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VISION Magazine

Videos By Us; Photo & Video www.allvideosbyus.com INSIDE THIS ISSUE Keeping Your Teen out of Trouble Youth in Adult Prisions BEING BEAUTIFUL WITH MODESTY DISCIPLINE THAT WORKS Minister, Songwriter: TERRY NEWSOME

Fall 2009


Winter 2010

Arts & Community Events Magazine






A working voice related to the christian community. Allowing those with an interest in moral ethics and to learn about the christian lifestyle through informative articles and by listing services, products, events within the christian community. We believe and proclaim Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior We strive to operate according to Biblical Principals. Editor & Founder: Alicia Giles Asst. Editor: Patricia Williams-Stenson


Photography: Videos By Us


Advertising: Terry Webb, Alicia Giles


Contributing Writers: Patricia Stenson, Alicia Giles, Crystal Langford, Shondra Stewart, Myisha Giles, Terry Webb and others.


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770-842-5411 No portion of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. All Rights Reserved. Urban Voice formally Around Town Magazine was founded in Atlanta, GA in October 2004. We are subsidized fully through advertisement and we respectfully ask that you support our advertisers. We request that all ads be submitted no later than the 27th of each month.


!rom "e Edi#$’& Desk Surround Yourself with Positive People

EDITOR IN CHIEF Alicia Giles SENIOR EDITOR Patricia Stenson-Williams EXEC. ASST. TO EDITOR Myisha Giles EXEC. ASST. TO EDITOR IN CHIEF Crystal Webb CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Patricia Stenson-Williams

Have you ever heard the phrase “they’re a product of their environment”? Well your environment can include the people you have in your environment. The people you associate with can either have a positve or negative affect on who you are, what you feel and what you’ll achieve. Surrounding yourself with people who seem not to be going anywhere in life, will have no problem with dragging you down the road to nowhere with them. Those who have nothing to lose, will have no problem helping you lose yourself and what’s important to you.

Shondra Stewart Myisha Giles Crystal Webb T.L. Justice Mornetta Cunningham TECH SUPPORT Bryant Banks PHOTOGRAPHY & ART

Take into consideration who you are spending most of your time with. Are you hanging around people who are constantly speaking negatively about their situation and yours. People who verbally contribute to the problem and not the solution. Those who belittle your dreams and ambitions are the very toxic people to stay away from and/or not to listen to. Keep them around you long enough, eventually their negativity will drain you.

VBU/ Photos By Us Darrell Giles ADVERTISING/SALES Terry Webb Alicia Giles PROMOTION/ MARKETING Darrell Giles

It is your responsibility to develop and maintain, positive and influential relationships; ones that are not only positively contributed by you, but from the other person as well. Develop relationships with those who are positive, motivating, uplifting and supportive. People who are productive in their own lives whereas they positively influence, inspire and motivate you to excel and be the best that you can be.

Darrell Giles II Raymond Langford II Printed in the U.S.A

Alicia Giles, Editor in Chief


Alicia Giles Editor in Chief, Founder

Left: Crystal Webb Executive Assistant to Editor in Chief & Senior Editor,

Pat Williams-Stenson Senior Editor

Right: Myisha Giles Admn. Asst. to Executive Asst. to Editor in Chief,

Left to Right Darrell Giles Marketing & Promotion Ray Langford II Marketing & Promotion Terry Webb Advertising/ Sales

Left: Bryant Banks Tech Support

Right: Darrell Giles II Marketing & Promotion

All Thanks to Jesus Christ and praise to the Father ! To thank you readers, we really appreciate you. We have a printed version of Urban Vision that you can order or




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www.videosbyus.com. Thank you ALL contributing writers for your time and input. We value the talent that God has placed in you


Contributing Writers Their expertise on the topics they write; range from personal experience, to study & investigation. As well as professional experience & education

Patricia Williams-Stenson: Spiritual Corner Shondra Stewart: Spirtual Well-being Crystal Webb: Family/ Relationships T.L. Justice: Finance Myisha Giles: Health & Beauty Mornetta Cunningham

SPIRITUAL CORNER Patricia Williams-Stenson



et me ask you a question, when was the last time you heard a strong spiritual message

on hell? As for me, it has been quite some time. It was back in the 1980’s when I ca n remember the church was speaking out strongly about the effects of sin in ou r lives and its consequences. It was t hat strong spiritual message that drew me to Christ. I ca n remember when it seemed as if every month the church was in revival. Evangelistic teams, street ministries, movies and tent revivals were held all over the city to win lost souls. Ministers came from all over the country and churches came together in an effort to warn the people to repent and to give their lives to Jesus. Fire and brimstone was preached from the pulpits with such vigor and boldness. “Its holiness or h ell” the preacher would shout until all the people took notice and a godly fear and reverence for God was felt.

It was powerful. Men, women and

children came by the hundreds and even thousands to witness the miraculous move of God. Many were saved, healed from their diseases and delivered through these messages. It was an awaitening, a new birth in which a hunger for the things of God was on the hearts and minds of the people as they came in droves to witness God’s awesome power. I can remember when people ran to the alters asking, “What must I do to be saved?” These powerful messages were transforming the lives of people. Not like today where unpopular messages with references of hell or the devil are avoided like the plague. Some ministers maybe afraid of instilling fear into its parishioners, yet a fear of God is healthy and wise (Proverbs 9:10). It was many of our well known preachers that we see on television today that spoke in our small churches bringing the good news of the gospel to the people. They spoke with such boldness without fear or favor to man; unwilling to compromise the gospel for anyone. It was during this time that many of their ministries took off and grew into memberships of over a thousand.

BACK to the BASICS Cont.

When I think back I have to ask myself “what happened?” I see church membership declining and people living from day to day with no zeal or passion for life! Many attend church merely out of habit rather than desire and love for God. Something has gone terribly wrong? Has the church lost its focus? There has been a shifting and a great falling away. It seems as though the cares of this life has taken the peoples focus off God and onto themselves. Our generation has become consumed with making money and seeking possessions which can only bring a false since of security. Quick highs and consumption of alcohol, sexual promiscuity and the like are readily available for those who wish to self medicate and numb the senses from reality. Your soul is eternal and preparations for living should take into account where you will spend eternity; especially since your stay there meaning (heaven or hell) will be longer than your stay here on earth. We as believers need to remember that we have a mandate on our lives. We have a responsibility to share the love of Christ. Don’t be selfish. It’s just not enough that we are saved but that we witness to others so that they too will become part of the family of God as well. I’ve noticed how detached people have become when it comes to the concerns for others and their well being. It’s almost as if they are co ntent with their own salvation and resting in the fact that they are going to heaven. My brothers and sisters that is not why God saved you. He saved you and called you to bring others in. No one person can touch the lives of everyone. That is why we as individuals must do our part to witness to those around us who God has placed in our pathway. We must understand that some people may never go to church. Some may never hear the message of salvation other than the one you bring them. We c an touch and impact the lives of those around us in a way that know one else can. Hearing a message on television or even in a church building can sometimes not be as effective as a personal one on one face to face conversation. Yes, church is a necessary follow-up once we have given our lives to Christ. However, it is not a requirement for conversion, although it is extremely essential to our spiritual growth if we are to maintain a right relationship with God. Many people look at church folk as being hypocritical partially because they see a contradiction in what they say and what they do. This is probably one of the biggest reasons why people don’t witness. Many have displayed a lack of morals as well as ungodly behavior; unbridled self control which shows a lack of discipline to those around them; especially when it comes to

