News & Views Summer 2017

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News & Views Summer 2017

P e r f o r m a n c e T h ro u g h K n o w l e d g e

Focus on Core Engineering Skills in 100-Module Training Package 100 modules with assessments devised for marine engineers launched on a mobile-friendly platform, utilising 3D and animated graphics KVH Videotel has launched an extensive training suite for marine engineers, covering 12 subject areas and containing 100 modules with over 2500 individual screens of content. The training suite, called Practical Engineering, delivers training to a level of competence required by STCW, with a practical, stimulating mixture of training styles, covering topics including: Bunkering & Transfer; Fuel Oil Treatment; Diesel Engines; Main Engine Fuel Systems; Boilers; Auxiliary Machinery; Pumps & Pumping. Practical Engineering has been developed

under the guidance of IMarEST Chartered engineers and supports the fundamental reference and learning needs of engineers. Mark Woodhead, KVH Senior Vice President, EMEA, says: "Analysis of the training data we record clearly shows a weakness in performance in engineering-related test assessments. Discussion with our customers further suggests that the gaps in marine engineers’ knowledge is often tied to the core underlying principles, so Practical Engineering strips everything back to basics and covers the underpinning knowledge that all engineers should possess whilst also providing accompanying assessments to check the learners’ knowledge and provide evidence for record-keeping purposes."

devised under the guidance of IMarEST Chartered engineers. “Practical Engineering uses the latest learning technology; it is interactive, has 3D elements, and it deploys animated graphics rather than video. It has a fresh new look and feel, and, most importantly, is compatible with all mobile devices so that, potentially, seafarers can have access it wherever they are.”

“The Practical Engineering training suite enables shipping companies to address fundamental weaknesses in some of the engineering skills at sea, with the confidence that the modules have been

Learning on the move now possible with responsive touch-enabled CBT Also KVH Videotel has launched a new generation e-learning content delivery platform, which allows users to view its comprehensive range of maritime training programmes on a wide variety of devices including tablets and even mobile phones. The new application rescales dynamically to any screen size or aspect ratio enabling the learning content to display clearly in landscape or portrait, essential for those who want to study on mobile devices. Features include touch navigation, a multi-language capability allowing users to easily switch between languages and an ECDIS inspired ‘night mode’ that allows the user to select a darker theme that is easier on the eyes in low light conditions. A bookmarking facility ensures that a session can be paused and returned to at the exact same position

in this Issue

• Training Spotlight on MRV • KVH’s Connectivity as a Service Offering • Meet the Team Feature when required, and the app also includes an increasing number of inbuilt components designed to make learning more fun, all without the need for additional plug-ins, such as Adobe Flash Player. Videotel is already producing training materials, which will be coming soon, using this technology, including: Practical Engineering Suite; Tanker series; Basic Life Support and AED Training and ISO 140001 Environmental Management Training Course.

• About Reflective Learning • New Innovations in Training and Content • New Programmes and Courses • Latest Awards

Welcome to Our Newsletter! News & Views is now distributed in a digital format, although a limited number are still printed for those who request a hard copy. We continue to deliver brand new productions and regularly update our programmes. All information and trailers can be found on our website and YouTube channel. The back page of this newsletter contains information on the latest releases available, which can also be found at

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NEWS FROM KVH Announces New Connectivity as a Service (CaaS) Offering AgilePlans by KVH provides global connectivity to commercial fleets with one monthly subscription fee that’s all inclusive with no commitment required KVH has announced the immediate availability of AgilePlans by KVH, its allinclusive Connectivity as a Service (CaaS) offering for the maritime industry. For a single monthly fee, AgilePlans by KVH brings an advanced satellite communications solution onboard without a costly capital expenditure or long-term commitment. The subscription fee is as low as US$499/month for a complete package including hardware, connectivity, installation at select ports, entertainment and training content, and global support. The AgilePlans by KVH subscription model is designed to deliver everything a fleet needs for better communications and improved operational efficiency at sea.

