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ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 1 | Exercise book

Remember this?

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 1 | Exercise book

Exercise book 1.* Match each picture with the right word.







1. café 2. hospital 3. cinema 4. gym 5. school 6. shopping centre 2.* Choose the right answer to the following questions about the position of Nigel’s clothes .

Where’s his book? 1. It’s on the chair. 2. It’s next to the chair. 3. It’s under the chair. Where is his shirt? 1. It’s under the chair. 2. It’s on the chair. 3. It’s behind the chair. Where are his boots? 1. They’re on the box. 2. They’re in front of the box. 3. They’re in the box.

Remember this? | 13

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 1 | Exercise book

3.* Match the phrases to complete the questions about Ton. What’s

his surname?


is he?


his sister’s name?

How old

his mobile phone?


are his friends?

4.* Complete the following sentences with ‘is’ and ‘are’. 1. There (is/are) some books on the table. 2. There (is/are) a book under the sofa. 3. (Is/Are) there a café near here? 4. There (is/are) a ball between my feet. 5. (Is/Are) there a sports centre in your town? 6. There (is/are) some flowers in the vase. 7. There (is/are) two shopping centres in my town. 5.** Are the following statements about school subjects true or false? 1. When we study history, we learn a lot about new technologies. 2. Maths is the science of matter and energy. 3. PE is Physical Education, the exercising and training of the human body, e.g. athletics. 4. Languages are usually studied in the subject of art. 6.** Match the jobs with the places. pub


police station

shop assistant

shopping centre


petrol station


sports centre



petrol pump attendant



Remember this? | 14

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 1 | Exercise book

7.* Look at each picture, read the questions and choose the correct answer. What is this?

What is this?

1. A hat

1. A T-shirt

2. A skirt

2. A pair of trousers

3. A pair of jeans

3. A skirt

What is this?

What is this?

1. A shirt

1. A dress

2. A skirt

2. A pair of shoes

3. A pair of socks

3. A T-shirt

8.* Look at the pictures and choose the correct form of the verb ‘to be’. Possible answers: is / isn’t / are / aren’t

1. They ____ happy. 2. This ____ a hospital. 3. There ____ four girls. 4. This cat ____ black. 5. There ____ some athletes. 9.* Put the following sentences in the correct order. 1. cat / is / a / table / under / there / the 2. superhero / is / a / Stella 3. not / is / Scotland / London / in 4. 654836 / number / Nigel’s / is / telephone

Remember this? | 15

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 2 | Exercise book


ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 2 | Exercise book

Exercise book 1.* Complete the following phrases with a suitable word. 1. Local (hair / eyes / length / newspaper / championship) 2. Green (hair / eyes / length / newspaper / championship) 4. Darts (hair / eyes / length / newspaper / championship) 5. Wavy (hair / eyes / length / newspaper / championship) 6. Medium (hair / eyes / length / newspaper / championship) 2.** Match each picture with its opposite adjective.






1. new 2. small 3. cheap 4. short 5. beautiful 3.** Look at the students’ possessions and choose a suitable description of the adjectives in the pictures. 1. What about Stella’s umbrella? a) It’s a big umbrella b) It’s a small umbrella 2. What about Nigel’s trousers? a) They’re nice trousers b) They’re horrible trousers 3. What about Stella’s skirt? a) It’s a long skirt b) It’s a short skirt 4. What about Nigel’s Rollerblades? a) They’re new Rollerblades b) They’re old Rollerblades

Jack is famous! | 10

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 2 | Exercise book

4.* Tell whether the following questions about some of the vocabulary in this chapter are true or false. a) We need our eyes to taste things. b) When we don’t like a song, we usually say that the song smells bad. c) To feel something means to touch it with our fingers. d) When we open our eyes, we can see things. But when we close our eyes, we can’t see anything. 5.* Find collocations that match with the word “hair”. Write down 8 words related to “hair”. 6.** Place the letters in the correct order to make adjectives. 1. cine

4. lebhorir

2. ngol

5. ohtrs

3. lmlas

6. vexepneis

7.** Complete the crossword and find words that are related to possessions and appearance. From top to bottom, words across: 1. Natasha’s got … eyes. 2. You can use it to see in the dark. 3. It tells us the time. 4. The opposite of straight hair is ... hair. From left to right, words down: 1. It’s a nice instrument to play. 2. The opposite of short hair is ... hair. 3. A typical eye colour in Spain. 4. We use it when it rains. 8.* Look at the picture and decide whether or not the unfortunate man has the ability to do the following actions . 1. Can he ride a bicycle? 2. Can he walk? 3. Can he talk? 4. Can he watch television? 5. Can he play the piano? 6. Can he use a computer? Options: a. Yes, he can. b. No, he can’t. c. Yes, he is. d. No, he isn’t.

Jack is famous! | 11

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 2 | Exercise book

9.* Transform these sentences into their negative form. 1. Dr Miyagi has got a pet called Natasha. 2. Ton and Son have got nice Rollerblades. 3. Jack has got a fake moustache. 4. Cassie has got blue eyes. 5. Flyona’s friends have got new bicycles. 6. Stella has got expensive clothes. 10.** Practice adjective order by rewriting the sentences and completing the sentence pairs. 1. It’s an expensive computer. 2. It’s a new skateboard. 3. They’re nice Rollerblades. 4. They’re old CDs. 5. It’s a horrible watch. 11.* Look at the pictures and choose a suitable verb form to complete the sentences.

1. The boy



2. The woman


play the piano.

