portfolio. vhhs

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victoria helene haukøya storemyr



large scale pencil drawing, governmental quarter




2016–2018 3

we have moved.

tao meeting. s. 8


addaptable house(s) s. 30


s. 22

s. 32


a passage. s. 24

conglomerate. s. 36



we have moved

a way of seeing the city, finding stories through the landscape of former places in the inner city of (the small coastal town) Arendal tutors(s) course site

Joakim Skajaa (APP) og Charlotte Erckrath (DAV) Diploma, vĂĽr 2018 Arendal Can you through remembering back rediscover essential stories to create something new?

| The diploma is a speculative investigation about memory, identity, repetition, childhood and the city. It aims to discussing the process of selecting what to be preserved, what to be discarded, what is considered valuable and how we develop our cities. Could narrating memories be a way of showing and develop a understanding of the layers within a city. The act of remembering and how places are remembered as a method of research and how the fragments from this remembering could be reused. An archive is formed by a series of investigations in various scales of places from memory, each connected to a specific place in the city center of Arendal. They are to be seen as equally valuable. The fragments themselves may seem invaluable alone, but like a souvenir they are connected to a specific time and place. Through remembering, putting oneself in a childhood perspective, the scale of things are less static, and imaginary scenarios can take place. The table in the project has a series of scales; 1.the imagined reality, based upon childhood memories 2.the table itself as a 1:1 of a table in cafe Floris 3.the table as a staged set in the studio, and 4.the theatrical scene played out in a film. A table and at the same time a fragmented model of my childhood city. A discussion about the city and a speculation about a possible future.

1. harvesting stories

collecting stories

2. re-assembly

Keytools; re-assembly narrating , collecting , fragmentation, repetition, scale, memory, perspective and assembly



the cafe table (the staged set) link:



index of places index of places A. the toyshop A. the the cafe toyshop B. B. the cafe C. manifacture x. c.

b . x.





C. the steps manifacture D. h.

D. the the fruit stepsretailer E.

f. k.

h. j.

E. square the fruitfurnitures retailer F.

f. k.


F. square furnitures G. the grocier







G. the flower grociershop H.


H.the themall flower shop I.

l. i.




n. l.


I. the hardware mall J. store


J. the K. thehardware baker store K.the thefield baker L. L. the M. the field fish retailer M.two the horses fish retailer N. memory map – arendal 1 : 10000 memory map – arendal 1 : 10000

N.the twohotdog horses kiosk O. O. the hotdog kiosk x. The entry point to the city a. hunting for trinkets and treasures b. round bread and glass bottles e. = grocery shopping x. + Theg.entry point to the city f.a.ice creamfor from k. (only summer) hunting trinkets andduring treasures m. two fishcakes in glass a white bag b. round bread and bottles e. + g. = grocery shopping f. ice cream from k. (only during summer) m. two fishcakes in a white bag sanden, cars + buses sanden, cars + buses

as a child – me, my sister and our grandmother every Saturday a small adventure to town. (Liland leker) first stop, seeking for treasures at the toyshop, room after room with trinkets and toys. (Arendal manufaktur) just a short stop by one of the many clothing stores in the city (Cafe Floris) late lunch. bagel with ham and cheese. coca-cola in a glass bottle. friendly faces everywhere. she greets with most, as though she where acquainted with the whole world.


the archive


(The cafe:Â )

(The toyshop)

(the manufacture)

First you have the cafe, witch I focused on the stair leading you up to this dark red room with an opening towards the square, the whole volume is wrapped in the 70s facade material of brass.Â

Then the toyshop witch is much more an conglomerated way of working with materials and the inside outside relation of a place, with the large grass filled window, and the terra-cotta tiles taking you from the outside - in.