MRV - Monitoring, Reporting and Verification

“Connectivity is the gateway to digital transformation for shipping, but the complexity and comparative expense of satellite communications has acted as a brake for many operators,” says K D Adamson, futurist and founder of Futurenautics Group. “Connectivity as a Service makes real sense, bringing simplicity, accessibility, and scalability without the need for up front CAPEX, so the AgilePlans service from KVH is groundbreaking in that respect. But this isn’t just about cutting costs, it’s about delivering value, which makes the inclusion of crew content and eLearning in the KVH offering really significant.”

This programme highlights the EU regulations that were adopted by the European Parliament in April 2015 requiring ship operators to monitor and report their carbon emissions and transport work on all voyages to, from and between EU ports.

The monthly subscription fee for Agile Plans by KVH includes all of the following:


It will apply to all ships exceeding 5,000 GT regardless of their flag, port of registry or home port, although it will not apply to warships, certain fishing vessels and some other specialised vessels. By August 2017 shipping companies have to submit a monitoring plan specifying what method they are choosing to monitor and report emissions and other relevant information for each of their ships that is above 5,000 GT. The programme gives further details of the data that must be provided and the methodologies that can be used to calculate fuel consumption. The plan must be submitted to a verifier by the end of August 2017 covering each of their ships, so shipping companies need to act on this urgently if they are to meet the deadline.



All Necessary Hardware: Choice of KVH’s TracPhone V7-IP or TracPhone V11-IP antenna system; the belowdecks Integrated CommBox Modem (ICM); and required cables Installation: Free shipping to, and standard installation in select ports around the globe| Maintenance & Support: Zero maintenance costs for the life of the subscription; KVH OneCare Global Technical Assistance Package; proactive performance monitoring

Management Portal: myKVH Vessel Tracking Service: Basic Tracking Crew Welfare: NEWSlink Print and NEWSlink TV delivered and updated daily via KVH’s IP-MobileCast content delivery service Training Content: TRAININGlink Videotel Basic Training Package of videos covering Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW)-related material for one of three categories: tankers, dry cargo, or offshore Operations Data Delivery: CHARTlink and FORECASTlink multicast delivery of thirdparty chart and weather data

Airtime and Voice: Choice of KVH’s usagebased airtime data plans with speeds up to 4 Mbps shore-to-ship, and a KVH-assigned VoIP number

Videotel has 43 online courses that you can enrol and pay for online – no subscription necessary LNG SIGTTO and Safety Officer are our most popular courses

The biggest single nationality of crew taking our courses in Q1: Indian The biggest single age range of crew taking our courses in Q1: 28 - 32 years old



Elaine Forrester  What is your role and your main responsibilities? I am the Support Services Manager. I head the Support Team - a team of 5. I ensure all cases/emails are answered in a timely manner and I endeavour to manage customer expectations.

Which KVH Videotel office are you based in? London

How long have you worked for the company? 21 years

What is the best thing about your job? Assisting customers with their queries and getting a resolution as quickly as possible. Also, building customer relationships with all, whether onboard the vessel or within the Company offices.

Content Corner Reflective Learning

Creative Content Director, Raal Harris, explains what reflective learning is, and what it means to Videotel and for you… ‘It is not sufficient simply to have an experience in order to learn. Without reflecting upon this experience it may quickly be forgotten, or its learning potential lost. It is from the feelings and thoughts emerging from this reflection that generalisations or concepts can be generated. And it is generalisations that allow new situations to be tackled effectively.’ (Gibbs 1988)

Have you ever been to sea?

Videotel has been applying reflective learning techniques into its training materials for 35+ years. It plays a vital part in the workbooks that accompany our videos as notes to the trainer, along with questions they can ask at the end to make the sessions interactive and participatory.

Yes I have been onboard the CMA CGM Jules Verne which was one of the largest Container ship in the world in terms of capacity at the time. I went onboard to resolve an issue with the NVOD whilst it was in port in Southampton.

In addition, our Onboard Trainer and Assessor Training Course provides specific information on how video can be used in group sessions to facilitate exactly this.

Learning From Others Videotel friends and customers at Seatrade Groningen B.V. are using the first maritime management simulation, developed by Atria Learning and Development GmbH. The human element simulation, called TOPSIM-HEISS, is an innovative way of turning learning into action and thereby focusing on creating a safety culture and developing high performing teams ashore and onboard. The participant can experience the clear connection between successful operations and the human element in the shipping industry.

