Who: Dakar is a visionary nonprofit organiza:on commiYed to providing youth with mainstream access to entertainment industry tools and career paths with the help of mentors and industry leaders. The founda:on is dedicated to Barbara or Clark as she and Kevin are the founding visionaries responsible for all efforts and the mission of the founda:on since 1992. Our pladorms for student-‐generated and distributed content are: www.Brownbagtv.org and www.homageusa.net 2
What: D CL is a bundled STEAM Career Accelerator/Incubator for CTE to bridge the Crea:ve Economy of Silicon Beach. BrownbagTV curates cuRng-‐edge digital media solu:ons that connects K-‐14 communi:es seeking on-‐ramps to emerging crea:ve economy KPI’s. The ul:mate goal is to build an-‐appren:ceship-‐gig economy bank supported via precise skill requirements and the recruitment of mentorship thought leaders to match crea:ve industry opportuni:es for prepared student candidates. .
Where: D CL is virtual, but will count on the philanthropy from en::es such as Sony DMPC, and various philanthropic organiza:ons to provide physical resources to execute project based learning. Dakar will con:nue to source the cohort through an exchange model that will bridge Silicon Valley to Silicon Beach through digital diversity advocacy and na:onal mentorship ini:a:ves. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors and their vehicle the Los Angeles County Art Commission is a model organiza:on that has been engaged to ensure that all data, studies, and reports will be used to keep the K-‐14 Community abreast of all standards required by the state while also acquiring relevant jobs skills and training in new emerging fields such as immersive reality.
Why: Investment, the greater Los Angeles County Region where 1 in 8 jobs are in the crea:ve economy, yet many of the 18-‐24 genera:on Z and millennial aren’t prepared to compete with China’s state sponsored educa:on and will be leF out of this equa:on without interven:on. It’s not enough to Improve high school gradua:on rates and higher educa:on goals without business professionals supplemen:ng the training, development and career readiness. A :ghtly constructed pipeline for:fied by Mentorship and filled with magnet schools K-‐12 will be the outcome. If we ignore, China, machine learning and AI will be the winners.
How: To accomplish this, we need money and equipment. AYached in budget for 2017, 2018 2019. We look forward to discussing this in more detail. Please contact: Kevin Clark (310) 466 3123