The call of civil society organizations regarding the respect of the "Red Lines" in the process of Transnistrian settlement by the authorities of the Republic of Moldova Signatory civil society organizations note that the process of settling the Transnistrian conflict has recently witnessed a worrying development that calls for rebalancing and strategic balancing actions in this vital area for the Republic of Moldova. This is why we are deeply concerned about the following: 1. Recent Declarations by the OSCE Special Representative for Transnistria, Franco Frattini and highlighting the Transnistrian conflict in UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres's speech among 13 other conflicts on the UN's agenda of priorities in 2018 find the Government of the Republic of Moldova without a coherent, politically assumed state policy, based on the constitutional norms, guaranteeing a sustainable, democratic and favouring national interest. The absence of a strategic vision is vulnerable to the state and allows influential external actors to impose their agenda by negotiating concessions from the Republic of Moldova, prejudicing the state's position in the process of reintegration of the region within the borders of the Republic of Moldova, internationally recognized. 2. We note with concern the unprecedented and absolutely unjustified action by the Moldovan authorities to ask, via the UN permanent representative (20 October 2017), that the issue of the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Transnistrian region be excluded from the agenda of the UN meeting and transferred to for an indefinite period. The Ministry of External Affairs has steered this crucial approach, not releasing the RM mission to the UN the necessary resources and the mandate for such an initiative. The international media and civil society must receive truthful and comprehensive information on how these foreign troops deployed in Transnistria without the consent of the constitutional authorities of the Republic of Moldova are supplied with ammunition and fuel, who tolerates the presence of top-level Russian military in the region and how the military exercises in the region are financed, contrary to the prohibitions imposed by the Moldovan authorities. The Office for Reintegration Policies has the obligation to systematically communicate information on these issues. 3. The Transnistrian region is, according to the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Moldova (CC Decree No.14 of 02.05.2017), an "occupied territory". As a result, the state authorities have the constitutional obligation to use this term in relation to the structures of the Tiraspol regime, rejecting the attempts of some groups of people, political parties and even foreign missions to sign the equality between Moldova and the regime, as a state sovereign and internationally recognized. The state authorities have the obligation to prevent and strongly oppose the accreditation of certain elements of statehood for the benefit of the secessionist regime, including the negotiating table. Priority # 1 of the central authorities of the Republic of Moldova is to extend its authority and mechanisms of legal, social and political protection to all its citizens on the left bank of the Dniester, not to be left in any kind of protocol traps, doubtful guarantees and other obscure arrangements. 4. The legitimate aim the Moldovan Government has to pursue is to define and apply policies, tools and opportunities to transform the conflict in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova and not to offer "rescue vows" to the separatist regime. We cannot tolerate the "tabooing" of security and defence issues related to the illegal Russian military presence in the Republic of Moldova. There is no practical and legal sense to
tolerate the supply of ammunition and combat troops to the Russian troops stationed illegally on the left bank of the Dniester, and the use of the subject of "humanitarian aid" to supply them. It is inadmissible to find references to the so-called "reopening of the Tiraspol military airfield" in the speech of some political officials, with parties representing the Moldovan Parliament. And the practice of signing contracts for the purchase of electricity from CT Kuciurgan under dubious conditions, outside official auctions it is also onerous. It is unacceptable for the Moldovan authorities to tolerate excise exemption for dual-purpose goods or to favour the businesses of the Sheriff Group in Tiraspol. These cases affect the credibility of the RM and point to major risks to the security and integrity of our state. 5. In 2018, Transnistrian companies will be able to continue exporting their products to the EU market due to the extension of the Comprehensive and Deep Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA). We advocate that the EU authorities offer this benefit in order to modernize and accommodate the private sector in the region to the norms and laws of the Republic of Moldova, not to strengthen the positions of the Tiraspol regime, including by providing over-profits to the Sheriff monopolistic company, thus fuelling its military-security domination under the secessionist regime. It is time for businesses in the Transnistrian region to start paying taxes in the state budget, not just to have privileges. Access to the EU market for business on the left bank of the Dniester is subject to respect for the law and order of the Republic of Moldova, to its international norms and obligations, and not to it. The authorities must convincingly affirm this position; the access to this market is a good guaranteed by the associated status of RM to the European Union, not outside it. All those who will be disrespectful and defy the legislation of the Republic of Moldova may be deprived of this good in the interest of the Republic of Moldova. 6. We are concerned about the continuing militarization of the secessionist region. In particular, we are surprised by the demonstrative ignorance of the military exercises conducted by the Russian military troops (GOTR), stationed illegally in the Republic of Moldova, together with the militia of the so-called Transnistrian army, by the mediators of the "5 + 2" format. In 2017, Russia led 150 military exercises (compared to 48 in 2016), integrating them into the manoeuvres conducted by the so-called Western Military District of the Russian Federation, in the absence of a clear position on the part of the mediators. We note the lack of a responsible position of the OSCE Mission to the Republic of Moldova on military and security issues, the regrettable absence of Moldova's military and security concerns on the agenda of the "5 + 2" format, which may create a false sense of tolerance of Russian troops in the sovereign territory of the RM. We do not want to believe this is the message that the chancelleries of the "5 + 2" participating states send to the Moldovan citizens. We reiterate the firm position of the civil society associated with this Declaration on the primacy of the unconditional withdrawal of foreign troops from the Republic of Moldova and the full demilitarization and districts of the East of Moldova, the evacuation of Russian troops and combat equipment, which are extremely dangerous and insecure chronic in the process of sustainable, comprehensive and democratic regulation of the Transnistrian conflict. We reiterate a principle adopted by the civil society in the Republic of Moldova, after which no solution proposed or imposed from the outside will be legitimate as long as the sovereign territory of RM will be occupied by the military occupation troops of the Russian Federation. 7. We condemn the involvement in the negotiations of influential oligarchs (GuĹ&#x;an, Plahatniuc), who have no legal mandate to take over the RM's competences in the negotiation process. We consider such a kind of business interference contrary to the law, the European
