Arrange organization interregion

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“Arrange Organization Interregion” Training For Trainer National School of Leader 2013-FKK UMJ ISMKI Jakarta, 8 Oktober 2013 Vicha Annisa Sekretaris ISMKI Wilayah 1

Regional Coordinators • Memimpin Pengurus Harian Wilayah dan bertanggungjawab atas pengembangan dan peningkatan kooperasi antar institusi dengan berkoordinasi bersama Sekretaris Jenderal dan Wasekjen Internal. • Selain itu, Sekretaris Wilayah bertugas untuk merekrut lokal-lokal yang belum menjadi anggota ISMKI di regional untuk menjadi anggota ISMKI.

The Region (ISMKI) • • • •

Regional 1 Regional 2 Regional 3 Regional 4 We have 72 LCs, have different nedded, have different problem, have different phase, have different character, etc.

The Human Resources • Regional officials  PHW • Local Committees  BEM/PEMA/KEMA

The Others Resource • • • •

Money Time Knowledge Loyality

What should RCs have to arrange organization interregion ? • CORE LEADERSHIP • ADAPTIVE LEADERSHIP • Anything else?

• Decision making • Communication • Mobilizing others


• Vision • Acumen • Planning • Courage to lead



CORE LEADERSHIP • Risk taking • Result focus • Agility


STRATEGY-Vision 1. Give Them a Purpose 2. Don’t Confuse Values with Vision 3. Give Them Sth to Talk About 4. Create Freedom 5. Test Your Vision---affirmative questions

STRATEGY-Acumen • Partical knowledge is a reflection of the acumen • How well you understand your business & the enviroment in which it operates • Increasing your acumen will help to manage complexity & remain effectively decisive when faced w/ uncertainty & change

STRATEGY-Planning • Realy essential-ensure your strategy is well though-out & can be implemented successfully • 7 planning strategies are : 1. Focus on the Big Picture 2. Know the Players 3. Be Realistic 4. Grind It Out 5. Don’t Run Too Lean 6. Expect the Unexpected 7. Set & Check Against Milestones

STRATEGY-Courage to Lead Courageous leaders turn the negatives of adversity into positives as they move forward with greater sense of purpose.

“Courage is the 1st virtue that makes all other virtue possible�, Aristotle.

STRATEGY-Courage to Lead The 10 essential elements of leadership Courage: 1. Courage isn’t about bravado 2. Courage isn’t the absence of fear 3. Courage demands discipline & consistency 4. Courage requires having a voice 5. Courage means doing the right thing even when it’s dangerous to do so 6. Courage requires letting go & allowing people to do their jobs 7. Courageous leaders don’t make excuses-they apologize 8. Courage take risks that aothers are unwilling to attempt 9. Courage adresses conflict head on 10. Courage challanges the status quo


“We gets people moving by building their commitment, not through fear of reprisal�, Ken Blanchard.

ACTION-Decision Making • As a leader, we are only as good as last decision • How to be a great decision maker: 1. Take your emotions out of the driver’s seat 2. Seek counsel 3. Be wary of raw data 4. Seek knowledge over information 5. Know what’s driving your inclination 6. Consider every angle 7. Benefit analysis 8. Do an integrity gut check 9. Prepare for contingencies

ACTION-Communication • It’s the REAL WORK of LEADERSHIP • Fundamental element to accomplish their goals everyday

“You simply can’t become a great leader until you are a great communicator”, Jean & Travis.

ACTION-Communication • The strategies to reach your communication skills heights: 1. Speak to groups as individuals 2. Talk so people will listen 3. Listen so people will talk 4. Connect emotionally 5. Read body language 6. Prepare you intent 7. Skip the jargon 8. Practice active listening

ACTION-Mobilizing Others People need to feel respected, valued, & emotionally engaged in their work if you want them to mobilize

“To win in the marketplace, you must 1st win in the workplace”, Doug Conant-the former CEO of Campbell’s Soup.

ACTION-Mobilizing Others There are the following strategies to engage the others: 1. Give thanks 2. Be thoughtful 3. Declare decision rights 4. Earn their respect 5. Integrate ideas 6. Have an “Open-door� policy 7. Teach your confidant yo engage 8. Only get mad on purpose


RESULTS-Risk Taking 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Replace ego with authenticity Face your fear of failure Take a leap Take a small leap Don’t lose sight of the long term Acknowledge mistakes Get personal Tell hard truths

RESULTS-Risk Taking

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”, The Old Axiom.

RESULTS-Results Focus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Frame your ideas Maintain a presence Communicate early & often Speak in the affirmative Praise results-focused behaviour Be specific Give quality feedback Follow through; it’s to create accountability

RESULTS-Agility 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Make change your muse Think through consequences Address uncertainty head-on Separate emotion from reason Seek guidance from the agile Adapt your leadership style to the situation Seek to maximize potential Speak to someone who is not affected by the change

ADAPTIVE LEADERSHIP Emotional Intelligence (EQ) SelfAwareness SelfManagement

Organizational Justice

Decision Fairness




Lifelong Learning

Credibility Social Awarness Relationship Management

Information Sharing

Values Differences

Developing Others

USE YOUR EQ pls! ;)

Let’s discuss about The Adaptive Leader, turn into 4 groups and start SGD!

Sources: Travis, Jean. Leadership 2.0. 2012. Talent Smart. Sandiego, CA, USA.

“LOVE NEVER CLAIMS, IT EVER GIVES”, Mahatma Gandhi. -The end-

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