3. Cassie



b. can’t

4. Natasha


sing well.

c. is

5. Dr Miyagi



d. are

Options: a. can

12.* Choose a suitable verb of the senses for each of the pictures. 1. This soup .... bad. a. feels b. smells c. tastes d. sees

Jack is famous! | 12

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 2 | Exercise book

2. This cake .... delicious. a. feels b. smells c. tastes d. sees

3. I can .... with my eyes. a. feel b. smells c. tastes d. see

4. I .... cold. a. feels b. smells c. tastes d. sees

13.** Rewrite the following sentences correcting the word order. 1. expensive/hasn’t/Cassie/got/piano/an 2. special/can/powers/Dr Miyagi/use 3. Natasha/can/the/hear/radio 4. have/new/got/Ton/and/Jack/umbrellas 5. Jack/drive/car/a/can’t 14.*** Find out the opposite of the adjectives in the sentences and complete the crossword. From top to bottom, words across: 1. Flyona is very unfriendly. Opposite adjective: 2. Nigel is a terrible captain. Opposite adjective: 3. Jack is not popular. Opposite adjective:

From left to right, words down: 1. Cassie has got small shoes. Opposite adjective:

Jack is famous! | 13

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 2 | Exercise book

15.* Match the sentence parts and make questions. 1. Can you use...

a. a car?

2. Can you do...

b. a computer?

3. Can you surf...

c. darts?

4. Can you drive...

d. a motorbike?

5. Can you ride...

e. 50 press-ups?

6. Can you play...

f. the Internet?

16.** Tell whether the statements are true or false. 1. “I can play the piano” indicates that you have the ability to play the piano. (T/F) 2. “Can I go to a party?” indicates that you have the ability to go to a party. (T/F) 3. “I have got” is more correct than “I’ve got”. (T/F) 4. “I can, you can, he cans”: all third person singular forms in the present tense need the ending –s to be correct. (T/F) 5. The particle “to” can’t be used before or after the verb “can”. (T/F) 6. The sentences “this is a new car” and “this car is new” have the same meaning. (T/F) 17.** Find the verb of the senses that best suits the following definitions. 1. You use your nose.


2. You use your hands.


3. You use your tongue.


4. You use your ears.


5. You use your eyes.


18.*** Type in the word that best fits the following descriptions. 1. An object designed to protect against the rain. 2. A type of in-line skates. 3. A small portable battery-powered electric lamp. 4. A listening device worn or placed in the ear. 5. A small pointed narrow object thrown in the air. 6. A flat board with rollers attached to the bottom. 19.* Answer the questions and practise the different short answer forms. 1. Is Cassie a boy? a. No, she isn’t. b. Yes, he is. c. No, he hasn’t. d. Yes, she does.

Jack is famous! | 14

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 2 | Exercise book

2. Has Cassie got blonde hair? a. No, she hasn’t. b. No, she isn’t. c. Yes, she hasn’t. d. Yes, she has. 3. Is Cassie’s hair medium-length? a. No, she isn’t. b. Yes, she is. c. No, it is long. d. Yes, it is. 4. Has Cassie got black shoes? a. No, they aren’t. b. No, she hasn’t. c. Yes, she has got. d. Yes, she has. 5. Has Cassie got a skirt? a. es, she has. b No, she has. c. Yes, she hasn’t. d. No, she hasn’t.

Jack is famous! | 15

ENGLISH 2 | unit 3 | Exercise book

an interview on the radio

ENGLISH 2 | UNIT 3 | Exercise book

1.* Check the reading on page 2 and match the words to make collocations. 1. darts

a. great!

2. wash

b. wait!

4. Sunday

c. StarStream

5. Radio

d. morning

6. I can’t

e. cars

7. That’s

f. match

2.** Put the following sentences in the correct order. 1. work / in / do / shop? / a / you 2. at / train / does / gym? / a / she / the 3. Supermind / they / are / from / school? 4. exercise? / is / difficult / it / a 5. match / a / play / can / evening? / on / we / darts / Sunday 6. room? / usually / you / tidy / do / your 3.* Fill in the gaps with the correct verb option to make true sentences. Options: is / isn’t 1. 7:00 pm


in the morning.

2. 12:00 pm


in the afternoon.

4. 8:25 am


in the evening.

5. 10:30 pm


at night.

6. 8:10 pm


in the evening.

4.* Match the words to make collocations. 1. get

a. bed

2. go to

b. the Internet

3. go

c. the gym

4. teach

d. work

5. have

e. breakfast

6. go to

f. up

7. start

g. English

8. surf

h. shopping

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ENGLISH 2 | UNIT 3 | Exercise book

5.* Put the following adverbs of frequency in order from less often to more often. 1. often 2. always 3. never 4. usually 5. sometimes 6.* Put the words in brackets in the correct place to complete the sentences. 1. Jack drinks coffee. (never) 2. Flyona has lunch at school. (sometimes) 3. The students get up late on Sunday. (usually) 4. Dr Miyagi visits his old friends. (often) 5. Son does her homework. (always) 7.** Unscramble the words. Find four things to eat and four things to write. 1. A thing to eat:


2. A thing to eat:


3. A thing to eat:


4. A thing to eat:


5. A thing to write:


6. A thing to write:

(xtte) (ssagmee)

7. A thing to write:


8. A thing to write:


8.* Complete the sentences with ‘do’, ‘does’, ‘is’ or ‘have’. 1. _______ your teacher play tennis? 2. _______ you watch videos in the afternoon ? 3. Where _______ your sister on Monday mornings ? 4. _______ dogs drink milk? 5. _______ you got a skateboard? 6. Where _______ your teacher live? 7. When _______ the children get up? 9.* Turn the affirmative sentences into their negative form and complete the sentence pairs. 1. I have lunch at home. 2. I tidy my room on Monday. 3. He works in an office. 4. She sends text messages.

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ENGLISH 2 | UNIT 3 | Exercise book

5. We have got new magazines. 6. My friends get up late on Sunday. 10.* Say whether the following statements are true or false. 1. The adverbs of frequency always go before the verb. (T / F) 2. The English language has got only 5 adverbs of frequency. (T / F) 3. The adverbs of frequency always come after the verb to be. (T / F) 4. The adverbs of frequency have to be used with questions starting “How often...?”. (T / F) 5. “Now” is an adverb of frequency. (T / F) 11.* Put the words in order to make questions. 1. the / to / you / cinema? / often / do / how / go. 2. often / do / Internet? / you /how / surf / the. 3. go / how / you / do /swimming? /often. 4. shopping? / often / do / you /how / go. 12.** Write questions using the words between slashes. 1. Dr Miyagi / have lunch / two o’clock 2. Ton / tidy his room / Monday 3. Jack / go to parties / weekend 4. Nigel’s friends / send text messages / evening 5. Stella / wash her hair / twice a week 6. Cassie / play the piano / often / Supermind school 13.*** Complete the crossword with the words corresponding to the definitions. When you finish, find the hidden adjective.

