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Summer Camp Guide 2020
Your Guide to Finding The Right Summer Camp Experience!

LEARNING THE WAY IT SHOULD BE. At EXPLO, learning is more than just hands-on. It’s all in.

The Craig School Summer Academy 15 Tower Hill Road, Mountain Lakes & 310 Lathrop Avenue, Boonton | 973-334-1295 www.craigschool.org Contact: Nicole Moon Email: nmoon@craigschool.org Age Groups: Grades 2–11 The Craig School is an independent school that specializes in working with students with learning disabilities in grades 2–12. They offer an academic program aligned with the NJ Common Core Standards. Summertime provides a great opportunity for students to extend their learning throughout the year. The Craig School offers a four week comprehensive program that focuses on reading, writing, math and learning strategies. The morning program is focused on academics and the afternoon program offers enrichment in art, computers, drama, science and sports. Students who sign up for the afternoon enrichment program will have the opportunity to attend field trips on Friday.
Internationally-renowned summer programs for the bold of spirit and curious at heart.
Celebrating 26 Years! Call for our open house dates 973-994-4665 seecamps.com Your Search is Over… Fun & Exploration in Science, STEM, Theater, Art, Sports & Games Summer Excitement Experience June 29 - July 24 For Above Average Students in Grades 1-8 Choose 2 or 4 Weeks of Day Camp from 2 Campuses: Mountain Lakes: Community Church Summit: Oratory Prep
The Connection Summer Camps 79 Maple St, Summit | 908-273-4242 TheConnectionOnline.org Contact: Michelle Stelluto Email: info@theconnectiononline.org Age Groups: Age 3 and up The Connection provides all-day or half-day co-ed camps that include swim lessons, and specialized camps: Sports, STEM, Warrior, Gymnastics, Travel, Cooking, Theater, Nature, Fashion, Engineering, Digital Media Robotics and more! ACA accredited.

EXPLO Boston | EXPLO New York | EXPLO Chicago
932 Washington St, Norwood, MA 781-762-7400 www.explo.org Directors: David Torcoletti; Elliot Targum; Sarah Ruter Age Groups: Grades 2-7; 8-10; 10-12 With campuses near Boston, New York City, and Chicago, EXPLO offers more than 90 courses (ranging from behavioral psychology and medical carerers to video production and economics). EXPLO is the place where you can pursue an already deep-seated passion or an interest you have never tried before, with an international community of students from over 70 different countries.

Florham Park Sports Dome Summer Camp 76 Passaic Ave, Florham Park | 973-457-2153 www.indoorsportsandevents.com Email: customerservice@indoorsportsandevents.com Beginning in late June, Florham Park Sports Dome offers a K-8 summer camp over the course of ten weeks. Activities include water activities, chess, robotics, yoga, e-sports, soccer, flag football, baseball, basketball and much more. Half day camps are available, with options for before and after camp care.
Green Brook Country Club All Sports Camp 100 W Greenbrook Rd, North Caldwell | 973-228-1800 x234 www.greenbrookcc.org/amenities Director: Nicky Moore Age Groups: 4-12 A day camp for 4-12 year olds like no other! Spending your day at their All Sports camp is a great wayto spend the summer. Their private and secluded setting is perfect for enjoying tennis, swim, and a variety of other activities. At Green Brook Country Club campers will have an hour tennis lesson, an hour swim lesso every day, followed by fun sports like golf, karate, soccer, and many more! Their instructors are all certified professionals and love teaching juniors!!

International Ivy Summer Enrichment Programs 14 locations across NJ including Chatham, Short Hills, Summit, Scotch Plains, Livingston and Basking Ridge 908-899-1338 | www.iisummer.com Contact: Lily Wong Email: info@iisummer.com Age Groups: Ages 3-15 International Ivy Summer Enrichment Program provides fun and intellectually-stimulating experiences to fuel young people’s interest and creativity. Kids design video games, build robots, tinker with science and engineering, create websites and learn to code. Kids learn best by doing. There are many classes in STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math.

