Proposed NFL PLAY 60 Community Impact Plan - 2018-2021 The AHA will work collaboratively with the NFL and a wide range of stakeholders in key markets to assess opportunities for and barriers to youth physical activity, adopt robust goals for leveraging and addressing them respectively, and implement strategies to accomplish those goals. The first year of the initiative is focused on building the campaign for success. The AHA and NFL will select the pilot community based on baseline need and opportunity, community interest, staffing capacity, and local NFL team engagement. The pilot community will conduct a community youth physical activity assessment that is developed to identify the policy, systems, environmental, and programmatic facilitators and barriers to increasing youth activity. This assessment will then be used to inform initial conversations with local collaborators as well as inform the development of a public opinion poll. The poll will be conducted in the community to explore public interest in potential goals and its release will be used to communicate the initiative to the community and cultivate interest. Once initial anchor partners have been identified, the AHA will convene a wide range of stakeholders to explore issues and opportunities, secure commitments to the efforts, and agree on a mutual agenda including success metrics. We will then conduct a baseline evaluation to set the stage for ongoing accountability tracking and reporting. Year 1 Milestones • • • • • •
Pilot Community chosen Community Youth Physical Activity Assessment tool developed and conducted in pilot community Public opinion poll completed and released Core collaborators identified and committed to collective impact work Common agenda established including goals and metrics for success (The metrics established in this process will then be the foundation of progress reports in in years 2 and 3) Initiative publicly launched, and baseline metrics and goals communicated
AHA Roles • • • • •
Develop and implement community youth physical activity assessment Cultivate local stakeholder relationships Oversee development and execution of local poll Work with NFL to release poll and launch campaign Design and launch evaluation
NFL Roles • • • •
Engage and support local team in collaborating on the initiative Collaborate with AHA on poll release and campaign launch. Leverage Brand to engage wide range of stakeholders to initiative Communicate opportunity and progress to other markets to facilitate interest in future engagement.
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The second year of the initiative will be focused on action in the pilot community while other markets will also be able to start using the tools developed in year one of the pilot. As goals and roles among the collective partners will be established in year one, year two will be focused on execution of strategies to achieve those goals. Year two highlights will include granting to local community organizations, development of replicable tools and strategies to address issues identified, and ongoing communication with partners regarding progress and needs. Year 2 Milestones • • • • •
Local grants awarded to other organizations to implement and support elements of the campaign Development and sharing of tools and strategies to achieve goals Execution of identified strategy Ongoing evaluation and adaptation of strategy Ongoing communication with/to community regarding progress and needs
The hallmark of year 3 will be the progress report demonstrating policy, systems, and environmental changes achieved and early indicators of potential impact. The team will also conduct a follow-up poll and include those findings in the interim report. Early findings will facilitate scale of the initiative to other communities who will also look to organize collective work to address youth physical activity. AHA Roles: • • •
Anchor collective impact work including stakeholder coordination and evaluation. Convening of stakeholders to monitor and refine strategies Oversee local granting from development of application to selection and distribution
NFL Roles: • •
Participation in convenings. Promotion of campaign by engaging team and contributing to communications.
Year 3 Milestones • • • •
Findings from follow-up polling in pilot community Follow-up report demonstrating progress toward overarching goals in pilot community Follow-up Event/Celebration of progress and commitment to ongoing work/next steps in pilot community Launch of similar collective impact work in at least two other target markets
AHA Roles: • • • •
Analyze and scale evaluation data Draft follow-up report communicating process and progress to date. Coordinate follow-up event/celebration Engage additional markets in similar campaigns.
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Contribute to follow-up report finalization. Co-host follow-up event/celebration with AHA Communicate progress and engage other markets in collaborating on similar campaigns.
Vision for Scale The pilot market will serve as the national model for other communities across the United States that desire to increase physical activity in youth. The strategies, resources and evaluation findings will be made available to help ignite, inspire, and equip other communities to work towards this common agenda. Adding two additional markets in year three will allow us to capitalize on our momentum while expanding our reach and learnings. After year three, the full-scale model can be replicated at a lower cost but would likely need a level of support for implementation. This collective approach has great potential to drive sustainable action and health impact by increasing physical activity in youth.
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