The last one the manufacture is a mix between the two, where you have the pulled back entrance, before you enter a well lit room with windows, and in the back four rooms with curtains. In this stage, I looked a lot at the work of john heijduk, and his way of telling stories with buildings.




plan 1:100 plan 1:100

plan 1:100

facades 1:100

facades 1:100

facades 1:100

facades 1:100 facades 1:100

facades 1:100


facades 1:100

Torvgata, 1 : 400 three small pavilions or follies is the result of a series of studies on how the archive could be reused. highly influenced by a play with scale, referring to a child’s ability to be mutable, imagining things to be more than they are, what they could have been. each of them is a condensed version of a place. The three are meant to be rooms without a specific program, referring to places that have moved away, that no longer exists even though their premises do. at one stage these where no longer a place but, a representation of a place, and justifying why they where relevant, if they were meant to be built or if they were condensed experiences of a place became unclear.


Each part of the plan is marked with a sign connecting them to a specific place, time. movie transcript. ( 00:10:33 )


(Time; Hr:min:sec) action


(00:00:00) every saturday a visit to the same cafe, a table next to the window overlooking the square, with curtains giving the place a homely field (00:00:25) on the center of the table a tablecloth (00:00:40) and a vase filled with flowers. (00:01:15) the street (00:01:34) streetching from the square up in the city (00:01:46) to enter the cafe you would have to enter through a single door on the street, and up a long stair onto the second floor. (00:01:56) coffee for my grandmother, half of which cream and sugar (00:02:07) coca cola in a tall glass bottle for myself (00:02:15) on the opposite side of the street a manufacture, shielding its eyes from the sun with two large blue awnings stretching out into the street. (00:02:42) We ordered a horn w/ ham and cheese (00:02:47) It is split and divided between the two, 1/2 for each (00:03:20) Under the awnings, a tall door on the wall (00:03:33) Inside right next to the counter a large basket, full of socks and stockings. (00:03:36) The store was separated into two by a wall with a rounded opening (00:03:52) In the other room, three changing rooms, only seeing the feet of those inside (00:04:03) further up the street, next to the cafe. A huge toyshop, two large exhibition windows, on the floor green grass. For the toys to rest upon

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.


17. (00:04:29) From the street, a small stair with red terracotta tiles leading all the way into the store. 18. 00:04:40) Out the window, at the square a circular bench, popular on sunny days 19. (00:04:46) In the middle, a big tree 20. (00:05:03) The yellow and white stripes at baker jørgensen looks out over the square 21. (00:05:09) Right over the road a bench 22. (00:05:14) Passing the store, three ladies hanging out in the window. 23. (00:05:32) Right under the cafe, a jeweler. 24. (00:05:56) On the days with my father, the toolshop, full of bins with part in different sizes 25. (00:06:04) on the other side of town a lady is selling hotdogs from her stall in-between the ocean of cars. 26. (00:06:01) (table in) 27. (00:06:16) on the second floor over the baker, they have a cafe. 28. (00:06:39) in the inner corner of the shop a large shelf stacked with barbie dolls. 29. (00:06:58) gerda øien who used to run the hotdog kiosk originally started out by selling eggs at the market. 30. (00:07:03) a white paper bag containing two fishcakes as a snack, from the fish retailer 31. (00:07:15) (curtain pulled) 32. (00:07:32) (food is cleaned away) 33. (00:08:11) in the middle of the city an oasis, of flowers in all different colors. 34. (00:08:28) ( light changes)



the cafe table is the base for a conversation. working with the table as a part of a film set. The set consists of a shelf from the archive exhibiting models from the archive, the archive and the cafe table from the archive with a window sill. manipulation of scale is an active tool, and it is to be seen both as a miniature and a model.





tt h he e rr ul ul es es -- for for each each action action you you must must alwa alwa ---

tao meeting.

aa game game phase phase is is not not over over unti unti take take turns turns so so that that all all players players

-- you you can can always always say say pass pass

playing as a tool to discover exhisting qualities, and discuss local village planning.

