Coastal Carolina vs. Army • September 3, 2022

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Gameday Information 3 Brooks Stadium at TD Sports Complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Chanticleer Sports Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 2022 Schedule 11 Head Coach Jamey Chadwell 12 Coaching Staff 20 Support Staff 22 2022 Chanticleers 26 Preseason Honors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Coastal Carolina Season Statistics 37 Coastal Carolina Numerical Roster 38 Opponents Numerical Roster 40 The Chanticleer Regiment 45 2022-23 Chanticleer Spirit Teams/We’re the Chanticleers (Fight Song) 47 Chants in the Pros 48 Chanticleer All-Americans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Chanticleer National Honors 55 Chanticleer Conference Honors 61 All-Time Results 70 Sasser Hall of Fame 78 Sun Belt Conference 80 Coastal Carolina University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 University President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 Board of Trustees/Executive Officers 85 Chair of Athletics/Executive Adviser for the President Joe Moglia 89 Vice President of Intercollegiate Athletics and University Recreation Matt Hogue 95 1 INFORMATIONGAMEDAY HEAD JAMEYCOACHCHADWELL CHANTICLEERS2022 STATISTICSSEASON ABOUT CAROLINACOASTAL !"##$%"&'#()"#* )"#"&+,'-+#+)"& 6:-#;%)0$&;/++'#('&*+#1+<$ )';)(&)#%)//#'33=#6"> ;301)25#<;#-8?-7 .+#'/+)#"& !""#$%&'(#)*+,#-!!" ./, 0+1#23'45#02#6""--6-,788,!9"" &$01+&5'-6'201+32 ;%)&'=)0#@#;+35#*)0#1)A0+'#A'3BC !41#'-+224#$ ;%&+.#3C+')$&0A#3..&;+'5#*)0#1)A0+'#A'3BC -$7"'3+,$2$ +D+;B$&*+#*&;+#C'+<&(+0$ -+&7'54#,"8 <+0&3'#*&;+#C'+<&(+0$ 5$+#+',"34&" *&;+#C'+<&(+0$5#=)'4+$&0A#@#3C+')$&30< gameday InformatIon 12 26 37 753

2 OUR REGION’S HEALTH SYSTEM. Tidelands Health is proud to be the official health system of your CCU Chanticleers. And of families across our region. Just like CCU, make Tidelands Health your partner in better Together,health.we’re a winning team.OURtidelandshealth.orgREGION’S UNIVERSITY.

• Media/Working Staff Adjacent to Gate 1 (A picture ID is required to pick up will call tickets).

• Regular business hours for the ticket office are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET. (Consistent with University parking regulations.)

• Be a positive role model for those around them

On Gameday: Box Office

CLEAR BAG POLICY I In order to expedite entry and provide a safe and secure environment for all fans, student-athletes, staff, and officials, Coastal Carolina University enforces a clear bag policy at all athletic ticketed events. Exceptions will be made for medically necessary items after proper inspection at facility entrances. For more information, visit

• Box office opens four hours prior to kickoff at the north ticket booth of Brooks Stadium.


PROHIBITED ITEMS I Stadium security has the right to inspect any item at any time for the purpose of spectator safety. Prohibited items must be returned to cars or disposed of before entry into the stadium. Prohibited items include:

INCLEMENT WEATHER In the event of inclement weather in the proximity of Brooks Stadium, public address announcements will be made to update fans on the situation. Should a lightning strike occur within eight miles of the stadium, play will be suspended. Play will resume 30 minutes after the last lightning strike occurs within the eight-mile radius. During weather delays, fans are encouraged to exit the stadium and seek shelter.

• Not become inebriated or belligerent

• Fans who purchase tickets online will have the option of mobile delivery, print-at-home, or will call. Phone: 843-347-8499


WILL CALL I Will call is available two hours prior to kickoff: • Visiting Team Gate 6 • Home Team Gate 4 • General Gate 1

• Support the players, coaches, and umpires in a positive manner

Twitter: @CHANT_411 Web:


In Person: Chanticleer Athletics Ticket Office • Located in Arcadia Hall at 132 Chanticleer Drive W., Conway, S.C. 29526

NO RE-ENTRY POLICY I To ensure a safe and more secure environment for everyone at Brooks Stadium, re-entry will not be allowed once you have left the stadium. Keeping our fans, coaches, student-athletes, and officials safe and secure on gameday is the highest priority.

• Treat the visiting team, coaches, and fans with courtesy and respect at all times

Updates will be communicated via the following:

• Refrain from entering the playing field at any time, including after the game

Facebook: Coastal Carolina Chanticleers

Once the ALL CLEAR is determined by the lightning detection system and lightning parameters are met, fans can return to the stadium, and the game will be resumed following a brief team warm-up.

LOST AND FOUND I Lost and found is located at the event staffing kiosk underneath the east stands at Brooks Stadium.

Twitter: @GoCCUsports

• Demonstrate the qualities of civility and sportsmanship at all times • Not use vulgar, abusive, racist, sexist, demeaning, or intimidating language at any time

• Alcoholic Beverages • Backpacks • Bags larger than 12” x 12” x 6” (solid and/or clear) • Umbrellas • Weapons of any kind • Flags • Water Bottles • Thermos bottles • Ice bags • Coolers • Outside food and/or drinks • Strollers/infant seats/wagons • Animals (excluding service animals) • Couches • Artificial noisemakers • Video Cameras • Selfie sticks (Coastal Carolina Athletics reserves the right to modify as needed). gameday InformatIon

• Conduct themselves in a manner that represents their university, the Sun Belt Conference, and the NCAA with dignity, honor, and respect

Radio/Chanticleer Sports Network: WRNN 99.5

Tickets can be purchased a variety of ways for CCU football games at Brooks Stadium. All seats are assigned. For ADA-accessible tickets/seating information, please contact the Chanticleer Athletics Ticket Office at 843-347-8499. ADA-accessible seating is available throughout the stadium.

Chanticleer fans are encouraged to wear teal to games and enthusiastically support the Chanticleers in a sportsmanlike fashion. In the spirit of sportsmanship, Chanticleer fans shall:

FIRST AID I The first aid station is located under the west stands. First responders will be located throughout the east, west, and north stands of Brooks Stadium.

Current Coastal Carolina University students must swipe their CINO card for entry into the game. Students should enter Brooks Stadium through Gate 2 GATES I All stadium gates will open 90 minutes prior to kickoff. See Brooks Stadium map on page 4 for gate locations.

• Not engage in cheers that are vulgar, crass, or demeaning


• Refrain from throwing objects onto the field

• Fans can call the Chanticleer Athletics Ticket Office to purchase tickets.


ALL shuttles are ADA accessible and can accommodate all passenger needs.

BRONZE ROUTE Shuttle Stops: n Brooks Stadium n YY Parking Lot (Select Parking) n Serves the YY parking lot on Hwy 544 Service to the parking lot located south of Brooks Stadium off of HWY 544.


gameday InformatIon


ADA-accessible parking accommodations (please refer to the ADA-accessible section).


Complimentary parking options are available Fans can park off of U.S. 501 (Lot GG) or in the HGTC parking lots. Shuttle stop access for LOT GG is located at Student Union Bus Station adja cent to the parking lot. ADA-accessible shuttles will make a loop approximately every 10 minutes to and from Gate 4.

ADA ROUTE Shuttle Stops: n Brooks Stadium n Lot S (ADA specific parking lot)

Parking Lot TD ComplexSportsentranceMaplegend

All parking lots contain the required number of ADA-accessible parking spaces. Access to these spaces is on a first-come, first-serve basis for in dividuals with official state-issued ADA placards. Access to the spaces does not require any fees or additional donations to the CAF. Once spaces are filled, parking attendants will direct guests to alternative parking locations. Guests may choose to utilize the drop-off service next to Brooks Stadium but will be required to exit the lot afterward and relocate the vehicle to the appropriate lot and space. Auxiliary ADA parking is located in Lot S adjacent to the Wall College of Business and Brittain Hall on a first-come, first-serve basis for individuals with official state-issued ADA placards. Access to the spaces does not re quire any fees or additional donations to the CAF. Complimentary shuttle service is provided from Lot S to Gate 4 of Brooks Stadium.


Athletic Parking Options (Please Refer to the Map): Fans may purchase season parking in a variety of lots around campus (subject to availability) by visiting or by calling the Chanticleer Athletic Foundation at 843-349-6670. Single-game parking is available for the Select LOT (HWY 544) and HH LOT (main campus) ONLY based on availability by vis iting Parking MUST be purchased in advance as parking attendants WILL NOT accept payment at the lot entrance.


PREMIUM.............................QQ LOT PRIME ..................................J, M, O, P, R LOTS KEARNS ...............................G LOT SELECT .................................YY LOT GENERAL .............................GG, HGTC LOTS ADA ACCESSIBLE ................S LOT 2022 Football Parking

Lots QQ, P, O, J, M, R, UU, HH, and YY are restricted lots for ALL home CCU football game days coordinated by the Chanticleer Athletic Foundation (CAF).

All lots on campus other than the designated donor-restricted or student parking lots are accessible for spectators on gameday based on availability beginning foUr (4) hours prior to kickoff. Please note that general park ing lots will be shared with faculty/staff and students during weekday games and are subject to availability. University parking regulations remain in effect until 5 p.m. ET.

Fans utilizing the University provided shuttles will be transported directly to Brooks Stadium and will utilize a drop-off/pick-up location adjacent to Gate 4 and the South Ticket Booth. Shuttles will also pick up and drop off at the TD Sports FansEntrance.willbe dropped off in a position to access any of the stadium gates to enter Brooks Stadium regardless of their seating location.

Each route will make continuous loops between each of the indicated shuttle stops.

NEW FOR 2022 Designated RideShare (Uber/Lyft) drop-off and pick-up will be located at the Chauncey Statue loop next to the main entrance to the TD Sports Entrance.

TEAL ROUTE Shuttle Stops: n Brooks Stadium n Student Union n HGTC Service to the parking lots located on the East side of Main Campus and HGTC.



Solicitation or distribution of materials by persons other than employees or students of the University on official University business is prohibited in Brooks Stadium and throughout campus. University employees and students must receive approval from the Office of University Marketing and Communication for all solicitation that takes place at Coastal Carolina University athletic events. Banners, flyers, pamphlets, or any other paraphernalia will be disposed of by gameday security, and solicitors will be escorted off the premises. The distribution of political information is a violation of the solicitation policy of Coastal Carolina University and is prohibited. The selling of any item by anyone other than University-authorized personnel on the campus of Coastal Carolina University is prohibited. Please contact the Office of University Marketing and Communication at 843-349-2244 if you have questions or concerns.



Coastal Carolina University is a tobacco-free campus. Use of all tobacco products and all smoke-related products are PROHIBITED in or on all University property. This policy does not restrict or prohibit the lawful possession of tobacco.

University recycling is managed by the TD Campus and Com munity Sustainability Initiative. Contact or 843-349-6954 for more information.


QUICK FACTS orIgInaL Cost: $11.6 million Benton fIeLd: • Natural grass from 2003-2014 • Added Powerblade SD Teal Turf in 2015 orIgInaL BUILdIng tIme frame: • Construction Started – March 2002 • Groundbreaking – July 30, 2002 • Opening Game – Sept. 6, 2003 general Contractor: Hill Construction architects: McMillan Smith & Partners STADIUM THROUGHCAPACITYTHEYEARS 2003 6,408 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7,322 2010 9,102 2012 9,214 2017 15,000 2019 20,000 Brooks

Brooks Stadium in 2003. Broo ks s tadIUm

Brooks Stadium was designed and built with the capability to expand from its inception. That original design is coming to fruition as Coastal embarked on another two-phase expansion in the spring of 2017 that has brought the capacity to approximately 20,000.


7 the Coastal Carolina University football stadium officially opened as Brooks Stadium on Sept. 6, 2003, for the inaugural home game of the Chanticleer football program. Scoring a touchdown with just seconds left on the clock, the Chanticleers defeated Newberry College 21-14. With a gift from the late businessman Bob Brooks, the stadium was named in honor of Brooks’ children Coby Garrett and Boni Belle. The $2 million gift was among the largest gifts ever made to the University. Brooks, who grew up on a farm in Loris, S.C., was the CEO and founder of Eastern Foods, Inc., creators of the Naturally Fresh line of products, and chairman of Hooters of America, Inc. He also created Hooters Air Charter Airline, the National Golf Association Hooters Tour, and the Hooters ProCup Series, a series of short-track races in small towns throughout the Southeast and Midwest. Brooks passed away in 2006. Phase I of the stadium construction included 6,408 seats, while Phase II added almost 1,000 additional seats prior to the 2006 season. The third phase of Brooks Stadium was completed in 2010 when approximately 1,600 seats were added directly behind the north end zone. Affectionately referred to as the Chantourage section, the seating directly in front of the field house was designated as the student section in 2011. Brooks Stadium has been ranked among the top stadiums in the nation in attendance based on capacity. In 2010, the Chanticleers hosted a first-round NCAA Division I Football Championship playoff game against Western Illinois. The game marked the first postseason game played in Brooks Stadium. On Feb. 15, 2013, the women’s lacrosse team opened its inaugural season on its new home field inside Brooks Stadium. Women’s lacrosse was the 18th Division I sports program for the Chanticleers.

The facility underwent a major transformation in the spring of 2015 as Benton Field went from natural grass to artificial teal turf …or “The Surf Turf.” The first pieces of Powerblade SD turf were laid on April 2 and the project was completed later that month. The project had a budget of $1.2 million.

The first phase boosted the seating capacity to 15,000 and included adding seats to both corners of the end zone nearest the field house, expanding the sections closest to the field on both sides toward the scoreboard, and expanding the upper deck on the east side to match the length of the lower deck. Prior to the 2019 season, a second level and premium suites were completed on the west side to increase the capacity to 20,000. The cost of the two-phase project was $31.8 million. (left) joined by then CCU President Ron Ingle on opening of



When away from the radio, Chanticleer fans can listen to the Chants live via the Chanticleer Sports Network online at or on the WRNN 99.5 FM Myrtle Beach TuneIn App.


9 the Coastal Carolina University department of athletics began a new partnership in August 2017 with local broadcast company Alpha Media-Myrtle Beach to make WRNN-AM/FM (“Hot Talk 99.5”) and stations 1450 AM/105.5 FM the flagship homes of the Chanticleer Sports Network. The partnership features live game coverage of football, men’s and women’s basketball, and baseball airing primarily on WRNN-FM with supplemental coverage on WRNN-AM 1450 and its FM translator 105.5. Coastal Carolina University’s Chanticleer Sports Network produces and distributes more than 100 broadcasts each athletic year as an in-house division of the Chanticleer Department of Athletics and is once again set to deliver the playby-play account of Chanticleer Athletics. Football coverage begins an hour before kickoff with the “Myrtle Beach Family Golf Countdown to Kickoff Pregame Show.” The football crew includes veterans Joe Cashion delivering the play-by-play duties and Layne Harris providing color analysis. Both have been describing the action since the program’s inception in 2003.

Harris, a Grand Strand broadcast veteran, returns for his 20th season as the color analyst on the network. For more than two decades, Harris has called the action for numerous local teams and events, including Fox College GameDay on WFXB TV, Conway High School football, the prestigious Beach Ball Classic basketball tournament, and Chanticleer basketball. Harris has been active away from the microphone as well, where his production talents have been featured on many Grand Strand projects. He also served as a producer on the original Charlotte Hornets television network. Joining the broadcast team for a seventh-straight season are Joe Catenacci and Chris Burgin. Catenacci hosts the pregame and halftime shows, and Chris Burgin is in his ninth year of reporting from the sidelines, filling in for Cashion for the 2010 and 2011 seasons and holding the spot for each of the last six years. Catennaci and Burgin have also called their fair share of Coastal basketball and baseball games the last six-plus years.

Cashion returns for his 20th season overall and ninth calling the play-by-play. His first 11 seasons were reporting from the sidelines. Cashion boasts a long career in sports broadcasting and has been a major contributor to the Chanticleer baseball broadcasts for several years and was in the booth when the Coastal Carolina baseball team won the 2016 NCAA College World Series. Cashion has also called play-by-play in his native Camden for several local sports, the state playoffs and championship games, as well as handling sideline duties for SCETV’s Weekend of Champions high school coverage.


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Chadwell is married to the former Solmaz Zarrineh and the couple has one son, Jameson, and two daughters, Avery and Soraya. 2021 SEASON Coming off the most-decorated season for the Chanticleers in the program’s young FBS history in 2020, Chadwell led the Chanticleers to an 11-2 overall record in 2021, closing the year out with a 47-41 win

Jamey Chadwell was named the third head coach in Coastal Carolina football history on January 18, 2019. Before taking over the reins at Coastal Carolina in 2019, he was a two-time FCS National Coach of the Year finalist and a three-time Big South Coach of the Year at Charleston Southern from 2013-16. He was also the head coach at Delta State in 2012 and North Greenville from 2009-10. After leading Coastal to a historical season in 2020, in which the Chanticleers won the 2020 Sun Belt Conference Championship, made their first-ever FBS postseason bowl appearance, and was ranked in both the 2020 Associated Press Top 25 and the USA TODAY Sports Coaches Top 25 polls, Chadwell received several Coach of the Year honors. He was named the 2020 Walter Camp Coach of the Year, the 2020 Associated Press Coach of the Year, The Home Depot College Football Coach of the Year, the 2020 Eddie Robinson Coach of the Year, the Sporting News’ 2020 Coach of the Year, the 2020 CBS Sports/247Sports Coach of the Year, and the Paul “Bear” Bryant Group of 5 2020 Conference Coach of the Year. He was also the winner of the 2020 George Munger College Coach of the Year Award and was chosen by fans as The Premier Coach of College Football by Premier Players, Inc. Chadwell was named the 2020 Sun Belt Coach of the Year, the 2020 Werner Ladder AFCA FBS Region 2 Coach of the Year, and honored by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) with the 2020 Grant Teaff Coach of the Year Award. He was also a finalist for both the Paul “Bear” Bryant Coach of the Year Award and the Lombardi Honors 2020 Coach of the Year Award. On the field, Chadwell has won 90 games in 12 years as a head coach at Charleston Southern (2013-16), Delta State (2012), North Greenville (2009-11), and Coastal Carolina (2017, 2019-present).



Head CoaCH 12

He began his collegiate coaching career at his alma mater East Tennessee State in 2000. From 2000-03, the former Anderson County (Tenn.) High School star worked with the quarterbacks, tight ends, and running backs while assisting with recruiting and offensive gameChadwellplanning.was a four-year letterman at ETSU (1996-99) and was a two-year team captain for the Buccaneers. He received his bachelor’s degree in economics and business education in May 2000 from ETSU and completed his MBA from Charleston Southern in May 2006.

The Chanticleers, whose lone two losses came by a combined five points and were against two teams that combined for 18 wins on the season, were one of just 28 teams in all of FBS to post double-digit wins in 2021. With their back-to-back double-digit wins total in 2020 and 2021, CCU was one of just six teams in all of FBS to post back-toback double-digit win seasons in the last two years (2020 and 2021) and was one of just 10 teams in all of FBS to total 20-plus wins over the last two years (2020 and 2021) – Alabama (26-2), Louisiana (23-2), Cincinnati (22-2), Coastal Carolina (22-3), Notre Dame (21-4), BYU (21-4), Georgia (22-3), Oklahoma (20-4), Oklahoma State (20-5), and Clemson (20-5). Chadwell and the Chanticleers were ranked in both the USA TODAY Sports AFCA Coaches Poll and the AP Poll for each of the first 11 polls of the 2021 season (preseason included) and received votes in every poll after that. With their 11 weeks in the national polls in 2021, CCU made Sun Belt Conference history, as the Chanticleers were ranked a total of 22 consecutive weeks from Oct. 18, 2020, through Nov. 7, 2021.

Joining McCall on the All-Sun Belt first team was Shermari Jones, Jaivon Heiligh, Isaiah Likely, Josaiah Stewart, D’Jordan Strong, C.J. Brewer, and Silas Kelly, while Willie Lampkin and Jeffrey Gunter earned a spot on the second team.

Veteran offensive lineman Trey Carter and safety Alex Spillum were joined on the third team by Heiligh (return specialist) while picking up honorable mention All-Sun Belt honors were Teddy Gallagher, Kameron Brown, Enock Makonzo,


COACHING HONORS n 2020 walter Camp Coach of the Year n 2020 associated Press Coach of the Year n 2020 the Home depot College football Coach of the Year n 2020 eddie robinson Coach of the Year n 2020 george munger College Coach of the Year Award n 2020 sporting news' Coach of the Year n 2020 CBs sports/247sports Coach of the Year n 2020 Paul "Bear" Bryant group of 5 Conference Coach of the Year n 2020 the Premier Coach of College football by Premier Players, Inc. n 2020 werner Ladder afCa fBs region 2 Coach of the Year n 2020 grant teaff Coach of the Year Award (FCA) n 2020 Paul “Bear” Bryant Coach of the Year Award Finalist n 2020 Lombardi Honors Coach of the Year Award Finalist n 2015 eddie robinson FCS National Coach of the Year Finalist n 2013 eddie robinson FCS National Coach of the Year Finalist n 2013 afCa region II FCS Coach of the Year n 2020 sun Belt Coach of the Year n 2016 Big south Coach of the Year n 2015 Big south Coach of the Year n 2013 Big south Coach of the Year over the 2021 MAC Champions in Northern Illinois at the 2021 Tailgreeter Cure Bowl.

The Chants had a total of three players pick up All-America recognition in 2021, as senior tight end Isaiah Likely was named a second-team All-American by the Football Writers Association of America (FWAA), the Walter Camp Football Foundation (WCFF), the Pro Football Network (PFN), and the College Football All-SIS, while also picking up 2021 Phil Steele All-American honorable mention honors. Freshman defensive end Josaiah Stewart was named to the 2021 FWAA Freshman All-American team, The Athletic’s 2021 College Football Freshman All-American team, ESPN 2021 College Football True Freshman All-American team, 2021 247Sports True Freshman All-American team, and the 2021 Pro Football Network (PFN) All-American third team, while also picking up 2021 Phil Steele All-American honorable mention accolades and being named a semifinalist for the 2021 Shaun Alexander Freshman of the Year Award. Senior wideout Jaivon Heiligh was named a Phil Steele All-American honorable mention.

On top of that, quarterback Grayson McCall was named the 2021 Blanchard-Rogers Trophy (S.C. Heisman) award winner and was a repeat as the 2021 Sun Belt Conference Player of the Year, as a total of 16 Chanticleers picked up All-Sun Belt honors. With his second-straight Conference Player of the Year honor, McCall became one of just four student-athletes in the history of the Sun Belt Conference to pick up multiple Player of the Year honors and do it in back-to-back years.

