Welcome to the Apprenticeship Academy that will feed a pipeline of young men and women of color to content-media workplaces where inclusion, acceptance, and mutual respect are the standard and not the exceptional.
Dakar is committed to increasing the numbers of young men and women in emerging career paths where technology and content meet. By stepping and into the gap we welcome all change agents who share our vision to make inclusion a winning proposition for-all.
With this commitment in mind, Dakar has established a Diversity Pipeline Exchange that provides visual arts focused students with an opportunity to
compete for a career- training, development and placement experience with a Dakar APPrenticeship Partner.
The experience will start with mentorship and develop into a work based learning internship, and eventually place the student in a termed apprenticeship program designed to track the student to eventual employment.
The APPrenticeship will provide interaction for the students with professional from various guilds, unions, and department network with former and current interns, and participate in a leadership council that will provide a student generated precepts.
During the first phase of the program (25) 9th grade media students will receive a variety of work assignments in multiple practice areas which may include, among others, production, writing, marketing, and stage craft.
The first year students will also learn first-hand about the business operations and interact with executives all the way down to current assistants. The program will begin August 18th, 2015 and conclude on Friday, June 24, 2016.
Selection criteria include a demonstrated commitment to learn and publish their experiences about diversity, personal or professional achievement and overcoming hardship, and academic excellence.
This program is only available to students who are currently in the Dakar Media Academy pipeline (8th graders), selected for the summer school bridge. Applications are due no later than 8:00 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time) on Monday, May 12, 2015, no exceptions, and must include each of the following:
• Resume • First-year course writing sample (limited to ten (10) pages) • Personal statement addressing selection criteria (limited to three (3) pages)