Syllabus. Geography of information society

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Knowledge domain: 0401 Natural Science Training branch : 04010404 Political Geography and Geopolitics Master Degree Programme on Political Geography and Geopolitics


Victoria KIPTENKO, PhD., Associate Professor Syllabus: Geography of Information Society (2015) in Master Degree Programme on Political Geography and Geopolitics – 20 pages.

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Geography of Information Society constitutes an integral part of the Master Degree Programme on Political Geography and Geopolitics (training branch: 04010404 Political Geography and Geopolitics) of Natural Science knowledge domain. This course represents the selective cycle (“Choice of the University”) during the first semester of Master Degree Programme and amounts in total 180 hours (6 ECTS): lectures – 18 academic hours (ahrs), seminars – 34 ahrs, self-preparatory work –126 ahrs. The course accomplishment grade includes points gained in two modules and credit project. The passing grade is above 60. The objective of the course “Geography of Informatikon Soiety” is to develop students’ knowledge on the concept of and geospatial approach to information society studies as a topical human geography discipline. The tasks of the course include:  acquiring knowledge on the concept of Information society: origin and development;  systemizing the views on spatial approach to information society studies;  mastering skills of learning by doing;  application of geospatial approach to studies of information society segments. The course includes two thematic modules. The initial one is devoted to the concept of the information society, its origin and development. The second one discloses the geospatial approach to information society studies, space of flows and space of places, in particular. Having successfully completed the course the student gains knowledge on:  concepts of ‘information society’, ‘information revolution’, ‘information explosion’, information economy’, ‘knowledge economy’, ‘informationalism’;  key features of social, economic and spatial impacts of information revolution on social development;  key features and geospatial patterns of the new informational economy;  methods and parameters of global information society;  regional peculiarities and national informatisation plans.

masters skills of:  geospatial analysis. Vocational course Geography of Information Society provides the contemporary approach to world system development as a significant element of the professional training cycle in Master Degree programme. It is connected to courses of “Geoglobalistics”, “Strategies of global and regional developmen”.

Knowledge control and grading policy.

Control follows the bases of module system. Thematic module 1 includes topics ## 1 - 3, the module 2 embraces topic ## 4 - 6. Exam/credit admission requires to gain 36 points during seminars (estimated critical level of points constitutes 3,5 x 9 = 31,5), two assessed module essays (estimated critical level of points constitutes 2 + 2,5 = 4,5) Assessment of control forms: Presentation during seminars Participation in discussion Assessed module 1 Assessed module 2

TM1 Min. – _ points Max. – points «3» х 4 = 12 «4» х 4 = 16 «0,5»х 4 = 2 «1» х 4 = 4 „2» х 1 = 2 „5” х 1 = 5

TM2 Min. – points Max. – points «3» х 5 = 15 «5» х 5 = 25 «0,5» х 5 = 2,5 «1» х 5 = 5 „2,5” х 1 = 2,5

„5” х 1 = 5

„3” – minimum/maximum points 1 – minimum/maximum number *

students can gain. of assessed assignments. – all module assignments (MA) have calculation and analytic character.

Students having the total semester score less than 36 points have to fix recommended modifications to the thematic seminars assignments and assessed module essays to be admitted for the exam. Students having the total semester score less than 20 points have to repeat the course. Excused students have to work out thematic seminars and pass assessed module essays in accordance with “The Regulations on the procedure for assessing students within credit-module system of education process” of 1st October 2010. Simple calculation provides: Assessed module 1 Minimum Maximum


Assessed module 2 16,5


exam / credit ___/24



Total ___/60 100

Scores correspondence scale:  1-34 corresponds to «unsatisfactory» and requires mandatory repetitive taking of the course;  35-59 corresponds to «unsatisfactory» with the possibility of repetitive passing the thematic assignments and essays;  60-64 corresponds to «satisfactory» («complete»);  65-74 corresponds to «satisfactory»;  75 - 84 corresponds to «good»;  85 - 90 corresponds to «good» («very good»);  91 - 100 corresponds to «excellent».

