Business Matters July 2011

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JULY 2011

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BUSINESSMaTTERS Comment from the Chair: Dave Marshall

We have all received our property tax notices and with the notable and laudable exception of Langford, they are up again. Although this is a painful, annual event, businesses have begun to take a much closer look at the bill. We are still recovering from a very difficult recession. During this time, revenues are down and we have had to make some hard decisions on the operating side of our balance sheets. Yet, as we look at our tax bills, we are asking some tough questions.

We do not pretend that balancing the municipal books is easy, in fact it is complex and incredibly difficult. Downloading has and continues to be an issue and we (taxpayers all) want to maintain our “quality of community”. However, over the past decade and with very few exceptions, every municipality in our region has increased operating spending by amounts that exceed the combined rates of population and inflation growth, and at levels that are greater than our GDP growth. The result is that property taxes go up. While we all appreciate that periodic spikes are unavoidable and may even be planned, such consistent growth in operating spending is simply unsustainable. It is not surprising that some municipalities are considering “alternate sources of revenue”, but there is only one taxpayer and alternate sources (fees, new business taxes that result in increased consumer costs, etc.) all trace back to that one taxpayer.

Which leads us to suggest that municipalities do not appear to have a revenue problem; they have a spending problem. We are asking the following questions: What is being done to rein in operating costs? What tough conversations are taking place to reduce services or deliver them at a lower cost? At a more systemic level, is it time to establish more stringent budgeting parameters, such as limiting increases to some defined and measurable combination of increases in GDP, population and inflation? Although municipalities are audited annually by well-qualified firms, such audits do not ask if customers (taxpayers) and suppliers (taxpayers) are getting value for money. Is it time for a “value for money audit”? Indeed, is it time to establish an independent Municipal Auditor General to oversee budgets and expenditures of local governments? One conclusion is undeniable – the trend is not sustainable. Though we live, work and play in an amazing, wonderful city, it is time to start a different conversation.

Chamber members have spoken clearly – you want us to dig into municipal financing and ask these questions on your behalf. We are doing so.

Advertise in Business Matters Business Matters is a key business resource that is targeted and distributed to over 10,000 business owners and decision makers in our community. To advertise in Business Matters, Contact Us At: The Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce #100 – 852 Fort St. Victoria, BC V8W 1H8 250-383-7191

Submission Guidelines Send all magazine submissions to: Please respect the length guidelines. Member Letters: 200 words Member News: Standard one page media release Publication Mail Poste-Publications 40005319

Table of Contents


Top 3 Priorities for Federal Gov’t: 4

July/August Events: 13

New Members: 18

Member News: 8

Greater Victoria Development Agency: 14

Keep Your Eye on the Issues: 21

Alternate Service Delivery: 10

2011 Business Services Show: 16

Get to Know the Marine Industry: 22


CEO REMARKS: Bruce Carter Mobile Computing I recently attended the BC Chamber of Commerce annual convention and worked very hard not to print out the stacks of paper associated with policies, agendas, and the like. It was a very successful exercise for me, and I used my iPad for a number of functions including sourcing an optometrist to do a quick fix on my glasses. A number of other delegates commented on the ease of use of the iPad and that perhaps it was time to get one. Almost every delegate had an iPhone or a Blackberry. This experience drove home for me the business significance of mobile devices and their interfaces as the next revolution in our business trends. I know that many of the leading edge technology companies and users are likely saying “You just figured that out?” However the vast majority of companies in our economy are not “early adopters” but rather adopters of “mature technology” that truly helps businesses. The mature technology businesses were not the first ones to buy fax machines but they all own one now and many of these companies still print out faxes. The majority of businesses know what Twitter is and are unable to figure out how to use it within their business, and have sat on the sidelines and watched the communication revolution without adopting. The use of mobile devices/computing is technology that does have the features to meet a client’s needs and therefore becomes a business imperative. The information must be displayed in a format that makes it legible whether the user is at a restaurant, on a bus, or waiting for an airplane. As printed directories and lists become less prevalent people are increasingly accessing information online and the proliferation of mobile devices necessitates that people adapt. The choices that businesses face are complex, but the gateway remains a website that delivers the content customers need.

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The customer’s requirements change based on the business. A gas station may only need to provide location and hours of operation, a restaurant the daily special, and a car dealer must provide detailed vehicle specifications. All of these are different but your website is your digital storefront and people are increasingly accessing your site on their iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, or Playbook. Applications are another means of promoting your business. An application must be written for each platform requiring a minimum of five applications (don’t forget the one for the computer) that must be updated and maintained. The application market and its users are very demanding and I suspect these applications will remain the tool of the advanced users and early adopters as technology upgrades and changes in user preferences will keep this a very dynamic space. Online payments capability is the next area of development and will be a great leap forward in mobile computing. Online transactions will make our new mobile websites as useful as our cash register. The time has come for all businesses to look at mobile computing for the devices used to access our websites. Those businesses that take early action will maximize the business potential created by the proliferation of mobile devices.

Cheryl Duff

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Chamber Priorities

for the Federal Government The three highest priorities explained in detail: airport expansion, municipal infrastructure funding, and a national housing-first strategy. 4|


ism Victoria

Photo: Tour

The recent federal election was certainly very interesting to watch and political experts will take significant pleasure in discussing the results for years. Locally we in are in the position of having lost significant experience in Parliament by losing long time Members of Parliament Gary Lunn and Keith Martin. In addition, we do not have an MP representing the government in the region. The majority government will, as most majority governments do, set priorities and plans in caucus or cabinet and we will all have to work hard to ensure Greater Victoria’s priorities are represented. Our newly elected and veteran MPs may find their task quite challenging. As a regional leader, the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce will play an important role in ensuring our regional priorities are addressed. We will work with our MPs and approach the government directly with our priorities. Our federal priorities are numerous and the opportunity must be well defined in order to get the action we seek.