tutor(s) team course site

Marco Casagrande Eva Bull, Åsmund Hårklau, Ida Wressel og Nikolina Søgnen. Orchid island, høst 2017 Lanyu, Taitung county – Taiwan

| Focusing on what qualities exists and how to enhance these qualities, the game basis is that a masterplan could also be seen as an attitude towards change and facilitate a tool for the villagers themself to discuss their future. The aim of the game is to emphasize what qualities is existing in the village and to create an open discussion platform in an informal way for village planning. the rules – for each action you must always explain why – a game phase is not over until all players agree on this – take turns so that all players are seen and heard – you can always pass the phases 1. show whats in your village 2. mark points of interest 3. suggest a change 4. decide which suggestion are best

tt h he e p ph h as as es es 1 show what what is is in in your your village village 1 show 2 2 3 3 4 4

mark mark points points of of interest interest suggest suggest aa change change

decide decide which which suggestions suggestions aa

tt h he e cc h h ii p p ss show show show mark mark mark change change suggest infl uence infl uence decide




translating ways of organizing the home from the traditional tao dwelling set

tutors(s) course site

Marco Casagrande Orchid island, høst 2017 Iraraley, Lanyu – Taiwan

| Using an existing abandoned government built dwelling as a shell for bridging the traditional way of organizing the home with the modern needs for privacy and sanitation. The (new) house consist of three parts: Winter house – inside the existing governmental built house the core of the new house takes it place. It is a open space with a small bathroom in the middle. At the top of the bathroom there is an inside platform; tagakal, giving the opportunity to pull back with a view overlooking the rooftops in the village. The most private in the back, opens towards front. mountain _ sea. All of the inner walls (except bathroom) are flexible and moves on rails. Giving the possibility to open and close the house, providing the opportunity for privacy. Resting platform – a platform stretches from the indoor space out towards the street, the window in the middle can open up. The platform provides a bridge between inside and outside. a place for the mabchik (beetlenutset) for guests when you are out fishing. Summer house – outside the the building the grid structure continues out towards the road, the floor is tiled. A place to use during the nice summer months. ad-hoc structures could be added as needs come up and be removed before the next typhoon hits.

organizing the home

resting platform inside/outside

main entrance

the all year house cooking facilities bathroom in center + ”tagakal” on top

most private areas

emergency exit

summer house - flexible outdoor space

(in case of unwanated guests)



|construction axonometric - 1:200




first floor + section Y - 1:100

|first floor + section Y - 1:100


|interior - model photo




new lounge area for carte blanche, studio bergen


Alvilde Fjell Sundal, Frida Nytun, Andreas Tveit, Anders Dommerud Tellefsen, Sveinung Gjessing


Studio Bergen

| A temporary lounge area for a dance and music festival was created in the storage room at studio Bergen. A low budget is kept using cheap and recycled materials and the elements have the ability to easy be dismantled and stored for future usage. The main focus of the project was to draw Carte Blanche´s visual world into a casual lounge situation. Three large golden light reflectors bringing a theatrical atmosfere into the room. Under them three wide benches in wooden slats, creating an informal seating situation and doubling up as additional lighting. A very limited color palette and the active usage of lighting is giving the room a dramatic appearance.



adaptive house(s)

field study of the post-war revival house in lofoten.


Magdalena Haggärde, Gisle Løkken and Tone Megrunn Berge Layered landscapes lofoten, vür 2017 Lofoten, N/A

course site

Development in living area During the last half of the 20th century, the average size is in Norwegian households decreased sharply, from 3.3 people per household in 1960 to 2.3 people in 2000. The reason for this development has primarily been extensive social and cultural changes during the period, including prolonged life expectancy and higher divorce rates. In parallel with this, a general welfare increase has lead to even larger houses. The living area in the average Norwegian house has grown from 89m2 in 1967 to 114.2m2 in 1997. The living area pr. person has increased from 29m2 per person in 1967 to 51m2 in 2000. This is an increase of 75 percent in 40 years.

| In lofoten there are a series of post-war revival houses, in the post-war Norway, the Housing Bank has been our most important housing policy instrument. At the start of 1946, a house with a living space of 80m2 was considered the ideal family residence. The revival houses of lofoten is the starting point for a series of fabulating studies. Imagining the stories of how a houses has changed over time, with identical cores and various amounts of add ons.

