•Configurations are a very powerful feature of SolidWorks, allowing you to easily create, store, modify and display limitless multiple versions of your models. This is one aspect of SolidWorks workflow that really speeds up your work and increases productivity. •For part and assembly models containing configurations, you can manage the size of files and the time needed to save them. You can specify and identify which configurations to always keep up to date. You can purge cached configuration data every time you save the model
You can create configurations using any of the following methods: Create configurations manually.
Use design tables to create and manage configurations in a Microsoft Excel worksheet. You can display design tables in drawings.
Use the Modify Configurations dialog box to create and modify configurations for commonly configured parameters.
In part documents, configurations allow you to create families of parts with different dimensions, features, and properties, including custom properties. simplified versions of the design by suppressing components.
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families of assemblies with different configurations of the components, different parameters for assembly features, different dimensions, or configuration-specific custom properties.
In drawing documents, you can display views of the configurations you create in part and assembly documents.
when you add the config(s). it can also be changed by right clicking on the configuration name and going to properties.
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