In the classroom, super senior Silas Kelly earned second-team CoSIDA Academic AllAmerica honors for the second consecutive year, while five Chants in Kelly, Steven Bedosky, Trey Carter, Charles Ouverson, and Alex Spillum were all named to the CoSIDA Academic All-District 4 first team.


In his third year as the head coach at CCU, he led the Chants to the program’s first-ever Sun Belt Conference title, an 11-1 overall mark, including an 8-0 Sun Belt Conference record, and the program’s first-ever FBS postseason bowl game.

YEAR-BY-YEAR HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL RECORD CONFERENCE FINISH POSTSEASON 2009 North Greenville 2-82010 North Greenville 9-32011 North Greenville 11-3 DII Quarterfinals 2012 Delta State 3-7 t-5th 2013 Charleston Southern 10-3 3rd2014 Charleston Southern 8-4* t-3rd2015 Charleston Southern 10-3* 1st* FCS Quarterfinals 2016 Charleston Southern 7-4 t-1st FCS First Round 2017 Coastal Carolina ^ 3-9 t-10th 2019 Coastal Carolina 5-7 5th (East) 2020 Coastal Carolina 11-1 1st (SBC/East) FBC Mortgage Cure Bowl 2021 Coastal Carolina 11-2 3rd (East) Tailgreeter Cure Bowl TOTALS: 12 Seasons 90-54* Head CoaCH 14 GOCCUSPORTS.COM

Coastal was one of only four teams in ALL of FBS to rank in the top-25 in both total offense (5th) and total defense (25th), one of only seven teams in ALL of FBS to rank in the top-30 in both most first downs on offense (25th) and fewest first downs allowed on defense (27th), and one of only eight teams in ALL of FBS to rank in the top-25 in both scoring offense (5th) and scoring defense (25th).

Coastal was one of only two teams in ALL of FBS to rank in the top-10 in both thirddown conversion (1st) and fourth-down conversion percentage (4th) on the season and one of only two teams in ALL of FBS to rank in the top-30 in both rushing offense (6th) and passing offense (28th).

The defense ranked in the top 35 nationally in several categories, placing 16th in passing defense (190.3 ypg), 25th in scoring defense (21.6 ppg), 25th in total defense (339.5 ypg), and 32nd in red zone defense (77.5 percent).

The offense also finished the season ranked No. 5 nationally in scoring offense (40.9 ppg) and was one of only five FBS schools to average over 40 points per game on the season.

On special teams, the Chants ranked No. 1 nationally in punt return defense (0.00 punt return yards allowed) and in blocked punts (4), as well as fourth nationally in total blocked kicks (5).

After serving as the interim head coach for the 2017 season, Coastal’s first full season at the FBS level, and leading the Chants to a 5-7 record in his first season as the fulltime head coach in 2019, Chadwell guided Coastal Carolina to a historical year in 2020.

The offense also finished the season ranked No. 1 nationally in average yards per rush on the season (5.84 ypr) and in third-down conversion percentage (53.8 percent), was second nationally in yards per play on offense (7.74 ypp), and ranked fourth nationally in fourth-down conversion percentage (76.9 percent).

The Coastal offense finished the season ranked No. 1 nationally in team passing efficiency (192.01), as Grayson McCall led the nation and set a new NCAA FBS single-season record with a passing efficiency rating of 207.6 on the year.

On the ground in the running attack, the Chants ended the season ranked No. 6 nationally in rushing offense (228.8 ypg) and in rushing touchdowns (36), as senior running back Shermari Jones ranked No. 8 nationally in rush yards per carry (6.54) and No. 24 nationally in rushing touchdowns (13).

CCU also ranked fourth in all of FBS in completion percentage (70.5 percent), as McCall ranked No. 2 nationally in all of FBS in completion percentage (73.0 percent), and was fifth nationally in both passing yards per completion (15.23 ypc) and total offense (494.7 ypg). McCall ranked No. 1 nationally in yards per pass attempt (11.92 ypa) and No. 2 in passing yards per completion (16.32 ypc).

The 2020 season marked Coastal Carolina’s first-ever undefeated regular * CSU later vacated wins due to NCAA violations department wide (8 in 2014; 10 in 2015) ^ interim head coach

and Braydon Bennett. Under Chadwell’s guidance in 2021, the Chanticleers outscored all their opponents 532-281 on the season, including totaling 100-plus points in each quarter on the year.

15 THE CHADWELL FILE Hometown: Caryville, Tenn. High School: Anderson County, 1996 College: ETSU, 2000 Charleston Southern, 2006 Family: Children-Jameson,Wife-SolmazAvery Sahel and Soraya Reese COACHING HISTORY 2000-03: EtSU Assistant Quarterbacks/RunningCoach Backs Tight Ends 2004-08: Charleston Southern Assistant OffensiveRecruitingCoachCoordinatorCoordinator 2009-11: north greenville Head Coach 2012: Delta State Head Coach 2013-16: Charleston Southern Head Coach 2017: Coastal Carolina Interim Head Coach Offensive QuarterbacksCoordinator/ 2018: Coastal Carolina Associate Head Coach Offensive QuarterbacksCoordinator/ 2019-present: Coastal Carolina Head Coach ILLUSTRATEDGAMEDAY2022

season and the first time that the Chanticleers were ranked in either the Associated Press Top 25 Poll or the Amway Coaches Poll presented by USA Today Sports.

McCall also picked up individual national honors, as the redshirt freshman was named the 2020 Football Writers Association of America (FWAA) Most Inspirational Freshman. He was also a Manning Award Finalist, a Maxwell Award semifinalist, a Davey O’Brien National Quarterback Award semifinalist, and a Shaun Alexander-FWAA Freshman of the Year Award semifinalist, while linebacker Silas Kelly was recognized as a 2020 Mayo Clinic Comeback Player of the Year.

The team earned 16 selections to the 2020 All-Sun Belt team, including 10 firstteam selections. They also secured five of the conference’s six individual awards: Player and Freshman of the Year (McCall); Defensive Player of the Year (Jackson); Newcomer of the Year (D’Jordan Strong) and Coach of the Year (Chadwell).

The Chanticleers posted two wins over FBS top 25 nationally-ranked opponents, the first two such victories in program history, four wins over top 50 opponents, and was ranked as high as No. 9 in the Associated Press Top 25 Poll and No. 11 in the Amway Coaches Poll, both Sun Belt Conference records. The Chanticleers were also ranked as high as No. 12 in the College Football Playoff rankings, also a Sun Belt record. For his efforts, Chadwell received several Coach of the Year honors. He was named the 2020 Walter Camp Coach of the Year, the 2020 Associated Press Coach of the Year, The Home Depot College Football Coach of the Year, the 2020 Eddie Robinson Coach of the Year, the Sporting News’ 2020 Coach of the Year, the 2020 CBS Sports/247Sports Coach of the Year, and the Paul “Bear” Bryant Group of 5 2020 Conference Coach of the Year. He was also the winner of the 2020 George Munger College Coach of the Year Award and was chosen by fans as The Premier Coach of College Football by Premier Players, Inc.

Chadwell was also named the 2020 Sun Belt Coach of the Year, the 2020 Werner Ladder AFCA FBS Region 2 Coach of the Year, and honored by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) with the 2020 Grant Teaff Coach of the Year Award. He was also a finalist for both the Paul “Bear” Bryant Coach of the Year Award and the Lombardi Honors 2020 Coach of the Year Award. He saw five players in Tarron Jackson (Walter Camp Football Foundation (first team), Associated Press (first team), FWAA (first team), American Football Coaches Association (first team), ESPN (first team), Reese’s Senior Bowl (first team), Phil Steele Publication (first team), Sporting News’ (second team), CBS Sports/247Sports (second team), Senior CLASS second-team All-American)), C.J. Brewer (Associated Press (third team), Phil Steele Publication (honorable mention)), Grayson McCall (FWAA Freshman All-American, The Athletic’s 2020 College Football Freshman All-American), Willie Lampkin (FWAA Freshman AllAmerican, ESPN College Football’s True Freshman All-America Team, The Athletic’s 2020 College Football Freshman All-American, 247Sports True Freshman All-American), and Isaiah Likely (Pro Football Focus (PFF) (second team)) all pick up All-American honors in 2020. With his first-team honors from the AP, AFCA, FWAA, and WCFF, Jackson was recognized as a consensus All-American. He was also named a finalist for the Lombardi Award, the Lott IMPACT Trophy, and the Bronko Nagurski Trophy, and was a Bednarik Award semifinalist, a William V. Campbell Trophy semifinalist, and earned a spot on the Ted Hendricks Award watch list. Jackson would go on to be drafted by the Philadelphia Eagles in the seventh round (191st overall pick) of the 2021 NFL Draft, becoming just the seventh Chanticleer in program history to be selected in the NFL Draft.

Overall, the offense in 2020 led the conference in scoring offense (37.2 points per game), third-down conversion percentage (52.3 percent), fourth-down conversion percentage (76.5 percent), time of possession (33:50), completion percentage (66.6 percent), fewest interceptions thrown (5), and team passing efficiency (177.72).

In his first year as the full-time head coach for the Chants in 2019, the Chanticleers went 5-7 overall and highlighted the season with a 12-7 win on the road at Kansas, the program’s first-ever win over a Power 5 opponent on the gridiron.

Remaining the offensive play-caller in 2019, the Coastal Carolina offense recorded over 400 yards of total offense five times, including a season-high 636 yards in the road win at UMass. The Chants were 23-for29 (79.3 percent) on fourth-down attempts which was the second-best percentage both nationally and in the Sun Belt, while the 23 fourth-down conversions were tied for the third-most nationally behind only Army and Navy with 26.

16 Head CoaCH

The team also ranked first in the conference and second nationally in fewest penalties per game (3.67), and was second in the Sun Belt on the season in both fewest penalties (44) and fewest penalty yards (428).

For the second-straight season, the Chants missed bowl eligibility by just one win and finished 2-6 in the Sun Belt Conference. However, the Chants were competitive all season long, as seven of their 12 games on the season were decided by one score (eight points) or less.

The defense was also second in the Sun Belt in scoring defense (20.2 points per game), second in sacks per game (2.83), second in fourth-down conversion percent defense (44.4 percent), third in first downs defense (223), third in fewest passing yards allowed (204.2 yards per game), third in fewest rushing yards allowed (147.7 yards per game), third in tackles-for-loss per game (6.4), third in total defense (351.9 yards per game), and fourth in third-down conversion percentage defense (38.0 percent).

In the classroom, redshirt seniors Tarron Jackson and Silas Kelly earned secondteam CoSIDA Academic All-America honors, while five Chants in Jackson, Kelly, Bedosky, Ouverson, and Spillum were all named to the CoSIDA Academic All-District 4 first team.

On the defensive side of the ball, the Chants led the Sun Belt in fumble recoveries (9) and was second in interceptions (16), which also ranked third nationally. CCU led the Sun Belt in turnovers forced (25) and in turnover margin (+13), which both ranked among the nation’s best at the end of the 2020 season.


CCU was second in the league for the year in red-zone offense (88.3 percent) and second in both sacks allowed per game (1.17) and tackles-for-loss allowed per game (4.33) on the year. The Chants also ranked third in the conference in total offense (449.8 yards per game) and rushing offense (218.3 yards per game), both of which ranked in the top 25 nationally.

CCU finished the year ranked in the top 10 nationally in fourth-down conversion percentage (68.8), fewest penalties (52), fewest penalties per game (4.33), and fewest penalty yards (493).

Chadwell spent four seasons as the head coach at Charleston Southern where he finished fourth in the FCS National Coach of the Year voting in 2015 and eighth in 2013. He was named Big South Coach of the Year three times (2013, 2015, and 2016), led CSU to conference titles in 2015 and 2016, and guided the Buccaneers to the NCAA Division I FCS Championship Playoffs in each of his last two years.

Junior defensive end Tarron Jackson led the Sun Belt and set a new Coastal singleseason record with 10.0 sacks on the season. He also led the team and ranked fifth in the Sun Belt with 13.0 tackles-forloss, of which 9.5 came in conference play.

Chadwell was named a finalist for the second time for FCS National Coach of the Year, finishing fourth in the national voting, and tabbed the Big South Coach of the

2018 SEASON A 2018 Broyles Award nominee, an award given annually to college football’s top assistant coach, Chadwell was the associate head coach, offensive coordinator, and quarterbacks coach for the Chanticleers in 2018.

Hired in the winter of 2017 as an assistant coach and offensive coordinator, Chadwell served as the interim head coach for the 2017 season due to head coach Joe Moglia taking a medical sabbatical. Not only was 2017 Coastal’s first year in the NCAA Division I FBS, but the Chanticleers were forced to play four quarterbacks due to various injuries and for the second half of the season, Coastal’s offensive line was the youngest in the nation as it featured two true freshmen, two redshirt freshmen, and a sophomore.


In 2018, the Chants’ offense led the Sun Belt and ranked in the top 25 nationally in rushing yards per game, red-zone offense, time of possession, first downs, and both third- and fourth-down conversion percentage for much of the season.

Over the 2015 and 2016 seasons, CSU was ranked in the FCS national top 25 polls for 22 consecutive weeks in addition to having a seven-week run to end the 2013 season. The Bucs finished No. 6/7 nationally in the FCS in 2015, was ranked in the FCS top 10 for nine weeks in 2016, and finished ranked No. 14/15 in the FCS final polls.

In 2016, Chadwell earned Big South Coach of the Year honors for the secondstraight year and third time in four years, tying him for the most such accolades in conference history. CSU ranked No. 14/15 in the FCS final polls as the Bucs beat three ranked opponents along the way. In addition to Chadwell’s recognition as the league’s coach of the year, CSU had four players named All-America while 12 earned All-Big South honors. CSU was first in the Big South in yards per rush (6.0) with the Bucs also ranking among the nation’s best in rushing offense (266.5, 6th) and scoring offense (33.0, 20th).


As a team, the Chants were fourth in the conference in punt return defense (6.43 yards allowed per game), fourth in fewest penalty yards (586), fourth in fewest penalty yards per game (48.83), fifth in fewest penalties (67), and fifth in fewest penalties per game (5.58).

The CCU offense also ranked first in the Sun Belt in time of possession (33:24), first in completion percentage (65.0 percent), fifth in third-down conversion percentage (40.7 percent), and fifth in sacks allowed (1.67 per game). Both sophomore quarterbacks in Fred Payton and Bryce Carpenter surpassed the 1,000-career passing yards mark on the season, as both completed over 63 percent of their pass attempts and combined to throw for 2,379 yards and 21 touchdowns.

Redshirt senior cornerback Chandler Kryst at one point led the nation and finished seventh in all of NCAA FBS with five interceptions on the season.

A total of 11 student-athletes earned Sun Belt Conference postseason honors, as Jackson was named to the All-Sun Belt first team, becoming only the second Chant to earn first-team all-conference honors since Coastal Carolina joined the Sun Belt in 2017. Earning second-team honors was Kryst, while five Chants were named to the third team in tight end Isaiah Likely, offensive lineman Trey Carter, defensive tackle C.J. Brewer, nose tackle Sterling Johnson, and linebacker Teddy Gallagher. Receiving honorable mention recognition were Marable, wide receiver Jaivon Heiligh, tight end Shadell Bell, and offensive lineman Ethan Howard. In the classroom, redshirt junior Jonathan Clayton earned second-team CoSIDA Academic All-America honors, while five other Chants in Kameron Burton, Carter, Gallagher, Michael McFarlane, and Alex Spillum joined Clayton on the CoSIDA Academic All-District 4 first team.

CSU broke through on the national stage in a big way in 2015, compiling a 10-3 overall record and a 6-0 Big South mark en route to achieving a pair of firsts an outright conference championship and an automatic FCS Division I Championship bid. The Bucs finished the regular season as one of just three programs to go undefeated against fellow FCS competition.

The defense improved in every area from 2018 to 2019, as the “Black Swarm” defense led the Sun Belt in fewest first downs allowed (241), was third in interceptions (11), fourth in scoring defense (30.5 points allowed per game), fourth in total defense (383.6 yards per game), fourth in rushing defense (160.1 yards per game), fifth in fewest passing yards allowed (223.5 yards per game), and sixth in red-zone defense (85.7 percent).

Despite those facts, Coastal landed two offensive players on the All-Sun Belt team in running back Osharmar Abercrombie (third team) and wide receiver Malcolm Williams (third team) while offensive lineman Trey Carter and receiver Chris Jones were tabbed honorable mention. Despite CCU ranking seventh in scoring offense (23.7 ppg), the Chanticleers were second in the Sun Belt in red-zone offense scoring 84.4 percent of the time.

Junior running back CJ Marable led the team in rushing with 1,085 yards on the season, which ranked fourth in the Sun Belt, and etched his name in the CCU record books as he became just the fourth Chant to rush for over 1,000 yards in a single season joining De’Angelo Henderson (2014, 2015, and 2016), Lorenzo Taliaferro (2013), and Patrick Hall (2004).

Year for the second time after piloting a roster that included 13 all-conference selections. The Bucs finished the year ranked a program-best sixth in the STATS FCS poll and seventh in the FCS Coaches poll after reaching the quarterfinals of the FCSCSUPlayoffs.was8-4 in 2014, led the country in time of possession, and ranked 16th nationally in rushing offense. The Bucs’ aggressive defense also excelled and paced the Big South in total defense, rushing defense, and pass defense. Chadwell’s first year at Charleston Southern resulted in him being named the 2013 Big South Coach of the Year and the AFCA Region II Coach of the Year while finishing eighth in the voting for the Eddie Robinson FCS National Coach of the Year award. CSU set a school record for wins during a 10-3 season, climbed as high as No. 12 in the FCS Coaches Poll, spent the final seven weeks of the season in the coaches poll, and finished the year ranked for the first time in school history at No. 22/24. CSU led the nation in average time of possession and was among national leaders in turnover margin and rushing offense. CSU shattered several school records during Chadwell’s first year and nine Bucs received Big South postseason awards.



AT DELTA STATE (2012) Chadwell spent one season as head coach at DSU, guiding the Statesmen to a 3-7 record and a 1-4 mark in Gulf South Conference action. In his one season, he mentored All-American kick returner Lavon Down who was named to the Daktronics AllAmerica second team and had seven players earn All-Gulf Conference honors. He also had two players in Brant Botill and Reed Faulkner named to the Academic AllGSC Team. He stepped down to accept the head coaching position at Charleston Southern University where he spent five seasons on Jay Mills’ staff (2004-08) and served as the recruiting coordinator, later adding offensive coordinator duties, before leaving for North Greenville. He helped the Bucs’ program reach new heights, including winning the 2005 Big South Conference title.

After posting a 2-8 record in his first season as a head coach at North Greenville in 2009, Chadwell turned the program around in year two going 9-3. He then led NGU to the NCAA DII quarterfinals with an 11-3 record in year three and the program’s first-ever national ranking, finishing the 2011 season 12th in the American Football Coaches Association DII Poll. In 2011, NGU defeated every team in the South Atlantic Conference in the first year of the four-year scheduling alliance of which NGU is a Overall,part.Chadwell compiled a 22-14 record in three seasons with the Crusaders, but went 20-6 over the last two seasons and won the 2010 National Christian Collegiate Athletic Association’s Victory Bowl with a win over Campbellsville (KY).




2022 ro s ter 26 DEON FOUNTAIN R-Jr. I WR I 5'11" I 185 Valdosta, Ga. Brooks County HS 0 JOSAIAH STEWART So. I BAN I 6' 2" I 230 Bronx, N.Y. Everett HS (Mass.) 0 SHANE BRUCE R-So. I LB I 6' 0" I 235 Carrollton, Ga. Central HS 1 D’JORDAN STRONG S-Sr. I CB I 5' 11" I 190 Batesville, Miss. • South Panola HS Northeast Mississippi C.C. 2 REESE WHITE Sr. I RB I 5' 10" I 195 Sandy Springs, Ga. RiverwoodCharterInternationalSchool 2 AARON BEDGOOD R-Jr. I RB I 5' 8" I 180 Richmond Hill, Ga. Richmond Hill HS 3 JA'QUON GRIFFIN R-Sr. I DT I 6' 0" I 255 Rome, Ga. Rome HS • Georgia Tech 3 BRYCE ARCHIE Fr. I QB I 6' 3" I 205 Powder Springs, Ga. McEachern HS 9 TRAVIS GEIGER JR. R-Sr. I NT I 6' 4" I 300 Columbus, Ohio • Marion-Franklin HS Highland C.C. (Kansas) I Tiffin 5 LUKE ELLENBERGER R-Jr. I SPUR I 6' 1" I 195 Pisgah Forest, N.C. Brevard HS 6 LANCE BOYKIN R-Sr. I CB I 6' 3" I 200 High Point, N.C. High Point Christian Academy Old Dominion 7 CHRIS RHONE R-Fr. I WR I 6' 4" I 200 Columbia, S.C. Gray Collegiate Academy 6 JARRETT GUEST R-Jr. I QB I 6' 3" I 190 Marietta, Ga. Kennesaw Mountain HS 7 TYSON MOBLEY 8 MANNY STOKES JR. Jr. I CB I 5' 10" I 165 Orlando, Fla. Lake Nona HS 9 TAVYN JACKSON S-Sr. I S I 5' 11" I 190 Tallahassee, Fla. Rickards HS • Coffeyville C.C. 10 GRAYSON M CCALL R-Jr. I QB I 6' 3" I 215 Indian Trail, N.C. Porter Ridge HS 10 DE'ANDRE COLEMAN Fr. I WR I 6' 2" I 205 Hueytown, Ala. Hueytown HS 11 AMADOU FOFANA 6th I DE I 6' 4" I 255 Memphis, Tenn. Mitchell HS • Oklahoma State 11 BRYCE CARPENTER S-Sr. I QB/ATH I 6' 1" I 200 Sarasota, Fla. Venice HS 12 DRE PINCKNEY R-Fr. I S I 6' 0" I 200 Boiling Springs, S.C. Boiling Springs HS 12 Jr. I WR I 6' 0" I 170 Longwood, Fla. Master's Academy TYLER ROBERTS R-Sr. I WR I 6' 4" I 200 Buford, Ga. • Jefferson HS North Carolina Wesleyan 5 TOBIAS FLETCHER So. I S I 5' 10" I 175 Atlanta, Ga. Carver HS 4 BRAYDON BENNETT R-So. I RB I 6' 2" I 200 Greenville, S.C. Southside HS 1 CJ BEASLEY R-So. I RB I 5' 10" I 205 Norfolk, Va. Maury HS 4

