The Bird 11.7.13

Page 1


THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 07, 2013 Vol. 126 / No. 47

soccer success Page 12

comedian/author David Sedaris Page 7

Photo by Brian Jarocki / Photo Editor


02 Friday


50°F Low 30°F Rain 0%


Sunny; it might get a bit tejada (te-HOT-ah).

51°F Low 40°F Rain 10%


Mostly sunny with some wind (no dresses, please).


55°F Low 35°F Rain 10%


Mostly sunny. If you have no date, at least you have your beard to keep you warm.


50°F Low 36°F Rain 0%


Sunny, but no need to shave them legs. Source: National Weather Service

The Bird’s


Pet of the Week Mitch McGillicuddy is a

4-year-old ball python submitted by Jeff Trungale. If you think your pet has what it takes, send us an image of your pet at Vidette_Submissions@ilstu.



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So you think you know your Illinois State University campus, eh? Each Thursday, The Vidette features a unique view of a reasonably common site on campus. If you think you know where the photo was taken, email your response to vidette_birdseye@ We will draw a name from the correct submissions, and the winner will receive a pair of Vidette sunglasses. There was no winner from last week. The photo was of the gazebo on the Quad.

“Mitch McGillicuddy”

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The Vidette The Vidette is published daily Monday through Thursday every week, except for final examinations, holidays, and semester breaks. Students are responsible for the content of the Vidette. The views presented do not necessarily represent, in whole or part, those of the Illinois State University administration, faculty, and students. The Vidette is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the Illinois Press Association Subscriptions are available by mail to anywhere in the United States for $150 per calendar year. © The Vidette 2013 University & Locust / Campus Box 0890 / Normal, IL 61761–0890

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’Bird on the Street:


What do you think about gay marriage being legalized in Illinois?

“I’m not personally gay, but I think they should have the same rights as everybody else. They’re still people.”

“I think it’s good. It doesn’t matter what your sexuality is. If you love each other, you should be able to get married.”

“I feel like even though some people don’t agree with it, that they should still have equal rights as same-sex couples.”

“Cool. It’s really good that this is becoming a thing. People should be allowed to do what they want.”

Alex Estrada / senior, Spanish

Melissa Bullard / sophomore, accounting

Hannah Fry / junior, math education

Nathan Flessner / freshman, biology

’Bird Chirps

Tweets of theWeek

Excerpts of reader comments from regarding stories published by The Vidette

@The_Vidette Hey GIRLS! What do YOU think about No Shave November! Beard or no beard? commented on “‘Am I pretty or ugly’ fad needs to stop”:

@mpbarrick: BEARD>>>>>>

I think young girls just need more positive models like Miley Cyrus who preaches, “Forget the haters ’cause somebody loves ya.”

@Poly_princess25: No beard! Too scratchy

Vidette Beards: Maybe not a full beard, but ad production artist Boston Fleener can really rock the ’stache.


part of a healthy breakfast

Bill commented on “Talk therapy aids patients dealing with health-related anxiety”: Olivia: Talk therapy works wonders for anxiety. Just the act of openly discussing it is therapeutic. Thank you for an excellent article!

Some have started fresh for November, but here are some of our employees’ best beards.

The Vidette’s previous art director Dan Ferrell has one of the best beard’s around. And we sure miss seeing it!

Sports editor Dan Fox recently shaved off his beard. Nothing says professionalism like a close shave.

General manager John Plevka has been sporting this beard since 1975.

Illinois State University’s


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w h e r e o u t s i d e i s i n s t y l e 3 1 4 N T O W A N D A A V E N U E N O R M A L , I L 6 1 7 6 1 | 3 0 9 . 8 6 2 . 3 7 6 1

t h e s h o p p e s a t c o l l e g e h i l l s . c o m




Vidette Editorial Board

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese cutting out food dye? W

e all loved it as kids. Most of us probably still eat it because of our lack of income. Of course, we are talking about Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. Recently, Kraft agreed to take the yellow dye out of its Macaroni & Cheese geared towards children (i.e., SpongeBob-shaped Macaroni & Cheese) because of a petition first created by two concerned mothers, Lisa Leake and Vani Hari. Food dye has a reputation of creating health problems, and Kraft Macaroni & Cheese uses an abundance of the food dye Yellow 5. The use of Yellow 5 has been under scrutiny before, most notably due its presence in the soft drink, Mountain Dew. The popular soft drink uses Yellow 5 to obtain its signature neon-green color, and was rumored to cause one man’s testicles to shrink and his sperm count to lower. This is all speculation, but this speculation brought to light the potential dangers of food dye. This editorial board believes food dye is unnecessary, and discontinuing the use of dye in our food would be incredibly beneficial to the masses. According to an article published on, Leake and Hari launched their position on, demanding Kraft change the amount of dye used in its product. Yellow 5 has been linked to the hyperactivity in small children, and Leake and Hari believe this petition is necessary because of the numerous children who consume Kraft Macaroni &

Cheese every day. Hari believes she, “[has] built an army of people concerned about food and not only what their families are eating, but all of America.” The article also states that the dye adds no flavor to the macaroni, it just adds the signature yellow color Americans have recognized for years.

The purpose of the dye is purely aesthetic; an attempt to make food look more appetizing. Because of the lack of purpose and the supposed health problems food dye can cause — according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest — The British Government and the European Union have almost entirely eradicated the use of dye in their food products sold in stores. There are many ways to naturally color food. Why must these dyes even exist? Surely, Kraft Macaroni & Cheese cannot look so unappetizing without the dye that people will not eat it. The intense yellow hue created by Yellow 5 looks unnatural anyway. There are plenty of natural alternatives to food coloring. Believe it or not, the alternative is to use food to color other food. Juices from berries, purees, oils and spices can all effectively dye food without the use of artificial man-made chemicals. The United Kingdom version of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese faces stricter regulations when it comes to food additives, so they implement Turmeric, a natural yellow spice, in order to color its product yellow. There is virtually no difference in taste, and the use of food dye is not needed. Not to mention, Yellow 5 can cause allergic reactions in some people, which would be avoided all together if natural alternative dyes were used. The FDA should introduce more regulations in regards to food dye. Even though there lacks scientific evidence describing the health detriments of food dye, there are plenty of alternative ways to effectively dye food. Illustration by Matt Drummer

Editorial policy is determined by the student editor, and views expressed in editorials are those of the majority of the Vidette’s Opinions Council. Columns that carry bylines are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Vidette or the university.

