Ali Rasper | Photo Editor
President Larry Dietz delivers the annual State of the University Address in the Center for Performing Arts concert hall. Dietz covered how ISU is doing currently and what is to come in the future.
Growth, diversity, inclusion
President Dietz hopeful in his fifth State of the University address ANDREW DOUGHERTY Senior News Reporter | @addough
llinois State University’s President Larry H. Dietz delivered the annual State of the University Address on Thursday where he emphasized the university’s enrollment rate, financial success and initiatives directed at inclusion and diversity. Dietz took the stage, thanking those in attendance before taking time to recognize both administrators and members of the ISU community. Dietz praised the university’s freshman enrollment numbers and remarkable increase in student diversity. For the fall of 2018, 3,689 freshmen were enrolled for the semester with 34 percent of those students being from traditionally underrepresented groups. Included in that statistic is a 38 percent increase in African American freshman and a 31 percent jump in Latino/a freshman. Enrollment for the fall semester remained steady with 20,635 students. “Through a variety of program and initiatives and the passionate involvement of many areas of the campus, we are making this institution a more inclusive and a more welcoming environment and this year’s enrollment is a reflection of those efforts,” Dietz said. “Achieving diversity is a perpetual work in progress.” ISU’s Student Government Association President Mike Rubio said the speech was very exciting and provided a positive outlook.
“I thought it was ISU’s spending plan great to hear of the includes $66 million in upward direction the capital funding with close university is headed. to $62 million targeting Many concerns are the Fine Arts complex’s being addressed and construction and renovaknowing our application project. Funding for tions and enrollment is the project was approved increasing is amazing,” less than a decade ago but Rubio said. had been stalled due to “One great point the state’s frozen capital made was the efforts budget. on diversity and inclu“About two weeks ago, Gov. sion. That goes beyond Rauner and our local legethnicity and race but islative leaders announced also academic expresthe release of $5.26 million sion and inclusion in capital funds which will of all thoughts. The assist with critical repairs to implementations made that facility and to replace the to make everyone feel roofs’ of Turner Hall and the a part of the Redbird Ropp Agricultural building,” family are remarkable,” he said. he said. ISU will be implementDietz stated that Ali Rasper | Photo Editor ing several new measures although o v e r - The crowd applauds during the annual State of the University Address. to make the university a l l enrol lment in more affordable, accessiyear with a full fiscal year budget. The 2018Illinois universities ble and attractive to future has declined, Illinois State has not been 19 operating appropriation for Illinois State is Redbirds. part of that statistic. He went on to say that $66.3 million, which is a two percent increase Dietz announced the formation of the Illieven in this “political and economic chal- over the university’s FY18 appropriation,” he nois AIM HIGH initiative which will add an lenge,” Illinois State has remained strong, said. additional $4 million to assist students with Dietz thanked Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner financial need through the Redbird Scholarstable and an affordable option for Illinois and the state legislature for acting in a timely ship program. families. “I’m encouraged that we begin the academic manner see ADDRESS on page 3
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Rauner asks voters for second chance ANDREW DOUGHERTY Senior News Reporter | @addough
Illinois Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner recently launched a reboot of his re-election campaign, acknowledging he was not a perfect governor but has grown on the job. In a 25-minute speech delivered in a Chicago hotel, Rauner stated he was reframing his campaign, admitting what he believed were his personal faults and imperfections. “I’m not perfect, but I’ve grown, and I’m still committed to doing what’s right for Illinois. I humbly ask for another four years to finish the job we started, to save our state,” Rauner stated in the speech. The governor stated he was mistaken to demand an all-or-nothing conservative agenda in exchange for a state budget and he had “overdone it on the courage part at times.” He said now he has greater understanding but no less courage. A two-year standoff with democratic legislators resulted in billions of dollars of debt for the state budget as well as deep cuts to social services and other vital state programs. Immediately after the speech, Rauner’s Democratic gubernatorial opponent J.B. Pritzker called Rauner’s plea a “desperate” speech by a failed governor who spent years refusing to compromise. “Bruce Rauner’s problem isn’t that he had too much courage, it’s that he spent four years refusing to compromise, hellbent on forcing his radical agenda on our state no matter the collateral damage,” Pritzker stated. Rauner said he came into office as a successful businessman who sought to use his knowledge to “turn Illinois around by changing everything at once” in an effort to “shock state government into shape and bring Illinois back.” Illinois State University’s College Democrats social media coordinator Trevor Nyland said Rauner does not deserve a second term. “I think most Illinoisans would agree that Rauner does not deserve a second chance. He makes promises, does not compromise and then makes excuses,” Nyland said. “He has fallen short on too much and it’s hurting everyone. For over
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Rauner has acknowledged his mistakes as governor and now faces a difficult re-election campaign.
two years the state of Illinois went without a budget, affecting our economy and all the programs that saw reduced funding,” he said. Rauner defended the tumulus and dysfunction created in a politically divisive first term, pitting the Republican governor against a democratic legislature along ideological lines. He stated the disruption, arguments and negotiations of the past four years have laid the groundwork for real and necessary change that Illinois needs. Junior physical education major Zach Carpenter said he believes Rauner should have a second chance as governor. “This state has been controlled by democrats for decades. We have underfunded pensions, underfunded schools and career politicians like Mike Madigan who hold too much power,” Carpenter said. “We finally got a businessman in office who wanted to make a real difference and solve our fiscal issues. Despite the budget impasse, Rauner shook up the political landscape and showed that voters don’t want a career politician in office,” he said. Rauner faces a difficult reelection campaign and is considered to be one of the most vulnerable Republican governors running for re-election. ANDREW DOUGHERTY is a senior news reporter for The Vidette. Contact him at vidette_addough@ ilstu.edu. Follow him on Twitter at @addough.