27 ILLUSTRATEDGAMEDAY2022 EVAN CRENSHAW Fr. I P I 6' 4" I 180 Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. Nease HS 28 DONTRELL JACKSON JR. 17 JAHMAR BROWN 18 MATTHEW M CDOOM Fr. I CB I 5' 11" I 170 Winter Garden, Fla. West Orange HS 16 Fr. I QB I 5' 11" I 185 Harvey, Ill. Marist HS MAX BALTHAZAR 13 JOSHUA MADISON 13 JARED BROWN R-Fr. I WR I 6' 0" I 185 Lilburn, ParkviewGa.HS 14 KIYLAN MILLER R-Fr. I SPUR I 6' 3" I 190 Forest City, N.C. Chase HS 14 JERROD CLARK R-Sr. I NT I 6' 4" I 340 Dorchester, Mass. Brighton HS 15 SAM PINCKNEY R-Sr. I WR I 6'4" I 215 Greenwood, S.C. Greenwood HS • Georgia State 15 TY LYLES R-Fr. I RB I 6' 2" I 195 Kernersville, N.C. East Forsyth HS 16 KALEB HUTCHINSON 17 NATE HOPE II R-Jr. I RB I 5' 10" I 210 Marietta, Ga. Johns Creek HS • Lehigh 19 ELIJAH HOPKINS Fr. I CB I 5'10" I 170 Ocala, VanguardFla.HS 19 CHASE ATKINSON R-So. I S I 6' 0" I 190 Columbia, S.C. Blythewood HS • Syracuse 20 JT KILLEN R-Jr. I LB I 6' 3" I 225 Lake Wylie, S.C. Charlotte Christian School 21 LOGAN MAULDIN R-So. I TE I 6' 3" I 225 Charlotte, N.C. Myers Park HS 20 JOSIAH ROBINSON Fr. I SPUR I 5' 11" I 205 Apopka, Fla. Apopka HS 22 JACOB PROCHE Sr. I CB I 5' 10" I 190 Red Oak, Texas • Red Oak HS Coffeyville C.C. 23 JAMAR DARBOE R-Sr. I LB I 6' 1" I 225 Kinston, N.C. Christchurch School (Va.) 25 JAIRAN PARKER R-Sr. I SPUR I 6' 0" I 210 Houston, Texas St. Thomas HS • Abilene Christian Missouri 26 AARON DIGGS R-So. I LB I 5' 11" I 205 Auburn, Ala. Auburn HS 27 Fr. I S I 6'0" I 180 Augusta, Ga. Westside HS R-So. I S I 5' 11" I 190 Newbury Park, Calif. Newbury Park HS College of the Canyons JERROD CAMERON JR. Fr. I CB I 5' 8" I 160 Miami, Fla. St. Thomas Aquinas HS 28 ISAIAH JONES Fr. I RB I 5' 10" I 175 Lancaster, Pa. Manheim Township HS 29 R-Jr. I SPUR I 6' 1" I 210 Fort Lauderdale, Fla. St. Thomas Aquinas HS South Carolina R-Fr. I RB I 5' 11" I 200 Fort Lauderdale, Fla. TRU Prep UniversityAcademySchool KADE HENSLEY R-Fr. I PK/P I 5' 10" I 185 Johnson City, Tenn. Science Hill HS 25

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29 ILLUSTRATEDGAMEDAY2022 PATRICK M CSWEENEY R-Sr. I TE I 6' 4" I 240 Staten Island, N.Y. Monsignor Farrell HS 40 BROOKS JOHNSON Fr. I TE I 6' 5" I 215 Fort Mill, S.C. Nation Ford HS 34 ZXAEQUAN REEVES R-Fr. I CB I 6' 1" I 200 Titusville, Fla. Cocoa HS • Missouri 29 TANNER BRANSON 30 LIAM GRAY R-Fr. I PK I 6' 0" I 215 Westminster, Colo. Holy Family HS 31 ZE'MARION HARRELL R-Fr. I LB I 6' 2" I 225 Virginia Beach, Va. Salem HS 31 CHARLES STEELE R-So. I BAN I 6' 0" I 220 Lawrenceville, Ga. Collins Hill HS 32 LOGAN ADKINS R-So. I RB I 5' 8" I 195 Beaufort, S.C. Beaufort HS 33 AUSTIN RANDALL R-Jr. I S I 6' 1" I 190 Myrtle Beach, S.C. Myrtle Beach HS 33 ELI HILLMAN 35 NATE MERCHANT Fr. I LS I 6' 1" I 210 Easley, S.C. Easley HS 35 JOAH CASH R-Fr. I BAN I 6' 2" I 225 Savannah, Ga. • Jenkins HS Naval Academy Preparatory School (NAPS) 36 DE'ANGELO HUSKEY R-Sr. I CB I 5' 9" I 170 Rock Hill, S.C. South Pointe HS • Guilford College 37 CHARLES ARNOLD JR. R-Fr. I S I 5' 10" I 170 Fairburn, Ga. Langston Hughes HS 38 TAJ THOMAS R-Jr. I WR I 6' 1" I 190 Irmo, S.C. Dutch Fork HS 38 TRÉ PINKNEY R-Jr. I LB I 6' 1" I 220 Atlanta, Ga. Pebblebrook HS • Hutchinson C.C. 39 BRAYLON RYAN R-So. I DE I 6' 2" I 240 Greenwood, S.C. Greenwood HS 40 COREY WARREN Fr. I DE I 6' 0" I 240 Hoover, Ala. Hoover HS 41 TROY DELA VEGA Fr. I TE I 6' 4" I 240 Park City, Utah Park City HS • Utah State 42 HUNTER PATRICK R-So. I P/PK I 6' 1" I 215 Parkton, Md. Hereford HS • Maryland 43 MASON SHELTON R-So. I LB I 6' 2" I 235 Maryville,MaryvilleTenn.HS 45 JOHN KIRKPATRICK R-Fr. I LS I 6' 2" I 245 Franklin, Tenn. • Franklin HS Naval Academy Preparatory School (NAPS) 46 R-So. I CB I 5' 11" I 190 Myrtle Beach, S.C. Carolina Forest HS • Warner University R-So. I WR I 6' 0" I 190 Eugene, Ore. Churchill HS • Golden West College TAU Kingsville JUSTIN SCOLA R-Sr. I BAN I 6' 1" I 210 Snellville, Ga. Brookwood HS • Georgia State 47 BAILEY CARRAWAY R-Fr. I LB I 6' 3" I 240 Hartsville, S.C. Hartsville HS 48 GOCCUSPORTS.COM

30 JOHN GRANT III Fr. I TE I 6' 3" I 215 James Island, S.C. James Island Charter HS 49 CAMERON MITCHELL R-So. I S I 6' 0" I 195 North Charleston, S.C. Fort Dorchester HS 49 KASSY DESIR 53 ALLEN HENRY R-Jr. I DT I 6' 3" I 290 West Memphis, Ark. West Memphis HS • Coffeyville C.C. 52 LUKE EVANS R-Fr. I LB I 6' 0" I 205 Abbeville, S.C. Abbeville HS 54 FRANKIE RICHARDSON Fr. I OL I 6' 5" I 295 Gettysburg, Pa. Gettysburg HS 54 TRAY BROWN Fr. I LB I 6' 4" I 235 Margate, Fla. Cardinal Gibbons HS 55 DONNELL WILSON 56 WILLIE LAMPKIN Jr. I OL I 6' 0" I 275 Lakeland, Fla. Lakeland HS 57 THOMAS JOHNSON R-Fr. I OL I 6' 3" I 280 Aynor, S.C. Aynor HS 58 JAYDEN ADDISON R-Jr. I OL I 6' 2" I 245 Blythewood, S.C. Blythewood HS 59 ANDREY NEWTON Fr. I OL I 6' 2" I 280 Columbia, S.C. Ridge View HS 60 ROGER JACOBS Fr. I OL I 6' 2" I 310 Bennettsville, S.C. Marlboro County HS 61 NICK DEL GRANDE Fr. I OL I 6' 4" I 270 Lancaster, Lampeter-StrasburgPa. HS 62 ZOVON LINDSAY R-Jr. I OL I 6' 4" I 300 Fayetteville, N.C. Trinity Christian School NC State 64 DILLON LUTHER R-Jr. I OL I 6' 3" I 310 Asheville, N.C. Erwin HS • Western Carolina 65 WILL M CDONALD 66 DONAVAN MANSON R-So. I OL I 6' 4" I 290 Indian Land, S.C. Indian Land HS 67 CALEB GODFREE R-Fr. I OL I 6' 2" I 285 Myrtle Beach, S.C. Carolina Forest HS 68 WILLIE MOISE R-So. I OL I 6' 3" I 295 Hollywood, Chaminade-MadonnaFla.CollegePreparatory 69 ANTWINE LOPER S-Sr. I OL I 6' 3" I 275 Conway, S.C. Carolina Forest HS 72 MASON BOWERS R-So. I OL I 6' 4" I 285 High Point, N.C. High Point Central HS 75 TOM BAMBRICK R-Fr. I OL I 6' 4" I 330 Madison, Conn. Daniel Hand HS 77 R-Jr. I OL I 6' 5" I 315 Whiteville, N.C. Whiteville HS R-Jr. I OL I 6' 2" I 295 Matthews, N.C. Porter Ridge HS 6th I OL I 6' 2" I 305 North Miami Beach, Fla. Flanagan HS • UAlbany KIP GREEN 51 R-So. I OL I 6' 4" I 305 Radford, Va. Radford HS ANTHONY WALTON 73 R-Fr. I OL I 6' 4" I 310 Lamar, S.C. Lamar HS 2022 ro s ter

32 PAYTON BUNCH 81 ADRIAN HOPE S-Sr. I BAN I 6' 1" I 235 Ocala, Fla. • Vanguard HS Furman 81 JAMESON TUCKER R-Fr. I WR I 6' 2" I 190 Mauldin, S.C. Mauldin HS 82 KYRE DUPLESSIS R-So. I WR I 5' 10" I 195 Woodbridge, Va. Woodbridge HS 83 JACOB JENKINS Jr. I TE I 6' 3" I 235 Hoover, Ala. Spain Park HS. Jacksonville State 84 XAVIER GRAVETTE R-Sr. I TE I 6' 4" I 215 Towson, Md. Calvert Hall College HS Morgan State 85 TJ IVY JR. R-Sr. I TE I 6' 5" I 235 Chicago, Ill. Marist HS • Indiana 86 MALACHI TAYLOR 87 RIAN BLACK Fr. I WR I 6' 0" I 210 Rockledge, Fla. Rockledge HS 89 ROLAN WOODEN II R-Sr. I DT I 6' 4" I 295 Acworth, Ga. Allatoona HS 90 EMMANUEL JOHNSON Jr. I DE I 6' 6" I 260 North Charleston, S.C. Fort Dorchester HS Georgia Tech 91 MARK MILNAC R-Jr. I DT I 6' 1" I 240 Mauldin, S.C. Mauldin HS 92 MACK WEST R-Fr. I P/PK I 5' 8" I 175 Hamlet, RichmondN.C.HS 95 KYRIE SAMUEL Fr. I NT I 6' 0" I 255 Fort Lauderdale, Fla. St. Thomas Aquinas HS 96 DAVID PORTU 97 TRAVIS BATTS R-Fr. I DE I 6' 4" I 255 Columbia, S.C. Dutch Fork HS 98 KENNEDY ROBERTS Sr. I DT I 6' 3" I 275 Clearwater, Fla. Clearwater Central Catholic 99 R-Fr. I WR I 6' 3" I 200 Goose Creek, S.C. Goose Creek HS Fr. I DE I 6' 3" I 245 Fort Myers, Fla. Bishop Verot Catholic HS R-Jr. I LS I 6' 3" I 190 Pendleton, S.C. Pendleton HS JAMES JOHNSON JR. R-So. I NT I 6' 2" I 275 Fort Pierce, Fla. Vero Beach HS 93 DAMI'ON THOMPSON Fr. I WR I 6'2" I 185 Mableton, PebblebrookGa.HS 80 2022 ro s ter TYLER WAGNER R-So. I OL I 6' 5" I 310 Lilburn, ParkviewGa.HS 78 TATE DAVIS R-Fr. I WR I 6' 4" I 190 Wilmington, N.C. North Brunswick HS UNC Pembroke 88

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JERROD CLARK, R-SR., NT n 2022 Preseason All-Sun Belt Second Team n 2022 East-West Shrine Bowl 1000 Preseason List n 2023 Reese’s Senior Bowl Watch List n 2022 Phil Steele Preseason SBC All-Conference Fourth Team n 2022 Pro Football Focus (PFF) College Preseason All-Sun Belt Honorable Mention n 2022 Athlon Sports Preseason All-Sun Belt Third Team

GRAYSON MCCALL, R-JR., QB n 2022 Preseason Sun Belt Offensive Player of the Year n 2022 Preseason All-Sun Belt First Team n 2022 Manning Award Preseason Watch List n 2022 Walter Camp Player of the Year Preseason Watch List n 2022 Davey O'Brien Award Preseason Watch List n 2022 Maxwell Award Preseason Watch List n 2022 CFPA National Performer of the Year Trophy Watch List n 2022 Athlon Sports Preseason All-America Fourth Team n 2022 College Football SIS Preseason All-American Honorable Mention n 2022 Pro Football Network (PFN) College Football Preseason All-American Honorable Mention n 2022 Phil Steele Preseason SBC All-Conference First Team n 2022 Athlon Sports Preseason All-Sun Belt First Team n 2022 Pro Football Focus (PFF) College Preseason All-Sun Belt First Team

n 2022 East-West Shrine Bowl 1000 Preseason List n 2022 Phil Steele Preseason SBC All-Conference Second Team n 2022 Athlon Sports Preseason All-Sun Belt Second Team n 2022 Pro Football Focus (PFF) College Preseason All-Sun Belt Third Team n 2022 Pro Football Network (PFN) College Football Preseason All-American Honorable Mention

ANTWINE LOPER, S-SR., OL n 2022 Athlon Sports Preseason All-Sun Belt Third Team n 2022 Pro Football Focus (PFF) College Preseason All-Sun Belt Honorable Mention

REESE WHITE, SR., RB n 2022 Athlon Sports Preseason All-Sun Belt Third Team n 2022 Pro Football Focus (PFF) College Preseason All-Sun Belt Honorable Mention

KENNEDY ROBERTS, SR., DT n 2022 Allstate AFCA Good Works Team Nominee

SAM PINCKNEY, R-SR., WR n 2022 East-West Shrine Bowl 1000 Preseason List n 2022 Pro Football Focus (PFF) College Preseason All-Sun Belt Second Team n 2022 Phil Steele Preseason SBC All-Conference Fourth Team n 2022 Athlon Sports Preseason All-Sun Belt Fourth Team


WILLIE LAMPKIN, JR., OL n 2022 Preseason All-Sun Belt First Team n 2022 Rimington Trophy Preseason Watch List n 2022 Rotary Lombardi Award Watch List n 2022 Phil Steele Preseason SBC All-Conference First Team n 2022 Athlon Sports Preseason All-Sun Belt First Team n 2022 Pro Football Focus (PFF) College Preseason All-Sun Belt Second Team n 2022 Pro Football Network (PFN) College Football Preseason All-American n Honorable Mention

JOSAIAH STEWART, SO., BANDIT n 2022 Preseason Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Year n 2022 Preseason All-Sun Belt First Team n 2022 Rotary Lombardi Award Watch List n 2022 Pro Football Network (PFN) College Football Preseason All-American Honorable Mention n 2022 Phil Steele Preseason SBC All-Conference First Team n 2022 Athlon Sports Preseason All-Sun Belt First Team n 2022 Pro Football Focus (PFF) College Preseason All-Sun Belt First Team D ’JORDAN STRONG, S-SR., CB n 2022 Preseason All-Sun Belt First Team

BRAYDON BENNETT, R-SO., RB n 2022 Pro Football Focus (PFF) College Preseason All-Sun Belt Third Team n 2022 Phil Steele Preseason SBC All-Conference Fourth Team n 2022 Athlon Sports Preseason All-Sun Belt Fourth Team


LANCE BOYKIN, R-SR., CB n 2022 East-West Shrine Bowl 1000 Preseason List n 2023 Reese’s Senior Bowl Watch List



RUSHING GP Att Gain Loss Net Avg TD Long Avg/G Jones, Shermari 11 159 1059 19 1040 6.5 13 75 94.5 Bennett, Braydon 13 74 672 36 636 8.6 7 75 48.9 White, Reese 9 72 526 11 515 7.2 7 64 57.2 McCall, Grayson 11 93 387 97 290 3.1 4 25 26.4 Carpenter, Bryce 11 54 304 87 217 4.0 3 67 19.7 Malloy, Christian 8 11 72 0 72 6.5 0 17 9.0 Connelly, Isaiah 3 13 71 0 71 5.5 0 23 23.7 Beasley, CJ 11 14 50 3 47 3.4 1 15 4.3 Mobley, Tyson 13 1 32 0 32 32.0 1 32 2.5 Guest, Jarrett 6 4 30 0 30 7.5 0 16 5.0 Hope, Nate 2 3 15 0 15 5.0 0 6 7.5 Brewer, C.J. 13 1 12 0 12 12.0 0 12 0.9 Likely, Isaiah 13 3 15 5 10 3.3 0 12 0.8 Bedgood, Aaron 13 1 4 0 4 4.0 0 4 0.3 TEAM 13 6 0 17 -17 -2.8 0 0 -1.3 COASTAL 13 509 3249 275 2974 5.8 36 75 228.8 Opponents 13 477 2300 360 1940 4.1 21 63 149.2 PASSING G Ef昀c Cmp-Att-Int Pct Yds TD Lng Avg/G McCall, Grayson 11 207.65 176-241-3 73.0 2873 27 99 261.2 Carpenter, Bryce 11 134.45 41-69-1 59.4 483 4 52 43.9 Guest, Jarrett 6 203.64 9-10-0 90.0 96 1 32 16.0 Stevens, Zachary 1 472.00 1-1-0 100.0 5 1 5 5.0 TEAM 13 0.00 0-1-0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 COASTAL 13 192.01 227-322-4 70.5 3457 33 99 265.9 Opponents 13 126.27 208-359-6 57.9 2474 15 64 190.3 RECEIVING G No. Yds Avg TD Long Avg/G Heiligh, Jaivon 13 66 1128 17.1 7 66 86.8 Likely, Isaiah 13 59 912 15.5 12 99 70.2 Brown, Kameron 13 36 605 16.8 5 74 46.5 Bennett, Braydon 13 24 295 12.3 2 71 22.7 Latushko, Greg 12 9 67 7.4 0 9 5.6 Mobley, Tyson 13 6 82 13.7 2 39 6.3 Gravette, Xavier 6 5 95 19.0 1 49 15.8 Bedgood, Aaron 13 5 69 13.8 2 40 5.3 White, Reese 9 4 68 17.0 0 26 7.6 Jones, Shermari 11 3 28 9.3 0 22 2.5 Rhone, Chris 2 2 39 19.5 1 32 19.5 Roberts, Tyler 10 2 12 6.0 0 11 1.2 Malloy, Christian 8 2 9 4.5 0 10 1.1 Fountain, Deon 3 1 31 31.0 0 31 10.3 Johnson, DJ 2 1 8 8.0 0 8 4.0 Brown, Jared 2 1 5 5.0 1 5 2.5 McSweeney, Patrick 7 1 4 4.0 0 4 0.6 COASTAL 13 227 3457 15.2 33 99 265.9 Opponents 13 208 2474 11.9 15 64 190.3 FIELD GOALS FGM-FGA Pct 01-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+ Lg Blk Biscardi, Massimo 7-8 87.5 1-1 2-2 1-1 2-3 1-1 50 0 Gray, Liam 1-2 50.0 0-0 0-1 0-0 1-1 0-0 46 0 Colahan, Kieran 1-1 100.0 0-0 0-0 1-1 0-0 0-0 38 0 PUNTING No. Yds Avg Long TB FC I20 50+ Blk Ouverson, Charles 40 1493 37.3 53 2 14 14 1 0 Colahan, Kieran 1 35 35.0 35 0 0 1 0 0 COASTAL 41 1528 37.3 53 2 14 15 1 0 Opponents 41 1528 37.3 53 2 14 15 1 0

9784 BOLD/ALL CAPS - Home Games * Sun Belt Conference game # Tailgreeter Cure Bowl game 2021 COASTAL TEAM STATISTICS TEAM STATISTICS COASTAL OPP SCORING 532 281 Points Per Game 40.9 21.6 FIRST DOWNS ....................................................... 308 232 Rushing 153 106 Passing 144 109 Penalty.................................................................. 11 17 RUSHING YARDAGE 2974 1940 Yards gained rushing 3249 2300 Yards lost rushing 275 360 Rushing Attempts 509 477 Average Per Rush 5.8 4.1 Average Per Game 228.8 149.2 TDs Rushing 36 21 PASSING YARDAGE.............................................. 3457 2474 Comp-Att-Int 227-322-4 208-359-6 Average Per Pass 10.7 6.9 Average Per Catch ............................................... 15.2 11.9 Average Per Game 265.9 190.3 TDs Passing 33 15 TOTAL OFFENSE 6431 4414 Total Plays 831 836 Average Per Play 7.7 5.3 Average Per Game 494.7 339.5 KICK RETURNS: #-Yards 27-542 52-1037 PUNT RETURNS: #-Yards ..................................... 21-241 2-0 INT RETURNS: #-Yards 6-27 4-59 KICK RETURN AVERAGE 20.1 19.9 PUNT RETURN AVERAGE ..................................... 11.5 0.0 INT RETURN AVERAGE 4.5 14.8 FUMBLES-LOST 15-6 19-7 PENALTIES-Yards 70-666 51-388 Average Per Game 51.2 29.8 PUNTS-Yards 41-1528 63-2492 Average Per Punt 37.3 39.6 Net punt average 36.3 33.8 KICKOFFS-Yards ................................................... 88-5208 57-3505 Average Per Kick 59.2 61.5 Net kick average 43.1 41.0 TIME OF POSSESSION/Game............................... 31:18 28:42 3RD-DOWN Conversions 77/143 61/171 3rd-Down Pct 54% 36% 4TH-DOWN Conversions 10/13 13/29 4th-Down Pct 77% 45% SACKS BY-Yards 33-223 22-124 MISC YARDS.......................................................... 0 0 TOUCHDOWNS SCORED 72 36 FIELD GOALS-ATTEMPTS..................................... 9-11 10-11 ON-SIDE KICKS 0-1 3-2 RED-ZONE SCORES (43-48) 90% (31-40) 77% RED-ZONE TOUCHDOWNS .................................. (39-48) 81% (24-40) 63% PAT-ATTEMPTS (65-68) 96% (29-30) 97% ATTENDANCE 106687 86003 Games/Avg Per Game 7/15241 5/17201 SCORE BY QUARTERS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th OT Total Coastal Carolina 106 183 115 122 6 532 Opponents 64 72 75 70