Compliance scale (for the exam)

100 – points scale 90 – 100 85 – 89 75 – 84

Compliance scale (for the assessed credit)

The national scale 5




35 – 59 1 – 34





The national scale

90 – 100 85 – 89 75 – 84

65 – 74 60 – 64

10-points scale


65 – 74 60 – 64 1 – 59


PROGRAMME OF THE COURSE MODULE 1. INFORMATION SOCIETY CONCEPT Topic1. The Information Society Concept – 20 ahrs Approaches: economic, theory of “information explosion”, diffusion of information and communication technologies, synthetic approaches. Economic approach (F.Machlup, M.Porat, D.Bell): conceptualization of the entire knowledge effort and findings of F.Machlup; service economy, knowledge, information and planning as pre-eminent activities (D.Bell); information revolution (E.Parker); Information economy (M.Porat). Rationale behind the knowledge/information society. “Information explosion” (Y.Hayashi, T.Umesao, Y.Ito): computarisation, informational capacity of product, informational product. Information-technology revolution – new productive force – intellectual production (Y.Masuda) Role of ICT: information technologies as a key factor of new society formation, global village (Herbert Marshall McLuhan); the third wave by Alvin Toffler. Global information society: global economy, financial markets, network society by Manuel Castells; shift form industrial economy to the system based on knowledge and information (P.Drucker) Knowledge economy: ideas of Lester Thurow. Qualitative and quantitative parameters of knowledge-based economy. Operation of knowledge based economy. Internationalization of economic processes. Key features of the global information society. Topic 2. The Information revolution: theory, history, social-economic and spatial impacts – 36 ahrs Information(al) Revolution: the theory. Evolution of information-related activities. Shannon’s information theory, Wiener’s cybernetics. Key terms: data, information, knowledge, wisdom. 10 fundamental aspects. Information(al) Revolution: the history. Stages of informational Revolution. Stages of IT development. Digital revolution timeline. Digital shift. Measuring and modeling the information society (F.MAchlup, M.Porat, Y.Veberis, M.Hilbert and P.Lopez) Information age; digital transformation; digital divide, deterritorialization/reterritoialization. Information Age: digital industry, knowledge-based economy, high-tech global economy. Key inpacts: jobs and income distribution, rise of information-intensive industry, innovations. Digital Transformation: digital competence, digital literacy, digital transformation. New types of innovations and creativity. Global Innovation Index (Boston Consulting Group). Global digital divide. An Information Gap in the Digital Universe. Digital opportunity index, geospatial features of GDD.

Deterritorialization. Retorritorialization: filtering, spliternet, internet balkanization (internet tools, political, social, conflicts/security). Topic 3. The information explosion: How much information and where is my data? – 22 ahrs Information explosion: general causes. Information pollution. How much information (School of Information Management and System at the University of California at Berkley): findings of 2000, 2003. How to measure “how much information” and findings of M.Hilbert (2011). Data centers - internet data centers (IDCs), cloud data centers (CDCs) – site selection factors. Location matters. Trans-border data flows. Data centers location. Cloud servers location. Geography of data centers in Ukraine. Internet Balkanization. MODULE 2. THE SPACE OF FLOWS AND SPACE OF PLACES Topic 4. The New Economy: Informationalism, Globalization, Networking – 48 ahrs The new economy: productivity, competitiveness and the informational economy. Knowledge-based economy: structure and dynamics. Parameters of measuring and modelling the knowledge-based economy. Global trends of the new economy establishment. Typology of countries in knowledge-based economy. Geospatial patterns of knowledge-based economy development. Formation and geospatial patterns of knowledge-based economy in Ukraine. Networking. The network enterprise: the culture, Institutions, and organization of the information economy. Bases of graph theory. Information Networks and the World Wide Web. Link Analysis and Web Search. Sponsord Search Markets. Organizational trajectories in the restructuring of capitalism and in the transition from industrialism to informationalism. Information technology and the network enterprise. Multinational enterprises, transnational corporations, and the international networks. The Spirit of Informationalism. Geospatial patterns of informationalization. The role of technologies and communications in social development. Informatization impact on world economy structure. ICT evolution and geospatial patterns shifts (technologies and communication channels, character of communications, labour division and geospatial patterns). Topic 5. The Space of Flows and Space of Places – 22 ahrs Advanced Services, Information Flows, and the Global City. The New Industrial Space. The Transformation of Urban Form: the Informational City. The Social Theory of Space and Theory of the Space Flows. The Architecture of the end of History. The End of Geography? Space of Flows and Space of Places.

