Processing the System and the City

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Processing the System and the City Portfolio Panorama Southbank, Canterbury, Elephant and Castle

Victoria Thong DS 19. Choreographics of a city (MArch 1) Darren Dean. Elantha Evans

Processing the System and the City Contents


From Southbank to Elephant and Castle Macro-scale mappings of Everyday and Elevated festive spaces and movement in the city


Site-specific processions in Elephant and Castle Meso-scale mappings of Everyday and Elevated festive spaces and movement in the city Differentiating between the flaneur and pilgrim - Commuting - Strolling - Procession


Ruined architecture as treasury New proposal for retaining and reordering the existing Elephant and Castle shopping centre as a treasury. Treasury 1: Safekeeping of things of value against threat ---> New masterplan of accommodation instead of complete erasure Treasury 2: A depository (a room or building) where wealth and precious objects can be safely stored ---> New Elephant and Castle Archive and local history library


Processing the System and the City in Elephant and Castle Micro-scale mapping for everyday and elevated processional routes in the new shopping centre Design as a means of mediating poetic encounters between everyday and elevated routes

Tate Modern, Southbank

Southwark Catherdral

Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre

West Gate, Canterbury city wall

London to Canterbury, Contracted Sequence

Pilgrim Inn, Butter Market

Christchurch Gate, Butter Market

Canterbury Cathedral


From Southbank to Elephant and Castle Macro-scale mappings of Everyday and Elevated festive spaces and movement in the city

Processing the Everyday and Elevated Processions of the city Rituals and processional movements occur daily in the city in two states- the neutral, benign and everyday state of our daily activities and movements and the elevated, festive state of processions and pilgrimages that are endowed with symbolic meaning. The project is begins with a detailed mapping of the everyday and elevated rituals that can be found beginning in Southwark and ending in Canterbury. Elephant and Castle provides a separate territory that acts as an anti-thesis against Southbank and Canterbury. It is however a point along the pilgrimage route from Borough High Street to Canterbury and hosts a range of festivities in its vicinity that is distinct to the specific character of the area.

Southbank to Elephant & Castle

Festive Points and Routes in Southwark - Hinge Points between the the Elevated and Everday

Hinge point Festive point Festive/ processional route

Southbank Riverside, Southwark The internal street of the Tate Modern is an extension of the perpetually festive route along London’s Southbank






Tate Modern Turbine Hall Queen’s Walk Millennium Bridge St Paul’s Cathedral

1 2 3 4 5

Borough High Street, Southwark A hinge point between the starting point for the contemporary tourists’ “pilgrimage” along Southbank and the Canterbury pilgrimage according to Chauncer.





Southwark Cathedral Borough Market Clink Street The George

1 2 3 4

Butter Market Square, Canterbury Canterbury Carnival Parade approaching Butter Market


2 4


Old Buttermarket Pub Canterbury War Memorial Christ Church Gate Canterbury Cathedral

1 2 3 4

Elephant and Castle Roundabout, Southwark A hinge point between the Everyday processional routes around civic space of the area- shopping centre, college, transportation nodes, church and residences and the pilgrimage route to Canterbury which passes through this area briefly








Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre (Internal street first floor) Elephant and Castle Northern Roundabout London College of Communitcation (Internal street addition in 1996) Metropolitian Tabernacle Underground Station (Northern line ticket hall) Underground Station (Bakerloo line ticket hall) Faraday Memorial Perronet House

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Rituals imply a “near-frozen relationship between space and event� Sequences, Bernard Tschum

The topographic performances in Elephant and Castle are highly site-specific as they seek to endow everyday spaces with symbolic meaning. Because these spaces are facing immediate threat of being demolished, the festive character of these ad hoc events are particularly imposed/ inscribed in order to superimpose and reiterate socially-constructed values as a means of preserving these neglected and condemned spaces in the city.


Site-specific processions in Elephant and Castle Meso-scale mappings of Everyday and Elevated festive spaces and movement in the city As a core area within Elephant and Castle and the one of the busiest roundabouts in London, the shopping centre and various public institutions around the Elephant and Castle roundabout is a site of constant activity and movement . As one of the largest regeneration projects in Europe, it’s also now the site of intense social drama and urban analysis. These different modes of movement may be differentiated according to the 3 modes of movements characterised by John Dixon’s “Lordship of the feet” that contribute to a form of communicative movement as described by David Leatherbarrow.