values and the national interests of the Republic of Moldova, which fuel the risk of adopting immoral decisions with dramatic effects on national interests. Civil society must exercise democratic control over the activities of the Moldovan Government's Reintegration Policy Bureau in order to prevent regrettable politicizations or strategic errors in the development, presentation and evaluation of policy options. We condemn the lack of transparency in the preparation of the protocol on the registration of means of transport in the Transnistrian region. 8. We find that during the year 2017, hostile forces to the interests of the Republic of Moldova carried out several publicity actions in favour of the alleged statehood of the Tiraspol regime in a number of foreign capitals: Rome, London, Tel-Aviv, Strasbourg, Moscow, without the Moldovan authorities to react with sufficient power. We noticed the high interest of the separatist leaders in using CoE, OSCE and even UN platforms under Russian diplomatic networks and connections to not inform the public about the origins of this conflict. We believe that civil society should not passively and melancholically assist in this sliding towards a scenario alien to the national interests of the Republic of Moldova, but to attack the essence of secessionist narratives, rejecting the policy of "accommodating with existing realities." We draw our attention to our Western partners that, by offering international platforms to the separatist regime, they consequently assist the separatist regime in Tiraspol to assert its alleged statehood by putting its prestige and resources and authority in the service of Russian revisionist policies, major insecurity for the future of Moldova, but also for Eastern Europe, without contributing to the democratic settlement of the conflict. Based on the above, 1. We ask to the Government of Moldova and its partners that any projects of trust, infrastructure and humanitarian assistance to the Transnistrian region to contain express clauses regarding the observance of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova and the nonrecognition of the lawfulness of the decisions and competence of the separatist authorities in Tiraspol. Currently, the separatist regime, with the tacit or indifferent agreement of the Moldovan Government, benefits from several types of assistance from international organizations, without making itself subject to human rights compliance in the region de facto exported under the control of the constitutional authorities of the Republic of Moldova and without remove the ruins of total control over the population through local and Moscow KGB structures. We demand a policy of democratic conditionality that abolishes abuses and gradually rectifies the overall state of political freedoms and rights in this region. 1. We ask the Moldovan authorities to respect their own international commitments on local autonomy and subsidiarity (European Charter of Local Self-Government), raising the issue of local self-governance as a vital issue in Transnistrian conflict settlement negotiations. The Government of Moldova should continue the process of decentralization of state power, while strengthening the rule of law, enhancing public order and sanctioning abuses, illegalities, corruption and other crimes, which often have direct connections with the secessionist regime, its obscure economy and interests. 2. We are preoccupied with the way in which the electoral legislation adopted by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova could be used in the next elections by oligarchic groups in this separatist region. Restricting electoral competitors, monopolizing the media for candidates who are approved by secessionist elites could create conditions to invalidate the vote, calling for increased attention from internal and international observers. The opening of uninominal con-
stituencies in a region that persecutes political opponents and blocks free movement of citizens creates a paradoxical situation in which separatist oligarchs are represented in the Moldovan Parliament by interposing, mimicking democratic practices only to perpetuate their power and influence, not for reintegration of the region. 3. We ask the parties involved in the "5 + 2" format to make a major assessment of the illegal staying of Russian troops in Moldova without the consent of the constitutional authorities. We ask these parties to contribute to the unconditional, full and complete evacuation of Russian troops, ammunition and fighting techniques, secret services and other hostile forces on the sovereign territory of the RM. The purpose of the "5 + 2" negotiations is to settle the Transnistrian conflict on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova. We consider that negotiations in this format should take place through synchronized and conditional positions with all the "three baskets" of the negotiations and the implicit acknowledgment of the restoration of Moldova's sovereignty in this process. 4. We ask the Government of the Republic of Moldova to elaborate a unitary and articulate document for reintegration policies, which will establish the priorities and priorities, the application of the principles and provisions of the Constitution (articles 1, 2, 7 and 8 - principles of "unity, sovereignty , indivisibility and independence") and of the Law no.173-XVI of 22.07.2005 „On the special legal status of the localities on the left bank of the Dniester River", as well as the international conventions to which it is a part, through the broad consultation and involvement of the society. 5. We reiterate that we will not tolerate new negotiated plans under the table (such as the 2003 Kozac Plan) and encourage the authorities of the RM to adopt those policies that will enjoy the support of civil society, creating a genuine consensus that is adequate to the national interest. We ask the Government of the Republic of Moldova not to sit on the table with any of the abusers and criminals who continue to violate human rights and fundamental freedoms in the secessionist region, claiming that they may escape punishment for the deeds committed. It is necessary to adopt a mechanism to regulate the travels of funeral figures of the separatist regime on the territory of Moldova and abroad. This Declaration was supported by signatures of culture and science, diplomats, journalists and politicians. The Declaration remains open to be signed by other supporters. Signatories: ANATOL TARANU, FORMER PRESIDENTIAL ADVISER OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA, AND CHISINAU CHAIRMAN IN THE POLITICAL PROCESS OF THE TRANSNISTRIAN CONFLICT ASSOCIATION COMMUNITY WATCH.DOG ASSOCIATION FOR PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY CENTER OF INVESTIGATIVE JURNALISM CENTRE FOR POLICIES AND REFORMS IDEP MOLDOVA IGOR GRIGORIEV, FOREMR VICE- MAYOR OF THE ORHEI SITY INSTITUTE FOR DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL INITIATIVES VIITORUL (IDIS) INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC POLICY ION LEAHU, FORMER MEMBER OF THE UNIFIED CONTROL COMMISSION