This $40 million dollar project will enable non-stop air service to key international markets in Europe and Asia. The VAA board has made it their top priority to secure a funding partnership to implement the runway extension, and it estimates that the ability to land jumbo jets will add another $37 million to Greater Victoria’s economy annually. A three-way equal partnership between the Airport Authority, Province of British Columbia and the Federal Government would allow this project to begin almost immediately, extending the airport’s main runway from 7,000 feet to 8,400 feet. At present, the VAA has its share of the funds in reserve for the project and the federal government has expressed interest. Our region’s continued prosperity, post-Olympic opportunities, and the province’s stated goal of doubling tour-

of government deferred maintenance on the country’s infrastructure system and focused on program spending at the cost of new capital investment. Legislation reinforcing the commitment to infrastructure investment is urgently needed to provide for a predictable and positive business climate and an environment where Canadian businesses can confidently make long-term investment decisions that will propel our country into a new era of prosperity. During the 1980s and 1990s, provincial and federal budget deficits continued to exact a toll on infrastructure investment as the governments of the day sought to balance budget deficits. During this time the municipal infrastructure gap as a percentage of national GDP grew from 2.7% in 1984 to 5.0% in the early 2000s. Starting in 2005, the federal government recognized this challenge, and announced the New Deal for Canadian Cities, pledging to commit funds raised through the national gas tax to infrastructure investment. This pledge was reaffirmed in 2008, when the federal government committed to extending the program and providing $2 billion annually for investment that supports sustainable municipal infrastructure. This was an important and welcome decision. Unfortunately, the municipal infrastructure gap is growing by approximately $2 billion per year. The federal funding stabilizes the gap, but does not address either the accumulated infrastructure deficit, which stands at roughly $123 billion, or the additional $115 billion in projected demand.

Our federal priorities are numerous and the opportunity must be well defined in order to get the action we seek.

Airport Expansion a Key Economic Priority

Our region’s tourism and technology industries require efficient and robust air service as a critical part of our economic vitality and a fundamental building block for their continued success. In order to promote economic growth and sustainability for our region, the Chamber supports the Victoria Airport Authority’s proposal for a 1,400 foot runway extension. The Victoria International Airport is Canada’s 8th busiest airport, while having the shortest runway of any major Canadian airport. Over the past few years the Victoria Airport Authority (VAA) has successfully completed a major terminal expansion and is now setting the stage to attract additional international air service.

ism revenues depend on transportation connections that can host the world. An extended runway at the Victoria International Airport is an important part of bringing these goals to fruition.


Federal Legislation for the Gas Tax Program

At the regional, provincial and national levels, our investment in infrastructure is a cornerstone of our ability to conduct trade and commerce in a globally competitive world. In the mid 20th century, Canada was among the strongest nations in the world, in terms of public infrastructure investment. This stance fostered an environment where Canadian and multinational corporations leveraged additional capital investments and significantly improved the country’s economic growth and productivity for the decades to come. By the late 1960s and into the 1970s, public infrastructure investment had started to slow, as different orders

While the federal government’s pledge of $2 billion is a step in the right direction, more needs to be done. Progress made in restoring infrastructure investment through the Gas Tax Program is encouraging but efforts must be made to protect the value of the $2 billion allocated from the effects of inflation. Without a provision to index infrastructure investments through legislation, the current rate of investment will likely fall by half in real terms within 15 years, effectively returning to levels of that prior to 2005.




Supporting the

West Coast Shipbuilding Bid The Chamber has been working closely with industry stakeholders to assist with the expansion of the local shipbuilding industry. Currently we are working to develop plans to further the bid under the Federal Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy (NSPS). At the recent BC Chamber AGM, the Chamber worked with the Chambers of North Vancouver and Richmond on a successful resolution calling on the BC Government to actively support Seaspan Shipyards’ West Coast bid. The potential economic impact of a successful bid on Victoria would be extensive. Not only would the contract itself provide jobs along with indirect spending, but the improvements in capacity would allow the Victoria shipbuilding community to bid on lucrative future private and defence contracts.

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National Strategy to End Homelessness

We have recognized homelessness as a principal community challenge for many years and taken considerable steps to solve homelessness in our region. One of those important steps was the creation of the Coalition to End homelessness, which continues to work to address the challenges in our region. Unfortunately, Greater Victoria is not the only jurisdiction where homelessness is a significant problem. This is a national issue and affects the quality of life across our country. It is estimated that homelessness costs Canadian taxpayers between $4.5 and $6 billion annually, inclusive of health care, criminal justice, social services and emergency shelter costs. Between 1993 and 2004, homelessness cost Canadian taxpayers an estimated $49.5 billion, across all services and jurisdictions. While solutions to homelessness exist and efforts are being made by communities to implement solutions across the country, the government has been unable to reduce the total number of homeless in Canada. A national plan to end homelessness will clearly set the goals, objectives, metrics and outcomes for all homelessness initiatives and will provide the proper mechanisms to more effectively address the issue. Without a clear strategy to direct national efforts to end homelessness, businesses will continue to be negatively impacted by the growing crisis. The Victoria Chamber has called for housing the homeless, as a first priority, cost-effective approach to reducing homelessness. Case study evidence shows that vulnerable and at-risk homeless families are more responsive to interventions and social services support after they are in their own housing, rather than while living in temporary/transitional facilities or housing programs. A national plan to end homelessness should adopt a housing-first approach as a best-practice model for reducing homelessness. On average, each homeless person in British Columbia costs the public system in ex-

cess of $55,000 per year, while the provision of adequate housing with supportive services is estimated to reduce this cost to $37,000 per year. This would result in an overall savings of about $211 million per year in BC alone. The sooner the federal government commits to ending homelessness in a reasonable time frame, the sooner Canadian businesses and citizens will benefit from the resulting increase in Canada’s economic productivity and quality of life. The development of a national plan to end homelessness is the necessary first step toward fulfilling this commitment.

Other Federal Priorities In addition to the priorities above we continue to engage the federal government on a host of issues key to our local economy. They are too numerous to describe in detail but hopefully this list will provide a window into that work. §§ HST changes regarding Foreign Travel §§ Improvements to the Immigration system §§ Defense investments in the region §§ Evolving the Western Diversification mandate §§ Harbour divestiture §§ Infrastructure funding (bridges, sewage treatment, rapid transit, road intersections) §§ Tourism Marketing §§ International Trade

Conclusion In an average year the Chamber spends hundreds of hours researching solutions and advocating on priorities that are important to our members. We meet weekly with elected officials and their administrations at all levels of government, raising our concerns and engaging stakeholders to find constructive solutions to the challenges and opportunities in our community. This year is shaping up to be anything but average and so will be our efforts in shaping the debate.

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MEMBER NEWS Hotel Association of Greater Victoria Establishes New Funding for Tourism Victoria The Hotel Association of Greater Victoria (HAGV) has established a new 1% voluntary Destination Marketing Fee. Approximately 20 hotels in Victoria’s downtown have voluntarily joined this program which will begin on June 1, 2011 when an additional 1% will be applied to the hotel rate for guests. The funds generated from this fee will go to Tourism Victoria for sales and marketing with the express purpose of generating room nights. Tourism Victoria will work collaboratively with a committee of the participating hotels to strategically use the funds towards new initiatives and to potentially supplement current initiatives.