Processional routes and festive anchors in Elephant and Castle

Processional movement / Elevated activities Processional movement / Elevated activities Processional movement / Elevated activities

Processional movement / Elevated activities

This mode of movement, then, implies a specific route with designated paths and even activities with socially constructed and endorsed purposes and with some higher This mode of movement, then, of implies a specific route paths and evenandwith objective than thewith mere perfomance of the rite a wider reference than the site This mode movement, then, implies a designated specific route with designated paths and even activities with socially constructed and purposes and some higher the endorsed ritual itself. This may bewith undertaken by 1. with Collectively/ group following an orderly activities with of socially constructed and endorsed purposes and some higher objective than the mere perfomance ofmere the rite andwith a wider reference than the site objective thansuccession the perfomance of the rite andwith a wider reference than the site of moves on special occasions (designated festivals or ad hoc fêtes) or 2. Solof the ritual itself. This mayritual be undertaken by 1. be Collectively/ group following an orderly of the itself. Thisprocessionmay undertaken by 1. Collectively/ group following an orderly idary one person conciously sets himself to follow a path established and succession of movessuccession on special of occasions (designated festivals(designated or ad hoc fêtes) or 2. Solmoves special occasions festivals even on endorsedby long-term collective usageor ad hoc fêtes) or 2. Solidary procession- one person conciously sets himself to follow a path established and

This mode of movement, then, implies a specific route with designated paths and even activities with socially constructed and endorsed purposes and with some higher objective than the mere perfomance of the rite andwith a wider reference than the site of the ritual itself. This may be undertaken by 1. Collectively/ group following an orderly succession of moves on special occasions (designated festivals or ad hoc fêtes) or 2. Solidary procession- one person conciously sets himself to follow a path established and even endorsedby long-term collective usage

idary procession- one person conciously sets himself to follow a path established and even endorsedby long-term collectivelong-term usage even endorsedby collective usage

The Odyssey

The Odyssey The Odyssey



Elefest 1. Shopping Centre 2. Perronet House Room 93 3. London College of Communications 4. Corsica Studios 5. Cinema Museum 6. Mobile Gardeners Park 7. Roundabout 8. Southwark Playhouse 9. Elephant Warehouse and cinema 10. Hotel Elephant




Unusual Suspects Festival: “Walk-shop” 1. Social Life office 2. Periphery of Heygate estate 3. Arches by E&C station 4. Shopping Centre 5. Coronet theatre


The Odyssey


Anti-gentrification Walk

Storytelling procession

Pilgrimage to Canterbury

1. O-Central 2. Printworks 3. Chatelaine House 4. South Central East 5. John Smith House/ Dashwood Studios 6. Hampton Street 7. Strata 8. St Mary’s Churchyard 9. Shopping Centre 10. London College of Communication 11. Arch Street 12. Tribeca Square 13. Heygate Estate

1. Shopping centre 2. Elephant and Castle subways 3. Heygate Estate

(Canterbury Tales Pilgrimage) - Begins in the Tabard Inn (now The George) - Down Waiting Street (now Borough High Street) - Continues along the A2


Existing Topographic Performances in the field (extended)

Partial Axonometric 1:1500 Mapping everyday and elevated sequences and spaces in Elephant and Castle

Commuting Regular travel between defined locations such as one’s place of residence and place of work or full-time study, or any regular movement between fixed destinations via the same route that is repetitive through everyday activities. The destination takes precedence over the route which is ignored as the mundane transitional space in between.

Lordship of the Feet, John Dixon

Commuting / Everyday/ Procession

Commuting is regular travel between defined locations osuch as one’s place of residence and place of work or full-time study, or any regular movement between fixed destinations via the same route that is repetitive through everyday activities. The destination takes precedence over the route which is ignored as the mundane transitional space in between.

