2 minute read

Lions Club Helps Those in Need

By Jackie Schatell

Janet Russell of Chatham is a very busy woman. As President of the Summit Lions Club, which is celebrating its 95th year, she along with 22 volunteers manage many charitable events for the working poor and give out about $20,000 a year.

In November alone, she and the Lions helped Giving and Receiving Assistance for Our Community Essentials (GRACE) distribute food to 500-750 people. After receiving $10,000 in new make-up they held a free make-up shopping event. They also ran a shopping bazaar, which included ‘new with tag’ items. Instead of giving away gently used items, Janet decided to hold the event with only new items to provide an exceptional shopping experience for participants. While everything was free, “I wanted it to have a real shopping feel,” says Janet.

“Many people have such pride and just need a little extra help,” says Janet. “This was a ‘hand up’ event.”

Janet says she put out a call for ‘new with tag’ items to Summit, Chatham, New Providence, and Berkeley Heights and that “people were so generous. I was overwhelmed with the amount of quality beautiful items received including clothes for adults and children, belts, purses, accessories, bridal items, household items, puzzles, toys and more. I probably had at least 50 clothing items in each size.”

On December 16, she will be holding an event where children get to sit on Santa’s lap, while parents can shop for more ‘new with tag’ items to give to loved ones for the holidays. After Halloween, she collected candy that will be given out at this event, and was also sent overseas to soldiers, and given to the Summit YMCA, and Summit Housing.

Last year, the Lions, who have a mission of providing eye care to those who need help, provided mobile eye care to 60 people where the group paid the deductibles and for further care when needed. They will be doing this again this year. The group also participated in the Rise Against Hunger event by donating $7,000 and helping to package up food to be sent to Haiti. Janet says they raise about $8000 a year and use a large bequest they received years ago to fund other yearly endeavors including a $2500 scholarship at the high school, and donations to the Summit Y for childcare, the Jr. League, GRACE, the Seeing Eye and the Eye Bank for cataract surgery.

Janet says it is a lot of work and that she does a lot of coordinating, but that “it is worth it to be able to help others.” She tries to give back by doing a lot of postings from the events she runs. She says, “Aha, moments like when she learned of a mom on her last diaper,” keep her going.

The club is always looking for volunteers. To participate contact Janet at 201 341-9053.

From left, Janet Russell, President of Summit Lions Club, and Fred Cuozzo, Vice President of Summit Lions Club at the Shopping Bazaar held at GRACE.

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