Development in living area




During the last half of the 20th century, the average size is in Norwegian households decreased sharply, from 3.3 people per household in 1960 to 2.3 people in 2000. The reason for this development has primarily been extensive social and cultural changes during the period, including prolonged life expectancy and higher divorce rates. In parallel with this, a general welfare increase has lead to even larger houses. The living area in the average Norwegian house has grown from 89m2 in 1967 to 114.2m2 in 1997. The living area pr. person has increased from 29m2 per person in 1967 to 51m2 in 2000. This is an increase of 75 percent in 40 years.

60 40 20 0 livingarea per person

-20 -40


persons per household 1960











one area for all functions

introducing corridor and simple room divisions

Specialization in room functions, bath / WC + childrens room


80 60 40 20 0 livingarea per person

-20 -40



Complex room division, w/ bathroom, living room, kitchen, laundry room, TV room etc.

persons per household 1960




history / plan and wellfare development




1. In the post-war Norway, the Housing Bank has been our most important housing policy instrument. At the start of 1946, a housing with a living space of 80m2 was considered the ideal family residence.


The characteristics of post-war revival houses


• 48m2 /80m2

• • • • •


Rectangular and limited building volume. Gable roof. Partial symmetry in the facade. Simple moldings. Absence of decorative elements. Often bright colors englishred, stavernyellow or medium green, usually with white window frames.



They inherited their house from his mother, who was a fisherman’s wife. The house doesn’t have a lot of space, but consists of kitchen, bathroom and living area on the first floor, and two bedrooms on the upper floor.

They inherited their house from his mother, who was a fisherman’s wife.

They might need to expand when the children get older. For now it works just fine as long as the two can share a bedroom.

The house doesn’t have a lot of space, but consists of kitchen, bathroom and living area on the first floor, and two bedrooms on the upper floor.

The family expands their home into the garden during summer season, both for playing area, diners at the lawn and household chores. The outdoors is used as a playground for both adults and kids all year round.

They might need to expand when the children get older. For now it works just fine as long as the two can share a bedroom. The family expands their home into the garden during summer season, both for playing area, diners at the lawn and household chores. The outdoors is used as a playground for both adults and kids all year round.

Family of 2 + 2





When they bought their house in 1986 it consisted of the original building core and a extension in the front facilitation a sheltered entry and a modern larger bathroom.


When they bought their house in 1986 it consisted of the original building core and a extension in the front facilitation a sheltered entry and a modern larger bathroom.

After a couple of years they wanted a bigger living room with space for both a large tv area and a more formal dining area for parties.

After a couple of years they wanted a bigger living room with space for both a large tv area and a more formal dining area for parties.

Family of 2 + 1





After years living on the shadow side of the mountain with the draft coming right past the house. When they saw the next door neighbour adding an extension. They decided to add the exactly small extension using their savings.


After years living on the shadow side of the mountain with the draft coming right past the house. When they saw the next door neighbour adding an extension. They decided to add the exactly small extension using their savings.

It offers a shelter to the windy entrance area, a home office on the first floor and a patio out from the bedroom where you have the first glimpse of sun mid february.

It offers a shelter to the windy entrance area, a home office on the first floor and a patio out from the bedroom where you have the first glimpse of sun mid february.

Family of 2 14




4. After a busy life in the larger city of Oslo, a calmer life was suitable. The small house was bought in its originale standard.


In the establishment of a atelier on the upper floor in connection After a busy life in the larger city to the main bedroom the roofofwas Oslo, a calmer life was suitable. lifted with a small extensionThe in small house was bought in its front, perfect for a reading area in originale standard. front of the window. In the establishment of a atelier After years of having the bicycle on the upper floor in connection in the living room a shelter to was the main bedroom the roof was built, consisting of a small lifted with a small extension in hallway and a workshop, for front, perfect for a reading area in simple woodworking. Where you front of the window. also could store outdoor equipment. After years of having the bicycle in the living room a shelter was built, consisting of a small hallway and a workshop, for simple woodworking. Where you also could store outdoor equipment.