Bus route



33 buslines daily

E&C National Rail

Northern line ticket hall Bakerloo line ticket hall

vertical movement- elevators horizontal movement- transit crowd movement- field level crowd movement- procession level

route “node�

Commuting Bus . Underground . Rail

Strolling & Rambling Both the stroll and the ramble involve the undertaking or giving of oneself to movement. But the stroll implies an ultimate purpose within the site and a sense of destination. Strolling also implies a defined route between whatever incidents punctuate and give rhythm to the movement. Rambles, on the other hand, entail movement with no external prompt; they are promoted largely by the will or curiosity of an individual enjoying the leisure to wander. Rambles are for the pleasures of movement itself, without definite or preordained routes or destinations; a ramble implies impulse, spontaneity, a disconnected wandering, and therefore it is more likely that a ramble is solitary, since one person’s disconnections would distract from another’s ramble. Strolling & Rambling / Everyday Lordship of the Feet, John Dixon

Both the stroll and the ramble involve the undertaking or giving of oneself to movement. But the stroll implies an ultimate purpose within the site and a sense of destination. Strolling also implies a defined route between whatever incidents punctuate and give rhythm to the movement. Rambles, on the other hand, entail movement with no external prompt; they are promoted largely by the will or curiosity of an individual enjoying the leisure to wander. Rambles are for the pleasures of movement itself, without definite or preordained routes or destinations; a ramble implies impulse, spontaneity, a disconnected wandering, and therefore it is more likely that a ramble is solitary, since one person’s disconnections would distract from another’s ramble.

1st floor Shopping Centre



The Arches and rounabout

The People’s Bureau

A space for exchange of skills and needs located in a dedicated shopping cart in the shopping centre

Studio at the Elephant

Collaborative projects between an artist in residence and the local community

The Coronet (former Elephant and Castle theatre)

Elephant Market Independent traders

- Theatre and nightclub venue - 4 Sept 2014- Hosted Social Life’s “Trading Places” exhibition on their research into the history of the shopping centre and its traders

vertical movement- elevators horizontal movement- transit crowd movement- field level crowd movement- procession level

route “node”

Strolling & wandering Shopping Centre (first floor) . Market . Arches . LCC

Processional Movement This mode of movement, then, implies a specific route with designated paths and even activities with socially constructed and endorsed purposes and with some higher objective than the mere performance of the rite and with a wider reference than the site of the ritual itself. This may be undertaken by 1. Collectively/ group following an orderly succession of moves on special occasions (designated festivals or ad hoc fêtes) or 2. Solitary procession- one person consciously sets himself to follow a path established and even endorsed by long-term collective usage

Processional movement / Elevated activities Lordship of the Feet, John Dixon This mode of movement, then, implies a specific route with designated paths and even activities with socially constructed and endorsed purposes and with some higher objective than the mere perfomance of the rite andwith a wider reference than the site of the ritual itself. This may be undertaken by 1. Collectively/ group following an orderly succession of moves on special occasions (designated festivals or ad hoc fêtes) or 2. Solidary procession- one person conciously sets himself to follow a path established and even endorsedby long-term collective usage

The Odyssey



Hannibal House - lift access to businesses within Hannibal house from shopping centre

Shopping centre 1st floor promenade - entry level from street - extended hours for accessibilty to train station

Pedestrian subways beneath roundabout - traffic-free access to surrounding institutions - “save our subways campaign” against TFL’s proposed demolition - Tour of subway murals by artist - Appropriated as a gallery for a photography exhibition during Elefest 2014

vertical movement- elevators horizontal movement- transit crowd movement- field level crowd movement- procession level

route “node”

Processional movement The Odyssey . Elefest . Urban “Walk-shops”

Processional movement / Elevated activities

Rituals imply a This mode of movement, then, implies a specific route with designated paths and even “near-frozen relationship between space and event” activities with socially constructed and endorsed purposes and with some higher objective than the mere perfomance of the rite andwith a wider reference than the site of the ritual itself. This may be undertaken by 1. Collectively/ group following an orderly succession of moves on special occasions (designated festivals or ad hoc fêtes) or 2. Solidary procession- one person conciously sets himself to follow a path established and even endorsedby long-term collective usage

Sequences, Bernard Tschum

The topographic performances in Elephant and Castle are highly site-specific as they seek to endow everyday spaces with symbolic meaning. Because these spaces are facing immediate threat of being demolished, the festive character of these ad hoc events are particularly imposed/ inscribed Processional movement / Elevated activities in order to superimpose and reiterate socially-constructed values as a means of preserving these neglected and condemned spaces in the city.

