Cafe Design Victry

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Free Standing CafĂŠ By Victry Simbo

Context  Brief

 Mood Board Specifications  Café Research

 Elevations and perspectives of Cafés  Thomas Heatherwick  Paulo Carcalho

 Science Museum- Industrial engines and Patterns  Mood Board 1  Mood Board 2

 Mood Board – Outside design  Model Production

 Model Development  Development 1

 Sketchup and Archicad- Development 1  Final Idea

 Sketchup and Archicad Plans  Evaluation

Brief Different groups of people can socialise.

Design different free standing buildings and Interior Designed spaces.

Provide indoor and outdoor spaces with ability to adjust depending on weather. Building should have: Different eating spaces catering for between 2-20 people , interior extending to further 20 outside seats Kitchen prep space Food counter service Free Wi-Fi Washroom facilities Outdoor eating Disables access

Adaptable space for other functions

Mood Board Specifications Theme: Industrial Aesthetic

Visual Ideas: Bold interior and raw finishes; Exposed structures

Key words to use: Urban, Repurpose, juxtaposition, raw, natural, exposed, open, closed, contrast, invigorating, busy, chaotic, colourful. Mood Board themes: Materials, colour, furniture, texture, users.

Café Research Types of Coffee Shops Modern take on a corner coffee shops - have coffee before work after work etc. and these take inspiration from older types of coffee shops but are decreasing Think about location and where customers are, near town centre, local style theme such as local style breads and atmosphere. Other coffee shops can sell things outside of the shop so has a kitchen Place to sit outside and had a lot of greenery Serve alcohol and coffee, snacks and food This model is clean vibrant and new and nice place to sit, there's no offices and purely residential but near a road. Consider people that come to the coffee shop residential is more relaxed Front facing outlet that leads people to your products– very small and quaint and near a pedestrian walking area , vey few seats inside and out, their main business is to produce good quality products and have other businesses that stand with it. It is more about brand recognition that selling coffee. Location, carparks buses and tubes places where these stop – Transportation brings people to your business and take them away from your business, people going to work, going shopping etc. In the middle of the transport where people gather the most. Make money with location A place devoted to coffee/ the bean- Add a restaurant to the coffee business next to the shop or behind it, you can move out of city to expand business, they sell you all the things you need to make the coffee yourself. Have a tasting table for visitors and employers, a place that can get very noisy and busy and filled with excitement, purely about the coffee. You can control the whole process, buy it, roast it, blend it, sell it. Coffee Cart- small investment, somewhere where people pass by a lot or come to sit and relax i.e. the park, where people pass by, on the way to work. Static location, can move where customer goes, take the product to the customer. Does coffee shop fit building you are surrounded by- does it add to building you are surrounded by, or do you want it to stand out form the surrounding building such as old fashioned extra building and contemporary coffee shop blending with old fashioned. Matches the product they are selling. You have to fit the environment your in , are you adding to it or taking away from it or blending in, or standing out whilst respecting the building you are in. Don’t destroy history of the place or building you are joining but add to it. Remember history of place/ building you are joining in make it contributor to design. Add unique aspects that maybe old fashioned to draw people into the coffee shop. Find something above and beyond coffee so they entre the door. Respect building you are in. What type of products will you be using/considering , ethical questions – eco, sustainable products, all coffee served is done through fair trade. Need coffee shop to add value, you need a message to be part of your coffee shop , heathy eating, good for the environment or just destroy everything ( i.e. plastic). What is going to make people walk through your door constantly everyday all year round.

Thomas Heatherwick Thomas Heatherwick is a London born architect who is described as the Pied Piper of architecture. He has various design expertise as he focuses on both architecture, furniture designer, product designer and more. The architecture on the right is referred to as Bombay Sapphire Distillery, it is a beautiful piece of architecture that almost resembles a green house, it is breath-taking and very revealing, it does not blend in but sticks out yet it doesn’t look out of place and almost corresponds with surrounding atmosphere. It is built in an industrialised area, and the architecture adds a contemporary feel to a very old fashioned atmosphere. The glass building is very calculated it is put on a small lake, its is almost shaped or drew inspiration from origami shapes. It is spacious and large and revitalises a very industrial atmosphere.