The Vidette The Vidette is published Monday and Thursday every week, except for final examinations, holidays and semester breaks. The Summer Vidette is published in June and July. Students are responsible for the content of the Vidette. The views presented do not necessarily represent, in
Smith to explore migration impact on human evolution MIKE SMITH News Reporter | @Agora_180
humans,” Smith said. “The impact of migrations form an important part of any approach to understandAn Illinois State University pro- ing human geography and history. fessor will explore how migration Today, of course, we are witnesshas impacted human evolution at ing major migrations from Central noon on Wednesday in the Old Main America, the Middle East and parts Room in the Bone Student Center. of Africa that will likely change the The International Semipicture of human demonar Series will host Fred graphics for decades, Smith, an ISU Professor of maybe even centuries, to Sociology and Anthropolcome.” ogy in his upcoming talk “In my talk, I will emphacalled “Assessing the Role of size that this is nothing Migration in Human Evolunew. Humans have been on tionary History.” the move ever since our first The event is free and open direct ancestors appeared Fred to the public. in Africa some 4.2 milSmith Smith is a paleoanthrolion years ago, and perhaps pologist who has worked on the even earlier. I will use examples paleobiology of Neanderthals and from recent prehistory to show the origin of modern humans for how information from archaeology, almost half a century. human skeletal studies, linguistics Smith also taught at several uni- and genetics demonstrates the exisversities in the U.S., Germany and tence of major migrations that play Croatia, all before coming to ISU in a major role in the distribution of 2008 as Chair of the Department human groups today. Using the of Sociology and Anthropology. same type of data, I will examine He was named an ISU Professor in even earlier migrations including 2013. the first movement of humans out Smith notes that migration has of Africa, the spread of Neanderbeen a fundamental part of human thals and the migration of modern development for ages. humans,” Smith stated. “Migration is a characteristic of
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The program began with the fall of 2018 application process and all students with a high school GPA of at least 3.0 and an ACT score of 25 or an SAT score of 1210 will automatically qualify for the scholarship which will provide at least $1,000 and as high as $4,000 per academic year. He expressed gratitude towards the university’s finance leadership and the “high performing faculty and staff members at Illinois State” before announcing a merit-based, 2 percent mid-year salary increase for faculty and staff who don’t already have a negotiated contract. The non-retroactive increase will be effective beginning 2019. “It’s a modest amount but it’s something, and a lot of other
places are still not giving out anything. As I’ve said the last two years, this is a modest increase, but I also want to compensate our faculty and staff to the extent that we can while still being fiscally responsible,” Dietz said. Dietz accredited ISU’s success to the implementation of Illinois State’s revised strategic plan, Educate • Connect • Elevate, beginning this academic year. The strategic directions for the plan include enhancing strength and stability, fostering innovation, nurturing diversity and inclusion, and enriching engagement. Two additional values of collaboration and respect have been added. Dietz announced University leaders will begin implementing new and enhanced initiatives targeting diversity and inclusion. “As a University community, you also included two additional values and I commend you for this — collaboration and respect — heavens knows we need both of those. Hopefully you will agree these new values are already an integral part of our culture and they are given added emphasis to the revised plan,” Dietz said.
“You will notice the word inclusion has been added to the value of diversity. The expanded values intended to convey that while you cannot achieve excellence without diversity, you cannot claim diversity without inclusion,” he said. A few of the steps being taken by the task force include enhanced web and print promotion of scholars and students of color, increased diversity in the University Speaker Series and providing more gender-inclusive facilities. The process to establish a multicultural center on campus is also underway. Dietz ended the speech by thanking those in attendance for taking time out of their day to hear him speak. “Thank you for all you do to make Illinois State Illinois’ first and finest public university, and of course, go you Redbirds!” ANDREW DOUGHERTY is a senior news reporter for The Vidette. Contact him at vidette_addough@ilstu.edu. Follow him on Twitter at @addough.