Topic6. Models of information society development: regional peculiarities – 30 ahrs Models of information society: global and trans-national scale. Western model of informatization: general features. European path: dynamic combination of governmental and market forces: policy on privatization and liberalization; development of universal services; networks or services. American and British path: informational super-highways, comprehensive liberalization, focuses of universal services provision (cultural differences). Asian and Latin American models of informatization. Asian models of information society development: general features. Japanese model: three basic values, R&D expenses, computerization, networking; shift to creation of new knowledge products. “Asian tigers�: economic cooperation of government and private capital. China experience: domestic and foreign investments, chinese silicon valley. Indian mixed model: labour force focus. Latin American path: general features. National informatization plans: key factors and criteria. National programmes of information society development in CIS countries, peculiarities of situation in Ukraine.


CURRICULAR PLAN OF LECTURES AND SEMINARS Topic Academic Hours Lectures Seminars Selfpreparatory work Module 1. Information Society Concept 1.

The Information Society Concept





The Information Revolution: theory, history, social-economic and spatial impact The information explosion: How much information and where is my data? Module 1.










Module 2. The New Economy and Space of Flows 4.

The New Economy: Informationalism, Globalization, Networking 5. The Space of Flows and Space of Places 6. Models of information society development: regional peculiarities Module 2 Total Total 180 ahrs, including: Lectures – 34 ahrs Seminars – 18 ahrs Self-preparatory work – 126 ahrs Consulting – 2 ahrs









12 1 34

12 126

CURRICULAR PROGRAMME OF THE COURSE MODULE 1. INFORMATION SOCIETY CONCEPT Topic1. The Information Society Concept – 20 ahrs Lecture 1. The Information Society: the origin and development of a concept – 2 ahrs. Approaches: economic, theory of “information explosion”, diffusion of information and communication technologies, synthetic approaches. Economic approach (F.Machlup, M.Porat, D.Bell): conceptualization of the entire knowledge effort and findings of F.Machlup; service economy, knowledge, information and planning as pre-eminent activities (D.Bell); information revolution (E.Parker); Information economy (M.Porat). Rationale behind the knowledge/information society. “Information explosion” (Y.Hayashi, T.Umesao, Y.Ito): computarisation, informational capacity of product, informational product. Information-technology revolution – new productive force – intellectual production (Y.Masuda) Role of ICT: information technologies as a key factor of new society formation, global village (Herbert Marshall McLuhan); the third wave by Alvin Toffler. Lecture 2. Global Information Society – 2 ahrs Global information society: global economy, financial markets, network society by Manuel Castells; shift form industrial economy to the system based on knowledge and information (P.Drucker) Knowledge economy: ideas of Lester Thurow. Qualitative and quantitative parameters of knowledge-based economy. Operation of knowledge based economy. Internationalization of economic processes. Key features of the global information society. Seminar 1. Technology, Society, and Historical Change – 2 ahrs. 1. Technology, Society, and Historical Change 2. Informationalism, Industrialism, Capitalism, Statism 3. Modes of development and Modes of Production 4. The self and Informational Society The main ideas, arguments and counterarguments. Self-preparatory work – 14 ahrs 1. Work out the recommended reading. Identify new knowledge, unclear issues, assertions of the author to be further clarified. Recommended Reading: 1. Prologue: the Net and Self// Manuel Castels. The Rise of the Network Society. Second edition. – Blackwell, UK – PP. 1-27.