The materials used to build the Bombay Sapphire Distillery have a very rusty colour that also corresponds with the surrounding atmosphere.

Paulo Carcalho. This parametric architecture called Arbor Arena was create by Selvagen in Brazil, the specific architect would be Paulo Carcalho. It looks as if it is designs to blend in with nature and is a metaphor for trees.

Elevations and Perspective cafĂŠs I began further research by looking at secondary images of cafĂŠs both on the internet and on Pinterest. I chose images that were relatively complex and draw then at different perspectives. I drew them as elevations, plan views, one point and two point perspectives and flat perspectives, of each of 3 different buildings.

This is another perspective drawing of a cafĂŠ that is very linear in shape, the linear shape of the building transcends through out the building both internally and externally as well as the seating area located outside.

This is a very abstract building with an interesting and intriguing interior. The way the building sticks out at every aspect make sit very interesting to look at and this transcends into the interior, with the fascinating lights used and they layout od the furniture.

Science Museum- Industrial engines and Patterns

With a visit to the Science Museum I gained further inspiration of the industrial theme. I took pictures of plain engines focusing on their patterns, shapes and structures. I drew a few sketches of the best engines I found appealing and that I could use.

These are sketches of different aspects found on engine, with rubber pipes and bolts as well as airplane structure that were linear.

Mood Board 1 I have started to create my mood board for the interior of my building, looking at furnishings, colour finishing's and creating sketches of my ideas. I looked at various websites for inspiration one including Pinterest to find furniture and ideas that were of the industrial theme. I also took inspiration from my trip to the science museum and all the interesting patterns and structures I could use in my furniture to enhance them. I have created two interior design boards and one for the outside, making sure I did my best to adhere to the specifications of the brief and what it entailed.

A long sofa along the wall, there then will be a table and chair to create a nice seating area.

A nice contemporary seat that works well with the industrial theme running through out the cafĂŠ, a nice seating area that could lie at the side of the cafĂŠ somewhere private

This is the colour combination that I feel would look good in the cafĂŠ interior and exterior. The colour combination is both bright and calm.

Mood Board 2 Nice bottle lights that are aesthetically pleasing and different. The food counter could be an island in the middle of the cafĂŠ to make it the centre point of the cafĂŠ , with a very pleasant and comfortable seating area for people waiting for their order, on the go.

This is an example of the a high top table that has raw wooden surface, it has metal stools that are light is colour. The lights above the table could be made of a wheel that shines down. The high table can also have a plug socket.

A very abstract looking lighting that encompasses the whole cafĂŠ outside

This can be a great seating area that is very intimate and enclosed, a curved shelter, wooden recycled crates that would go inside to create a great seating area. The shelter can be removed by folding it and storing it.

Very mechanical looking chairs as well as a wooden table with legs that are made of pipe lines.

Very rustic looking chairs, the sketch could be a leg for round or square tables of the outside of the cafĂŠ. Tables could be put together for large groups of people

Model Production For the next couple of pages I will be presenting different models, with forms shape and structures that I could include in creating my final cafĂŠ design. I used different materials such as cardboard, wire and string. The inspiration came from existing structures I gave researched and the forms and shapes I saw I the science Museum trip, which helps to create a sequence and flow in my work. I looks at a spiral and how I could shape and use it to create a coherent building and structure. As well as the interesting shape it creates both upright and on it side, they become two different things.

Here is an experimentation with wires and cardboard, here as well I look at spirals, I take wire of different thickness and wind then into different sizes. They become the holster to the shape created in the cardboard. I added trees and people to create scale and interest to create a sense of a building structure being created.

Here is an experimentation using string that is woven into the structure that has been bent a particular way and form. The string holds the structure but also creates a nice pattern in the building. There is also one with a glass building, but the glass has been substituted with a clear plastic. There is also a show of tensile strength and could be used a nice ceiling design or inside the building design.

Here is a combination of thick wire with cardboard, the streak pattern created has texture and interest to the building and the wire helps to hold the structure. This also helps to add interest to the building, the wire can help to hold the building.

