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Enjoy Zoovies Under the Stars at the Zoo
July 5
Zoovies are back on Wednesday nights this summer! Guests will enjoy family-friendly blockbuster films under the stars on the rooftop of the parking deck outside of the Turtle Back Zoo in West Orange. Attendees are invited to bring chairs. Films will begin at dusk. There may be rain dates
July 12 if needed. The events are free. Zoo admission is not required to participate, and Zoo admission is not included.
DisneyNature Oceans is playing on July 5; Madagascar will be shown on July 12; attendees will enjoy Luca on July 19; and Godzilla vs. Kong will air on July 26.
July 19
July 26
Wednesdays in July: July 5, 12, 19 & 26, 8-10pm Turtle Back Zoo (on the rooftop of the parking deck outside of Turtle Back Zoo) 560 Northfield Rd., West Orange turtlebackzoo.com