Diet for the Diabetic: Top 5 Foods for Blood Sugar Control
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Diabetes remains the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, with millions suffering from the condition – and other complications related to it – every year. Some might reason diabetes is hereditary, but for the most part, it is because of poor lifestyle choices. Take for example the everyday diet of Americans, which consists of high amounts of sugar. That alone is enough to raise the numbers of diabetics around the country. With that said, there is a stronger need to keep blood sugar in check. Although dietary supplements work just fine, it is better for diabetics and non-diabetics alike to start the path to a healthier lifestyle through healthier food choices, such as these top 5 foods for blood sugar control.
Cinnamon Cinnamon is a must-have for every spice rack, as half a teaspoon of it every day improves the body’s sensitivity to insulin. As a result, the blood sugar becomes a source of energy.
Hummus Hummus is a must-have in any diabetes-friendly menu, mainly because of the fiber and protein in chickpeas. The ingredients of hummus improve the absorption of sugars from starch, which stabilizes and regulates blood sugar.
Lean Meats Proteins are a much better choice over carbohydrates when it comes to blood sugar control. Lean meats are the optimal choice for its chromium content that helps insulin metabolize carbohydrates properly. Cold water fish and skinless chicken breast are healthy choices as well.
Nuts Nut-lovers definitely have an easy way of keeping their blood sugar in check. All sorts of nuts are great choices, as these contain protein, healthy fat, and fiber. The high calorie content of nuts makes it a good substitute for high-carbohydrate snacks, such as pretzels.
Spinach Popeye definitely has a healthy lifestyle. Nutritionists say spinach and other leafy greens contain a lot of vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, folate, and fiber that combat the effects of high blood sugar levels. For blood sugar control, these greens are a great choice.
These are the top five choices for a diet that aims to regulate blood sugar. With these ingredients present in every meal, eating becomes helpful in preventing diabetes and other related complications.