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Global disruptive moments in recent logistics history

Mobile phones gain the required technology to be able to display barcodes.

The two-dimensional QR code is unveiled in Japan.


First commercially-scanned UPC barcode

First Bar Code was invented

The colombian Bernardo Trujillo formalize the theoretical and practical bases of modern distribution. The Committee on Uniform Grocery Product Code recommends barcodes be used on most products un U.S.

The 1996 Planning law is instated, prohibiting the development of large scale hypermarkets in Denmark

The internet was made widely available

Almost every major food delivery service, saw it gross merchandise volume increase by over 100%

The Digimarc Barcode, a machine readable code nearly invisible to humans, is adopted by the GS1 organization.

Bilka, Tilst is expanded from 12,000 sqm to 18,000 sqm

Amazon Go introduces a new supermarket concept: No lines, no checkouts, no registers.

First Self-Service Supermarket. Piggly Wiggly, Memphis Tenesse, USA.

First Supermarket. King Kullen, New York, USA.

First Salling department store opens in Denmark

Denmarks first hypermarket Bilka opens in Tilst.

Denmarks first discountsupermarket “Netto” opens

The dark store concept emerged in England.

Hyperlocal distribution is introduced in Copenhagen

The first air freight took place from Dayton to Columbus

Enormous advances were made during the war years, as aeroplane technology was invested.

First Containership : SS Ideal X

The International Standards Organisation standardised the container as a box being 20 foot long, 8 foot high and 8 foot wide

The boom of express parcels. Planes primarily for cargo starts to appear

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