Candidate J.B. Beta Gamma Sigma wins Pritzker to visit ISU highest honors ANDREW DOUGHERTY Senior News Reporter | @ addough
ANDREA RICKER News Reporter | @ricker_andrea
Democratic gubernatorial hopeful J.B. Pritzker will host a question and answer forum at Illinois State University from 11-1 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 26 in the Center for Visual Arts room 145. Lunch will be provided. The event will be a question and answer format where students will have the opportunity to ask Pritzker questions Monica Mendoza | Editor-in-Chief about his policies and how Democratic gubernatorial candidate J. they will impact college B. Pritzker will visit the Illinois State University campus for a question and answer students. It is sponsored by Illi- session. nois State University’s Nyland said. College Democrats and ISU’s He continued to say the PritzMinority Students for Political ker campaign wanted to visit Change. ISU because they want students The forum will focus on higher to know about the policies Pritzeducation funding and student ker wants to enact that will help loans. students afford college. Illinois State University’s ColAs Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner lege Democrats social media seeks re-election, Pritzker is coordinator Trevor Nyland seeking to oust the first-term said the event would be a great governor in the November guberopportunity for students of all natorial election. ideological backgrounds. “Students who go on WednesANDREW DOUGHERTY is a senior day will be able to talk with their news reporter for The Vidette. potential next governor. While Contact him at vidette_adfederal politics gets most of the dough@ilstu.edu. Follow him on media coverage, the state and Twitter at @addough. local governments make just as big of an impact on our lives,”
Illinois State University’s Beta Gamma Sigma chapter was awarded Highest Honors this past summer for its engagement and outreach. The organization is an international honor society for business students and alumni and is considered an RSO on campus. These honor students host social, service and professional development events monthly. This engagement helped them win Highest Honors, which is awarded to chapters who have completed tasks that make them the most engaging on a collegiate campus. “We have a really engaged chapter,” said Beta Gamma Sigma adviser Ashley Hicks. “Some chapters at other universities may not do anything. They Sammy Peltz | Vidette Photographer may not plan events [or] induct new From LEFT Beta Gamma Sigma chapter members Colt Baker, Erica Mueller, members annually.” Hunter Nauman, Lilian Alexandrova, Anna Krecklow. ISU’s chapter had about 10 events last year, sent two students to the Highest Honors every year.” Global Leadership Summit in Orlando and Hicks’ went Chapter qualifications include undergraduate memto the advisor training session in Toronto. They also bers being in the top 10 percent of their class and inducted 76 new members last year. graduate student members in the top 20 percent. The To win this distinction, they are evaluated on a point RSO currently has about 100 members with five student system of the level of engagement the chapter has. Hicks’ officers. They hold events monthly, most of which are completed a survey of everything the chapter participated open to anyone, not just Beta Gamma Sigma members. in throughout the school year. Each event participated in Hicks hopes the chapter stays on campus and is even gives the chapter a certain number of points. more recognizable with their peers and other RSOs. She Last year the chapter was awarded High Honors. There shows hope for them potentially becoming one of the largare three different levels to these awards, Honors, High est RSOs in the College of Business. Honors and Highest Honors. This year, they reached the maximum designation for the chapter. ANDREA RICKER is a News Reporter for The Vidette. “That let us know that it’s achievable,” Hicks said. She can be contacted at arricke@ilstu.edu. Follower her “We can still develop new ways of doing things, but [we on Twitter at @ricker_andrea can keep] up our level of engagement so that we can win
Health and Wellness weighs in on e-cigarettes GRACE BARBIC News Reporter | @gracebarbic
Ali Rasper | Photo Editor
According to Illinois State University’s Health and Wellness center, people may have a misconception of the effects electronic cigarrettes have on the human body. Pictured Kolby Knutson, senior Construction Management major.
What started as an alternative for smoking has quickly grown into one of the most concerning health issues among teens and young adults today. Illinois State University is a smoke and tobacco-free campus. This includes e-cigarettes. The public has known about the dangers of cigarettes for years, but with fruity flavors, sleek packaging and easy concealment, e-cigarettes have become all the rage throughout the country. E-cigarettes, also known as vape or vapor cigarettes, are not yet approved by the FDA. These devices contain oils that the electronic device heats up into a vapor. The vapor quickly dissolves into the air with little to no smell. Health Promotion and Wellness Coordinator Kerri Calvert believes that students might perceive e-cigarettes as just being vapor and that there may be a perception that it is actually safer than smoking a traditional cigarette. There is little research on the chemicals inhaled by users as well as the effects on those around an e-cigarette user, according to the Health Promotion and Wellness Center. “In terms of health behaviors on our campus, this is not a campus that has really high smoking numbers,” Calvert said.
“Not a large number of our students appear to be smoking, at least according to our data. That doesn’t mean it’s not important, it just means that our numbers are pretty low in terms of people who actually tell us they are using.” Calvert further explained that since this trend is so recent, Illinois State does not have a lot of data on the impact of e-cigarettes at this time. E-cigarettes are marketed heavily as cessation devices by the tobacco market. Despite not being approved by the FDA, vaping is intended to be a means of helping smokers quit. Recently, vaping has become a trend among minors and non-smokers. The Health Promotion and Wellness Center offers a number of resources to students struggling with nicotine addiction. From its famous toilet talk posters to “quit kits,” the Wellness Center is compliant with the State of Illinois Smoke-Free Illinois Act. “It’s kind of a multipronged approach,” Calvert said. “Having the law passed was huge. You limit access, you limit availability, you limit where it can take place and that by default limits the behavior.” Student Health Services offers over-the-counter cessation products. There is counseling available and medical provider assistance along with additional resources outside of the university.
They served their time, let them vote
hen looking back at the founding of the United States, there’s one phrase that comes to mind which most Americans are familiar with: no taxation without representation. Unfortunately, there are over six million Americans who pay taxes but are barred from exercising a fundamental right, the right to vote, protected under the U.S. constitution. Those Americans are felons, who are subject to felon disenfranchisement laws. Some folks argue that they forfeited their right to vote due to the actions they took which landed them in prison. Others would argue that they are not the best suited people to have that right to vote. Are they educated enough? Do they have the best judgement? Those arguments essentially say that because those individuals did something wrong, their right to vote should be taken away. That baggage should not follow them for the rest of their lives solely because they made one mistake. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell argued that barring felons from voting is a public safety issue: “We’re talking about
murderers, rapists, robbers, terrorists and even spies. Do we want to see convicted terrorists who seek to destroy this country vote in elections?” Not only is McConnell’s argument against felons voting a ridiculous one, it should also be obvious that terrorists are not voting in our elections, given their goal is to make a violent, deadly point. The senator’s argument is a grave misrepresentation of those incarcerated for felony crimes, as a November 2010 statistic by the Bureau of Justice Statistics found only 18 percent of all felony convictions were for a violent crime. That is less than a quarter of all felony
convictions. The majority of those convictions are for property or drug crimes. Our society is telling ex-felons that once they serve their time, it is expected that they find a job, that they pay taxes, that they take care of their families and be good citizens, yet they can’t vote. Their citizenship has not been revoked, they are still Americans, they contribute to society even with the label of being an ex-felon. Taking away their right to vote is telling those Americans, no, you are not a citizen as you cannot exercise the same rights as everyone else. Although many states do have laws
which give felons the right to vote once their time has been served, there is one state whose felony disenfranchisement laws are absurd and backward: Florida. One and a half million citizens in Florida, nearly ten percent of their electorate, is barred from voting. To make matters worse, a majority of those citizens are disproportionately African Americans. After the Civil War, Florida enacted a law which stripped felons of their voting rights. The Governor, Rick Scott, has the power to restore those rights but chooses not to. Scott implemented a plan which requires ex-felons to wait a period of five to seven years just to be able to apply to have their voting rights restored. This archaic process also makes ex-felons plead their case in front of a clemency court made up of his cabinet officials. Scott has quite literally said “We make decisions based on our own beliefs, we make these decisions based on how we feel.” This abhorrent example of felony disenfranchisement laws is un-American, insulting and highlights a broken system which needs to be fixed.
