1 minute read
The 10-3-2-1-0 Formula for Sleep Hygiene
Insomnia is caused by many things, stress, aging, a new baby, hormones, stimulants, shift work, jet lag and certain medications. It will visit most of us at some point in our lives.
There is a new formula for better sleep being promoted by Dr. Jess Andrade, a pediatrician from Massachusetts, that promises an easy way to remember how to prepare yourself for a better night’s sleep.
10 Hours Before Bed.
No caffeine. A caffeinated beverage stays in your system for about 10 hours—that means eliminating coffee, tea, cola, even those squares of dark chocolate after dinner.
3 Hours Before Bed.
Stop eating food and drinking alcohol. Alcohol can inhibit the sleep cycle and digesting a big meal can cause reflux problems.
2 Hours Before Bed.
Put an end to office work. Put it way for the day and clear your mind. It will be waiting for you. It might help to write down what you plan to do tomorrow.
By Vanice Gage Donegan
1 Hour Before Bed.
Power down your phone and tablet, turn off the TV.
That leaves 0.
The number of times you will hit the snooze button in the morning.
Dr. Andrade suggests this formula might not work for everyone. However, the suggestions are free, make sense and the combination might deliver the slumber you are searching for.
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