37 2021 SEaSon rESUltS

Dec. 17, 2021 vs. Northern Illinois # W

Date Opponent Score Overall Sun Belt Time Attendance Sept. 2, 2021 THE CITADEL W 52-14 1-0 0-0 3:09 16236 Sept. 10, 2021 KANSAS W 49-22 2-0 0-0 3:54 17697 Sept. 18, 2021 at Bu昀alo W 28-25 3-0 0-0 3:23 16739 Sept. 25, 2021 UMASS W 53-3 4-0 0-0 3:08 15261 Oct. 2, 2021 ULM * W 59-6 5-0 1-0 2:57 18,674 Oct. 7, 2021 at Arkansas State * W 52-20 6-0 2-0 3:31 12,086 Oct. 20, 2021 at Appalachian State * L 27-30 6-1 2-1 3:24 31,061 Oct. 28, 2021 TROY * W 35-28 7-1 3-1 3:35 11,689 Nov. 6, 2021 at Georgia Southern * W 28-8 8-1 4-1 3:00 12,875 Nov. 13, 2021 GEORGIA STATE * L 40-42 8-2 4-2 3:26 16,744 Nov. 20, 2021 TEXAS STATE * W 35-21 9-2 5-2 3:12 10386 Nov. 26, 2021 at South Alabama * OT W 27-21 10-2 6-2 3:21 13242 47-41 11-2 6-2 3:42 0

7 Jarrett Guest R-Jr. QB 6-3 190 Marietta, Ga. / Kennesaw Mountain HS

16 Matthew McDoom Fr. CB 5-11 170 Winter Garden, Fla. / West Orange HS 17 Kaleb Hutchinson Fr. S 6-0 180 Augusta, Ga. / Westside HS 17 Dontrell Jackson Jr. Fr. QB 5-11 185 Harvey, Ill. / Marist HS 18 Jahmar Brown R-Jr. Spur 6-1 210 Fort Lauderdale, Fla. / St. Thomas Aquinas HS (South Carolina)

53 Kassy Desir 6th OL 6-2 305 North Miami Beach, Fla. / Flanagan HS (UAlbany) 54 Luke Evans R-Fr. LB 6-0 205 Abbeville, S.C. / Abbeville HS 54 Frankie Richardson Fr. OL 6-5 295 Gettysburg, Pa. / Gettysburg HS 55 Tray Brown Fr. LB 6-4 235 Margate, Fla. / Cardinal Gibbons HS 56 Donnell Wilson R-Jr. OL 6-5 315 Whiteville, N.C. / Whiteville HS 57 Willie Lampkin Jr. OL 6-0 275 Lakeland, Fla. / Lakeland HS 58 Thomas Johnson R-Fr. OL 6-3 280 Aynor, S.C. / Aynor HS 59 Jayden Addison R-Jr. OL 6-2 245 Blythewood, S.C. / Blythewood HS 60 andrey newton fr. oL 6-2 280 Columbia, S.C. / Ridge View HS 61 roger Jacobs fr oL 6-2 310 Bennettsville, S.C. / Marlboro County HS 62 Nick Del Grande Fr. OL 6-4 270 Lancaster, Pa. / Lampeter-Strasburg HS 64 Zovon Lindsay R-Jr. OL 6-4 300 Fayetteville, N.C. / Trinity Christian School (NC State) 65 Dillon Luther R-Jr. OL 6-3 310 Asheville, N.C. / Erwin HS (Western Carolina) 66 Will McDonald R-Jr. OL 6-2 295 Matthews, N.C. / Porter Ridge HS 67 Donavan Manson R-So. OL 6-4 290 Indian Land, S.C. / Indian Land HS 68 Caleb Godfree R-Fr. OL 6-2 285 Myrtle Beach, S.C. / Carolina Forest HS 69 Willie Moise R-So. OL 6-3 295 Hollywood, Fla. / Chaminade-Madonna College Prep. 72 Antwine Loper S-Sr. OL 6-3 275 Conway, S.C. / Carolina Forest HS

10 Grayson McCall R-Jr. QB 6-3 215 Indian Trail, N.C. / Porter Ridge HS

2 D’Jordan Strong S-Sr. CB 5-11 190 Batesville, Miss. / South Panola HS (Northeast Mississippi C.C.)

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9 Bryce Archie Fr. QB 6-3 205 Powder Springs, Ga. / McEachern HS 9 Manny Stokes Jr. Jr. CB 5-10 165 Orlando, Fla. / Lake Nona HS

27 Aaron Diggs R-So. LB 5-11 205 Auburn, Ala. / Auburn HS 28 Jerrod Cameron Jr. Fr. CB 5-8 160 Miami, Fla. / St. Thomas Aquinas HS 28 Evan Crenshaw Fr. P 6-4 180 Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. / Nease HS 29 Isaiah Jones fr. rB 5-10 175 Lancaster, Pa. / Manheim Township HS 29 Zxaequan Reeves R-Fr. CB 6-1 200 Titusville, Fla. / Cocoa HS (Missouri) 30 tanner Branson r-so. wr 6-0 190 Eugene, Ore. / Churchill HS (Golden West College / TAU Kingsville) 31 Liam Gray R-Fr. PK 6-0 215 Westminster, Colo. / Holy Family HS 31 Ze’marion Harrell R-Fr. LB 6-2 225 Virginia Beach, Va. / Salem HS 32 Charles Steele R-So. Bandit 6-0 220 Lawrenceville, Ga. / Collins Hill HS 33 Logan Adkins R-So. RB 5-8 195 Beaufort, S.C. / Beaufort HS 33 Austin Randall R-Jr. S 6-1 190 Myrtle Beach, S.C. / Myrtle Beach HS 34 Brooks Johnson Fr. TE 6-5 215 Fort Mill, S.C. / Nation Ford HS 35 Eli Hillman R-So. CB 5-11 190 Myrtle Beach, S.C. / Carolina Forest HS (Warner) 35 Nate Merchant Fr. LS 6-1 210 Easley, S.C. / Easley HS 36 Joah Cash R-Fr. Bandit 6-2 225 Savannah, Ga. / Jenkins HS (Naval Academy Prep. School) 37 De’Angelo Huskey R-Sr. CB 5-9 170 Rock Hill, S.C. / South Pointe HS (Guilford College) 38 Charles Arnold Jr. R-Fr. S 5-10 170 Fairburn, Ga. / Langston Hughes HS 38 Taj Thomas R-Jr. WR 6-1 190 Irmo, S.C. / Dutch Fork HS

48 Bailey Carraway R-Fr. LB 6-3 240 Hartsville, S.C. / Hartsville HS 49 John Grant III Fr. TE 6-3 215 James Island, S.C. / James Island Charter HS 49 Cameron Mitchell R-So. S 6-0 195 North Charleston, S.C. / Fort Dorchester HS 51 Kip Green R-So. OL 6-4 305 Radford, Va. / Radford HS 52 Allen Henry R-Jr. DT 6-3 290 West Memphis, Ark. / West Memphis HS (Coffeyville C.C.)

5 Tyler Roberts R-Sr. WR 6-4 200 Buford, Ga. / Jefferson HS (North Carolina Wesleyan)

7 Lance Boykin R-Sr. CB 6-3 200 High Point, N.C. / High Point Christian Academy (Old Dominion)

4 Tobias Fletcher So. S 5-10 175 Atlanta, Ga. / Carver HS 5 Travis Geiger Jr. R-Sr. NT 6-4 300 Columbus, Ohio / Marion-Franklin HS (Highland C.C. [Kan.] / Tiffin)

10 Tavyn Jackson S-Sr. S 5-11 190 Tallahassee, Fla. / Rickards HS (Coffeyville C.C.)

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13 Max Balthazar R-Fr. RB 5-11 200 Fort Lauderdale, Fla. / TRU Prep Academy / University School

25 Kade Hensley R-Fr. PK/P 5-10 185 Johnson City, Tenn. / Science Hill HS 26 Jairan Parker R-Sr. Spur 6-0 210 Houston, Texas / St. Thomas High School (Abilene Christian / Missouri)

14 Jared Brown R-Fr. WR 6-0 185 Lilburn, Ga. / Parkview HS 14 Kiylan Miller R-Fr. Spur 6-3 190 Forest City, N.C. / Chase HS

8 Tyson Mobley Jr. WR 6-0 170 Longwood, Fla. / Master’s Academy

47 Justin Scola R-Sr. Bandit 6-1 210 Snellville, Ga. / Brookwood HS (Georgia State)

40 Patrick McSweeney R-Sr. TE 6-4 240 Staten Island, N.Y. / Monsignor Farrell HS 40 Braylon Ryan R-So. DE 6-2 240 Greenwood, S.C. / Greenwood HS 41 Corey Warren Fr. DE 6-0 240 Hoover, Ala. / Hoover HS 42 troy dela Vega fr. te 6-4 240 Park City, Utah / Park City HS (Utah State)

19 Nate Hope II R-Jr. RB 5-10 210 Marietta, Ga. / Johns Creek HS (Lehigh) 19 Elijah Hopkins Fr. CB 5-10 170 Ocala, Fla. / Vanguard HS 20 Chase Atkinson R-So. S 6-0 190 Columbia, S.C. / Blythewood HS (Syracuse) 20 Logan Mauldin R-So. TE 6-3 225 Charlotte, N.C. / Myers Park HS 21 JT Killen R-Jr. LB 6-3 225 Lake Wylie, S.C. / Charlotte Christian School 22 Josiah Robinson Fr. Spur 5-11 205 Apopka, Fla. / Apopka HS 23 Jacob Proche Sr. CB 5-10 190 Red Oak, Texas / Red Oak HS (Coffeyville C.C.) 25 Jamar Darboe R-Sr. LB 6-1 225 Kinston, N.C. / Christchurch School [Va.]

12 Bryce Carpenter S-Sr. QB/ATH 6-1 200 Sarasota, Fla. / Venice HS 12 Dre Pinckney R-Fr. S 6-0 200 Boiling Springs, S.C. / Boiling Springs HS

39 Tré Pinkney R-Jr. LB 6-1 220 Atlanta, Ga. / Pebblebrook HS (Hutchinson C.C.)

1 Braydon Bennett R-So. RB 6-2 200 Greenville, S.C. / Southside HS 1 Shane Bruce R-So. LB 6-0 235 Carrollton, Ga. / Central HS

6 Luke Ellenberger R-Jr. Spur 6-1 195 Pisgah Forest, N.C. / Brevard HS 6 Chris Rhone R-Fr. WR 6-4 200 Columbia, S.C. / Gray Collegiate Academy

0 Deon Fountain R-Jr. WR 5-11 185 Valdosta, Ga. / Brooks County HS 0 Josaiah Stewart So. Bandit 6-2 230 Bronx, N.Y. / Everett HS (Mass.)

2 Reese White Sr. RB 5-10 195 Sandy Springs, Ga. / Riverwood International

11 De’Andre Coleman Fr. WR 6-2 205 Hueytown, Ala. / Hueytown HS

16 Ty Lyles R-Fr. RB 6-2 195 Kernersville, N.C. / East Forsyth HS

3 Ja’Quon Griffin R-Sr. DT 6-0 255 Rome, Ga. / Rome HS (Georgia Tech) 4 CJ Beasley R-So. RB 5-10 205 Norfolk, Va. / Maury HS

13 Joshua Madison R-So. S 5-11 190 Newbury, Calif. / Newbury Park HS (College of the Canyons)

43 Hunter Patrick R-So. P/PK 6-1 215 Parkton, Md. / Hereford HS (Maryland)

45 Mason Shelton R-So. LB 6-2 235 Maryville, Tenn. / Maryville HS 46 John Kirkpatrick R-Fr. LS 6-2 245 Franklin, Tenn. / Franklin HS (Naval Academy Prep. School)

15 Jerrod Clark R-Sr. NT 6-4 340 Dorchester, Mass. / Brighton HS

3 Aaron Bedgood R-Jr. RB 5-8 180 Richmond Hill, Ga. / Richmond Hill HS

11 Amadou Fofana 6th DE 6-4 255 Memphis, Tenn. / Mitchell HS (Oklahoma State)

15 Sam Pinckney R-Sr. WR 6-4 215 Greenwood, S.C. / Greenwood HS (Georgia State)

73 Anthony Walton R-Fr. OL 6-4 310 Lamar, S.C. / Lamar HS 75 Mason Bowers R-So. OL 6-4 285 High Point, N.C. / High Point Central HS 77 Tom Bambrick R-Fr. OL 6-4 330 Madison, Conn. / Daniel Hand HS 78 Tyler Wagner R-So. OL 6-5 310 Lilburn, Ga. / Parkview HS 80 Dami’on Thompson Fr. WR 6-2 185 Mableton, Ga. / Pebblebrook HS 81 Payton Bunch R-Jr. LS 6-3 190 Pendleton, S.C. / Pendleton HS 81 Adrian Hope S-Sr. Bandit 6-1 235 Ocala, Fla. / Vanguard HS (Furman) 82 Jameson Tucker R-Fr. WR 6-2 190 Mauldin, S.C. / Mauldin HS 83 Kyre Duplessis R-So. WR 5-10 195 Woodbridge, Va. / Woodbridge HS 84 Jacob Jenkins Jr. TE 6-3 235 Hoover, Ala. / Spain Park HS (Jacksonville State) 85 Xavier Gravette R-Sr. TE 6-4 215 Towson, Md. / Calvert Hall College HS (Morgan State) 86 TJ Ivy Jr. R-Sr. TE 6-5 235 Chicago, Ill. / Marist HS (Indiana) 87 Malachi Taylor R-Fr. WR 6-3 200 Goose Creek, S.C. / Goose Creek HS 88 Tate Davis R-Fr. WR 6-4 190 Wilmington, N.C. / North Brunswick HS (UNC Pembroke) 89 Rian Black Fr. WR 6-0 210 Rockledge, Fla. / Rockledge HS 90 Rolan Wooden II R-Sr. DT 6-4 295 Acworth, Ga. / Allatoona HS 91 Emmanuel Johnson Jr. DE 6-6 260 North Charleston, S.C. / Fort Dorchester HS (Georgia Tech) 92 Mark Milnac R-Jr. DT 6-1 240 Mauldin, S.C. / Mauldin HS 93 James Johnson Jr. R-So. NT 6-2 275 Fort Pierce, Fla. / Vero Beach HS 95 Mack West R-Fr. P/PK 5-8 175 Hamlet, N.C. / Richmond HS 96 Kyrie Samuel Fr. NT 6-0 255 Fort Lauderdale, Fla. / St. Thomas Aquinas HS 97 David Portu Fr. DE 6-3 245 Fort Myers, Fla. / Bishop Verot Cathlolic HS 98 Travis Batts R-Fr. DE 6-4 255 Columbia, S.C. / Dutch Fork HS 99 Kennedy Roberts Sr. DT 6-3 275 Clearwater, Fla. / Clearwater Central Catholic 39 2020 SUN BELT CONFERENCE CHAMPIONS

10 Dewayne Coleman Fr. QB 5-10 193 Selma, TX / Theodore Roosevelt High School (USMAPS)

31 Leo Lowin Jr. LB 6-0 215 Austin, Texas / Westlake

Alex Meredith Jr. QB 5-11 200 Anderson, S.C. / T.L. Hanna HS (USMAPS)

27 Markel Johnson So. RB 5-8 202 Allenhurst, Ga. / Liberty County (USMAPS)

10 Cameron Jones Jr. DB 5-9 180 Carson, Calif. / Harvard-Westlake (USMAPS)


44 Nathaniel Smith Jr. DL 6-3 270 Fort Washington, Md. / Bishop O'Connell (USMAPS)

37 Zach Ogbogu Fr. SLOT 5-10 185 Alpharetta, GA / Denmark High School (USMAPS)

18 Cade Ballard Sr. QB 5-9 200 Greeneville, Tenn. / Greeneville

29 Zion Jackson Fr. WR 6-0 185 Loganville, GA / Archer High School (USMAPS)

38 Noah Alexander Fr. SLOT 5-10 175 Eufaula, OK / Eufaula High (USMAPS)

4 Jabari Moore Jr. DB 5-11 195 Hoover, Ala. / Hoover 5 Cole Caterbone Sr. WR/RB 6-1 200 Plantation, Fla. / St. Thomas Aquinas HS (USMAPS)

42 Clev Lubin Fr. OLB 6-3 215 Suffern, NY / Suffern Senior High School (USMAPS)

23 Greg Daniel Fr. RB 5-10 200 Savannah, GA / Calvary Day School (USMAPS)

14 Jordan Burrell So. DB 6-0 198 Columbia, S.C. / Blythewood High School

28 Gavin Shields Fr. SAF 6-2 197 Pitman, NJ / Red Lion Christian Academy (USMAPS)

6 Jacob Azizi Fr. QB 6-0 175 Fort Myers, FL / Bishop Verot High (USMAPS)

7 Jemel Jones Sr. QB 5-10 200 The Colony, Texas / The Colony (USMAPS)

6 D'Andre Tobias Sr. DB 5-11 197 Midlothian, Va. / Benedictine College Prep 7 Charlie Barnett Fr. K 6-2 182 Austin, TX / Westlake High School

2 Tyhier Tyler Sr. QB 5-8 183 Newport News, Va. / Woodside (USMAPS)

14 Bryce Davis Fr. QB 5-10 176 Vidalia, GA / Vidalia Comprehensive High School

Isaiah Morris Sr. DB 5-11 180 Jacksonville, Fla. / The Bolles School (USMAPS)



1 Daelan Smith Jr. DB 5-10 188 Fort Valley, Ga. / Peach Valley HS 2 Anderson Britton Fr. K 5-9 165 Ringgold, GA / Heritage High School

47 Brian Burton So. LB 5-10 218 Philadelphia, Pa. / Midway (USMAPS)

25 Donovan Baker Fr. RB 5-10 185 Fayetteville, NC / Woodberry Forest School

43 Eric Ford Fr. OLB 6-3 220 Laurel, MD / Landon School (USMAPS)

22 Miles Stewart So. RB 5-10 201 New Orleans, La. / Lusher Charter School (USMAPS)

8 Braheam Murphy Sr. RB 5-10 182 Charlotte, N.C. / Harding University HS (USMAPS)

9 Justin Weaver Fr. CB 5-11 176 Decatur, GA / Decatur High School (USMAPS)

2022 ar m Y blaCk knigHtS roStEr

7 Jimmy Ciarlo Jr. OLB 6-2 215 Ringwood, N.J. / St. Joseph Regional (USMAPS)

Jofranstar Graham Fr. SLOT 5-10 172 Martinez, GA / Evans High School (USMAPS)

33 Walker Lyles Fr. CB 6-0 200 Pelham, AL / Pelham High School (USMAPS)

38 Fabrice Voyne Sr. OLB 6-2 220 La Quinta, Calif. / Xavier College Prep 39 Hamilton Baker Jr. LB 6-1 215 Daphne, Ala. / Daphne HS

48 Tyler Deleon Fr. OLB 6-3 249 Los Alamitos, CA / Los Alamitos High School (USMAPS)

15 Jaydan Mayes Fr. CB 5-10 179 Fairfield, OH / Fairfield High School (USMAPS)


15 Kalei Akagi Fr. SLOT 5-9 199 Wahiawa, HI / Leilehua High (USMAPS)

3 Ay'Jaun Marshall Jr. RB 5-11 187 Baltimore, Md. / West York Area (USMAPS)

3 Jabril Williams Fr. CB 5-10 179 Joliet, IL / Joliet Catholic Academy (USMAPS)

18 Cole Mabry Sr. OLB 6-2 205 Iowa City, Iowa / West Senior 18 Zion Sims Fr. CB 5-11 171 Mission Viejo, CA / Servite High School

45 Spencer Jones Jr. LB 6-1 225 Austin, Texas / Vandegrift (USMAPS)

30 Collin Matteson Fr. SAF 6-0 175 Edmond, OK / Oklahoma Christain School

21 Tim Thurman Jr. Fr. SAF 5-10 175 Demopolis, AL / Linden High School (USMAPS) 22 Casey Larkin Fr. SAF 6-0 186 Brielle, NJ / Wall High School (USMAPS)

34 Andre Carter II Sr. OLB 6-7 260 Missouri City, Texas / Cheshire Academy 36 Peyton Hampton Sr. LB 6-1 225 Advance, N.C. / Davie County

2 Bo Nicolas-Paul Jr. DB 5-11 180 Irvington, N.J. / Hillside (USMAPS)

33 Jakobi Buchanan Jr. RB 6-0 260 St. Charles, Mo. / Chaminade Prep (USMAPS)

4 Ahlon Mitchell So. QB 5-11 177 Beverly Hills, Mich. / Detroit Country Day (USMAPS)

13 Bryson Daily So. QB 6-0 218 Abernathy, Texas / Abernathy (USMAPS)

39 Hayden Reed Fr. RB 6-0 226 Tampa, FL / Gaither High School (USMAPS)

26 Dallis Small Fr. RB 5-8 203 Lauderhill, FL / American Heritage High School (USMAPS)

29 Adam Cash So. DB 5-11 217 Arlington, Texas / Mansfield Timberview (USMAPS)

40 Jarel Dickson So. RB 5-11 230 Trenton, Tenn. / Peabody (USMAPS)

46 Casey Shorter Fr. RB 5-11 225 Katy, TX / Taylor High School (USMAPS)

15 Quinn Maretzki Jr. K 5-10 170 Honolulu, Hawai'i / Punahou

11 Isaiah Alston So. WR 6-4 195 Carteret, N.J. / Mater Dei Prep (USMAPS)

8 Keanu Rebuldela-Kama Fr. SAF 6-2 191 Aliso Viejo, CA / Santa Margarita Catholic High School (USMAPS)

32 Tyson Riley Jr. RB 6-2 255 Mount Vernon, Mo. / Springfield Catholic (USMAPS)

44 Dakoda Wagner Fr. RB 6-0 230 Palm Coast, FL / Flagler-Palm Coast High School

45 Cooper Wilkinson Fr. TE 6-3 226 New Smyrna Beach, FL / New Smyrna Beach High School

19 Aaron Bibbins So. DB 6-1 195 Kennesaw, Ga. / Sprayberry (USMAPS) 19 Sabastian Shannon Fr. SLOT 6-0 188 Las Vegas, NV / Bishop Gorman (USMAPS)