Homosexuality needs to become a norm in society MY VIEW Nick Ulferts Columnist

Gay marriage has finally been legalized in the state of Illinois. If you haven’t already, take a moment and let that sink in. After years of protest and debate,

Illinois legislators passed the bill after an incredibly tight vote. The bill still needs to be signed by Governor Quinn, but given that he has already pledged to sign it, it’s safe to say that Illinois will join the other 14 states that have already legalized it.

A few generations from now, people will be in disbelief when they learn about the time when gay marriage was not legal. Like women’s rights and racial equality — which we take for granted now — the gay rights movement is the civil rights crusade of our generation. Exciting as it is, passing bills is not enough to fully integrate equality into the culture of the United States. For us to do that, we need to go further. We need to establish homosexuality as an acceptable norm. Schools need to start acknowledging and educating students about homosexuality. Racial equality and women’s rights were not always an accepted norm. It took years of educating younger generations that what sets our country apart from others is our dedication to freedom for all people. We did this through schools, the media and eventually parenting. While of course there is still a great

deal of intolerance in this country, the U.S. as a whole is much different than it was 50 years ago. There is still much to be done, but our country has been moving in the right direction. The approach that has been taken to racial equality and women’s rights needs to be applied to gay rights as well. The state of Illinois has recognized that homosexual couples can be married. Public schools need to make this step as well. Schools need to educate students about gay rights and establishing it as a norm. Children (yes, children) need to be told that it is OK to be homosexual and that there’s nothing abnormal about it. Some people will be offended. I’m sure there are plenty of people that were offended by women’s rights and racial equality at the time of their implementation. However, refusing to educate our children about homosexuality is the same as hiding



it. It needs to be talked about. To ignore the issue is to perpetuate the assumption that it is taboo. If we are to truly progress as a society, this assumption cannot happen. A Washington Post article recently pointed out that a Winthrop University poll found only 52% of the state of South Carolina polled was against gay marriage. This may not sound great, but the article pointed out that in 2006 when the state banned gay marriage, the vote was passed by 78% of the voters. This really indicates that rapid change is happening, but there’s still a long way to go in states like South Carolina. Discussing gay rights in schools would ensure that future generations would be much more accepting. Illinois has made a huge leap in regards to civil rights, and residents should be proud that their state has become the 15th to legalize gay marriage. However, it can’t simply

end there. “Our journey as a nation is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law, for if we are truly created equal then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well,” President Obama said in response to Illinois legalizing gay marriage. In order for homosexual couples to be truly equal in this country, schools need to start treating them as such. Gay literature needs to be read. Homosexuality needs to be talked about. If schools can start making strong impressions on children, then the generations after us will be that much closer to having a more tolerant nation.

Nick Ulferts is a junior English education major and columnist for The Vidette. Any questions or comments regarding his column can be sent to


Are you satisfied that gay marriage has finally been legalized in the state of Illinois?

Today’s Redbird Rumble or Fumble:

Compiled by The Vidette Editorial Board

Redbird Rumble: To the state of Illinois finally pass-

ing gay marriage.

Redbird Fumble: To this wind and rain the past few days. We want cool and crisp fall weather, not rain boots and winter coats. Redbird Fumble: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford for admitting to smoking crack cocaine. Was that necessary to announce to the public?

Redbird Rumble: Good luck to ISU women’s soccer in the MVC Tournament this weekend. Bring home the title, ladies! Redbird Rumble: To gas prices dipping below $3.00 this week. Hoo-ray for the pumps not breaking our wallets! But the real question is how long will it last?



New voice for ’Birds basketball makes debut Redbird basketball fans can expect to hear a new voice in the stands this year as J.D. Justice takes the reins as the team’s announcer Lindsey Clark Reporter

When J.D. Justice is not lending his voice and talents while working at his job at a local radio station, he will be serving as the new ISU men’s basketball public address announcer. Currently a morning show co-host of the B-104 Continuous Country Favorites radio station in Bloomington, Justice will J.D. Justice now expand his skills even further with the ISU Athletic Department. With his experience of more than 10 years in public announcing, this job seemed like a natural fit for his next career move. Justice recently went through a tryout process along with other possible candidates. Once he made it through that, he was selected as the new voice of ISU men’s basketball. “I love college athletics, and I am honored to be a part of that,” Justice said.

His job description will include entertaining the crowd, introducing the players, keeping the audience updated on who made the fouls and the baskets, as well as reading the advertisements for those sponsoring ISU athletics. Justice has already started his new job — on Sunday, he began his duties for the ISU basketball exhibition game that took place that evening. ISU played against Division II Quincy at the Redbird Arena with a victory of 84-65. The exhibition games served as a preview for the quickly approaching season as well as allowing the team to get some more practice in before the season officially commences. Though Justice has gotten a head start on his new job, he will officially kick off his announcing responsibilities for men’s basketball next week at the Redbirds’ first home basketball game of the season. ISU will face Drexel on Nov. 12. Justice expects that being on the sidelines and being involved with the players at different times will be two of the aspects he will enjoy most in doing the job. “It is an honor to be a part of college athletics, especially at [the NCAA Division I] level of basketball. Just being in-

volved [with that] is what I look forward to the most,” he said. Justice also acknowledged the talents of the previous ISU athletic public announcer, Steve Adams — now retired — who served as the voice of the Redbirds for 37 years. “I want to thank him for letting me know the job was available and for advising me to go for it. He did a tremendous job himself; there is no way I could fill his shoes, but I hope to fill a long career out of it as well,” he said. Originally from Minnesota, Justice has been a part of the B-104 family since the early 1990s. It was radio broadcasting that brought him countless opportunities — with the next one being with ISU. Justice can be followed on Twitter — check out his tweets to keep up with new information and announcements related to ISU men’s basketball. The ISU Redbirds can also be found on Facebook and followed on Twitter for continuous news and updates throughout the season. On Nov. 8 the Redbirds will travel to Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond for the first game of the basketball season.



