Hart beat digital revised pptx

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Dakar Founda+on’s primary func+on is to provide economic opportuni+es in the form appren+ceships in digital media and informa+on technology career paths. We have worked with Civic leaders, educators, entertainers , private industry and the Department of Defense to expose the disenfranchised to careers and skills required to compete in today and tomorrow’s compe++ve environments. Today we propose a collabora+ve venue known “As Hart-­‐Beat Digital, in Canoga Park, Ca. While Dakar recognizes the need for encouragement and role models it’s greatest need is among the minority popula+on. To this end, over 90% of the role-­‐models and sustained advocates working in the Dakar consor+um are people of color. Together with Hart-­‐Beat Digital, Dakar is poised to offer a collec+on of advanced mentoring experiences over that cover the gamut of exposure to Crea+ve Technologies, Communica+on Engineers, and SoNware Developers. Facilitators of these programs will be paired with a world class produc+on facility through an agreement for a minimum of one year to ins+ll familiarity and trust of commitment between the students and the coaches/facilitators and Hart-­‐Beat Digital Dakar programs include: School Involvement and advocacy: Partnering with State Of California Stakeholders in Educa+on/Workforce, Community Based Organiza+ons, Federal and State Government Agencies, and the Hollywood Philanthropic community.

THE CHALLENGE •  Los Angeles County is the third largest and fas+ng growing tech ecosystem in the United States, but current and future workforce projec+ons indicate a strong need to bridge a glaring skills gap. •  A 2016 report from the Public Policy Ins+tute of California predicts that by 2025, California will have an es+mated 2.5 million unfilled jobs that will require at least some postsecondary educa+on, with informa+on technology slated to be the fastest growing sector. •  At the same +me, the unemployment rate is almost 15 percent for young college graduates and 42 percent for people with high school diplomas.

ONE SOLUTION Dakar has been working within the epicenter of Southern California’s “Silicon Beach” for more than five years to help this dynamic economic growth center become far more diverse and representa+ve of, and to benefit far more significantly from, the total LA County pool of talent. To date we have deployed over 40 mentors that have inspired over 600 youth clients to break free of the powerful pull of nega+ve programming to become contribu+ng members of the technology class and local economy. We now wish to exponen+ally expand both our regional and state-­‐wide reach and capacity by integra+ng measurably proven human capital development programs from other regions, recrui+ng a higher, more energized level of mentor talent, and par+cularly, developing new campaigns and tool as they relate to introducing state of the art cultural technologies as inspira+on to our target popula+ons. In order to execute this impact expansion Dakar is seeking vested interest partners such as Hart-­‐Beat Digital to help determine direc+on, and how and what role we – together -­‐ can play in providing civic and poli+cal leadership in making sure that people of color have a seat at the table.

THE OPPORTUNITY It has been clear for a while that with its strong base of universi+es and crea+ve talent, a Hollywood-­‐fueled edge in digital media, a large local market and rela+ve proximity to Silicon Valley, Silicon Beach is on the verge of liN-­‐off and ripe for a well-­‐thought out inclusion campaign. Over the past few years, the growth in accelerators across Los Angeles County, the southern migra+on of capital and service providers from the Silicon Valley, and the resul+ng recogni+on of Silicon Beach as the third-­‐best startup ecosystem in the world, have all fueled the ascent of Silicon Beach digital technology industry. Dakar is excited about the prospects of an inclusive urban pipeline across Silicon Beach in contribu+on to broadening the area fer+le ecosystem for tech entrepreneurs. Silicon Beach startups have challenges faced by startups everywhere: finding customers, product development, raising capital and hiring talent.

As a region, Los Angeles County has advantages that Dakar intends to leverage to: (1) help improve our capacity to grow a more diverse and hybrid workforce, (2) forge closer +es between our world-­‐class universi+es and the technology community, (3) provide mentorship and support services for entrepreneurs, (4) build an inclusive community across the vast L.A. County areas (5) connect government to the technology community, and (6) establish partnerships between tech entrepreneurs and larger companies that might eventually buy their products. These problems can’t be solved solely by good will alone. In order to recruit thought leaders, support best of breed solu+ons research, and finance the op+mal integra+on of new best in class solu+ons atop our exis+ng mentorship ac+vi+es we ask Hart-­‐Beat Digital to assist us in developing a plaeorm that generate measurably increased awareness and engagement from inner-­‐city school districts, churches, and aNer school programs delivering mentorship best prac+ces to our targeted young entrepreneurs-­‐to-­‐be. Hart-­‐Beat Digital can help us to further connect to secondary educa+on, community college, four year university students and startups to fortune 100 diversity programs. Our projected outcome is to engage student cohorts with, capital, introduc+on to new markets, appren+ceships, and local, state and federal government opportuni+es for contrac+ng and or career placement.