Topic 2. The Information revolution: theory, history, social-economic and spatial impacts – 36 ahrs Lectuire 3. Information(al) Revolution – 2 ahrs Information(al) Revolution: the theory. Evolution of information-related activities. Shannon’s information theory, Wiener’s cybernetics. Key terms: data, information, knowledge, wisdom. 10 fundamental aspects. Information(al) Revolution: the history. Stages of informational Revolution. Stages of IT development. Digital revolution timeline. Digital shift. Measuring and modeling the information society (F.MAchlup, M.Porat, Y.Veberis, M.Hilbert and P.Lopez) Lecture 4. Information(al) Revolution: Social, Economic and Spatial Impacts – 2ahrs Information age; digital transformation; digital divide, deterritorialization/reterritoialization. Information Age: digital industry, knowledge-based economy, high-tech global economy. Key inpacts: jobs and income distribution, rise of information-intensive industry, innovations. Seminar 2. The Information technology Revolution – 2 ahrs 1. Which Revolution 2. Lessons from the Industrial revolution 3. The Historical Sequence of the Information Technology Revolution 4. Models, Actors, and Sites of the Information Technology Revolution, 5. The Information Technology Paradigm The main ideas, arguments and counterarguments. Self-preparatory work – 12 ahrs 1. Work out the recommended reading. Identify new knowledge, unclear issues, assertions of the author to be further clarified. Recommended Reading 1. The Information technology revolution in Manuel Castels. The Rise of the Network Society. Second edition. – Blackwell, UK – PP. 28-76. Additional reading Digital Trends Report 2015//Hotwire - Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] Lecture 5. Information(al) Revolution: Digital Transformation – 2ahrs Digital Transformation: digital competence, digital literacy, digital transformation.

New types of innovations and creativity. Global Innovation Index (Boston Consulting Group). Global digital divide. An Information Gap in the Digital Universe. Digital opportunity index, geospatial features of GDD. Lecture 6. Information(al) Revolution: Deterritorializaton and Reterritoriaization – 2 ahrs Deterritorialization. Retorritorialization: filtering, spliternet, internet balkanization (internet tools, political, social, conflicts/security). Seminar 3. Informational Revolution: Spatial Impacts – 2hrs 1. What is Digital Transformation? 2. What is Deterritorialization/Reterritorialization The main ideas, arguments and counterarguments. Self-preparatory work – 12 ahrs 1. Work out the recommended reading. Identify new knowledge, unclear issues, assertions of the author to be further clarified. Recommended Reading 1. Howard King. What is Digital Transformation? // The Guardian, 21 November 2013. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] 2. Matthew Sparke. Introducing Globalization. Ties, Tensions, and Univen Itegration. – Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.- PP.18, 19, 280-1, 313, 314. Additional Reading 1. The Nine Elements of Digital Transformation.//MTI Sloan Management Review. Opinion and Analysis. - January 07, 2014- Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] 2. Digital Transformation: A Roadmap for Billion-Dollar Organization//Capgemini Consulting- Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] - 3. The new geography of global innovation// Global Markets Institute, September 20, 2010 Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] 4. Digital Opportunity Index -

Topic 3. The information explosion: How much information and where is my data? – 22 ahrs Lecture 7. The information explosion: How much information and where is my data? – 2 ahrs Information explosion: general causes. Information pollution. How much information (School of Information Management and System at the University of California at Berkley): findings of 2000, 2003. How to measure “how much information” and findings of M.Hilbert (2011). Lecture 8. Where is my data? – 1ahr Data centers - internet data centers (IDCs), cloud data centers (CDCs) – site selection factors. Location matters. Trans-border data flows. Data centers location. Cloud servers location. Geography of data centers in Ukraine. Seminar 4. Internet Balkanization – 2 ahrs 1. Internet Censorship: internet tools, 2. Internet Censorship: political, 3. Internet Censorship: social, 4. Internet Censorship: conflicts/security 5. Spatial Patterns of Internet Balkanization Self-preparatory work – 16 ahrs 1. Work out the Recommended Reading to provide arguments and counter arguments for discussion at seminar 4. 2. Prepare for Module 1. Recommended Reading: 1. OpenNet Initiative/ Research. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] 2. The Enemies of the Internet Special Edition: Surveillance// reporters Without Borders 2013. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] Additional reading 1. Global Internet User Survey 2012. Internet Society. 20 November 2012. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] 2. Access Denied. The MIT Press. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] 3. Access Controlled. The MIT Press. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] 4. Access Contested. The MIT Press. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу]

