1 minute read



Sometimes, we have to wait for things to happen in our lives It's like waiting for a promise to come true In the Bible, there's a part that talks about this It says, "For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay" (Habakkuk 2:3, NIV)


Trust That It Will Happen

When we're waiting, it's important to know that there's a special time for things to happen God has a plan, and His promises are sure to happen, even if it takes some time Habakkuk teaches us to trust that God's timing is perfect, and what He promised will really come true

Believe That It's Worth It

Waiting isn't just sitting around doing nothing. It's about believing that good things are coming even if we can't see them yet. Being patient means having a strong and lasting faith It's knowing that waiting is not a 'no' from God but a chance for our faith to grow

Find God in the Waiting Time

When we have to wait, it's like being in a waiting room But it's not wasted time It's a special time where we learn to depend on God more In the waiting, we discover that God is always with us, even if we can't see what He's doing right away

Learn from Nature: Waiting for the Right Time

Nature teaches us about waiting Think about a seed It gets planted in the ground and waits until the time is right to grow Our lives are a bit like that We go through different seasons, and each one has a purpose The waiting time is when God is preparing something beautiful in us

Trust What We Can't See

If you're waiting for something, don't be discouraged Even if you can't see it, God is at work Trust that He's doing something important, even if it's behind the scenes The waiting time is just as important as when we see the promise come true

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