1 Zach Mundell Fr. QB 5-9 181 Arlington, TX / Martin High School (USMAPS)

27 Spencer Williams So. DB 6-0 192 Brandon, Fla. / Jesuit (USMAPS)

47 Noah Short Fr. SAF 5-11 175 San Jose, CA / The King'S Academy (USMAPS)

21 Tyrell Robinson So. RB 5-9 180 Dallas, Ga. / East Paulding (USMAPS)

30 Liam Fortner Fr. WR 6-1 212 Knoxville, TN / Central High School (USMAPS)

42 AJ Williams So. RB 6-0 233 Augusta, Ga. / Aquinas (USMAPS)

16 Taylor Saulsberry Fr. WR 6-3 208 Katy, TX / Katy High School (USMAPS)

37 Max DiDomenico So. DB 6-0 215 Schertz, Texas / Samuel Clemen

43 Hunter Roddy Fr. RB 5-10 233 Murrieta, CA / Chaparral High School

13 Donavon Platt Fr. CB 6-0 204 Jamestown, NC / Lucy Ragsdale High School (USMAPS)

10 Nick Smith Fr. SAF 6-1 195 Danbury, CT / Danbury High School

11 Tommy Zitiello So. DB 6-2 200 Ponte Vedra, Fla. / Ponte Vedra

31 Michael Davis Fr. WR 6-0 208 Denton, TX / Billy Ryan High School

30 Lucky Brooks So. RB 5-10 215 Lafayette, La. / Acadiana (USMAPS)

47 Patrick Hester Fr. TE 6-5 245 Johns Creek, GA / Northview High School

39 John Javis IV Fr. CB 5-9 175 Columbia, SC / Spring Valley High School (USMAPS)

46 Kalvyn Crummie So. LB 6-1 242 Tuscaloosa, Ala. / Hillcrest (USMAPS)

9 Maurice Bellan Sr. RB 5-10 185 Fulton, Md. / The Peddie School

25 Josiah Banks So. LB 6-1 205 Lewisville, N.C. / Mount Tabor 26 Quindrelin Hammonds Jr. DB 6-0 190 Covington, Ga. / Alcovy (USMAPS)

23 Chance Keith So. DB 5-11 197 Biloxi, Miss. / Biloxi

16 Damon Washington So. DB 5-11 191 East Brunswick, N.J. / Blair Academy (USMAPS)

20 Marquel Broughton Sr. DB 5-10 196 Lawrenceville, Ga. / Mountain View (USMAPS)

86 Will Montesi So. TE 6-2 232 Greenwich, Conn. / Greenwich 87 Casey Reynolds So. WR 6-2 200 Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. / Deerfield Academy 88 Isaiah Lige So. WR 6'0 200 Atlanta, GA. / Westlake HS 88 Joshua Lingenfelter Jr. TE 6-3 240 Panama City, Fla. / A Crawford Mosley (USMAPS)


83 Matthew Gibbons Fr. P 6-0 175 San Antonio, TX / Louis D. Brandeis High 83 Lucas Scott So. TE 6-3 275 Binghamton, N.Y. / Chenango Forks 84 Cam Schurr So. WR 6-1 193 Alpharetta, Ga. / South Forsyth 85 David Crossan So. TE 6-3 272 Clearwater, Fla. / Calvary Christian (USMAPS)

99 Chris Frey Jr. DL 6-5 278 Canyon Lake, Calif. / Temescal Canyon (USMAPS)

74 Simon Dellinger Jr. OL 6-3 280 Fort Wayne, Ind. / R Nelson Snider (USMAPS)

95 Kyle Lewis So. DL 6-3 260 Scottsdale, Ariz. / Horizon (USMAPS)

77 Jordyn Law So. OL 6-4 275 Nashville, Tenn. / Pike (USMAPS) 78 Shayne Buckingham Jr. OL 6-4 280 Dacula, Ga. / Dacula (USMAPS) 79 Kenyatta Brannon Fr. OL 6-3 275 Chanhassen, MN / Chanhassen High School (USMAPS) 79 Nikai Butler Jr. DL 6-2 270 Fayetteville, N.C. / Douglas Byrd HS (USMAPS)

90 Malik James So. DL 6'1 300 Richmond, VA. / Benedictine Prep. (USMAPS)

81 Logan Burks So. WR 6-6 209 Carmel, Ind. / Carmel 81 Caden Harman Fr. DL 6-2 242 Chatsworth, CA / Sierra Canyon School

94 Cole Talley Jr. K 6-0 205 Rockwall, Texas / Rockwall (USMAPS)

96 Trey Gronotte So. K 6-0 180 Crestview Hills, Ky. / Covington Catholic 96 Darius Richardson Sr. DL 6-2 290 Dover, Fla. / Tampa Bay Tech (USMAPS)

99 Matthew Rhodes So. P 6-5 212 Auburn, Ala. / Auburn

86 TJ McCormack Fr. DL 6-1 265 Wanaque, NJ / Lakeland Regional (USMAPS)

93 Tyler Komorowski Sr. DL 6-3 285 Weirton, W.V. / Weir 94 Bailey Meek Fr. DL 6-4 285 Vancouver, WA / Ridgefield High School (USMAPS)

94 Jacob Tuioti Fr. DL 6-1 273 Long Beach, CA / Long Beach Poly (USMAPS)

49 Jackson Powell Jr. OLB 6-0 225 Buford, Ga. / Buford HS 50 Ryan Aguilar Sr. LS 6-2 225 Bakersfield, Calif. / Liberty HS 50 Braden Bartosh Fr. OL 6-2 279 Riverside, MO / Park Hill South High School (USMAPS)

73 Ned Brady Fr. OL 6-4 244 New Canaan, CT / New Canaan High School

75 Zac Daher Fr. DL 6-4 235 Wichita, KS / Northwest High School (USMAPS)

89 Blane Cleaver So. TE 6-2 233 Berwick, Pa. / Berwick Area 89 Joey Knight Fr. DL 6-2 224 Wellesley, MA / Choate Rosemary Hall 90 Billy Boehlke Jr. P 6-0 205 Cleveland, Ohio / Benedictine (USMAPS)

51 Davis Wulf So. OL 6-1 270 Wilmington, Ohio / Clinton-Massie (USMAPS) 52 Austin Hill Jr. DL 6-1 250 Memphis, Tenn. / Evangelical Christian 52 Ryan Scott Fr. DL 6-2 268 Roswell, GA / Blessed Trinity Catholic School 53 Kalib Fortner Fr. LB 6-0 247 Knoxville, TN / Central High School (USMAPS) 53 Bill Katsigiannis So. OL 6-1 280 Katy, Texas / Katy 54 Tanner Bivins Fr. OL 6-1 265 Alpharetta, GA / Wesleyan School (USMAPS

97 Kwabena Bonsu Sr. DL 6-4 286 Austell, Ga. / South Cobb 98 Dre Miller So. DL 6-3 270 Savannah, Ga. / Savannah Country Day (USMAPS)

80 Ryan Jackovic Sr. WR 6-5 225 Sewickley, Pa. / Quaker Valley

54 Camden O'Gara Jr. LB 6-0 227 Cincinnati, Ohio / Wyoming 55 Chris Hunter So. OL 6-1 265 Oceanside, Calif. / Oceanside (USMAPS)

82 Veshe Daniyan Jr. WR 6-1 195 Balch Springs, Texas / North Mesquite (USMAPS) 83 Kemari Copeland Fr. DL 6-2 235 Virginia Beach, VA / Kellam High School (USMAPS)

72 Cody Bradford Fr. OL 6-3 275 Flowery Branch, GA / Flowery Branch High School (USMAPS)

71 Matthew Robbins So. OL 6-5 270 Edmond, Okla. / Oklahoma Christian School

48 Bo Kite So. RB 6-2 244 Glen Allen, Va. / Deep Run 49 Troy Collard Fr. TE 6-1 206 Carlisle, PA / Cumberland and Valley High School

55 Patrick Szczesniak Sr. LS 6-2 225 Chicago, Ill. / Mount Carmel 56 Jack Flowers Fr. OL 6-1 273 Upper Arlington, OH / Upper Arlington High School (USMAPS) 56 Brett Gerena So. LB 6-0 225 Valrico, Fla. / Jesuit 57 Connor Bishop Sr. OL 6-3 275 Holland, Pa. / Archbishop Wood 58 Jack Latore Fr. DL 6-5 236 Middletown, NJ / Middletown South High School 58 Tyler Rafferty So. OLB 6-3 235 Newburgh, N.Y. / Newburgh Free Academy 59 Deshontez Gray Fr. DL 6-3 269 Gaston, SC / Pelion High School (USMAPS) 59 Will Jeffcoat So. OL 6-2 295 Pelion, S.C. / Pelion 60 Connor Finucane Jr. OL 6-4 295 Baton Rouge, La. / Catholic 62 Sam Barczak Jr. OL 6-2 285 Tyrone, Ga. / Sandy Creek (USMAPS) 62 Jaxon Miller Fr. LS 6-0 245 Indianapolis, IN / Triton Central High School (USMAPS) 64 Beau Lombardi Jr. OL 6-2 270 Clive, Iowa / Valley (USMAPS) 64 Jack Pirinelli Fr. LS 6-1 220 Roswell, GA / Blessed Trinity Catholic School 65 Luke McCurdy Fr. OL 6-3 247 Park City, UT / Park City High School 66 Aidan Gaines Jr. OL 6-0 290 Rome, Ga. / Rome HS 67 Cole McCutcheon Jr. LS 5-11 202 Phoenix, Ariz. / Sandra Day O'Connor 68 Jackson Filipowicz Jr. OL 6-3 275 Alpharetta, Ga. / Blessed Trinity Catholic 69 Matthew Adoghe So. OL 6-3 305 Suwanee, Ga. / Peachtree Ridge 70 David Hoyt So. OL 6-4 295 Tampa, Fla. / Tampa Catholic (USMAPS)

82 Cooper Allan Fr. P 6-2 200 Franklin, TN / Independence High School (USMAPS)

91 Trey Sofia So. DL 6-6 250 Austin, Texas / Lake Travis 92 Isaiah Filisi Jr. DL 6-3 300 Waipahu, Hawaii / Saint Louis (USMAPS)

51 Andon Thomas Fr. LB 6-1 225 Liberty Hill, TX / Liberty Hill High School

75 David Hayward Jr. OL 6-3 267 Danville, Ca. / Monte Vista HS (USMAPS) 76 James Maloney Fr. OL 6-6 228 Concord, MA / Taft School

Date Opponent Score Overall Time Attendance Sept. 4, 2021 at Georgia St. W 43-10 1-0 3:05 18,280 Sept. 11, 2021 WESTERN KENTUCKY W 38-35 2-0 3:19 25,989 Sept. 18, 2021 UCONN W 52-21 3-0 3:07 25,030 Sept. 25, 2021 MIAMI (OHIO) W 23-10 4-0 3:06 24,045 Oct. 2, 2021 at Ball St. L 16-28 4-1 3:09 13,713 Oct. 16, 2021 at Wisconsin L 14-20 4-2 2:56 76,314 Oct. 23, 2021 WAKE FOREST L 56-70 4-3 3:34 38,019 Nov. 6, 2021 at Air Force W 21-14 5-3 3:19 32,537 Nov. 13, 2021 BUCKNELL W 63-10 6-3 4:05 26,887 Nov. 20, 2021 UMASS W 33-17 7-3 3:14 23,610 Nov. 27, 2021 at Liberty W 31-16 8-3 3:03 19,269 Dec. 11, 2021 at Navy L 13-17 8-4 3:09 82,282 Dec. 22, 2021 vs Missouri # W 24-22 9-4 3:10 34,888 2021 ARMY INDIVIDUAL

BOLD/ALL CAPS - Home Games # Lockheed Martin Armed Forces Bowl game 2021 ARMY TEAM STATISTICS TEAM STATISTICS ARMY OPP SCORING 427 290 Points Per Game 32.9 22.3 FIRST DOWNS 259 215 Rushing 204 77 Passing 41 123 Penalty 14 15 RUSHING YARDAGE 3648 1531 Yards gained rushing 3865 1810 Yards lost rushing 217 279 Rushing Attempts 758 401 Average Per Rush............................................... 4.8 3.8 Average Per Game 280.6 117.8 TDs Rushing 46 19 PASSING YARDAGE 1233 2745 Comp-Att-Int 110-60-3 340-202-10 Average Per Pass............................................... 11.2 8.1 Average Per Catch ............................................. 20.6 13.6 Average Per Game 94.9 211.2 TDs Passing 11 15 TOTAL OFFENSE 4881 4276 Total Plays 868 741 Average Per Play 5.6 5.8 Average Per Game ............................................. 375.5 329.9 KICK RETURNS: #-Yards 11-161 30-626 PUNT RETURNS: #-Yards 13-154 8-40 INT RETURNS: #-Yards 10-141 3-83 KICK RETURN AVERAGE 14.6 20.9 PUNT RETURN AVERAGE 11.6 5.0 INT RETURN AVERAGE ....................................... 14.1 27.7 FUMBLES-LOST 17-5 11-6 PENALTIES-Yards 50-479 63-484 Average Per Game 36.9 37.2 PUNTS-Yards 38-1676 40-1588 Average Per Punt 44.1 39.7 Net punt average................................................ 41.0 35.4 KICKOFFS-Yards 73-4028 57-3155 Average Per Kick 55.2 55.4 Net kick average 40.3 43.4 TIME OF POSSESSION/Game 35:22 24:38 3RD-DOWN Conversions 82/176 60/149 3rd-Down Pct 47% 40% 4TH-DOWN Conversions 30/41 11/31 4th-Down Pct 74% 36% SACKS BY-Yards 30-179 7-50 MISC YARDS........................................................ 0 0 TOUCHDOWNS SCORED 57 37 FIELD GOALS-ATTEMPTS 9-12 11-12 ON-SIDE KICKS 0-2 0-5 RED-ZONE SCORES (44-51) 86% (29-31) 94% RED-ZONE TOUCHDOWNS (36-51) 71% (22-31) 71% PAT-ATTEMPTS (52-54) 96% (33-34) 97% ATTENDANCE 198,468 242,395 Games/Avg Per Game 7/28,353 6/40,399 SCORE BY QUARTERS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th OT Total Army 91 156 69 104 7 427 Opponents 55 67 71 97 0 290

RUSHING GP Att Gain Loss Net Avg TD Long Avg/G Anderson, Christian 11 108 685 66 619 5.7 8 75 56.27 Robinson, Tyrell 13 72 620 11 609 8.5 3 87 46.85 Buchanan, Jakobi 13 136 504 0 504 3.7 12 26 38.77 Tyler, Tyhier 11 125 536 50 486 3.9 7 36 44.18 Adkins, Anthony 13 76 360 5 355 4.7 5 71 27.31 Riley, Tyson 10 44 198 0 198 4.5 2 17 19.80 Walters, Brandon 12 16 198 0 198 12.4 1 58 16.50 Barnard, Cade 13 34 129 0 129 3.8 0 16 9.92 Jones, Jemel 4 30 127 3 124 4.1 1 17 31.00 Howard, A.J. 13 20 109 3 106 5.3 2 16 8.15 Catoe, Wilson 11 20 71 0 71 3.6 2 9 6.45 Murphy, Braheam 12 12 64 13 51 4.3 0 25 4.25 Laws, Jabari 6 23 71 28 43 1.9 0 13 7.17 Williams, Shacori 3 13 41 0 41 3.2 1 9 13.67 Ballard, Cade 3 7 40 0 40 5.7 0 9 13.33 Veney, Laquan 3 3 30 0 30 10.0 0 12 10.00 Pierre, Markens 4 3 28 0 28 9.3 1 19 7.00 Bellan, Maurice 1 2 16 0 16 8.0 0 9 16.00 Lescou昀air, Justin 4 4 19 3 16 4.0 0 10 4.00 Marshall, Ay’Jaun 4 1 10 0 10 10.0 0 10 2.50 Donaldson, Reikan 10 2 9 8 1 0.5 0 9 0.10 Law, Jordyn 10 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 0.00 Harding, Zach 12 1 0 13 -13 -13.0 0 0 -1.08 TEAM 8 6 0 14 -14 -2.3 0 0 -1.75 ARMY 13 758 3865 217 3648 4.8 46 87 280.62 Opponents 13 401 1810 279 1531 3.8 19 46 117.77 PASSING G Ef昀c Cmp-Att-Int Tyrell 13 0.00 0-1-0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 ARMY 13 176.25 60-110-3 54.6 1233 11 79 94.9 Opponents 13 135.91 202-340-10 59.4 2745 15 80 211.2 RECEIVING G No. Yds Avg TD Long Avg/G Alston, Isaiah 12 22 449 20.4 3 48 37.4 Robinson, Tyrell 13 12 340 28.3 3 79 26.2 Murphy, Braheam 12 5 114 22.8 3 40 9.5 Walters, Brandon 12 5 89 17.8 1 39 7.4 Caterbone, Cole 13 5 45 9.0 0 14 3.5 Howard, A.J. 13 2 40 20.0 0 36 3.1 Jackovic, Ryan 8 1 37 37.0 0 37 4.6 Lingenfelter, Joshua 10 1 31 31.0 0 31 3.1 Eckert, Sean 3 1 26 26.0 0 26 8.7 Marshall, Ay’Jaun 4 1 22 22.0 1 22 5.5 Donaldson, Reikan 10 2 15 7.5 0 10 1.5 Roberts, Michael 9 2 13 6.5 0 8 1.4 Barnard, Cade 13 1 12 12.0 0 12 0.9 ARMY 13 60 1233 20.6 11 79 94.9 Opponents 13 202 2745 13.6 15 80 211.2 FIELD GOALS FGM-FGA Pct 01-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+ Lg Blk Talley, Cole 8-11 72.7 0-0 3-4 4-4 1-3 0-0 41 0 Maretzki, Quinn 1-1 100.0 0-0 1-1 0-0 0-0 0-0 28 0 PUNTING No. Yds Avg Long TB FC I20 50+ Blk Harding, Zach 38 1676 44.1 63 4 11 20 12 0 ARMY 38 1676 44.1 63 4 11 20 12 0 Opponents 40 1588 39.7 66 1 8 11 5 3

ar m Y blaCk knigHtS SEaSon StatiStiCS 2021 SEASON RESULTS


Pct Yds TD Lng Avg/G Anderson, Christian 11 170.46 31-63-0 49.2 713 5 79 64.8 Laws, Jabari 6 241.27 19-24-0 79.2 306 4 39 51.0 Jones, Jemel 4 151.08 7-13-1 53.9 135 1 37 33.8 Tyler, Tyhier 11 156.23 3-7-1 42.9 79 1 39 7.2 Ballard, Cade 3 -100.00 0-2-1 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 Robinson,



the Chanticleer regiment is the marching band of Coastal Carolina University and one of the most visible student organizations on CCU’s campus. The ensemble is one of many housed within the Thomas W. and Robin W. Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts Department of music. The marching band appears at all CCU home football games, selected away games, and invited exhibition performances. Consisting of woodwind, brass, color guard, and twirlers, the Chanticleer Regiment strives for musical excellence coupled with an exciting visual presentation. Membership is open to all students regardless of academic major. The 2022 Chanticleer Regiment is led on the field by conducting drum majors Dorien Steed and Hailey Cornell, and in-line drum major Charlea Malin. The Chanticleer Regiment is under the direction of CCU Director of Bands Garrett Griffin and assistant director Greg Tsalikis, with assistance from Jesse Willis, Emily Griffin, and Sydney Medlin.


A Chanticleer (SHON-ti-cleer) gives Coastal Carolina University one of the most unique nicknames in all of sports. Chanticleer comes from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and came to the University when it was a member of the University of South Carolina system. A Chanticleer is a rooster who rules the barnyard with cunning and wit. His competitiveness never wanes as he battles to the end, using his brains to come out on top every time.


m aSCot/CHaUnCEY


47 ILLUSTRATEDGAMEDAY2022We're the COASTALTHAT'SSOCKWithOurAndStrongerSinceBestDefendingWe'reCoastalAndAndAndGoWe'llAndGatherAndWe'llForWe'llTenaciousChanticleers,andtrue.fightuntiltheendCCU!competewithhonoralwaystowin.forourbattlecrythen...shoutourcolors.teal!(Goteal!)thenwe'llyelloutbronze!(Andbronze!)everyteamwilllearnisnumberone!theChanticleers-theshore-ofCarolina'54.thantheoakssureasthetide,heartsarebeatingfastCoastalpride!'EM,BUST'EMOURCUSTOMCAROLINA n Alyssa Avallone n Bailey Bateman n Camiyah Binns n Morgan Britt Tripp n Elisabeth Daniels n Alyssia DiLorenzo n Isabella DiOrio n Bella Eylens n Olivia Fowlkes n Addi Gleason n Caroline Haberman n Bianca Handl n Brooke Knight n Serena Lin n Caitlyn Medved n Kendall Moore n Savannah Piziak n Abbe Reynolds n Megan Ryerson n Lauren Slice n Mickie Smith n Charley Trout n Logan Urban n McKaellen Wilkerson Head Coach: Marla Sage Head Coach: Dave Almeida DANCE TEAM MEMBERS n Destini Brown n Allison Blechl n Ashlee Boykin n Erin Coyle n Cassidy Cullen n Hailey Curran n Kaylee Dawson n Ceara Day n Kyleigh Dixon n Cailin Forsyth n Kylie Forsyth n Ashlyn Franey n Olivia Giovannetti n Jennifer “Jenny” Gouthro n Erika Greco n Leah Hargis n Harley Huey n Alyssa Lehrmann n Khyla Mason n Nyla McKinney n Olivia Miller n Mikayla Montgomery n Victoria O'Malley n Jada Pelzer n Jadyn Penland n Madison Purcell n Sara Senich n Anna Saks n Melissa Spangler n Sam Tuten n Khamari Tyre n Olivia Versace n Ellie ZielfelderMENWOMEN n Stephen Caratozzolo n Tyler Cuskey n Caleb Degn n Dutch Hendricks n Zachary Kounbandith n Sean Sullivan n Chris Supple n Ryan Tomison n Daniel Valentino n Elijah Williams CAPTAINS n Meghan Trucksis n Gracie Vinzant n Melvin Hall n Jack Schafer CHEER SQUAD MEMBERS WE'RE THE CHANTICLEERS (CCU Fight Song) 2022-23 CHantiClEEr SPirit tEa m S GOCCUSPORTS.COM

Tyler Thigpen Minnesota Vikings (7th Rd/217th pick) Simpson Cincinnati Bengals (2nd Rd/46th pick) Carolina Panthers (5th Rd/143rd pick) Baltimore Ravens (4th Rd/138th pick) Hazel Miami Dolphins (6th Rd/190th pick) Denver Broncos (6th Rd/203rd pick)

2008-15 2008

Lorenzo Taliaferro 2014-16 2014

Rice * 2015-19 Signed

2007-14 2007

2022-present 2022


Josh Norman 2012-present 2012


* 2010-11 Signed

Marrio Norman * 2014

CHANT as free agent - Carolina Panthers (2007) Tolbert as free agent - San Diego Chargers (2008) Simpkins as free agent - Green Bay Packers (2010) as free agent - St. Louis Rams (2012) Signed as free agent - Baltimore Ravens (2014)

