[re]Defining the Journey| an inquiry on architecture education
Entrance/Design Build Area
Recent history has made apparent a clear sepa experience with technicality, construction methods and an attempt to foster a more seamless connection betwe preexisting engineering building, formerly a parking lot, various aspects of the architectural profession that are
aration between architectural education and professional practice. The relationship students d materiality is typically ignored as a result of a traditional focus on form-based architecture. In een students and these architectural principles. The area between this project proposal and the , offers a plaza and an area designated for design-build. This space makes available to students absent in common place architectural curricula.
The design process of this thesis was influenced b shadows, program purpose and relationship of building the programmatic needs of the proposed building, this address how the architectural education experience co
by various attributes of concepts rooted in phenomenology. Elements such as natural light and g to surrounding context were explored. As a result of this investigation, in addition to addressing thesis seeks to understand the effect of a project proposal on the site area, and, in this instance, ould be improved.
Responding to programmatic deficiencies commo and exterior, the courtyard is a common space where se or simply a break from the stressful life that comes a programmatic opportunities to capitalize on. In addition
only found in the schools of architecture, specifically the inadequate relationship between interior everal outdoor activities can take place. Whether it is an outdoor exhibition, a music performance as a result of being an architecture student, the courtyard provides students with an array of n, the patio area serves as a buffer, distinguishing the public and private areas of the project.
Studio Space
During my research I asked several architecture st that it should be a collaborative space. With this in min modified allowing interaction between students from d them to witness the beginning of lifetime friendships, st
tudents what they thought an architecture school should be, and the predominant response was nd, the proposed studio spaces feature an open plan design scheme where partitions can be different studios and years of study. The design of these spaces will foster a culture that allows tructures exam study sessions and memorable long nights in the studio.
Main Atrium
Areas for the everyday activities of an architecture considered after the design of the building is complet circulation spine where students can make use of a se of the building. Spaces such as this promote a more in the school.
student, such as a place to eat, take a break or just talk with peers for example, are traditionally te. The atrium space in this project proposal serves as a central hub located in the building’s eating area, a cafe, vertical circulation to the upper floors and visual relationships to the outside nformal interaction among students, ultimately providing a less competitive environment within
The connection between architecture and its conte to observe how a building can become a fundamental p of this design is one that frames the views of the site a contemporary life.
ext is a fundamental premise in theories of phenomenology. For architecture students, it is crucial part of its surrounding context. In an effort to achieve this connection, the architectural articulation and allows students to experience a moment of serenity in between the constant movement of
Support Spaces
The proposed curriculum model has identified supplemented by several additional courses. This pro teachers are given the flexibility to take the design cou witness physical construction details or simply sketch t
that the design studio course, traditionally being the core course, is more effective when oposal pursues to apply this premise by creating “programmatic pockets" where students and urse outside of the classroom, and do things such as analyze how the sun affects your design, the outdoors for example, all activities that will complement and enhance the learning process.
During the inevitable long nights that come as a re breathe fresh air and relax. The second and third floor o connect with natural elements and site context while ha
esult of being an architecture student, there is always a time where a break is needed simply to of this project features a balcony facing the south area of the site that allows students to visually aving that necessary cup of coffee just before another sunrise.
Hybrid Studio
The second floor accommodates the hybrid studi provides for a more complete and flexible area for stud brings them together in one space.
io which houses lecture rooms, computer labs, fabrication equipment and faculty offices. This dents and faculty. Instead of branching major aspects of architectural education, this proposal
Critique Space
Another programmatic deficiency identified in arch makeshift spaces that are not suitable, or ideal, for an a work exhibition on the third floor.
hitecture schools is the lack of official critique space. Students traditionally present their work in architecture jury. This project accounts for this by providing a designated space for critique and
Garden of Survival
The journey of being a student has come to an end close to the near ravine. This area represents the cul struggle, tear and joy is rewarded in the garden of surv
d, and the proposal provides an outdoor area to the east area of the site that features a boardwalk lmination of the, undoubtedly, life changing experience of architectural education. Every line, vival.