Random YouTube videos to watch “Lily’s Disneyland

4. Surprise….AGAIN!” 5. “Patience Test Part 2 | MisterEpicMann”

This video is a “patience test” that takes place in a dorm room. If you have lived in a dorm, then you’ve probably had to deal with the annoying habits of your roommate. Although everything in this video is exaggerated, and no one would ever seriously do them, the ridiculously random things done to the poor guy at the computer will have you laughing. I have no idea how the testee kept a straight face the entire time. I sure didn’t.

This little gem is a home video of parents telling their two little girls that they are skipping school and heading straight for Disneyland. The oldest girl cries from excitement, a scene so adorable it melts your heart. The youngest girl, however, is not at all excited. She barely speaks a word throughout the video and continuously gives the camera very confused looks. The mix of the two emotions will definitely have you laughing.

“Kittens Inspired by

3. Kittens”

This video is one-minute and 32 seconds of good old-fashioned adorable entertainment. The whole thing is basically a little girl flipping through a book about kittens, while supplying her random little kid thoughts and comments about the photos. It’s not necessarily the funniest video to ever grace the Internet, but for some reason you find yourself watching it over and over again and quoting it incessantly with your friends.

“Lift Prank | Sam Pepper +

2. Jacksgap”

Everyone has heard of all the things to do in an elevator to make people uncomfortable, and have probably seen the videos too. This video is a lot like the rest of them, except funnier and the pranksters are attractive British guys. Their weird ways of making people nervous are creative and the reactions are hilarious. Sam Pepper is a popular YouTube prankster, with many other funny videos. Jack has his own channel as well. He also has a twin brother. Enough said.


“Watermelon Launch”

The popular show “The Amazing Race” is filled with unexpected and usually completely pointless activities for its participants to complete before they can finish the race and win the prize. In one of these activities, players had to use a huge sling-shot to launch watermelons at a suit of armor. The game quickly takes a turn for the worst, but I won’t spoil the ending. Whatever you do, don’t watch this video in class. You will very likely cry from laughter and embarrass yourself.

Compiled by KELSEY STIEGMAN / Reporter

Smartphone makers add features to stymie thieves (MCT) The theft of iPhones and iPads is so widespread, it’s known as “Apple picking.” But Apple devices aren’t the only targets. Nearly 1 in 3 robberies nationwide involves the theft of a mobile phone, according to the Federal Communications Commission. The problem is so severe in their cities that San Francisco District Attorney George Gascón and New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman convened a “smartphone summit” this summer


to urge the smartphone industry to implement includes a security feature called Activation technological solutions to thwart the robberies. Lock that automatically works with the free Find My iPhone Now some makfeature. Find My ers of wireless Criminals who steal phones typically “wipe” iPhone is built into mobile devices, the devices clean so they can resell them. notably Apple Now any thief who wants to turn off Find My iOS 7 and can be enabled in SetInc. and Samsung iPhone, erase the device or reset the device tings. Electronics Co., will be required to enter the Apple ID and Activation Lock are taking steps to basically ties your fight back against password. devices to your the thieves. Apple’s new iOS 7 mobile operating system, Apple ID. Criminals who steal phones typically

! e c a l P y &M

“wipe” the devices clean so they can resell them. Now any thief who wants to turn off Find My iPhone, erase the device or reset the device will be required to enter the Apple ID and password. Supporters of such security measures say they will discourage thieves from stealing phones because they will not be able to sell them. Alex Castro, who lives in Oakland, Calif., started spreading the word about Activation Lock as a community service as soon as it came out in October.


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Straight No Chaser to promote new album Jenna Zbinden Staff Writer

music. They claim to be neither “straight-laced nor straight-faced” but take themselves seriously in the process of creating a new idea of contemporary a cappella. The group was originally formed by 10 students in 1996 at Indiana University as a group of friends who shared the common interest of singing. The original group first performed at a 36-hour dance marathon and then went on to perform at various venues including Wrigley Field and Navy Pier. Upon college graduation, the original members went on to pursue other careers, but some of them reunited in 2006 when an old video of their performance was posted online. The group was contacted by a producer and signed a label shortly after. The group has now completed its fourth album and continues to tour the country. Opening for Straight No Chaser is Caroline Glaser. Glaser, a recent contestant on NBC’s “The Voice,”

A cappella group Straight No Chaser will perform at 8 p.m. on Saturday in Braden Auditorium as a part of its Under the Influence tour. Normal is one of the many stops Straight No Chaser will make during the tour which began on Oct. 16 and will wrap up on Dec. 31. The tour promotes the new album which was released in May. “They will be doing a mix of new songs and old favorites,” Barb Dallinger, associate director at the Bone Student Center and Braden Auditorium, said. This is the second time Straight No Chaser has performed at Braden Auditorium. The group also performed at ISU in April 2012. “It’s amazing to listen to them sing,” Dallinger added. Straight No Chaser is an all-male a cappella group that defies modern music and digital processing by using only their voices to create

Cover art obtained by Atlantic Records

Straight No Chaser’s album “Holiday Spirits” was released in October of 2008. will also be playing new music from Tickets are still available and can her EP which will debut by the end be purchased at the Braden Box of the year. Office or through Ticketmaster.


voice your opinion @

Rosario Dawson to headline dinner supporting Latino culture

t yrianna jones Reporter

mote different causes like immigration reform variety of subgroups within the Latino culture, not just Mexican. and she is the chairperson of Voto Latino.” Tiffany Persons, who is the UN Woman of “We want students to be able to understand the World, will interview Dawson. Persons is different cultures because this is important since we’re livalso an activist and ing in a global founder of the organi- “We chose Rosario Dawson because zation Shine on Sierra she’s Latina and she’s very passionate society and we’re all connected,” Leone, which aims to- about civic engagement.” Mwilambwe said. ward helping people “When you know in the country. Mboka Mwilambwe more about a cul Dawson will be Assistant director for University Housing ture it can be an highlighting her Puerto Rican heritage during the dinner and edu- ice-breaker, building an instant connection cating guests on what it means to be Latina. and allowing you to be more comfortable and Many people are not aware that there are a effective in the workforce.”