Isaiah Likely Baltimore Ravens (4th Rd/139th pick) Cincinnati Bengals (7th Rd/252nd pick)

Jamie Childers * 2014-15 Signed

De’Angelo Henderson * 2017-20 2017

* 2014-18 2014

Tarron Philadelphia Eagles (6th Rd/191st pick)

Denzel as free agent - Philadelphia Eagles (2015) Scearce Signed as free agent - Chicago Bears (2017) Chesley as free agent - Cincinnati Bengals (2019)

* 2019-present Signed



* 2017

YEARS SIGNED Quinton Teal 2007-10 Signed

2008-17 Signed



Sterling Johnson * 2020 Signed as free agent - New York Jets (2020) CJ Marable * 2021 Signed as free agent - Chicago Bears (2021) C.J. Brewer 2022-present Signed as free agent - Buffalo Bills (2022) Kameron Brown 2022-present Signed as free agent - Tampa Bay Bucs (2022) Jaivon Heiligh 2022-present Signed as free agent - Cincinnati Bengals (2022) Shermari Jones 2022-present Signed as free agent - Cincinnati Bengals (2022) Silas Kelly 2022-present Signed as free agent - Cleveland Brown (2022) CHant s In tHe nfL JOSH NORMAN SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS TARRON JACKSON PHILADELPHIA EAGLES ISAIAH LIKELY BALTIMORE RAVENS JEFFREY GUNTER CINCINNATI BENGALS ANTHONY CHESLEY INDIANAPOLIS COLTS CHant s In tHe Pro s


Jackson 2021-present 2021

Jeffrey Gunter 2022-present 2022

CHANTS IN THE CFL CHANTS IN ARENA/INDOOR FOOTBALL CHANTS IN THE AAF CHANT YEARS TEAM Alex Ross 2019 San Diego Fleet CHANTS IN THE USFL CHANT YEARS TEAM De'Angelo Henderson 2020 Houston Roughnecks CHANT YEARS TEAM Marrio Norman 2015 Saskatchewan Roughriders Alex Ross 2017-18 British Columbia Lions Winnipeg Blue Bombers Quinn Backus 2015 Ottawa Redblacks Lorenzo Taliaferro 2018 Hamilton Tiger-Cats Enock Makonzo 2022-present Edmonton Elks (1st Rd/4th pick) CHANT YEARS TEAM CJ Marable 2022-present Birmingham Stallions CHANTS IN THE USFL CHANT YEARS TEAM Maurice Simpkins 2007-10, ‘13 Rock River Raptors Green Bay Blizzard Nebraska Danger Marrio Norman 2011-14, ‘15-19 West Texas Roughnecks Georgia Force Orlando ShanghaiClevelandPredatorsGladiatorsSkywalkers (China) Albany WashingtonEmpireValor Joe Kaleta 2022 Glacier Boys (FCFL) SILAS KELLY CLEVELANDCINCINNATIBROWNSJAIVONHEILIGHBENGALS KAMERON BROWN TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS C.J. CINCINNATISHERMARIBUFFALOBREWERBILLSJONESBENGALS #PROCHANTS 49 ILLUSTRATEDGAMEDAY2022 GOCCUSPORTS.COM




Antwon Trice Third Team 2004 Nick Johnson Hon. Mention 2004 Quinton Teal Third Team 2005 Tyler Thigpen First Team 2006 Brad Poston Second Team 2006

Mike Tolbert Second Team 2007 Marrio Norman Hon. Mention 2007 Jerome Simpson Hon. Mention 2007 Josh Norman Second Team 2011 Quinn Backus Third Team 2012

Tommy Fraser Running Back 2009 Josh Norman Cornerback 2009 Danny Bonifas Long Snapper 2010 (Sweet 63) Josh Norman Cornerback 2011 Quinn Backus Linebacker 2013 Lorenzo Taliaferro Running Back 2013 Jamey Cheatwood Offensive Line 2013 Quinn(HM) Backus Linebacker 2014 Chad Hamilton Offensive Line 2014

Isaiah Likely Second Team 2020 Isaiah Likely Third Team 2021 PRO FOOTBALL NETWORK (PFN)

COLLEGE FOOTBALL ALL-SIS Isaiah Likely Second Team 2020 ESPN Tarron Jackson First Team 2020 FWAA Tarron Jackson First Team 2020 Isaiah Likely Second Team 2021 PHIL STEELE Tarron Jackson First Team 2020 C.J. Brewer Hon. Mention 2020 Jaivon Heiligh Hon. Mention 2021 Isaiah Likely Hon. Mention 2021 Josaiah Stewart Hon. Mention 2021 PRO FOOTBAL FOCUS (PFF)

Isaiah Likely Second Team 2020 Josaiah Stewart Third Team 2021

AFCA Tyler Thigpen Quarterback 2006 Josh Norman Cornerback 2011 Chad Hamilton Offensive Line 2014 Alex Ross Quarterback 2015 ASSOCIATED PRESS Tyler Thigpen First Team 2006 Brad Poston Second Team 2006 Jerome Simpson Second Team 2006 Quinton Teal Second Team 2006 Josh Norman Third Team 2009 Josh Norman First Team 2011 Quinn Backus Second Team 2013 Lorenzo Taliaferro Second Team 2013 Jamey Cheatwood Third Team 2013 Quinn Backus First Team 2014 Chad Hamilton Second Team 2014 De’Angelo Henderson Third Team 2015 Alex Scearce First Team 2016

*A “consensus All-American” is a player who is listed as a first-team All-American by at least half of the recognized lists.

PHIL STEELE David Duran Second Team 2010 Josh Norman First Team 2011 SPORTS NETWORK/STATS FCS Brad Poston Third Team 2006 Jerome Simpson Third Team 2006


Chad Hamilton First Team 2014 Shane Ballard Third Team 2014 De’Angelo Henderson Second Team 2015 Devin Brown Second Team 2015 De’Angelo Henderson Second Team 2016 Alex Scearce Second Team 2016 Voghens Larrieux Third Team 2016 WALTER CAMP (One 25-player team)

CONSENSUS ALL-AMERICAN* Tarron Jackson 2020 AFCA Tarron Jackson First Team 2020 ASSOCIATED PRESS Tarron Jackson First Team 2020 C.J. Brewer Third Team 2020 CBS SPORTS/247SPORTS Tarron Jackson Second Team 2020

COLLEGE SPORTS JOURNAL (One team) Josh Norman Cornerback 2011 Lorenzo Taliaferro Running Back 2013 Quinn Backus (HM) Linebacker 2013 COLLEGE SPORTING NEWS FABULOUS 50 Jerome Simpson Third Team 2006

Jerome Simpson Second Team 2006 Quinton Teal Second Team 2006 Brian Kepple Third Team 2006 Rodney Burgess Hon. Mention 2006 Jamar Leath Hon. Mention 2006 FCS ADA (One 11-player team) Quinn Backus Linebacker 2014

Quinn Backus Second Team 2013 Lorenzo Taliaferro Second Team 2013 Jamey Cheatwood Third Team 2013 Quinn Backus First Team 2014

s aLL-amerICan s aLL-amerICan s GOCCUSPORTS.COM

Quinn Backus Linebacker 2013 Quinn Backus Linebacker 2014

REESE’S SENIOR BOWL Tarron Jackson First Team 2020 SENIOR CLASS Tarron Jackson Second Team 2020 SPORTING NEWS’ Tarron Jackson Second Team 2020 WALTER CAMP Tarron Jackson First Team 2020 Isaiah Likely Second Team 2021 fB s aLL-amerICan s


53 ILLUSTRATEDGAMEDAY2022 COLLEGE SPORTS JOURNAL FRESHMAN Devin Brown (FCS) Second Team 2013 THE ATHLETIC Willie Lampkin 2020 Grayson McCall 2020 Josaiah Stewart 2021 ESPN TRUE FRESHMAN Willie Lampkin 2020 Josaiah Stewart 2021 FWAA Willie Lampkin 2020 Grayson McCall 2020 Josaiah Stewart 2021 247SPORTS TRUE FRESHMAN Willie Lampkin 2020 Josaiah Stewart 2021 PRO FOOTBALL FOCUS (PFF) Josaiah Stewart 2021 fre s Hmen aLL-amerICan s MGRAYSONCCALL 2020STEWARTJOSAIAH 2021 LAMPKINWILLIE 2020 BROWNDEVIN 2013 fre s Hman aLL-amerICan s

BACK, NECK & SPINE • ELBOW • FOOT & ANKLE • HAND & WRIST • HIP • JOINT REPLACEMENT & REVISION • KNEE • PAIN MANAGEMENT PEDIATRIC ORTHOPEDICS • PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION • PODIATRY • PRIMARY CARE SPORTS MEDICINE • SHOULDER • SPORTS MEDICINE Preferred 3 to 1 over any orthopedic practice in the region,* our sports medicine doctors are dedicated experts who specialize in providing the exceptional care Chanticleer athletes—and their fans—need to stay in the game. To schedule an appointment with one of our sports medicine experts, please call (843) 353-3460. WWW.ORTHOSC.COM OFFICIAL ORTHOPEDIC PROVIDERS OF CCU ATHLETICS *Independent Market Research


57 ILLUSTRATEDGAMEDAY2022DON HANSEN’S WEEKLY GAZETTE NATIONAL PLAYER OF THE YEAR Tyler Thigpen Offensive Back 2006 FCS ATHLETIC DIRECTOR’S ASSOCIATION TOP COLLEGIATE LINEBACKER Quinn Backus 2014 WALTER PAYTON AWARD (FCS NATIONAL OFFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR) Tyler Thigpen Finalist (7th) 2006 Lorenzo Taliaferro Finalist (11th) 2013 Alex Ross Finalist (7th) 2014 De’Angelo Henderson Finalist (10th) 2015 Alex Ross Finalist (19th) 2015 De’Angelo Henderson Finalist (15th) 2016 BUCK BUCHANAN AWARD (FCS NATIONAL DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR) Josh Norman Finalist (19th) 2011 Quinn Backus Finalist (7th) 2013 Quinn Backus Finalist (4th) 2014 Alex Scearce Finalist (6th) 2016 NATIONAL FCS COACH OF THE YEAR David Bennett (Sportexe) 2006 LIBERTY MUTUAL FCS COACH OF THE YEAR Joe Moglia Finalist 2012 Joe Moglia Finalist 2013 EDDIE ROBINSON FCS COACH OF THE YEAR David Bennett Finalist (9th) 2006 Joe Moglia Finalist (15th) 2012 Joe Moglia Finalist (9th) 2013 Joe Moglia Finalist (2nd) 2014 Joe Moglia WINNER 2015 fC s natIonaL Honor s

Marcus Williamson 2018 (2017 Season)

Charles Ouverson 2022 (2021 Season)


Steven Bedosky First Team 2020 Tarron Jackson First Team 2020 Silas Kelly First Team 2020 Charles Ouverson First Team 2020 Alex Spillum First Team 2020


Tim Franklin 2011 2012 2013 (Postgraduate Scholarship Finalist) 2014 Brett Johnson 2014 Ross 2015

Malcolm Williams 2019 (2018 Season)

Steven Bedosky 2022 (2021 Season)

Cody Craig 2015 (2014 Season)

Nicholas Clark 2019

Ren McKinnon 2008 (2007 Season)

C.J. Brewer 2022 (2021 Season) Trey Carter 2022 (2021 Season) Teddy Gallagher 2022 (2021 Season) Silas Kelly 2022 (2021 Season)

Jeffery Salley First Team 2013 Mo Ashley First Team 2014

Jamar Leath 2007 (2006 Season)

Sam Denmark 2021 (2020 Season) Tarron Jackson 2021 (2020 Season)



Rodney Burgess 2007 (2006 Season)

Mo Ashley 2015 (2014 Season)

Jeffery Salley 2014 (2013 Season)

Silas Kelly First Team 2020 Silas Kelly First Team 2021

Josh Hoke 2007 (2006 Season)

James Heft 2019 (2018 Season) Marcus Outlow 2019 (2018 Season)

Josh Hoke 2004 Hoke 2005 Hoke 2006 Lott 2011 (Postgraduate Scholarship Finalist)

Osharmar Abercrombie 2018 (2017 Season)

Niccolo Mastromatteo 2014 (2013 Season)

Isaiah Likely 2022 (2021 Season)

Alex Spillum 2022 (2021 Season)

Kevin Hart 2015 (2014 Season) Brett Johnson 2015 (2014 Season) Imir Sanders 2015 (2014 Season) Alex Ross 2016 (2015 Season)

Kerron Johnson 2018 (2017 Season)

COSIDA ACADEMIC ALL-DISTRICT Patrick Hall First Team 2005 Josh Hoke First Team 2005

Kameron Burton First Team 2019 Trey Carter First Team 2019

Josh Hoke First Team 2005

Chad Hamilton 2015 (2014 Season)


Brad Poston 2007 (2006 Season)


Quinn Backus 2015 (2014 Season)

Mo Ashley

Josh Hoke First Team 2006 Marcus Lott Second Team 2011 Alex Ross Second Team 2015

Jonathan Clayton Second Team 2019

Jonathan Clayton First Team 2019 Teddy Gallagher First Team 2019 Michael McFarlane First Team 2019 Alex Spillum First Team 2019

Chad Hamilton First Team 2014 Brett Johnson First Team 2014 Alex Ross First Team 2015

Jonathan Clayton First Team 2018 Brock Hoffman First Team 2018 Silas Kelly First Team 2018 Ky’Jon Tyler First Team 2018

Steven Bedosky First Team 2021 Trey Carter First Team 2021 Silas Kelly First Team 2021 Charles Ouverson First Team 2021 Alex Spillum First Team 2021

Steven Bedosky First Team 2018

Brian Kepple 2007 (2006 Season)

Niccolo Mastromatteo

CJ Schrimpf 2022 (2021 Season)


Tyler Keane 2018 (2017 Season)

Josh Hoke First Team 2006 Brad Poston First Team 2006

Sam Thompson 2022 (2021 Season)

Tarron Jackson First Team 2020

Sam Harper 2007 (2006 Season)


Tyler Thigpen 2007 (2006 Season)

Niccolo Mastromatteo

Anthony Franklin 2007 (2006 Season)


natIonaL aCademIC Honor s GOCCUSPORTS.COM

Derrick Frasier First Team 2008 Marcus Lott First Team 2011 Niccolo Mastromatteo First Team 2013

n Was just three touchdowns shy of the NCAA all-division record (38 by Danny Woodhead of NCAA Division II Chad ron State) and could have tied the mark had he not suffered an injury.

n Set the NCAA Division I record by scoring at least one touchdown in 35 consecutive games. The record in cluded all 14 games in 2014, all 12 games in 2015, and all nine of his games in 2016 (he missed three games due to injury).

n Scored 58 touchdowns over the 35game span (52 rushing, six receiving).

n Prior to his senior season, Henderson set both Big South and NCAA FCS records by scoring at least one touch down in 26 straight games (2014 and 2015).

n In game two of his senior season, Henderson scored in his 28th-straight game to break the NCAA Division I (FBS and FCS) record previously held by Lee Suggs of Virginia Tech. DE’ANGELO HENDERSON 2013-16

natIonaL Honor s


61 ILLUSTRATEDGAMEDAY2022 maLe atHLete of tHe year wInnerConferenCes PLayer of tHe year wInner TALIAFERROLORENZO BIg2013-14soUtH QUINN BACKUS BIG2014-15SOUTH GRAYSON MCCALL 2020 and 2021 SUN BELT ConferenCe PLayer of tHe year Honor s



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s PeCIaL team s PLayer of tHe year wInner s HAWTHORNELADARIUS 2013 BIG SOUTH DEVIN BROWN 2015 BIG SOUTH JAMEY CHADWELL 2020 SUN BELT DAVID BENNETT 2004, 2010 BIG SOUTH JOE MOGLIA 2012, 2014 BIG SOUTH CoaCH of tHe year wInner s 66 ConferenCe Honor s

HOWARD BAGWELL BIG SOUTH MALE ATHLETE OF THE YEAR (ALL SPORTS) Lorenzo Taliaferro, RB 2013-14 Academic Year Quinn Backus,

67 ILLUSTRATEDGAMEDAY2022MARCUS LOTT 2011 BIG SOUTH SCHOLAR-ATHLETEFOOTBALL JOSH HOKE 2006 BIG SOUTH FOOTBALL SCHOLAR-ATHLETE 2006-07 BIG SOUTH SCHOLAR-ATHLETE OF THE YEAR ALEX ROSS 2015 BIG SOUTH SCHOLAR-ATHLETEFOOTBALL s CHoLar-atHLete of tHe year wInner s * Only one student-athlete from each institution was named to the Big South All-Academic team each year. GOCCUSPORTS.COM PLAYER OF THE YEAR Grayson McCall, QB Sun Belt 2020 Grayson McCall, QB Sun Belt 2021 OFFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR Patrick Hall, RB Big South 2004 Tyler Thigpen, QB Big South 2006 Lorenzo Taliaferro, RB Big South 2013 Alex Ross, QB Big South 2014 De’Angelo Henderson, RB Big South 2015 De’Angelo Henderson, RB Transition 2016 Committee DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR Andrae Jacobs, LB Big South 2010 Quinn Backus, LB Big South 2012 Quinn Backus, LB Big South 2013 Quinn Backus, LB Big South 2014 Alex Scearce, LB Transition 2016 Committee Tarron Jackson, DE Sun Belt 2020 NEWCOMER OF THE YEAR D’Jordan Strong, CB Sun Belt 2020 FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Jerome Simpson, WR Big South 2004 Grayson McCall, QB Sun Belt 2020 SPECIAL TEAMS PLAYER OF THE YEAR LaDarius Hawthorne Big South 2013 Devin Brown, KR Big South 2015 COACH OF THE YEAR David Bennett Big South 2004 David Bennett Big South 2010 Joe Moglia Big South 2012 Joe Moglia Big South 2014 (co-Coach) Jamey Chadwell Sun Belt 2020 FOOTBALL SCHOLAR-ATHLETE OF THE YEAR Josh Hoke, PK Big South 2006 Marcus Lott, S Big South 2011 Alex Ross, QB Big South 2015

LB 2014-15 Academic Year BIG SOUTH MALE STUDENT-ATHLETE OF THE YEAR (ALL SPORTS) Josh Hoke, PK 2006-07 Academic Year BIG SOUTH GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP Anthony Franklin 2006-07 Academic Year CHRISTENBERRY AWARD WINNER Anthony Franklin 2006-07 Academic Year (4.0 mathematics) SUN BELT MEDAL OF HONOR Nicholas Clark 2019 BIG SOUTH ALL-ACADEMIC TEAM Maurice Simpkins Big South 2003 Josh Hoke Big South 2004 Josh Hoke Big South 2005 Josh Hoke Big South 2006 Whittmin Reese Big South 2007 Derrick Frasier Big South 2008 Justin Durham Big South 2009 Marcus Lott Big South 2010 Marcus Lott Big South 2011 Niccolo Mastromatteo Big South 2012 Niccolo Mastromatteo Big South 2013 Cody Craig Big South 2014 Alex Ross Big South 2015 IndIVIdUaL ConferenCe award s

Callwww.palmettochevy.com843.248.4283 1122 4th Ave., Downtown Conway We wish the team a Successful and Healthy Season and Coastal Carolina Football A Winning Team! Great new styles for 2022. Check us out!9:008:30Mon.-Fri.Sales:-6:30p.m.Saturdaya.m.-5:00p.m. Service Hours: Mon.Fri. 7:30-5:30 FIND NEW ROADS™ Serving Horry County for over 80 years TM

Alex Spillum 3rd Team Defensive Back 2021 Jaivon Heiligh 3rd Team RS 2021

C.J. Brewer 1st Team Defensive Line 2020 Trey Carter 1st Team Offensive Line 2020 Jeffrey Gunter 1st Team Defensive Line 2020 Jaivon Heiligh 1st Team Wide Receiver 2020 Tarron Jackson 1st Team Defensive Line 2020 Isaiah Likely 1st Team Tight End 2020 CJ Marable 1st Team Running Back 2020

Calvin Hollenhorst 2nd Team Defensive Line 2013 Niccolo Mastromatteo 2nd Team Punt Return 2013 Mike McClure 2nd Team Linebacker 2013 Denzel Rice 2nd Team Defensive Back 2013 Richie Sampson 2nd Team Defensive Back 2013 Quinn Backus 1st Team Linebacker 2014 Shane Ballard 1st Team Long Snapper 2014 Devin Brown 1st Team Kick Return 2014 Chad Hamilton 1st Team Offensive Line 2014 Kevin Hart 1st Team Offensive Line 2014 De’Angelo Henderson 1st Team Running Back 2014 Roderick Holder 1st Team Defensive Line 2014 Alex Ross 1st Team Quarterback 2014 Pernell Williams 1st Team Defensive Back 2014 Mo Ashley 2nd Team Offensive Line 2014 Alex Catron 2nd Team Kicker 2014 Calvin Hollenhorst 2nd Team Defensive Line 2014 John Israel 2nd Team Wide Receiver 2014 Brett Johnson 2nd Team Linebacker 2014 Bruce Mapp 2nd Team Wide Receiver 2014 Denzel Rice 2nd Team Defensive Back 2014 De’Angelo Henderson 1st Team Running Back 2015 Alex Ross 1st Team Quarterback 2015 Devin Brown 1st Team Kick Return 2015 Bruce Mapp 1st Team Wide Receiver 2015 Sam Ekwonike 1st Team Offensive Line 2015 Voghens Larrieux 1st Team Offensive Line 2015 Jabarai Bothwell 1st Team Defensive Line 2015 Ryan Granger 1st Team Kicker 2015 Chase Tidwell 2nd Team Offensive Line 2015 Chris Jones 2nd Team Wide Receiver 2015 Chris Jones 2nd Team Punt Return 2015 Roderick Holder 2nd Team Defensive Line 2015 Calvin Hollenhorst 2nd Team Defensive Line 2015 Alex Scearce 2nd Team Linebacker 2015

aLL-ConferenCe Honor s


Whittmin Reese 2nd Team Defensive Back 2007 D.J. Rice 2nd Team Linebacker 2007 Anthony Steele 2nd Team Linebacker 2007 Ben Erdman 1st Team Punter 2008 Britt Leggett 1st Team Offensive Line 2008 Phillip Oboh 1st Team Defensive End 2008 D.J. Rice 1st Team Linebacker 2008 David Duran 1st Team Tight End 2009 Josh Norman 1st Team Defensive Back 2009 Phillip Oboh 1st Team Defensive End 2009 Ryan Boehm 2nd Team Offensive Line 2009 Desmond Steward 2nd Team Linebacker 2009