The Odyssey


The Odyssey

This mode of movement, then, implies a specific route with designated paths and even activities with socially constructed and endorsed purposes and with some higher objective than the mere perfomance of the rite andwith a wider reference than the site of the ritual itself. This may be undertaken by 1. Collectively/ group following an orderly succession of moves on special occasions (designated festivals or ad hoc fêtes) or 2. Solidary procession- one person conciously sets himself to follow a path established and “Walk-shop” even endorsedby long-term collective usage



Elephant and Castle - An Alternative plan to demolition

Heygate Estate

Northern Roundabout

Status: Demolished

- Heygate Estate - Elephant and Castle Pedestrian Subways (Southern)

Shopping Centre and Market

Status: Facing Demolition

-Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre -Elephant and Castle Pedestrian Subways (Northern) -Traders Market

Site-specific, typically ground-up/ grassroot organised processions oragnised in these threatened spaces in order to endow them with symbolic meaning for the purpose of remembrance and/or civic action to protest and campaign for the protection of these spaces. (see following pages)

Proposed Masterplan for Elephant and Castle “Treasury� that accomodates both existing patterns of use and building fabric

Proposed programmatic intervention for Elephant and Castle A physical treasury that is a repository for the rich history Elephant and Castle. Given the history of rebuilding and displacement in the area, if the above proposed masterplan is viewed as an idealistic attempt to retain community after the regneration, the archive located within the site of the shopping centre will at the very least provide a tokenistic depository for the inevitable and intangible loss.

1951 1951 1967 1967 1968 1968 2000 Royal Festival Hall Royal FestivalQueen Hall Elizabeth Hall Queen Elizabeth Hayward Hall Gallery HaywardLondon Gallery Eye

1958-61 1958-61 1958-61 1965 1965 1965 1969 1969 1969 1958-61 1965 1969 1958-61 1958-61 1965 1965 1969 Roundabout Perronet House Elephant & Castle Elephant Elephant Roundabout &&Castle Castle Roundabout Elphant Roundabout &Elephant Castle Elphant Elphant Shopping & & Castle Castle Shopping Shopping Perronet House Perronet Perronet House House & Castle Roundabout Elephant & Castle Elphant Roundabout & Castle Shopping Elphant & Castle Perronet Shopping House Elephant & Castle Shopping & Faraday memorial Faraday memorial Centre Centre Faraday memorial Centre Faraday memorial Faraday Faraday memorial memorial Centre Centre Centre


2000 2007 London Tate EyeModern

1974 1974

2007 2007 Tate Modern BFI Southbank

1974 1969 1974 1974 Heygate Heygate Estate Heygate Heygate Estate Estate Perronet House Estate Heygate Estate Heygate Estate


2007 2007 2007 BFI Southbank Southbank centre reopens Southbank centre reopens with new riverside areas with new and riverside areas and thoroughfare along thoroughfare Hungeralong Hungerford Bridge ford Bridge

2010 2010


2013 2013

2010 2010 2010 2013 20132013 TheThe Strata The The Strata Strata Heygate Estate Heygate demolished Heygate Estate Estatedemolished demolished The Strata TheHeygate Strata Estate demolished Heygate Estate demolished Strata Heygate Estate demolished


Ruined architecture as treasury New proposal for retaining and reordering the existing Elephant and Castle shopping centre as a treasury. Treasury 1:

Safekeeping of things of value against threat ---> New masterplan of accommodation instead of complete erasure

Treasury 2:

A depository (a room or building) where wealth and precious objects can be safely stored ---> New Elephant and Castle Archive and local history library