Actress and activist Rosario Dawson will be headlining the Latino Cultural Dinner at 5 p.m. on Sunday in the Brown Ballroom. The evening will also feature education on the culture, the Grammy nominated music group Tré and different Latino cuisines such as Puerto Rican Braised Chicken. “We chose Rosario Dawson because she’s Latina and she’s very passionate about civic engagement,” Mboka Mwilambwe, assistant director for University Housing Services, said. “She used her fame over the years to pro-

Mwilambwe also explained that the ISU Latino population grew 100 percent since the fall of 2006. This cultural dinner helps those students know that their culture is appreciated and celebrated. Dawson is known for her many leading roles in movies like “Rent,” “Sin City,” “Eagle Eye” and “Seven Pounds.” She was named one of “The 100 Most Creative People in Business 2012” on the Fast Company’s list and was awarded the Latino Spirit Award for her contributions to the community. Tickets are $15 for ISU students, faculty and staff, and $18.93 for the public. Meal plan holders can attend with just one swipe.













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David Sedaris weaves magic from mundane Kayla Stroner Reporter

When reading a David Sedaris book, one always encounters a certain theme — one that is never stated in the title or given outright, but must be discerned from reading the book fully.

You get about halfway through and suddenly it hits you — the realization that you are not just being entertained but schooled. He has been teaching you a lesson all along, about humanity, about society and sometimes even about something as dark as death. It is akin to having a long conversation with an old friend and noticing little spots where their characteristics or ideas keep shining through, things you remember about them from the past. This was exactly what it was like to spend an evening listening to essayist David Sedaris last night at the Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts. He opened with an essay he had written for a radio show that he hosts in England, where he lives. It focused a great deal on American English and certain phrases that are exhausted in everyday conversation. He deemed “awesome” as the most commonly used word in the United States of America and spoke on how frustrated he is to hear the word “fine” when he asks how someone’s day has gone — which is, in itself, an overused question. “Hello, how are you?” “Fine, you?” “Good.” “Good.” This is the sort of so-called conversation that drives Sedaris mad. He recounted a time when he asked a hotel secretary to ask him if he had a godson, rather than inquire as to how his trip into town was — a question he is asked each time he enters a hotel. “Alright … do you have a godson?” asked the woman. “I do,” Sedaris answered. “He has cancer.” Sedaris went on to state that his godson does not, in fact, have cancer, but that he wanted to get a rise out of the woman. “[I wanted] to have some actual human contact,” he said. He then went on to recount a moment in which he was overseas and heard a bicyclist insult someone who had cut them off

Submitted photo

David Sedaris, known for his witty sense of humor, performed at the Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts Wednesday night.

by yelling, “Cancer slut!” Shocked, Sedaris asked a friend native to the country what that was all about and whether or not they might call someone a “diabetes sufferer.” “No,” she answered, as if he had three heads, “the disease has got to be terminal.” He went on to question the woman, and she told him she has a friend who calls his infant daughter “little ball sack.”

Shocked, Sedaris pressed on. This is how the writer seems to live his life. Though done through humor, he questions people, demanding that they share more of themselves than a banal comment on their day. He spits out boring words back in our faces and makes them funny again, gives them new meaning, even if this meaning is there to cause us to laugh at ourselves and then reevaluate the way in which we communicate.

Sedaris’ talent comes from his ability to turn any moment into a funny one. Even in the essay about his sister’s suicide, there were moments of levity, found in the ridiculous things his father said, or the silly moments between him and his remaining siblings — which were, in a bittersweet way, the types of moments they had been sharing all their lives.

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The origin of No Shave November With Halloween over, the new month marks the annual beginning of No Shave November, but the origins of this hairy tradition may be lost on most of us.

Jake Johnson/ Staff Photographer

Every year during the month of November, males decide whether or not to participate in the trend No Shave November, and leave their facial hair alone for the entire month.

matt johnson Reporter

In recent years, the tradition of No Shave November can be traced to Australia in 2004. A group of 30 men organized an event and grew moustaches for 30 days to raise awareness for prostate cancer and depression in men. The foundation became known as the Movember foundation. The participants in this campaign embrace the hair they grow, which many cancer patients lose, and let it grow wild and free. A slight difference does exist between Movember and No Shave November, though. If



a person participates in Movember they can Feltner, F.L.A.M.E. president, said. only grow a moustache that does not connect The inception of No Shave November can be linked to a history stretching back to the to the sideburns. No Shave November requires no shaving for ancient Greeks. The month of November did the entire month and each man participating not exist at this time, but Plato asserted that for the guardians of must conduct himself “He that hath a beard is the time to be edulike a true gentleman. cated properly, they Additionally, the con- more than a youth, and he needed to imitate the cept of No Shave No- that hath no beard is less most knowledgeable, vember has been used than a man.” or the gods. for numerous other Therefore, the causes to raise money William Shakespeare young guardians and awareness. spent 30 consecutive F.L.A.M.E. is utilizing English poet and playwright days each year imitatNo Shave November to raise awareness for sexual assault. They will ing the look of the gods. Aristotle furthered donate all the money raised to ISU sexual as- this philosophy by declaring the beard-growsault prevention and survivor devices, Mallie ing habit as a tradition of practicing ethics.

The actual title, No Shave November, was dubbed by the socialist Karl Marx in a celebration of communism. Marx championed beard-growing during this month as a way to upset the bourgeoisie. The idea was concocted in order to agitate the capitalist factory owners of the time. Marx’s plan never came to fruition and No Shave November faded away into the history books. Until now. Men and women alike partake and donate in the annual hair growing awareness campaign sweeping the world. The month of November is blocked off for a time when men and women donate the money they usually spend on shaving and grooming for a month to educate about cancer prevention, saving lives and helping to fight the battle. by JESSICA SMITH Staff Writer Photos from MCT Campus and Duck Dynasty Facebook

Celebrity beards 2. Hugh Jackman

Johnny Depp

His characteristic look of short beard, moustache and black glasses is classy and cool. One of his other classic styles was that of the rebellious pirate, Jack Sparrow, which featured a two-part goatee adorned with beaded braids.

5. Robert Downey Jr.

RDJ pulls off both cleanshaven and scruffy well, but the stubble he wears in the “Sherlock Holmes” movies is nice. However, his best look is that of Tony Stark in the “Iron Man” trilogy and “The Avengers.”

The Australian actor has trimmed his facial hair in a variety of ways for his roles. His most memorable was the beard as Wolverine and his sideburns style in “X-Men.” Recently, he played a reformed prisoner in Les Misérables, in which he had bushy facial hair.

