D R A F T Thanks in advance for your support. The Dakar Foundation is seeking to include your organization in our “Coalition of the Doing" as we a pilot program to support students. Our goal is to create a full-service connected classroom this summer focused on technology and entertainment production. With your help, we will integrate some of the best available tools and educational content into the program. Our hope is to provide "challenged based learning" as a response to COVID-19 for students and faculty in The ACTOR Consortium Los Angeles County. The consortium we create will develop new approaches to technology mediated teaching and learning and will promote the collaborative development of capstone projects as well as master classes taught by luminaries from the group’s leadership. Through this collaboration, we hope to get access to technology tools, expertise, and other resources that we can share with the students. Please let me know if we can count on your help. And thank you for your support! All the best,