Existing Masterplan: Built, Rebuilt and Un-build Existing Site Plan 1:2500



4 1



Demolished To be demolished Rebuilt more than once Rebuilt x1 No Change

Elephant and Castle Subways (Southern)- demolished 1 Shopping Centre and Traders Market - possibly to be demolished 2 Elephant and Castle Subways (Northern) - possibly to be demolished 3 London College of Communication- Built 1894, rebuilt 1911, refurbished 1949, 1985, 1996 4 Metropolitan Tabernacle - Built 1861, rebuilt 1941, 1957 5 One the Elephant, to be completed in 2015 6

Proposed alternative masterplan- Retain and reorder Existing Masterplan 1:2500



4 1 5

Retained and reordered New

Shopping Centre Cruciform concourse - retained 1 Elephant and Castle Subways (Northern) - retained 2 Elephant and Castle Market - retained and reordered 3 Elephant and Castle Underground station- new 4 Elephant and Castle Archive- new 5

“Architecturally, the Elephant and Castle was a pretentious disaster”... but it is in “those left-over buildings, it’s here that we find the real creativity of civilisation. You can spend less money and you get more freedom- you can try things out” How Buildings Learn, Steward Brand (The Elephant Reborn, 12-18 July 1997, RadioTimes)

Existing Building

Proposed Building

Existing Building- Lower Ground Floor Floor Plan 1:750

Demolished structure Re-ordered spaces and sequences Existing spaces, structure and sequences maintained

Proposed Building- Lower Ground Floor Floor Plan 1:750



iv c



E a iii


e F D f C



Strolling & Rambling

A. Northern Line Ticket Hall B. Ticket Office C. Disabled Access D. Upper Concourse Escalors to platform E. Main entrance Shopping Centre F. Entrance to Street (Newington Butts)

a. Shower and changing room (Male) b. Shower and changing room (Female) c. Cafe d. Travel information centre e. Borrowers’ bike stations f. Pedestrain subway to London College of Communication

i. Traders’ Market ii. Internal street (Lower ground level) iii. Elephant Square (Lower ground level) iv. Market pods

Elephant & Castle Underground Station

Addition of new spaces and sequences Re-ordered spaces and sequences Existing spaces, structure and sequences maintained

Walkers Pit-stop

Elephant Market & Square



Proposed- Lower Ground Floor Partial Axonometric 1:750

Intervention elements Retained structure Existing structure

Existing Building-Upper Ground Floor Floor Plan 1:750

1:500 Upper Ground Floor

Demolished structure Re-ordered spaces and sequences Existing spaces, structure and sequences maintained

Proposed Building- Upper Ground Floor Floor Plan 1:1000







Addition of new spaces and sequences Re-ordered spaces and sequences Existing spaces, structure and sequences maintained



Proposed- Upper Ground Floor Partial Axonometric 1:1000

Intervention elements Retained structure Existing structure

Existing Building- First Floor Floor Plan 1:750

Demolished structure Re-ordered spaces and sequences Existing spaces, structure and sequences maintained

Proposed Building-First Floor Floor Plan 1:750

Addition of new spaces and sequences Re-ordered spaces and sequences Existing spaces, structure and sequences maintained



Proposed Building- First Floor Partial Axonometric 1:750

Intervention elements Retained structure Existing structure

Existing Building Front Elevation 1:200

Demolished structure Re-ordered spaces and sequences Existing spaces, structure and sequences maintained

Proposed Building Front Elevation 1:200

Addition of new spaces and sequences Re-ordered spaces and sequences Existing spaces, structure and sequences maintained

Existing Shopping Centre Front Elevation 1:500

A fabric-stretched pavilion added in the 1990 refurbishment in an attempt to mark a main entrance to the shopping centre.

Newington Butts

Proposed Shopping Centre Front Elevation 1:500

The entrance to the shopping centre is marked by a double-height foyer space that is carved into the existing structure of the building.

Newington Butts

Market pods built into the existing building structure to provide a permanently-active frontage to the sunken urban market square. The informal space of the traders’ market that has been entrenched into the everyday experience of the site is allowed to be embedded in the formal space of the preserved shopping centre itself.

A second urban square on street level is created on the end of the shopping centre fronting New Kent Road.

Existing Shopping Centre Side Elevation 1:500 (New Kent Road)

New Kent Road

After navigating the labyrinth of tunnels underground, the Existing Underground Station exists to a narrow pavement at street level (Newington Butts) with little sense of arrival, leading to disorientation.