The Hemsworth brothers

These Australian siblings undoubtedly have different aesthetic appeals. Chris is more manly and rough as Thor in “The Avengers” while Liam, famous for his roles in “The Last Song” and “The Hunger Games,” is his younger, boyish counterpart.

1. The male cast of “Duck Dynasty” None of the iconic Robertson men would look like themselves without the infamous long beards they sport. They don’t only partake in No Shave November; to them, every month is No Shave November. It’s doubtful any of them own a razor, or quite possibly, even know what one is.

Vidette Blog: ‘You Must Shave’ November K athleen Plankenhorn Vidette Blogger

With the start of November comes the beginning of No Shave November. Throughout this monthlong event, some guys will go all out growing a complete beard, while some will only partially commit. Depending on the guy, I think that No Shave November can be OK. But I know some guys that have participated in the past; I look at them and think, “Umm, this look is not working for you.” That is, if you’re trying to make it work for you. You want

to aspire to look more like Ryan Gosling, not like one of the guys from “Duck Dynasty.” I think that any guy can participate, but you just have to make sure that you do not use that month to be unkempt. Do not let it get out of control. Some guys cannot keep the full-face beard groomed. Some can. Honestly, I am not really a fan of out-of-control facial hair. But I can accept it. I just recently found out that No Shave November started as a way to support prostate cancer awareness. I did not know this was what the month was all about; I thought the point was to have an excuse not to shave. But this makes sense, having just finished breast cancer awareness month in October. But let us reverse this. What if

girls participated in the not shaving? Would guys like that? I do not think so. Typical social standards may not consider it very lady-like. So maybe the guys can relate now. Participate in the cause for the right reason, not to just be gross and hairy. The point to take away, guys, is feel free to participate, but do not get out of hand. It can be fun, I get that. But if girls turn their heads, do not be surprised. If you can rock the beard in the right way, you will find out. You might have all the ladies knocking on your door. But if you look like a mountain man or a goat herder, people will say to you, “No Shave November? … more like, You Need to Shave November!”



‘Pandora’s Promise’ makes the case for nuclear power Verne Gay MCTCampus/Newsday WHAT IT’S ABOUT: What if nuclear energy were the answer to global warming? And what if everything we’ve read or seen about the safety of nuclear energy was disingenuous, or at the very least flawed? What if the “No Nukes” crowd was full of hooey? That’s the premise of Robert Stone’s (“Oswald’s Ghost”) new film, which premiered earlier this year at the Sundance Film Festival. MY SAY: There’s nothing like energy, and energy policy, to start a debate — often a blustery one based on three parts emotion, two parts fact. Films on the subject tend to reflect the passion, too. From “An Inconvenient Truth” to Joshua Fox’s “Gasland,” they can be blessed with a fiery fulmination that achieves some of their effect through sheer force of wind. Then, along comes Stone’s “Pandora’s Promise” — not fiery or fulminating, just calm, reasoned, intelligent and systematic. It begins with waves quietly lapping a shore. This is Stone’s sly nod to his own anti-nuke work: The 1988 Oscar-nominated “Radio Bikini,” about how the United States pushed people off their island so we could incinerate it, also began with waves lapping the doomed shore. But it also sets the overall tone. Quietly, firmly, “Pandora’s” lines up all the usual bogeymen and knocks them down, one by one: Chernobyl (about 60 died, not a million); Yucca Moun-

the top five


Ways to stay cozy this winter Courtesy of

1. Find an excuse to hibernate

Let’s face it, there’s no place like your bed in the wintertime. So click your heels three times, Dorothy, because it’s time to make that bed your home! Start an RSO that studies REM sleep, write a craze-inducing novel that makes readers want to be bears instead of vampires, kiss a ton of people until you get mono — whatever it takes to spend a little extra time snuggling into those pillows and blankets.

tain, Nevada’s spent fuel repository, now abandoned, at a cost of billions to taxpayers (not needed anyway); the so-called “China syndrome” (a Hollywood fantasy). Pro-nuke experts are lined up, too, like Richard Rhodes, who wrote the standard history of the U.S. atomic bomb program, including the classic “Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb.” But what’s missing is depth and context. “Pandora’s Promise” reduces an enormously complicated issue — one fraught with complex economic questions — to a simple solution right under our noses. Except … it’s already been there for more than half a century. The nuclear industry, which already supplies nearly a quarter of the U.S. electricity needs, has bigger problems than a few anti-nuclear activists. What are those? Won’t find out from this. BOTTOM LINE: Intelligent, possibly important, definitely counterintuitive, but needs more reporting and context.

Zack Applehaus/Photographer

2. Walk faster

This one may sound a little harsh, but I am actually serious. If I wear enough layers and I set my pace to “brisk” on my way to school, I have been known to work up quite a sweat and arrive at Stevenson wishing I had left my scarf or that extra sweater behind.

3. Purchase hiking socks/fleece-lined leggings

This is the best thing I have ever done for myself. Regular pants never cut it when it comes to the winter winds and these babies provide an extra layer of fluff to keep you nice and toasty. They may be just a little pricier than their thinner counterparts you wear during the rest of the year, but they are well worth the investment.

4. Invest in a pair of USB handwarmers

These are great little devices that can be plugged into your computer on a blustery winter’s eve. That’s right, now even the threat of frostbite won’t have the power to deter you from checking your Facebook every 20 minutes. To keep your hands warm on the go, attach them to a portable charger and use them while walking to class, waiting for a bus or shoveling snow.

