1 minute read
Beverly Arts Center Staff
by BAC SoFa
Kevin Pease Artistic Director
Emily Nelson Chief of Staff
Deja Taylor Coordinator, Events
Dr. Carla Carter Managing Director
Tamie Ramirez Finance Manager
Rick Keeley Technical Director
Anthony Whitson-Martini Interim Director of Education
Morgan-Eliza Cooper Coordinator, School Partnerships
Matt McKinney Education Manager, School of Fine Arts (SOFA)
Kara Ryan Coordinator, Special Projects & School of Fine Arts (SOFA)
Registration deadlines:
All classes that meet the minimum number of enrollment will remain open for registration until the end of the first week of each session. All enrollment after the first week will be charged a $10.00 late fee. Any classes that do not meet minimum enrollment (4 students) may be canceled before the first day of the session.
*All classes that fall on the Labor Day holiday have been prorated.*