Editorial Cartoon by Flynn Geraghty | Vidette Art Director
EDITORIAL POLICY Editorial written by ANDREW DOUGHERTY, a member of The Vidette’s Editorial Board. Editorial policy is determined by the student editor, and views expressed in editorials are those of the majority of The Vidette’s Editorial Board. Columns that carry bylines are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Vidette or the University.
Walking the extra mile with others in mind MY VIEW MONICA MENDOZA | Editor-in-Chief
he great construction of 2018 puts many people in a predicament that not a lot of alumni before us have had to endure, well not that I can recall. The two major buildings on campus that hold many meetings and events will be completed in 2020, but how long can this construction hold up when it comes to walking the extra distance? This construction definitely has my attention when it comes to getting from one place to another. If I want to get to the Bone, I have two options. If I want to get to Milner, I have two options. Simple as that, but also, not
that simple. The quick shortcuts to the Quad like the spiral staircase next to the Bone was the best way for me, and many other students to travel to and from campus. Now students have to take a totally different route by the Student Services Building to get inside the Bone and many are at a loss. The other entrance to get into the Bone Student Center is to go through the Quad and over the bridge and there is the entrance to both the Bone as well as Milner. It’s not laziness, it’s all the other variables surrounding what is going on in everyday lives. Planning ahead an extra 15 minutes to get to your class without a shortcut shows. Forgetting to lock the door, forgetting that paper on your printer, not packing anything to eat for the day because they didn’t have time, I think is a fair statement to say. Everyone runs late for something and it’s human nature, and it’s not the construction’s fault for being the way it is, it’s just an
inconvenience for the time being. There is a problem, however, where students, faculty, administration, guests, that are not able-bodied or have trouble getting around, weren’t thought about when the construction was being planned. At least that’s what is going on in my mind. I’m thinking about Family Weekend when families come into town and students want to show their families around, but it becomes difficult to the point where people should be asking themselves, ‘Is it even worth the trip when everything is a maze? I don’t think that the blueprint meeting had the head of the project think about how this affects individuals who are not able-bodied or have difficulty in mobility in mind. Students who are wheelchair bound or have a physical disability may have more difficulty getting to their destination. Take the time to be patient and if you see someone have trouble getting
Democratic minority viewpoints MSNBC show, when Democrats talk about Trump it just makes his supporters angrier and more protective of him, while corroborating their paranoid belief that the Democrats and the liberal part of the media are out to get Trump. Rather, as Joe suggests, Democrats need to focus on their values and telling the people how the federal government can make life better for all Americans. They don’t seem to realize
MONICA MENDOZA is Editor in Chief of The Vidette. She can be contacted at vidette_mmendoz@ilstu. edu Follow her on Twitter at @coolstorymonica
To the Editor, I seem to find myself to be in the minority in today’s national Democratic Party. I disagree with the tendency of most Democrats (including political candidates for Congress and those in the news media) to constantly bash Donald Trump over his obnoxious personality and his divisive comments. As very-conservative “Morning Joe” Scarborough has said on his
somewhere, help. Help explain to someone where they should go to get to their destination. If you know a shortcut, explain and walk with them if you can. Be kind and be helpful. I know the Bone will look amazing, and I know by the mock-up pictures that this center will attract many different individuals, prospective students and current students, which will be great for the university and its numbers. To the men and women working hard to make our university beautiful, thank you for all that you do when working on this project. I hope that come the end of October when entrances will be available for students and guests, people will begin to understand what accessibility is like again.
that most Americans agree with them that we need to protect the safety-net programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, College Student Loans and Unemployment Insurance Benefits. These are winning issues that we should constantly be talking about, not trashing Trump. Stewart B. Epstein Rochester, New York
The Vidette welcomes letters to the editor, provided they are no longer than 250 words and are typed and double-spaced. Letters that exceed the 250word limit can be published at the editor’s discretion,but shorter letters take precedence. Letters containing name calling and insults will not be published. Letters must be signed and contain the major or official title of the writer, the year in school
if presently enrolled, address and a daytime telephone number for verification. Letters without phone numbers will not be considered for publication. Names may be withheld upon request, but only after approval by the editor. Letters are subject to editing for style and space at the editor’s discretion. Letters sent via e-mail to: vidette@ilstu.edu are accepted, provided they include a telephone number for verification.
How do you feel about the Bone and moblility?