Hillside Printing Company Under New Ownership Jim and Barb Isman are the new owners of Hillside Printing Co., one of the leading print and photocopy providers on Vancouver Island. They purchased the long-established company from its previous owner, John Norris. The Isman’s have extensive business experience and have recently moved to Victoria from North Vancouver. Their enthusiasm coupled with the experienced staff at Hillside will ensure that it’s “business as usual”. Look for new offerings soon from this successful, local Victoria company. Connect Hearing ranked #49 in The 100 Best Workplaces in Canada 2011 For the second year in a row, Connect Hearing (Canada) placed in the Top 50; and once again was the only private hearing health care organization to make the list of the Best Workplaces in Canada. This prestigious list is compiled by the Great Place to Work Institute, a global research and management consultancy known for their global lists of Best Workplaces. The list represents diversity in terms of size



sector, industry and location and is judged by 50,000 Canadian employees. Connect Hearing CEO Craig Cameron received the award at the ceremony held April 11th, 2011 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Toronto, Ontario, and expressed his gratitude to the employees of the company.

BCHAZMAT Management a Speaker at Prestigious CBRNE Conference Dave Rogers, of BCHAZMAT Management, an environmental education and spill response training company based in Sidney, spoke at a recent CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive) in Washington, D.C. He discussed his experiences using the Street Lab Mobile (SLM) Trace Detector. This one-of-a-kind international gathering of industry professionals and colleagues brought together hundreds of key CBRNE Responders from around the world in the public and private sectors across the fields of detection, identification and secure documents and highlighted the latest advances in securityrelated technology.

/A\ Network to be Rebranded as CTV Two This Fall Bell Media will extend its marketleading CTV brand to its /A\ network, renaming it CTV Two this Fall. The debut of the new identity is strategically scheduled to coincide with the launch of the network in High Definition, also planned for this Fall. The CTV Two communities across the country will also benefit from leveraging Canada’s most trusted news brand when /A\ NEWS transitions into CTV NEWS in each market, also this Fall. While still retaining their editorial independence, the former /A\ NEWS broadcasts will be strengthened under the umbrella of the CTV NEWS brand. Additionally, local CTV Two stations will use the

CTV brand in their ongoing community investment initiatives, providing a more powerful extension of support into the communities they serve.

Clive’s Classic Lounge a Finalist in the Tales of the Cocktail Spirited Awards Clive’s Classic Lounge in the Chateau Victoria has been honoured by being named a finalist in the category of “World’s Best Hotel Bar” and is the only Canadian bar nominated at the Tales of the Cocktail Spirited Awards. The peer nominated and judged competition includes categories such as “International Brand Ambassador” & “Best Drink’s Selection”. Clive’s Classic Lounge has been grouped with such great hotel bars as the American Bar in the Savoy, London; Artesian in the Langham, London & Clyde Common in the ACE, Portland. The awards ceremony will be held July 23rd in New Orleans during the Tales of the Cocktail event. Financial Services Ltd. Announces Corporate Restructuring and Added Services Effective immediately, William A. Ritchie, President and Founder, has assumed the responsibilities of Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation as Michael J. Burden moves on to pursue new opportunities. In addition to the streamlined executive management structure, GICdirect is announcing expanded services to include a selection of Insurance, Annuity and Alternative Investment Products to clients. Chamber’s Own Lifetime Achievement Winner Receives Canadian Meritorious Service Medal Cedric Steele, also known as Honorary Captain (N) Steele, was invited to a special ceremony in Ottawa to receive the prestigious Meritorious Service Medal from His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada.

Cedric was honoured for his unflagging service to Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt, Maritime Forces Pacific and to the Canadian Forces in general, and for inspiring and connecting the Navy with prominent Canadians and various business groups, as well as the local community. Through Cedric’s extraordinary energy, vision and tireless efforts, the Esquimalt-based Navy has become linked to the identity of Greater Victoria, as further demonstrated by his commitment to create the Naval Centennial Homecoming statue on the Victoria waterfront. Also recognized with the Meritorious Service Medal (Military Division) was Commander Christopher John Hargreaves. Rear-Admiral Tyrone Herbert William Pile, was honoured with the Meritorious Service Cross (Military Division).

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Service Delivery

e t a n r e t l A e c i v r Se

y r e v i l e D

Options for delivery of municipal services The Chamber has expressed concern about the trend of property taxes increasing in an unsustainable manner. As the deadline to pay property taxes has just passed, this is an issue on the minds of businesses and residents alike. The challenge lies with the fact that municipalities need to find ways to provide the services we demand as a community. Not only that, but we are all calling for additional resources in policing, improved transportation, and sewage treatment. While we appreciate the challenges faced by local government with limited resources, raising those revenues by increasing the cost of business through increased taxes is an unsustainable solution. It is time to look at better ways of delivering those services, including Alternate Service Delivery. Alternate Service Delivery (ASD) is a recognized process of providing services without raising taxes. By exploring these options, local governments can focus on their core business, doing what they do best, and benefit from the expertise of others to deliver functions and services efficiently, and at the best price for the taxpayer.

So what is “Alternative Service Delivery” or “ASD”? Alternative Service Delivery is defined as:”… a creative and dynamic process of public sector restructuring that improves the delivery of services to clients by sharing governance functions with individuals, community groups and other government entities,” according to a white-paper written by David A. Good and Barry Carin. ASD is also referred to as a “uniquely Canadian term that has gained currency as a worldwide phenomenon,” by Robin Ford and David Zussman in their report entitled Alternative Service Delivery: Transcending Boundaries. The advantages are not news to business owners. Many private sector and notfor-profit organizations have realized the need to focus on their core business, and where identified, deliver other business activities and functions through an ASD solution. Some examples of business services that are typically now delivered by an outside provider include:

