East Greenwich Substitute Handbook

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East Greenwich School Department 111 Peirce St East Greenwich, RI 02818

Substitute Handbook Teachers and Paraprofessionals 2017 – 2018


Welcome This handbook has been designed to familiarize you with the East Greenwich School Department. We hope it will help answer the many questions you are likely to have when you first join us. The standards are high for teachers and paraprofessionals in the district and, in their absence, our substitutes are expected to adhere to these same standards of excellence. This handbook should assist you in doing just that. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Administrative Offices at 3981222. To Become a Substitute Teacher or Teacher Assistant The general requirements for substituting in the East Greenwich School Department include: 1. For Teaching: a copy of a Rhode Island Department of Education teacher certificate or a copy of a bachelor's degree or higher. For a Paraprofessional: a copy of a certificate demonstrating the completion of the Teacher Assistant training course and a copy of an associate’s degree or higher. 2. A Tuberculosis test with a negative result 3. Criminal background check with fingerprints. 4. Proper identification for completion of an I-9 and a W-4.

Applicants should complete the following: 1. Application 2. W-4 Withholding Tax Form 4. I-9 Form Once we have your completed application, it will be reviewed and if required, an interview will be set up. Upon completion of all the above, you will be added to our substitute list and provided with instructions to access the Aesop System.

Teaching and Paraprofessional Assignments Substitutes will be called during the evenings from 4:00PM until 10:00PM and in the mornings from 5:00AM until 8:00AM. You have the option to change call times in your

individual Aesop account according to your preferences. If known in advance, the substitute assignment will be made at the earliest possible date. Substitute teachers whose major area of study is the same as the class in need of a teacher will be called first. In other words, a math major would be at the top of the list for a math class, an English major for an English class, etc. It is not necessary for you to accept an assignment on each call. However, substitutes who are dependable and regularly accept assignments become those individuals who are called most often. Should you not be unable to report to work when expected, the school secretary at the intended location or the administration office (401-398-1222) should be called or emailed (remilio@egsd.net) immediately. You should provide your name and the name of the regular teacher or teacher assistant for whom you are substituting. To help us keep in contact with you, please update your personal profile in the Aesop System of any change of address, telephone number or availability for work.

Reporting to the School Under the usual circumstances, the following times define a substitute's day:

Substitute Teachers: Elementary Schools: Eldredge, Hanaford, Meadowbrook and Frenchtown 8:50am-3:35pm. Middle and High School: Cole and East Greenwich High School 7:50-2:35.

Substitute Paraprofessionals: will report according to the times in Aesop. Assignments start 10 minutes before your first class meets and allow you time to become familiar with classroom routine before the students arrive. Please plan for enough time for this very important 10 minutes. In some cases, a substitute may be hired for fewer hours -2, 4, or 6 hours. You will be notified by Aesop what time is required for the position. Upon your arrival at the school, check in with the secretary. This is where you will sign in and out and be given any information concerning your schedule, lesson plans (which may also be in Aesop or in the classroom), general procedures, hall duties, lunchroom duties, students' restroom privileges, location of restrooms and staff lounge, and procedures to be followed in case of emergency.

Upon your arrival at the school be sure to: 1. Complete the "Certified Substitute Sign-In Form" - necessary for payment. Obtain necessary keys/scan cards Receive any special instructions from the secretary or administrator. Obtain Substitute Teacher's Guide and Report 2. Obtain schedule of classes 3. This is also where you will be notified about any departures from the usual daily schedule. You will also be introduced to a neighboring teacher who can help you during the day. You're In the Classroom As a professional visiting teacher replacing a regular classroom teacher who is absent, you should fulfill your obligation to make the school day of value to the students. We regard you as a professional teacher and paraprofessional. You are expected to follow the designated lesson plan and to leave information for the teacher on student progress. You are responsible for upholding school rules and regulations and maintaining daily attendance records. If you are in doubt about the method of keeping this record, information may be secured from the school Secretary, the department head, the nearest classroom teacher or the principal. Each substitute should assume the same responsibilities and duties as the regular teacher or paraprofessional. If the teacher or paraprofessional whom you are replacing is responsible for extra duties, please consult the school secretary for direction. If the substitution is long-term rather than day-to-day, you should attend departmental and/or full staff meetings unless excused by the principal. This is one of the ways you can keep informed about recent developments in School procedures. If you are substituting on a long-term basis, you are not expected to participate in special district workshops or staff development days when students are not in school. However, you may arrange to attend such events by seeking permission from your principal. Classroom Activities Classroom materials and supplies (and snacks) should be used with discretion. There are many instances in which the regular teacher has planned ahead for their use. All teaching materials, library materials, audio-visual aids, etc., should be properly cared for and left in an orderly fashion. Please make all reports as required concerning attendance, etc. The reports should be signed with the last name of the regular teacher, followed by your initials. Workbook material should be assigned carefully, taking into consideration the usual length of the assignment by the regular teacher. If you are on a long assignment, consultation with the regular teacher should be arranged where practical and possible.

