3 minute read
powernote from Edna
Dear Friend,
As we look forward to what God has in store for us in this fresh new Kingdom season, our hearts are full of gratitude for the path that He’s taken us on since we started our Mentoring journey.
Let’s take a look back:
In our early years of ministry, we had a thriving teaching ministry called, Women of Worth, where we equipped ladies with the Word of God. It worked well and reached many, but there was still that sense that we were missing a piece of the puzzle.
I have always placed a very high premium on authentic relationships as they have the power to influence and shape our lives. One of my biggest challenges in life and ministry was the fact that relationships are both the biggest source of pain and pleasure. We always have the option to continue or disconnect.
I believe it’s very easy to be godly in isolation. As long as everything keeps going my way, I’m the perfect Christian.
Jesus and I...what a winning combination! But once you start adding people to the equation, it’s a different story.
God is relational, He so loved the world that He sent Jesus. He made us with the capacity for a relationship with Him and each other. And He gave us the means to do it. He poured out His love in our hearts and gave us the mandate to go and do the same.
When I started mentoring 12 ladies in 1999, I had no idea that it would become an empowering tool of transformation to produce Christlikeness through an intentional relationship with Him and one another.
Me2 Mentoring multiplied, transforming countless lives across cultures and continents, pointing us back to the relentless intentional transforming love of God in and through us.
He is so faithful and so kind!
Me2mentoring has borne beautiful fruit in many lives as we embraced it as a Kingdom lifestyle.
So, why change something that works?
Over the past few years, the controversial international Me2 movement caused confusion when people searched for us online and got directed to the wrong Me2 links and presumed we were in the same camp.
So after much prayer and deliberation, we’ve decided to lay the old Me2mentoring brand to rest and we’re embracing our new identity as ME+YOU mentoring.
Our values and who we are doesn’t change! It’s a fresh new season: Father is calling us into a deeper relationship with Him.
He is saying, “It’s ME+YOU, my girl!” He wants our full attention. My response is “ Yes! ME+YOU God!”
We believe that out of this intimacy, we will find Our Place Our Purpose and Our Voice afresh as we reach out to one another: ME+YOU
So - Welcome to the fresh new season where we kick off as ME+YOU
A woman whose life gets transformed by God influences a family from the inside out and ultimately changes a nation, one family at a time.
May God continue to transform us to look more like Him and diffuse His fragrance, as the Culture of His Kingdom becomes a practical reality that we live out relationally, rather than an ideal that we aspire to.
Much Love edna