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Jensen is on the 2013 College Football Quarterback Watch List and has completed 66.9 percent of passes for 1,442 yards and only four interceptions. ’Bird’s safety Tevin Allen is coming off of the strongest performance of his career. He had eight tackles, an interception and recovered and ran in a failed Panther lateral for a touchdown. He was also named an MVFC co-Defensive Player of the Week, and was chosen as a College Sporting News National All-Star. The Redbird offense will be looking to get back on track after a stagnant showing last Saturday, being held to under 200 yards of total offense. Sophomore running back Marshaun Coprich recorded just 81 yards on 31 attempts against UNI. This was after four-straight weeks of recording 100 yards or better. Redshirt freshman quarterback Blake Winkler had problems of his own finding open receivers against the Panthers. He passed for 91 yards on 11-of-23 attempts. Saturday’s game will be the seventh time the Redbirds and Bison have met in football action. North Dakota State holds the advantage with four wins to ISU’s two.

to their opponents’ 27. They closed out their season with a flawless record in the MVC, which contributed to their seven-game winning streak. Finishing the regular season with a record of 12-6, they won a bye through the first round of the MVC tournament. ISU soccer has now managed three regular season titles in the last five seasons, as well as three MVC Tournaments since 2009. Winning the MVC Tournament will secure them a spot in the NCAA Tournament for the third consecutive year. “We’re all confident in our abilities, but we always have respect for our opponents,” Roff said. “This time of year, you need to make sure you stay humble and just focus on playing your best soccer. Our team is playing well right now, and we have a leadership that understands how to compete in this type of environment. But we have respect for everybody that we play. Anything can happen on any given day. We know some of the things that Evansville does and we’ll talk about that, but the focus this time of year is really on us. We’ll focus on that, play to our potential and I’m confident we’ll have a good weekend.”

Continued from page 12

Continued from page 12

Archive photo

Redbird’s running back Marshaun Coprich will look to rush past NDSU Saturday.

VIDETTE HOROSCOPE To sponsor the Vidette Horoscope, call 309.438.8742

Today’s Birthday: Jupiter’s retrograde adds a theme of peaceful introspection and planning to the year. Enjoy domestic comforts over winter, with bursts of creativity and romance. A partnership moves up a level in April. Discipline plus art equals success. Launch next summer to public acclaim. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today is a 9 — Gather up as much as you can and share. As you look for the next opportunity, listen to your subconscious desires and make a significant move. Don’t waste a cent. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 9 — Review the long range view and adjust as needed. Don’t spend all your loot on your friends. No need

for loud voices. Get lost in a good story. Test your theory and learn something useful. All’s well that ends well. Gemini (May 21-June 20) — Today is a 7 — Activities at home demand review. Don’t brag, or you’ll stir up discontent. Make travel plans. Passion drives your argument. The deadline is fast approaching. For about four months with Jupiter retrograde, study the competition. Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Today is an 8 — Your team is hot. Re-invent your partnership by aligning on a renewed mission. Harvest the energy for long-term results. A big change in your workplace is underway. Take advantage of conditions.

CLASSIFIEDS Phone 309 438 7685 • Fax 309 438 5211 Corner of Locust & University, Normal, IL Monday – Friday. 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Immediate for Rent IMMEDIATE MOVE‑IN We have apartments! Call SAMI at (309) 888‑4600

For Rent: Fall 13

House for rent!10 Delaine, Normal.3 BDRM, $425/RM, W/D, A/C, partially furnished, near Redbird Area. 824‑0819

Spring 14 New Construction. 601 Broadway. 3 BR/3.5 Bath or 4 BR/4.5 Bath. High End Furnishing. 309‑451‑4100. Roommate Matching. 1, 2, 3, and 4 bdrms available. SAMI (309) 888‑ 4600 Various 1, 2, 3 & 4 bdrms. Some single rooms available. $250‑$515 person/bdrm. Class Act Realty. 454‑2960 607 Kingsley 4 Bedroom 3 bathroom, furnished, off street parking, $525/bedroom. 618‑444‑3968

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 9 — Solicit ideas from imaginative experts, keep your objective in mind and gain respect. Listen to your conscience, and consider all the consequences. You may be tempted to raid your piggy bank. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 8 — For next few months, practice, practice, practice. And don’t give up, even when emotions are in turmoil. Get rid of excess baggage and take action. You’re an inspiration to others. Establish the rules. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 9 — Startling revelations occur about now. You want to jump for joy. And you’re exceptionally attractive now. Your characters come alive

imaginatively. Talk about the future. Blessings on your home. Not a good time to go out. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 9 — It could get messy. Embrace the dirt and gain power to do something about it. Don’t be afraid to revive old topics of discussion. At the end, compromise is achieved. Develop physical and psychological strength. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 7 — Your willingness to see things differently opens up new income opportunities. Re-evaluate valuables. And save more than you spend, with only a little effort on your part. Impress others with your good habits.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is a 9 — You’re on top of your game. However, it’s a good idea to get advice from another professional to figure out a difficult problem. Phone call provides insight. Persuade with words and actions. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is a 8 — You’re looking very good, even if you don’t quite see it. Believe you can succeed. Work from behind the scenes suits you well now. Inexpensive entertainment is best. Think over any new investment. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 7 — Keep digging and find a valuable clue. Dress up. Aim high. Push. Invest in your equipment, but leave your savings alone.

1 Issue: $4.60 for the first three lines. $1.00/each additional line. 2-10 Issues: $3.50 for the first three lines. $1.00/each additional line. 11+ Issues: $2.40 for the first three lines. $1.00/each additional line. The deadline for Classified Ads is 2:30 p.m. two working days before publication. Sorry, NO exceptions. All Classified Ads must be paid in advance of publication unless credit has been approved. Cancellations & corrections will be taken until 2:30 p.m. two days before publication. The Daily Vidette will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion.

Fall/Spr 14-15 New lower prices! Mutiple houses. 4 bedroom houses, off street parking, laundry, dishwasher, close to campus, central A/C, multiple bathrooms 309‑664‑2917 or 309‑530‑9254

Su/Fall/Sp 14-15 Houses: 3‑4 Bedrooms. Start at $350/per. Walk to campus. Class Act Realty 454‑2960. 107 W. Willow Townhouse, 3 bdrms, 2 bath, W/D, dishwasher, parking, furnished, 365/per student 12 mon lease. For more info call 663‑2133 301 South Walnut. Furnished 2 bedrooms. Balcony, Covered parking, Laundry, quiet building. Start at only $290. Class Act Realty. 454‑2960 104 E. Cherry Street. 4 bedroom/ 1 bath. Large front porch, washer/dryer, off street parking. $395/per person. 2 bedroom/ 1 bath. Hardwood floors, off street parking. $395/per person. Call Excel Real Estate at 309‑829‑5885. 307 Hovey, 4 Bdrm house, 2 baths. Hdwd Floors. Quiet Neighborhood. C/A, W/D. Furnished. Call 825‑5435.