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ENGLISH 2 | UNIT 3 | Exercise book

1. An adverb of frequency. 2. Singers usually sing them. 3. The action you do when you use a pencil to express words. 4. You write them and send them from your computer using the Internet. 5. A verb which means to collect money, usually to support a cause. 6. A sport practised using rackets. 7. You can read the news on it. 8. A publication that contains a variety of articles. 9. An object we use to write or draw on paper. 10. You can watch films on it. 11. What you need to organise a run to raise money for a cause. 12. The gerund of the verb to eat. 14.* Choose the correct –ing (gerund) form of the verbs. 1. Choose the correct –ing form of the verb to read. a. readeing b. reading c. redding 2. Choose the correct –ing form of the verb to run. a. running b. runeing c. runing 3. Choose the correct –ing form of the verb to eat. a. eateing b. eatting c. eating 4. Choose the correct –ing form of the verb to go. a. gooing b. going c. goeing 5. Choose the correct –ing form of the verb to meet. a. meeting b. meetting c. meating 6. Choose the correct –ing form of the verb to watch. a. watcheing b. wattching c. watching

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ENGLISH 2 | UNIT 3 | Exercise book

7. Choose the correct –ing form of the verb to write. a. writting b. writeing c. writing 15.** Match the verbs of emotion with the corresponding emoticon.







1. like 2. dislike

3. hate 4. love


5. enjoy

6. fancy

7. detest

16.* Select the word that doesn’t go with the verb. 1. buy... a. newspapers

b. emails

c. books

b. computer games

c. magazines

b. books

c. tennis

b. videos

c. DVDs

b. magazines

c. stories

2. play... a. football 3. read... a. magazines 4. watch... a. emails 5. listen to... a. songs

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ENGLISH 2 | UNIT 3 | Exercise book

17.* Match the questions and answers. 1. Does she play tennis?

a. On Sunday.

2. Do they write songs?

b. In Liverpool.

3. Does the dog like chocolate?

c. Yes, it does.

4. Where does he live?

d. No, they don’t.

5. What do you do at the weekend?

e. Yes, she does.

6. When do you visit your grandparents?

f. I meet my friends.

18.* Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. 1. My brother likes ______ tennis, but he doesn’t play it often. (play) 2. I love _______ busy, but I’m not at the moment. (be) 3. My sister ______ coffee, but she dislikes drinking tea. (drink) 4. I love cooking every day, but I ______ cooking at the weekend. (hate) 5. I love ________ , but I never travel when I’m on holidays. (travel) 19.*** Write questions for the expressions of frequency using the prompts given. 1. Twice a week (go to a restaurant). 2. Three times a day (brush your teeth). 3. Once a year (go to the dentist). 4. Four times a week (go shopping). 5. Once a month (watch DVDs).

An interview on the radio | 56

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 4 | Exercise book

the barbecue

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 4 | Exercise book

Exercise book 1.** Read the descriptions and find 5 beach words in the crossword. From top to bottom, words across: - People usually wear this to sunbathe or have a bath. - People usually stand on it when they go fishing in the sea. From left to right, words down: - Deserts have large quantities of it. - It’s fantastic to eat one when it’s hot at the beach! - We use it when we come out of the water and we’re wet. 2 .* Complete the following phrases with suitable verbs. a. buy

1. the rocks

b. sunbathe

2. in the sea

c. swim

3. a ball

d. catch

4. on the beach

e. throw

5. a surfboard

f. carry

6. a ball

g. explore

7. an ice cream

3.** Change these sentences into the Present Continuous form. 1. Dr Miyagi carries a bag. 2. Flyona sunbathes next to Stella. 3. Jack and Tom swim in the sea. 4. A journalist reports from the beach. 5. Son throws a ball. 4.** Select the appropriate gerund form of the following infinitives. 1. What’s the gerund of the verb ‘to carry’? a. carrying

b. carryng

c. carryin

d. carring

2. What’s the gerund of the verb ‘to lie’? a. lieing

b. lieyng

c. lying

d. lyeing

3. What’s the gerund of the verb ‘to swim’? a. swiming

b. swimming

c. swimying

d. swymming

The barbecue | 13

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 4 | Exercise book

4. What’s the gerund of the verb ‘to explore’? a. explorring

b. explorying

c. exploreing d. exploring

5. What’s the gerund of the verb ‘to make’? a. makeing

b. makking

c. making

d. makeying

5.* Match the pictures with the words.







1. ruler 2. sticky tape 3. colour pencils 4. rubber 5. notebook 6. glue 6.** Find the hidden word that expresses the action that is happening in each of these situations. 1. If you are wearing headphones, you are... 2. If you put food in your mouth, you’re probably... 3. When the phone rings, someone is... 4. If you are having a juice, you are... 5. If you are in the kitchen, you’re probably... 6. If water is falling from the sky, it is... 7. When you are preparing an exam, you are... 7.** Write the following sentences in the correct order. Leave out the unnecessary word that there is in each of the sentences. 1. kicking / Stella / a / football / isn’t / are 2. is / Miyagi / television / are / Jack / watching /and 3. Son / now? / what / doing / he / is 4. lunch / has / eating / is / Natasha 5. a / reading / some / Flyona / books / is 6. basketball? / the / any / where / playing / students / are