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§§ Small and large companies that contract out their payroll and benefit systems §§ Pension funds and other property owners that leave the day-to-day operations of their investments to real estate management companies §§ Organizations in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors that outsource their information technology (IT) systems and their management For these businesses, ASD means making the best use of their limited time and resources while gaining access to services in a timely, affordable and efficient fashion. Where governments are concerned, the examination of applying an ASD process is relatively new. Government has traditionally directly delivered a range of services to its citizens. Like their counterparts in the private and not-for-profit sector, all orders of government have begun to recognize that they can no longer sustainably support such a broad array of functions and services in the way they traditionally have. Not only can ASD provide cost savings, improved access to financing and technical expertise, but increased satisfaction levels generally result. In response to new economic realities, many governments have begun to use ASD as a way to review opportunities around the services they deliver and to help identify new solutions. Since the mid-2000s many federal and provincial government initiatives have been undertaken with positive results. Some examples include: §§ The province’s agreement with IBM to manage their IT systems §§ Transport Canada’s devolution of services to the Victoria International Airport §§ Provincial government’s contract with TELUS Sourcing Solutions (TSS) to deliver its corporate HR/payroll systems and services §§ Provincial agreement with HP Advanced Solutions for revenue collection At a municipal level, a number of other jurisdictions have initiated ASD programs with promising results. Halifax was one such jurisdiction that implemented these measures in 1996, when faced with many of the same challenges that face our region today. According to a report

by the Institute of Public Administration of Canada, Halifax used ASD to address a number of new and innovative ways to deliver services that had traditionally been delivered directly by the municipality. The report states, “Competition was the approach used for landscape maintenance; contracting-out was used for parking enforcement, solid-waste collection, legal services and grass-cutting; special operating agencies (SOAs) were created for the management of recreation centres; public-private partnerships were used for the Harbour Solutions and Organic Composting programs; and volunteerism in the areas of fire service, recreation and trail maintenance were encouraged.” Similar issues were prevalent in Ottawa when they undertook their own “Competitive Service Delivery Review Process”, to better understand how municipal services could be delivered in a more efficient fashion while better managing costs and still providing high quality service standards. The same ISPAC report referenced above outlined some of the same considerations that Halifax faced, as Ottawa “turned to alternative service delivery options and eventually developed the Competitive Service Delivery Review for the transportation, utilities and public works (TUPW) department. The city decided that the initiative would need to meet the conditions of the city’s corporate mission statement, which requires the enhancement of life by focusing on service, leadership and value for money. It must also meet the terms of the TUPW department’s vision statement, which calls for seamless, integrated and environmentally responsible on-the-street services that meet community expectations and provide optimal value.” Regionally we can already point to services that are provided on behalf of municipalities from a third party provider such as the Commissionaire service, the operation of Save-On Foods Memorial Centre, and many, if not all, of the region’s larger capital projects which enlist the assistance of outside service providers. Greater Victoria police agencies are already using ASD as some municipalities outsource portions of their needs to other forces and to address targeted challenges such as integrated road safety.

“I’m not just saving water, I’m also saving money.” -John Cantin, Owner of John’s Place Restaurant

We opened up in October ’84. And in those days, nobody told you about ways to save on energy costs. Today, we do seven times the business we did that first year - about 600 covers a day. Energy costs go up – you accept that as the cost of doing business. So when the CRD told me I could save $30,000 a year by switching from water-cooled to air-cooled refrigeration, I sure took notice. That and the other changes they recommended like low-flow faucets for the kitchen and high efficiency toilets. I’m no longer wasting water or money. As a business owner, it’s great that for once we can save the dollars and do our part for the environment. To find out how you can save like John, visit



ASD is just one way our local governments can achieve their goals of providing quality services to the citizens of our region while watching the bottom line. In addition, the region’s municipalities have used different types of ASD in many innovative ways, including major initiatives like the Coalition to End Homelessness. These regional examples and the efforts of other jurisdictions act as examples that every organization stands to benefit from the implementation of alternative service delivery programs and are starting points for the discussion our community can have about how we provide the services and amenities we enjoy in a fashion that is sustainable. Imagine what might happen should the municipalities of Greater Victoria pool resources on, for example, mechanics. Rather than each municipality trying to keep up with technological

and staffing needs, a pool would allow for shared experts who could specialize. While staff were seeking additional training on new technologies, other members of the team could step in to address urgent repairs, reducing downtime for vehicles.

ASD can also mean expecting more participation from taxpayers. Garbage collection is an easy example. Residents of some municipalities have been unwilling to share the responsibility by bringing their cans to the curb. Yet there is a cost to continue on the present course. If bringing your can to the curb could directly impact your property tax bill, perhaps it’s time to take another look at the idea. With the advent of improved recycling options, we are all sending less to the dump. For those municipalities with weekly garbage pickup, would a change to every second week really be so terrible? Consider the potential cost savings.

To help identify and pursue opportunities around ASD, the province of British Columbia established the Alternative Services Delivery Secretariat whose role is to provide cost-effective and efficient delivery of services through innovative partnering with the private sector. Objectives of the Secretariat include: §§ Maintaining or enhancing service levels within the provincial government §§ Allowing government to focus its resources on more strategic areas §§ Reducing costs, increasing revenue, or maximizing cost avoidance §§ Managing and transferring operational risk §§ Harnessing the combined creativity of the private and public sectors §§ Supporting general economic development and growth In their role, the Alternative Services Delivery Secretariat works with the provincial ministries and other government organizations to understand the continuum of ASD

possibilities, assist with the preparation of the business case, facilitate the approval process, work on joint solutions, and offer advice on managing the relationship with the selected service provider. The Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce is committed to the vibrancy and sustainability of our community and understands that we must find innovative solutions to the challenges and opportunities facing the region, including opportunities for alternate service delivery. Municipal governments need to balance revenues and expenses, just as businesses and households do during challenging economic times. It is essential that we explore cost effective means of delivering services. ASD is just one way our local governments can achieve their goals of providing quality services to the citizens of our region while watching the bottom line and minimizing the tax burden that is placed upon the residents and businesses of Greater Victoria.

Q: What’s missing from your workplace?

Success By 6 starts with you. The importance of the early years cannot be overstated as they are crucial for a child’s cognitive, social and emotional development. Success By 6 Vancouver Island works with organizations to increase Early Childhood Development opportunities across all socio-economic boundaries. If you wish to make a meaningful contribution to a child’s life, the time to act is now. Your donation will have a tremendous impact not only on the children, but greater community as well. They say it takes a “village”, to raise a child, work with the family, and weather the storms of life — and the place to start is with you. Helping all children succeed for life.

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A: A co-op student with the skills to speed up your projects. Contact us today to learn how our students can contribute to your workplace. Work terms normally begin in January, May and September.

