TEMPLATE FOR OUR MLEARNING PROJECT GENERAL PROJECT GOALS: A. To use popular sport events, like the World Cup, as a fun and motivating learning tool. B. To share and explore different cultural backgrounds. C. To foster family and school connection through an online contest. D. To work collaboratively with cross-curricular link activities taking into account the learners' different abilities and CLIL Approach. (Content Language Integrated Learning) E. To promote BYOD movement by the use of different Apps. F. To integrate Mobile Learning into our classroom. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: Throughout the project, Ss will enjoy World Cup Event with different suggested activities which include the use of Apps to motivate them even more. Learning will occur in a happy and friendly atmosphere just the same way we live and feel World Cup. Globalization allows us to open our schools to the world and to cater for the learning and teaching in a way that enables educators to meet the need of our Digital Native Students. Therefore, the use of technology becomes a key role for the development and success of the project. TARGET AUDIENCE: Primary level students in Bilingual Schools (4th 5th and 6th form) as well as Basic, Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate learners from an institute. TYPE OF TECHNOLOGY AND INFRASTRUCTURE EXPECTED: * Internet Wi-Fi connection * TV, IWB, projector * Devices: BYOD: Netbooks and notebooks, Ipods, Ipads, tablets, smartphones. * Apps & Sites: Developed and explained in each activity STAKEHOLDERS: School directors Coordinators English Teachers DEADLINE FOR DEVELOPING THE PROJECT: During Brazil World Cup 2014 June- July in Argentina. Before World Cup 2014 -May-June in Brazil. (1 Month project)
TYPE OF MLEARNING: English as a Foreign Language with cross-curricular links. CLIL Approach. LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: Task 1: English, Music and Drama: Opening Ceremony Learning objectives: * To hook students into the content and create a fun and collaboratively atmosphere of work. * To pay close attention in discussion to what others say, asking and answering questions to introduce new ideas. * To prepare, practise and improve a performance/ video clip. * To know about video clips production. * To design and create while having fun. Pre task: Ss will be exposed to some parts the Opening Ceremony of the World Cup (Interactive Whiteboard, TV, or projector) and will be shown the official video clip: "We are One," from YouTube. They will be given a filling the gap activity to complete the song. After listening, they can join the singing as well. Task: Ss will make groups of three or four to prepare their own video clip on the World Cup song choosing one of the following Apps: Magisto, (www.magisto.com ) Animoto ( http://animoto.com/) or Video Star (http://videostarapp.com/) They will discuss and share ideas on how to prepare a video clip by answering to this question: What makes a video clip interesting? Using their devices, Ss will do some research on good samples of video clips in YouTube before they perform their own. They can perform and take pictures with their devices as well as filming their performance for later edition with the Apps. Follow up: Ss will shoot and edit their video clips using the Apps suggested and next, all the video clips will be shown in the interactive room so everybody will see theirs as well as others work. For more advanced level, they could create their own World Cup song under the following rubric: Imagine next World Cup will be held by your country: invent an official song of your own. They could then read aloud the lyrics and transform it into music using Songify. (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.smule.songify&hl=es_419)
Task 2:English and Tourism: Discovering Brazil Host Cities. Learning objectives: * Oral Skills: To develop fluency and accuracy. * Reading Skills: To do research and information analysis, to learn to look for, summarise and organise information. * Lexis: To revise and reinforce lexical items connected to describing a place (including adjectives, adverbs, weather vocabulary, numbers - for temperature and inhabitants for instance) * Grammar/Structure: To revise and reinforce prepositions of place, connectors, conditionals and all verb tenses. * Writing Skills: Organize ideas according to importance, summarize and integrate with students' experience. Pre-Task: Ss will be shown EXAMPLES of similar projects made by students in Brazil. Then T will show the list of the World Cup 12 host cities in Brazil and encourage students to pick one, preferably where he or she has already been to (integrate with personal experiences). The list of venues is: Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Cuiabá, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Manaus, Natal, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and São Paulo. (Source) Task: Ss will be asked to choose individually a host city. They will search the web for important information about it: landmarks, inhabitants, geographic features and will write from one to three paragraphs about the place basically answering to these questions: 1)What host city did you choose? 2) Whereabouts is it located? 3)What´s its capital? 4)What´s the weather like there? 5)How many inhabitants are there? 6) What places must visitors visit and why? 7) Mention at least one curiosity about the place. 8) Why did you choose this place? Have you ever been there? If yes, what are your impressions? If not, would you like to go there? Follow-Up: Ss should post their writings at Edmodo www.Edmodo.com or hand them in to be corrected. Then, they will use their mobiles or devices to prepare a presentation with Tellagamis, (www. tellegamis.com) mentioning all the facts they had previously worked with and will prepare a Tourist Guide to the class. Projects should be posted at Edmodo. Everybody will vote for the most attractive city to be visited during and after the World Cup.