Dominique Davenport 1st Team Defensive Back 2010 David Duran 1st Team Tight End 2010 Andrae Jacobs 1st Team Linebacker 2010 Josh Norman 1st Team Defensive Back 2010

Teddy Gallagher 3rd Team Linebacker 2019 Sterling Johnson 3rd Team Defensive Line 2019 Isaiah Likely 3rd Team Tight End 2019 Shadell Bell Hon. Men. Tight End 2019 Jaivon Heiligh Hon. Men. Wide Receiver 2019 Ethan Howard Hon. Men. Offensive Line 2019 CJ Marable Hon. Men. Running Back 2019

Brandon Autry 1st Team Defensive Back 2007 Adrain Grady 1st Team Defensive Line 2007 Britt Leggett 1st Team Offensive Line 2007 Marrio Norman 1st Team Defensive Back 2007 Jerome Simpson 1st Team Wide Receiver 2007 Mike Tolbert 1st Team Fullback 2007 Phillip Oboh 2nd Team Defensive Line 2007

Silas Kelly Hon. Men. Linebacker 2018 Connor Kubala Hon. Men. Long Snapper 2018

Jerome Simpson 1st Team Wide Receiver 2006 Quinton Teal 1st Team Defensive Back 2006 Tyler Thigpen 1st Team Quarterback 2006 Ronnie Mason 2nd Team Defensive Line 2006 Dewitt Myers 2nd Team Defensive Back 2006 Aundres Perkins 2nd Team Running Back 2006

Isaiah Likely 1st Team Tight End 2021 Jaivon Heiligh 1st Team Wide Receiver 2021 D’Jordan Strong 1st Team Defensive Line 2021

Sam Thompson 3rd Team Offensive Line 2020 Steven Bedosky Hon. Men. Offensive Line 2020 Antwine Loper Hon. Men. Offensive Line 2020 Enock Makonzo Hon. Men. Linebacker 2020 Reese White Hon. Men. Running Back 2020

Maurice Simpkins 1st Team Linebacker 2003 Greg Williamson 1st Team Return Specialist 2003 Rayshun Crosby 2nd Team Defensive Line 2003 Adrain Grady 2nd Team Defensive Line 2003 Nick Johnson 2nd Team Offensive Line 2003 Aundres Perkins 2nd Team Running Back 2003 Brad Poston 2nd Team Offensive Line 2003 Antwon Trice 2nd Team Offensive Line 2003 Greg Williamson 2nd Team Defensive Back 2003 Patrick Hall 1st Team Running Back 2004 Josh Hoke 1st Team Kicker 2004 Brandon Jeffcoat 1st Team Tight End 2004 Nick Johnson 1st Team Offensive Line 2004 Kelvin McIver 1st Team Defensive Line 2004 Maurice Simpkins 1st Team Linebacker 2004 Quinton Teal 1st Team Defensive Back 2004 Antwon Trice 1st Team Offensive Line 2004 Adrain Grady 2nd Team Defensive Line 2004 Sam Harper 2nd Team Defensive Line 2004

Trey Carter 3rd Team Offensive Line 2019

Trey Carter Hon. Men. Offensive Line 2018

Teddy Gallagher Hon. Mention Linebacker 2021 Enock Makonzo Hon. Mention Spur 2021

Jamey Cheatwood 2nd Team Offensive Line 2010 Zach MacDowall 2nd Team Quarterback 2010 Niccolo Mastromatteo 2nd Team Punt Return 2010 Kent Harper 2nd Team Defensive Line 2010 Eric O’Neal 2nd Team Running Back 2010 Seth Smalls 2nd Team Offensive Line 2010 Brandon Whitley 2nd Team Wide Receiver 2010 Andrae Jacobs 1st Team Linebacker 2011 Josh Norman 1st Team Defensive Back 2011 Jamey Cheatwood 2nd Team Offensive Line 2011 Jamie Childers 2nd Team Tight End 2011 Matt Hazel 2nd Team Wide Receiver 2011 Tim Franklin 2nd Team Offensive Line 2011 Chris Thomas 2nd Team Defensive Line 2011 Desmond Stewart 2nd Team Linebacker 2011 Niccolo Mastromatteo 2nd Team Punt Return 2011 Quinn Backus 1st Team Linebacker 2012 Quinton Davis 1st Team Defensive End 2012 Johnny Hartsfield 1st Team Defensive Line 2012 Matt Hazel 1st Team Wide Receiver 2012 Aramis Hillary 1st Team Quarterback 2012 Dontavais Johnson 1st Team Defensive Back 2012 Niccolo Mastromatteo 1st Team Punt Returner 2012 Pat Williams 1st Team Offensive Line 2012 David Duran 2nd Team Tight End 2012 Chad Hamilton 2nd Team Offensive Line 2012 Jeremy Height 2nd Team Running Back 2012 Niccolo Mastromatteo 2nd Team Wide Receiver 2012 Mike McClure 2nd Team Linebacker 2012 Quinn Backus 1st Team Linebacker 2013 Devin Brown 1st Team Kick Return 2013 Alex Catron 1st Team Kicker 2013 Jamey Cheatwood 1st Team Offensive Line 2013 Chad Hamilton 1st Team Offensive Line 2013 Matt Hazel 1st Team Wide Receiver 2013 Drew Herring 1st Team Offensive Line 2013 Alex Ross 1st Team Quarterback 2013 Lorenzo Taliaferro 1st Team Running Back 2013 DeMario Bennett 2nd Team Wide Receiver 2013

Rodney Burgess 1st Team Tight End 2006 James Coble 1st Team Long Snapper 2006 Sam Harper 1st Team Defensive Line 2006 Brian Kepple 1st Team Offensive Line 2006 Jamar Leath 1st Team Linebacker 2006 Brad Poston 1st Team Offensive Line 2006

Braydon Bennett Hon. Mention Running Back 2021 Kameron Brown Hon. Mention Wide Receiver 2021

Danny Bonifas 1st Team Long Snapper 2010

CJ Marable 1st Team All-Purpose 2020 Grayson McCall 1st Team Quarterback 2020 D’Jordan Strong 1st Team Defensive Line 2020 Massimo Biscardi 2nd Team Kicker 2020 Silas Kelly 2nd Team Linebacker 2020 Willie Lampkin 2nd Team Offensive Line 2020 Teddy Gallagher 3rd Team Linebacker 2020 Alex Spillum 3rd Team Defensive Back 2020

Tarron Jackson 1st Team Defensive Line 2019 Chandler Kryst 2nd Team Defensive Back 2019 C.J. Brewer 3rd Team Defensive Line 2019

Sergio Geiger 2nd Team Defensive Back 2005 Adrain Grady 2nd Team Defensive Line 2005 Patrick Hall 2nd Team Running Back 2005 Brian Kepple 2nd Team Offensive Line 2005 Aundres Perkins 2nd Team Running Back 2005 Jerome Simpson 2nd Team Wide Receiver 2005 Zack St. Clair 2nd Team Long Snapper 2005 Robbie Wright 2nd Team Offensive Line 2005

David Parker 2nd Team Return Specialis 2004 Jerome Simpson 2nd Team Wide Receiver 2004 Greg Williamson 2nd Team Defensive Back 2004 Josh Hoke 1st Team Kicker 2005 Jamar Leath 1st Team Linebacker 2005 Kelvin McIver 1st Team Defensive Line 2005 Brad Poston 1st Team Offensive Line 2005

Maurice Simpkins 1st Team Linebacker 2005 Quinton Teal 1st Team Defensive Back 2005 Antwon Trice 1st Team Offensive Line 2005

De’Angelo Henderson 1st Team Running Back 2016 Bruce Mapp 1st Team Wide Receiver 2016 Sam Ekwonike 1st Team Offensive Line 2016 Voghens Larrieux 1st Team Offensive Line 2016 Jabarai Bothwell 1st Team Defensive Line 2016 Alex Scearce 1st Team Linebacker 2016 Shane Johnson 1st Team Linebacker 2016 Richie Sampson 1st Team Defensive Back 2016 Chris Jones 1st Team Punt Return 2016 Connor Kubala 2nd Team Long Snapper 2016 Devin Brown 2nd Team Kick Return 2016


NAME TEAM POSITION YEAR Shane Johnson 2nd Team Linebacker 2017 Osharmar Abercrombie 3rd Team Running Back 2017 Malcolm Williams 3rd Team Wide Receiver 2017 Chris Jones Hon. Men. Wide Receiver 2017 Evan Rabon Hon. Men. Punter 2017 Trey Carter Hon. Men. Offensive Line 2017 Silas Kelly Hon. Men. Linebacker 2017 Jeffrey Gunter 1st Team Defensive Line 2018 Tarron Jackson 3rd Team Defensive Line 2018 Massimo Biscardi 3rd Team Kicker 2018

Malcolm Williams Hon. Men. Wide Receiver 2018


Grayson McCall 1st Team Quarterback 2021 Shermari Jones 1st Team Running Back 2021


Jeffrey Gunter 2nd Team Defensive Line 2021 Trey Carter 3rd Team Offensive Line 2021


C.J. Brewer 1st Team Defensive Line 2021 Silas Kelly 2nd Team Linebacker 2021 Josaiah Stewart 1st Team Defensive Line 2021 Willie Lampkin 2nd Team Offensive Line 2021

70 GOCCUSPORTS.COM aLL-tIme re s ULt s


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75 ILLUSTRATEDGAMEDAY2022 aLL-tIme re s ULt s GOCCUSPORTS.COM @ Interim Head Coach


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66103 BATB CCU Athletics Program Ad REV indd 1 8/24/22 8:50 AM HaLL of fame GOCCUSPORTS.COM

“It is a fitting tribute to Buddy that his name should be permanently linked with the athletic department’s Athletic Hall of Fame,” said former CCU President Ronald Ingle. “Buddy embodies the highest qualities associated with college athletics — integrity, leadership, and scholarship.”

He served on the University’s Football Advisory Committee and on the capital campaign steering committee for Coastal Carolina’s Brooks Stadium.

Coastal Carolina University’s Athletic Hall of Fame is named in honor of former athletic director George F. “Buddy” Sasser.


The naming of the Athletic Hall of Fame was part of a series of events leading up to Coastal Carolina University’s 50th-anniversary festivities in 2004.Sasser was inducted in 2003, along with three other Coastal Carolina athletic administrators and student-athletes, in the inaugural class of the Big South Conference Hall of Fame. Sasser served as the Big South commissioner from 1989-1996 and had two stints as Coastal Carolina director of athletics (1986-1989 and 1996-1999). While Big South commissioner, Sasser was responsible for increasing membership, gaining automatic bids to the NCAA Basketball Tournament, and adding basketball television exposure for the League. The Commissioner’s Cup award, which goes to the institution with the best overall athletic performance for that year, was renamed the Sasser Cup in his honor.

A native of Conway, Sasser served as athletic director and head football coach at Conway High School from 1963 to 1970, leading the Tigers to a 6617-5 record. He was an assistant football coach and assistant athletic director at Appalachian State University from 1972 until 1977 and was athletic director and head football coach from 1977 until 1982 at Wofford College, where he was named 1982 Kodak Coach of the Year for the college division. He joined East Tennessee State in 1982 as head football coach and was named athletic director in 1985. Sasser was Coastal Carolina University’s director of athletics from 1986 until 1989 when he accepted the position of commissioner of the Big South Conference. He returned to the University as athletic director in 1996 and retired in 1999. For his distinguished career in athletics, Sasser was inducted into the South Carolina Athletic Hall of Fame in 2016.


2018 Brittany EricaChelsyJose(Women’sHendersonGolf)Iglesias(Baseball)Kimes(Volleyball)Peake(Women’sTrackand Field)

2009 Steven Amber(Baseball)CarterCampbell(Women’sTrack and Field)


1994 Mickey(Baseball)Brantley 1995 Craig(Men’sHawleyTennis)

Josh Diana(Football)HokeJepchirchir


Joseph Dr.(Men’sNgwenyaSoccer)RichardWard(Honorary)

AndrewJoeDavid(Honorary/President)Bennett(Honorary/HeadCoach)Moglia(Honorary/HeadCoach)Beckwith (Baseball)


2022 Dr. David A. DeCenzo, Ph. D.

Alex Cunningham (Baseball) Dock Doyle (Baseball) Jason(Men’sFlanaganTrack& Field)

fame memBer s

JoleneScottSarah(Honorary)Lockett(Softball)Sturkie(Baseball)Williams(Women’sCross Country/ Track and Field)


2003 Catherine(Women’sConderCross Country/ Track and Field)

2014 Alan(Honorary/HeadConnie Coach)

2013 Ashleigh ChasityPatrick(Women’sGunningSoccer)Hall(Football)Johnson(Women’sTrackand Field) Jack(Men’sLeasureBasketball)

Adam Terah(Baseball)KeimKipchiris(Men’sCross Country/ Track and Field)

Mendes (Women’s Cross Country/ Track and Field)


2002 Luis ValentineNeilRoss(Baseball)LopezMoore(Men’sSoccer)Payne(Men’sSoccer)Stumpf(Women’sCross Country/ Track and Field)

2007 Emma(Women’sKidd Tennis) Brooke(Women’sWeisbrodBasketball)

1991 Dr. Edward M.

Tom JohnTerry(Baseball)RomanoSpires(Baseball)Vrooman(Honorary/BaseballCoach)

E. Cater (Honorary)Floyd

1998 Holly(Women’sBottar Basketball)

Blair(Women’sMonroe Soccer) David(Baseball)Sappelt

2004 Jessica AngelaGuy(Softball)FalcaNorcott(Men’sSoccer)Murphy(Women’sCross Country/ Track and Field) Dr. Edgar (Honorary)Dyer

1999 Tony RandyMichelle(Men’sDunkinBasketball)Hall(Softball)Stokes(Baseball)

Tomas WayneBuddy(Men’sMalikTennis)Sasser(Honorary)White(Honorary)

De’Angelo Taylor(Football)HendersonMotter (Baseball) Lena(Women’sSchaeffnerGolf)

1996 Donald(Men’sClementGolf)


2016 Ron TylerTommyAruca(Baseball)DeubelFelgueroso(Women’sGolf)LaStella(Baseball)McCart(Men’sTrackand Field)

2008 Brandon Holly(Baseball)PowellLee(Softball)

Mike WilliamsAlanCody(Football)TolbertWheeler(Baseball)LeForce(Honorary)“Bill”Edmonds(Honorary)

2006 Dr. Ronald R. Ingle

Ikeiylah(Women’sBrownTrack & Field)


2011 Jess(Honorary/SoftballDannelly Coach)

2001 Robert MarkSherrySara(Men’sDowdellBasketball)Graziano(Softball)Johnson(Softball)Romer(Baseball)

2019 Jessica

Jeanne RafaelJustin(Volleyball)LambertOwens(Baseball)Vera(Men’sGolf)

1993 Sherry TonyKirt(Women’sBarnhillBasketball)Manwaring(Baseball)Whittington(Men’sBasketball)

Sebastian Soderberg (Men’s Golf)

2020 Quinn LetitiaLorenzo(Football)BackusTaliaferro(Football)Saayman(Women’sCross Country/ Track and Field)

Ryan Cari(Baseball)McGrawRoweRosiek(Softball) 2012 Mike QuintonMauriceAnneMeaganDustin(Baseball)CostanzoJohnson(Men’sGolf)Johnson(Softball)MarieMoutsinga(Women’sCrossCountry/TrackandField)Simpkins(Football)Teal(Football)

2005 Brad KevinNeal(Men’sHastingsGolf)Robinson(Men’sSoccer)Schnall(Baseball)

Thomas(Men’sJordanTrack and Field)

2017 David FrankJoshAnthonyMarie(Baseball)AndersonMatrka(Women’sTennis)Meo(Baseball)Norman(Football)Taloota(Baseball)

2000 Mark MichelleMattClaude(Baseball)ClemonsHuggins(Men’sSoccer)Logue(Baseball)Minton(Softball)

2015 Zack Joseph(Men’sByrdGolf)Harris(Men’sBasketball)

1992 Catherine(Women’sNanceBasketball)

2021 2016 NCAA College World Series Championship Baseball Team Mike

2010 Medina Bajrambasic Walsh (Women’s Tennis)

Tyler Mark(Men’sHughesSoccer)Johnson(Men’sTrackand Field)

1997 Sigurdur Sveinbjornsson (Men’s Soccer)

• The league paced the group of five in 14 statistical categories, including yards per play and points per possession.

• The Sun Belt led the fBs in turnover margin, turnovers gained, and fewest penalties per game.

“We are excited to officially welcome James Madison, Marshall, Old Dominion, and Southern Miss as members of the Sun Belt Conference,” said Sun Belt Conference Commissioner Keith Gill. “This expansion to 14 members—and the regional rivalries it produces—makes the 2022-23 academic year one of the most anticipated in Sun Belt history and signals the bright future that lies ahead for the conference.”

s Un BeLt ConferenCe

• The SBC accumulated an fBs-leading 21 non-conference wins in 2020, including a 3-0 record against Big 12 opponents.

• And the Sun Belt had 15 student athletes combine for 38 all-america nods, headlined by consensus All-American defensive end Tarron Jackson of Coastal Carolina, a sixth-round NFL Draft pick by the Philadelphia Eagles.

At no time has the Sun Belt’s athletic success been more visible. Over the course of the past five football seasons, the conference has posted an FBSleading .692 winning percentage in bowl games. The Sun Belt is 18-8 in bowl appearances over this five-year stretch.

• App State • Arkansas State • Coastal Carolina • Georgia Southern • Georgia State • James Madison • Louisiana • ULM • Marshall • Old Dominion • South Alabama • Southern Miss • Texas State • Troy THE SUN BELT’S 14-MEMBER INSTITUTIONS INCLUDE: 80

In addition to the conference’s accomplishments on the football field during 2020, the conference boasted a 135 percent increase in TV viewership, with seven of the conference’s games surpassing 1 million viewers.

As racial injustices continued to plague the United States, the conference launched BE THE CHANGE during the summer of 2020 - focusing attention on American civil rights, promoting civic engagement, and creating dialogue with law enforcement. The conference also established and encouraged its teams and fans to visit the Sun Belt Conference Civil Rights Trail, which highlights historic sites and landmarks found in the geographic footprint of its member schools.

The Sun Belt sponsors 18 NCAA sports and annually awards nearly $134 million in financial aid to more than 4,600 student-athletes.

the sun Belt Conference began a new chapter in its history on Friday, July 1, as it officially welcomed James Madison, Marshall, Old Dominion, and Southern Miss to its 14-member conference.

Since its move to the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) in 2001, the Sun Belt Conference (SBC) has established itself as a leader among intercollegiate athletic leagues, earning national acclaim. 2020, however, was a breakout year:

• two teams (Coastal Carolina and Louisiana) finished in the final AP Poll, Coaches Poll, and College Football Playoff Rankings for the first time in conference history.

Coastal Carolina University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award the baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral degrees.

Inspired by its founding in 1954 to serve the educational needs of the region, Coastal Carolina has a tradition of a strong liberal arts core. As such, Coastal Carolina commits its resources to building undergraduate and graduate degree programs of national and/or regional significance in the arts and sciences, business, humanities, education, and health and human services. Coastal Carolina fully embraces its leadership role as a regional center of economic and intellectual resources, lifelong learning, cultural and recreational opportunities, and athletic programs.AsCoastal Carolina executes this mission, it recognizes its responsibility to be a role model to the community by assuring fair and honest treatment of people with whom it interacts and sustainable stewardship of resources entrusted to it; adopting the highest standards of integrity and accountability; and committing itself to excellence through continuous assessment and improvement.

MISSION Update adopted by the Coastal Carolina University Board of Trustees on July 19, 2014.


Coastal Carolina University is a comprehensive, public liberal arts institution in Conway, S.C., that offers 95 major fields of study toward the baccalaureate degree, 27 master’s degree programs, two educational specialist degrees, and two Ph.D. programs.

Because Coastal Carolina embraces the teacher-scholar model, it places primary emphasis on high-quality teaching and engaged learning, and it supports faculty research, creative activities, and expert collaboration in the community, state, nation, and world. This focus enables faculty and staff to mentor students in collaborative research, creative opportunities, and internships. To nurture this active learning community, Coastal Carolina maintains a broad range of contemporary technologies, programming, support services, and innovative course offerings and delivery methods. The result is alumni who are well prepared for professional careers or graduate programs in their chosen fields and who continue to be connected to Coastal Carolina.

Coa s taL CaroLIna UnIVer s Ity GOCCUSPORTS.COM

More than 10,400 students from across the country and around the world engage with a world-class faculty, and they all enjoy an inspiring cultural calendar and a tradition of community interaction fueled by more than 180 student organizations.

Update approved by the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education on Feb. 5, 2015.


The 19 Coastal Carolina athletic teams compete in Division I of the NCAA as members of the Sun Belt Conference. The University’s mascot is the Chanticleer, a proud, fierce, and quick-thinking rooster derived from Geoffrey Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales.” The football, lacrosse, softball, and baseball teams compete in the TD Sports Complex, which houses the award-winning Springs Brooks Baseball Stadium. The Chanticleer baseball team won the College World Series in 2016, the University’s first national championship. The University comprises 115 main buildings on 621 acres, including the General James Hackler Golf Course, a public 18-hole golf facility adjacent to campus.

Coastal Carolina University is a public comprehensive liberal arts institution that seeks to develop students who are both knowledgeable in their chosen fields and prepared to be productive, responsible, healthy citizens with a global perspective. To deliver on this commitment, Coastal Carolina recruits highly qualified and motivated students, faculty, and staff from the region, state, nation, and world to create a diverse and dynamic student-centered learning environment.


Benson also served for five years as the 14th president of Snow College in Ephraim, Utah, where he helped raise more private money for the institution during his tenure than had been secured in the previous 115 years of the college’s history combined. Appointed at age 36, Benson was the youngest college president in the history of the Utah System of Higher Education. His scholarly work has focused on the development of the research university and its impact on society. Benson’s upcoming book, Daniel Coit Gilman and the Birth of the American Research University, will be released by Johns Hopkins University Press in Fall 2022.

An accomplished athlete, Benson played basketball at both BYU and Oxford, and his best marathon time – 2 hours and 41 minutes – won his age division in the St. George (Utah) Marathon, one of the largest marathons in the U.S. He also finished among the top 15% of all runners in the 1984 Boston Marathon.Benson and his wife, Debi, are the parents of three children – Truman, Tatum, and Talmage. He also has two older children from a previous marriage. Emma graduated from Brigham Young University and is a TV anchor in Idaho Falls, Idaho; and Samuel is a senior majoring in sociology and Spanish at BYU.