Co-operative Education and Student Employment 250.370.4410 Co-operative Education Program and Career Services 250.721.7628

JULY & AUGUST EVENTS JULY Tuesday, July 5, 2011 CEO Coffee Hour 8:30am – 9:30 am Hosted by ScotiaMcLeod, 400-1803 Douglas St. Members only please Wednesday, July 6, 2011 Business Education Series Sponsored by: Sector Learning Solutions Sleep Better, Address the Unspeakable - Fraud Risk 11:45am – 1:15 pm Chamber Office, 100-852 Fort St. Thursday, July 14, 2011 Prodigy Group July Mingle 5:30pm – 7:30 pm Hosted by: NADEN Wardroom, CFB Esquimalt, 1586 Esquimalt Rd. Members & their guests only please Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Sustainable Futures Series Sponsored by: Heritage Office Furnishings Victoria Ltd. Carbon Offsets: What are they? How can they work for your business? 11:45am – 1:15pm Chamber Office, 100-852 Fort St.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011 Business Leaders Series Mr. Matt Price, Campaigns Director, Environmental Defence 11:30am – 1:30pm Hosted by Inn at Laurel Point, 680 Montreal St. Thursday, July 21, 2011 Business Mixer 5:00pm – 7:00 pm Hosted by: Marty Smith Motors, 1859 Blanshard St. Members & their guests only please

Saturday, July 23, 2011 Prodigy Group Rooftop Beach Volleyball Tournament 2:00 – 10:30 pm Hosted by: Rooftop Surf Club, Strathcona Hotel, 919 Douglas St. Wednesday, July 27, 2011 Business Education Series Sponsored by: Sector Learning Solutions Effective Speaking: Do’s and Don’ts to Engage Your Audience 11:45am – 1:15 pm Chamber Office, 100-852 Fort St.

AUGUST Tuesday, August 2, 2011 CEO Coffee Hour 8:30am – 9:30 am Hosted by: Times Colonist, 2621 Douglas St. Members only please Wednesday, August 3, 2011 Business Education Series Sponsored by: Sector Learning Solutions The Six Most Dangerous Threats Facing Employers & Businesses Today 11:45am – 1:15 pm Chamber Office, 100-852 Fort St. Wednesday, August 10, 2011 Business Leaders Series Mr. Ron Harmer, Consultant, Canadian Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Association 11:30am – 1:30pm Thursday, August 11, 2011 Prodigy Group April Mingle 5:30pm – 7:30 pm Hosted by: Metro Lexus Toyota Victoria, 625 Frances Av. Members & their guests only please

Wednesday, August 17, 2011 Business Education Series Sponsored by: Sector Learning Solutions Smartphone Training: Using Technology to Create Success 11:45am – 1:15 pm Chamber Office, 100-852 Fort St.

Thursday, August 18, 2011 Business Mixer 5:00pm – 7:00 pm Hosted by: TBD Members & their guests only please

SUSTAINABLE FUTURES TO OFFSET OR NOT TO OFFSET Not only are consumers beginning to demand a more environmentally friendly approach from their local businesses, but legislation means there’s never been a better time to go green. There are many, inexpensive and easy ways to add a little green to your business but when the recycling bin and energy efficient bulbs don’t cut it anymore, it might be time to consider funding a wind farm. Carbon offsetting can be a very effective and viable option when considering a greener approach. Carbon offsetting is the reduction of carbon emissions or greenhouse gasses made in order to compensate for or to offset emissions made elsewhere. Generally carbon offsetting is voluntary, usually purchased to compensate for greenhouse gas emissions from transport, electricity use and other sources. Helping to fund tree-planting projects is a common type of carbon offsetting as it remains one of the more affordable, effective means of drawing excess CO2 from the atmosphere. Forestry projects are by no means the only way to offset carbons however, as wind farms, biomass energy and hydroelectric dams are great examples of renewable energy offsets.

Before purchasing offsets you may want to calculate your “carbon footprint” which is the sum of carbon emissions from all of your carbonproducing activities. How you calculate this depends on the activity. There are plenty of online resources available to help you figure out what your carbon footprint is. In B.C., you have the choice between two companies when considering the purchase of offsets, Carbon Offsetters and Pacific Carbon Trust. To maximize your impact keep an eye on the price of the offsets you’re considering as the price of offsets can vary and will depend on the provider. Other considerations to keep in mind are the project type (renewable, reforestation, etc.), locations (Canada, international), and other social, community and environmental project benefits. While carbon offsetting is quickly gaining popularity as consumers become more aware of the potentially negative environmental effects of a modern lifestyle, it is by no means a cure. Leaving no footprint is preferable to an offset footprint and with that in mind there are many ways to reduce the environmental impact of your business. Consider these alternatives before choosing carbon offsets as your main route to a more environmentally conscious business plan.



WHEN YOU LOVE FOOD. Economic Development is a Top Priority for Municipal Partners

Invite our signature party trays to your next office gathering.

The GVDA’s Economic Development Officer, Sasha Angus

Greater Victoria recently received accolades in independent studies as one of the top “Best Places to Live” as well as a top “North American City of the Future”. These and other studies look at both quality of life and quality of opportunity, confirming how aligned these factors are for the future prosperity of a region. In order to maintain and improve the quality of life we have come to value in Greater Victoria, we must continue to nurture a strong economic environment. We are now competing in a global marketplace and as a somewhat isolated economic entity; we must build upon our strengths. Quality of life is clearly our competitive advantage. The challenging economic climate we currently face makes reinvestment in economic development even more critical. When businesses are flourishing, they provide household-sustaining jobs, translating into more consumers patronizing local businesses. Streets bustle, stores and restaurants thrive, and cultural activity gains support. Economic prosperity directly and indirectly benefits all members of our community. The City of Victoria has recently taken great strides towards strong economic development. After considerable con-

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sultation with regional stakeholders, the City developed a document entitled “Strengthening Victoria’s Economy: Proposals for a Strategic Plan,” highlighting the benefits of economic development to the community as a whole. The City asked for public input and will finalize their proposals by September. Over the past four years, the City of Victoria and the District of Saanich have strongly supported the efforts of the GVDA, allowing the implementation of consistent economic development plans. The GVDA continuously works locally to provide assistance to start-up companies while also building our reputation on the international stage. A successful trade mission to China in 2010, arranged by the GVDA, has already led to local economic impact. With a number of our academic, technology and tourism partners securing new opportunities. Victoria’s Strategic Plan outlines further opportunities to build on the already strong relationship with the GVDA and we look forward to future collaboration with all our municipal partners. In our efforts to market Greater Victoria to the world, the GVDA recently launched a completely re-designed website with a sharp new look inspired

Healthy foods for your healthy lifestyle.

903 Yates At Quadra | 250.381.6000 7 am - 11 pm 125-2401 C Millstream Road | 250.391.1110 8 am - 11 pm

PREPARED FOR: MARKET STORES PUBLICATION: CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INSERTION DATE: JULY is the fact that the site can now by the local community and its industry. SIZE: 4.9” exciting x 4.9” be translated PREPARED BY: BRAVO 250 590into 1169 fifty different languages Significantly more information about the ADVERTISING

Greater Victoria region is now available to help support businesses inside and out outside the region. Regional statistics, employment rates, tourism, and upcoming events, for example, are some of the things you can now check online.

On top of an attractive new design, the new website also focuses on improved usability. It features a dramatic increase in online accessibility that is accomplished using the following methods: text resizing; a high contrast layout for people with vision impairments; and a mobile style sheet for those viewing the site on portable devices. We have also increased the site’s functionality, and added a wealth of new features. These include: a customized events calendar; photo galleries; news archives; enhanced search functionality; RSS feeds; and a job board. Even more

including Mandarin, German, Japanese and Spanish. This makes the website an amazing tool with which to market Victoria to the world.

To facilitate frequent and easy updates, the site is driven by an enterprise-level content management system which will help ensure that the website is always upto-date with the latest information about the GVDA and items of interest to its members and the community.

If you would like more information on the region and how the GVDA can help your business please visit or feel free to contact our Economic Development Officer, Sasha Angus at sangus@ or (250) 383-7191 ext. 204.



SHOW INFORMATION Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2011 Location: Crystal Garden | 713 Douglas St. Exhibitor Setup: 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Tradeshow Hours: 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Networking Reception: 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

ABOUT §§ Largest business tradeshow in Greater Victoria §§ Access to over 100 exhibitors from the business community



§§ Booth space including back wall and side drape, one six foot skirted table and one chair

§§ Power, wireless internet, extra tables, extra chairs and boxed lunches are available for an additional charge

§§ Mention in the September issue of Business Matters publication and on the Chamber’s website

§§ A loading schedule will be pre-determined, with each exhibitor given a specific time to load their supplies into the Crystal Garden

§§ Established media partnerships providing comprehensive media exposure for event and exhibitors

§§ 25 invitations to the event, for your clients and/or staff

§§ Local and regional business awareness through high profile location and exposure


WHY EXHIBIT? §§ Trade shows generate sales leads and boost sales §§ Trade shows deliver a captive group of potential buyers §§ Trade show visitors are decision makers §§ Your audience is professional / executive / influential business people

Members 8’ x 8’ Booth Package - $470 + HST

Future Members+ 8’ x 8’ Booth Package - $670 + HST

8’ TC Promo Pack* (8’ Booth + Colour Ad) - $770 + HST

8’ TC Promo Pack* (8’ Booth + Colour Ad) - $970 + HST

10’ x 8’ Booth Package - $570 + HST

10’ x 8’ Booth Package - $770 + HST

10’ TC Promo Pack* (10’ Booth + Colour Ad) - $870 + HST

10’ TC Promo Pack* (10’ Booth + Colour Ad) - $1070 + HST

* The Times Colonist (TC) will be running a two-page feature on October 4th, 2011 that will include the promo pack advertisements. Ads are 3.09”w x 3.57”h. Advertisers can send in their own PDF or have the TC create one for you for free. Staff from the TC will contact you in early September regarding deadlines. The event will also be promoted on the Times Colonist website for two weeks leading up to the show. Visit for more information. + If non-Chamber members choose to join the Chamber either before or after attending the show. $200 of their Booth Package will be apportioned towards their Chamber membership for the upcoming year. This offer is valid until December 9, 2011.

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NETWORKING RECEPTION Networking is a powerful business tool. Join us for hors d’oeuvres, refreshments and an opportunity to network with the Greater Victoria business community.

Time: 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Location: Crystal Garden, 713 Douglas St. Parking: Available in Victoria Conference Centre parkade or on surrounding streets Cash bar

RSVP online at

REGISTER EARLY! Booths are sold on a first come, first served basis by booth number. To book your booth, please visit our website at, or call us at 250-383-7191 today.

SPONSORS Presenting Media Sponsor:

Gold Sponsor:

Silver Sponsors:

Bronze Sponsors:

Media Sponsors:



NEW MEMBERS A Paddle in the Park

Art Box

Dr. Kevin Clarke



Pediatric Ear, Nose & Throat surgeon. 250.595.7564

Absolute Therapy

Baker Studios

Absolute Therapy is health clinic which offers Registered Massage Therapy in a friendly, professional environment. Book an appointment online at 250.590.6126

Specialises in high end recordings and song writing, for artists and businesses around the world. Musician-Producer, Joby Baker’s discography includes Juno and Grammy Nominated & Winning albums. 250.592.7434

Action Door Service Inc.

Bartlett Tree Experts

Installation and servicing of automatic doors including push bottons and handicap door operations. 250.383.2795

Our local arborists are experts in diagnosing and treating problems to help protect your plants and your landscape investment. We provide pruning, removal, soil, insect and disease management. 250.479.3873

Adventure Dog

Adventure Dog has been taking Victoria area dogs on social hiking excursions since 2004; we are now pleased to be a member of the Chamber of Commerce! 250.818.4364

Beach Rags

250.381.5858 Born Free Outdoors

Aircom Business Solutions

250.881.1982 Ambrosia Historic Bed & Breakfast

Intimate 1897 Heritage Bed & Breakfast is right in the heart of Victoria’s Downtown, 3 blocks from the water. Gourmet breakfasts and spacious suites with fireplaces and en-suite bathrooms. 250.380.7705

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Busix Empowering computers to empower small businesses achieve big business results. We make your computer do back flips when you thought it could only play dead! 250.472.8936 Celebrate Life Final Expense Planners

Final Expense and monument funding. 250.388.4274

Discovery Computers Victoria


Community Micro Lending

Dreamland Kids

In order to reduce local poverty, build a vibrant local economy, foster sustainable business, and empower people, our Society makes micro loans and provides support to local citizens and entrepreneurs. 250.812.5986


Cook Street Village Activity Centre

Cook Street Village Activity Centre, a non-profit organization, offering social, educational and recreational activities for persons of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds 50+ years of age. 250.384.6542 Curious Books & Comics Ltd.

Curious Comics is comprised of three Vancouver Island locations. We have been in business since 1988 and specialize in comics, graphic novels, games and pop culture. 250.384.1656 DeCicco Bros Plastering & Stucco

A family business serving greater Victoria for over 50 years. Specializing in acrylic & conventional stucco, all rainscreen systems & swimming pool surfacing for residential and commercial projects. 250.478.7773 Dig This


Fair Realty

Fair Realty is a member of 6 Real Estate Boards with 80 agents and growing. We service Vancouver Island, Lower Mainland, Okanagan and the Kootenays. 250.480.5555 La Fogata Latina

250.381.2233 Fort Street Cycle

Fort Street Cycle is a downtown retail bicycle store focusing on the sales and service of middle to high end bicycles, with an emphasis to on-road bicycles, in the Victoria and surrounding Vancouver Island area. 250.384.6665 D. Fritz Appraisals

Real Estate appraisals. Residential appraisals on properties up to and including four residential units. 250.413.7319 Goyadeal

Connecting you with local deals that you claim for FREE! 250.588.5784

NEW MEMBERS Grasshopper Kidz


Dr. Anthony Nadolski

Pier 815/ Dockside Gifts


24 hour monitoring of home and business alarm systems, surveillance cameras, access control. 250.389.1350



Osborn Watts & Co.

