==== ==== December 21 2012: What Will Happen To You? http://productreviewblogs.net/mayan-calendar ==== ====
There are many myths about the Maya and the Maya Calendar circulating on the Internet.  Let's debunk some of the bigger ones!  The Mayans are not extinct. I don't understand where the western world go this idea.  Check out the CIA Factbook on Guatemala (Google - cia factbook guatemala) and do the math yourself.  My calculations show there are over 5,000,000 ethnic Maya living in Guatemala alone - that's over 5 million in Guatemala alone.  Add to this the Maya in Mexico, Honduras and El Salvador and you've got a pretty sizable number of supposedly extinct people running around. Second up is the term Maya Calendar vs. Mayan Calendar.  Most everyone from Mexico below refer to it as "Maya Calendar" relating to the Spanish "El Calendario Maya".  However keep in mind neither Spanish nor English is the native language of the Maya so if you're going to argue about this remember you're argument is "what is the name of the calendar in English", or Spanish, or your language.  My point here is the argument really has nothing to do with the Maya or the Mayan Calendar but is a symantic argument that does little but distract from the calendar itself.  Next up - The Mayan Calendar.  The Mayan Calendar is actually composed of multiple calendars depending on what you are contemplating.  For reference there is a Maya Haab Calendar, a Maya Long Count Calendar, the Calendar Round (though some state this is created only from certain recent interpretations), the sacred Maya Tzolkin calendar, and other calendars recording the progression of the moon, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter (819 day revolution), and more.  Finally, the Mayan Calendar does not predict the end of the world.  There are dates carved in stone, by the Maya, well beyond 2012.  The myths surrounding the Maya and the Mayan Calendar 2012 connections need to be exposed for their true nature - myths.  There is much to be learned from the Maya if we can open our minds to a different way of knowing.
I also encourage you to view this Mayan Calendar 2012 video and to continue your explorations of the Maya and the Mayan Calendar. Lipe - A Mayan Calendar Explorer
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lipe_Burnette
==== ==== December 21 2012: What Will Happen To You? http://productreviewblogs.net/mayan-calendar ==== ====