Model Development I then moved on to taking my models and constructing them into actual buildings and structural ideas of cafes. I did this by looking at existing cafes to gain inspiration and looking at how other cafes where arranged as well as architectures such as Thomas Heatherwick and Paulo Carcalho. I drew the ideas in different perspectives to show different viewpoints of the structures. This design was taken from inspiration of one of my models. The streaks would have been a metal, that is attached to the glass, there would be two levels joined by a spiral staircase. The pattern and form would be the same inside the building. The dome building is of a similar design and works a similar way, however the door matches the streaks and there is a beam that connects the domes together to create two floors.

This is experimenting with buildings using bars and wire across or around the building, each one is a different type of shape and structure and the bars are arranged differently. The bars would me made by drawing inspiration from the engine wires of the science museum.

There is a design that resembles a cylinder canister, such like an engine tank, it has beams going over it and the round polka dot pattern there it would be glass, while the rest of the structure is a rusty colour of canister. There are screws that help to add pattern and texture and the beams help to add interest.

This is another design idea which also take inspiration from Thomas Heatherwick, there is an oceanic wave type roof that is linked with nuts and bolts, as well as this there are submarine type windows that line the building cafĂŠ. There is an example of an eating space that is made of tensile strength, the legs of the tent like structure is made of coaled wire that is interesting and also flows with the main building. The ideas would be that the pattern would continue both inside and outside the building, it would create an illusion of increasing in size on the outside but he inside it would be the same size. The windows take inspiration from the engine parts that create a submarine type look. The building itself would be a rusty metallic colour.

This is a building that mainly revolves around the tensile strength of string. The string starts from the outside and goes inside the cafĂŠ. On the roof of the building could be windows that open remotely to allow air in and also natural light from the roof. The building also as a nice shape that is interesting and linear.

Development 1

Sketch Up Design and Archicad

I began creating my development on Sketch up an working my way through the different processes to allow the building to come together and become the vision that I wanted it to be. However as I went along I made changes at the idea as it continued to develop and become better. The beams would be made of a fence type pattern to maintain the industry theme both inside the building and outside. I found that the final design was very symmetrical and as a result realised I needed to work on it more for it to be a more of an interesting building.

Development 2 I worked on developing my idea further by adding swirls that I had previously experimented with. I kept the same building design but changed the outside area. To make it irregular and more formidable.

Final CafĂŠ Design For my final idea I made then wire more dynamic and spread across a large surface area to allow for more seating space. I also made it smaller to cover a less circumference above the building. There would be balance between the size of the building and the size of the swirl. The swirl would have the same pattern as the engines.

These are floor plans of the ideal industrial cafĂŠ that I want to create both of the outside and inside of the cafĂŠ. Including the kitchen and toilets and fire exits. There is a different light design that was created to match the aesthetics of the while building. I also added a person to create scale.

Sketchup and Archicad Developments

This is the corner of the room that the toilet lies for the customers as well as a separate area for staff

Opposite to the Resting rooms is the kitchen where food for the café is prepared and stored.

Long sofa that lines one side of the café and opposite there is a large seating area.

Seating area with sofas to give a relaxed atmosphere

The counter and preparations area of the café, where people can order there tea and food


This project was challenging but enlightening, I learnt new skills and tried my best to adhere to the design brief as best I could. I made sure that everything I did I kept continuity throughout my project, although my final sketch up and archicad designs are all not the same as the theme of industrial aesthetics I tried to portray that in my mood board and designs , however I still tried to keep some of the simplistic and basic similarities from my mood boards. I took every step necessary to accomplish the final design that I have now, albeit I could have added a few extra components such as finishing the kitchen in my archicad design of the cafĂŠ and adding the finishes to my mood board I still relatively managed to accomplish the larger parts of the project. Overall I am content with the project end and how it came out, I gained skill along the way which helped me produce what I have done. I tackled the layout out my project the best I could and although all not the same I hope it to be appealing to the eye, as I found it so. There is so much I could have done to make this more of a success. I found it hard narrowing down my ideas from the multitude that lay in front of me that I managed to come up with however I think I did a good job in combining aspects even the smallest from the research I started of with to the end of my project. I think overall the project went very well and I continued to develop and build on my ideas until the very end.

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