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DrawBot Facilitator Guide
DrawBot “Can you create a robot that can draw?” Course Description: In this challenge, you will explore robotics. Pick an option below or develop your own ideas with the tools and materials around you. The goal is to make an autonomous drawing machine. Maybe it will vibrate around and draw, or maybe you can even program it to draw exactly what you desire. This project is all about trying new ideas, making small changes and iterating to make a better and better drawing machine! Intro Video: High-Res: *Please note, that video options may vary for Option B Preparation: • As a facilitator or coach, we highly encourage you complete the activity on your own before facilitating with your participants. Feel free to go through the participant guide or tinker with making a scribble bot or another drawing robot. • We recommend putting out a limited number of supplies for participant use and label them well so that participants can put them back where they came from during the clean up stage. • For scibble bots (Option A) do the following: • Participants should do this activity in groups but create their own personal bot. • Set out motors, batteries (battery holders if you have them), gator clips, rubber bands, clay or pieces of hot glue sticks (for motor weights), tape and other craft supplies in different areas of the room so that participants can get to them efficiently. • Label each area with how many of each item. • Option B and C drawbots may need some background knowledge. • This can be done in small groups or as a self-paced learning item by using the video tutorials, bridges and capsules. • You will also need to make sure you have installed the Arudnio IDE (option C) and/or the mBot software for student use (option B)
Getting Started: 1. Gather bins of material ready for participants. a. Put a cart of materials out in a central location that is stocked with craft supplies, batteries, scissors and other low-fidelity maker tools. 2. Participants access challenge prompt drawbot and pick their project. 3. Participants work and facilitators help as needed (see pro-tips below). 4. If doing the DrawBot/ ScribbleBot activity, please read pro-tips thoroughly for extra “how to run the project” advice and tips. 5. Leave 10 minutes for clean up for participants to get parts and other materials back to the correct location.
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Facilitator Guide
Materials and Build Platforms Depending on what option participants choose, they will need some of the following components: Scribble bot: • The best way to start is to use this resource from the Exploratorium. It has a full list of materials and setup instructions to get you going. • Space/table tips: Cover the tables with large sheets of butcher paper, or alternately have students tape down large sheets of typing paper. • Make sure all markers are washable and will come off of the table surface. • Battery tips: Three volts (two AA batteries) are sufficient for this project, but if you don’t have battery holders this can be a challenge for some students. We suggest you set up a sample of how to wire up two batteries in a series. You may also use a 9V battery and alligator clips; however, the motors will burn out if run continuously so please let participants know to only keep them plugged in while testing. mBot/MakeBlock: • This activity takes a bit of prep but we recommend that participants do most of the prep if possible. • The mBot platform can run on BlueTooth for tablets or phones or via the network when hooked up to a computer make sure you test the platform prior to running your activity. • Students enjoy building the actual mBot, so, if you have time we suggest that you let them build their own robots from scratch using the instructions that are embedded in the participant guide. • Please also set out craft materials in various location so students may add to the basic mBot. Arduino drawbot: • There are many different versions of an Arduino drawbot that you can use. Most all of them will require a breadboard and some sort of hand (or laser cut) platform for the wheels to attach to. • Basic Ardunio 101s, jumper wires, batteries, servos, DC motors, and craft tools will need to be set out for this project. • For list of different Arduino drawbots please visit: Space and Tools Worktables with craft supplies will be needed. • Basic tools: Craft carts, batteries, basic hand tools. • Advanced tools: Soldering iron, Arduino, breadboards, jumper wires, EV3 kit or similar, laser cutter and other fabrication tools. Timing This project length will vary based on prior knowledge and iteration but we recommend one to three hours as a good starting point. Option C would need at least three to six hours. Challenge Project Options Participants will need to decide which option they will challenge themselves with. • Option A and B will be best to start their initial exploration with. Option A can also be used as a full-class challenge if you have enough motors and batteries. • Option C will need some prior skills or knowledge with circuits, Arduino and breadboards.