The barbecue | 14

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 4 | Exercise book

8.* Complete the sentences with ‘a’, ‘some’ or ‘any’. 1. There is ...... ruler on the table. 2. There are ..... stickers on the wall. 3. Is there ...... pencil case in the drawer? 4. There isn’t ...... paint. 5. There aren’t ...... pens in the pencil case. 6. There are ...... papers on the floor. 9.** Complete the answers with ‘is’, ‘isn’t’, ‘are’ or ‘aren’t’. Bear in mind that one of the verb forms in the questions has been ommited! 1. ...... there any paint? No, there ...... 2. ...... there any papers? Yes, there ....... 3. ...... there any pens? No, there ....... 4. ...... there any stickers? Yes, there ....... 5. ...... there any sun cream? No, there ....... 6. ...... there any water in the sea? Yes, there ....... 10.** Find the hidden words related to weekend jobs. Either a synonym or a definition is given as help. 1. Clients: ...... 2. Someone who’s visiting a country abroad: ...... 3. Elegant; chic: ...... 4. A small city: ...... 5. Cash balance; cash register: ...... 6. French fries: ...... 7. Sometimes people have to wear this outfit at work: ...... 8. Receptacle: ...... 11.*** Complete the puzzle with appropriate nouns and reveal a hidden word that refers to writing materials. From top to bottom, words across: - Instrument used in drawing to measure distances and draw straight lines. Plural form. - Liquid substance used to cover a surface, usually by means of a brush. - A material usually derived from wood used to write or draw on it. - An adhesive paper. - A writing or drawing instrument. - A book with blank pages for recording notes. - A writing instrument with a point from which ink flows. Plural form. - Sticky substance that is used as an adhesive. - An eraser. - It is also known as cellophane tape.

The barbecue | 15

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 4 | Exercise book


> > > >

> > > > > 12.* Decide whether the following objects are preceded by ‘a/an’ or by ‘some’.








a. a/an b. some 13.** Select the appropriate category for each of the following words. 1. cool

a. adjective

b. noun

c. adverb

d. preposition

2. sticker

a. adjective

b. preposition

c. adverb

d. noun

3. quickly

a. adjective

b. noun

c. preposition

d. adverb

4. easy

a. adjective

b. noun

c. adverb

d. preposition

5. see

a. verb

b. noun

c. adverb

d. adjective

6. at

a. verb

b. noun

c. adverb

d. preposition

14.** Select the appropriate intention of the Present Continuous form as expressed in the following sentences. 1. I’m meeting Tom at 12 o’clock. a. Future plans and arrangements b. Action occurring at the moment of speaking 2. We’re visiting Dr Miyagi’s brother next weekend. a. Future plans and arrangements b. Action occurring at the moment of speaking The barbecue | 16

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 4 | Exercise book

3. Son is tidying her room. a. Future plans and arrangements b. Action occurring at the moment of speaking 4. I’m not going to the cinema with my friends. a. Future plans and arrangements b. Action occurring at the moment of speaking 5. Stella is having a shower now. a. Future plans and arrangements b. Action occurring at the moment of speaking 15.* Decide whether to use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous to complete the sentences. Options: a. have

b. go

c. are having

d. are going

1. It’s a fantastic party! We ...... a great time! 2. Flyona and Jack always ...... lunch together. 3. We ...... to the cinema every Tuesday. 4. We ...... to the cinema tonight. 16.** Decide whether the following statements are true or false. 1. On certain occasions, ‘some’ can be used with a singular noun, e.g. ‘some water’. (T/F) 2. We can use ‘now’ in sentences expressing future arrangements, e.g. ‘I’m meeting my friends now’. (T/F) 3. We use capital letters for days of the weeks, months, and years. (T/F) 4. The first person singular form, ‘I’, is always written in capital letters. (T/F) 5. The gerund form used in the Present Continuous always adds –ing following the infinitive form, e.g. ‘play’, ‘playing’. (T/F) 17.** Select a suitable preposition for the following phrases. 1. ... Tuesday

a. on

b. at

c. in

2. ... January

a. on

b. at

c. in

3. ... night

a. on

b. at

c. in

4. ... Sunday morning

a. on

b. at

c. in

5. ... Wednesday evening

a. on

b. at

c. in

6. ... the afternoon

a. on

b. at

c. in

7. ... Saturday night

a. on

b. at

c. in

18.** Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1. session / we / tonight’s / tickets / buying / are / for 2. o’clock / goers / at / meeting / nine / are /the / concert 3. moment / at / I’m / shower / this / having / a 4. Dr Miyagi’s / now? / a / sweet / eating / is / cat

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ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 4 | Exercise book

19.** Look at these words and find the odd one out. Which word does not belong here? 1a. cool

2a. have 12 years old

3a. paint

4a. pencil

5a. putting

1b. fantastic

2b. have a party

3b. draw

4b. rubber

5b. visiting

1c. extremely

2c. have lunch

3c. write

4c. eraser

5c. letting

1d. boring

2d. have a shower

3d. erase

4d. bike

5d. hitting

20. ** Put the verbs below in the continuous form (-ing) in the correct list. Categories: a. + -ing

b. t = tt

c. p = pp

d. e = -ing

e. ie = -ying

- work - eat - laugh - cut - put - stop - have - tie - dance - lie - play - come - phone - write

The barbecue | 18

ENGLISH 2 | unit 5 | Exercise book


ENGLISH 2 | UNIT 5 | Exercise book

1. * Match the opposite adjectives. tall


















2.* Write the adjectives in the correct column. POSITIVE


Attractive Dangerous Expensive Cheap Bad Dirty Peaceful Polluted Exciting 3.** Rewrite the sentences choosing the correct comparative form. 1. Elephants are bigger/smaller than rats. 2. Cars are lighter/heavier than motorbikes. 3. An A in an exam is worse/better than a B. 4. Computers are newer/older than televisions. 5. Herbs are taller/shorter than trees. 6. Winners are sadder/happier than losers. 4.** Are the following statements about comparative adjectives true or false? 1. Comparative adjectives are used to show the difference between two things. 2. Comparative adjectives are classified into short, medium-length and long. 3. Comparative adjectives can only be used to compare and contrast people. 4. Short adjectives are one-syllable adjectives and most two-syllable adjectives. 5. Comparatives add –er at the end of the adjectives. But if it ends in –e (nice), only –r is added.

