че ст в у )

might [mait] c m . may mild [maild] мягкий mile [mail] миля military ['militan] военный milk [milk] молоко


mill [mil] завод millionaire t,milja'nea] миллио­


mind [maind] разум, ум mine [main] мой, моя, мое, мои minute ['minit] минута mirror ['mira] зеркало miss [mis] мисс, молодая де­

вушка [mis]


промахнуться скучать

попасть в ц е л ь ); к о м у - л .)

(н е (п о

mission [mijn] задание; боевая

задача mistake [mis'teik] ошибка modest ['modist] скромный modestly ['modistli] скромно mollusc ['molask] моллюск money ['гпаш] деньги month [гплп0] месяц л monument f'monjumant] памят­

ник moon [mu:n] луна more [mo:] больше, более; on­ ce m. еще раз morning ['momip] утро; in the m. утром; good m. доброе

утро mortality [mo:'taeliti] смертность most [moust] больше всего mother ['тлЭэ] мать mother-in-law ['тлЭэппЬ:] те­

ща; свекровь mountain ['mauntin] гора mouse [maus] (м н . ч.


[mais]) мышь mouth [mau0] рот; устье ( р е к и ) move [mu:v] двигать(ся); m. on продолжать путь movement ['mu:vmant] движе­ ние Mr (m ister) ['mista] мистер, господин Mrs (m issis) ['misiz] миссис, госпожа much [mAtJ] много; how m. сколько mud [mAd] грязь munitions [mju:'nijnz] боепри­ пасы murmur ['ma:ma] бормотать museum [mju:'ziam] музей music ['mju:zik] музыка must [mAst] должен

my [mai] мой, моя, мое, мои myself [mai'self] (я) сам N naked ['neikid] голый, обнажен­ ный name [пени] 1. имя, фамилия; название; 2. называть; by п. по имени; What is your n.? Как ваше имя (фамилия)? nap [пар] 1. дремота, короткий сон; take а п. вздремнуть; 2. вздремнуть narrow ['naerou] узкий national ['najnl] национальный; народный native ['neitiv] родной (город, деревня)

natural ['natural] естественный nature ['neitja] природа; харак­ тер naughty ['no:ti] непослушный near [П1Э] около, вблизи, рядом nearby ['niabai] поблизости nearer ['шэгэ] ближе necessary ['nesisan] необходи­ мый; it is п. необходимо neck [nek] шея need [ni:d] 1. нужда; 2. нуж­ даться negative ['negativ] отрицатель­ ный negress ['ni:gns] негритянка Negro ['ni:grou] негр neighbour f'neiba] сосед (ка) nest [nest] гнездо never ['neva] никогда new [nju:] новый news [nju:z] новости; послед­ ние новости; much n. много новостей; What is the n.? Какие новости? newspaper ['nju:S/peipa] газета next [nekst] следующий nice [nais] хороший, приятный; it is n. of you это любезно с вашей стороны night [nait] ночь; at п. ночью nightcap ['naitkap] ночной кол­ пак no {nou] нет nobody I'noubadi] никто, никого

noise [noiz] шум none [плп] никто, ни один, ни одного nonsense ['nonsans] чепуха, ерунда noon [nu:n] полдень north [по:0] север; in the п. на севере Norway ['no:wei] Норвегия nose [nouz] нос not [not] не notch [notj] прорезь, паз note [nout] 1. записка; 2. отме­ чать, замечать nothing ['пл01о] ничего notice ['noutis] замечать novel ['noval] роман now [паи] сейчас, теперь nowadays ['nauadeiz] в наше время, теперь number ['плтЬэ] номер; коли­ чество numerous ['nju:maras] многочис­ ленный nurse [na:s] 1. няня; медсестра; 2. лечить; ухаживать (за больным)

nurse-maid ['na:s-meid] сиделка, няня (в больнице) nursing squad ['na:sip 'skwod] отделение (отряд) медсестер О o’clock [a'klok] час of [avj соответствует родитель­ ному падежу языке



offensive [a'fensiv] наступление offer ['ofa] предлагать; о. a hand протягивать руку office ['ofis] учреждение officer ['ofisa] офицер official [a'fijal] служебный, офи­ циальный often ['o:fn] часто oil lamp ['oil 'lamp] керосино­ вая лампа old [ould] старый; How old are you? Сколько вам лет?; I am ... years о. Мне ... лет. old man ['ould 'man] старик, старина


omelette ['omlit] яичница, омлет on [on] на ( предлог места); в (предлог времени) once [wAns] однажды; at о.