Family of 1 16

Family of 1




When their oldest son turned ten he no longer wanted to share 17 his bedroom with his younger brother. After a trial solution by adding a bookshelf as a divider, he still wasn’t pleased. The two bedrooms on the upper floor was When their oldest son turned giving to the two boys. A large ten he no longer wanted to share master bedroom was established his bedroom with his younger in an extension in front of the hobrother. After a trial solution by use with a direct entry to a large adding a bookshelf as a divider, patio where you could enjoy the he still wasn’t pleased. The two morning coffee at nice days. bedrooms on the upper floor was giving to the two boys. A large Later after years of having a master bedroom was established small hallway filled with all sort in an extension in front of the hoof equipment, both from the boys use with a direct entry to a large but also from the large collection patio where you could enjoy the of raincoats for the whole family, morning coffee at nice days. a larger hallway with a storage room connected to it was added Later after years of having a on the back of the building. small hallway filled with all sort of equipment, both from the boys but also from the large collection of raincoats for the whole family, a larger hallway with a storage room connected to it was added on the back of the building.


Family of 2 + 2 18

Family of 2 + 2



After a lifetime of a comfortable life in the small house. with kids growing up, and moving out. Family parties with grandchildren and children filling the house.




At some point the lady in the hoAfter a lifetime of a comfortable use was no longer able to walk the life in the small house. with kids steep stairs to the upper floors. For growing up, and moving out. the first year the solution was to Family parties with grandchildren have a bed in the living room with and children filling the house. a curtain to divide it from the rest of the room. At some point the lady in the house was no longer able to walk the But when the need for a walker steep stairs to the upper floors. For occurred the whole plan needed the first year the solution was to adaption if they where not to have a bed in the living room with move. a curtain to divide it from the rest of the room. A spacious bathroom was added as an extension as well as a small But when the need for a walker bedroom. the rest of the floor occurred the whole plan needed plan was opened up in the ground adaption if they where not to floor. move. In the upper floor a workspace for A spacious bathroom was added the mans model making hobby as an extension as well as a small was established. bedroom. the rest of the floor plan was opened up in the ground floor. In the upper floor a workspace for the mans model making hobby was established.

Family of 2 20

Family of 2


33 20






conglomerate a series of small shelters.

tutors(s) team course site

Magdalena Haggärde, Gisle Løkken and Tone Megrunn Berge Livie Johansen Layered landscapes lofoten, vår 2017 Lofoten, N/A

| In Lofoten there is a culture of reusing materials for building structures and additions. The project borrows qualities from existing typologies in Lofoten: oil tanks (there are many abandoned today), fish racks (used for drying fish), fishermans-hut/rorbu (traditional seasonal dwelling) and pile wharfs (surrounding the fishing communities) developing new forms of shelters with the basis in these four typologies. The shelters have different functions, placing them on a scale from open and public to more intimate, and functions as meeting places for both locals and tourists. The idea is that the shelters could be covered with any found material keeping the tradition of the ”conglomerate” architecture of lofoten, and the idea that anybody could contribute with materials that no longer have a purpose.


a place to eat.

5. 3.



5. 3.


1. 5. 3. 4. 6.

5. 3. 4. 6. 2.


1. providing structure 2. floor construction 3. exterior walls 4. adding recycled roof 5. adding recycled windows 6. adding furniture and oven

(construction prinsiples)

A place to eat (small) 0,0m




(construction prinsiples)

A place to eat (small) 0,0m





1. providing structure 2. floor construction 3. exterior walls 4. adding recycled roof 5. adding recycled windows 6. adding furniture and oven





6. 6.



1. 4. 4.

7. 8.

a place to sleep. 2.

A place to sleep (small)





1. structure 2. floor construction 3. roof construction 4. exterior walls 5. adding recycled roof 6. adding recycled window 7. adding recycled door 8. adding somewhere to sleep

a place to meet.






A place to meet (medium) ( isometric )



a place to wash.



plan 1. floor, changing room



plan 2. floor, sauna



plan roof, watching platform







victoriastoremyr@gmail.com +47 48050431


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