BACK to the BASIC Cont.

the tongue and attitude. This in turn makes them appear insincere and, therefore, less effective in their witness. Don’t let this be you! Don’t let your behavior ruin your testimony. Don’t let others see your lifestyle and say you need God more than they do! So what has happened to the great revival? I’ll tell you what has happened the fire is slowly burning out. It needs to be re-ignited. If you are wondering why the world is in such a terrible state, start by asking yourself, “What am I doing”? In order for one to hear the message of salvation, they must have a messenger. That my friend is you! Stop waiting for the preacher. The preacher is doing his job, what about you. If you are waiting for a better time, there is no better time than the present. We may not get another opportunity. People come and go. They travel in and out of our lives everyday, some just for a moment while others may remain for a lifetime. How would you feel if your best friend, co-worker or even a loved one died and went to hell and you didn’t warn them? Come right out and ask them, “Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?” God is not pleased when we refuse to tell others about his son Jesus. Remember there are still multitudes in the valley of decision. Let’s be willing to give and share that blessed hope, of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Someone around you made not see tomorrow, let’s care enough to warn them today. Don’t assume they don’t want to hear it or that they already know. ARE YOU REALLY WILLING TO TAKE THAT CHANCE? I hope not. The Bible tells us that hell has enlarged herself and is swallowing them up (Isaiah 5:14). My friend, remember, what it says in Ezekiel that if you do not warn the wicked and he dies, he will die in his sin, but not only that, his blood will be required at your hand. (Ezekiel 3:18) Please feel free to write me patriciastenson@videosbyus.com with your comments. We look forward to hearing from you

BEAUTIFUL WITH MODESTY Many women have little to no idea or care of how their way of dress may effect men. Early in life many young boys get their first impression about sex from magazines, television, and the internet. Leaving them with unrealistic images about sex. Later they try to intertwine the sex they’ve fantized about with love, and the two just don’t mix. Many women are at fault by not being careful not to compete with the women in these magazines and on television, ect…, by dressing to revealing. Remember the life of the “fool” who found himself lying in the arms of a prostitute in Proverbs 7. Lust can make a man guilable and weak to acting without thinking. The bible states that “people perish because of the lack of knowledge. Therefore, as a parent, are you explaining to your daughter(s) how to behave and dress modestly. Are you teaching your son(s) how to respect women and the diffrence between having a loving intimacy & lust. As a mother, what type of dress does your child see you in? Do they see you in revealing clothing, that draw negative attention? The POINT is this: if anyone has any doubt that you are a Christian because of the way you dress or behave you have a problem.

Dress: Idil Vice Design

Some women (NOT ALL) wear outfits that are purely meant to attract undue attention; attention that should be reserved for the husband and wife relationship. Wearing a skirt or outfit that barely covers their backsides and a see through blouse that left no doubt as to what she looks like underneath. Be sure that God is getting the glory and not you or your body. You may think that lust is a man's problem--and it is. But how will you feel on judgment day seeing your brother, who succumbed to lust being condemned to hell--and it was your immodesty that enticed him? Remember God is watching what you wear and whether you look and lust after someone whose immodestly dressed. (Matt. 5:28) Whosoever looks upon a woman to LUST after her, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”



BY Myisha Giles

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BLUE EYES: Gold, Orange-browns, peach, taupe, carmel

GREEN EYES: Coppers, pinks, plumbs, purples, mauves

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YOUTH IN ADULT PRISONS By The Campaign for Youth Justice


the majority of states, youth who are prosecuted as adults may be sentenced to serve time in adult prisons where they may be at risk of assault, abuse and death and will receive little to no rehabilitative treatment or educational services. Since 1995, the number of youth in prisons has dropped 45%1 On June 30, 2005, there were 2,266 youth in prisons in the United States.2 As of October 2005, at least 2,225 prisoners were serving life sentences without the possibility of parole for crimes committed as children.3 With the exception of Connecticut, which led the nation in the number of youth in adult prison and experienced nearly 20% increase in the number of youth in adult prison4, this decrease is explained due to a growing recognition by national, state and local policymakers that children don’t belong in adult prisons based on the latest research. Youth are not safe in adult prisons A report by the Commission on Safety and Abuse in America’s Prisons found that “violence remains a serious problem in America’s prisons.”5 A survey done in April of 2006 by the Princeton Survey Research Associates International for the National Center for State Courts and the Commission on Safety and Abuse in America’s Prisons found that Americans realize that prisons are violent. “When Americans think about someone they know being incarcerated, 84% say they would be concerned about the person’s physical safety.”6 Even for adults, prisons are not safe places. However, youth are especially vulnerable to victimization in prisons because of their age and size. Compared to children in juvenile facilities: • Children in adult prisons were twice as likely to report being “beaten up” by staff.7 • Children in adult prisons were 50% more likely to report being attacked with a weapon.8

___________________________________ 1Snyder, Howard N., and Sickmund, Melissa. (2006). Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 2006 National Report. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. 2 Beck, Allen J., Ph. D. and Harrison, Paige M. Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 2005. (May 2006) Washington DC: US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/pjim05.htm. 3 Human Rights Watch Report 4 BJS 5 Gibbons, John J., and Katzenbach, Nicholas de B. Confronting Confinement. (June 2006). The Commission on Safety and Abuse in America’s Prisons. 6 Ibid. 7 Forst, Martin, Jeffrey Fagan, and T. Scott Vivona. (1989) “Youth in Prisons and Training Schools: Perceptions and Consequences of the Treatment-Custody Dichotomy.” Juvenile and Family Court Journal 39:1.

Youth in prisons do not have access to educational or rehabilitative programs Youth require additional and specialized services that prisons do not have the resources for. For example, a Human Rights Watch report found that youth in Colorado prisons face many difficulties getting education, particularly beyond a GED. In addition, they found that youth serving life without parole are denied access to a variety of classes.9 There are no federal protections for youth held in adult prisons Youth sentenced as adults can be held in adult prisons, regardless of age. The core requirements of the Federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act do not apply to youth incarcerated in prisons. Correctional administrators oppose these policies In a recent policy statement issued by the Council of Juvenile Correctional Administrators (CJCA), they stated that, “The Council of Juvenile and Correctional Administrators strongly opposes the expansion of eligibility criteria for the waiver and transfer of youths into the adult criminal justice system.