Task 3: English and Social Studies: Who are the Participants? What's Behind their Flags? Learning objectives: * To locate countries in the globe and world maps. * Oral skills: To develop fluency and accuracy. To Report back to a group, using notes to present findings about the topic studied. To Evaluate what is heard and give reasons for agreement or disagreement. *Lexis: To revise and reinforce lexical items related to countries and nationalities. * Reading Skills: To skim to gain an overall sense of a text and scan for specific information. * Writing Skills: To use IT effectively to prepare and present writing for publication. Pre task: Ss will be given the list of countries which participate in the World Cup competition 2014. Together with the teacher, Ss will locate them in a map. Next, they will be exposed to Quizlet for a game to get to know the flags from each country and play with them: http://quizlet.com/38375029/2014-world-cup-teams-flash-cards/ Task: In pairs, Ss will be allotted or will choose a country to work with. They will look for no more than 3/4 important facts about the place and their flag information: What does it mean? What do the colours/ shapes or drawings represent? Some facts about its creation and any important information Ss think they need to include about the flag. They will prepare a presentation using Popplet (www.popplet.com ) to organise their ideas and prepare the oral presentation. Follow up: Ss will have an oral presentation to the class showing popplet and their findings. Task 4: English as a Foreign Language: Who are you? Biographies and Interviews Learning objectives: * Oral Skills: To develop fluency and accuracy. *Reading Skills: To locate information confidently and efficiently from different sources. To develop note-taking to extract key points and to group and link ideas. * Lexis: To revise and reinforce lexical items connected to personal life and biographies. * Grammar/Structure: To revise and reinforce question formation. * Writing Skills: To learn how to script an interview.
Pre-Task: Ss will be shown an INTERVIEW to a famous football player. T will stick the questions that were asked to that person on the Bb, and the Ss will have to organise them in the order they have heard them. After that, the class will try to answer these questions. A second viewing of the interview might be necessary. For lower levels, other possible Pre task could be: Ss will be shown some pictures of famous football players that have been modified by a special effect using PS Express, Be Funky or Mega Photo. They will have to guess who the famous player behind the image is. Task: Ss will be asked to get into groups of three/four people. They will have to: - Choose a footballer / Coach who will participate in the W C 2014, - Search the web for his biography, - Script an interview to him about his life, using Lino.It, (http://en.linoit.com/) - Choose roles and record the interview - using their devices. (They might do this in class or at home) Follow-Up: Ss will present their work to the class using Buddypoke (www.buddypoke.com) or voki (www.voki.com/ ) to edit their interviews and they will vote for the best, most creative one. Task 5: English and History: How much do you know about World Cup? Learning objectives: *To foster family and school connection through an e-contest. *To get to know more about a Worldwide cultural event: World Cup * To make parents google and work with devices to accompany Ss' learning and gain confidence in their use. * Reading Skills: Look for information in non-fiction texts to build on what is already known. Develop note-taking to extract key points and to group and link ideas. * Grammar/Structure: To revise and reinforce question formation. Pre-task: Ss will be exposed to the following quizz in Quizzlet http://quizlet.com/35068106/the-world-cup-flash-cards/ to get to know about Brazil World Cup 2014 and to learn interesting facts about Brazil. Task: In pairs, Ss will do some research in the following WebPages to look for information to prepare a quizz later on: http://premierskills.britishcouncil.org/ http://www.greatlearning.com/ipc/why-ipc/ipc-world-cup-2014 Ss. will design the questions in pairs looking for current and historical facts about World Cups. Next, working collaboratively the whole class, Ss will prepare an online quizz. Once everybody agrees on the questions, Ss, together with the teacher, will
prepare and design the Quizz in Quizzlet. (Ss cannot tell parents where they took the info from) Follow up: Parents will receive the invitation via e-mail to participate in the contest. Those who get the answers properly will be the winners and will get to know it by the end of the week.
Task 6: English and Physical Education: World Cup Vocabulary Learning objectives: * Lexis: To reinforce soccer vocabulary. * To show good role modeling from upper levels to young levels. * To work on values related to FAIR PLAY and TEAM WORK. Pre task: Upper level students will be working on the following link to master the soccer vocabulary: http://quizlet.com/2801430/spanish-world-cup-vocabflash-cards/ Task: Ss will choose the best words to work and show examples in the field. They will prepare an assembly for first level showing the vocabulary and the values necessary to be a good sport person. Follow up: An assembly will be carried out by upper level to first level in order to teach them the rules, values and specific vocabulary related to soccer. The event should be recorded so later on it could be uploaded to YouTube to share with families. Task 7: Closing Ceremony: See you in 2018! Learning objectives: * To recap all previous work done and share it to the whole community (Inviting parents) * To have an assessment and feedback on so much work done during the month. * To show parents the importance of supporting BYOD movement by experiencing their kids work. Task: All the Ss tasks and contents will be collected and curated using Pearltrees (www.pearltrees.com) The closing day of the World Cup, parents will be invited, together with kids, to an open class where the work done will be shown.