pair [pea] пара palace ['paelis] дворец pale [peil] бледный panda ['paenda] бамбуковый


one [w a h ] один only ['ounli] только open ['oupan] 1. открытое ме­

сто; 2. открывать; 3 . откры­ тый Opera-House ['oparahaus] опер­ ный театр opposite ['opazit] противопо­ ложный; напротив ог [о:] или oral ['э:гэ1] устный; разговор­ ный order ['o:da] 1. приказ; 2. прика­ зывать; заказывать, делать заказ ordinary ['o:dinari] обычный; простой ostrich {'ostritj4] страус other ['лЭэ] другой otherwise ['Adawaiz] иначе, в противном случае our ['aua] наша, наш, наши ours ['auaz] наш, наша, наши outjump ['autd3Amp] прыгать дальше всех outskirts ['autskaits] окраина (города) over ['ouva] над; по ту сторо­ ну, за; через; по; be о. за­

канчиваться overboard ['ouvabo:d] за борт overnight ['ouva'nait] на ночь oversleep ['ouva'sli:p] проспать own [oun] собственный ox [oks] бык P

paper ['peipa] бум ага parade [pa'reid] п а р а д pardon ['p a :d n ]: 1 beg your p.

Прошу прощения, parents ['pearants] родители park [park] парк Paris ['paeris] Париж parrot ['paerat] попугай pass [pa:s] проходить мимо; p. by проходить мимо; p. an exam сдать экзамен passage ['paesid3] проезд; про­ ход; p. money [-'шлш] плата

за проезд passenger ['paesind3a] пассажир passport ['pa:spo:t] паспорт past [pa:st] прошлый, прошед­

ший [-'pa:tsipl] при­ частие прошедшего времени patience ['peijans] терпение patient ['peijnt] пациент pause [po:z] 1. пауза; 2. оста­ навливаться; делать паузу pay [pei] (paid) платить peck [рек] клевать peculiarity [pi,kju:li'aenti] осо­ бенность

past participle

pen [pen] перо; ручка penal ['pi:nal] уголовны й penal detachment [-d i'taetjm ant] ш траф ной о т р яд

pencil [pensl] к ар а н д аш penguin ['pengw in] пингвин penny ['pem ] Пенни (мелкая мо­ нета) people ['pi:pl] люди; народ perfectly ['pa:flktli] прекрасно,

отлично Pacific


[pa'sifik 'oujn]

Тихий океан pack [раек] упаковывать packet ['paekit] пакет, связка page [peid3] страница paid [peid] cm. pay paint [peint] 1. краска; 2. рисо­ вать, писать (красками) painter ['peinta] живописец, художник


[pa'fo:m] выступать, играть (в спектакле) performance [pa'fo:mans] пред­ ставление, выступление permit [pa'mit] разрешать person ['pa:sn] человек personality [/paisa'naeliti] лич­ ность pet [pet] маленький, комнатный


(о домашних животных)

pick up ['pik 'лр] подбирать,

поднимать picture ['piktja] картина; фото­ графия piece [pi:s] кусок pillow ['pilou] подушка pilot ['pailat] летчик, пилот pinch [pintj] подталкивать pine [pain] сосна pioneer [,ра1э'тэ] пионер pit [pit] амфитеатр ( в театре) pity ['pitij жалость; What a p.l Как жаль! place [pleis] 1. место; 2. поме­ щать plan [plaen] план plane [plein] самолет planet {'plaenit] планета plant [plarnt] завод plate [pleit] тарелка platform f'plaetform] трибуна, подмостки ( н а с ц е н е ) platoon [pta'tu:n] взвод play [plei] играть pleasant f'pleznt] приятный; it is p. приятно please [pli:z] пожалуйста pleased [pli:zd]; be p. with быть довольным, удовлетво­ ренным (ч е м -л .) pleasure ['р1езэ] удовольствие plural ['pluaral] множественное число p.m. ['pi: 'em] (post meridiem [poust ma'ndiom]) днем, по­ сле полудня pocket ['pokit] карман point [point] 1. точка; место; 2. указывать, показывать polar ['poula] арктический, по­ лярный police [po'liis] полиция police inspector [-ins'pekta] по­ лицейский инспектор policeman [po'li-.sman] полицей­ ский police station [-'steijn] полицей­ ский участок policy ['polisi] политика polite [pa'lait] вежливый politely [pa'laitli] вежливо politician [,poli'tiJon] политиче­ ский деятель pond [pond] пруд

poor [риэ] бедный poorly ['puoli] бедно, плохо population [/popju'leijn] насе­

ление port [port] порт portrait ['po:trit] портрет pose [pouz] поза; вид position [pa'zijn] положение;