Benson is regularly sought after for public speeches and appearances. He was a featured contributor to the Huffington Post for five years; has written articles for The Jerusalem Post, Lexington Herald-Leader, Louisville Courier Journal, The Kansas City Star, Deseret News, and The Salt Lake Tribune, among others; and appeared on ESPN’s The Paul Finebaum Show.


Born in Utah and raised in Texas and Indiana, Benson has worked and studied abroad for seven years in Italy, England, and Israel. He graduated cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in political science and double minors in English and history from Brigham Young University in 1990. He completed his doctorate in modern history from the University of Oxford (St. Antony’s College) in 1995, where he was a Rotary Foundation Scholar and recipient of the Oxford Graduate Overseas Fellowship. He also earned a master’s degree cum laude in nonprofit administration in 2011 from the University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business, where he was the recipient of the prestigious Father Theodore Hesburgh Founder’s Award. Benson graduated with a Master of Liberal Arts from Johns Hopkins University in August 2021.

UnIVer s Ity Pre s Ident

michael t. Benson, a veteran of higher education administration, became the third president of Coastal Carolina University on Jan. 1, 2021. He also holds the title of professor of history at the University. Since his arrival, Benson has secured the largest donation in school history: a $10 million gift from Conway Medical Center. The endowed funds support the University’s newest college – the Conway Medical Center College of Health and Human Performance –that opened on July 1, 2022. In May 2022, he led the groundbreaking ceremony for the Thompson Library, a $29.8 million, two-story, 64,000-square-foot facility. Benson established the President’s Council for Sustainability and Coastal Resilience, which is charged with transforming CCU into a more sustainable campus, centering sustainability in the University’s curriculum and student services, and serving the surrounding communities to build toward a sustainable future. He serves as the FBS presidential representative on the NCAA Board of Governors Committee to Promote Cultural Diversity and Equity. In Spring 2022, he taught an upper-level course: History of the American University. Benson is president emeritus at Eastern Kentucky University, where he served as the 13th president from 2013 to 2020. Prior to EKU, Benson was the 15th president of Southern Utah University. He helped secure SUU’s designation as the state’s public liberal arts and sciences university; established the Hispanic Center for Academic Excellence; gained admission into the Big Sky Conference for all athletic teams; and directed the development and implementation of SUU’s largest comprehensive fundraising effort, which raised a record $105 million.

John H. Bartell Jr. Lee A. Belcher ’08 William S. Biggs Lisa DaltonDavisB.Floyd Jr. Joe N. Jarrett Jr. Sherry I. Johnson ’96 Mark S. Kelley George E. Mullen Bradley J. Poston ’07, ’16 Jason M. Repak ’07 Oran P. Smith Eugene C. Spivey ’91 William E. Turner III ’97

Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost David A. Frost Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration/Chief Financial Officer

In 1993, the South Carolina General Assembly passed legislation establishing Coastal Carolina University as an independ ent public institution, effective July 1, 1993. The legislation established the governing body of Coastal Carolina University, the Board of Trustees, which by statute is responsible for overseeing the effective governance of the University. The Board of Trustees defines the mission, role, and scope of the University, establishes the general policies of the University, approves the budget, and provides accountability to the public and the General Assembly.

Vice President for Human Resources and Equal Opportunity

The University’s 17-member Board of Trustees comprises the governor of the state or his or her designee, who is an ex officio member of the Board, one gubernatorial appointee from the state at-large, and 15 members elected by the South Carolina General Assembly to represent each of the state’s Congressional Districts and the state at-large.TheBoard of Trustees holds regular meet ings four times each year. The University’s first Board of Trustees met on July 1, 1993.


Natasha M. Hannah ’94, Vice Chair Patrick Sparks ’95, Secretary/Treasurer

Matthew L. Hogue

Vice President for Student Affairs

Michael T. Benson University President Daniel J. Ennis

Board of trU s tee s

Travis E. Overton

Vice President for Advancement and Alumni Engagement

Board of Trustees

Christopher A. Johnson Chief Executive Officer Coastal Educational Foundation

President’s Cabinet

Vice President for Intercollegiate Athletics and University Recreation Carlos Johnson Senior Vice President/University Counsel


The President’s Cabinet is a group of senior level administrators representing all areas of Coastal Carolina University. These individuals serve as executive-level support to the University president and generally meet every two weeks. This is a non-voting body.

Vice President for Executive Initiatives/ Chief of Staff Diane Sanders

Yvonne Hernandez Friedman

Thomas A. Korczara

Coastal Carolina University Board of Trustees

The Honorable Henry McMaster, Governor of South Carolina Ex Officio H. Delan Stevens ’79, Chair

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He has served on the board of several not-for-profits and educational organizations, including STRATCOM Consultation Committee, Creighton University, Fordham Preparatory School, National Italian American Foundation, Omaha Chamber of Commerce, and Boy Scouts of America.

He has served on the Boards of AXA Financial (2002-2011) and the Chicago Board Options Exchange (1997-2002).

CHaIr of atHLetIC s 89

Moglia graduated from Fordham University with a bachelor’s degree in economics in 1971, earning dean’s list recognition, and acceptance into Omicron Delta Epsilon (National Economic Honor Society). He went on to receive his Master

Moglia has received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor and the Sharp Trophy for Leadership. He has been honored by the National Italian American Foundation, UNICO, the Columbus Citizens Foundation, the Irish Arts Center, the American Institute for Stuttering and the Stuttering Association for the Young.


He has also been a keynote speaker at the 2011 American Football Coaches Association (“It’s About Being a Leader”) and 2010 National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (“Leadership in a 24/7 Stress Filled Environment”).

From when he became the CEO of TD Ameritrade in 2001, and when he stepped down in 2008, shareholders had enjoyed a 500 percent return. In 2009, he became chairman and stepped down in 2020 when TD Ameritrade was acquired by Charles Schwab. At close, the combined company was worth $100 BILLION with client assets of $7 TRILLION. When Moglia arrived, those numbers were $700 million and $24 billion.


Joe moglia is the Chair of the Coastal Carolina Athletics Division, the Executive for Football, and serves as an Executive Advisor to the President. He is also the former CEO and Chairman of TD Ameritrade and Chairman of Fundamental Global Investors and Capital Wealth Advisors.

In 1984, Moglia was one of 26 people who entered the MBA Training Program at Merrill Lynch - 25 MBA’s and one football coach. By 1988, he was the number one producer in the world. By the time he left, he had been a member of both the Institutional and Private Client Executive Committees, and his final responsibilities were all Investment Products, the Insurance Company, the 401(k) Business, and the Middle Market Business. Prior to that, he was the head of Global Fixed Income Institutional Sales and ran the firm’s Municipal division. In the business world, he was at Merrill Lynch for 17 years before becoming the CEO at TD Ameritrade in 2001.

He has been inducted into NINE Halls of Fame, is a member of the National Economics Honor Society and is the recipient of three Honorary Doctorates. Joe has already had a book written about his life, and he is also the only person to publish books on both football and investing, including “The Key to Winning Football: The Perimeter Attack Offense” (1981) and “Coach Yourself to Financial Success: Winning the Investment Game” (2005), while contributing to numerous national football coaching journals. He is currently writing a book on leadership.

While Moglia is like most coaches in putting a true emphasis on the three phases of the game — offense, defense, and special teams — his outside-the-box thinking on how to achieve this goal with his staff was visionary. On that level, he has just one standard “Be A Man” — better known as “BAM” — where his student-athletes are expected to “stand on their own two feet, take responsibility for their actions, always treat others with dignity and respect, and recognize they will live with the consequences of their actions.”

Niccolo Mastromatteo received the 2013 National Football Foundation National Scholar-Athlete Award and was a postgraduate scholarship recipient; Alex Ross was named 2015 CoSIDA Division I Academic All-America; 10 players earned CoSIDA Academic All-District honors; and 14 received a spot on the National Football Foundation Hampshire Honor Society.

Coastal made huge strides across the board in his first season. One of the biggest was Coastal going from 100th nationally in yards penalized and 90th in the number of penalties to leading the Big South and ranking 17th nationally in fewest penalty yards and 18th in fewest penalties per game. Offensively in Moglia’s first year, the team went from 90th to 18th nationally in total offense. While on defense, linebacker Quinn Backus was named an All-American and the Big South Defensive Player of the Year. In addition, Coastal’s special teams truly became a weapon, safely converting



Moglia was a football coach for 25 years, but it was certainly not a traditional 25 years. He began his career as a coach for 16 years, moved to the business world for more than 20, and returned back to coaching in Before2009.entering the business world, Moglia was a football coach for 16 years where he won two Ivy League championships as the defensive coordinator at Dartmouth (1982-83), set defensive and special teams’ records at Lafayette (1978-80), and turned around two high school programs.

CCU also won the program’s first-ever postseason game in 2012, won a leaguerecord 12 games and reached the NCAA quarterfinals in 2013, and went on to match both those feats the following season in 2014. The Chants were ranked No. 1 in the FCS for eight straight weeks in 2015 and went 10-2 in 2016, their first year in the transition to the FBS level.

A five-time National Coach of the Year finalist and the 2015 Eddie Robinson FCS National Coach of the Year Award winner, Moglia stepped down as the head coach of the Coastal Carolina University football program on Jan. 18, 2019, after more than 25 years as a football coach, including six seasons on the sidelines in Conway, S.C., posting an overall record of 56-22. He is the real-life inspiration for the Monty Burke book, “4th & Goal: One Man’s Quest to Recapture His Dream,” and garnered national media attention by the likes of Fox News, CNBC, MSNBC,, ESPN Gameday, Grantland Series, Associated Press, 60 Minutes Sports (Showtime), The Sports Network,, Yahoo!, Esquire, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and,hisstoryof leaving his first love of coaching to enter and later conquer the business world only to return to coaching is interesting. However, what ultimately proved to be the most compelling aspect of the move were the results.

He coached five Walter Payton/FCS National Offensive Player of the Year finalists, four Buck Buchanan/FCS National Defensive Player of the year finalists, 33 AllAmericans, and the 2014 FCS Athletic Director’s Association Top Collegiate Linebacker in Quinn Backus.

In 2017, Coach Moglia’s program was recognized, along with Northwestern, by the National Football Foundation & College Hall of Fame with 18 players seeking a second degree, the most graduates of any school nationally. Over his tenure, almost 50 players pursued their graduate studies while stillIneligible.hisfirst season in 2012, Moglia led Coastal Carolina to an 8-5 record overall, a 5-1 league mark and a share of the 2012 Big South championship. The Chanticleers earned the league’s automatic bid to the NCAA Division I FCS Championship, where he directed the program to its first win in the NCAA playoffs and led CCU to a ranking of 24th in both of the final national polls.

90 of Science degree in education from the University of Delaware in 1974 and holds honorary doctorate degrees from Fordham University (humane letters), Bellevue University (commerce), and Bentley University (commercial science).

The former head coach of the United Football League’s Omaha Nighthawks, Moglia was hired as the head football coach at Coastal Carolina University on Dec. 19, 2011. He concluded his six seasons on the sidelines in Conway with an overall record of 56-22.Moglia was a national coach of the year finalist in each of his first three seasons — finishing runner-up in 2014, before winning the Eddie Robinson FCS National Coach of the Year in his fourth year (2015). He was also the Big South Coach of the Year twice (2012 and 2014) and the American Football Coaches Association Region 2 Coach of the Year once (2014). In 2017, he was inducted into and received the Vince Lombardi Hall of Fame Award for his career. He was also awarded the 2015 South Carolina Football Hall of Fame Humanitarian award. After a 29-28 overall record, including going just 1-9 versus the two best teams in the Big South, over the five years prior to Moglia, the Chanticleers went a combined 51-15 over his first five years at the helm of the program, including winning four conference championships (2012, 2013, 2014, and 2016*) and qualifying for the NCAA Football Championship Playoffs all fiveDuringseasons.that span, the Chanticleers finished each year ranked in the top 25 nationally and ranked as high as the No. 1 team in the country in both 2014 and 2015.

The Chants (12-2, 4-1) won their first 11 games and were ranked No. 1 in the nation the final two weeks of the regular season in 2014. Coastal was a No. 7 national seed, earning a first-round bye to the NCAA FCS Championship and defeated nationally-ranked Richmond to advance to the NCAA quarterfinals for the second-straight season. Coastal led defending and eventual national champion North Dakota State in the fourth quarter before falling to the Bison.

five two-point conversions with Niccolo Mastromatteo and Tre Henderson each ranking 13th nationally in punt and kick returns, respectively. A total of 12 all-Big South honors were bestowed upon Moglia’s players in his first season including first-team picks. His second season was even more spectacular in 2013. The Chanticleers, ranked as high as No. 3 during the season, posted a 12-3 record overall, and went 4-1 in the Big South to win a second Big South title. Coastal won two playoff games, including victories versus No. 12 Bethune-Cookman at home and an improbable 42-35 win at No. 4 Montana before falling to top-ranked North Dakota State in the FCS quarterfinals and finishing ranked seventh in both national polls. At season’s end, CCU set 25 individual and 23 team single-season records while establishing 17 Big South offensive team seasons records.

In 2013, Coastal Carolina defeated four conference champions and was 4-2 against teams in the final national polls. Coastal Carolina led the Big South in 12 categories while ranking among the NCAA FCS top 10 in fewest tackles for loss allowed (1st), fewest blocked punts allowed (t-1st), red zone offense (3rd), third-down conversions (2nd), fourthdown conversions (2nd), scoring offense (5th), first downs (5th), fewest fumbles lost (7th), rushing offense (8th), and passing efficiencyIndividually,(8th).

Moglia helped CCU establish league records by winning 11-straight games to start the season, winning seven road games in one season and starting a season at least 9-0 in consecutive years. Coastal’s 24 wins in 2013 and 2014 were the second-best total in the nation, trailing only North Dakota State.

In addition to leading CCU to a No. 1 ranking for eight weeks and his individual honors in 2015, Moglia coached AllAmericans De’Angelo Henderson and Devin Brown, while Alex Ross was named both CoSIDA Academic All-America and American Football Coaches Association All-America. Coastal once again did well in the Big South year-end individual honors as Henderson was the Offense Player of the Year, Brown the Special Teams Player of the Year, and Ross the Scholar-Athlete of the Year. In fact, Ross, who owns nearly every CCU passing and total offense record, became the first Big South player to be a three-time first-team All-Big South selection as well as being the first player to be both a Player of the Year and a Scholar-Athlete of the Year.


Taliaferro and Matt Hazel went on to represent CCU in the Senior Bowl and East-West Shrine Bowl, both were invited to the NFL Combine in Indianapolis, and they became the first pair of Big South teammates to be drafted in the same year – Taliaferro in the fourth round and Hazel in the sixth. In addition, LaDarius Hawthorne was tabbed the Big South Special Teams Player of the Year; Jamey Cheatwood earned All-American honors; Mastromatteo was one of 16 college football players (all divisions) to earn an $18,000 postgraduate scholarship from the National Football Foundation and College Football Hall of Fame; and a total of 16 Chanticleers earned All-Big South recognition.Yearthree was even more impressive.

Backus not only repeated as the Big South Defensive Player of the Year, but he was also a consensus AllAmerican and a finalist for the Buck Buchanan National Defensive Player of the Year Award. The honors did not stop there. Running back Lorenzo Taliaferro was also a consensus All-American as well as the Big South Offensive Player of the Year, and a finalist for the Walter Payton National Player of the Year Award.

In 2015, Coastal won its first eight games and was ranked No. 1 in the nation for eight consecutive weeks. The Chants once again earned a berth to the NCAA postseason and hosted a first-round contest. For this and his many contributions, Moglia won the 2015 Eddie Robinson Award as the nation’s top FCS coach and was selected the South Carolina Football Hall of Fame’s Humanitarian of the Year.

The 2016 season was unusual, as Coastal was in the first year in its transition from the FCS to the FBS. The Chants played the season as an FCS independent (not a member of a conference nor eligible for the NCAA postseason) and played a full FCS schedule. Coastal went 10-2, with both losses coming to FCS top 10 programs, and finished the year ranked 18th in the national poll. However, CCU did play most of its previous rivals and went 5-1 versus former league foes to be coconference champions*. Also, with Coastal’s strong resume and being ranked No. 11 in the NCAA’s SRS (a tool to help pick the NCAA field for the national championship), the Chanticleers would make its fifth postseason appearance*.The2016season saw both Henderson (Walter Payton Award) and Alex Scearce (Buck Buchanan Award) be finalists for their respective national Player of the Year honors. Henderson, Scearce and Voghens Larrieux each earned allAmerican honors. Henderson, who set an NCAA Division I record by scoring a touchdown in 35-consecutive games, went on to be a sixth-round pick by the DenverAfterBroncos.fiveseasons on the sidelines at CCU, on July 28, 2017, Moglia announced he would take a five-month medical sabbatical and Jamey Chadwell was named interim head coach. Following a one-year hiatus from the


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sidelines in 2017, Moglia resumed his coaching duties on Jan. 5, 2018. In only their second full season as an FBS and Sun Belt Conference member, the Chanticleers exceeded preseason expectations going 5-7 overall, including posting the program’s first-ever wins over UAB (47-24), Campbell (58-21), Louisiana (30-28), and Georgia State (37-34).

The Chants’ offense led the Sun Belt and ranked in the top 25 nationally in rushing yards per game, red zone offense, time of possession, first downs, and both third and fourth-down conversion percentage for much of the season in 2018, and finished the year ranked second in the league and in the top 10 nationally in fewest penalties, fewest penalties per game, and fewest penalty yards.Three players in Jeffrey Gunter (first team), Massimo Biscardi (third team), and Tarron Jackson (third team) were named Sun Belt All-Conference, while four other Chants in Malcolm Williams, Trey Carter, Silas Kelly, and Connor Kubala earned honorable mention honors. Gunter was recognized as a finalist for the 2018 Blanchard-Rogers Award (South Carolina’s Heisman), an award that goes out to the most outstanding collegiate player of the year that has South Carolina ties by the South Carolina Football Hall of Fame (SCFHOF), while Biscardi was tabbed a semifinalist for the Lou Groza National Collegiate Place-Kicker Award presented annually to college football’s top place-kicker. Moglia, who coached the “Stars Team” at the 2011 Eastham Energy College All-Star Game, coached the Nighthawks in the third year of the UFL’s existence in 2011. Moglia’s team led the UFL in passing offense, sacks, tackles for loss, punt returns, and blocked kicks. Also, the Nighthawks produced the 2011 UFL Defensive Player of the Year, Stuart Schweigert. Moglia joined an elite roster of UFL head coaches including Dennis Green, Jim Fassel, Marty Schottenheimer, and Jerry Glanville. From 2009-10, Moglia served as executive advisor to the head football coach at the University of Nebraska in preparation for achieving his original lifelong pursuit, being a collegiate head football coach. In his two seasons at Nebraska, the Cornhuskers won two Big 12 North championships and played in the Holiday Bowl each season. In 2010, Cornhusker football student-athletes elected Moglia to receive Nebraska’s prestigious U.S. Grant Sharp Admiral’s Trophy for Leadership and Service.

CHaIr of atHLetIC s YEAR-BY-YEAR HEAD COACHING RECORD AT CCU YEAR OVERALL CONFERENCE RECORD RECORD 2012 8-5 5-1* 2013 12-3 5-1* 2014 12-2 5-1* 2015 9-3 4-2 2016 10-2 * 2017 medical sabbatical 2018 5-7 2-6 totaLs 56-22 19-11 * conference champions 93

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Hogue, who has a long-time association with Coastal athletics, previously served as CCU’s associate vice president of marketing.


As the “Voice of the Chanticleers”, Hogue managed, produced, and coordinated the Chanticleer Sports Network. His colorful, exciting calls were synonymous with Chanticleer Athletics. A 25-year broadcast veteran, Hogue built a diverse play-by-play resume that includes stints with USC’s Gamecock Radio Network, Minor League Baseball, and appearances on regional TV, including Fox Sports Net, SportSouth, and ESPN properties. He also served as the broadcast voice of the Big South Conference’s basketball TV package. In his role as associate vice president of marketing, Hogue was charged with developing marketing strategies and advertising for University recruitment, academic, and specialty programs, as well as directing and monitoring the University’s trademark licensing program.

Hogue was recently named the 2020-21 Athletics Director of the Year by The National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA)—one of only four recipients of this award at the FBS level. He was one of 28 winners across seven divisions (NCAA FBS, FCS, Division I-AAA, II, III, NAIA/Other Four-Year Institutions, and Junior College/Community Colleges).

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Jefferson, along with fellow track & field runner Mekenze Kelley, both went on to make history for the Coastal Carolina athletics department, as both were crowned U.S. Track & Field National Champions in the 100-meters and 400meters at the 2022 Toyota USA Track Outdoor Championships and 2022 USA Track & Field U20 Championships, respectively, in the summer of 2022.

Hogue is best known for his 17-year stint as the “Voice of the Chanticleers” on the Chanticleer Sports Network, providing live game broadcasts, features, and weekly programs about CCU athletics. In 2013, Hogue was named a finalist for the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association (NSSA) Sportscaster of the Year for the state of South Carolina. He has edited a book entitled “Chanticleer Athletics: Fifty Years of Excellence” with other CCU contributors and dedicated the book to Edward M. “Dick” Singleton, former chancellor of the university. Partial proceeds from the book benefited the Edward M. Singleton Scholar-Athlete Award scholarship at CCU.

Hogue earned his baccalaureate degree from the University of South Carolina and completed his MBA from Winthrop University. He and his wife, Laura, live in Conway with their daughters Rachel and Caroline.

Hogue was named the director of athletics at Coastal Carolina University on Feb. 27, 2015, after serving as the interim director of athletics since March 2014. Since Hogue took over as the director of athletics at Coastal Carolina University in 2015, the CCU athletic teams have won 14 conference regularseason championships, as well as 17 conference tournament championships.

The baseball team also won the department’s first-ever National Championship in 2016.Individually, the Chanticleers had their first-ever individual NCAA Division I National Champion in Melissa Jefferson, who won the 60-meter dash at the 2022 NCAA Division I Indoor Track & Field Championships in Feb. 2022.

Previously, he served as the associate athletic director for enhanced media and assistant athletics director for marketing. He began his career at Coastal Carolina as the assistant sports information director.

VICE PRESIDENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS AND UNIVERSITY RECREATION s Ident matt Hogue is the vice president of intercollegiate athletics and university recreation for Coastal Carolina University, a title change he received in April 2021.

The ADOY Award highlights the efforts of athletics directors at all levels for their commitment and positive contributions to student-athletes, campuses, and their surrounding communities. He is also a member of the NCAA Division I baseball selection committee, representing Coastal Carolina and the Sun Belt Conference since August 2020.

Hogue joined Coastal in 1997 and has served in several different roles in the Department of Athletics and in the Office of University Communication, where he led CCU’s marketing and trademark licensing efforts.

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