2 minute read
Essex County Vaccine Site Receive Tasty Appreciation
By Jackie Schatell
Born and raised in Livingston, Stu Slotnick and Livingston resident Liby Saigal are making a huge difference to the staff and volunteers at the five vaccine centers servicing Essex County.
“These staff members and volunteers work tirelessly, seven-days-a week, sometimes putting in 12-hour shifts, to ensure that as many people as possible get vaccinated,” says Stu.
To show appreciation from the community, Stu has been coordinating with local restaurants, residents, businesses, religious centers and more that send over meals to the five sites, ensuring that everything goes smoothly. He says that sometimes, restaurants where orders are placed, throw in extras, on the house.
“The rewards are two-fold,” says Stu. “The volunteers feel appreciated, and we are helping to keep local restaurants afloat because they are still struggling.”
“Everyone has been so generous, and we can’t thank people enough for being so selfless,” says Stu, who gives up overtime at his job to volunteer.
Liby’s efforts include purchasing meals with the money donated to her non-profit called LTownCares. She says that in just 8 weeks, she raised over $10,000. Liby coordinates with Stu to see when meals are expected and fills the gaps by using money she collected to send over food. She has also made the rounds to all five of the locations and says she is “touched by how thankful all of the people she coordinates with are.”
And the site staff and volunteers are not all the two help. They employ a zerowaste philosophy where 3 days a week, anything leftover is taken by Livingston resident Nick Santinelli to the homeless in Newark and the other 2 days, the leftovers are donated to Toni’s Kitchen in Montclair.
“We want to support the people at the vaccine sites for giving back, but we know that the homeless are also being severely affected by the pandemic, so we are thrilled to be able to support them as well,” says Liby. Both Stu and Liby post photos of the food spreads on their Facebook pages to give thanks.
“Sharing these photos and stories on Facebook allows us to publicly thank the participating restaurants as well as donors and show them how much their endeavors are being enjoyed,” says Liby. “Many of those donating, tell me that they like seeing where their donations are going.”
“It takes a village, and we are thankful to all who donate, and to all who volunteer,” says Stu. “It has been a great experience and we plan to keep this up until everyone who wants to, is vaccinated. There is no better feeling than giving back to the community.”
(Left-Right) Lauren Goren, Stu Slotnick, Nora Vickerman, Livingston Town Councilman Al Anthony, Sam Patel, and Sheriff Officer Eric Monjito pose at the Sears Vaccine site with some donated meals.
Liby Saigal and Sgt. Robert Ruane, Essex Sheriff's Department at a Covid-19 Vaccine Site

Stu Slotnick and Liby Saigal