позиция possible ['posabl] возможный post [poust] отправлять no

почте post [poust] столб, свая postcard ['poustka:d] открытка post-office ['poust/Dfis] почтовое

отделение pot [pot] горшок; кружка potato [pa'teitou] картофель pound [paund] фунт (стерлин­ г а )

practice ['praektis] практика practise ['praektis] применять;

практиковаться pray [prei] молиться predecessor ['priidisesa]

пред­ шественник prefer [pn'fo:] предпочитать prefix ['pri:fiks] префикс present ['preznt] 1. подарок; 2. [pn'zent] дарить; представ­ лять ( к о г о - л .) presume [pn'zju:m] предпола­ гать pretend [pn'tend] притворяться pretty ['priti] красивый, прият­ ный; хорошенькая ( о ж е н ­ щ ине)

prey [prei] добыча, жертва price [prais] цена printer ['prints] типограф, на­

борщик prison [prizn] тюрьма private ['praivit] рядовой, сол­

дат prize [praiz] приз, премия problem ['ргоЫэт] вопрос,


producer [pro'djuisa] режиссер profession [pra'fejn] профессия,

специальность professor {prs'fess] профессор promise ['promts] 1. обещание;

2. обещать


properly ['propoli] надлежащим образом; как следует protagonist [prou'taegonist] глав­ ный герой; главный защит­ ник protest [pro'test] протестовать proud [praud] гордый proudly ['praudli] гордо provide [pro'vaid] обеспечивать 'public ['pAblik] общественный, публичный publish ['pAbliJ] публиковать, издавать, печатать pull [pul] тянуть, потянуть; p. away выдергивать, отдер­ гивать pump [рлшр] качать ( в о д у ) pupil ['pju:pl] ученик push [puj] толкать; p. aside от­ талкивать; p. out выталки­ вать put [put] (put) ставить; класть; p. down записывать; p. off выталкивать; p. on надевать; p. up устанавливать pyjamas [рэ'бза:тэг] пижама


railway ['reilwei] железная до­ рога rain [rein] дождь; it rains идет дождь ran [raen] *см. run rank [raegk] звание rapidly ['raepidli] быстро rascal ['ra:skal] негодяй rat [raet] крыса rather ['га:5 э] довольно, отча­ сти ravine [ra'vi:n] овраг raw [го:] ряд reach [ri:tj*] достигать; подхо­ дить read [ri:d] (read [red]) читать ready ['redi] готовый tear [пэ] тыл; задние места ( в театре)

reason ['ri:zn] причина rebel [ri'bel] восставать receive [ri'si:v] получать recognize ['rekognaiz] узнавать recommend [/reka'mend] реко­ мендовать red [red] красный refuse [n'fju:z] отказывать(ся) regiment ['redsimant] полк registered ['red3istad] заказной (д письм е)

quality ['kwoliti] качество quarrel ['kworal] ссориться question ['kwestjon] вопрос quick [kwik] 1. быстрый; be q. поторопись; 2. быстро quickest ['kwikist] самый быст­ рый quiet ['kwaiot] тихий; спокой­ ный quietly ['kwaiotli] тихо; спо­ койно quite [kwait] совсем; совер­ шенно


remain [ri'mein] оставаться remarkable [п'та:кэЫ] замеча­ тельный remember [п'шетЬэ] помнить repair [п'реэ] чинить, исправ­ лять repeat [ri'pi:t] повторять replace [n'pleis] заменять reply [ri'plai] 1. ответ; 2. отве­ чать report [ri'po:t] докладывать representative [,repri'zent9 tiv] представитель require [ri'kwaia] требовать resemble [ri'zembl] напоминать

race [reis] 1. соревнование в бе­ ге; 2. бежать race-way ['reiS/Wei] трасса про­ бега rage [геМз] ярость, гнев, злость; be mad with г. обезу­ меть от злости

resort [n'zoit] курорт respect [ns'pekt] уважение rest [rest] 1. отдых; 2. отды­ хать rested ['restid] отдохнувший restore [ri'sto:] восстанавливать result [ri'zAlt] результат

( к о г о - л .)



