K r eating Your S t y le T h e
r e a l i t y
o f
K i t c h e n
K r e a t i o n s
2 014
 Helping you to realise your dreams  Kustomised Kitchens from expert designers
W h at Y o u W a nt You have great ideas for one of the most important parts of your home, but how to make it happen? You need some ideas but don’t know where to start…….
You have some ideas but want to see what they look like first…….
And you know there are lots of new ideas since the last time you thought about it……. And that is where we can help. With twenty five years of designing and implementation of ideas behind us, there has to be a good chance that we can talk you through the process so that you can get what you want, using good quality materials that will last for years and help to keep your kitchen looking as good as new. You can’t go wrong with KitchenKreations! .
To f i n d o u t m o r e , c a l l M i c h a e l o n 0 8 0 0 6 8 9 0 4 2 0 , Peter on 07756 572313 or tr y w w w. k i t c h e n k r e a t i o n s . c o . u k Page 2
KI TCH EN S : TH E W A Y TH EY SH O U L D B E We will call to see you at a convenient time and discuss your requirements. We’ll take notes, measurements and listen to your requirements. We might even be able to give you an outline while you wait, but more likely is that we will take it all away and produce a plan for you. You need to be happy with your kitchen for a long time : we will make sure we get it right!
You will be amazed by what is out there. As a result of working in the profession for more than twenty five years, we can guide you through the array of options and offer sensible advice as to what will work for you.
We will prepare a plan for you to examine, and will make any changes that are necessary to make you happy. Then it is up to you……
We have carefully sourced our materials from respected manufacturers, who are happy to deal with us because of our well established reputation in the industry.
We can arrange for the fitting to be done, or you might choose the “supply only “ option : whichever suits you. We aren’t interested in pressurizing you—we don’t believe that is the way to behave—and so you are in control. Most things are possible with a little time and thought.
www.kitchenkreations.co.uk Page 3
K r e a t i n g Yo u r S t y l e T h e
r e a l i t y
o f
K i t c h e n K r e a t i o n s
Help me make it happen! This is how you can reach me :
Name Address
E-mail :
To f i n d o u t m o r e , c a l l M i c h a e l o n 0 8 0 0 6 8 9 0 4 2 0 , Peter on 07756 572313 or tr y w w w. k i t c h e n k r e a t i o n s . c o . u k Page 4
K r e a t i n g Yo u r S t y l e C H O O SI NG KI TC H EN KR E A TI O NS I S E A SY Free kitchen planning and consultancy in your own home. Choose one of our designs or customize to your own requirements : what ever you wish. We are also happy to give you the chance to choose a “supply only” option. Our computer aided technology will enable you to see what your kitchen will look like when it is finished—from almost ANY angle. Choose KitchenKreations and prepare to be delighted……..
Phone: 0800 689 0420 07756 572313 E-mail: michael@kitchenkreations.co.uk
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