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Did you ever dream? of what you could do, see, be, Imagi ne.

One v ery spec ial gi rl had such imagi nation that she was everywhere, everythi ng, all at once.

But one day she fell. And she noticed that the people around her were changed.

Heads down, they went about thei r dail y l i v es i n a con stant stream of monotony.

In fact, it seemed as though the whole city had become one dull, enormous machine.

And the people a part of it. Perhaps the whole world was


A s she wandered through the cit y, the gi rl herself became

D eeper i nto


the grey dankness she went, begi nni ng to leave her own imagi nation behi nd.

Then came a great


So loud and overpowering. Weighing down t h e v ery ai r ar o u n d i t. A tr em e n d ous

Silence. It sounded as if it

was comi ng from beneath the c it y.

The gi rl crept slowly down i nto the darkness.

T he silenc e was ov erw helmi ng now.

She thought the darkness would never end. And then suddenly they appeared. The imaginations. Of everyone in the city.

The girl picked them up.

She could feel their energ y.

imagi nati She began to feel her own

retu rni ng, and threw them high, back to the

c it y abov e.


They burst back into the city, surprising the people, who did not recognise them at first.

But then they realised what they were missing.

And never let go again.

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