same [seim] тот же самый sandwich ['saenwid3] бутерброд sang [sEep] . sing sapper ['saepa] сапер sat [saet] . sit saw [so:] . see say [sei] (said) сказать, гово­ рить; I say! Послушай! scarce [skeas] недостаточный, скудный ( n o ко л и ч е ст в у) scatter ['skaeta] разбрасывать scent out ['sent 'aut] чуять, учуять score [sko:] забить гол Scotland ['skotland] Шотландия scouting ['skautig] разведка scream [skri:m] 1. крик, визг; 2. кричать screw [skru:] винт sea [si:] море seashore ['sii'Jo:] морское побе­ режье season ['si:zn] время года seat [si:t] сиденье, местей (в трамвае, автобусе) second ['sekand] 1. секунда; 2. второй secondly ['sekandli] во-вторых section ['sekjn] часть securely [si'kjuali] надежно, прочно see [si:] (saw, seen) видеть; s. off провожать seed [si:d] семя seem [si:m] казаться seize [si:z] схватывать, захва­ тывать select [sa'lekt] выбирать sell [sel] (sold) продавать; s. -out распродавать send [send] (sent) посылать; s. for (somebody) посылать

sad [saed] печальный, грустный safe [seif] безопасный safely ['seifli] благополучно said [sed] см . say sail [sell] плавать ( н а к о р а б ­ л е ) ; s. off отплывать sailor ['seila) моряк saloon [sa'lu:n] салон ( н а п а р о ­ х о д е ) ; бар; пивная salt [so:lt] соль salt cellar [-'sela] солонка

sent [sent] см. send sentence ['sentans] предложение, фраза separately ['sepritli] отдельно sergeant ['sa:d3ant] сержант sergeant-major [*'meid39 ] стар­ шина serious ['siarias] серьезный seriously ['siariasli] серьезно servant ['sa:vant] слуга serve [sa:v] служить

retreat [ri'tri:t] 1. отход, отступ­ ление; 2. отходить, отступать return [n'ta:n] возвращать(ся) rich [ritj] богатый ride [raid] (rode, ridden) ездить (верхом) right [rait] правый, правиль­ ный; All г.! Ладно! Хорошо! ring [по] кольцо rise [raiz] (rose, risen) подни­ маться; вставать river [riva] река road [roud] дорога roar [г э:] 1. рев; 2. реветь; г. out взреветь rode [roud] см. ride roll [roul] катить (ся); г. off скатываться roof [ru:f] крыша room [гиш] комната; свободное место ( в т рам вае , авт обусе) rooster ['ru:sta] петух rose [rouz] роза rose [rouz] см. rise rough [rAf] грубый; бурный ( о море)

round [raund] 1. круг; 2. круг­ лый; 3 . за row [гаи] скандал, шум rude [ги:d] грубый, невежливый rule [ru:l] правило run [глп] (ran, run) бежать;, течь; проходить; г. away убе­ гать; г. off убегать, сбегать runner ['глпэ] бегун running-water ['rAnifl'woita] во­ допровод rush [глЛ бросаться Russia ['rAja] Россия

c m

c m

c m

( з а к е м -л .)


['sa:vis] служба; род войск set [set] (set) ставить, класть; s. in устанавливать (ся); s. out отплывать ( н а к о ­ service

садиться situated ['sitjueitid]; be s. быть


several ['sevral] несколько severe [si'via] жестокий, свире­

пый shack [Jaek] лачуга, хижина shake [Jeik] (shook, shaken)

трясти; качаться, раскачи­ вать (ся); s. hands пожать друг другу руки Shakespeare ['Jeikspia] Шекспир (а н г л , д рам ат ург 16 в е к а )

[Jeip] форма [Ja:p] 1. острый; 2 . ровно [JTeiv] бриться [Ji:t] корочка [Jelf] полка [Jain] (shone) сверкать, светить shirt [Ja:t] рубашка shoe [Ju:] башмак, ботинок shone [Joun] . shine shook [Juk] . shake shoot [Ju:t] (shot) стрелять; s. down сбивать shop [J*op] магазин, лавка shopkeeper ['Japki:pa] лавочник short [Jo:t] короткий shorten ['Jo:tn] укорачивать shot [Jot] дробь shot [Jot] . shoot shoulder ['Joulda] плечо shout [Jaut] кричать show [Jou] показывать shrub [JrAb] куст sick [sik] больной; get s. забо­ леть side [said] сторона; бок sigh [sai] 1. вздох; 2. вздыхать signal ['signal] сигнал sign-post ['sainpoust] указатель silence ['sailansj тишина silent ['sailant] тихий, молчали­ вый silently ['sailantli] тихо silly ['sill] глупый simple ['simpl] простой since [sins] с тех пор, как sing [sip] (sang, sung) петь singer {'sipa] певец, певица shape sharp shave sheet shelf shine

c m

c m

c m


singing ['siQirj] пение sir [sa:] господин (о б р а щ е н и е ) sister ['sista] сестра sit [sit] (sa t) сидеть; s. down

расположенным six [siks] шесть size [saiz] размер skate [skeit] 1. конек;

