The Cad Factory Business Plan Summary 2014 - 2015
COVER Churchbell Discs Bruce Odland 2011 Image: The Ronalds Project: Rural Residency Program
Victoria Hunt in Roadside Frequencies 2011 Image: Jordan Bryon Project: Rural Residency Program
“The Cad Factory has an excellent reputation for developing outstanding cross disciplinary contemporary art projects in regional NSW.” Brianna Munting, Deputy Director, NAVA , 2013
COVER Churchbell Discs Bruce Odland 2011 Image: The Ronalds Project: Rural Resideny Program
Vic McEwan in Roadside Frequencies 2011 Image: Jordan Bryon Project: Rural Residency Program
After humble beginnings in a Sydney warehouse, The Cad Factory is now located in regional Australia, presenting a program of major arts projects with partners ranging from International and local artists, national corporations, local businesses and a variety of sectors including health and education. We have big dreams for The Cad Factory and as living dreams is at the core of our philosophy, we are looking forward to what the future holds. This document outlines where we collectively plan to take The Cad Factory over the next two years and highlights our four key strategies and supporting initiatives. 
Vic McEwan, Artistic Director
From Our School House Mayu Kanamori & Vic McEwan 2011 Image: Mayu Kanamori Project: Rural Residency Program
1. Deliver excellence in contemporary arts practice We are committed to providing and broadening Australian contemporary visual, performance and installation arts practice that represents global excellence.
Initiatives 1.1 Deliver a two-year program of outstanding cross disciplinary contemporary arts projects (see our Program calendar for more detail) 1.2 Actively seek to develop innovation in arts programming and practice 1.3 Further develop and create new relationships with nationally and internationally renowned arts practitioners 1.4 Build institutional partnerships that support contemporary art excellence 1.5 Creatively develop Cad Factory artists 1.6 Position The Cad Factory as a nationally and internationally recognised arts organisation
Of Rice & Men Shigeaki Iwai 2013 Image: Mayu Kanamori Project: SunRice & The Cad Factory Contemporary Arts Partnership
2. Build meaningful and vocal partnerships; nurture and develop arts capacity for communities, people and places We will actively connect with the arts and other sectors, service providers, community groups and national and local businesses to build connections, tell stories and celebrate remote landscapes and the people that live within them.
Initiatives 2.1 Deliver 3 arts projects in conjunction with national institutions 2.2 Secure 2 new regional partners 2.3 Increase school program workshops by 15% and community workshops by 100% by 2015 2.4 Develop an increased online presence including facebook (1,000 friends), twitter (200 followers), YouTube (500 views) and newsletter subscribers (900) 2.5 In conjunction with national and local partners, document and archive 90% of Cad Factory projects
Shower (is it still raining? i hadn’t noticed) Scott Howie 2013 Image: Daniel O’Brien Project: Grong Grong Creative House
3. Provide interactive opportunities for artists, audiences and communities We will help grow and sustain local artists and audiences by providing connections and voices for regional communities to celebrate their natural and man made landscapes.
Initiatives 3.1 Build audiences by 50% to a target of 5,000 in 2015 3.2 Support the creation of art installation and performances in non-typical spaces and environments 3.3 Deliver 2 projects with the health sector or organisations that promote social wellbeing 3.4 Provide mentoring, project and collaboration opportunities for regional artists and craft practitioners 3.5 Further develop our relationship with Accessible Arts and write an access policy 3.6 Deliver a minimum of 1 project in conjunction with local indigenous communities
Tipping Point Vic & Sarah McEwan 2013 Image: Lindy Allen Project: One River
4. Create a viable, safe, dynamic and connected organisation We are seeking to mature and become more sustainable, with a focus on increasing funding, building organisational capacity and connecting interested supporters to the organisation in more formal ways.
4.1 Double arts funding by 2015 and grow non-core revenue by 25% 4.2 Develop a corporate partnership proposal and secure 1 major and 1 significant partner 4.3 Develop a philanthropic funding proposal and secure 1-2 funders 4.4 Identify and build local administration, technical, production and project capacity 4.5 Secure one additional Board member 4.6 Draft position descriptions and professional development plans (PDPs) for all core roles 4.7 Develop and implement a safety policy including a project risk assessment proforma
Dance Diaries: Narrandera 2012 Image: Linda Luke & Martin Fox Project: Rural Residency Program
Ways to support us 1. Follow The Cad Factory, subscribe to our newsletter, attend events - in person or online 2. Become an institution, creative, community, venue or media partner 3. Become a funding partner 4. Make a donation For more information visit or contact Vic McEwan on +61 409 543 952, email The Cad Factory is located at 1906 Strontian Road, Sandigo (Narrandera) NSW 2700, Australia
The Cad Factory is supported by: