Business Matters - Vol. 5, Issue 1

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Matters Vol. 5 Issue 1 #100-852 Fort Street, Victoria BC V8W 1H8

January/February 2009




Silicon Valley NORTH

Publications Mail Poste-Publications


Image H-02523 courtesy of Royal B.C. Museum, B.C. Archives

Chronicling the changes in Victoria since 1858. Subscribe today at: WWW.TIMESCOLONIST.COM

ABOUT BUSINESS MATTERS Business Matters is the news magazine of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce. It is published six times per year and distributed free-of-charge to members of the GVCC.


january/february 2009 l vol. 5 issue 1

cover 24

Business Matters’ content is copyrighted: Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce, Victoria, B.C., Canada.

Silicon Valley North > Long considered a tourist town, Victoria is getting an equally robust reputation as a mecca for high tech companies.

feature articles 6

Saving Money With Bottom Line Energy Strategies


> Improve your bottom line with energy savings.

8 23

Envision a New Victoria How Will Members’ Businesses Peform in 2009?

also inside 19

The Chamber accepts no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. The business profiles, and the views and opinions expressed by advertisers in this publication are not necessarily those of the Chamber.

2009 Greater Victoria Business Awards Nominations


in every issue 4 5

Messages from the Chair and CEO


Events Calendar


Prodigy Group


Greater Victoria Development Agency


Policy Moves


New Members


Ask An Expert

Member News


To advertise in BUSINESS MATTERS Contact: GVCC Account Representatives (250) 383-7191 Advertising rates are for electronic file-ready artwork. All rates are plus applicable taxes. Reduced multiple insertion ad rates (six or more issues) are available, contact your account rep for more information. Type of Ad


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Inside Cover

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1/2 Page


7.375” x 4.85”


1/4 Page


3.625” x 4.85”


1/8 Page


3.5” x 2.0”


Advertorial Trim: 8.5”x 11”

8.625”x 11.125”

7.375” x 9.875”




7.5” x 1.75”


Need help creating an ad for Business Matters? Consult the Advertising Agencies and Graphic Designers members’ listing of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce Directory.

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Send all magazine submissions to: Please respect the length guidelines as outlined below. Longer items will be edited.


Member Letters: 200 words Ask an Expert: 300 words (include high resolution photo and position title) Member News: Standard one page media release Please put “Member Letter”, “Ask an Expert”, or “Member News” in the subject line of your email.



250.383.7191 ext. 0 •


John Juricic Chair

It is a pleasure to welcome you to 2009

as the new Chair of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce. I am honoured to hold that seat and represent many of the concerns of our business community to the broader region. Many of you may know that I am a partner and business development manager with Etraffic Solutions, which is the premier K-12 e-learning company in Canada. Having grown the company to this level, I can attest to the struggles and demands of running a small business. I know how demanding it can be and I want to take a moment and acknowledge the hard work and contributions of all of our members in our community. In my year as Chair I look forward to continuing what has become a leadership role for the Chamber on many of the ongoing issues facing our community. We will continue our advocacy on homelessness, crime and safety, transportation and economic development. We will continue to call for strong leadership from our elected officials on addressing these and other emerging issues. I also want to focus on building the capacity and strength of our chamber organization. I am looking forward to a year with enhanced committee work and greater membership involvement. It is one of my goals to rejuvenate our membership participation and to further enhance your participation and input on chamber issues. I believe that greater member involvement builds a stronger Chamber and a better business community. And as I welcome you to the New Year, I must also pause and give a thank you to our Chair of 2008, Margaret Lucas, for the passion she brought to her year as Chair and to the years preceding that position. I look forward to continuing our work together, with her now in the role of Chair of the Board of Governors. I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year.

Bruce Carter Chief Executive Officer

A start of a new business year brings new

opportunities. Many of us will be looking at how we performed in 2008. The last quarter of 2008 was highlighted by significant economic and political turmoil. I am confident that we will reach a more stable footing by the last half of 2009. The Chamber had a great year in 2008, with record attendance overall at our events and an increase in our media exposure. We have nurtured the Greater Victoria Development Agency and the Prodigy Group, which were still fledgling committees last year, into strong and important units within the Chamber. During the year ahead we will build on those strengths while at the same time being conscious of the need to stay focussed on our core programs. Like many organizations, we have taken a hit in our investments and we will be looking at how we can maximize our internal capacities in 2009 and make sure that everything we do earns us a return. The first part of 2009 will likely bring continued turmoil and uncertainty. We will work hard as your Chamber to ensure the needs of our community are foremost in the minds of leaders at all levels. The new municipal councils will be getting to the business of governing and the CRD will have to address the sewage treatment issue. The provincial government will deliver a budget in February and we are confident there will be significant economic stimulus included. We will continue to work with our partner Chambers of Commerce on the Island, provincially and nationally to advance the needs of the business community. I know that as we enter 2009 the economic forecast is at best uncertain. We in Victoria have endured uncertain times before and in each and every economic setback there is opportunity. We must both individually and collectively adapt to changing circumstances and aggressively seize opportunity. Your Chamber will work with you to find the jewels of opportunity in 2009.

Divisions of the Jim Pattison Broadcast Group


Business Matters



owling Lafleur Henderson LLP has signed an unprecedented co-operative agreement with the Legal Affairs Department of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). The first of its kind to be signed with a Canadian law firm, this agreement will allow Gowlings to increase its presence in China in the months to come. The agreement sets out that the CCPIT, the largest institution responsible for promoting international trade in China, will present Gowlings’ expertise and recommend its professionals to Chinese companies. The CCPIT will also provide Gowlings with the necessary support to help it better understand the Chinese market. For its part, Gowlings will provide legal assistance to Chinese companies doing business in Canada and will conduct training seminars for Chinese business managers looking to become more familiar with the Canadian market. Established in 1952, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) represents economic and trade sectors in China. It is the largest institution for the promotion of foreign trade in China. Victoria-based Chemistry Consulting Group Inc. has been selected as one of the best companies to work for in British Columbia. BC Business magazine’s annual “best places to work” roster placed Chemistry Consulting Inc./GT Hiring Solutions in second place for companies with fewer than 100 employees. This rating is based on consideration of human resources practices, employee engagement, leadership dynamics, and company culture.

Business Matters

Camosun College’s Golf Management students took to Olympic View Golf Course and raised more than $1,101.40 in proceeds for the Camosun College Foundation Professional Golf Management (PGM) Bursary. Money was raised through the generosity of event sponsorship at their November 21 golf tournament. The bursary is awarded annually to a student in Camosun’s golf program. The Olympic View Golf Club hosted the Camosun College PGM Bursary Golf Tournament for the third year in a row. Camosun College’s two-year Diploma in Golf Management program emphasizes management and marketing, and is the only program in British Columbia fully accredited and endorsed by the Canadian Professional Golfers' Association (CPGA). Tourism Victoria has announced its 2009 board of directors. Randy Wright of Harbour Air Seaplanes remains the Chair. Other directors include Dierdre Campbell of Tartan Public Relations, Pauline Rafferty of the Royal BC Musuem, Dave Cowen of Butchart Gardens, David Roberts of Prince of Whales, Reid James of the Hotel Grand Pacific, Mandy Farmer of Accent Inns, Nancy Arsenault of Tourism Vancouver Island, Don Calveley of Truffles Catering Group, Ian MacPhee of Abbeymore Manor Bed & Breakfast, J.C. Scott of JC Scott Designs Associates and Jim Allard of Hyack Air. Island Savings was recently recognized three times in two categories at Central 1 Credit Union’s 2008 Innovation Awards, which celebrate creativity and forward-thinking within the credit union system. Central 1 is the umbrella organization for credit unions in British Columbia and Ontario.

Among the credit union’s innovative offerings, Paul McAfee, manager products and research, points to the Tax-Free Savings Account, which becomes available to eligible Canadians January 1, 2009. The Victoria Airport Authority Board has authorized the construction of a new airport fire hall and maintenance building. The construction of the 2252 square metre building is budgeted to cost $9.4 million. The new facility will allow the Airport Fire Service and Airport Operations staff to work from a common facility, sharing resources and improving efficiency.

Specializing in private industry Permanent, temporary and contract positions For more information please call 250.381.3254 Main Fl - 1124 Fort St. Victoria, BC V8V 3K8


Saving Money on the Bottom Line with Energy Strategies

A short time ago the Chamber was approached regarding the opportunity to have an energy assessment done at our offices. We thought it to be a good idea, spoke with our landlord and invited other tenants in the building to also have the assessment done. To be truthful, we thought

that there would be energy efficiencies to be found in the building, but certainly did not anticipate the potential savings to the bottom line that the assessment showed were possible. Who knew that there was a potential savings of $6,269.79! Now this is not to the chamber's bottom line in particular, but to the entire building. Having those sorts of cost savings and efficiencies is a good potential move for the building owners. “We were quite surprised with the substantial savings potential”, said Bruce Carter, the chamber’s CEO. We knew there was some savings potential but the size is quite considerable. For any number of small businesses,


this program could be very beneficial, especially if your company is located in one of our heritage buildings in the downtown core.” To implement the full recommendations of the assessment, the price tag would come in at $11,000 after an incentive of $14,468. The interesting part is that the annual savings after implementation means that the payback period would be only 1.75 years for payback for the entire project recommendation. (Of course if a lesser degree of implementation were chosen, those timelines would be different and that is also an option for consideration). The great thing about the Walkthrough program is that it is so easy and, frankly, free!

The assessor from BC Hydro came through and looked at a number of energy consuming items in the building. Everything from the type of fluorescent bulbs we use, to lights in our exit signs, how long we leave our computers and server on, and whether the lights in the bathrooms are left on for a long time. They carried out a similar assessment in other offices. From there, they sent a report with advice on how and where to access all of the incentives available. “Most businesses would like to save money and save energy but do not know where to start, do not have the time or do not realize how simple and small changes can really make a difference. BC Hydro is making it easy for businesses to energize their bottom-

Business Matters

line by providing this free audit to help identify money and energy savings opportunities specific to them� said Eric Beevor-Potts, Power Smart Specialist for Vancouver Island South. So why this feedback about our experience to you? Four reasons. First this is a short-term program. Businesses that want to take advantage of the energy assessment need to do so by the end of February 2009. Second, we know that many businesses would like to do their part in becoming more energy efficient and reducing

Business Matters

their environmental footprint. This is one way to do that. Third, we are in tougher economic times than we have been for some time. It is good to know that there are some things that you can do to positively affect your bottom line and feel good about doing them! And fourth, we hope that some of our members will take advantage of this free service and find for themselves the savings potential in their own environment. To register for a free energy efficiency walkthrough go to: Chamber members should enter registration code: EBPSLED.

Savings within two years Recommendation

Savings (Annually)

Cost after incentive

Replace incandescent and halogen with compact fluorescents



Replace incandescent exit signs with LED exit signs


$400 - $735

Install occupancy sensors for bathroom lights



Savings at more than two years Recommendation

Savings Cost after (Annually) incentive

Replace T12 fluorescents throughout with T*

$4,140 annually


In these photos: Eric Beevor-Potts, BC Hydro

Power Smart Specialist and Tim Sevenhuysen, Power Smart Representative, perform an energy assessment at the Chamber.


Envision a new


Just think about it for a moment. Close your eyes.


ou are walking around the inner harbour’s continuous pathway from Capital Iron to Ship’s Point. Along the way, you pass exquisitely designed low-rise buildings that house places of art and history. There are great little cafes and interesting shops to pause in if you should choose and lots of open public space to sit and enjoy the view. As you stroll, you take in the musicians and artisans

while watching marine vessels come and go from the world-class marina at Belleville Street Terminal and air planes glide in and out of their marine runways. While completely captivated by the inner harbour, you continue your walk up the steps and across the street to the Legislature and spend some time enjoying its majesty and historic architecture. And then you continue to behind the Legislature to explore the

beautiful new architecture you see reaching above the Leg’s skyline. You marvel at the artistic juxtaposition and contemplate on how it symbolizes a city in motion. Old and new working together in harmony. Clearly this is a tourist town with both a history and a future. Now, open your eyes and see that there is much work to be done to reach that vision.

What Is Possible?

As much as envisioning a new mixed use development behind the Legislature is exciting and filled with possibilities, it really is necessary to move forward with the redevelopment of the Belleville Street Terminal. 10

Victoria’s inner harbour and Legislative Precinct hold the key to a vibrant and revitalized waterfront for our city. Many people agree on that point. Over the years there have been a number of studies and visioning exercises focussed on redeveloping the Belleville Street Terminal. The most recent was released in August of 2007, but it did not receive broad support. There are a number of reasons why that may have been. Certainly the public was not enthused about the requirement to relocate the MV Coho and some were not terribly enthused about the potential of building a hotel on part of the site. For our part, we believe the vision was too limited in scope and that what we need to consider is the larger area of the entire inner harbour and the Legislative Precinct, which encompasses the lands just behind the parliament buildings. The chamber believes that there is a great opportunity to develop our waterfront in the size and scale that most people in our community would like to see. Most people agree on the point that Belleville Street Terminal is a poor and indeed embarrassing gateway to our country and reflects very poorly on the capital of our province. There is not a question that it needs to be redeveloped. However, many people are concerned that such redevelopment implies that our waterfront will end up looking like Vancouver's Coal Harbour. That is not necessary and certainly is not what most Victorians want. Development directly around the inner harbour needs to maintain a low profile to maintain the views and openness of the working waterfront as a part of our city’s character. And there is a practicality to this as well. Keeping the buildings low allows for the possibility of transferring density to another site and imagining the options that such a move would open up. This is a model that has worked in the past developments on properties owned by the Provincial Capital Commission (PCC). Density available on the St. Ann’s Academy grounds went unutilized to preserve valuable green space. That density was transferred to the mixed commercial and residential development where the Marriot Hotel and surrounding condominiums are located. The transfer has turned out to be a win-win; keeping the tranquility of St. Ann’s intact and adding more density close to the commercial area of downtown. With that track record, a similar process could be followed at the inner harbour and Legislative Precinct areas. Keeping buildings low along the waterfront would suit most and quell concerns of turning ourselves into Vancouver. And transferring any available density to the underutilized properties south of the Parliament Building makes a lot of sense. Currently those lands, owned by the provincial government, are occupied by low level war-time buildings and

Business Matters

parking lots. They could be put to much better use by developing a modern, mixed use building with much needed commercial space and sought after downtown residential inventory. The prospect of a mixed use development south of the Legislature begs the question as to what the commercial aspect of the project could be. The obvious proposal would be for an increase in office space, and that increase would be convenient for government employees. A longterm plan to maintain provincial government ministries here in the capital city is greatly enhanced with the addition of viable office space. Ensuring the maintenance of those jobs is good for the ongoing stability of our local economy. Conventional opportunities for retail and restaurant spaces would apply to potential commercial space, however, there may also be opportunities for a grander plan. Rob Gialloreto, CEO of Tourism Victoria, sees potential in a mixed use development for introducing a new tourism attraction to the downtown

Business Matters

core. Says Gialloreto, “we need to get to a place in Victoria where we cannot see everything in one day”. Drawing on his long experience in the tourism marketing sector, Gialloreto notes that with the exception of iconic locations like Butchart Gardens, visitors tend to spend their holiday time at places within easy walking distance. This is particularly important in a destination like Victoria, where so many of our visitors arrive as foot passengers

at the inner harbour and look forward to enjoying their holiday on foot. In order to increase the length of visitor stays, it is important to expand the tourism product that they can take in within an enjoyable walking area. “Every successful tourism location has its place,” says Gialloreto. “Victoria has the harbour so the question is what do we do with it?”


Every successful tourism location has its place. Victoria has the harbour so the question is what do we do with it?

While not an advocate for any particular tourism attraction product, Gialloreto notes that a downtown art gallery is a feature in most vibrant tourist cities. He also notes that children’s museums in other centres have done well and having one in Victoria would be a welcomed addition to our visitors

with families. The addition of a major attraction south of the Parliament Buildings is a good option for the commercial aspect of that space as long as it is developed with innovation and flair and fits well with the residential component. Gialloreto says that another major

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attraction in the downtown adds a reason for visitors to extend their stay. This of course benefits businesses other than hotels, it also increases business for retailers, restaurants and other tourism offerings in the city. An increase in economic impact spells a more healthy downtown business environment and benefits through taxation and a business community with greater capacity to support community causes. It is this type of interconnected thinking that needs to be applied when visioning the future of our inner harbour. Yet as much as envisioning a new mixed use development behind the Legislature is exciting and filled with possibilities, it really is necessary to move forward with redevelopment of the Belleville Street Terminal. It is the commitment to keeping the waterfront development low and transferring the density that allows us to think about other options for behind the Legislature. And therein lays the rub. It seems that each time a new vision is cast for the inner harbour, it comes fraught with problems. And one of those problems has been how to pay for the project. Clearly the prospect of terminal redevelopment is an expensive one and getting more so by the year. Yet, given the woeful conditions pertaining to security and aesthetics, the project still needs to be done. The never ending discussions about Belleville are a sore spot. Paul Servos, CEO of the Greater Victoria Harbour Authority notes that “in Europe we would not continue having these discussions because a transportation conduit into the heart of the city is a fabulous asset”. Funding for Belleville’s redevelopment needs to be thought of in a new way. Utilizing the Airport Authority funding model is the way to go. This model would add a passenger fee and those monies would be allocated specifically for terminal improvement. With over one million movements at the terminal per year, the additional fee would not need to be

Business Matters

the province, but also benefit the community as a whole. He plans on meeting with the Premiere early in the New Year. Given his positive attitude towards the idea of redeveloping the inner harbour during the municipal election campaign in the fall of 2008, we look forward to moving forward with those discussions with Mayor Fortin in the near future. Our goal at the Chamber is to bring together some of the broader stakeholder groups and see if there is common vision for our inner harbour and Legislative Precinct and to then work with all levels of government and others to bring the vision to reality. It would be so nice to open our eyes and see the vision as reality.

• Document Storage • Retrieval Service

The Chamber believes that there is a great opportunity to develop these buildings behind the Legislature.

large to have a significant impact. As it stands, the existing revenue generated by terminal operations and paid to the PCC in the form of rent, is not directly allocated back to terminal improvements. Rather revenue from the terminal, which is in the neighbourhood of $1million per year, goes into PCC general revenue. That revenue ends up being utilized at least in part to fund other programs offered by the organization, such as student education programming. While there is no doubt value in bringing students to the capital city, perhaps doing so with terminal revenue is starving the health of the terminal itself.


Calling on Leaders here are many bodies that would have to come together in agreement before a visionary plan to revitalize our harbour and Legislative Precinct could happen. Stakeholders in terms of decision making include the City of Victoria, the Province of BC, the Provincial Capital Commission, and the Greater Victoria Harbour Authority. And that’s just for decision making. Visioning and consultation would need to be much broader than that. City of Victoria Mayor Dean Fortin is hopeful about the opportunities for a renewed Legislative District, yet at the same time acknowledges that there are challenges to large scale projects in our current economic climate. With a visionary eye, Fortin noted during his election campaign that additions such as a new art gallery, the renewal of Belleville Terminal, more office buildings and a new Legislative Library are some of the components that could be looked at with future development plans. The Mayor also acknowledges the need to work together with the province and other stakeholders to come up with a vision that will not only provide for the needs of

Business Matters

• File Tracking • Data Back-up Storage • Shredding • Courier Service to your Desk - Fast



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January 2009 Monday













Economic Roundtable

Come and discuss the region’s business community needs. 7:30 a.m. — 9:00 a.m. Members only please. Chamber Offices




Business Education Series

Sponsored by Sector Learning Solutions Inc. The Eight Expensive Mistakes Business Owners Make Without Even Knowing It 11:45 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. Chamber Offices





Business Education Series



Hosted by Costco Wholesale Canada/Four Points by Sheraton Victoria Gateway. 5:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m. 829 McCallum Rd.





Sponsored by Sector Learning Solutions Inc. Discover The Secrets Of Investing In Commercial Real Estate 11:45 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. Chamber Offices

Business Mixer


Prodigy Group Mingle


Hosted by Canoe BrewPub Marina & Restaurant. 5:30 p.m. — 7:30 p.m. 450 Swift St.

For more information or to register, visit

Business Education Series • January 14 VERNON FISCHER


The Eight Expensive Mistakes Business Owners Make Without Even Knowing it

Discover The Secrets Of Investing In Commercial Real Estate

In this seminar learn about how to avoid the eight most common mistakes business owners make and how to address them.

Join Evolve Investment Group's founders, Gabe and Drew for an informative presentation on investing in commercial real estate. With so much fear and concern in the market right now, it's essential to be informed and educated; to be a sophisticated investor.

Fischer Financial Services

Join Vernon Fischer, CFP, Fischer Financial Services to learn to get the greatest value out of your business.


Business Education Series • January 27 Evolve Investment Group

Business Matters

February 2009 Monday








CEO Coffee Hour

Start your day with Bruce Carter, CEO, and bring forward issues of importance. 8:30 a.m. — 9:30 a.m. Members only please. Chamber Offices






Business Education Series

Sponsored by Sector Learning Solutions Inc. RETENTION ATTENTION – Staff Retention Solutions for Proactive 21st Century Employers 11:45 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. Chamber Offices









Prodigy Group Mingle

Hosted by Canoe BrewPub Marina & Restaurant. 6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. 450 Swift St.


Business Mixer

Hosted by Simply Computing & Cameras 5:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m. 2639 Quadra St.

Business Education Series





Sponsored by Sector Learning Solutions Inc. What’s New in Office 2007 11:45 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. Chamber Offices

For more information or to register, visit

Business Education Series • February 11

Business Education Series • February 25



RETENTION ATTENTION – Staff Retention Solutions for Proactive 21st Century Employers

What’s New in Office 2007 Invest an hour to check out Office 2007. Learn how to apply great new features of Vista, Outlook, Word, and Excel including the Ribbon technology that incorporates menus and toolbars into one, easily accessed command structure.

Elevate Retention

Today’s competitive labor market has put additional pressure on business leaders to retain quality employees. Join Angela Greene, owner of Elevate Retention as she presents contemporary practices for keeping your best talent.

Business Matters

Sector Learning Solutions Inc.



David Vinnels Chair Being elected to Chair of Prodigy Group for 2009

has been an exciting journey so far, the last two months have been a steep learning curve. I look forward to leading the group into an unprecedented year of growth, with the help of our dedicated committee. As the 2008 term came to a close, a couple of our committee members moved on to new opportunities. I want to thank everyone that has been on the committee thus far for all their hard work and passion to help create Prodigy Group and make it a success. We will miss your insightfulness and caring. In particular, I would like to recognize the dedication and vision Shawn Steele has provided as Prodigy Group’s 1st and inaugural Chair and the leadership he has portrayed over the last three years. Shawn will stay on the committee as past Chair. I want to congratulate the new committee members for 2009. Additionally, second year committee members that are taking a lead role this year are: Rob GuthrieMembership, Colin Knight - Treasurer, Amanda Waye - Communications, Desiree Chan - Monthly Mingles, and Kelly Leach - Community Connections. The new committee will be meeting early in the year, to discuss its direction. Some of the items we will be focusing on from last year are, increasing Membership and Monthly Mingle sizes and creating more opportunities through Community Connections. Our Monthly Mingle committee members have been working diligently to secure a venue to host our Mingles for 2009. Starting with our anniversary event in January, we will be hosting our regular mingles at the Canoe BrewPub Marina & Restaurant in 2009. We will still be hosting our special events through out the year. Community Connections has plenty of opportunities and I urge you to keep updated to see what you want to take advantage of, for more details go to We are always looking for your feedback and suggestions.


Check out for more photos. MONTHLY MINGLES January January Mingle, Anniversary Event Date and Time: Thursday, January 29th, 5:30 p.m. — 7:30 p.m. Location: Canoe BrewPub Marina & Restaurant, 450 Swift Street Price: Free to members and their guests

February February Mingle Date and Time: Thursday, February 12th, 6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. Location: Canoe BrewPub Marina & Restaurant, 450 Swift Street Price: Free to members and their guests

COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS The Prodigy Group is proud to offer their membership exclusive leadership opportunities with the Heart & Stoke Foundation. As the Heart & Stroke Foundation gets ready for their upcoming February 2009 campaign they are looking for some energetic local leaders to fill the roles of Captain and Zone Coordinator from now until February. This is a great opportunity to motivate a small team using your leadership skills. These opportunities require a minimal time commitment approximately five hours per week for three months. Please contact Kelly Leach at for more details on these exclusive opportunities!

Business Matters

David Nicholson Chair The Greater Victoria Development Agency (GVDA)

was very busy in 2008 helping local businesses continue to grow and address many of the larger issues facing our region. The agency helped over 100 local businesses last year, who collectively employ over 3,000 people in the Greater Victoria region. In addition, the GVDA facilitated new partnerships and opportunities for the region with many of our local institutions, including our academic institutions and other industry associations. These include supporting a new direct flight to San Francisco and leading a regional delegation to Globe 2008, one the largest clean technology tradeshows in the world. The agency also worked hard in 2008 securing provincial and federal funding to develop a comprehensive business retention and investment attraction strategy for the region. This strategy which will be rolled out in the coming months will help to ensure our region remains a vibrant place and that we retain our best and brightest in Greater Victoria. In addition to helping local businesses reach out to the world, the Greater Victoria Development Agency has helped play a leadership role in addressing economic issues that face Greater Victoria as a key stakeholder on Vancouver Island. Sasha Angus, GVDA Economic Development Officer, is Vice-Chair of the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance, and recently delivered the keynote “State of the Island” address at the Vancouver Island Economic Summit. Furthermore, the GVDA has secured Greater Victoria as the venue for next year’s island economic summit. As an industry-led organization, the GVDA exists to serve the needs of local businesses and entrepreneurs. If you need advice on how to attract and retain employees, or help with any other issue facing your business, please do not hesitate to give us a call. Our Economic Development Officer, Sasha Angus, would be happy to help.

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Business Matters


policy moves Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial internal trade ministers have come to an agreement on labour mobility.

commuter rail service as an option for that portion of the region’s transportation needs. Agreement of Internal Trade Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial internal trade ministers have come to an agreement on labour mobility. The agreement outlines how people with specific professional or occupational certification in one province or territory will be recognized as qualified to practice their profession in all provinces and territories where their profession or occupation is regulated. The agreement, which is effective April 1, 2009, will break down the barriers that professionals and certified trades people face when trying to move between provinces for employment opportunities. It will also assist employers in specific industries to more adequately address their skills shortages by being able to attract workers from other provinces or territories.

Lobby for Equal Protection of RRSPs Successful! During the fall sitting of the Legislature, the Premier announced a number of measures to reduce effects of the economic downturn on individuals and businesses. One of those announcements was to introduce legislation bringing creditor protection to RRSPs investments that are made with banks, just as they have been protected if investments were made with insurance companies. The Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce has been lobbying on this issue for over a year. This legislation will mean that those people, many of whom are small business owners and their employees, with self-directed retirement savings invested through their financial institutions will now enjoy the same level of protection from seizure as people with pension plans or savings invested through insurance companies. $500,000 for Corridor Study The provincial government has committed $500,000 to a study to determine the costs and viability of upgrading the E&N rail line for freight and passenger travel. The study will consider opportunities for expanding freight usage of the line, and for developing passenger rail services in support of tourism and for travel by residents. Government communications indicate that a request for proposals to carry out the business case will be issued in early 2009. The timing of the study is meant to compliment the work currently underway by BC Transit that is developing a long-term transit plan for the region and will be assessing rapid transit options from the West Shore to the core. The outcomes of the E&N study will show the viability of



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Business Matters


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greater victoria business awards 2009

Award Categories Company Categories Business Leadership

Sustainable Business Practices

New Business

Outstanding Customer Service

Business of the Year


(1-10 employees)

Business of the Year (11-25 employees)

Employer of the Year Individual Categories

Business of the Year

Business Person of the Year

Business of the Year

Young Entrepreneur of the Year

Best Use of Technology

Employee of the Year

(26-75 employees)

(76+ employees)

Recognition in the Greater Victoria business community. Spotlight on your business during the awards evening and throughout the four month promotional period. Promotion:

• $10,000 in promotional value • In a professional video produced for the Awards • In the Awards program • In the chamber's Business Matters magazine • In all possible media opportunities

All at no cost to you!

Give your business the recognition it deserves! Nomination Deadline: Before 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 Nomination forms available at

newmembers Andereza Forma - Lose Weight and Keep It Off!! One of the best parts about this program is that it gives your body all the nutrition it needs on a daily basis. Build your health while losing weight.

Flight Centre Groups Flight Centre Groups specializes in group and business travel. Whether you are planning a corporate conference, destination wedding or a group vacation, we’re just a phone call away.

p: (250) 480-0142 e: w:

p: (250) 360-2058 e: w:

Azimuth Consulting Azimuth Consulting specializes in outcome-based organizational change, facilitation, consultation, negotiation, social policy analysis, strategic planning, communictions and community advocacy.

Garside Signs and Displays

p: (250) 370-9199 e: Beanstalk Search Engine Optimization Beanstalk Search Engine Optimization, Inc. was founded in Victoria, B.C. in 2004. Beanstalk’s ethical, effective SEO services give clients’ websites high rankings that hold. p: (250) 370-9750 e: w: Bullock & Kirstein Photography Bullock & Kirstein Photography is dedicated to providing unique photographic images for each and every client. They take great pride in their ability to produce fine art photography and service that is unsurpassed in quality. p: (250) 381-4739 e: w:

p: (250) 472-0345 e: Computer Tutor For Seniors Computer Tutor For Seniors provides private computer lessons in your own home to make learning easy and convenient. Specializes in both Apple Mac & Microsoft platforms.

David Vinnels - Real Estate Investment For almost a decade, David has been a real estate investor in Victoria. He is currently the Chair of Prodigy Group. p: (250) 704-9901 e:

Green-Built MagWall Systems Green-Built MagWall Systems is a new Victoria company bringing new construction technology to B.C. MagWall structural panels reduce building costs and increase building performance offering 30 - 60% energy savings. p: (250) 744-7574 e:

Healthea Solutions Life coach and nutritional consultant taking women through the process of self-exploration since 2000 for the purpose of weight management, career development, and financial management. p: (250) 508-6577 e: w:

Johanna Godliman - Health Education Specialized Health Education, scientifically proven to reduce back pain. The Alexander Technique provides useful kinaesthetic tools designed to introduce ease in movement, breathing and speaking.

C & H Dental Laboratory Ltd.

p: (250) 818-8835 e: w:

p: (250) 385-4825 e: w:


Tutor for


p: (250) 507-3477 e: w:

Jonas Jeque p: (250) 893-2172 Ronski Kosky Thirty-five years of healing experience as a masseur, health counselor, life coach, and rehab specialist, offering integrated healing services at the Oracle Healing Center. p: (250) 384-1411 e: w:

Desjardins Financial Security

Koy Consulting

p: (250) 708-3376 e: w:

p: (250) 415-6115 e: w:


Business Matters Let’s Bus It Publications Inc. Let’s Bus It publishes transit products that are widely viewed by transit riders and offer an opportunity for businesses to market their products/services to a wide, captive audience. p: (250) 658-3609 e: w: MD Esthetics Laser Centre A premier medical laser and skin rejuvenation centre. Dr. Daniel Milkovich, MD and Dr. Kent Banks, MD provide advanced, nonsurgical treatments to restore and maintain your skin's health and youth. p: (250) 478-2336 e: w: Merry Maids If you have too much to do and too little time to do it, Merry Maids can help. Merry Maids have been helping clean our customers' homes in the Greater Victoria, Saanich Peninsula, and West Shore areas since 1991. p: (250) 598-6243 e: w: MoneyMinding Inc. MoneyMinding is a personal finance education system, equipping financial professionals and others to deliver money coaching that strengthens the advisor/client relationship as well as help clients achieve lifetime financial security. p: (250) 592-0457 e: w: Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence The Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence brings sport education and athlete development under one roof with a focus on health, wellness, academics, research, and world class athletes training. p: (250) 220-2500 e: w: People Friendly Perspectives A niche consulting company specializing in economic analysis, business cases, funding submissions and project management. A majority of work deals with projects and programs for seniors. p: (250) 220-5870 e: w: Point Hope Maritime Ltd. Point Hope Maritime Ltd. specializes in the repair and conversions of all types of vessels and barges at their new facility located in Victoria Harbour. p: (250) 385-3623 e: w:

Business Matters

Sea Level Consulting Ltd. Sea Level Consulting Ltd. ensures that small business owners have access to affordable business coaching and consulting services designed to improve their efficiency and create a competitive work environment. p: (250) 661-6980 e: w: Small Business Makeovers Get focused. Increase sales. Grow profits. Small business owners are invited to join sales and marketing expert Geoff Affleck, MBA for a Free Marketing Bootcamp. p: (250) 466-9000 e: w: South Island Print Services Servicing Vancouver Island since 1991. Our many services include: digital and offset printing, large format printing, binding, folding, die-cutting, bookmaking and pre-press in MAC and PC platforms. p: (250) 656-3010 e: w: ST Venture Consulting Accelerates opportunities and provides systematic strategic solutions, manages financial and operational, enables companies, governments and international organizations to accomplish their objectives in China. p: (250) 889-5809 e: w: Standing Wave Software Inc. Standing Wave Software specializes in significant, mission-critical custom software applications, offering expertise in the areas of software architecture, technical team leadership and agile coaching and mentoring. e: w:

STEPS-Forward Inclusive Post Secondary Education Society STEPS Forward introduces a largely neglected labour market to employers. Adults with developmental disabilities can be serious and committed employees and can add value to your business. p: (250) 884-1297 e: w:

> Check out our online directory

at for a list of all our members.


newmembers cont’d Superior Sound and Stage Services Exceptional sound at an affordable price. Superior Sound and Stage Services will customize a sound system to meet your needs and budget for special events, concerts, conventions, live performances and PA systems. p: (250) 655-9438 e: w:

Tina Moseley - Denturist Since 1991, Tina Moseley has been providing a variety of denture services to the public with an emphasis on patient care. Soon to be relocated to 100C West Burnside. p: (250) 474-2295 e:

Vicki Wandler - Shop in Canada Don’t just have a website, have it found! Front page exposure on Google, guarantee ROI. Chamber members introductory offer 20% off! Promo Code 1969 - Vicki 250-727-9314. p: (250) 727-9314 e: w:

Websage Solutions Provides database and web application design and development services for small- to medium-sized organizations looking to leverage the power of the world wide web. p: (250) 886-4577 e: w:

WetCleaner (formerly Elite Earth Friendly Cleaners) p: (250) 381-2221 e: w:

What’s For Dinner? An innovative meal preparation company that helps busy families, empty nesters and singles prepare healthy meals using fresh ingredients in a state-of-the-art assembly kitchen. p: (250) 298-4346 e: w:

Member Benefit: Payworks Online Payroll Service The Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce provides members an easier way to handle your payroll. Payworks has created an innovative payroll service by rolling the best qualities of software packages, service bureaus and the power of the Internet into one system. Basic Run Charge $12.50 and a one time fee $25. Integration with Chamber Group Plan. Easy entry of payroll via online, phone or fax. $1.25 per Direct Deposit or Cheques. For more information, contact: Glenda Plews, Account Manager Tel 250.598.8171 Fax 250.598.9551


Business Matters

How Will Members’ Businesses Perform in 2009? In our 2008 Annual Members’ Survey, we took the pulse of respondents on their business projections for 2009. Some respondents (12%) were not sure how the global economic conditions would impact their business, but most (49%) felt the impact would be negative. Responses to subsequent questions provide more detail to their answers. It appears that the negative impacts are more likely to be a slower rate of business growth rather than an actual loss of business. How will current global economic conditions affect your business? 12%




Positive impact Negative impact No impact No idea

What are your staffing plans over the next year? 3% 5% 2% 1% 19%


12% Revenue projections over last year show that 21% of respondents are projecting revenues to remain the same, 63% are expecting an increase of varying degrees and the remaining 16% of respondents are projecting decreases in revenue. On another measure of business performance, only 2% of respondents could foresee reducing their staff size. The majority at 58% indicated they would maintain status quo with staffing and the remaining 40% plan on increasing their staff. What are your revenue projections for the coming year? No change Increase of 1 to 5%





Increase of 6 to 10% Increase of more than 10% Decrease

We will be downsizing Maintain status quo Hire additional part-time staff Hire 1 to 5 full-time staff Hire 6 to 10 full-time staff Hire more than 10 full-time staff Will use more contract help

. Healthy Foods for a Healthy Lifes tyle More than 2,500 healthy choices of certified organic food. FREE DELIVERY Minimum Order $25. Tobacco Excluded. Orders in by 2 p.m. Same Day Delivery.

903 YATES AT QUADRA l Daily 7am – 11pm 250.381-6000 2401 MILLSTREAM l Daily 8am – 11pm 250.391-1110


Business Matters



NORTH The growth of the technology industry in Greater Victoria has not been what you would refer to as an explosion. Rather a steady and sure swell. Long considered a tourist town, Victoria is getting an equally robust reputation as a mecca for high tech companies.


nd why not? Many companies in this

industry work locally and deal globally. And if the world is your marketplace that you can service from any location, why not live in one of the jewels of the globe? Over the last few years the industry has made its mark, really breaking through the headlines when the revenues produced by tech companies surpassed those of the tourism industry. The industry now boasts a strength of more than 900 companies employing more than 13,000 people and generating in excess of $1.7 billion in annual revenues. The growth of this sector has


outpaced the provincial average making Greater Victoria home to the second largest tech sector in BC and technology the number one private industry in Greater Victoria. Etraffic Solutions, a K-12 e-learning company attests to the industry boon of recent years. In less than a decade, Etraffic Solutions has developed a world-wide reputation as a leading e-learning solutions provider, offering topquality service and innovative online and print learning tools to governments, universities, schools and businesses of all sizes. The company delivers education and training materials on virtually any platform and in any format. Etraffic Solutions is known for its visual design, instructional

Business Matters

The industry now boasts a strength of more than 900 companies employing more than 13,000 people and generating in excess of $1.7 billion in annual revenues. animation, online games, interactive media, print textbook and workbook designs. Their growth has meant ongoing employee expansion. They have grown from three partners in the early days of 1999 to a company that now employs more than fifty staff. With their growth, the partners at Etraffic realized they had outgrown the company’s leased office space at the Vancouver Island Tech Park. So in May of 2007, Etraffic left its founding space and purchased its own building at 710 Redbrick Street. The move has

allowed Etraffic Solutions to expand and continue to produce the unique media and learning resources, including online and print learning in a variety of languages, for which the company has made its name. “The growth in the tech industry overall has been quite strong over the last five years,” says John Juricic, partner at Etraffic Solutions. “At Etraffic we have seen and expanded into new markets such as K-12

2008 Winners of VIATeC’s Top 25* ACD Systems International Inc. Agresso Archipelago Marine Research Ltd. Aspreva Pharmaceuticals Beanstream Boardwalk Communications

Need short-term help? Our students are ready. Call Greater Victoria’s co-op programs today to nd a student that meets your hiring needs.

Camacc Systems Carmanah Technologies Inc. Contech Inc. Daniels Electronics Ltd. EDS Advanced Solutions Hydroxyl Systems 250.370.4410 250.721.7628

MDA AccessBC Ltd. MYRA Systems Neverblue Media OA Solutions ParetoLogic Procura Reliable Controls Corp. Schneider Electric (dbs Power Measurement) Scott Plastics Ltd. Seastar Chemicals Trafford Publishing Vecima Networks * Top 25 technology companies headquartered in Greater Victoria based on revenues.

Business Matters


Economic changes and government turmoil bring a considerable amount of uncertainty to the marketplace, and if there is one thing business does not like it is uncertainty. economy with household sustaining jobs. It is this type of Publishing (Etraffic Press), a new Video Production industry growth in an area with what appears to be unlimited facility and Corporate Online Training. And we are only potential that strengthens our regional economy and makes one of the many companies in our region that have us stronger in the future. No matter what turbulence comes realized exceptional growth.” our way. The Victoria Advanced Technology Council (VIATeC), Victoria’s technology industry organization and partner in the Greater Victoria Development Victoria’s Seattle Connection! Agency, serves as the primary source of information about the local tech sector including detailed stats and growth in the tech industry. Dan Gunn, Executive Director of VIATeC, attributes the steady growth to a number of factors. Our region has three post-secondary institutions and eight federal research facilities that foster a culture of innovation. In addition, Gunn notes that there is a strong sense of community within the tech industry. “Our companies are quite diverse,” says Gunn, “in terms of both the technologies and products Quick 45-min. flights • Downtown-tothey produce and their customer base. There is not downtown service — Inner Harbour to Seattle’s Lake Union • a lot of competition between them. As a result, they Multiple flights daily year-round • Complimentary Sea-Tac shuttle are all very willing to share their best practices and innovation to the benefit of the entire industry.” And 866.435.9524 though cautious not to overstate the fact, Gunn does acknowledge that the great lifestyle and natural beauty Hyack Air Floatplane Terminal , 1234 Wharf Street, just below the Victoria Regent Hotel, Tel. 250.384.2411 of Victoria plays a part in attracting entrepreneurs and highly skilled people who could choose any number of locations. 09GVCCDirectory_eighth.indd 1 11/17/2008 2:03:28 PM Yet, the economic downturn is sure to affect the tech industry as it does other export industries. Economic changes and government turmoil bring a considerable amount of uncertainty to the marketplace, and if there is one thing business does not like it is uncertainty. John Juricic from Etraffic agrees. “Uncertainty in the markets and turmoil in the government bringing more uncertainty is not a good combination. A more stable environment means that banks are more willing to lend capital so that companies can fund expansion, innovation, and for some, keep their operations on an even keel. The tightening of capital markets has become the biggest concern for a lot of small businesses, and not just in the technology field.” Gunn notes that to date the current market conditions have Victoria tech companies cautious but still optimistic and references the fact that a couple of companies have been heavily hit by the loss of key accounts. However, in general terms local companies have thus far seen only a limited impact. Gunn says, “Going forward, all technology companies are taking into account the weak US economy, the impact of the credit crunch on a global scale and the fluctuations in the Canadian dollar as they look at next year. These challenges aside, early indications from our annual survey have most companies projecting revenue growth greater than 20% in 2009 with increasingly optimistic forecasts for 2010 and beyond.” Our region is fortunate to have fostered the tech industry and lend to the diversification of our local



Business Matters

ask an expert The Brutal Truth About Marketing!

The Most Important Tool For Your Website

>> Geoff Affleck, MBA Small Business Makeovers

>> Ross Dunn StepForth Web Marketing Inc.

I eat, sleep and live marketing. So I decided

In 2006, Google launched Google Webmaster

Geoff Affleck, MBA, is a Marketing Coach with Small Business Makeovers. He can be found at or by calling 250-466-9000.

Ross Dunn is the CEO and Founder of StepForth Web Marketing Inc. He can be reached at

to find out the TRUTH about it. Most entrepreneurs are very good at what they do. They deserve to be making a lot of money. If technical expertise, quality workmanship and attention to detail were all you needed to get the business, then we’d all be rich. Don’t fall for the old cliché, “Become great at what you do and people will beat a path to your door”. In today’s volatile economy, nobody is beating a path to anybody’s door. Here’s why: Truth #1: They haven’t realized that they are really in the sales and marketing business, not the “whatever they sell” business. Like it or not, succeeding in your own company is NOT about how much you know about your product, service or industry – it’s about how much you know about marketing. I know this shouldn’t be true but it is. If and when you make this mental paradigm shift, you’ll instantly gain an enormous edge over your competition. Truth #2: Most business owners make the mistake of complicating business more than it needs to be. Whether your business is in Victoria, Vancouver or Vienna the same principles apply. There are ONLY THREE WAYS to grow your business! 1) Increase the size of your database (new customers) 2) Increase the average value of each sale (Do you want fries with that? This is packaging, bundling, raising your prices etc.) 3) Increase the frequency at which people buy (Regular specials, loyalty programs, monthly memberships, etc.) Improving each of these three ways by just 10% can double the bottom line of most businesses. In future columns, I will expand on this thought and provide some specific examples of how to do this that work in virtually any industry.

Tools, a free service that allows anyone with a website to get detailed insight into how Google sees their website and what might be preventing the website from obtaining a higher search ranking. Sounds pretty important right? Here is what you need to do to sign up for this excellent free service from Google. 1) Visit and sign in using your Google email address or create a new Google account. 2) Then add your website to your Google Webmaster Tools profile. Type in your website’s main address (be sure to include the “www” prefix) and then click “Add Site”. 3) Now you will be asked to prove the website is in fact your own. This will require using one of two methods Google offers; one is to add a special code Google gives you to your home page and the second option is to create and upload a file onto your website using a special filename Google provides. 4) Once you have claimed your website you will have complete access to your website’s private Google profile. With this new powerful functionality you can: • See what pages (if any) Google has had trouble accessing on your site and why. • Obtain a clear picture of the websites that are linking to yours and what pages on your site are most often linked to. • Submit your entire website using a Google Sitemap. • Remove select pages from Google’s index. • Discover the keywords driving traffic to your website from Google. • And much more… In summary, with Google Webmaster Tools in your Internet tool chest you will have access to the kind of insightful data you need to improve your website and ultimately your search engine rankings.

Just some of the ways to go green at Panton 348 C M 100 4


Pantone 334

Y K C M Y 87 18 100 0 60

K 3

Panto 3285


C M1 97

Y K 93 3

Panto 368


M C 0 63

Y K 97 0

Pantone 5757

C M Y K 35 16 82 52

Panton 347


C M 96 0

Y 88

K 1

Communicating through print Quality offset and digital printing. Complete binding services. 3050 Nanaimo Street, Victoria, BC V8T 5A6 Tel (250) 386.5542 ❦ Fax (250) 386.7838 ❦ Toll Free 1.866.342.7885 ❦

Business Matters


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