YOUTH IN ADULT PRISONS (CONT.) Correctional administrators oppose these policies These policies have resulted in the placement of hundreds of youths into adult penal facilities without adequate treatment services.”10 Sentencing youth to adult prisons does not reduce crime Youth leaving prisons not only come out without the education and skills necessary to succeed and retain jobs, but they have also spent time with career criminals. Studies show that youth receiving adult sanctions are more likely to reoffend than youth receiving juvenile sanctions.

KEEP YOUR TEENS OUT OF TROUBLE 1 Talk to your teens, always ask how they are doing what they are doing. Get involved in their life and show them you care and not just criticise. 2 Be honest with your child. Tell them what is going on. As a teen they are old enough to understand, if parents are struggling financially. Maybe he/she can help out save money or help support the family mentally. 3 Get your kids involved in sports. If you cannot afford the sports outside of school, enroll them in school sports. Most of them are very cheap and it is a yearly fee. One must purchase the athletic Insurance which runs anywhere between $40-$50 which covers them while they are playing sports. 4 In the summer, make them volunteer. Keep them busy at all times. If they are busy with sports and chores at home, that most likely will not give them enough time to get involved in bad things or with a bad crowd. 5 Check up on your child and let them know you do that, because you can, because you are the parent. Check cell phones, computers, pants pockets. I do it to my kid all the time and he is fine with it.

A study done in Florida compared 315 “bestmatched” pairs of youth. These youth were matched based on age, race, gender, previous offenses, and such. The study found that while 37% of youth who were given juvenile sanctions re-offended, 49% of the youth receiving adult sanctions re-offended.11 Over the past decade, the MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Adolescent Development has conducted extensive research that shows that children in adult corrections face harsher settings and experience more developmental problems than children in juvenile correctional settings, facts which lead these renowned researchers to conclude that, "trying and punishing youths as adults in an option that should be used sparingly."12 www.campaign4youthjustice.org Prepared by the Campaign for Youth Justice www.campaignforyouthjustice.org 9 Human Rights Watch. (February 2005). Thrown Away. 10 Council of Juvenile Correctional Administrators policy statement 11 Bishop, Donna M., Frazier, Charles E., Lane, Jodi, and Lanza-Kaduce, Lonn. (January 2002). Juvenile Transfer to Criminal Court Study: Final Report. pg. 15. 12 MacArthur Issue Brief #5 “The Changing Borders of Juvenile Justice: Transfer of Adolescents to the Adult Criminal Court.” September, 2006.

6 Make them earn their time out to have fun. Make them work hard at school and at home. If everything gets done, you let them go have fun. Trade work for fun. I do it and it works. Be hard on them. don't be their friend, but let them know you are always there for them. 7 Talk to your teen. make sure they know they can and they will not get in trouble for anything, but they will get in trouble for not talking. You want to keep an open mind and an open relationship with your child. He/She needs to be able to trust you. 8 Make the time to spend time with your teen, even if it is only 2-3 hours. i have one night a week I hang out with my son, we call it date night. We go grab dinner, sometimes only desert, or we will go to the store. But we talk about everything and have fun. It is worth it. I go to school full time and work full time and drive my son to all sporting events he is a part of, but I will make the time that one time a week for our date night, because it is important. 9 Get involved and like what he/she likes, even if you don't. They are your children and they are only young for a short time. Don't miss out and take the time to teach them right and give them a good valuable start. Set expectations and rules ad regulation, but also give them an incentive to follow through. http://www.ehow.com/how_5310656_keep-teen-outtrouble.html


HOW TO GET YOUR HOUSEHOLD IN ORDER? By Crystal Webb Many protest that spanking a child is a harsh practice among African American parents. There are even some that say many blacks struggle to break that patterns of “tough love.” However, I believe that American society has failed to realize that parenting practices are often influenced by culture. But how do you create a happy medium? What tips can be used to have a healthy balance of both? African American women have come under grave scrutiny and hostile criticism from mainstream America. We are seen as strict disciplinarians that are driven by either the stress from a job, a man, or the behaviors of the children in the household. However is this notion supported by facts? For thousands of years women of African descent have brought up children in ways that instilled self control, self-love, respect and skills on how to flourish in a world that is not always accepting of them. Good parenting provides a balance of both a warm supportive nature and firm discipline. When you are able to show a supportive warm nature you give a child room to explore, learn and provide a safe haven for children. It is important to give the message that the child is cared for even when you have to dicipline them. An Authoritative or Democratic style of parenting is a necessary aspect of parenting. Parents do this by providing clear, reasonable expectations for their children and explanations for why they expect their children to behave in a particular manner. They monitor their children's behavior to make sure that they follow through on rules and expectation.

Catch your child being good. This is not to say, leave bad behavior unnoticed but praise children when they act appropriately. An example you might say “I really liked the way you cleaned up without a reminder.” Be supportive even when they are not at their best. There will be times that despite your child’s best efforts they will not be successful at something. Just remember to be supportive and remind them that you are proud that they tried. Gently and firmly address unacceptable behavior. Don’t be overly critical. When you have to punish your child let them know that you are doing this because you love them. Express that they a great person but they just did a bad thing. Have a positive outlook. Children can be extremely challenging but in order say positive things you have to feel it and believe it. Remind yourself of why you love your child even when they are being disobedient. The last thing you want to do is build up resentment against your child.


traditions help our youth identify and celebrate the passage into a new stage in life; through First communion, Confirmation, Bar Mitzvah, and Quenceanera. All of these require a period of preparation and recognition, then the youth is READY to experience the rite of passage. Training our children very carefully is a biblical concept society have seemed to have forgotten.

Train up a Child… Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6 I

How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. (Psalm 119:9) …meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. …Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:8-9)

Photo by Videos By Us

The absense of adult guidance through positive mentoring and quality time spent; has caused some of our youth to have created their own rite of passage by: stealing cars, shoplifting, and experimenting with sex, drugs, alcohol, weapons and violence. Most of us know this is a very difficult world for our youth. Peer pressure, sex and violence portrayed by the media, drug and alcohol abuse, relationships, academics, and other issues faced on a daily basis Solution: Become your child’s mentor or find someone to be a mentor to your child. A mentor is someone who has had successful life experiences and who is willing to share them. Someone who has time to listen and give thoughtful, caring advice and assistance. Someone who agrees to commit time and energy to developing a supportive on-going relationship with a young person. Mentoring gives children and youth a positive way to deal with stresses, pressures, confusion, frustration, pain, temptations and the difficulties they often experience, which may cause them to respond by getting into trouble. (continued)

BENEFITS OF MENTORSHIP • Goal setting skills • Effective problem solving skills • Living skills • Respect for people • Healthy risk taking • Communication and leadership skills The research shows that mentored youth: • are 86% more likely to go to college • are 46% less likely to use drugs • are 80% less likely to repeat an offense Consequences of Not Having Positive Role Models and Mentors • Teenage Pregnancy • Drug Abuse • Drug Dealing • Anger/Bitterness/Resentment • Incarceration/Prison • Committing Crimes Photo By Videos By US

All they are looking for is some attention and quality time with someone who cares about their interest and future. They are crying out “what about me”? Don’t waste the time spent criticizing and ridiculing the child. Find their positive attributes and help them to see the good in themselves. Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. (Ephesians 6:4 ) Don’t make your success seem unattainable. Be transparent. Let them know your faults/mistakes as well as your accomplishments. We will not conceal them from their children, But tell to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, And His strength and His wondrous works that He has done. (Psalm 78:4)

Don’t be a hypocrite. Be a good role model. Have integrity whether someone is watching or not. For I have chosen him, so that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing righteousness and justice, so that the LORD may bring upon Abraham what He has spoken about him. (Genesis 18:19) Don’t do all of the talking. Listen: Leave room for them to speak. And allow them to talk without being too judgemental. Don’t make them feel like what they are experiencing is not important to you. Try to spend at least one day of week of one on one time. Even if it is only 20 minutes of washing the car together. Find the time for them to speak with you privately. 