2. ка­ таться на коньках ski [ski:] 1. лыжа; 2. ходить на лыжах skin [skin] шкура sky [skai] небо sledge [sled3] сани, санки sleep [sli:p] (slep t) спать slept [slept] . sleep slip [slip] поскользнуться slow [slou] медленный slowly ['slouli] медленно small [smo:l] маленький smart [sma:t] изящный smartly ['smaitli] изящно smell [smel] 1. запах; 2. ню­ хать; пахнуть smile [small] 1. улыбка; 2. улыбаться smoke [smouk] 1. дым; 2. ды­ мить, курить smoking compartment ['smouktp kam'pa:tmant] купе для ку­ рящих snap [snaep] резко говорить; вы­ паливать (с л о в а ) snatch [snaetj] схватывать snow-covered ['snoukAvad] по­ крытый снегом snowstorm ['snousto:m] снежная буря so [sou] так, итак, таким обра­ зом soap [soup] мыло soberly {'soubali] трезво, спо­ койно society [sa'saiati] общество socks [soks] носки sofa ['soufa] диван sold [sould] . sell soldier ['sould3a] солдат solo ['soulou] соло solution [sa'luijn] решение c m

c m

( проблем ы )

solve [solv] решать

some [sAm] несколько, некото­ рое количество somebody ['sAmbodi] кто-то, кто-либо, кто-нибудь somehow ['sAmhau] как-нибудь someone ['sAmwAn] кто-то, ктолибо, кто-нибудь something ['saitiBiq] что-то, чтолибо, что-нибудь son [sAn] СЫН song [sop] песня soon [su:n] скоро, вскоре sorrow ['sorou] rope, печаль sorry ['son]; be s. сожалеть, из­ виняться sound [saund] звук source [so:s] источник south [sau6] юг; in the s. на юге; from the s. с юга Soviet ['souviet] советский sow [sou] (sown, sowed) сеять sown [soun] C M . sow Spain [spein] Испания speak [spi:k] (spoke, spoken) разговаривать spear [spia] копье; гарпун species ['spi:Ji:z] разновидность, вид spend [spend] (spent) тратить, проводить ( в р е м я ) spent [spent] см. spend splash [splaefl всплеск spoil [spoil] портить spoiled [spoild] испорченный spoke [spouk] . speak spoon [spurn] ложка spring [sprig] весна spy [spai] шпион; разведчик square ['skwea] 1. площадь; 2. квадратный stair [stea] лестница stamp [staemp] марка stand [staen'd] (stood) стоять; s. up вставать star [sta:] звезда start [sta:t] 1. начало, старт; 2. начинать, отправляться starve [staiv] голодать state [steit] государство, дер­ жава station ['steijn] станция; вокзал station-master ['steijn, ma: sta] начальник станции c m

stay [stei] оставаться, пребы­ вать; s. behind оставаться steal [sti:l] (stole, stolen) красть steam [stiim] \. nap; 2. идти под парами; развивать боль­ шую скорость steep [stiip] крутой steeply ['stiiplij круто, резко step [step] 1. ступень, ступень­ ка; 2. шагать, ступать; s. into входить steward [stjuod] официант ( н а пароходе)

stick [stik] палка stick [stik] (stuck) втыкать; приклеивать; s. on наклеи­ вать; s. to придерживаться ( че го -л .)

still [stil] 1. тихий; 2 . тихо; 3 . все еще stir [sta:] мешать, помешивать stole [stoul] см. steal stone [stoun] камень . stand stood [stud] stop [stop] 1. остановка; 2. ос­ танавливаться) store [sto:] магазин stormy ['stoimi] бурный story ['stori] рассказ stout [staut] толстый strait [streit] пролив strange [streind3] странный stranger ['streind3a] иностранец; посторонний (человек); не­ знакомец strawberries ['stroiberiz] клуб­ ника street [striit] улица strike [straik] (struck, stricken) ударять(ся) strip [strip] полоса, отрезок stroke [strouk] удар strong [strop] сильный, крепкий struck [strAk] . strike struggle ['strAgl] 1. борьба; 2. бороться stuck [stAk] . stick student ['stjuidont] студент, учащийся study ['stAdi] 1. кабинет; 2. учиться, изучать stupid ['stjuipid] глупый style [stall] стиль, манера c m