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ENGLISH 2 | UNIT 5 | Exercise book

6. The comparative form of longer adjectives is made with “more” + adjective. 7. The comparative form of ‘good’ is good+er: gooder. 5.* Find the adjectives for these definitions and complete the crossword. 1. It indicates that something is limited in duration or size, that is, not long. 2. When the windows in your room aren’t clean, you can say that they are... 3. When you have a shower, your body is in that condition. 4. A 70-year-old man, as opposed to a 20-year-old man, is... 5. It isn’t nice, it is... 6. Rachel is not happy, she is...

5 2 4

1 3

6 6.** Write the comparative form of the following adjectives. 1. What is the comparative form of this adjective? INTERESTING a. interestinger b. more interesting c. most interesting d. interestingest 2. What is the comparative form of this adjective? MODERN a. modernest b. moderner c. the most modern d. more modern 3. What is the comparative form of this adjective? HAPPY a. happyier b. happier c. the happiest d. more happy

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ENGLISH 2 | UNIT 5 | Exercise book

4. What is the comparative form of this adjective? FAR a. farer b. farthest c. furthest d. further 5. What is the comparative form of this adjective? GOOD a. best b. butter c. more good d. better 6. What is the comparative form of this adjective? SAUSAGE a. sausager b. It’s not an adjective c. more sausage d. sausagest 7.** Write the opposites of the following adjectives. 1. beautiful 2. big 3. clean 4. dry 5. old-fashioned 6. old 7. nasty 8. sad 8.* Complete the sentences with the appropriate comparative or superlative form. more

the most




1. London is the____________biggest city in England. 2. Cars are faster____________bikes. 3. Stella is____________fashionable girl at Supermind school. 4. Flyona’s hair is____________longer than Stella’s. 5. Dr Miyagi speaks____________English than his students. 6. The streets in Cambridge are____________quiet than in London. 7. Jack is nastier____________Nigel.

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ENGLISH 2 | UNIT 5 | Exercise book

9.** Complete the sentences with the appropriate comparative or/and superlative form. 1. Playing tennis is _______, but playing golf is _______ difficult. a. easiest / most b. easy / more c. more easy / more d. difficult / more 2. The Freetles is _______ band in the history of pop music. a. the worse b. best c. the worst d. more better 3. Mercedes cars are ______ expensive than BMW cars, but Ferrari cars are _______ expensive. a. more / the more b. the most / more c. more / the most d. more / most 4. These computers are _______ than those. a. new b. newer c. newwer d. more new 5. Writing books isn’t __________ singing songs. a. the most exciting b. most exciting than c. the more exciting than d. more exciting than 10.*** Match the following words with their definitions. 1. Which of these definitions corresponds to ‘superlative’? a. The state of being inferior. b. The extreme form of an adjective in English that ends in –est. c. The comparative form of an adjective in English that ends in –er. 2. Which of these definitions corresponds to ‘comparison’? a. The quality of being similar. b. The quality of not being similar. c. A relation based on similarities and differences.

A tiny accident | 94

ENGLISH 2 | UNIT 5 | Exercise book

3. Which of these definitions corresponds to ‘the weak form of a word’? a. It is a form that may be used when the word has no stress. b. It is a form that can be used when it is a two-syllable word. c. It is a form that may be used when the word has stress. 4. Which of these definitions corresponds to ‘a key word’? a. An insignificant word. b. A significant word. c. A word we use to open doors. 5. Which of these definitions corresponds to ‘indefinite quantity? a. An amount that can not be measured. b. A specific amount. c. An unspecified amount, having no exact limits. 11.** Look at the link words and make appropriate sentences. I have a brother

or difficult?

I am poor

but I’m happy

Is this easy

after doing my homework

I’m not at work today

I’m ill

I eat food

and a sister

I usually watch TV

when I’m hungry because

12.* Fill in the blanks with ‘a/an’, ‘some’ or ‘any’. 1. There are______________girls at the train station. 2. Is there______________pen on the table? 3. This is______________new exercise. 4. We have______________biscuits for you. 5. I don’t have______________ friends in Italy. 6. We buy______________bread every day. 7. There is______________elephant in my dreams. 13.** Complete the sentences with ‘much’, ‘many’ or ‘a lot of’. 1. There is ______________ water on the floor. 2. We haven’t got______________time. 3. How______________bread do you eat daily? 4. There isn’t______________milk. 5. There aren’t______________cars in the car park. 6. How______________friends have you got?

A tiny accident | 95

ENGLISH 2 | UNIT 5 | Exercise book

14.* Put the following sentences in order. 1. She / in / is / her / tallest / the / family 2. I / than / my / sister / am / older 3. Who / youngest / your / is / in / the / class? / student 4. Mark / the / intelligent / class / boy / is / most / in / our 5. Susan /brother /is / than / younger / her 15.* Say whether the following statements are true or false. 1. New York is older than London. 2. Pop music is more modern than classical music. 3. Helicopters are lighter than aeroplanes. 4. Dr Miyagi is the youngest in the school. 5. Elvis is taller than Nigel. 16.* Write in the food type in the correct category.

1. COUNTABLE 2. UNCOUNTABLE 17.** Find mistakes in these sentences and rewrite them correctly. 1. There isn’t many milk. 2. How many bacon is there? 3. How many sandwiches is there? 4. There are a lot of coffee. 5. I don’t like many bread. 6. There is many butter.

A tiny accident | 96

ENGLISH 2 | UNIT 5 | Exercise book

18.*** Find the odd one out. 1. Find the odd one out. a. taller b. shortest c. more interesting d. older 2. Find the odd one out. a. best b. furthest c. cheapest d. worst 3. Find the odd one out. a. many cars b. a lot of friends c. much milk d. some biscuits 4. Find the odd one out. a. milk b. olive oil c. banana d. orange juice 5. Find the odd one out. a. peaceful b. strange c. polluted d. ice cream 19.** Look at the answers and write questions with ‘there is/are’, starting with ‘how many/much...’ 1. There are some oranges. 2. There is a lot of water. 3. There is a banana. 4. There are three cars.