“I know there is someone out there that God has chosen for me…”



I know there is someone out there that God has chosen for me, yet I continuously search for them. God shakes his head and laughs because I am wasting so much time. He knows it is not my job to look because He is sending the person to me. I know this and still become so anxious and impatient. Could this be the reason why God feels I am not ready to meet the one? The people I have dated are all lacking what I need: me and him being spiritually on the same level. It saddens me how some people are so desperate that they will use my relationship with God to get in my good grace when they are lacking a relationship with Him themselves. God is smarter than that and He is showing me signs to just let go, instead of getting consumed by these men again. I think as a woman, the Lord wants me to up my self value, because I am a princess, for my God is my Father who is the King. First duty as a princess is to reevaluate my self-worth. I do not deserve to be treated like nothing; I do not deserve to be talked to any kind of way or talked into any kind of thing. I am worth someone waiting to be married to and loving me before we become intimate. I deserve to be wined, dined, and courted before I commit. I deserve to not have to share a man but to have him to myself. I should not have to compromise my belief or faith just because I want a man, for I am never alone. If I feel alone I need to focus more spiritually and meditate in the Word.

There is comfort in my Father's name. I am a beautiful creation and my enemies and those not of God are blind to that beauty. Therefore, they do not have appreciation for me because they are not of me. Those in the body of Christ are all of each other. Therefore, I value my relationship and myself with God and will no longer except less from anybody trying to become an addition to my life. Second duty as a princess is to let how fulfilled I feel on the inside reflect on the outside. There is this book by T.D. Jakes titled “Cover Girls,” where this character, name Tonya, could be categorized as a holy roller. She constantly calls on God’s name for everything in her life, goes to church almost everyday out the week and always spreading the good news. She is fully consumed with Holy Spirit –on the inside. On the outside she looked as though she was lost and had no type of relationship with God. When she tried to minister to others, it went through one ear and out the other. They figured to have the Lord in your life must not bring too much joy, from Tonya’s appearance alone. I am not saying to go out here and start wearing halter tops, mini-skirts and stilettos, but you don’t have to be all covered up in black either. I want color in my wardrobe, because I have the greatest light in my life. I feel good, so I want to look good too. As a princess, I deserve to have a dress that does not cling to my figure but fits just right to compliment it. I deserve to get my hair done up every now and then, or treat myself to a manicure and pedicure here and there. I am proud of the skin I am in for I am a creation of my Father.

My Duties a Princess Under God -Cont. I want my beauty seen. Away with the oversized-black dress-for-everyoccasion. I will now show-off this wonderful temple in a variety of things that show me in a confident, sophisticated, and respectful manner. My third duty as princess is to turn all my worries over to the King. I will no longer worry about where my next dollar is coming from, or those that try to come up against me. For the King has told me he will now take responsibility for all those troubling things in my life. No more tossing and turning in my sleep. No more crying throughout the day. No more sleepless nights. I will now consume myself with learning ways to get closer to my Father, the King. All the worrying I have done could have been spent meditating about the Lord. For if I know how to worry I surely know how to meditate on the Word. Amen! My fourth duty as a princess is to stop trying to make up for the past. I have prayed for forgiveness and my Father has accepted. The King never causes you sorrow just to punish you for a mistake in the past if you repent. A lot of His servants take advantage of this love and continue to sin in the same manner, thinking they can always just repent. That is not true repentance if you plan on making that mistake again and again. Furthermore, that is not being a true servant of the Lord. I try not do that to my Father, for my King sees and knows everything and you will face consequences one way or the other.

SPIRITUAL WELL-BEING I have learned this and understand that I need to learn from my mistakes and not continue making them. Now that I am in the Kingdom of God I can let go of the past and work on the present to prepare me for eternity with Christ. My last duty as princess is to become unselfish. I realize that when I am blessed with extra I need to extend that to others. Blessings also come in the form of testimonies. When I am down about something and the Lord finds a way to see me through, I need to share that with others. There is always someone somewhere going through what you just came out of. They need encouragement that things do get better. Do not keep bad and sad experiences to yourself. We all go through things for a reason. Let someone know, you could save a girl from becoming a promiscuous women, a teen from becoming a mother, a woman from becoming old, mean and bitter. If we would just share we can have a better community of strong , wise women. So I will acknowledge these duties from now on and put God first in all that I do. For there is nothing greater than knowing Christ and following His intended will for your life. SS A VIRTOUS WOMAN 'e Old Testament uses "is expression of a virtuou( )oman in two o"er places. In Ru" 3:11 it is used o* +u". Everyone in "e ci, knew "at she was a virtuou( )oman! When a woman has s-eng" of charac.r (fear( 0od, loves -u", ha.s sin), "en o"ers wi2 take no. an3 4ecognize "is. It wi2 be very obvious because it is so 5nusual. People are usua2y so mora2y weak and so anemic in charac.r, "at when a man or woman o* &-eng" shows up it is qui. evident # a2. 6e o"er plac7 8e .rm is used is in Proverbs 12:4 where we learn "at 9 :irtuous woman (lit--a woman of s-eng") does not mak7 her husband ashamed.

Profound Women of America "Empowering all women to enrich their quality of self through personal and professional growth."