c m

c m


[7sAbd3ikt] предмет, тема such [sAtJ] такой; s. as такой, как suddenly ['sAdnli] вдруг, вне­ запно • suffer ['sAfa] страдать sugar ['Jugs] сахар suit [sju:t] костюм suit-case ['sjir.tkets] чемодан summer ['блшэ] лето sun [sAn] солнце suppose [sa'pouz] полагать sure [Jua]: be s. быть уверен­ ным; s. enough на самом деле surprise [sa'praiz] 1. удивление; 2. удивлять, поражать; be surprised удивляться surround [sa'raund] окружать suspiciously [sas'pijasli] подо­ зрительно sw allow ['swolou] проглатывать, глотать swamp [swomp] болото sweet [swi:t] 1. конфета; 2. сладкий; приятный sweetheart ['swi:tha:t] любимый(ая) swell [swel] преувеличивать; зд . расхваливать swim [swim] (swam, swum) плавать swimming ['swimifl] плавание swimming-pool [-'pu:l] плава­ тельный бассейн swollen ['swoulan] вспухший, распухший subject

T table ['teibl] стол tail [teil] хвост; t. coat фрак take [teik] (took, taken) брать; t. off снимать ( о д е ж д у ) ; t. part принимать участие, участвовать; t. place проис­ ходить, иметь место; t. out

вынимать, выносить tale [teil] сказка talent ['taelont] талант talk [to:k] 1. беседа; have a t.

беседовать; 2. разговаривать, беседовать


tall [to:lJ высокий tank [taepk] танк taught [to:t] c m . teach tea [ti:] чай teach [ti:tj] (taught) учить, обу­

чать teacher ['ti:tja] учитель, препо­

даватель tear [tea]

(tore, torn) рвать, разрывать tear [tia] слеза teaspoon ['ti:spu:n] чайная ложка telephone ['telifoun] телефон tell [tel] (told) говорить; рас­ сказывать tennis ['terns] теннис term [ta:m] семестр terrible ['teribl] ужасный Thames [temz] Темза ( р е к а ) than [баеп] чём thank [бжцк] благодарить that [9aet] тот, та; что ( в п р и ­ да т о чны х дополнит ельны х п р е д л о ж е н и я х ); that’s why

вот почему, поэтому theatre ['Biota] театр their [0еэ] их them [0em] им then [0еп] тогда, затем there [0еэ] там; туда these [0i:z] эти they [0ei] они thick [0ik] толстый; густой thicker ['0ika] толще thief [0i:f] вор thin [0m] тонкий; редкий thing [0ip] вещь think [0igk] (thought) думать; t. over обдумывать third [0a:d] третий thirteen ['0э:'и:п] тринадцать this [0is] это; этот; эта thorn [0э:п] шип those [0ouz] те though [0ou] хотя thought [0o:t] c m . think thousand ['0auzand] тысяча threaten ['0retn] угрожать three [0fi:] три threw [0ru:} c m . throw through [0ru:] через, сквозь throughout [0ru:'aut] повсюду,

на всем протяжении

[0rou] (threw, thrown) бросать; t. out выбрасывать thus [9 as] так, таким образом ticket ['tikit] билет tie [tai] связывать till [til] до time [tairn] время; раз; have a good t. хорошо проводить время; for the first t. в пер­ вый раз; for the last t. в по­ следний раз time-table ['taim,teibl] расписа­ ние tired ['taiod] усталый; be t. быть усталым; get t. уста­ вать to [tu:] в; к ; на ( п р е д л о г м е ­ ста, от в ечаю щ ий н а в о п р о с throw


together [to'geBo] вместе told [touId] см. tell tolerantly ['tolorontli] снисходи­

тельно tomorrow [to'morou] завтра tommy-gun [Чэпидлп] автомат tone [toun] тон tonight [to'nait] сегодня вече­

ром too [tu:] также, тоже took [tuk] c m . take tooth [tu:0] ( m h . h . teeth [ti:0])

зуб toothache ['tu:0,eik] зубная боль tooth-brush ['tu:0brAfl зубная

щетка top [top] верх; вершина torn [to:n] c m . tear torture ['tort Jo] мучить; пытать;

замучивать touch [tAtJ] дотрагиваться, ка­ саться tourist ['tuorist] турист towards [to'wordz] к, в напра­ влении к; в tower ['tauo] башня town [taun] город tragically ['traed3ikoli] трагиче­ ски train [trein] поезд; by t. поез­ дом tram [traem] трамвай travel ['traevl] 1. путешествие; 2. путешествовать

traveller ['traevlo] путешествен­

ник treat




к е м - л .)

tree [tri:] дерево trench [trentfl траншея, окоп triumph ['traiomf] триумф, по­

беда trolley-bus

['trolib'As] троллей­

бус troops [tru:ps] войска trouble [ЧглЫ] неприятность, беда, несчастье; get into' .t.

попасть в беду trousers ['trauzoz] брюки true [tru:] 1. верный, истинный; 2. верно, правильно; come t.