Module 1. Spatial effects of informatization (essay) – 1ahr MODULE 2. THE SPACE OF FLOWS AND SPACE OF PLACES Topic 4. The New Economy: Informationalism, Globalization, Networking – 48 ahrs Lecture 9. The New Economy: geospatial patterns – 2ahrs The new economy: productivity, competitiveness and the informational economy. Knowledge-based economy: structure and dynamics. Parameters of measuring and modelling the knowledge-based economy. Global trends of the new economy establishment. Typology of countries in knowledge-based economy. Geospatial patterns of knowledge-based economy development. Formation and geospatial patterns of knowledge-based economy in Ukraine. Lecture 10. Networking – 2 ahrs Networking. The network enterprise: the culture, Institutions, and organization of the information economy. Bases of graph theory. Information Networks and the World Wide Web. Link Analysis and Web Search. Sponsord Search Markets. Seminar 5. The New Economy: Informatonalism, Globalization, Networking – 4 ahrs 1. Productivity, competitiveness, and the Information Economy 2. The Global Economy: Structure, Dynamics, and the Genesis 3. The New Economy The main ideas, arguments and counterarguments. Self-preparatory work – 16 ahrs 1. Work out the recommended reading. Identify new knowledge, unclear issues, assertions of the author to be further clarified. Recommended Reading 1. The New Economy: Informationalism, Globalizatioon, Networking in Manuel Castels. The Rise of the Network Society. Second edition. – Blackwell, UK – PP. 77-162. Additional Reading 1. Part IV Information Networks and the Worls Wide Web in Davis Easley and Jon Kleinberg. Networks, Crowds, and Markets. Cambridge University Pess. 2010. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] Lecture 11. The Network enterprise: the Culture, Organizations of the Informational Economy – 2 ahrs



Organizational trajectories in the restructuring of capitalism and in the transition from industrialism to informationalism. Information technology and the network enterprise. Multinational enterprises, transnational corporations, and the international networks. The Spirit of Informationalism. Lecture 12. Geospatial patterns of informationalization – 2 ahrs The role of technologies and communications in social development. Informatization impact on world economy structure. ICT evolution and geospatial patterns shifts (technologies and communication channels, character of communications, labour division and geospatial patterns). Seminar 6. Typology of Business networks – 4 ahrs 1. “Toyotism: management-worker corporation, multinational labor, total quality control, and reduction of uncertainty 2. Inter-firm networking 3. Corporate strategic alliances 4. The horizontal corporation and global business networks 5. The crisis of the vertical corporation model and the rise of business networks. 6. Networking the networks: the Cisco model 7. A typology of East Asian Business networks The main ideas, arguments and counterarguments. Self-preparatory work – 16 ahrs 1. Work out the recommended reading. Identify new knowledge, unclear issues, assertions of the author to be further clarified. Recommended Reading 1. The Network Enterprise: the Culture, Institutions, and Organizations in the Information Economy in Manuel Castels. The Rise of the Network Society. Second edition. – Blackwell, UK – PP. 163-216. Additional Reading 2. Part IV Information Networks and the Worls Wide Web in Davis Easley and Jon Kleinberg. Networks, Crowds, and Markets. Cambridge University Pess. 2010. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] Topic 5. The Space of Flows – 22 ahrs Lecture 13. The Space of Flows – 2 ahrs Advanced Services, Information Flows, and the Global City. The New Industrial Space. The Transformation of Urban Form: the Informational City.