A tiny accident | 97

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 6 | Exercise book

A busy day at Whitecoal Park

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 6 | Exercise book

Exercise book 1.* Match the sites on the left with different things you can find in them. 1. school

a. car, shops, people

2. cafĂŠ

b. TV, bedroom, bathroom

3. home

c. coffee, chair, menu

4. street

d. textbook, notebook, teacher

5. supermarket

e. tree, grass, fountain

6. park

f. drinks, vegetables, fruit

2.* Match the pictures with the words that describe them.









1. hill 2. mountain 3. bridge 4. river 5. lake 6. wood 7. town 8. road

A busy day at Whitecoal Park | 2

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 6 | Exercise book

3.*** Complete the crossword with things you can find in the city and in the country.

From left to right, words down: 1. You can cross the _____________ when the traffic lights are green. (4 letters) 2. A small city is commonly called ___________. (4 letters) 3. A big hill is a ______________. (8 letters) 4. A structure carrying a road, path or railway across a river, road, etc. ____________. (6 letters) From top to bottom, words across: 1. I love the __________ when it is spring. In contrast with the city, everything is so beautiful! (7 letters) 2. The branches of a tree are made of ____________. (4 letters) 3. A small mountain is called a ___________. (4 letters) 4** Choose the correct form of the verb ‘to be’ in the Past Simple tense in each sentence. 1. Which of these sentences is correct? 1. My friends were in the park. 2. My friends was in the park. 3. My friends wasn’t in the park. 4. My friend’s were in the park.

A busy day at Whitecoal Park | 3

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 6 | Exercise book

2. What‘s the Past Simple form of the verb ‘to be’ for ‘they’ in affirmative? 1. was 2. weren’t 3. were 4. wasn’t 3. Which of these sentences is correct? 1. Stella was at home because she had hurt her hand. 2. Stella were at home because she had hurted her hand. 3. Stella was at home because she wasn’t her hand. 4. Stella weren’t at home because she had hurt her hand. 4. Complete this sentence: ‘There ... many bananas in the fridge’. 1. was 2. wasn’t 3. were 4. didn’t 5. Select the correct sentence. 1. The park were full of students. 2. The park weren’t full of students. 3. The park was full of students. 4. The park were fulls of students. 6. Select the true sentence. 1. Dr Miyagi wasn’t proud of his students. 2. Dr Miyagi was proud of his students. 3. Dr Miyagi was angry. 4. Dr Miyagi was at the supermarket when the students cleaned the park. 7. The students cleaned the park because... 1. it was nice to play there. 2. it was a good lesson to clean it and learn how to recycle stuff. 3. it was a refreshing way to spend the day outside. 4. there was nothing else to do.

A busy day at Whitecoal Park | 4

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 6 | Exercise book

5.* Write the correct form of the verb ‘to be’ in the Past Simple. 1. Jack _________at the gym. 2. Stella __________ at home, she was out with Ton. 3. Ton and Stella _____________ in the skateboard park. 4. The students ___________ in the park. They cleaned it. 5. Dr Miyagi _____________ disappointed. He was proud of his students. 6.** Can you spell the Past Simple form of the following verbs? 1. do


2. write


3. give


4. have


5. read


6. phone _____ 7. cry


8. stop


7.** Choose the correct option. 1. wanted 2. enjoyed 3. invited 4. asked 5. played 1. Son ____________ her friends to the cinema. 2. Jack ____________ to go to a restaurant. 3. Stella ___________ the film. 4. Son ____________ everybody about the concert. 5. Elvis __________computer games all night long. 6. Jack_________to have dinner early. 7. The students ____________cleaning the park. 8.*** Change these sentences into questions. 1. Stella was happy to be with Jack. ­­­____________________________________ 2. Jack was really hungry. ____________________________________ 3. The film was finishing when they arrived. ____________________________________ 4. The film was a Hollywood production. _______________________________

A busy day at Whitecoal Park | 5

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 6 | Exercise book

5. The park was very dirty. __________________________________ 6. The students were worried about Stella. ______________________________ 9.*** Write these questions in the correct order. 1. go / to / the / did / restaurant / with / Jack / Stella / ? 2. did / the / film / Stella / enjoy / ? 3. invite / did / friends / she / to / the / her / cinema / ? 4. know / rubbish / did / you / recyclable / is / ? 5. Dr Miyagi / proud / of / was / students / his / ? 6. the / was / really / park / dirty / ? 10.** Match the words and pictures. 1. dentist 2. shopping 3. restaurant 4. study 5. datebook






11.* Are the following statements about the Olympic Games true or false? 1. The next Olympic Games will take place in 2012. _____ 2. The next Olympic Games will take place in London. _____ 3. Ice hockey is only played in the Winter Olympics. _____ 4. Baseball has been in the Olympics, but it won’t be an olympic sport in 2012. _____ 5. For a sport to be in the Olympics, it has to be widely practised by men and women in four continents. _____ 6. Winter Olympics are not as popular as Summer Olympics . _____ 12.* Match the two columns and make collocations. 1. meet

your meal.

2. watch


3. take

and repeat.

A busy day at Whitecoal Park | 6

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 6 | Exercise book

4. enjoy

the guitar.

5. have

friends after school.

6. play

a film on TV.

7. listen

time to do something.