Simulating on board management decisions, TOPSIM-HEISS participants realise their own development and leadership responsibilities. Videotel is delighted to also provide eLearning to Seatrade, a company that strives for excellence in the professional development of its staff. To find out more about why TOPSIM-HEISS was developed and how it works, download the whitepaper from

OUT & ABOUT Norway, 30 May-2 June London, 3-7 July Back at the IMO for MEPC

London, 5-16 June We will be represented at the Marine Safety Committee at the IMO

London, 12 September KVH press briefing at LISW (check website for up-to-date details)

Meet Mark Woodhead and the team at this key event, booth number #B04 20

Manila, November Hear about our focus on welfare and training at CrewConnect Global 2017

NEW PROGRAMMES AND COURSES MRV - Monitoring, Reporting and Verification Training Bulletin This programme highlights the EU regulations that were adopted by the European Parliament in April 2015 requiring ship operators to monitor and report their carbon emissions and transport work on all voyages to, from and between EU ports. Plans must be submitted to a verifier by the end of August 2017, so shipping companies need to act on this urgently if they are to meet the deadline.

Nitrogen Based Inert Gas Systems This training package deals with all aspects of using nitrogen as an inert gas. New

regulations have been introduced for oil and chemical tankers of 8000 tonnes deadweight and above, built on, or after, the first of January 2016. The effect of these will be to make nitrogen generating equipment more common on new ships.

Advancing into the virtual world Mark Woodhead outlines new innovations in training and content In a presentation to invited guests at Videotel’s office in central London, Mark Woodhead outlined the next generation of content and training options made possible by improved connectivity to ships.

Basic Life Support and AED Training Course This course is aimed at people wanting to learn Basic Life Support (BLS). It also provides the essential treatment algorithm and instructions for performing CPR on an adult. The course is recommended for all seafarers and shore-based staff in companies in which AED devices are used.

Vessel Resource Management Series (Edition 2) This series teaches how important good resource management is to all seafarers and how they can achieve it. The series emphasises the importance of keeping to established company procedures at all times. The series addresses many of the key issues and regulations as defined by the STCW and SOLAS Conventions, in particular, resource management and watchkeeping.

It's Not Worth It! Maritime Pollution Prevention (Edition 2) This programme highlights the many successful prosecutions that have been brought against individual seafarers and ship operators: some the result of evidence provided by whistle-blowers, which have resulted in multimillion dollar fines and, in some cases, imprisonment It is aimed at seafarers who continue to rig bypass pipes and falsify records.

ALSO! NEW TITLES COMING SOON • Tanker Courses • • Tank Cleaning Practice • • Welding Safety Techniques • • Engine Room Waste Management Series update • • Personal Safety Onboard Ship Series • • Cyber Security •

Latest Awards

A next-generation virtual reality simulation was showcased by Mr Woodhead. Developed as a way of training crew in a safe environment, the invited audience were encouraged to experience a virtual 360˚engine room space, and perform a maintenance task with the use of wireless motion tracking controllers. “This virtual reality demonstration is a great example of how Videotel is constantly looking to the future and helping to provide better services and a greater understanding of how crews’ competency and well-being can have a dramatic impact on vessel performance,” Mr Woodhead said.

“Statistics prove that knowledge retention is greater when a seafarer actually performs a task rather than listening to or reading a set of instructions. With the younger generation growing up in a digital world, I believe VR will become the future of training,” he added. Techniques such as gamification are also being developed taking the best elements of digital game playing, such as points scoring and award winning, to encourage greater user engagement.

The Horizon Interactive Awards Entry: Ro-Ro Cargo Handling, Part 2 - Vessel Safety Category: Video, Instructional Award: Gold Entry: Safe Passage in the Singapore Strait – Eastbound Category: Video, Instructional Award: Gold Entry: ExxonMobil Insights Series, Programme 5: Switching Fuels Category: Video, Instructional Award: Gold

About KVH Videotel Effective crew training and management solutions in a range of formats and languages are the foundations of KVH Videotel services. The company, part of KVH Industries, Inc., has been dedicated to producing comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date products since its founding in 1973. 84 NEWMAN STREET LONDON W1T 3EU, UK

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