WHO WE ARE Profound Women of America, (PWofA) is a non-profit organization newly formed in 2009. Our goal is to advocate for all women to become empowering leaders for themselves, their homes, and their community. PWofA has partnered with The Anxiety & Stress Management Institute, an integrative facility that focuses on health and well-being to facilitate our stress management programs. They will provide nutrition counseling, massage therapy, stress management support group sessions and a host of other mental and health stability needs. PWofA has also partnered with The Fortune Financial Group to facilitate the financial management features of the programs such as retirement planning, credit and budget counseling, tax savings education, and other financial growth subjects. PWofA will continue to work on partnerships with various corporations, foundations, media, and other nonprofit organizations to assist in developing a pathway for women prosperity across America. We pride ourselves on reaching the source of our youth’s impediments to increase education performance. We work on building member organizations to address a variety of issues, including workplace and economic equity, education and job training, national progress for women’s equality, stabilize and promote education, promote respect and confidence for struggling families. The strength of PWofA is that it provides a coalescing force uniting supporting organizations around a common agenda and a commitment to advancing the issues that impact children through women’s lives through grassroots activism, substantive policy work, and community network. The PWofA agenda is dynamic and changes as issues become prominent in the national debate and priorities for women evolve. PWofA membership is broad-based and diverse and includes organizations working on a wide spectrum of issues as well as the concerns of specific constituencies: young, middle-age, or older women, business and professional women, homemakers or retired women. Profound Women of America 3525 Piedmont Road, N.E. Six Piedmont Center, Suite 320 Atlanta, GA 30305 (404) 46-PWOFA www.pwofa.org info@pwofa.org

Photo By Videos By Us

It’s Okay, Love Yourself Everyone wants to love and be loved. Love is powerful. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. (1 John 4:8) We are to love our neighbor as ourselves.(James 2:8) But how can you truly love others when you don’t love yourself? God lives within us, therefore we should love ourselves. Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV) Love yourself the way God loves you. God loves you, no matter what you look like, what obstacles you face, no matter how many times you fail. The word of God tells us that: God, who is rich in mercy…he loved us even when we were dead through our sins... (Ephesians 2:10) In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. (1John 4:10).

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. (1 Corinthians 14:4 - NIV) We usually use the definition of “Love” from 1 Corinthians in the context of how we are to treat others. And we should. But first it should be the example of how we are to treat ourselves. Be patient with yourself, be kind and not critical towards yourself. Be gracious and giving. Don’t get so easily angry and frustrated with yourself. Stop dwelling on your past mistakes; ask God for forgiveness and move on from it. Be honest, turn away from wrong doing and delight in doing what is right. You cant fail when you have love (God), because it protects you, it has faith in you, always hopes and believes in a positive outcome, and always WIN!

You can’t fail when you have LOVE within you. 

Getting the Spirit of God within us? The 'fruit of the Spirit', like the fruit grown by a tree; the growth/ development of that fruit blossoming from it. Representing you & what’s inside of you. Spiritual life Showing growth in character, a change in your way of life that is not only good for you, but for the people around you. Like trees, you may look majestic and healthy; it's only when the strong wind blows that we find out what they are really made of. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22) LOVE •To love, to have affection for someone; to like; to be a friend; the love of brothers for each other The high esteem which God has for His human children and the high regard which they, in turn, should have for Him and other people JOY •To rejoice, to be glad That deep, abiding, inner rejoicing in the Lord PEACE •Tranquility, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord Realize that the Holy Spirit has His peace to give to you and that He can give it to you in great abundance. PATIENCE •Steadfastness under adversity •Forbearance under ill-will, with no thought of retaliation KINDNESS •Charitable behavior. Mild disposition, pleasantness, tenderness and concern for others. GOODNESS •moral excellence; virtue.


FAITHFULLNESS •Strong assurance •Trust in God GENTLENESS •Even-tempered, tranquil, balanced in spirit, unpretentious. Not rude or easily angered. SELF-CONTROL •Restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires •Break destructive habits Only a strong tree has plenty of healthy fruit. As a strong person has plenty of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfullness, gentleness, and self-control. Like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. (Psalms 1:3) 

Photos By Patricia Stenson

BILTMORE Asheville, North Carolina

Our trip to “The Biltmore Estate” in Asheville, North Carolina in May. Great getaway!

Breath taking landscape and structure. Be prepared to walk and wear comfortable shoes.

Photos By Patricia Stenson

Restaurants Shopping Beautiful Furnishings Accomodations

During the tour; they would not alow us to take photos inside of the home.

Focus Under Fire (Matthew 6:22-23)

SPIRITUAL WELL-BEING (1 Corinthians 10:13). Notice that He did not say that He would prevent the on coming of the unbearable, but that He would give us a means of escape; which clearly means that the choice is still in our hands; only the “unbearable” is reduced by “grace” to the “bearable”. We must examine and contineu, or correct our “focus” on Christ and His instructions (general or personal). Above all things, our focus is “key” to everything the Father our God has promised (John 15:5, Mark 13:13). If you will begin to research God’s word; you also will find that our victory is attached to our focus (Matthew 11:12).

Urban Voice

I was in a certain fight (spiritual) which was very trying. And during the battle, I heard the Lord speak clearly in my spirit as a coach speaking over my shoulder in a boxing match; I clearly heard the voice of the Holy Spirit repeating in my spirit “stay focused, stay focused”. This followed every distracting idea from the enemy (devil) that was put in my mind to distort my “focus” from instructions I had already received from the Lord to finish. The very important word I would like to share it that; our enemy the devil, going about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8-9). Many of the saints in God’s word have been delayed, hurt, often times destroyed because of distracted “focus” from God’s instructions, this is the devil’s M.O. (method of operation) Ephesians 6:16. I’ve learned that in all cases the devil’s attacks (evil temptations); it was against our “focus”. Jesus said that He would not allow us to be tempted above our ability to resist

MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES  It’s not what you say that matters, but what you do.  Your self-portrait determines you attitude.  You are never responsible for the pain of those who ignored your advice. Only the pain you receive based upon the advice you’ve ignored.  The picture you have of yourself determines how long you will permit others to mistreat you.

Study and compare: Genesis 3:1, 6,19:26, Numbers 20:8-10, Isaiah 26:3, Psalms 125:1,3, 127:1-2, Proverbs 8:33, 23:12, Matthew 4:2-11, 14:25-31, Mark 4:1-20, 14:38, Romans 12:2, Colossians 3:2, James 1:8, 14-15, 1Peter 1:13-15,22, 1John 2:15-17, Ephesians 6:16 Bro. Dwayne & Sheree Murphy




In order to get in head in life you have to make smart decisions in order to get there. With every dollar earned you have two choices spend that dollar and never see it again or put it to work for you and benefit from the fruits of that dollar at some future date. The one thing that is more precious than anything on earth is time. The one thing you can’t buy and never get back. So it is very important to use wisdom with every dollar spent. The reason being is, you put in a least 40 hours a week to get the little bit of money and you don’t want to waste any more of your time than you have to working for someone else. If you are one of the fortunate ones whom are doing something you love as a living it would still is great to have options because everyone can’t work for ever. When choosing your investment look at things you are familiar with. By looking to invest in things you know about gives you an advantage because you are more aware of the risks and opportunity associated with your investment. There are a lot of vehicles which will get you to the same destination. Don’t just limit yourself to one investment. I know everyone heard the old saying don’t put all your eggs in one basket which still holds true. You may not even know it but even owning your own home is an investment. I would encourage you to pay close attention to your everyday consumer patterns, like your local electric company or maybe one of your favorite fast food restaurants. I will conclude with this your path so financial freedom is all around you. Everyone’s route is different but the goal is the same. Challenge yourself and enjoy your path. If you have a question you would like more insight, please contact this magazine via e-mail. Thanks.