Dakar has exis+ng and proven partnerships with tradi+on and innova+ve local players like NAACP Hollywood bureau, CAA, William Morris Endeavor, Revolt TV, Sony, UCLA and USC by which we’ve already conducted successful campaigns suppor+ng entrepreneurs who are commercializing university technologies. Dakar is eager and hopeful that Hart-­‐Beat Digital can at least modestly help us accelerate the innova+on economy by quan+fiably expanding the diversity and unique energy of its talent pool. This philosophy reflects the recogni+on of the poten+al for a mutually beneficial rela+onship between Tech Sector Icons and the local community they do business in in regions such the San Fernando Valley and Hollywood. Hart-­‐Beat Digital can help op+mize the condi+ons by which the urban tech sector in Los Angeles county can grow and thrive by suppor+ng movements such as business tax reform, offering tac+cal investment in L.A.’s growing tech hubs and execu+ng bejer use of workforce development dollars in the tech industry. A guided Hart-­‐Beat Digital collabora+on with Dakar help will catalyze an increasingly efficient, transparent and accelerated civic-­‐driven ecosystem of open data ini+a+ves, civic hackathons and bejer use of online and app-­‐based services in support of the growth of the local tech sector, par+cipa+on in local hiring incen+ves in both the entertainment industry, and tech. .

Dakar’s Cons+tuency


Dakar’s current approach to engagement WITH WHOM DO WE WANT TO CONNECT?








The Outcome of “As-­‐Is”, What If? •  We center everything around “us”, and our message •  Our conferences ajract Young Scholars Of Color •  Our Partners support us through Mentorship •  We hope our ideals are well received by Influencers •  We have no idea if the very thing we each commit to, every day, find it’s way into the HART and minds of our cons+tuents

Program DIGITAL MEDIA MENTORSHIP FOR WORKFORCE 16-­‐24 GIVING WITH ! Program sponsorship with logo displays on program and website. HART ! Representa+ves involved in the discussion with students. Job Fair HART BEAT-­‐DIGITAL

! Onsite and virtual, representa+ve will to talk to students and view

electronic files

Mentorship ! Outreach to encourage student par+cipa+on in programs for high school Programs students. ! Work with recruiters and COI who can talk to poten+al recruits.

Other ! Discuss with us other programs and opportuni+es you may have in which Opportuni+es can support student engagement.

Evette Vargas

Chief Storyteller: "The Story of Hart-­‐Beat FoundaQon”

• Eveje is an industry leading television and digital media storyteller, including VR, streaming, social media content crea+on & produc+on, apps, videogames, websites, comics and more. • Eveje will bring her television and digital media exper+se to the Hart-­‐Beat Founda+on board and team. • Formats: video; social media content; TV; Virtual Reality series, shorts & experiences; Augmented Reality; podcast interviews & shows; apps; games • DistribuQon: digital; mobile; social; VR; AR; podcasts; radio; apps; games; TV NarraQves: • The Mission of Hart-­‐Beat Founda+on • Campaigns, programs, outreach • HartBeat Physical Fitness • Give With Hart • Social Media for Social Good • Metrics & Results

Evette Vargas The Story of “How Hart-­‐Beat FoundaQon becomes Hart-­‐Beat FoundaQon” How Hart-­‐Beat Founda+on is birthed and becomes the founda+on is equally as important a story to tell as “ The Story of Hart-­‐Beat Founda+on.” NarraQves: • Behind The Scenes of “ The Making of The Kevin Hart Founda+on” • Behind the scenes of building the produc+on studio Conceive & Produce Campaigns & Campaign Content • New Year’s Resolu+on Campaign Media • Hiring student interns for Hart Digital shows and produc+ons • Students Content Contests • Students submit their content ideas to HartBeat. • The winner(s) content will be produced TV, Digital Media ExperQse & Advisory

• Eveje brings a world of current industry and bleeding edge knowledge and informa+on.

hjp://hollywoodpost.com/ Â

BOARD OF GOVERNORS Christopher Darden Yvonne Harmon Daryle Lockhart Simone Nelson


Pentagon LAUSD Los Angeles County Arts Commission MY BROTHERS KEEPERS CAL STATE UNIV. ERTAINMENT ALLIANCE Digital Hollywood USC Silicon Beach

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