Crossing Drive 3 bdrm town homes, W/D, 2 bath, 1,086/month/unit 830‑5073 or for more info 808 S. Linden. Large 1, 2, 3 & 4 person units. All utls incl. Next to the trail. Pool on site. Start at $380. Class Act Realty. 454‑2960 Townhomes 2, 3, & 4 Bedrooms. Includes W/D, Central Air, Dishwasher, Parking, Patio and/or Balcony. Only $260‑350 per bedroom. Class Act Realty. 454‑2960. 799 University Townhomes Furnished 2BR, W/D, D/W, Micro., C/A, Parking. 1/2 blk to COB. Broker Owned. 847‑997‑7454. 406 Hovey. House, 4 bdrm, 3 bath. W/D, C/A. Off St. Parking. Close to Campus. Big Backyard. Call 825‑5435 105 E. Locust Street. 4 bedroom/1 bath. Eat‑in kitchen. Large living room/dining room area with window unit A/C. Next to Constitution Trail, off‑street Parking, water is paid. $345/per person. Call Excel Real Estate at 309‑829‑5885. 401 N. Fell Avenue. 4 bedroom/2 bath. Breakfast bar with stools, dishwasher, garbage disposal, washer & dryer. Central air, secured building, off street, internet provided. Starting at $500/per person. Call Excel Real Estate at 309‑829‑5885.

LARGE 2 BR. TOWNHOUSE FOR 2. $465‑$535/person. Prime Location, 2 blocks south of Watterson, central air, laundry in kitchen, 2 parking spaces, furniture, very nice. 610 S. Fell. 287‑1870 Fell; spacious, furnished 1 and 2 bedrooms. One block from campus. Start at $375. Class Realty. (309) 454‑2960 408 Hovey. 4 Bdrm House. Remodeled Kitchen, Furnished, C/A, W/D, Off‑street parking. Call 825‑5435. Flora Way. Large furnished. 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms. Start at $345. Class Act Realty 454‑2960

For Sale Bed queen pillowtop matress set. New, still in plastic. $200. Can be delivered. Call Tim at 309‑838‑8923. One bedroom condo for sale‑ Cheaper than renting! Close to State Farm. Please call Carrie at 309‑532‑7727

Help Wanted:

Business Opportunities Looking for someone to help with video production work for a self‑owned business. Experience in field would be helpful. Call Don at 309‑275‑0700.

Childcare Chesterbrook Academy is hiring part‑ time Teachers for spring semester Monday‑Friday morning and afternoon shifts available. Prefer applicants have 60 or more hours of college credit to apply. Enjoy the rewards of working with young children while gaining great experience. Apply at 802 E. Emerson Bloomington or call 828‑1914 for more info

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Miscellaneous Are you creative? Can you drive the company truck? Local contractor needs your help with home improvement projects! Call D.L. 309‑725‑7404 Former ISU German student tutor. 6 years experience. Reasonable and flexible hours and rates. Call Paul at 531‑5295

Roommates Wanted SUBLEASING SAMI has subleases available (309)888‑4600




Penalty flag: Incognito’s aggression continues in Miami SAM ISDALE Sports Columnist

After celebrating a Bears win over the Packers Monday night, my interest soon shifted to another NFL team I rarely pay attention to, the Miami Dolphins. When I heard about the horrific things Richie Incognito said to fellow teammate Jonathan Martin, I was in awe. I rolled my eyes and thought “How could you disrespect one of your teammates like that?” I just can’t even comprehend how one comes up with those words — racial slurs and threats — to say to another person, let alone a teammate. The next thing I thought was, “This is coming from an adult? This is totally unacceptable.” As this matter intrigued me, I started to surf the web a little bit and clicked on everything pertaining to the issues between Incognito and Martin. I wasn’t surprised when I found out that Incognito hasn’t had a flawless football career. Before he even made it to the NFL, his unsportsmanlike history started

at Nebraska where he was charged with assault, spit on an opponent, was kicked out of a game and tried to fight another teammate. That last incident resulted in him being kicked off the team. From there, he went on to Oregon, another team he left. When he made it to the NFL, he was fined $50,000 for head-butting two opponents

but now critics are blaming Martin for not being enough of a man. I completely get that when new guys come to the team, especially rookies, the rest of the team wants to gang up on them, act aggressive and show them who’s boss, but the things Incognito said were absolutely inappropriate. Some players think he was just joking around, but using racial

“He’s done. There are procedures in place, and everyone wants to be fair. The NFL is involved. But from a club perspective he’ll never play another game here.” Miami Dolphins team source Miami Herald

back in 2009. He was playing for the Rams and after that incident he left. Next he went to Buffalo and then landed in Miami. It appears that these teams only cared about his skills since they each gave him chances, despite being well aware of his past. His reputation hasn’t gotten any better, especially after the repulsive things he said to Martin. It was definitely right to suspend Incognito,

slurs and threatening someone doesn’t sound funny to me. What could Martin have possibly done to deserve the things that were said to him? Just because someone is a 6’5”, 312-pound football player doesn’t mean they go unaffected by hurtful words. For professional adults to take part in and encourage bullying like this is completely unacceptable and embarrassing.

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ACROSS 1 Hollywood special effects, briefly 4 Did, but doesn’t now 10 1970s-’80s sketch comedy show 14 “Prince Valiant” prince 15 Brian McKnight/ Vanessa Williams duet with the line “It conquers all” 16 Chain with stacks 17 Wine enthusiast’s list of killer reds? 20 “I __ Symphony”: Supremes hit 21 Hoover underlings 22 Stands the test of time 25 Out to lunch, so to speak 28 Shed tears 29 Kaput 31 Mineo of film 32 Barcelona bar bites 34 Dust particle 36 Wine enthusiast’s “That’s how it goes”? 40 Bankrolls 41 Man-to-boy address 42 Feel ill 43 It’s saved in bits 44 Stinging insect 48 Effervesce, as some wine 52 Helter-__ 54 “Uh-oh” 56 Sierra __: Freetown’s country 57 Wine enthusiast’s philosophy? 61 Champagne choice 62 First novel in Christopher Paolini’s Inheritance Cycle 63 Take steps 64 Eggs sprinkling 65 Levels of society 66 __ down the law