INTERVIEW ATTIRE HOW TO DRESS TO IMPRESS FOR JOB INTERVIEW  What your clothes say about you  Guidelines for men & women  Specifics for men  Specifics for women  Grooming tips for everyone

What your clothes say about you • In an interview your attire plays a supporting role. • Your conduct, your interpersonal skills and your ability to articulate intelligent and well thought out responses to questions are the most important elements. • Appropriate attire supports your image as a person who takes the interview process seriously and understands the nature of the industry in which you are trying to become employed. • Be aware that in some industries, customer contact and image presented to the customer is critical. In such industries, your attire will be judged more critically. • Your attire should be noticed as being appropriate and well-fitting, but it should not take center stage. • If you are primarily remembered for your interview attire, this is probably because you made an error in judgment! • Dressing nicely and appropriately is a compliment to the person you meet, so if in doubt, err on the side of dressing better than you might need to. • Even if you are aware that employees of an organization dress casually on the job, dress up for the interview unless you are specifically told otherwise by the employer. • Never confuse an interview or business function with a social event. Don't dress for a party or a date. • Not every contact with an employer requires interview attire. For some occasions business casual is appropriate. See business casual for when to wear it and what it is. • Changes in fashion may change some things, like the width of lapels, the cut of pants, or the colors of blouses available in the stores. Basic professional attire does not change with the whims of fashion. A good suit should last five to ten years, depending on its quality, how hard you wear it, how well you care for it, and if it continues to fit you well. You can express fashion's whims in your off-the-job clothes, and to some extent in your accessories

INTERVIEW ATTIRE Interview attire guidelines for men and women • Suit: A two piece matched suit is always the best and safest choice. But what if the job is in a non-suit-wearing work environment: Even if you would or could wear jeans on the job, or the work environment is outdoors and very non-suit, wearing a suit to the interview shows you take the interview seriously as a professional meeting. Dressing well is a compliment to the person(s) with whom you meet. If you think the industry in which you're interviewing would frown on a suit, or the interview will involve going to a work site where a suit would be inappropriate, look for advice through professionals who have been employed in that industry, and/or by asking the employer directly and politely. • Conservative colors / fabric: Navy, dark gray (and black for women) — are safe. Other color trends may come and go; avoid the extremes. Solids or very subtle weave patterns or plaids (the kind that look solid across a room) are safest. Wool, wool blends, or good quality micro fiber for women only, are generally the best fabrics in all seasons. Avoid acetate / rayon blends. • Cost / quality: You are not expected to be able to afford the same clothing as a corporate CEO. Do invest in quality that will look appropriate during your first two or three years on the job. One good quality suit is sufficient for a job search if that is all your budget allows. You can vary your shirt/blouse tie/accessories. • Details: Everything should be clean and well pressed.Carefully inspect clothes for tags, dangling threads, etc. Interview Attire Specifics for Men • Ties: Tie styles come and go. Select good quality ties. Avoid fashion extremes, like character ties, in interviews. • Shirts: Long-sleeved shirts, even in summer. Choose white or light blue solid, or conservative stripes.

• Socks: Dark socks, mid-calf length so no skin is visible when you sit down. • Shoes: Leather, lace-up or slip-on business shoes, preferably black or cordovan. Invest in a good pair; even if you don't wear them daily on the job, you'll need them for other occasions and you should expect to get lots of years out of good shoes. • Belt: Black or cordovan leather, to match your shoes. • Facial hair: If worn, should be wellgroomed. Observe men in your industry if you are unsure what's appropriate or are considering changing your look. • Jewelry: Wear a conservative watch. If you choose to wear other jewelry, be conservative. Removing earrings is safest. • Details: Everything should be clean and well pressed. Suits typically have tacking stitches to hold vents — on the jacket back and on sleeves — in place before the garment is purchased. Cut them off if your retailer / tailor doesn't. And that tag stitched on the outside of your sleeve is not meant to stay there like a Tommy Hilfiger label — cut it off! Carefully inspect clothes dangling threads, etc. Interview attire specifics for women • Don't confuse club attire with business attire. If you would wear it to a club, you probably shouldn't wear it in a business environment. • Skirt lengths: Much of what you see on television shows that masquerades for professional attire is actually inappropriate for a work environment. Your skirt should cover your thighs when you are seated. Showing a lot of thigh makes you look naive at best, foolish at worst. A skirt that ends at the knee when you're standing looks chic and professional.

INTERVIEW ATTIRE Longer skirts are professional too; just make sure they are narrow enough not to be billowing, but not so narrow that you can't climb stairs comfortably. Don't purchase a skirt or decide on a hem length until you sit in the skirt facing a mirror. That's what your interviewer will see. Ask yourself whether it will be distracting or reinforce your image as a person who looks appropriate for a business environment or gathering. High slits in skirts are not appropriate. A small back, center slit in a knee-length skirt is appropriate. On a calf length skirt, a slit to the knee to facilitate walking and stair climbing is appropriate. • Shirt / sweaters: Underneath the suit jacket, wear a tailored blouse in a color or small print that coordinates nicely with your suit. A fine gauge, good quality knit shell is also appropriate underneath your suit jacket. Don't show cleavage. • Jewelry / accessories: Wear a conservative watch. Jewelry and scarf styles come and go. Keep your choices simple and leaning toward conservative. Avoid extremes of style and color. If your industry is creative, you may have more flexibility than someone pursuing a conservative industry. • Cosmetics: Keep makeup conservative. A little is usually better than none for a polished look. Nails should be clean and well groomed. Avoid extremes of nail length and polish color, especially in conservative industries. • Shoes: Should be leather or fabric / micro fiber. Shoe styles and heel heights come and go. Choose closed-toe pumps. Regardless of what is in style, avoid extremes; no stilettos or chunky platforms. Make certain you can walk comfortably in your shoes; hobbling in uncomfortable shoes does not convey a professional appearance.

• Hosiery: Should be plainly styled (no patterns), sheer is most conservative (not opaque), and in neutral colors complementing your suit. Avoid high contrast between your suit and hosiery color. • Purse / bag: If you carry a purse, keep it small and simple, especially if you also carry a briefcase. Purse color should coordinate with your shoes. You may choose to carry a small briefcase or business-like tote bag in place of a purse. Leather is the best choice for briefcases; micro fiber or fine wovens are also acceptable.

Grooming Tips for Everyone • Hair: Should be clean and neat. • Shoes: Should be in polished condition. Make sure heels are not badly worn. • Details: No missing buttons, no lint; and don't forget to remove external tags and tacking stitches from new clothes. • Hands: Clean fingernails. • Fit: Clothes should be clean, neatly pressed, and fit properly. • Smell: Perfume or cologne should be used sparingly or not at all. No odors in clothes. Don't smell like smoke. • Pad folios: Preferred over a bulky briefcase. A small briefcase is also appropriate. But if you have no reason to carry a briefcase, don't; you risk looking silly. • Book bags: Leave it at home for an onsite interview. For an on-campus interview, you can leave it in the waiting area.