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EDITORIAL BOARD MONICA MENDOZA Editor-in-Chief | @coolstorymonica BECKY FLETCHER News Editor | @becky_ fletcher ANDREW DOUGHERTY Senior News Reporter and Columnist | @addough TYLER SMITH Columnist | @incognegro
ISU receives $661,000 grant for microscope lab JACK O’NEIL News Reporter
Illinois State University received a grant for a new microscope facility in the Science Lab Building to conduct new experiments. The Confocal Microscopy Core Facility will be installed this fall and Associate Professor of Genetics Kevin Edwards, who was the principal investigator of the grant, said that he expects great results from this new lab and the white light laser that comes with it. “This will be a significant resource for Illinois and beyond. It will produce 3-D reconstructions of complex tissues like nervous systems and muscle, and time-lapse videos of processes such as embryo development and wound repair.” The grant is more than $661,000 from the National Science Foundation. The funding will be delivered to ISU annually. External funds are essential for science departments at universities due to the money needed for buying
and maintaining equipment. These grants are good for students in particular because they pay less in taxes than they would in tuition. ISU junior Michael Rickey said that he is happy to pay for it in taxes if it means paying less in the future. “I am rightly concerned of how my tax dollars are being used but if this lab was funded by the school, I would end up paying more tuition money than I’m currently paying for it in taxes. So, I’m glad the school has this grant.” The microscope lab is expected by many independent researchers to produce results soon after its installation. Those who want to talk to Edwards about this lab may find his contact info on his web page. JACK O’NEIL is a News Reporter for The Vidette. He can be contacted at joneil1@ilstu.edu. Follow him on Twitter at @JackONe39393244.
Patel to speak on interfaith cooperation ANDREW DOUGHERTY Senior News Reporter
national nonprofit working to make interfaith cooperation a social norm. Patel is the author of Acts of Faith, As part of Illinois State Universi- Sacred Ground, and Interfaith ty’s Speaker Series, founder leadership. and president of Interfaith He has also been named Youth Core Eboo Patel will by U.S. News and World speak on “Better Together: Report as one of America’s Bridging the Interfaith BarBest Leaders of 2009 and rier” at 7 p.m. Tuesday Oct. served on President Barack 9 in the Center for the PerObama’s Inaugural Faith forming Arts Concert Hall. Council. The event is sponsored Patel holds a doctorEboo by ISU’s Office of the Presiate in the sociology of Patel dent, Office of the Provost, religion from Oxford UniEvelyn Chapel at Illinois versity where he studied Wesleyan University and The Parret on a Rhodes scholarship. He is a Endowment at the First United regular contributor to the public disMethodist Church of Normal. It is cussion on religion in America and free and open to the public. a frequent speaker on the topics of The Interfaith Youth Core is a religious pluralism.
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Illinois State University received a $661,000 grant for a new microscope facility in the Science Lab building allowing many researchers to produce results in their work.
Impractical jokers to bring hijinks to Bloomington GARRETT KARSTEN News Reporter
TruTV’s Impractical Jokers will be live in Bloomington with their comedy group, the Tenderloins, starring the Jokers Joe Gatto, James Murray, Brian “Q” Quinn and Sal Vulcano 8 p.m. Nov. 15 at Grossinger Motors Arena at 101 S. Madison St. Impractical Jokers is a popular comedy show starring four friends who compete to humiliate each other with public embarrassments, pranks and outrageous dares. The show is now in its seventh season. “They’re hilarious and it’d be fun to see them live,” freshman business student Ezra Schaal said. “My friends and I want to go, even though money is tight right now. I hope there are some cheap options.” Tickets for “The Cranjis McBasketball World Comedy Tour” are on sale at various prices, with a $100 package that includes an autographed copy of Murr’s novel
“Awakened,” a meet and greet with Murr and a photo opportunity with the Joker. The group met in Staten Island, New York while attending high school together and formed their comedy group in 1999. They began with live improv and sketch shows, eventually crossing over to the internet. Video sketches and their successful TV show followed a few years. They have since toured all around the U.S. and U.K., sold out three nights at Radio City Music Hall and once at Madison Square Garden. Impractical Jokers is currently in the top five for U.S. cable TV and is the top Comedy Central show in the U.K. and India. Tickets can be ordered on Grossinger’s website. GARRETT KARSTEN is a news reporter reporter for The Vidette. He can be reached at gtkarst@ilstu.edu. Follow him on Twitter at @GKarstenISU.
Millionaire Andres Lara to speak on story of adversity GARRETT KARSTEN News Reporter
Speaker Andres Lara battled adversity with homelessness at 16 and is now a millionaire 10 years later. His experience is compiled into a motivational speech, hosted by the Association of Latin American Students (ALAS) at 7 p.m. Sept. 27 at the Hancock Stadium Club located above the stadium. Lara’s speech, “The Cuban Guy: How to Stay Motivated During Difficult Times,” details his personal story and how he overcame obstacles in his life, according to ALAS President Alondra Gonzalez.
“His speech is an inspiration to many individuals,” Gonzalez said. “If people want to know more about it, they should come and hear his speech.” ALAS is a student organization that seeks to promote cultural awareness on campus as well as a better understanding and appreciation for the cultural diversity of the Latino community. For special accommodations, those interested can contact ALAS at alasatilstu@gmail. com or (309) 438-8968. Andres Lara
GARRETT KARSTEN is a news reporter reporter for The Vidette. He can be reached at gtkarst@ilstu.edu. Follow him on Twitter at @GKarstenISU.