13.* The world of music: match images and words. 1. venue 2. band 3. gig 4. mosh 5. fans






14.** Write the following sentences in the negative form. 1. Elvis watched a DVD. _____________________________ 2. Elvis wrote an email. ______________________________ 3. Ton used his calculator. ____________________________ 4. Cassie had breakfast. ______________________________ 5. Son made a cake. _________________________________ 15.*** Put these sentences in the correct order. 1. you / to / did / the / skateboard / go / park / yesterday / ? 2. drink / what / drink / the / did / park / you / at / ? 3. you / did / show / go / to / when / the / ? 4. the / did / sit / in / where / cinema / you / ? 16.* Complete the sentences with the Past Simple tense of these verbs: take, win, learn, begin, know. 1. It __________ a long time to get the tickets. 2. He ____________ four medals in the Olympic Games. 3. She ________ the list of irregular verbs by heart.

A busy day at Whitecoal Park | 7

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 6 | Exercise book

4. The students _________ to understand how important English was. 5. Stella ________ it was better to stay at home. 17.** Answer the following questions about the music industry. 1. To win a gold disc, an album needs to sell 100,000 copies in Britain and... • 500,000 in the United States. • 1,000,000 in the United States. • the same in the United States. 2. The music industry loses thousands of millions due to... • A lack of interest in music. • online sales. • illegal music downloads. 3. What percentage of recorded CDs are pirated? • 7% • 33% • 80% 4. The CD was developed by Philips and Sony in... • 1980 • 1990 • 1972 5. What country has won the most Eurovision song contests (7)? • Sweden. • France • Ireland 6. What artists has obtained the most gold discs in popular music? • Bob Dylan. • Michael Jackson. • Paul McCartney.

A busy day at Whitecoal Park | 8

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 6 | Exercise book

18.** Choose the appropriate form of the verb ‘to be’ in the Past Simple. 1. was 2. were 3. wasn’t 4. weren’t 1. There ________ a jacket on the bed and I gave it to Jack. 2. There ________ any rubbish on the floor. I had cleaned it. 3. There ________ a book on the shelf. It was actually a DVD. 4. There ________ a lot of noise in the room, so I turned off the TV. 5. There ________ any tickets under the chai. They were banknotes. 6. There ________ dogs outside. I could hear them barking. 19.* Complete the sentences with the Past Simple form of these verbs: have, make, do, play, read, listen, write. 1. I (read) __________ a book yesterday afternoon. 2. She (listen) __________ to a new CD on Friday night. 3. They (do) __________ their homework in the afternoon. 4. He (play) __________ a the guitar at a concert. 5. My friend in England (write)__________ an email yesterday. 6. We (have) __________ a brilliant time at the party. 7. We (make)__________ hamburgers for lunch. 20.** Put these time expressions in the correct order, from the most recent to the least recent. 1.

Half an hour ago

Twenty minutes ago

Last week

Yesterday evening

Last night




Last weekend



The day before yesterday

Two weeks ago

_______________________________________________________________________________ A busy day at Whitecoal Park | 9

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 6 | Exercise book


Last night

Yesterday evening

Yesterday afternoon

In the afternoon

Yesterday morning


A busy day at Whitecoal Park | 10

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 8 | Exercise book

Tougher than the rest?

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 8 | Exercise book

Exercise book 1.* Match the words on the right with a suitable collocation on the right. 1. Tougher

a. the truth

2. What’s come

b. in the spotlight

3. To tell you

c. an appointment

4. To miss

d. than the rest

5. To sound

e. annoyed

6. To be

f. bigger fish to fry

7. To have

g. by accident

8. To do something

h. over you?

2.** Put the following Past Continuous sentences in the correct order. 1. not / fast /we / driving / were /very 2. friends / horror / that / why / film / in / your / where / interested ? 3. on / was / game / Internet / difficult / playing / Jack / the / a 4. talking / was / about / what / teacher / maths / in / class / your? 5. you / where / last / night / a / party / not / having? 6. for / where / the / cooking / food / Dr Miyagi / was / party / school? 3.** Select the correct definition of the following verbs. 1. DRAW a. The action of using a paint brush and paint a line on a canvas. b. Make a mark or a series of lines on a surface, usually with an artistic intention. c. Erase the lines made on a surface using a rubber. 2. WHISTLE a. Speak softly, in a low voice. b. The sound made by something moving rapidly out of a small aperture. c. Sing a melody without lyrics. 3. SNORE a. The noise produced when you can’t sleep. b. The dreams that people have when they sleep. c. The noise produced when breathing during sleep.

Tougher than the rest? | 2

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 8 | Exercise book

4. BRUSH a. The act of drawing a comb through hair. b. The act of dying your hair in a colour different to yours. c. The act of using a hairdryer to dry your hair. 5. COMPLAIN a. Express pleasure or happiness. b. Express something using bad manners. c. Express displeasure or unhappiness. 4.** Match questions and answers. 1. Why are you late for school?

a. I couldn’t speak her language.

2. Why aren’t you wearing your trainers?

b. I couldn’t wake up.

3. Why didn’t you do what the teacher said?

c. I couldn’t find them.

4. Why didn’t you do your homework?

d. I couldn’t understand it.

5. Why did you not get out of bed?

e. I couldn’t hear her.

6. Why did you not go to the cinema?

f. I couldn’t find my bag.

7. Why weren’t you talking to her?

g. I couldn’t park my car anywhere.

5.* Turn these words into sentences in the Past Continuous tense. 1. What / your parents / do /at 9:00 pm. __________________________________________ 2. Where / your sister / go / this morning. __________________________________________ 3. When / your brother / travel abroad. __________________________________________ 4. Who / your uncle / talk to /last night. __________________________________________ 5. Why / your best friend / swim /late at night. __________________________________________ 6.** Complete the sentences with one of the words from the list below. 1. I was shaking .......... with him. 2. We were discussing a serious .......... 3. When I say sorry, I want to .......... 4. We were having .......... at 12:30 pm. 5. Everyone knows that Jack is an attention- ..........