Radiate Corporate Wellness


Radiate Corporate Wellness helps you create a workplace that is healthy and engaging! We provide a full spectrum of on-site wellness services and seminars. 250.896.7939

Island View Construction

250.391.9649 J’s & M’s Shoes and handbags

J’s & M’s Shoes™ is a family business selling shoes online for the whole family. Authentic leather dress shoes, runners and customized boots. 250.727.3142 James Bay Spirit Merchants

250.590.3515 jbaccounting@spiritmerchants.Ca Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

250.220.5857 Kathy’s Kreations

Artisan jewellery 250.642.6058 Little Thai Foods Inc.

Our entrees started from Master Thai Chef recipes at our Little Thai Place restaurants. They meet Health Check nutrition criteria and heat in two minutes! 250.999.8553 Langham Court Theatre

The Victoria Theatre Guild a.k.a. Langham Court Theatre is one of the oldest community theatre groups in Western Canada, and produces six productions during their September to June season. 250.384.2142

Martlet Publishing Society

Martlet Publishing is a non-profit society which publishes the independent student newspaper at the University of Victoria. The Martlet is distributed year-round throughout the Victoria area, as well as published online at 250.721.8361 Metis Nation of Greater Victoria

250.380.6070 Millstream Self Storage

250.478.6534 Miniature World

Tourist Attraction located in the Empress Hotel. Over 85 Great little Attractions to thrill and delight the young and young at heart! Open daily. 250.385.9731 Monimos Equities & Development

250.896.7939 Mosaic Learning Society

Educational support and extracurricular fine arts programs to children/youth on the autism spectrum. 250.590.2746

PC Helpline Computer Support Inc.

PC Helpline is a well established provider of 24/7/365 technical support solutions. PC Helpline is also Canada’s first authorized reseller of Google Apps products and services. 250.361.1776

Roger Batchelor Law Corporation


Philomena Zegger-Murphy

Arts Non Profit 250.885.1718 Port 22 Consulting Corporation

Port22 Consulting is your source for sound IT advice specializing in open source solutions and IP telephony, servicing the Greater Victoria area. 250.412.6181 Prospeak International

250.532.0056 Portolynx Networks Inc.

Portolynx supports social commerce by connecting local businesses to potentially a large number of mini marketplaces. Portolynx has a unique software platform that provides businesses access to these online marketplaces. 250.370.1040

Roper Greyell

Roper Greyell is a Vancouver based employment and labour law firm with practice areas that include labour law, human rights law, wrongful dismissal litigation, and employment contracts. 250.806.0922 Scrubbys Laundry Service

Drop Off. Self-Serve. Single and Triple Loaders. Dry Cleaning. Attendant on duty. Contracts welcome. Open 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM Daily. CLEAN WHERE ITS’ CLEAN! 250.389.1626 Serious Coffee - Sooke

250.642.3264 Silver Threads Service

Silver Threads Service provides opportunities to enhance the quality of life for seniors. We respond to the needs, interest and changing status of seniors in the CRD. 250.388.4268



NEW MEMBERS Sutker. Sutker & Associates

Vancouver Island Alarms


Local alarm company providing local monitoring and competitive new BARRY GRIBBON rates on 1022 Jenkins Avenue Licensed Technician Victoria, BC V9B 2N7 250-727-7852 installs and existingTel:sysVancouver tems. Data, Tel, TV.... all Island your residential and light Alarms Ltd. Systems • Monitoring • Structured Wiring commercial needs. Alarm All your residential and light commercial needs 250.727.7852

TAO Business Solutions

250.595.4426 Tall Tale Books

Tall Tales Books specializes in quality books for children and young adults and offers regular free events such as story-time readings, contests, and author appearances. 250.590.3032 TransTech Data Services (1992) Ltd.

250.381.3971 TD Swansburg Design Studio

Interior design firm offering design & architectural services to Vancouver Island, Vancouver and abroad. From concept to completion, we specialize in luxury residential hospitality. 250.384.3990

Victoria Dragon Boat Festival Society

One of Victoria, British Columbia’s most Spectacular Summer Festivals and the only Dragon Boat Festival in Canada to take place in a Working Harbour. 250.704.2500 Victoria International Academy

250.414.0111 Vivitro Labs

ViVitro Labs offers industry-leading cardiovascular device test equipment, device testing and consulting services. For more information, visit our website at 250.940.2423

GREEN TERMS IN SCIENCE Want to engage in the green business dialogue? You need to know the language! This list of definitions will help you understand the current vocabulary and be the educated business person you strive to be. Greenhouse Gases (GHG): are gases in an atmosphere that absorb and emit radiation within the thermal infrared rangeMeaning that they trap heat in our atmosphere which is what causes the greenhouse effect. The main greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - The greenhouse gas whose concentration is being most affected directly by human activities. CO2 also serves as the reference to compare all other greenhouse gases. The major source of CO2 emissions is fossil fuel combustion. CO2 emissions are also a product of forest clearing, biomass burning, and non-energy production processes such as cement

production. CO2 emissions are measured in tones and atmospheric concentrations of CO2are measured in parts per million. Carbon Footprint is a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide emitted through the combustion of fossil fuels. A carbon footprint is often expressed as tons of carbon dioxide or tons of carbon emitted (usually on an annual basis). Carbon neutral is a scenario where the net discharge of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is zero. Renewable energy sources are sources that replenish themselves naturally within a short period of time. Sources of renewable energy include solar energy, hydroelectric power, geothermal energy, wind power, ocean thermal energy, wave power, wind power and fuel wood.