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Facilitator Guide
Challenge Option Title:
Scribble Bot
Block Program your Drawbot
Arduino drawbot
Scribble ArtBots
Intro to the MakeBlock Mbot
Intro Video Title and URL: =chkpweFx6G4 ch?v =7JC4XJedkP4 Option Description:
Materials Needed:
Ever wanted to make a lowtech autonomous drawing robot? Well, here is your chance. See if you can make it draw circles, spirals or other shapes by changing your bot’s design again and again.
How about you try out programming a fully functional robot with a block programing language called Scratch! In this challenge you get to build a robot, and then tell it what to do.
Markers, tape, plastic bottles, cups or other ligh yett rigid material. Batteries, a DC motor, rubber bands and other craft supplies.
Mbot V1.1 robotics platform, makers, craft and construction materials
Once you have that done, figure out how to add a marker on to the robot and have it draw some uniquely yours art or text! 3257 Learn to program with Arduino and make your drawbot create shapes of your design. Can you build a bot that can write your name? Or one that draws based on a mathematical algorithm? The challenge is up to you.
Arduino Uno Breadboard wheels, batteries, cardboard, scissors, markers and other craft/construction materials.
Tip: Participants will want to jump into a challenge that might be too hard for them to start with. Guide your participants by directing them to start with smaller ideas and work their way up. Another approach make smaller steps of success on their way to their larger creation.
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Facilitator Guide
Getting Unstuck: Participant-directed activities are fun and messy but can also be frustrating when participants get stuck. Here are tips to help them through the rough spots of this activity: • Direct participants to watch the tutorials fully, then ask other participants for help, and then finally ask you if they still are stuck. • Use the pro-tips below to help your participants out. Pro-tips: • Scribble bots: This is one of our favorite activities because small, iterative changes make such a large difference in how a bot will perform. • Here’s how we like to run the activity as a large or medium group: • Set out components and give participants 10 to 15 minutes to “get your bot to draw something on paper” and don’t show them any sample bots. • Stop everyone after this short time. Some will have succeeded, some will not. At this time, give them the choice to see some sample bots that you have hidden away or let them keep trying on their own. (We do this so that participants don’t all have the same view of what a drawbot should be like from the beginning. Basically, if you show them a sample, all the bots will look like the sample.) • Further challenges: “Make your bot draw circles” or “See how much ink you can get on a standard sheet of paper in one minute” or “see whose bot can draw the most on the same sheet of paper in a given amount of time.” mBot: • The mBot/MakeBlocks robotic platform is very versatile but it helps to have some experience with block programming, especially MITs Scratch programming language prior to doing this project. • If you don’t have the mBot platform, you could subsitute Little Bits, Gizmo and Gadgets kit, the LEGO EV3 kits, or another small robot kit to help create a drawing robot. Arduino drawbots: A basic paper draw bot is great, but take a look at this “top six drawbots” list for even more inspiration and creativity! Closing thoughts: • Drawing bots are fun and intriguing for students young and old—you might want to make one, too! • Help your participants succeed by pointing them to the wealth of knowledge online, giving them smaller projects to start with, and guiding them forward when they start to get stuck. • The student guide is loaded with video links and resources for you to learn from, as well. • Scribble bots are fun for students to be able to take home, but if you need the materials, then make sure you have them break down their projects at the end of class and put things back where they came from. • Leave ample time for cleanup and project storage needs. • Label your bins well and only put out what you want for students to use on the day of your project. • Have FUN with them as they enter the world of simple robotics! Community Connections: Help to engage your students in how an autonomous vehicle or robot could help solve a problem in their home, neighborhood or community. This can be done during the activity by walking around the room and asking them questions like: • “How would you use this to make things easier in your home or community? • “Could you use the programing language you learned to automate something in your community? • “What problems do you see around you during the week that could be solved with robotics? Copyright © 2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.