Things to Avoid When Searching for Jobs

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Things to Avoid When Searching for Jobs

Improper and overfilled resumes: Improper resumes or resume that are unsolicited are considered wasted efforts. All the resumes that are targeted to an open position usually get rejected by the Applicant Tracking Software (ATS). It is mandatory to create a resume that specifically focus on the job opening.

Applying to many jobs at one go: There is very little difference between being curious to get a job and being over-curious. It is advisable to stick to your weekly limit. Rather than calling, emailing, or trying to connect with the recruiter multiple times every day, limit yourself to three to four contacts weekly. You can choose the companies you want to communicate with, but it is advisable to stick to your limit. If you get a response where they say they will contact you soon, it is sensible to keep looking for other options.a

Research about the companies before applying: When searching for a job, many job seekers end up applying for numerous random companies and miss checking out the reviews, work cultures, and workforce wellness practiced in that organization. It is advisable to check and self-analyze whether you want to work for that company and whether you are a suitable employee for them. Most potential applicants end up applying for the wrong companies and waste their time and efforts.

Being well prepared for the interviews: A job seeker is expected to receive around 10 to 15 interview calls, and they tend to get biased about some organizations and put efforts to get selected only for those companies. It is advisable to pay attention to every interview and try to crack as many interviews as possible so that you can choose among the best options available to you.

Polite follow-ups with the recruiters: Sometimes job seekers fail to get the job because they don’t show a keen interest in knowing the reviews of the interviewer. There is a strong chance that the recruiters shortlist more than one candidate and choose them based on their efforts. If you attend an interview, you must politely follow up with the recruiter about the updates on the same.

Don’t ignore the feedbacks you receive:

It is very normal if you don't get selected on the first try. It would be best to consider all the recruiters' feedback about your interview and resume. If they highlight any flaw in the resume or the qualification or any other thing, you must try to change it. Igsnoring feedback and being unteachable would fail you in getting a good job.

Maintain your calm and be patient: It might seem insignificant, but the job seekers often set a time limit for themselves within which they want to get a job. This happens because they feel irritated or demotivated by being unemployed. It is necessary to understand that good opportunities sometimes take time. It is wise to keep your calm and don’t join any company that according to you is not suitable. There is a strong chance that you would end up quitting your job and have to undergo the same procedure again.

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