ChapteR eleven
So far, this report has suggested a new definition of diversity, proposed that diversity leadership be a core competency in the Services, and recommended ways that barriers to career advancement can be reduced at all stages of a military career both for underrepresented demographic groups and for people with desirable backgrounds and skill sets. These changes, however, cannot be managed and sustained without developing a stronger organizational structure and a system of accountability, monitoring, and enforcement to ensure continued progress toward greater diversity at all ranks of the military. This chapter highlights the priorities in these areas and makes recommendations to address them. It begins with the need for a management system with oversight from a Chief Diversity Officer who reports directly to the Secretary of Defense. It then identifies the need for strategic diversity planning, new policies, and metrics for measuring progress across the Services and within DoD. Finally, it describes the importance of holding leaders accountable for progress toward achieving a military workforce that is not only diverse demographically but also inclusive of all the characteristics required for high performance in the future.
Priority: Aligning the Organizational Structure to Support an Effective Diversity Management System Currently, responsibility for diversity management in OSD is assigned to the Office of Diversity Management and Equal Opportunity (ODMEO). This office is charged with promoting EO throughout DoD and overseeing diversity policy for DoD, including coordinating the diversity efforts of In addition to the CEO’s leadership, responsibilthe Services. The diversity mission was an ity for diversity in “best-practice” companies added function initiated by ODMEO leadis seen as a line-management responsibility, ership to help DoD incorporate diversity not as a Human Resources . . . staff program management practices and processes into or initiative. its workforce management culture. —Defense Business Board Task Group ODMEO grew out of the Office on Increasing Diversity in DoD’s Flag and Senior Executive Ranks, 2004 of the Deputy Under Secretary (EO) (DUSD(EO)), which was established under the Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness). DUSD(EO) was established in 2003, when the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for EO was elevated to the position of DUSD(EO) and the position was filled by a