Morristown-Beard School Summer Institute 70 Whippany Road, Morristown | 973-539-3032 www.mbs.net/summerinstitute Contact: Dr. Amanda Gregory Email: summerinstitute@mbs.net Age Groups: Rising 6–12 grade The MBS Summer Institute offers courses for credit and enrichment, for high school and middle school students (including rising 6th graders). Hands-on, teamtaught, and creative in structure and topics, all of the courses strengthen students’ imaginations and critical thinking skills alike. Search the offerings to find the course that inspires you at mbs.net/summerinstitute.
New Horizons Day Camp 71 Ridgedale Ave, Florham Park | 973-850-6640 www.newhorizonsdaycamp.com Contact: Michael Wynne Email: info@newhorizonsdaycamp.com Age Groups: Kindergarten–9th grade New Horizons allows children from Kindergarten through 9th Grade to try something new, take a deep-dive into an existing interest, or mixand-match their day to create the summer of a lifetime! Every activity and grade group is led by an 18+ Head Counselor with professional educators leading nearly all major activity areas. They offer an unparalleled program including athletics, coding, art, archery, cooking, and podcasting.
Newark Academy Summer Programs 91 South Orange Avenue, Livingston | 973-957-3174 ext. 217 www.newarka.edu/summer Contact: Robert Mallalieu Email: summer@newarka.edu Age Groups: Ages 5–17 Academics, Enrichment, Sports–over 50 Summer programs offered at Newark Academy. For more than 40 years, Newark Academy has been the premier source in northern New Jersey for summer programming. The highly-respected Summer Session provides summer academic experience including advance credit, enrichment and skill development courses, as well as STEM courses.
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For Rising 6-12 REGISTER NOW www.mbs.net/ summerinstitute
July 20-31
Musical Theatre Conservatory–Broadway Boot Camp 973-868-6259 www.musicaltheatreconservatory.com Limited Enrollment July 6–25 (Final Show in NYC on July 25) Monday–Friday, 9:15am–3:45pm A t Musical Theatre Conservatory, “Theatre for Life” is more than just a motto; it is their guiding philosophy. Through their Broadway Boot Camp, which takes place this summer from July 6–25, children aged 7 to 19 get the opportunity to bring this philosophy to life.
Broadway Boot Camp teaches children the skills they need to actually get on stage and do what they love. Whether they are an experienced performer or just starting out, MTC students work with theatre professionals, who are committed to giving every child the solid foundation they need to be the best performer they can be. From the material and faculty they choose, to the specialized way they teach all aspects of performing–it’s all about providing your child with a summer theatre experience they will never forget!
Each day, students will enjoy a rotating schedule that includes: Voice, Acting, Theatre Dance, Hip Hop, Song Interpretation, Comedy Improvisation, Stage Combat, TV & Commercial Acting, Audition Techniques, Make-Up, and Production Rehearsal. The program ends with a “splash” with their annual Luau Pool Party!
In just three weeks, students are guided from classes to rehearsals culminating in a costumed, cabaret-style show, produced by theatre professionals. Students also have the chance to meet with agents and Broadway actors to get the inside scoop on working in theatre, film, and television. This year’s show will be held at Symphony Space on Broadway and 95th Street.

Says Brandon Uranowitz, 2 time Tony Award Nominee,“If it wasn’t for Randy, I wouldn’t be where I am today!”
At MTC, they pride themselves on providing individual attention to all campers. Every student is given the opportunity to participate, grow, succeed, and feel important. The goal is to draw out each person’s individual strengths and at the same time stress the importance of working together.

Vicinity Magazine JULY 6TH- JULY 25TH BROADWAY BOOTCAMP Musical Theatre Conservatory SUMMER CAMP & SHOWCASE

AGES 7-19
One River School of Art & Design 292 Millburn Avenue, Millburn | 973-318-9331 millburn.oneriverschool.com Email: millburn@oneriverschool.com Age Groups: Grades K–12 Founded in 2012, One River School of Art + Design is “transforming art education” across America. Their Millburn program is built for people of all ages and skill levels and they have developed a unique method that makes learning fun while generating compelling outcomes. One River School offers summer camp programs for K through 12. Weekly programs run from June through August, covering a wide variety of topics in art and design.
Orange Lawn Tennis Club All Sports Camp 305 N. Ridgewood Rd, South Orange | 973-762-0928 x334 www.orangelawn.com/amenities Contact: Nicky Moore Age Groups: Ages 4–13 Spending your day at All Sports camp is a great way to spend the summer. Their private and secluded setting is perfect for many activities. Campers will have an hour tennis lesson and an hour swim lesson, followed by fun sports like golf, karate, soccer and more. Instructors are all certified professionals.

SEE Camp Oratory Prep, Summit and the Community Church, Mountain Lake 973-994-4665 | www.seecamps.com Contact: Chris Patrick Email: seecamp@horizonsinlearning.org Age Groups: Entering grades 1–8 SEE Camp is the place to be for Summer Excitement and Intellectual Adventure. Created for inquisitive students entering grades 1-8, SEE Camp encourages kids to do all the things they love: sports, academics, and the arts. Whether building and testing bridges, learning to fence, embarking on field trips, or chilling out in the pool, their campers revel in summer experiences that keep them returning year after year.
Summer at Oak Knoll 44 Blackburn Road, Summit | 908-522-8186 www.oakknoll.org/summer Contact: Debi Tarowksy Email: debi.tarowsky@oakknoll.org Age Groups: Ages 3-16 There is something for everyone this summer at Oak Knoll! They offer an ACA-accredited day camp for boys and girls, including extreme sports and performing arts specialty camps. They also offer a youth football camp; June mini camps; an academic prep program that includes Kindergarten Ready, Algebra I/Geometry, Introduction to Physics, SAT Math and Test review, and much more.
J U N E 2 9 –A U G U S T 7 , 2 020

M O R E T H A N 5 0 P R O G R A M S O F F E R E D !

Features: Dynamic learning spaces • Cutting-edge science labs • STEAM offerings: robotics, film making, engineering and more! • Courses for advanced high school credit • Writing, science, and math courses for grades 3–12 • Special workshops including Model U.N., Leadership in the 21st Centuryand Improv • Jump Start for grades 1 and 2 Discover your passion! An unparalleledacademicexperience forstudents in grades 1–12