сбываться, осуществляться ['tru:li] правильно, истинно truth [tru:0] правда, истина try [trai] пробовать, пытаться, стараться tuneful ['tjurnful] мелодичный turn [torn] поворачивать(ся); t. round повернуться, обер­ нуться turtle ['to:tl] черепаха TV ['tir'vi:] (television [,telo'vi3n] телевидение twelfth [twelf0] двенадцатый twelve [twelv] двенадцать twice [twais] дважды twinkle ['twirjkl] мерцать two [tu:] два truly

U Ukrainian [jur'kreinion] украин­

ский umbrella [Am'brelo] зонтик uncle ['Arjkl] дядя uncoil ['An'koil] распрямляться under ['Ando] под understand f,Ando'staend] (un­ derstood) понимать undress ['An'dres] раздеваться unhappy [An'haepi] несчастли­

вый, несчастный ['ju:nifo:m] военная форма unfortunately [An'fo:tJnitli] к не­ счастью uniform


unit ['jurmt] единица; (войско­

вая) часть States of America (USA) [ju:'naitid 'steits av a'menka] США unpack ['лп'раек] распаковывать until [an'til] до; до того как, пока не untouched ['лп'ШД] нетрону­ тый upper ['лрэ] верхний upset [Ap'set] опрокидывать upside-down ['Apsaid 'daun] вверх ногами upstream ['Ap'strirm] вверх по течению us [ as ] нам; нас use [ju:z] использовать, упо­ треблять usual [rju:3ual] обычный usually ['ju:3uali] обычно United

V vacant ['veikant] свободный vacation [va'keijn] каникулы vally ['vaeli] долина vase [va:z] ваза vegetables ['ved3itablz] овощи verb [varb] глагол very ['veri] очень village ['vihd3] деревня, насе­

ленный пункт ['vilid3a] деревенский житель visit ['vizit] посещать, наве­ щать visiting day ['vizitip 'dei] день посещений visitor ['vizita] посетитель, гость voice [vois] голос volunteer [/volan'tia] доброволец


W wait [weit] (for) ждать, ожи­

дать waiter ['weita] официант waiting-room ['weitiflrum]

зал ожиданий ( н а в о к з а л е ); при­ емная waitress ['weitris] официантка


wake [weik] (w oke) просыпать­ ся; w. up будить Wales [weilz] Уэльс walk [work] идти пешком, хо­

дить;* гулять, прогуливаться; w. up подходить, прибли­ жаться want [wont] хотеть, желать war [wo:] война warm [worm] теплый; it is w. тепло warn [worn] предупреждать was [woz] . be wash [wofl умывать(ся); мыть(ся); стирать wasted ['weistid] лишний, не­ нужный watch [wotj*] часы ( р у ч н ы е ) ; by my w. по моим часам watch [wotj] следить, наблю­ дать, смотреть water ['wo:to] вода way [wei] путь; by the w. меж­ ду прочим, кстати; on the w. по пути; in this w. таким об­ разом; this w. сюда ( у к а з а ­ c m

ние н а п р а в л е н и я )

weak [wirk] слабый wear [wea] (wore, worn)

но­ сить, изнашивать weather ['we9 a] погода Wednesday ['wenzdi] среда weep [wirp] (w ept) рыдать weigh [wei] весить, взвешивать weight [weit] вес well [wei] колодезь well [wei] хорошо well-to-do ['welta'dur] богатый, зажиточный went [went] . go wept [wept] . weep were [war] . be wet [wet] мокрый whale [well] кит what [wot] что; какой; w. for для чего; за' что when [wen] когда where [wea] где, куда; w. from откуда wherever [wear'eva] где бы ни, куда бы ни which [witj] который, какой whichever [witj'eva] какой бы ни c m

c m

c m

while [wail]

в то время как,

пока whisky ['wiski] виски whisper ['wtspa] 1. шопот; 2.

шептать whistle . [wisl] 1. свисток; 2. свистеть, насвистывать white [wait] белый who [hu:] кто; который whom [hu:m] кого; кому whoop [hu:p] кричать, выкрики­ вать why [wai] почему wide [waid] широкий wife [waif] жена wild [waild] дикий win [win] (w on) выигрывать; одерживать верх wind [wind] ветер window ['windouj окно wine [wain] вино wing [wifl] крыло winner ['wina] победитель winter ['winta] зима wise (waiz] умный \ wish [wij] хотеть, желать with [wi5 ] с, вместе c within [wi'0in] внутри, в преде­ лах without [wi'9 aut] без woke [wouk] . wake woman ['wuman] ( . . women . ['wimin]) женщина won [wAn] . win wonderful ['wAndaful] замеча­ тельный, удивительный wood *[wud] лес wooden ['wudn] деревянный word [wa:d] cлQвo wore [wo:] . wear work [wa:k] 1. работа; 2. рабо­ тать c m

m h

c m


world [wa:ld] мир; вселенная; all over the w. во всем мире worry ['wAri] беспокоиться, тре­

