3 minute read
The Rising Stars of Shag86

By Jessica Modrow, photos by Dan Epstein
Shag86 is well-known for its hair services throughout the tri-state area and beyond. Expert cuts, color, and styling are complemented by highly trained professionals and a fivestar customer experience. But, a little known, yet critical aspect of the salon is its extensive future professional training program.
Gerald Ferraro, founder/owner of Shag86, and Tom Harris, Artistic Director of Education recruit budding stylists to join their education program, in which they receive state-of-the-art training and mentorship from established professionals. “My family has been in the industry for 60 years, and I’ve been in it for 28 years. I have a passion to really guide the up-and-coming generation in the right direction,” said Ferraro. “Graduating from cosmetology school is just the first step. We take them from the newest level, and develop them into someone who is going to last 30 years in the industry and reach incomes they could never believe. In the end our stylists feel the training was well worth it in becoming a skilled professional that will take their career to a higher level.”
Harris, whose credentials also include Master Associate with John Paul Mitchell Systems, personally mentors and teaches the interns in the program. Weekly 2.5-hour classes led by Harris are interactive, with demonstrations only making up a part of the lesson. “After a demonstration, each intern is sent to their mannequins where they have to perform the haircut. While they’re cutting, I’m walking the room and redirecting them when things are’t correct–their hand position is off, their body position is off. What makes us different is that aspect of mentorship, and that’s where the learning takes place.”
Ferraro and Harris are looking for “serious-minded professionals who want to go the extra mile to be great,” explained Harris. Currently, the rising stars of Shag86 include two recent graduates to first level, Brandon Brindisi and Samantha Moore; one who is currently in the middle of the program, Melisa Ozdemir; and three up-and-coming stylists, Vianna Giordano, Brianna Doran and Mimi Pastrana.
“The last stage of the training program is when the intern gets their own chair, and they can cut, color, and style, and it’s at a lesser price to the client. And it opens up the ability for them to work on live people, and it’s all guided by me,” said Harris. “They can’t do a haircut, color, without telling me what they’re doing and what technique they’re going to use. It’s also reaching people that maybe would like to try being a model to these young stylists, knowing they're getting a great haircut overseen by the artistic director.”
Melisa Ozdemir and Tom Harris

86 Main St., Little Falls | 973-837-0086 www.shag86.com

Meet Melanie… Melanie makes everyday feel like a special occasion! From the extensive consultation to the final style, Melanie takes her clients’ look to the next level… a style that will have heads turning as you walk down the street. When choosing a look for clients, she uses careful consideration of their lifestyle and maintenance to achieve better and more consistent “good hair days.” Melanie loves to teach her clients easy and quick tricks to help them style at home… ensuring that they are leaving Shag86 with more than just their favorite takehome products, but knowledge about their hair as well. As trends are constantly changing, Melanie travels the world for inspiration and finds further education to be the key to success.

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