The decision regarding a consultation will be made by the school principal. Releasing a Student If a person not connected with the school seeks information about a child, or permission to take the child from the room, refer that person directly to the principal. The principal will determine whether or not the child should be excused and will notify you of the decision. Under no circumstances should a child be released without permission of the principal. Discipline If the students are involved in meaningful, worthwhile instruction, discipline problems usually will not develop. If you know the subject being taught and present it in an appropriate manner, students will more likely be attentive. Naturally, there are exceptions and, occasionally, problems do arise. If a discipline problem occurs which you are unable to handle, consult the principal or the person in charge. Corporal punishment is not acceptable under any circumstances. Emergency Procedures Emergencies can arise at any time and you should be prepared to handle them with a minimum of confusion. Procedures differ throughout the district, depending on whether you are serving at an elementary school or at the middle or high school. Upon arrival at the school, you should check with the administration regarding emergency procedures and guidelines for handling situations involving student accidents and illnesses. At various times throughout the year, fire and other emergency type drills may be conducted. Such drills may be preceded by a special bell or announcement over the school intercom. When a drill takes place you should: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Remain calm Inform the students of the drill, while demanding their silence and cooperation Conduct your class to the evacuation point in an orderly fashion. Take your class list with you. Permit students to re-enter only upon administrative clearance

At the End of the School Day When your day is over, be sure you've taken care of the following before leaving the building: 1. Leave a written account of all activities carried on for the regular teacher such as all assignments made, work covered, and any unusual problems which have arisen. 2. Refer all unusual requests from parents and students to the principal. This

includes requests for early dismissal or exclusion from some class activity. 3. Refer all unusual behavior problems to the principal. 4. Return keys/scan cards (after closing and locking doors and windows). Confidentiality The East Greenwich School District recognizes the need for certain staff members to have knowledge of confidential information for the benefit of individual students. Any such information is to be regarded as privileged and treated with the highest level of confidentially. Staff members will not convey personal information regarding a student to any other person or persons except on a need-to-know basis as required for the health, safety, and education of the individual student. Staff members who are concerned about requests for confidential information may consult with an administrator. Academic information should also be considered privileged. Staff members are expected to conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner in relation to any discussion of student information. Evaluation Substitute teachers and paraprofessionals, like all employees of East Greenwich Schools, are evaluated. The principal and/or the regular teacher completes an evaluation form regarding the substitute's performance. Dress Code Please see School Committee Policy 5710. Assignment As a substitute teacher/paraprofessional, you will be assigned to the school where your services are most needed. In some instances, the administration may find it necessary to reassign a substitute during the day.

Paraprofessional and Substitute Teachers Do not hesitate to ask for assistance from the principal or secretary at any time. He or she should be your first contact for questions related to that school.

General Information

Pay Schedule and Rate

A substitute is paid for the actual number of days taught. The current rate of pay is $75.00 a day for teachers. Certified substitutes who work on a long-term basis for less than a full year shall be paid at a daily rate of $125. Substitutes who

work over 135 days in one school year will be moved to the appropriate step of the Teacher’s Contract. The hourly rate for Paraprofessionals is $10.00 per hour, all subject to change. Long term Paraprofessionals will move to the appropriate step of the Paraprofessional Contract after being in the same position for 25 days or longer. Paydays are every other Friday. All checks for substitute teachers and paraprofessionals will be distributed to the school they are working at on payday or specified location of choice; otherwise, they will be mailed.

For answers to any other questions concerning payroll issues, please contact the Finance Office at 398-1390.

Temporary Vacancy- Paraprofessional Contract, Article 8-11 states: A Temporary Vacancy shall be defined as a known vacancy of a duration of not less than twenty-five (25) consecutive days and not more than one (1) school year. A Temporary Vacancy exists when an employee is absent for any reason under circumstances in which his/her return to work is expected within the school year or at the beginning of the next school year following the absence. Temporary Vacancies shall be filled with Long Term Substitutes whenever possible. The Long Term Substitute shall be paid step one of the Collective Bargaining Agreement with no health benefits. Long Term Substitutes who work one hundred thirty-five (135) days or more within one (1) school year and who are hired during an additional school year as a substitute or permanent employee shall be paid at the 2nd step of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Long Term Substitutes shall not accrue seniority or be on a recall list. However, Long Term Substitutes shall be guaranteed an interview for applied for vacancies which are within the bargaining unit. Vacancies which are of fewer than twenty-five (25) consecutive days may be filled by hiring substitute employees or by the temporary transfer within or between job classifications, of regular employees. Before filling a vacancy by transfer the Committee shall ask for volunteers and as between a volunteering employee and a nonvolunteering employee, if relevant skills, ability and experience are equal and if the volunteer can be easily replaced as the non-volunteer, the volunteer shall be