вожиться worse [wars] хуже wound [wu:nd] ранить wounded [rwu:ndid] раненый write [rait] (wrote, written) пи­

сать writer ['raita] писатель written [ntn] написанный wrote [rout] c m . write


['jaegki] американец, янки yard [ja:d] ярд ( = 91 с м ) year [ja:] год yellow ['jelou] желтый yesterday ['jestadi] вчера; the day before у. позавчера yet [jet] еще, однако; not у. еще не you [ju:] вы, вас young [j АГ)] молодой youngster ['jAnsta] юноша your [ p : ] ваш, ваша, ваше, ва­ ши; Y. Honour ваша честь Yankee

(обращение к с у д ь е ) yours [jo:z] ваш, ваша, ваши yourself [jo/self] (вас) себя


c m

Zoo [zu:] зоологический сад


What They W a n te d ....................................................................... It Isn’t the First T i m e ................................................................... A Way O u t ...................................................................................... An Expensive B r e a k f a s t................................................................ He Knew the N a m e ....................................................................... Economy Wasted............................................................................... In a Country Inn ( A f t e r J e r o m e K . J e r o m e ) .............................. The Letter-Box K e y ....................................................................... Luggage Question ( A f t e r J e r o m e K. J e r o m e ) .......................... Henry H u d s o n .................................................................................. Why Was She A n g r y ? ................................................................... Only a Fish B o n e ........................................................................... The Island of I o n a ........................................................................... A Good Finder On “Do’s and Don’ts” in Greetings and in Addressing People 51 A Broken V a s e ............................................................................... Famous Negro S i n g e r ................................................................... One Is D ro w n e d ............................................................................... On Cats and Dogs ( A f t e r J e r o m e K . J e r o m e ) .......................... The Country Mouse and the City Mouse ( A n A f r i c a n T a l e ) 71 The Policeman and the T h i e f ........................................................ How Larry Helped His F r i e n d .................................................... The Duel ( A f t e r N. T i k h o n o v ) .................................................... The Jumping Frog ( A f t e r M a r k T w a i n ) ..................................... While the Auto Waits ( A f t e r O. H e n r y ) ..................................... In the Kingdom of Penguins ( A f t e r V. P e s k o v ) ....................... The Story of Keesh ( A f t e r J. L o n d o n ) ......................................... The Sources of Heroism ( A f t e r I. E h r e n b u r g ) .......................... The Great Race — Part I ( A n A f r i c a n T a l e ) .................................. The Great Race — Part II ( A n A f r i c a n T a l e ) .......................... The Bridge Under the Water ( A f t e r К . S i m o n o v ) ................... Because She Was a Negro Woman ............................................. A Dog — Part I ( A f t e r M a r k T w a i n ) ......................................... A Dog — Part II ( A f t e r M a r k T w a i n ) ......................................... Решение кроссвордов и ч ай н во р д о в......................................... Англо-русский с л о в а р ь ..........................

5 8 10 13 16 20 23 26 30 33 36 39 43 47 54 58 63 67 75 79 84 88 91 98 103 109 115 121 125 131 136 141 145 147

В. В. Вахмистров, С. Д. Лыско ЧИТАЙ И ГОВОРИ ПО-АНГЛИЙСКИ. ВЫПУСК 1. Редакторы Д у б о ш и н В . Н „ С а в и н Б . В . Переплет художника В. Е. К а р п о в а Рисунки на стр. I, 3, 9, 10, 27, 31, 35, 41, 51, 54, 55, 67, 80, 106, 134, 144 художника Е. А . Г у р о в а К о н о в а л о в а Е. К . К ., К о п е й к и н а Н . В .

Технический редактор Корректоры Б а л а ш о в а с .

Сдано в набор 10.01.67 г. Подписано к печати 24.4.67 г. Формат бумаги 84х1081/32. Печ. л. 53/6 (Усл. п. л. 8,815). Уч.-изд. л. 8,679 Бумага типографская № 2 Тираж 50 000. Изд. № 11/9254. Зак. 3.1 Ц е н а 45 Военное издательство Министерства обороны СССР Москва, К-169 2-я типография Военного издательства Министерства обороны СССР Ленинград, Д-65, Дворцовая, пл., 10


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