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Senior mass media major Will Farlow channels his passion for sports into his podcast called “Will’s Fifth Quarter Special.” The podcast covers a wide array of sports and includes interviews of Redbirds and sports media professionals Claire Wagner Staff Photographer
Bird in the airwaves
Will Farlow translates love of sports into new podcast KYNDSIE HUSTON Features Repoter | @kyndsie_h
enior mass media major Will Farlow of Lansing, Illinois has always had a passion for sports. Farlow parlays his love of talking sports into his own podcast, “Will’s Fifth Quarter Special.” Farlow attended his freshman and sophomore year at South Suburban College in South Holland. He then transferred here and made his creative idea come to life. The show’s idea came to Farlow last fall. He would always hear professional sports podcasts, such as White Sox Talk, and learned the basics of podcasting by listening. When driving home for Thanksgiving break last year, Farlow realized that he could create his own podcast. The show is named “Will’s Fifth Quarter Special,” since basketball and football games last four quarters. The podcast launched last December. “The main catchphrase that is heard on any episode of my show is, ‘when the fourth quarter buzzer sounds at the end of any sports game, turn to us for your fifth quarter sports talk’” Farlow said. Farlow covers many topics. He features interview guest
appearances, as well as having three basic segments in his shows. The first segment covers Illinois State University sports, such as basketball, football, baseball, softball and volleyball. He previously interviewed new men’s basketball assistant coach Chris Duhon, ISU men’s basketball head coach Dan Muller, ISU baseball SID Matthew Gocken and ISU volleyball senior Lexi Varga. The second segment covers professional sports, such as the White Sox, Cubs, Bears and Bulls. For this segment, he previously interviewed lead Chicago Tribune writer David Haugh, NBC Sports Chicago’s Mark Schanowski, Bears reporter Mark Grote -- an ISU alumnus. Farlow feels the interviews “enhance the specific insight and analysis of an episode.” The third segment is Farlow’s personal favorite. “Farlow’s Sports Movie Movement” sees Farlow and his guest co-host pick a favorite sports movie moment and compare it to something in modern day sports. “My hope moving forward is for people to go to the various social media pages of the show and post their favorite sports movie movement so I can try to incorporate their choices on the show,” Farlow said. Farlow does not view his podcast as a cash grab. Passion is his motivation.
“God gave me the gift of my voice and love of sports and I plan to share that passion with others in the world and inspire people to follow their dreams,” Farlow said. “I love to make this show so much as every second of my voice and anything related to the show is true passion and heart from me.” There are multiple ways to listen to “Will’s Fifth Quarter Special.” It is located on his official website, www.williamdfarlow. com. The show can also be listened to via iTunes, Google Play and TuneInRadio. Additionally, the show has a Facebook page, which has updates for upcoming episodes, as well as monthly Facebook Live sessions. Though Farlow graduates in December, he plans to continue the show. “After I graduate from ISU, I plan to find work broadcasting sports and being an analyst and reporter as I work my way up to the broadcasting area of sports,” Farlow said. “I plan to continue this show for a very long time moving forward.” KYNDSIE HUSTON is a Features Reporter at the Vidette. She can be contacted at vidette_kahusto@ilstu.edu. Follow her on Twitter at @kyndsie_h.
How did memorable students make their mark on professors? STUART STALTER Features Editor | @VidetteStuS With over 21,000 current students and many more alumni, some students make a very large impression on professors’ lives. Realizing that fact, ISU professors share the actions of memorable students.
that culminates in a field trip to Costa Rica, and standing there under umbrellas in an impossibly heavy downpour for the third straight day, a student asks, ‘Is this why they call it a rain forest?’”-Botonamy professor Joe Armstrong
Unexpected visits
Touching note “One memory that I will always treasure is a brief note a student wrote to me reflecting on what she would remember about my teaching. I have it framed and hanging near my door. She said this, ‘The most important ways that you supported me were by helping me learn new perspectives, critical thinkAlycia Hund ing and application of knowledge to other aspects of life.’ Her words inspire me to be my very best every day as a teacher and scholar.”- Psychology professor Alycia Hund
Trip and quote of a lifetime I started a rainforest ecology class
Joe Armstrong
Joseph Trefzger
but said that he wanted to say something about me before I asked my question. He said that if a student wanted to write an amazing ground-breaking dissertation that would make him or her famous, I am the adviser to choose.”- English professor emeritus Janice Neuleib
“A couple of years ago, a former student who lives out of state was visiting his family in Decatur. He stopped by the office, out of the blue, saying he had driven to campus on the chance he might find two of his old instructors in their offices so he could tell us both how grateful he was for what we had done for him. Also, a grad who had taken my big lecture class was on campus recruiting for his company; he came by the office and said he didn’t want to interrupt but wanted to say ‘thank you for believing in me.’”- Finance, Insurance and law professor Joseph Trefzger
The highest compliment Janice Neuleib
“I was at a national convention where one of my former doctoral students was speaking at a session. I asked the first question at the end of the speaker’s talks. He called on me,
Illustration by Flynn Geraghty | Art Director
Since 1857, professors and students have made lasting memories at ISU. Modern memories range from Costa Rica trips to visits from former students.
Sweeping season
Volleyball continues tear, thrives in pair of sweeps in final road test curing homesickness TYLER JACHNICKI Sports Reporter | @TJachnicki10
t has been a long road stretch for the Illinois State volleyball team as it has opened up the season playing 14 games away from Redbird Arena. This weekend, the Redbirds played their final two road games before they return to Normal this Friday. The ‘Birds opened up conference play with a bang, sweeping both of their matches against Missouri State and Southern Illinois to improve to 10-4 overall and a 2-0 start to MVC play.