transferred. Unless sooner returned, at the expiration of sixty (60) working days of transfer, the transferred employee shall return to the position he or she originally occupied. The hiring of a person on layoff to fill a temporary vacancy or a vacancy of fewer then twenty-five (25) days shall not be considered a recall of such employee and he or she shall be considered to be a substitute employee for the duration of his/her temporary employment. Substitute employees not in Temporary Vacancies as defined above shall be paid such compensation as the Committee shall deem appropriate. They shall not be eligible for any fringe benefits, such as, but not limited to, health and life insurance, holiday pay, vacation, personal days, sick days, or paid or unpaid leaves of absence of any kind. They shall not have or accrue seniority and their status as substitute employees may be terminated at any time, with or without cause, without recourse to the grievance procedure. When a substitute employee has completed sixty (60) working days in a vacancy, he or she shall no longer be deemed a substitute employee and shall thereupon be entitled to all of the benefits, except health care benefits, of a permanent employee including seniority retroactive to last date of hire. Absentees due to illness or other legitimate reason shall not constitute a break in service but shall not count toward the sixty (60) working days. Employee Benefits Daily substitutes and long-term substitutes hired for less than the full school year are not entitled to any employee benefits. If you do not have coverage, please see the Rhode Island Marketplace for health coverage at http://www.healthsourceri.com.

Federal Withholding Tax State and Federal Withholding Tax is withheld from the substitute's pay according to the exemptions filed on the W-4 form. Should the number of exemptions change, a new W4 form must be completed. These can be obtained from the school website or the Finance Office. Retirement A substitute does not qualify for membership in the Rhode Island State Retirement System, so no funds are withheld from a substitute's check for this purpose. Injuries on the Job As a substitute of the East Greenwich School District, a substitute is insured under the Workers Compensation of Rhode Island. Any injury sustained as an employee on

school property while in the normal course of duties as a substitute teacher her or a paraprofessional should be reported immediately to the school principal. Either a first report of injury form or an incident report must be completed. This is done in order to establish a record of the injury.

Contract Teaching If you are interested in a full-time position, the School District utilizes School Spring to advertise and post available positions.

District Policies

Equal Opportunity It is the policy of the East Greenwich School District to employ the best highly qualified personnel for all vacancies, regardless of race, creed, sex, religion, handicap, age, or national origin. The East Greenwich School District does not discriminate in its employment practices, nor in its programs/activities for students on the basis of race, creed, sex, religion, handicap, age, or national origin. School Committee Policies 1205, 1210 and 1240. Sexual Harassment The East Greenwich School Department shall provide an educational and work environment free of sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct or communications constituting sexual harassment as defined by School Committee Policy 1215 and by law. Tobacco and Alcohol The East Greenwich School Department expressly prohibits the use of alcohol, illegal substances and tobacco products in or on School Department facilities or on School Department property. School Committee Policies 1225 and 1230. Bureau of Criminal Investigation All employees of the East Greenwich School Department as a condition of employment must submit and pass a state and national finger-based criminal background check per RI General Law 16-2-18 and a TB test showing a negative result. School Committee Policy 5420. Technology Acceptable Use Policies The East Greenwich School Committee believes in the importance of bringing Internet/computer access to all teachers and students. The Committee is also

committed to maintaining the systems integrity and ensuring responsible use of the system. School Committee Policies 10110 and 10210.

A full list of District Policies can be found on our website at www.egsd.net.

District website can be found here: www.egsd.net


2017-2018 School Directory East Greenwich High School

8:00am - 2:25pm

300 Avenger Dr., East Greenwich

Principal: Assistant Principal: Secretary:

Michael Podraza Jeff Heath Annette Paull Patricia Balles

Archie R. Cole Middle School

Phone: 398-1505 Phone: 398-1505 Phone: 398-1574 Phone: 398-1519

8:00am - 2:25pm

100 Cedar Avenue, East Greenwich

Principal: Alexis Meyer Assistant Principal: Secretary: Elaine Balkcom JoAnn Capaldi

James H. Eldredge School

Phone: 398-1333 Phone: 398-1212 Phone: 398-1213

8:50am - 3:25pm

101 First Avenue, East Greenwich

Principal (Acting): Secretary:

Dan Seger Kelly Vartarian

Frenchtown School

Phone: 398-1247 Phone: 398-1218

8:50am - 3:25pm

1100 Frenchtown Rd, East Greenwich

Principal: Secretary:

Cheryl Vaughn Lisa Kehoe

George R. Hanaford School

Phone: 398-1401 Phone: 398-1552

8:50am - 3:25pm

200 Middle Rd, East Greenwich

Principal: Secretary:

Beth Cauley Lynn Cleary

Phone: 398-1351 Phone: 398-1243

Meadowbrook Farms Schools 8:50am - 3:25pm 2 Chestnut Dr, East Greenwich

Principal: Secretary:

Neil Marcaccio Jessica Torgan

Phone: 398-1601 Phone: 398-1602

Finance Office Rosette Figueiredo (Payroll questions)

Phone: 398-1390

Stephanie Russo (Accounting & backup to Payroll questions) Phone: 398-1244 Rose Emilio (Aesop/Sub Questions/HR)

Phone: 398-1222

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