Proposed Shopping Centre Side Elevation 1:500

New Kent Road

Proposed Underground Station exit to a sunken urban square on the Lower-Ground Floor. Commuters move from the interiors of a large circular ticket hall (an institutionalised transit-space) to a larger expanse of a sunken market and shopping concourse (an institutionalised commercial and social-space).

Existing Shopping Centre Side Elevation 1:500

Walworth Road

The existing market is located in a narrow sunken moat that is congested with market stalls and provides little space for navigation from the sunken lower-ground to street level.

Proposed Shopping Centre Side Elevation 1:500

Walworth Road

Extension of existing lower-ground floor moat to allow for a larger sunken forecourt for everyday market activities and elevated festivities during festive periods. The surfaces are decorated with mosaics that borrow symbolically from the existing textures and motifs of the underground pedestrian subways that are much-loved by the community but are scheduled to be demolished in May 2015.

The ritual route is the plot, the unfolding of spaces as artistic devices that structure the events. Contracted sequences fragment individual spaces and actions into discrete segments... By reducing architecture’s 3 dimensions into a single space we might see the beginning of a use of space followed immediately by the beginning of another in further space.

Sequences, Bernard Tschumi

Existing vs Proposed Building

Left Elevation (New Kent Road)

Unfolded Surface Drawing 1:200

Front Elevation (Newington Butts)

With incremental additions and erasure of the built fabric of the site over time, this drawing hopes to map out the surfaces that characterise its tactical and atmospheric composition. Much of its surface composition is made up of formal elements- building elevations, Semi-formal elements- mosaic murals of the underground pedestrian subways and Informal elements- carpets draped over the railings of walkways into the shopping centre. Surfaces relate to the space they inscribe. To Railway Arches, Heygate Estate (demolished)

Right Elevation (Walworth Road)

To London College of Communication (via subway 14)

Elevation of Existing Entrance Pavilion

Elevation of Proposed Entrance Foyer

Rituals are “pre-determined form of narrative with an exaggerated structured program which orders events, movements and spaces into a single progression that either combines or parallels divergent concerns� Sequences, Bernard Tschumi


Processing the System and the City in Elephant and Castle Micro-scale mapping for everyday and elevated processional routes in the new shopping centre Design as a means of mediating poetic encounters between everyday and elevated routes

The intervention will introduce a new series of spaces that are designed-systems that facilitate a particular mode of movement. Each space is designed to be specific and controlled in its programmatic-brief, but are activated by other systems through its physical adjacency to another system or temporary occupation by users of another system (hinge points) or symbolic connections further afield. As a designed system, each route is processional by default- whether they are everyday journeys or elevated symbolic pilgrimages. Each user of the space is a pilgrim moving from on beginning point to a destination. These spaces however function as an subset of a larger urban environment dominated by the Fl창neur. The lower-ground floor is a designed as an extension of an endless field which is the city- The City of the Fl창neur The upper levels within the shopping centre are designed as armatures- The System of the Pilgrim

Pavement cafes along internal shopping street

Open Internal Street, Lower Ground Plan-Elevation

The original cruciform-concourse is retained and expanded. The original idea of pavement cafes and kiosks in the 1960s is returned to the building. The existing load-bearing structure is retained and acts as pilotis that organise space and movement on an open lower-ground floor plan.

Built-in market pods

Elephant Square, Lower-Ground Floor Plan-Elevation

The proposed Elephant Square is situated in the extended forecourt of the existing shopping centre. It is an extension of the existing traders’ market frequented by users who stroll and wander through its space . The informal space of the market is incorporated into the built fabric of the site through the market pods on the lower-ground floor of the shopping centre that flanks the square.

City of the Flaneur Partial Axonometric 1:1000

Elephant Square Internal Shopping Street (Cruciform-concourse)

Elephant Square, Upper-Ground Floor viewing deck at entrance to shopping centre Plan-elevation The existing ramp from street level into the shopping centre is retained and expanded. Its existing use as an informal gathering/waiting point under the fabric-stretched pavilion is retained and incorporated into the built form- the ramp is expanded into a bench-lined boulevard that provides an upper-deck vantage point into the bustling traders market below or performances that take place during scheduled festive periods such as Elefest.