ISU 3, Missouri State 0 The Redbirds’ first conference match of the season would be one to remember. While ISU swept the match, each set was fairly competitive at 25-20, 25-18 and 25-18. Senior hitter Lexi Varga was sensational with a
match-leading 11 kills. Junior middle Monica Miller had two aces, one of which clinched the first set 25-20. Senior libero Courtney Pence once again lead the team in digs with 10 as senior setter Stef Jankiewicz recorded a match high 36 assists. Illinois State’s victory over Missouri State ended the Bears’ streak of 34-straight MVC v ictories and 13-straight home victories.
ISU 3, Southern Illinois 0 The Redbirds flew into Carbondale with the same energy they had against Missouri State. The ‘Birds swept the Salukis 25-22, 25-18 and 25-12 as this was the third time in their last four outings that they have emerged victorious against SIU. Varga put together another great performance, collecting nine kills tying the team lead along with freshman middle Marissa
Stockman and senior middle Ali Line. Pence’s 15 digs lead the team as Jankiewicz had an impressive 40 assists in three sets. Head coach Leah Johnson commented on the team’s adjustment in the third set to GoRedbirds. “ W e finally got settled into our serving strategy.,” Johnson Leah said. “We Johnson moved the ball around a little better and we got into a flow.” The Redbirds finally concluded their road stretch and will return to play at home in Normal Friday. Illinois State will take on the Evansville Purple Aces at 7 p.m. at Redbird Arena. The first 200 students will receive an ISU-branded flag as a part of the Student Giveaway.
Courtesy of GoRedbirds
Senior middle Ali Line (No, 1) tied a team-high nine kills this weekend in Saturday’s win over SIU.
“It feels foreign, since we have been on the road this entire season. We love Redbird Arena, and we are excited to be home in front of our home crowd and be the home team. It is a phenomenal feeling to play in front of the best fans in the Valley.” Leah Johnson, ISU head volleyball coach
Soccer stays steady in four game win-streak MATT KALINOWSKI Sports Reporter | @mattkalinoski8
Samantha Brinkman | Photo Editor
Goalkeeper Haley Smith collected five saves Sat.
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The Redbirds defeated Missouri state 2-1 on Saturday afternoon, stringing together their fourth win in a row. Junior Kate Del Fava and freshman Shaina Dudas scored both goals for ISU. The Bears were ISU’s first MVC opponent this season as the Redbirds looked strong going into conference play, controlling the pace and negating Missouri State’s late offense. “I felt today we set a solid tone as we open MVC play,” head coach Brad Silvey said. “Missouri State was tough and the competition in the
MVC will continue to challenge us as every program played tough non-conference opponents. We need to first recover from four games in eight days and then get right back to work.” The initial offensive pressure showcased early on for both teams as the two were able to run their offense smoothly. ISU appeared to generate more early chances, and had more shots, but Missouri State also applied pressure to the Redbirds’ defense. The Redbirds travel to Des Moines, Iowa to take on Drake at 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 29.
EXPANDED STORY @ videtteonline.com
BARLAS Continued from PAGE 8
Davis came out in the clutch, finishing the game 14-of-29 for 271 yards and two touchdowns. Creating room for the defense to do the stellar job it has been doing all year, holding down as well as beating an FBS program on its home turf is a feat any FCS school should take pride in. While the nerves and turmoil of a potential loss wash away, the Redbirds roll regardless of those opponents ahead of them and it starts with the management of the coaching staff. Attributing to the new atmosphere surrounding the program, Illinois State essentially puts themselves on the map and in the sights of Valley competitors. Along with scheduling games against both Big Ten and SEC schools in the near future, ISU
thrives on doing the small things right to win football games. So far, it has been a recipe for repetition. Now as the team prepares for its first Valley matchup of the year, pressure and momentum both follow the ‘Birds as they strive to maintain perfection. Time can only tell the Redbirds’ overall outcome post-Valley play, but do not doubt this team for a second, even if they seem down for the count. As new leadership reigns supreme, it seems as though the ‘Birds have something figured out that fans have not yet. But I have feeling we will all know soon enough, judging the fruit of Spack’s labor sooner rather than later. JONATHAN BARLAS is Sports Editor for The Vidette. He can be reached at jgbarla@ilstu.edu.
Phone 309 438 7685 • Fax 309 438 5211 Corner of Locust & University, Normal, IL Monday – Friday. 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
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Little things root ISU football turning point
fter Illinois State’s Week 3 win against FBS-ranked Colorado State, it would be safe to say that the ’Birds are most definitely back. Going into the third week of the season post-BYE week, CSU emerged as not only a challenge, but a crossroads for ISU’s season. Presented as a turning point for the ’Birds, junior quarterback Brady Davis and company held their own
MY VIEW JON BARLAS | Sports Editor amid the intimidation of an FBS program.
Continuing their hot-start of a season, the Redbirds continue to click on all cylinders, seemingly coming down with a fever, flavored with success. Toppling the Rams 35-19 in Fort Collins, Colorado Saturday, it came down to the run game once more, allowing Davis’ pass-game to flourish on the legs of junior running backs James Robinson and Markel Smith.
As a mainstay for the Redbirds’ offense, the offensive line continues to solidify its tenacity just before MVC play next week. A crutch for its success, Illinois State’s triumph lies in the production the o-line creates for its skill players. Regardless of point production, everything starts and ends in the trenches for a reason. see BARLAS page 7
REDBIRD RE PORT ISU soccer on 4-game win streak The Redbirds moved into sole possession of first place in the MVC after wins over Western Illinois and Missouri State.
