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Diamond Minds

Summit’s Red Ribbons

Over the years, Summit residents may have taken notice of the red ribbons tied around trees in the Centrail Retail Business District. This year, even during COVID, the tradition has continued in an effort to send an important message. The “Red Ribbon Awareness Program,” a collaborated between Shaping Summit Together and Summit Public Schools, aims to deliver messages of hope, helping others, making healthy choices and community spirit.

For the project this year, The Hilltop City Girl Scouts of Troop 45241 from Lawton C. Johnson Summit Middle School have tied ribbons with the slogan “Honor the Call to Protect Against Drugs and Violence… Celebrate Life.” a message that has been consistent for more than 12 years. Through the ribbons, the send the message to youth and parents to observe under-age drinking laws, practice abstinence from illegal substances, and be kind online and in person.

Shaping Summit Together is a 501c3 organization whose mission is to ensure that Summit reaches its full potential as a mature, diverse, suburban community. “SST” facilitates efforts so that Summit can work together to shape its future. EXPERIENCE THE CREATIVITY

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Madison Area YMCA Coat Drive

Madison Area YMCA has partnered with Jersey Cares to host a coat drive. The Madison Y will host the coat drive collection from Saturday, November 14 through Saturday, December 19. Coats can be placed in the bin located in the lobby of the Family Center at 111 Kings Road, Madison, NJ.

Please note that only new and/or gently used coats are accepted. Please refrain from donating stained or dirty coats. Please do not donate hats, gloves, scarves, or any other clothing items.

The Jersey Cares Coat Drive has mobilized the collection and distribution of thousands of «gently used» winter coats to men, women, children, and infants in need for over 20 years. To learn more about their coat drives, visit

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Paper Mill Playhouse to Stream New Productions

Paper Mill Playhouse›s new season of musical theater productions may look different this year, but they will continue to offer entertainment and fun—by streaming their newest shows from the stage! Their first two productions of the year will be streamed and delivered virtually from the Paper Mill Stage.

Sing in a New Year!, directed by Mark S. Hoebee, will stream from December 19, 2020-January 1, 2021. Some Enchanted Evening: The Songs of Rodgers & Hammerstein, also directed by Hoebee, will stream February 13-26, 2021. Additional productions for 2020-2021 have also been announced.

Theater buffs can stream these new productions exclusively as part of Paper Mill’s 2020–2021 subscription package of seven shows for $275 per person. Learn more at www.papermill .org.

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Helping to Deliver a Joyous Holiday to Locals in Need

The Santa Claus Shop will open its doors once again to area families, providing its 54th consecutive year of complimentary holiday shopping. The shop serves more than 400 low-income families and senior citizens from Summit and other local communities, including New Providence and Berkeley Heights, who are referred by social services agents.

This year’s event will be held on December 2, in the parking lot at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 587 Springfield Avenue in Summit. Although families cannot shop the way they have in the past, due to the pandemic, we are still committed to making this experience enjoyable for all the families.

To keep the holiday spirit alive for local residents in need, and this year more than ever, the Santa Claus Shop chairwomen ask for members of the community to consider giving. Checks can be made payable to SHIP, with Santa Claus Shop noted on the check’s memo line, and mailed to the Santa Claus Shop, P.O. Box 119, Summit, NJ 07901. The ability to make an online donation is also available at www.summitsantaclausshop.com.

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