Tougher than the rest? | 3

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 8 | Exercise book

6. Jack was .......... because Son didn’t invite him to the party. 7. If something isn’t interesting, it is .......... 8. When your stomach hurts, you could have a .......... belly. 9. Jack says, as an excuse, that he has bigger .......... to fry. 10. Son’s .......... party. a. getter b. annoyed c. lunch d. fish e. apologise f. birthday g. hands h. boring i. sore j. problem 7.* Correct the mistake in each of the following sentences. 1. Alasdair were having a snack at 4:00 pm. ________________________________________________ 2. Cassie was played the piano after class. ________________________________________________ 3. Why was Son and Ton catching a train? ________________________________________________ 4. Dr Miyagi didn’t can teach yesterday. ________________________________________________ 5. Nigel couldn’t to play the banjo because it was late. ________________________________________________ 6. Stella was wearing a new dress tomorrow night. ________________________________________________ 8.** Choose the correct alternative. a. sleeping

b. whistling

c. snoring

d. complaining

e. brushing

1. Jack was ______ he couldn’t sleep with the noise. 2. Dr Miyagi was ______ a song I couldn’t recognize. 3. Stella and Cassie weren’t ______. I could hear them talking.

Tougher than the rest? | 4

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 8 | Exercise book

4. Nigel was ______ Son’s hair because she had hurt her hand. 5. Flyona wasn’t _______ because she wasn’t asleep. 9.** Decide whether the following statements are true or false. T


1. ‘When I was ten I could play the guitar’ is an example of an ability in the past. 2. ‘I couldn’t go to the party’ is an example of a negative ability in the past. 3. ‘Can I offer you a coffee?’. The use of CAN here refers to the ability that I have to make coffee. 4. ‘You mustn’t arrive late to school’ means that, as a rule, you’re obliged to get to school on time. 5. ‘You mustn’t play computer games after 12.00 pm’ it’s a prohibition rule you have to obey. 6. ‘When I got home, I mustn’t open the door’ means absolutely nothing. 10.** Complete the crossword with the prompts given.





3 2 1. The thing that Son was organising for her birthday. Plural form. 2. If Jack was pretending, then he wasn’t telling the ... 3. When you feel offended, your feelings are ... 4. The action of formally asking someone to attend a party. 5. A focus of public attention. Jack is, for example, in the ... 6. Simulate (an emotion or quality).

Tougher than the rest? | 5

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 8 | Exercise book

11.** Read the actions and underline the one that expresses an ‘ability’. 1. use a calculator / talk to a friend / sit in an armchair 2. sleep in bed / open a book / drive a car 3. speak a lot / speak Italian / listen to the news on the radio 4. fix a computer / eat your lunch / drink a glass of water 5. wear a T-shirt / learn a lesson by heart / buy a guitar 12.** Complete the sentences using verbs from this chapter. 1. ________ about something you are not very happy with (7 letters). 2. ________ to someone when you do something wrong (9 letters). 3. ________ a question (6 letters). 4. ________ a song (4 letters). 5. ________ a computer when it breaks down (3 letters). 13.* Select the incorrect verb from the following options. 1. a. Use a computer

b. Drive a computer

c. Fix a computer

2. a. Type a DVD player

b. Fix a DVD player

c. Buy a DVD player


a. Use a calculator

b. Fix a calculator

c. Write a calculator


a. Fix a car

b. Drive a car

c. Play a car

5. a. Speak Japanese

b. Fix Japanese

c. Study Japanese

14.** Join the phrases in the Past Continuous. Choose a suitable link word from these options: ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘where’. 1. I was having a shower. John phoned. ________________________________________________ 2. Mary brought a cake. I was cooking dinner. ________________________________________________

Tougher than the rest? | 6

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 8 | Exercise book

3. We were dancing. The lights went out. ________________________________________________ 4. The cats were sleeping. Someone rang the bell. ________________________________________________ 5. The police arrived. We were trying to help. ________________________________________________ 6. My dad was emptying the rubbish bin. It started to rain. ________________________________________________ 15.*** Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Stella and Flyona (sleep) when a stranger phoned. 2. Flyona (walk) to the phone when someone knocked on the door. 3. Stella and Flyona (talk) when the window broke open. 4. Stella (tiptoe) when she heard a sound at the door. 5. Stella and Flyona (try) to hide when Miyagi walked in. 16.* Match the phrases to make complete sentences. 1. Jack was reading in bed

a. when the lights went out.

2. Nigel was playing the banjo

b. when he ran out of water.

3. Stella was climbing a ladder

c. when his mobile phone rang.

4. Flyona was watching TV

d. when Miyagi asked her a question.

5. Cassie was running

e. when a string broke.

6. Ton was dying his hair

f. when she stumbled and fell.

7. Miyagi was giving a speech

g. when he fell asleep.

8. Son was reading a book in class

h. when a black cat walked under it.

17.* Write questions for these answers using the question words below. a. What

b. Where

c. Who

d. When

1. I was playing tennis. _____ were you doing at the sports centre? 2. A banana. _____ were you eating when I called you? 3. To my uncle John. _____ were you talking to at the bus stop? 4. Tomorrow. _____ were you planning to leave? 5. To the hospital. _____ was Paul driving to last night? 6. Next to her cousin. ______ was she sitting at the concert?

Tougher than the rest? | 7

ENGLISH 2 | CHAPTER 8 | Exercise book

18.** Turn the following sentences into the Past Continuous tense. 1. Jack went to the park at six yesterday. ________________________________________ 2. Flyona and Nigel play computer games all day. ________________________________________ 3. Ton is riding a new bicycle. ________________________________________ 4. Cassie didn’t eat a lot. ________________________________________ 5. Miyagi is meeting a friend at nine. ________________________________________ 19.* Match pictures and words. a. whistle

b. complain



c. snore

d. brush

e. draw




20.** Select one of these verbs and make complete sentences. a. mustn’t

b. can

c. could

d. have to

e. must

1. The way to Supermind School? You _______ turn right at the traffic lights. 2. Cassie _______ speak French because her family is from France. 3. Jack _______ play darts after 12 pm. It’s too late. 4. The students _______ listen to Dr Miyagi when he is teaching. 5. When Nigel was five, he _______ sing Elvis Presley’s songs.

Tougher than the rest? | 8

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