Tips for Completing Job Applications: Things You'll Need: * Blue or Black ball point pen * Name, address, telephone number of all references, educational facilities you have attended, and previous employers. * Job Application

Picking Up Your Application 1. Greet the receptionist or on staff employee politely when requesting an application. Say “thank you”. Their first impressions are often shared with your potential employer. 2. The employer may want you to fill out the application on site, there may even be a position that needs to be filled right away and you might be interviewed immediately so be sure to dress professionally. 3. If given a choice as to filling the application out there or filling one out at home and bringing it back always bring it home to complete so you may have more time to perfect your application. 4. In case you need to fill the application out on the spot remember to bring: • Pens blue or black ink • Information reference sheet or sample job application. • Copies of your resume *Having all of the things you need to complete your application will leave a professional & responsible impression. Complete ALL requested information. Don't leave anything blank. If something doesn’t apply to you write “not applicable” in the space. If you don't know the details bring the application home and return it when it's completed.

Write clearly and neatly, using black or blue ink. Check for spelling and grammatical errors. Proofread your job application form before turning it in. List your most recent job first when completing employment information. Do not include negative information. For example, instead of "fired", "quit", "late", or "absence"" you can use “moved" , "career change”, "seasonal job", "business closed”, "job ended," "temporary work," " laid off," " business moved," or "returned to further my education". List your most recent education first. Include vocational schools and training programs as well as college and high school. Salary desired, write "negotiable" Don’t fill in the words "anything" or "any”. Position desired field, list specific position or positions desired, or write “open” if you are unaware of the positions available. Remember to spell the position titles correctly. References don't necessarily have to be professional. If you have volunteered; use members of the organizations where you’ve volunteered or if you are a student use your teachers. Ask for permission prior to using the person for a reference. Remember to sign your application!


HOW TO BECOME A LICENSED BARBER Considering becoming a licensed barber, well here are some steps to help you with the process. Step 1 Find a barber school in your state by looking up a nearby location on the Ed-resource website. Contact the barber school and set up an appointment to go in and meet with the Admissions Representative. Step 2 Attend the appointment with an Admissions Representative at the barber school of your choice and complete the application process. Step 3 Set up a payment plan or fill out a financial aid application and apply for financial aid through a grant or obtain a federally funded student loan through Sallie Mae to pay for your schooling. Step 4 Enroll for classes at the barber school. Complete the minimum of 1500 hours of study to become a barber plus the additional required amount of hours per your state's requirements.

Step 5 Prepare to take your state barber exam after you have graduated from barber school. Study your books and refresh yourself by summarizing your old tests. Step 6 Contact the barber review board in your state; your barber school instructor will give you the exact information as to what number to call. Attend on the specified date time and take your state barber exam. Be sure to bring the required fee for taking the barber exam with you on the day of the exam, there are no refunds on the exam fee if you do not complete the test or if you fail the test. Step 7 Receive a decision in the mail within two to four weeks from the barber review board informing you if you have passed the state barber exam. If you have passed you will also receive your barber's license at the same time. If you failed the test, you will have to reschedule a time to retake the test at a future date.


Terry Newsome

Editor: My personal favorite by Terry Newsome : “Soul Music”

Terry Newsome/Gospelengine.com

Known for his dynamic, inspiring, and anointed ministry, Terry Newsome is a nationally acclaimed singer, songwriter, and minister. He is a multi-award winning artist including being titled the “National Grand Prize Winner” of the hit TV series “CATS” (Christian Artist Talent Search) which airs on the Inspiration Network (INSP) on Saturday nights at 10 pm. He is the new artist Grand Prize Winner of the international TV show “Gospel Superfest” that airs on many networks including TBN, ABC and NBC. His experiences and God’s blessings have allowed him to grace platforms at major venues with such trailblazers as John P. Kee and the New Life Community Choir, Tye Tribbett, Tonex, Byron Cage, J Moss, 21:03, Douglas Miller, Rance Allen, Out of Eden, Dorinda Clarke-Cole, Karen Clark-Sheard, Beverly Crawford, Daryl Coley, Ben Vereen, Ricky Dillard, Ron Kenoly, Shirley Murdock, Andrae Crouch, Kierra "KiKi" Sheard, Lonnie Hunter, Clifton Davis, Canton Jones, Cedric Ford, Virtue, Trin-i-tee 5:7, Shakina Glory, Angela Spivey and many others. Terry has traveled extensively across the United States ministering on the “Bobby Jones Gospel” show, “Backstage Pass” TV series on TBN and at such events as the Gospel Music Workshop of America Conferences, the Gospel Heritage Foundation Conference created by the founder of Gospel Today magazine, the Integrity Ministry and Arts Conferences, the Victory in Praise Conferences held by the Reverend John P. Kee where he was selected to be on John P Kee’s New Artist Compilation CD, The Gospel Awards in Sarasota, Florida, Live at the Apollo in Savannah, Georgia where he was the gospel artist winner and hundreds of other events. During the time of his touring, God blessed Terry with a five piece band and nine backup singers called the Praiz People. Through the favor of God, Terry continues to tour nationally telling people about the goodness of God. Despite Terry’s busy schedule, he continues to minister in his local community and surrounding communities. Terry’s ultimate mission is to reach people of all nationalities and ages. To encourage them that no matter how critical the situation may seem God can and will bring peace and deliverance. He constantly ministers at several charity functions such as the National Walk for Cancer, Save the Children Day in the Park, the Rape Crisis Center Fund Raiser and AWWIN, a non-profit organization designed to assist single working women. He is called upon several times a month to minister at federal prisons nationally. He teams up with the local YMCA serving on the board of directors as the chairman of the programs committee. He does free back-toschool gospel concerts and other occasions all during the year for the youth. He is a member of Mount Zion Baptist Church in Hinesville, Georgia where Dr. M.L. Jackson is the Pastor.

When you first experience the dynamic vocal ministry of Terry Newsome, you will not be surprised to learn that he began singing at the mere age of four. With the spiritual covering, guidance and influence of his mother's ministry, and the godly nurturing of his father and older siblings, Terry's groomed his talents with a growing understanding of the importance of God's anointing in his life and singing and the need to always give reverence to the power of God. By witnessing a God-fearing, faith-believing example in his own parents, Terry unceasingly is thankful for them for graciously molding and shaping him into a spirit-lead music vessel capable of leading God's people into the presence of the Lord in praise and worship. At the age of seventeen, he joined the United States Army serving proudly for seven years. This service covers various assignments including time served in the Persian Gulf War. Married for over 20 years to his high school sweetheart, Terry resides in Hinesville, Georgia with his wife, Jennie Newsome, which is also his manager and partner in ministry. They have two sons Kyle, 14 and Tarence, 19. Terry Newsome is on a mission: To transcend cultural, generational, and denominational boundaries to bring people together through ministry and reach as many souls for Christ as God will allow. He wants people to know that “No matter what your situation or what you’ve done, you can be restored, made clean, redeemed.”