System of the (Everyday) Pilgrim/ Commuter Partial Axonometric 1:1000

Bridge access to train station

24 hour “street� that connects Underground station to train station via shopping centre entrance lobby

Elephant and Castle Underground Station (Northern Line Ticket Hall exit to Shopping Centre)


Research Bloc

Junction between urban research/ social enterprise bloc and archive. The Archive and entrance into the social enterprise offices on the first floor look down into the double-height “entrance hall� of the shopping centre. The entrance hall is also the point the 24-hour walkway which connects the underground station to the train station via the shopping centre. In this space, the hinge point between the symbolic -archive (treasury1) and research bloc (that supports the social agenda and programmes of treasury 2) & everyday becomes a room which mediates between these different modes of movement.

System of the (Elevated) Pilgrim/ Processional Walker Partial Axonometric 1:1000


“People’s Bureau” Artist Studio and workshop “Just Space” Office HQ

Processional stair to 1st floor (Social services and canteen)

24-hour walkway Processional stair (lower ground to upper ground floor)

Elephant Square Upper Deck viewing platform

Elephant and Castle Archive

24-hour walkway/ Elephant Square Upper Deck viewing platform

Ramps from lower ground floor to street level

Pedestrian subway- mural gallery



Urban Research Laboratory Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA)

Fabrication Workshop Construction workshop shared by research laboratory and artists

Social Enterprise Office Just Space Headquarters Artist in residence studios Studio at the Elephant The People’s Bureau Elephant Square (Upper Deck) Entry ramp into shopping centre from street level, appropriated as upper level viewing deck during festivities

Elephant Square (Lower-Ground Floor) Open forecourt appropriated for different activities : Music performances, street theatre, pop-up cinema

Elevated Sequence Simultaneous Sequence- Various Processional spaces within Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre Section 1: 200


Existing- Everyday

Hinge Point Treasury

Elephant & Castle Archive A repository for narrative fragments in the area that are cumulative, existing and abruptly lost in the recent regeneration.

24- Hour Walkway A repository for narrative fragments in the area that are cumulative, existing and abruptly lost in the recent regeneration.

Everyday Sequence Simultaneous Sequence- Various everyday spaces within Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre Section 1:200

Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre Main Entrance Foyer Unfolded room-drawing 1:200

Elephant and Castle Archive

Entrance Foyer

Urban Research and Social Enterprise Bloc

Bench-lined Boulevard entrance into shopping centre


Urban Research and Social Enterprise Bloc

Bench-lined Boulevard entranceinto shopping centre

View of Entrance Foyer

View of Entrance Foyer

Elephant and Castle Archive

Entrance foyer

Urban Research Lab and Workshop “Just Space” Social Enterprise Office

View of Entrance Foyer

Stair to Shopping Centre entrance foyer from lower-ground floor market Stair to Urban research / social enterprise bloc

24-hour Bench-lined boulevard ramp from street level (upper-ground floor viewing deck into Elephant Square)

View into Shopping Centre Entrance Foyer (Ruined Architecture as Treasury)

A reorganisation of the space within the existing shopping centre reveals the structural system of the building. Within the regular structural grid of the existing building, spaces are reordered into systems that act autonomously for each system’s programmatic brief, but also in tandem with other systems which engage each other at various points of intersection. The double-volume entrance hall is one such point of intersection. The bench-lined boulevard entry into the shopping centre is activated by constant movement of people (commuters, shoppers) and the activities of its

Front Elevation. Entrance Foyer

View into Urban Research/ Social Enterprise bloc (Ruined Architecture as Treasury)

The urban research/ social enterprise bloc is located within the existing shopping centre and is an extension of the internal shopping street that is appropriated as a social space by the community. The headquarters of social enterprises (Just-Space) and artist studios is also the rendezvous point for processional walks through Elephant and Castle. Programmatically, they work together to support the treasury by collecting and processing the social and urban data of the area and beyond in London.

Side Section. Urban research/ Social Enterprise Bloc

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