Promoting business vitality and respecting people, planet and profit is the mission of the Greater Victoria Chamber. We are pleased to bring you an educational series through our Sustainable Futures Committee. Visit

“I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for all of the good work that you have done with Ocean River Sports over the past two years. Since starting with my advertising with The Q! and The Zone we have seen a huge growth in our brand recognition. You guys have done it.” ~ Brian Henry Ocean River Sports Divisions of the Jim Pattison Broadcast Group

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Keep Your Eye on the Issues in Our Region HST Referendum To make your vote on the HST Referendum count, your ballot must be received by Elections BC by Friday July 22, 2011. As this referendum will be decided by a simple majority of those who vote, it is critical that business owners and their staff take the time to vote in support of the HST. The Chamber supports the vote “No to Save the HST” on the ballot question. The question asks if you would like to return to the PST/GST system, and the best answer for the province is “no”. The HST is a progressive tax which increases BC’s competitiveness in a global environment,

eases the tax burden on families and low income residents, and provides consistent revenue for the province’s growing needs in areas such as health care. The reality is that taxes provide revenue for the services we all need, and the HST is the most efficient means of collecting tax from those who can afford to pay, while allowing businesses to grow and provide more jobs. We recognize the tax must evolve over time to reduce inequities and the Chamber is committed to continuing to advocate for appropriate mitigation. These are challenging economic times and the HST becomes an easy target of blame. Repealing the HST would create

deep uncertainty, increased cost to the province to start up a new provincial tax agency and the possible return of $1.6 billion to Ottawa, and a reduction of rebates to BC families.

the contracts themselves providing jobs as well as indirect economic benefits, and the investment in infrastructure positioning our region to bid successfully on future private or public opportunities.

Shipbuilding As mentioned elsewhere in this edition, the marine sector is a huge contributor to the Greater Victoria economy. Seaspan, owner of Victoria Shipyards, Vancouver Shipyards, and Vancouver Drydock, is the only Western firm short-listed to bid on packages of shipbuilding contracts totalling $35 billion in work over 25 years. After the July 7 bid deadline, a decision will likely be made in about two months. The first contracts are anticipated to be signed in spring 2012. Seaspan is hoping to win the combat work.

Light Rapid Transit The Chamber has been working with BC Transit representatives to better understand the LRT proposal. We realize the economic opportunity of an LRT system, but the affordability and capital costs are essential portions of the business case which must be fully examined. The impact of all users along the route must also be fully detailed, whether they are businesses, drivers, pedestrians or cyclists.

There are numerous reasons that the Seaspan bid should be favoured, including the geographic access to the Pacific which is where future global attention is likely to focus. The impact on the Victoria economy would be substantial, with

Public consultation is a crucial element of the decision making process for major investments such as this. What is Prodigy Group? Membership Mission To provide a forum (or venue) where like-minded young professionals can meet and develop relationships. Benefits of membership 1. Access to a group of diverse young professionals to help strengthen and build your personal network 2. Access to a customized mentorship program that facilitates personal & professional development 3. Ability to socialize outside your current network or work environment 4. Socialize with young professionals How do I join? If you are a member of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce or work for a company that is a Chamber member, please contact or fill out our sign-up form online at for more information.

The Power of Mentorship at the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce Prodigy’s May mingle shone a spotlight on the value of mentorship, leadership and contribution in our community. As one of the pillars of the Prodigy Group, the Mentorship Committee deemed May as Mentorship Month, and used the mingle as a vehicle to showcase matches and communicate the importance of these relationships in the success of our emerging leaders. CHEK-TV was a superb host as over 120 people gathered to participate in studio tours, interviews with the CHEK news team, and mingle with Victoria’s finest community leaders. The excitement for this event grows every year, and this year we were fortunate to have Cedric Steele provide the keynote address. He urged all to take a stake in our community and look to each other for inspiration and resources. Prodigy’s own mandate mimics Cedric’s thoughts, as we hope that Prodigy members will continue to take on increasing leadership positions within the Victoria business community.

Upcoming Events Volleyball Tournament July 23, 2011, 1:45 PM - 10:30 PM Rooftop Surf Club at the Strathcona Hotel 919 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC Register online at Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first time player you’ll have a blast playing volleyball and mingling with the other teams. Enter as a team of 6, or as an individual and we’ll set you up with a team. 14 teams will play, with 7 teams playing in the first 4 hour heat and 7 teams playing in the second 4 hour heat. Each team will be guaranteed 3 hours of playing time. The cost is $100 for a team of 6 people, or $20 per individual. Prizes will be awarded to the top finishers and the team with the best spirit (costumes encouraged!).



GET TO KNOW THE MARINE INDUSTRY Any commerce that takes place on the water is part of the marine industry. Fishing, ferries, marinas, pleasure boats, kayaking, and whale watching are but a few businesses that require the water to provide economic stimulus to our region. Photos: Tourism Victoria

What is the Marine Industry? Before we get into the numbers, let’s define what the marine industry is! Traditional thought is shipbuilding, repair, tugs, barges, etc. This is absolutely a large part of the industry but there is so much more. Any commerce that takes place on the water is part of the marine industry. Fishing, ferries, marinas, pleasure boats, kayaking, and whale watching are but a few businesses that require the water to provide economic stimulus to our region. Benefits to the Region Not only does the marine industry provide immediate benefits in terms of jobs and direct monetary stimulus, but it is linked and supportive of many other industries. Tourism is directly affected by marine activities and many visitors come to Victoria solely for these pursuits. Major marine based

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events include the recent Swiftsure International Yacht Race, BCYBA Floating Boat Show, Classic Boat Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, and Symphony Splash. The additional spinoffs include residential housing, commercial building for the land based facilities, and all related support industries.

So what are some of the numbers? Victoria’s current shipyards employ over 700 people and approach $1 billion dollars in economic activity. Our regional fishing fleet brings in over four million pounds of fish to our docks. This year 210 cruise ships will visit adding $150 million in stimulus not including the additional regional economic impact. Our Navy produces over 2000 civilian jobs and an estimated $650 million in regional spending. Environmentally, did you know that

the transportation of one barge of recycled materials saves 150 semi trailers rolling through our neighborhoods?

What is the future? The marine industry remained stable during the economic downturn and the future looks bright. The biggest news is the bid by Team Seaspan to win the contract to build the next generation of navy vessels. This could bring $30 million in capital improvements and 2000 jobs to the region. Development continues for UVic’s Ocean Innovation Park and the creation of the Pacific Ocean Technology Cluster. As the economy rebounds, our marine based businesses will grow and continue to support the Victoria area. The marine industry is a vital organ in the health of the BC economy. In our region, the Victoria and Esqui-

malt Harbours provided the necessary shelter for our ancestors to settle and thrive. It is vital that our leaders and communities fight to preserve and protect our marine based industry and businesses so they can continue to be a leading force in our economic sustainability and growth.

Lyle Soetaert, Victoria/Esquimalt Harbour Society President

Your Community.


WE BUILD STRONG KIDS, STRONG FAMILIES AND STRONG COMMUNITIES YMCA-YWCA Greater Victoria • 851 Broughton Street, Victoria • Ph: 250-386-7511 • BUSINESSMaTTERS |


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