Lecture 14. Space of Flows and Space of Places The Social Theory of Space and Theory of the Space Flows. The Architecture of the end of History. The End of Geography? Space of Flows and Space of Places. Recommended reading: 1. The Space of Flows in Manuel Castels. The Rise of the Network Society. Second edition. – Blackwell, UK – PP.407-460. Seminar 7. Geography of Informational Transformations – 2 ahrs Discussion and brain storming for credit project on subtopics (subtopic to be choice of student): 1. Digital transformation/Digital Divide 2. Infrastructure of Informational Transformation (IP addresses, domain names, AS, Internet exchange points) 3. Global Network Readiness 4. E-democracy (e-governance, e-votes) 5. E-economy (e-business, e-commerce) 6. E-employment 7. E-health/e-medicine 8. E-culture 9. E-learning/e-science 10.E-environment/e-agriculture 11.E-sports/e-tourism 12.E-Ukraine Self-preparatory work – 16 ahrs 1. Search or primary and secondary resources to study the chosen topic for module 2. 2. Search or primary and secondary resources to study the chosen topic for credit project. Systemize search data and provide resources/literature review. 3. Learn the basic concepts and operationalize them (definitions/parameters) Topic6. Models of information society development: regional peculiarities – 30 ahrs Lecture 15. Western model of informatization – 2 ahrs Models of information society: global and trans-national scale. Western model of informatization: general features. European path: dynamic combination of governmental and market forces: policy on privatization and liberalization; development of universal services; networks or services. American and British path: informational super-highways, comprehensive liberalization, focuses of universal services provision (cultural differences).

Lecture 16. Asian and Latin American models of informatization – 2 ahrs Asian models of information society development: general features. Japanese model: three basic values, R&D expenses, computerization, networking; shift to creation of new knowledge products. “Asian tigers”: economic cooperation of government and private capital. China experience: domestic and foreign investments, chinese silicon valley. Indian mixed model: labour force focus. Latin American path: general features. Lecture 17. National informatization plans – 1 ahr. National informatization plans: key factors and criteria. National programmes of information society development in CIS countries, peculiarities of situation in Ukraine. Self-preparatory work – 24 ahrs 1. Prepare for module 2. 2. Analyze the Geography of Informational Transformations for chosen subtopic. 3. Prepare the credit project for presentation and defense. Module 2. Geospatial features of information society in Ukraine (essay) – 1 ahr Bibliography 1. Access Denied. The MIT Press. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] 2. Access Controlled. The MIT Press. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] 3. Access Contested. The MIT Press. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] 4. Castels M. The Rise of the Network Society. Second edition. – Blackwell, UK.533 p. 5. Digital Opportunity Index - 6. Digital Transformation: A Roadmap for Billion-Dollar Organization//Capgemini Consulting- Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] - 7. Digital Trends Report 2015//Hotwire - Електронний ресурс [режим доступу]- 8. Easley D., Kleinber J. Networks, Crowds, and Markets. Cambridge University Pess. 2010. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] 9. Global Internet User Survey 2012. Internet Society. 20 November 2012. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу]

10.Hidalgo Cesar A. How Much Information Can Earth Hold?// Scientific American. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] 11.Hilbert M., Lopez P. The World’s technological Capacity to Store, Communicate, and Compute Information//Science 332 (6025): 60-65 12.Hubert M. Technology and Workforce: Comparison between the Information Revolution and the Industrial Revolution. University of California, Berkeley School of Information. December 2007 13.How Much Information 2000. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] 14.How Much Information 2003. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] 15.How Much Information? 2009 Report on American Consumers - Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] 16.King H. What is Digital Transformation? // The Guardian, 21 November 2013. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу]- 17.New Digital Universe Study Reveals Big Data Gap: Less Than 1% of World’s Data is Analyzed; Less Than 20% is Protected// EMC – Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] - 18.Sparke M. Introducing Globalization. Ties, Tensions, and Univen Itegration. – Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.- PP.18, 19, 280-1, 313, 314, 19.The Nine Elements of Digital Transformation.//MTI Sloan Management Review. Opinion and Analysis. - January 07, 2014- Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] 20.The new geography of global innovation// Global Markets Institute, September 20, 2010 Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] 21.OpenNet Initiative/ Research. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу] 22.The Enemies of the Internet Special Edition: Surveillance// reporters Without Borders 2013. Електронний ресурс [режим доступу]

Credit project: Geography of Informational Transformations (subtopic by choice of student): 1. Digital transformation/Digital Divide 2. Infrastructure of Informational Transformation (IP addresses, domain names, AS, Internet exchange points) 3. Global Network Readiness 4. E-democracy (e-governance, e-votes) 5. E-economy (e-business, e-commerce) 6. E-employment 7. E-health/e-medicine 8. E-culture 9. E-learning/e-science 10.E-environment/e-agriculture 11.E-sports/e-tourism 12.E-Ukraine

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