Visit: http://www.sonicbids.com/terrynewsome and gospelengine.com for more of Terry Newsome

JACI VELASQUEZ Concert Dates ‘09 & ‘10 Dec 5 Blountville, TN Celebration Church Dec 6 Blountville, TN Celebration Church Dec 12 Omaha, NE Omaha Music Hall Jan 30 Berrian Springs, MI Howard Performing Arts Center For more Information: www.jacivelasquez.com

Congratulations to Quoreya for receiving the 2009 President’s Education Award signed by President Obama

FACEBOOK QUESTIONS & RESPONSES Do you think the death of AJ (Kandi Burress ex-fiance) has scared men away from being confrontational and fighting or do you think that it just shows how crazy this world and the people in it are getting? Smith Thomas Good point Alicia, Im a good example of that man who dont take much from no body, but my wife stresses to me all the time, things are not the same, just walk away 4 ur fam sake! Phoenix Jones Some battles are not worth fighting. Shondra Stewart I think sometimes ppl just start stuff for no reason. When you are going to put your well being on the line you have to take a moment and think about the consequences and if it is really worth all the trouble and time Crystal Webb I think it should scare men away from it I mean death, there's no coming back from that, but men will be men‌ When you mix alcohol, men and strippers need I say more? Alicia Giles You all have some valid points. Those type of battles are what is expected from children not adult men. AJ had children and responsibilities that now someone else now has to take care of. Either walk away or defuse the situation before it gets to that point. Join our Fan Page on Facebook

Designer Evelyn Lambert was born in Zimbabwe and lived in the UK before moving to America in '95. She designed her first piece at the age of 12 when her mother opened up a dress making shop. She designed her own prom dress. She traveled miles to attend the prom for her then boyfriend who was attending a boarding school out of town.... Her mother's tailors were always there ready to bring her vision to life. Living in London exposed her to a lot of designers she adored and she lived to shop with all her grant money while she was in College. After moving to America she pursued her passion since the market was 2-3 seasons behind the European fashion scene. After graduating with a BA in Fashion Design & Marketing, she started a handbag line which sold out of local Atlanta boutiques. Handbags was something she tumbled upon because a boutique owner loved the bag she was carrying which she made for a class project. The boutique owner talked her into designing & producing some handbags for her. Since her bags were a hit she made more and sold them in 3 other boutiques until she started working on her first collection which she launched to great reviews in October 2008. Stay tuned as Evelyn Lambert is working on her highly anticipated new EL line for fall/winter 2010. Email: sales@evelynlambert.com Website: http://www.evelynlambert.com 2479 Peachtree Road, NE, Atlanta, GA




PAPERBACK: 288 PAGES / ISBN:1893196925

Kenda Tyson has lived a pretty wonderful life. Her parents are lawyers who own their own firm, and they provide their 17-yearold daughter with only the finest. Kenda has come to expect that the men in her life will continue to offer her that same level of luxury, and when she meets the good-looking, smooth-talking Jerome Smith, she’s sure she’s hit the jackpot. Her perspective quickly changes, however, when she fi nds herself caught up in a whirlwind of love, lies, and abuse. The fi rst time she has to examine a bruise on her face, Kenda allows herself to believe that it was a mistake Jerome will never make again. Her friends try to convince Kenda that being with Jerome is not what’s best for her, but when she refuses to listen to them, they walk away, hoping that God will hear their prayers and protect Kenda’s life. When Kenda decides that her relationship with Jerome is more important than her friendships and her family, will she realize how much she is giving up before it’s too late? Nevaeh Madison seems to live the epitome of the perfect life. She’s the captain of the Varsity cheerleading squad and a straight “A” student with a near-perfect boyfriend, Ronald. Sexual intimacy had never been an issue between them, but when their relationship is put to the test, Nevaeh’s faith is shaken. Nevaeh’s best friend, Shimone, tries to be the shoulder her friend needs while struggling with finding herself pregnant at the age of eighteen. She knows that the hardest part will be telling her mother and her boyfriend, Marques, who has a reputation for being unfaithful. Losing her mother at age two and then being neglected by her father causes Sierra Monroe to find comfort and pleasure in the wrong places. After giving herself to so many men, she finds that her actions have major consequences. As these characters go through very different dilemmas, they will learn life long lessons and soon find that only God’s love and forgiveness can carry them through the hard times.

To Purchase Books By Author Brittney Holmes: Grace and Mercy or Living Consequences go to www.urbanchristianonline.com/BRITTNEY_HOLMES.html




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Business Directory - Metro Atlanta ATTORNEYS


Rickey L. Richardson Attorney at Law Criminal Defense & Personal Injury 1720 Peachtree Street, #640, Atl, GA (404) 892-6418

Created in the Image of God Myisha (678) 373-1614


Harolyn’s W.E.B. (678) 768-1113

Bobby’s Barbershop 812 MLK Dr., Atl., GA 30314 (404) 577-0570

EVENT PLANNING Polished Events Renita Hamilton, Social Events Planner (678) 602-0725 www.polishedaffairs.com

GRANT SERVICES Bonnie Horton, MPA, CNM Program & Grant Development Services (404) 861-3951 Email: SocialWorker315@aol.com

RENITA HAMILTON Social Event Planner 678.602.0725


Hair Braiding By Shay (404) 468-2380

Smile Salon Brenda C. Licensed Technician Precision Cuts, Color & Perms, Fades (678) 791-5223 Yamilee’s Unique Hair Designs 1181 A South Hairston Rd., Stn. Mtn. (404) 296-5422

Business Directory - Metro Atlanta LIMOUSINE SERVICES Southern Hospitality Limo Services (404) 461-3335 www.southernhospitalitylimos.com

MAKE-UP ARTIST J.MONT Makeup & Skincare Studio Jennifer Holmes 678- 596-9440 Jmontgomerymakeup@hotmail.com www.jmontstudio.com

PHOTOGRAPHY Atlanta Mediaworks (678) 376-7386 www.atlmediaworks.com

HANDYMAN H.G.E. Holly Grove Enterprises (404) 625-1972 or (678) 526-4651 24 - Hour Services Available We Beat All Estimates…Guarantee!

H.G.E Holly Grove Enterprises (404) 625-1972 or (678) 526-4651 Landscaping ı Interior/Exterior ı Painting Electrical ı Security Security Systems ı Auto Detailing ı Gutter Cleaning ı Pressure Washing ı Barbering ı Childcare (15yrs exp.) ı Assisted Living ı Residential & Commercial Janitorial Services ı Catering Services (New Orleans Cuisine) ı Mortgage Services Excellent Staff. 24-Hour Service Available We Beall All Written Estimates…Guaranteed!

Photos By Us “Your Image is Important to Us” (770) 842-5466 www.allvideosbyus.com Sydcam Visions 678-895-7574 sydcamvisions.net www.blackboxvisions.net

RESTUARANTS Nicky’s Seafood 609 Whitehall St., SW Atl., GA 30303 (404) 222-9626

VIDEOGRAPHY Videos By Us 770-842-5411 www.allvideosbyus.com

To Be Listed: Call (770) 842-5466 Email: aroundtownmagazine@hotmail.com



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