DOWN 1 Nut used in Asian cooking 2 Novelist Graham 3 Overrun 4 Arm bone-related 5 Lawn maker 6 Celebration time 7 Fall on __ ears 8 Choice piece 9 Singer K.T. 10 Judged, with “up” 11 Waters off Taiwan 12 Cargo unit 13 Cheney and Biden: Abbr. 18 Lost one’s temper 19 Sumac of Peru 23 Glimpse 24 __-Pei 26 Golfer Johnson 27 Antlered animal 30 Neighbor of Kobe and Kyoto 33 Mule parent 34 “Sammy the Seal” author Hoff 35 Cat burglar 36 Bon mot 37 Illicit


38 Google goals 39 Minn. neighbor 40 Scale notes 43 Hit the road 45 Like many a John Cage composition 46 Largest of New York’s Finger Lakes 47 Comely 49 Butler of fiction

50 Ornamental pond fish 51 Draws the short straw, say 53 Justice Kagan 55 Lasting mark 57 Lots of ozs. 58 Keogh plan kin 59 Ottoman dignitary 60 Sci-fi sidekick, often

Millions of kids across the nation idolize these professional athletes. I’m not saying that every athlete is responsible for bullying or hazing, but actions from those who participate have to stop. “You hear about [bullying] on the school yard, and now you’re talking about grown men,” former all-pro safety Brian Dawkins told USA Today. “A football team is like a family. You spend so much time together. You don’t want your teammate to feel like an outcast.” On Monday, the Miami Herald reported that the Miami Dolphins plan to cut ties with Incognito. “He’s done,” a team source told the Miami Herald. “There are procedures in place, and everyone wants to be fair. The NFL is involved. But from a club perspective he’ll never play another game here.” Whatever happens in Incognito’s future is obviously beyond my control, but I hope he actually takes something from this. With his past reputation of being a dirty player it seems like he will never change his ways, but I hope he understands what he did was completely wrong.




ISU heads to MVC semifinals zack fulkerson Reporter Since the outset of the season, the Redbirds soccer team has set its sights on winning the MVC outright, as well as grabbing first in the MVC Tournament. With the regular season in the books and the Missouri Valley Conference Tournament already underway, members of the team are garnering recognition both on and off the field. Their flawless record in the conference play seals one of these goals, as the team now readies to take on No. 5 Evansville in the MVC tournament on Friday. “We set our goals before we started; first and foremost we wanted to make sure we got that regular season title. That was something we wanted to prove, and now we’re moving on to the post season,” Head Coach Drew Roff said. “This is what we really prepare for. The high-stakes nature of postseason is winner advance, loser go home. We’re playing some of our best soccer … so we’re looking forward to going down to Evansville and giving it our best.” Three players on the team — Rachel Tejada, Anna Stinson and Kyla Cross — are also being recognized this month for their achievements in the classroom. Each was named to the Capital One Academic All-District V Team. This honor, which is selected by the College Sports Information Directors of America, is for student-athletes based on their success in both worlds. Each awardee must have at least a 3.30 cumulative GPA and have played in at least half of the possible games in order to be selected. Stinson and Tejada were each named to the first team, while Cross was named to the second team. “I think our players understand that they’re here at Illinois State to earn a degree, and we take academics very seriously,” Roff said. “I think it’s a credit to all of our former players who set out to set a culture of academic excellence, as well as success on the field. Our current players definitely want to uphold that tradition. It’s such a great opportunity to get an education here at ISU that we want to make sure that our players get the most out of that and work to their potential at all times.” Tejada is certainly making a name for herself at Illinois State and in The Valley, not only as an outstanding student, but also as a record-setting athlete. She holds a 3.33 cumulative GPA as a biological sciences major, and has held a 3.54 or higher in the last three semesters. Leading the league in points (36),

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Redbird soccer standout Kyla Cross was recently selected to the Capital One Academic All-District V Team for academics as well as her play. goals (14), assists (8) and shots (72), Tejada leads the MVC in most offensive stats and has made her way into the record books with another season still to play. She holds the Valley record for career points (133), goals (53) and assists (27). She currently holds the ISU record for assists and is half a dozen goals short of grabbing that record as well. Evansville’s Purple Aces finished the 2013 regular season 9-5-4 overall and 2-3-1 in the conference. They secured the MVC regular season title in 2012, posting a 4-1-1 in conference play. The team returns five of its All-MVC selections from last year’s squad, as well as its top three offensive players. Key to their offensive success has been sophomore forward Kayla Smith, who leads the team in points (14), goals (5) and assists (4). Overall EU has out-shot its opponents (307 to 232) and out-scored its opponents by six goals through the season. Evansville advanced to the semifinal round by defeating No. 4 Missouri State on penalty kicks. The ’Birds have out-shot and out-scored their opponents this season as well, shooting 265 times compared to opponents’ 208. In terms of goals, they have scored 42 compared see ISU page 10

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ISU’s Anna Stinson chases after the ball against the Evansville Purple Aces earlier in the season.

Redbirds take on NDSU


dan fox Sports Editor The Illinois State football team will be going for its fourth win in a row and its first win on the road this season, against the defending FCS National Champions, and thus far undefeated North Dakota State Bison at 2:30 p.m. Saturday inside the Fargodome in Fargo, N.D. “If you want to be a championship caliber team, you’ve got to win on the road,” Head Coach Brock Spack said. “We played some really tough opponents and three outstanding quarterbacks early in the season who really handed it to us. I hope we’ve learned from that and gained some confidence.” The Redbirds are coming off of a dominating defensive performance against Northern Iowa last Saturday. Illinois State held NIU to a season-low three points, and forced the Panthers to punt eight times. ISU will need all of the help it can get on the defensive side of the ball to slow down the offensive attack of Bison’s, led by senior quarterback Brock Jensen. see Redbirds page 10

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Defensive back Tevin Allen started at safety for the first time in his career last week and tallied a career-high eight tackles, added a tackle-for-loss, his second interception of the season and returned a fumble 17 yards for a touchdown.


Northern Iowa

MVC 10-2 18-6

North Dakota State

MVC 5-0


Wichita State

10-3 21-6

Youngstown State



Illinois State



Illinois State



Missouri State



Missouri State



Southern Illinois



South Dakota






Southern Illinois






South Dakota State



Indiana State



Western Illinois




3-10 8-16

Northern Iowa




0-12 2-22

Indiana State



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