Portfolio: Vladimir Sokolov 2000/12

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Vladimir Sokolov The Art of Dreaming, Awakening Life

Portfolio 2000 / 2012 Vladimir Sokolov, Viconart, 2012 ŠCopyright all rights reserved.

Vladimir Sokolov Born: in 1979, Kharkov, Ukraine Born again as an artist: in 1999, USA Studied: at the Art Istitute of Dallas & Academy of Art, San Francisco, CA

Art of Dreaming, Awakening Life. “The way to awake into life is not to be afraid of life, and to recognize that all of reality, as it exists, is a manifestation of the power of creation”. - Joseph Campbell “And so the Dreamtime does not just lie in the distant past, the Dreamtime is the eternal Now. Between heartbeat and heartbeat the Dreamtime can come again” - an Australian aboriginal creation myth.

I dream, you dream, we all dream. Art of dreaming - is being able to “wake into the dream”, to find a hidden portal into the Mystic Reality, to dissolve in it until you loose the contact with the Realityas-you-know-it, stop the inner dialog, the thinking process, the known realm of logical and routine. For me, in order to create, the most important part is to stop the Routine (so-called “reality”) and let the Spirits communicate without interrupting them with my opinions and bothering them with my judgements. Making art is a lot like making love, and the moment you start thinking - is the moment when you loose the connection. Like love, art is a lot of concentrated attention without logics involved. Even though I developed my style as an artist, I do not clench to one style in art, and let it grow and change with me. I am inspired by the art that states/reinforces life itself: sense of humor, sexuality, movement, change, philosophy, mythology, mystery and joy.

The Dream of Victory

2003, mixed media, color paper, 50x65cm (19.5’x25.5’) Cover for “Healing Madness” published by “Rech”, 2007, St-Petersburg, Russia


2000, mixed media, color paper, 50x65cm (19.5’x25.5’) published by “Rech”, 2007, St-Petersburg, Russia


2011, mixed media, color paper, 50x65cm (19.5’x25.5’)

Three Seconds Before Awakening

2005, mixed media, color paper, 50x65cm (19.5’x25.5’) published by “Rech”, 2007, St-Petersburg, Russia

Organic Life

2010, mixed media, color paper, 50x65cm (19.5’x25.5’) Cover for “Rivers of Love, Shores of Relationship”, published by “Rech”, 2010, St-Petersburg, Russia

Once Upon A Dream-Time

2007, watercolor pencils on color paper, 46x51cm (18’ x 20‘)

One Drop of Italy

2012 , watercolor pencils on color paper, 40.5x51cm (16’ x 20‘)


2011, pastel on blue watercolor paper, 40.5x51cm (16’ x 20‘)

Portrait of Gennady from Akko

2011, pastel on blue watercolor paper, 30.5x51cm (12’ x 20‘)

Venetian Dream

2001, print on copper plate, sepia ink on watercolor paper, 30.5x40.5cm (12’ x 16‘)

Picasso’s Dream

2001, print on copper plate, watercolor paper, 23x30.5cm (9’ x 12‘)

The Dream Catcher

2003, print on copper plate, watercolor, 40.5x56cm (16’ x 22‘)

The House of Windows

2001, print on linoleum, watercolor paper, 23x30.5cm (9’ x 12‘)


• “Healing Madness: Between Misterii and Psychotherapy”, published by “Rech” in S.-Petersburg, 2007 (complete lay-out, illustrations and cover) • “Fairy-tales and Fairy Therapy”, published by the Institute of Psychotherapy in Moscow, 2005 (illustrations and cover) • “Quilt-blanket, or Psychotherapy in Zen style”, published by “Phoenix”, Rostov-na-Donu, 2005 (illustrations) • “Vesla” - cover for Russian Society’s Literature Journal, Austin, TX, 2002 (the cover) • “Adventures of Prince Eno & Fairy Therapy”, published by Eksmo-press in Moscow, 2001 • “Quilt-blanket” and “Fairy Therapy”, published by “Klass”, Moscow, 1997 (illustrations) • “The Rivers of Love, the Shores of Relationship”, Published by “Rech”, S.-Petersburg, 2010 (the cover) • “Daily Utah Chronicle” newspaper, 2009/10 (political cartoons)

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