Coach says Great performance from our team today, start to finish. I felt today we set a solid tone as we open MVC play. Missouri State was tough and the competition in the MVC will continue to challenge us as every program played tough non-conference opponents.” ISU head coach Brad Silvey
Total yards created by ISU’s offense in its win at Colorado State with help from Brady Davis’ 271 passing yards and James Robinson’s 184 yards.
VOLLEYBALL SCORES Thursday Valparaiso 3, Purdue Fort Wayne 2 Kansas 3, Drake 1
Friday Illinois St. 3, Missouri St. 0 Valparaiso 3, Indiana St. 0 Loyola 3, Evansville 2 Bradley 3, S. Illinois 0 N. Iowa 3, Drake 0 Samantha Brinkman | Photo Editor
Linebacker DeMarco Washington (47) jumps with wide receiver Spencer Schnell (11) prior to the Redbirds’ game against Eastern Illinois Sept. 8 at Hancock Stadium.
Samantha Brinkman | Photo Editor
Redshirt freshman Andrew Edgar focuses on hauling in his first career touchdown versus Eastern Illinois Sept. 8.
Ramming into the Valley Illinois State wins sixth game over FBS foe, improves to 3-0 on season KADE HEATHER Sports Editor | @kade_heather
On 3rd and 19 with about 9:30 left in the game, Illinois State quarterback Brady Davis took the snap from the gun and rolled left. Luckily for him, so did almost the entire Colorado State defense. Davis turned to his right and slung it over to running back Markel Smith for a screen pass, who caught it and immediately juked a defender and sprinted 60 yards for the touchdown that sealed the 35-19 ISU win over CSU Saturday at Canvas Stadium. “I’m very pleased about the win. I think it’s another notch in the Missouri Valley, this is a very good conference. There’s a lot of schools in our league that have done this as well,” ISU head coach Brock Spack said. “It’s a great testament to our University, Larry Lyons and his staff, Dr. Dietz, they’ve done a great job at giving us what we need to keep improving our program, so with all that, we don’t do this by ourselves, that’s for sure.” The Redbirds improve to 3-0 and sit atop the Missouri Valley Football Conference, as they head into MVFC play next week. Just for extra measure, James Robinson added a 57-yard untouched run to the end zone on the next drive to extend ISU’s lead to 35-13. What was looked at as one of the toughest games of the season for the Redbirds, they manhandled the Rams physically up front and showed
as if they belong in the FBS too. CSU falls to 1-4 on the season after back-toback losses. “I’d just like to apologize to all our Ram fans who came out to support us today. It was an embarrassment for our football team, we’re not very good right now, that’s the bottom line,” CSU head coach Mike Bobo said. Just when the Rams could get their offense moving, or had a big third down play, the Redbirds defense stormed the backfield and gave K.J. Carta-Samuels and Collin Hill no time to find a receiver. Zackary Mathews collected 10 total tackles, as he leads the Redbirds with 23 tackles on the season. Meanwhile, Devin Taylor added eight and an interception that took momentum away from a driving Rams offense. Zackary Mathews As for the offense, ISU got it going early, and stuck to its runpass balance, working in its favor. The Redbirds’ offensive line carried the weight all day, helping Robinson to 184 yards on 21 carries and two touchdowns, in addition to Smith’s 65 yards on 14 carries and one touchdown. “We have really good backs obviously, we’re pretty long and physical up front,” Spack said. “We’re not a small front at all, we have a Division I offensive line, and we got very good players there
as well, and I felt like we could run the football, and we certainly did.” Brady Davis had things clicking with Spencer Schnell and Andrew Edgar throughout most of the first half. The redshirt freshman Edgar totaled a careerhigh 111 yards on five catches, meanwhile Schnell hauled in five catches for 69 yards. Davis’ first touchdown pass was to tight end Tylor Petkovich, who snagged and tucked the ball on a 12-yard catch in the end zone. He was drilled hard by the defender Jordan Fogal, somehow holding onto the football. Fogal was penalized for targeting on the hit and was removed from the game after review of the play. ISU totaled 538 yards compared to CSU’s 391 total yards. The win was ISU’s sixth over an FBS program, and its third since 2012. “I think we’re here to stay and we’re trying to improve from what we have done in the past, you know we played for a National Championship and we didn’t want to stop,” Spack said. “We wanted to keep getting better, and those are the reasons I made some of the decisions in the offseason because I thought we would be much better than we were, and we proved that.” The Redbirds head to Missouri State to open MVFC play at 2 p.m. Saturday.
Saturday Valparaiso 3, Evansville 0 Illinois State 3, S. Illinois 0 Loyola 3, Indiana St. 0 Bradley 3, Missouri St. 1
Conf Ovrl
Illinois St North Dakota State South Dakota State Indiana State Missouri State Northern Iowa South Dakota Southern Illinois Western Illinois Youngstown State
0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0
3-0 3-0 2-0 2-1 2-1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2
UPCOMING Cross Country ISU men and women head to the Joe Piane Invitational at 1 p.m. Friday in South Bend, Indiana.
Volleyball ISU returns to Redbird Arena for regular-season home opener at 7 p.m. Friday against Evansville.
Women’s tennis ISU hosts the Redbird Duals all day Saturday and Sunday.
Women’s Swimming Redbirds host Red & White Intrasquad meet at 11 a.m. Saturday. Complied by KADE HEATHER Vidette Sports